
#' initialize_genotypeR_data; must provide warning allele
#' @description
#' This initializes the genotypeR data structure used throughout
#' the package.
#' @param seq_data is a data frame of genotyping data
#' @param genotype_table data frame produced with Ref_Alt_Table
#' @param warning_allele is the impossible allele for a BC design
#' taking the value "Ref" or "Alt"
#' @param output this can take 3 values: 1) "warnings" which returns
#' a data frame of BC warnings, 2) "warnings2NA" which returns a
#' genotyping data frame where the warnings have been converted to NAs,
#' or "pass_through" which returns a data frame that is unchanged (default).
#' @keywords genotypeR
#' @return A genotypeR object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(genotypes_data)
#' data(markers)
#' ## genotype table
#' marker_names <- make_marker_names(markers)
#' GT_table <- Ref_Alt_Table(marker_names)
#' ## remove those markers that did not work
#' genotypes_data_filtered <- genotypes_data[,c(1, 2, grep("TRUE",
#' colnames(genotypes_data)%in%GT_table$marker_names))]
#' warnings_out2NA <- initialize_genotypeR_data(seq_data = genotypes_data_filtered,
#' genotype_table = GT_table, output = "warnings2NA")
## in this case Drosophila FS14/FS16 are Ref/Alt
## Homo. Ref is a warning based on the backcross and is the default
## can be set to another column in genotype table
initialize_genotypeR_data <- function(seq_data, genotype_table, warning_allele="Ref", output="pass_through"){


##warnings are an impossible genotype
##for these data it is homo. Ref/Ref

###test data
###test <- 0
###    seq_data <- seq_test_data
###    ##genotype_table already read in
###    warning_allele <- "Ref"

##melt by SAMPLE_NAME and WELL
seq_melt <- melt(seq_data, id.vars=c("SAMPLE_NAME", "WELL"))

seq_split_list <- splitBy(~variable, data=seq_melt)

##Look for warnings

out <- vector(mode="list", length=length(names(seq_split_list)))

for(i in 1:length(names(seq_split_list))){

    test_loop <- 0

    ##marker name
    chr_to_get_from_genotype_table <- names(seq_split_list)[i]
    ##genotype based on marker name
    warning_genotype <- genotype_table[genotype_table$marker_names==chr_to_get_from_genotype_table, warning_allele]

    marker_data_frame <- seq_split_list[[i]]

    ##changed 20170413
    ##This makes it "passthrough..."
    if(output=="warnings2NA" | output=="warnings"){
        marker_data_frame[marker_data_frame$value==warning_genotype,"value"] <- "warning"

    out[[i]] <- marker_data_frame
##end for

seq_data_warnings_coded <- do.call(rbind, out)

colnames(seq_data_warnings_coded) <- c("SAMPLE_NAME", "WELL", "MARKER", "GENOTYPE")

        warnings_out <- seq_data_warnings_coded[seq_data_warnings_coded$GENOTYPE=="warning",] 

    ##warnings to NA
        seq_data_warnings_coded[seq_data_warnings_coded$GENOTYPE=="warning","GENOTYPE"] <- NA
        seq_data_warnings_coded[seq_data_warnings_coded$GENOTYPE=="" & !is.na(seq_data_warnings_coded$GENOTYPE),"GENOTYPE"] <- NA
        seq_data_warnings_coded_S4 <- genotypeR(genotypes=seq_data_warnings_coded, impossible_genotype=warning_allele)
    ##pass through 
        seq_data_warnings_coded[seq_data_warnings_coded$GENOTYPE=="warning","GENOTYPE"] <- NA
        seq_data_warnings_coded[seq_data_warnings_coded$GENOTYPE=="" & !is.na(seq_data_warnings_coded$GENOTYPE),"GENOTYPE"] <- NA
        seq_data_warnings_coded_S4 <- genotypeR(genotypes=seq_data_warnings_coded, impossible_genotype=warning_allele)

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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

genotypeR documentation built on May 2, 2019, 8:25 a.m.