
Defines functions read_capitals

Documented in read_capitals

#' Download data of state capitals
#' @description
#' This function downloads either a spatial `sf` object with the location of the
#' municipal seats (sede dos municipios) of state capitals, or a `data.frame`
#' with the names and codes of state capitals. Data downloaded for the latest
#' available year.
#' @param as_sf Logic `FALSE` or `TRUE`, indicating whether the function should
#'        return a spatial data in `sf` format (Defaults to `TRUE`) or in a
#'        `data.frame` format without spatial information (`FALSE`).
#' @template showProgress
#' @return An `"sf" "data.frame"` object or a `"data.frame"`
#' @export
#' @family area functions
#' @examplesIf identical(tolower(Sys.getenv("NOT_CRAN")), "true")
#' # Read spatial data with the  municipal seats of state capitals
#' capitals_sf <- read_capitals(as_sf = TRUE)
#' # Read simple data.frame of state capitals
#' capitals_df <- read_capitals(as_sf = FALSE)
read_capitals <- function(as_sf = TRUE, showProgress = TRUE){

  # check input
  if (!is.logical(as_sf)) { stop("'as_sf' must be of type 'logical'") }
  if (!is.logical(showProgress)) { stop("'showProgress' must be of type 'logical'") }

  # base data.frame of capitals
  df <- data.frame(name_muni = c("S\u00e3o Paulo", "Rio de Janeiro", "Belo Horizonte",
                           "Salvador", "Fortaleza", "Vit\u00f3ria", "Goi\u00e2nia", "Cuiab\u00e1",
                           "S\u00e3o Lu\u00eds",  "Teresina", "Recife", "Aracaju", "Jo\u00e3o Pessoa",
                           "Natal", "Macei\u00f3",  "Porto Alegre", "Curitiba", "Florian\u00f3polis",
                           "Bel\u00e9m",  "Manaus",  "Palmas", "Campo Grande", "Macap\u00e1",
                           "Rio Branco", "Boa Vista", "Bras\u00edlia", "Porto Velho"),
                   code_muni = c(3550308L, 3304557L, 3106200L, 2927408L, 2304400L,
                                 3205309L, 5208707L, 5103403L, 2111300L, 2211001L,
                                 2611606L, 2800308L, 2507507L, 2408102L, 2704302L,
                                 4314902L, 4106902L, 4205407L, 1501402L, 1302603L,
                                 1721000L, 5002704L, 1600303L, 1200401L, 1400100L,
                                 5300108L, 1100205L),
                   name_state = c("S\u00e3o Paulo", "Rio de Janeiro", "Minas Gerais",
                                  "Bahia", "Cear\u00e1", "Esp\u00edrito Santo", "Goi\u00e1s",
                                  "Mato Grosso", "Maranh\u00e3o",  "Piau\u00ed", "Pernambuco",
                                  "Sergipe", "Para\u00edba", "Rio Grande do Norte",
                                  "Alagoas", "Rio Grande do Sul", "Paran\u00e1",
                                  "Santa Catarina", "Par\u00e1", "Amazonas", "Tocantins",
                                  "Mato Grosso do Sul", "Amap\u00e1", "Acre", "Roraima",
                                  "Distrito Federal", "Rond\u00f4nia"),
                   code_state = c(35L, 33L, 31L, 29L, 23L, 32L, 52L, 51L, 21L, 22L,
                                  26L, 28L, 25L, 24L, 27L, 43L, 41L, 42L, 15L, 13L,
                                  17L, 50L, 16L, 12L, 14L, 53L, 11L)

  df <- df[order(df$code_muni, decreasing = FALSE), ]

  # output
  if (isFALSE(as_sf)) {

  if (isTRUE(as_sf)) {
    temp_sf <- geobr::read_municipal_seat(showProgress = showProgress)
    temp_sf <- subset(temp_sf, code_muni %in% df$code_muni)
    rownames(temp_sf) <- NULL


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geobr documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:27 a.m.