
Defines functions read_statistical_grid

Documented in read_statistical_grid

#' Download spatial data of IBGE's statistical grid
#' @description
#' Data at scale 1:250,000, using Geodetic reference system "SIRGAS2000" and CRS(4674)
#' @param year Numeric. Year of the data in YYYY format. Defaults to `2010`. The
#'        only year available thus far is 2010.
#' @param code_grid If two-letter abbreviation or two-digit code of a state is
#'                  passed, the function will load all grid quadrants that
#'                  intersect with that state. If `code_grid="all"`, the grid of
#'                  the whole country will be loaded. Users may also pass a
#'                  grid quadrant id to load an specific quadrant. Quadrant ids
#'                  can be consulted at `geobr::grid_state_correspondence_table`.
#' @template showProgress
#' @return An `"sf" "data.frame"` object
#' @export
#' @family area functions
#' @examplesIf identical(tolower(Sys.getenv("NOT_CRAN")), "true")
#' # Read a particular grid at a given year
#' grid <- read_statistical_grid(code_grid = 45, year=2010)
#' # Read the grid covering a given state at a given year
#' state_grid <- read_statistical_grid(code_grid = "RJ")
read_statistical_grid <- function(code_grid, year=2010, showProgress=TRUE){ # nocov start

  # Get metadata with data url addresses
  temp_meta <- select_metadata(geography="statistical_grid", year=year, simplified=F)

  # check if download failed
  if (is.null(temp_meta)) { return(invisible(NULL)) }

  # load correspondence table
  # data("grid_state_correspondence_table", envir=environment())
  grid_state_correspondence_table <- geobr::grid_state_correspondence_table

# Verify code_grid input ----------------------------------

  # Test if code_grid input is null
    if(is.null(code_grid)){ stop("Value to argument 'code_grid' cannot be NULL") }

  # if code_grid=="all", read the entire country
    if(code_grid=="all"){ message("Loading data for the whole country. This might take a few minutes. /n")

      # list paths of files to download
      file_url <- as.character(temp_meta$download_path)

      # download files
      temp_sf <- download_gpkg(file_url, progress_bar = showProgress)

      # check if download failed
      if (is.null(temp_sf)) { return(invisible(NULL)) }


# if code_grid is a state abbreviation  ----------------------------------

  # Error if the input does not match any state abbreviation
  if(is.character(code_grid) & !(code_grid %in% grid_state_correspondence_table$abbrev_state)) {
    stop(paste0("Error: Invalid Value to argument 'code_grid'. It must be one of the following: ",
                paste(unique(grid_state_correspondence_table$abbrev_state),collapse = " ")))

    # MAKE this work
    # >>> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/54993463/include-image-in-r-packages
    # grid_quads <- raster::stack("./man/figures/ipea_logo.jpg")
    # plotRGB(grid_quads)


  # Valid state abbreviation
    else if(is.character(code_grid) & code_grid %in% grid_state_correspondence_table$abbrev_state) {

      # find grid quadrants that intersect with the passed state abbreviation
      grid_state_correspondence_table_tmp <- grid_state_correspondence_table[grid_state_correspondence_table[,2] == code_grid, ]
      grid_ids <- substr(grid_state_correspondence_table_tmp$code_grid, 4, 5)

      # list paths of files to download
      file_url <- as.character(subset(temp_meta, code %in% grid_ids)$download_path)

      # download gpkg
      temp_sf <- download_gpkg(file_url, progress_bar = showProgress)

      # check if download failed
      if (is.null(temp_sf)) { return(invisible(NULL)) }


# if code_grid is numeric grid quadrant  ----------------------------------
    if( !( code_grid %in% temp_meta$code)){ stop("Error: Invalid Value to argument code_grid.")

    } else{

    # list paths of file to download
    file_url <- as.character(subset(temp_meta, code== code_grid)$download_path)

    # download files
    temp_sf <- download_gpkg(file_url, progress_bar = showProgress)

    # check if download failed
    if (is.null(temp_sf)) { return(invisible(NULL)) }


} # nocov end

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geobr documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:27 a.m.