# Global constants --------------------------------------------------------
.kparameters_file_type <- "parameters"
.kzeroraster_fname <- "ZeroRaster.tif"
.kmapgreybackground_fname <- "map_grey_background.tif"
# utility functions for CCRI ----------------------------------------------
.is_packed_rast <- function(x) {
if (tolower(class(x)) == "packedspatraster") {
} else {
.unpack_rast_ifnot <- function(x) {
if (.is_packed_rast(x)) {
} else {
.stopifnot_sprast <- function(x) {
stopifnot("Require argument of type SpatRaster" = methods::isClass(x, "SpatRaster"))
.host_map <- function(...) {
if (length(...) == 1) {
# assumes only 2 elements, since only 2 agg methods are supported,
# i.e. sum and mean. Take mean if both are present, else take whatever.
sum(...[[1]], ...[[2]], na.rm = TRUE) / 2
# Meta-programming approach with eval_tidy
.cal_dist <- function(latilongimatr, method) {
#---- use Geosphere package, fun distVincentyEllipsoid() is used to calculate the distance, default distance is meter
# reference of standard distance in meter for one degree
method <- tolower(method)
supported <- dist_methods()
stopifnot("Distance strategy not supported. See dist_methods()\n" = method %in% supported)
n <- nrow(latilongimatr)
temp_matrix <- matrix(-999, n, n)
f <- switch(method,
"geodesic" = geosphere::distGeo,
"vincentyellipsoid" = geosphere::distVincentyEllipsoid)
dvse <- f(c(0, 0), cbind(1, 0))
# Calculate the distances
for (i in seq_len(n)) {
temp_matrix[i, ] <- f(round(latilongimatr[i, ], 5), latilongimatr) / dvse
#' Get risk indices
#' @description Get risk indices from GeoRasters object.
#' @param ri GeoRasters object
#' @return List of risk indices. If the `ri` is global, the list will contain two elements,
#' one for each hemisphere. e.g. `list(east = list(), west = list())`. If the `ri` is not global,
#' the list will contain a single element, e.g. `list()`.
#' @details
#' This function will unpack SpatRasters from GeoModel and thus is [future::future()] safe.
#' @export
risk_indices <- function(ri) {
stopifnot("Object is not of type GeoRasters" = class(ri) == "GeoRasters")
.ew_split <- function() {
ew_indices <- list(list(), list())
names(ew_indices) <- c(STR_EAST, STR_WEST)
cnt <- 0
for (grast in ri$global_rast) {
for (mod in grast$east) {
ew_indices[[STR_EAST]] <- c(ew_indices[[STR_EAST]], .unpack_rast_ifnot(mod@index))
for (mod in grast$west) {
ew_indices[[STR_WEST]] <- c(ew_indices[[STR_WEST]], .unpack_rast_ifnot(mod@index))
if (ri$global) {
#east-west split
} else {
FUN = function(x) {
), recursive = FALSE)
.to_ext <- function(geoscale) {
.showmsg <- function(...) {
if (getOption("verbose")) {
.valid_vector_input <- function(vector_to_check) {
if (!is.vector(vector_to_check) || length(vector_to_check) == 0) {
.download <- function(uri) {
f <- paste(tempfile(), ".tif", sep = "")
stopifnot("download failed " = utils::download.file(uri,
destfile = f,
method = "auto",
mode = "wb",
quiet = getOption("verbose")) == 0)
.utilrast <- function(fname) {
stopifnot("Internal error. TIFF file not available." =
fname %in% c(.kzeroraster_fname, .kmapgreybackground_fname))
package = utils::packageName(),
mustWork = TRUE))
.apply_agg <- function(rast,
method) {
fact = reso,
fun = method,
na.rm = TRUE,
na.action = stats::na.omit))
.onLoad <- function(libname, pkgname) {
# this will cleanup previously created config and replace it with new one
# in case, if it's a first installation, it will simply copy the config.
.utilrast <<- memoise::memoise(.utilrast)
.cal_mgb <<- memoise::memoise(.cal_mgb)
.get_helper_filepath <- function(file_type) {
file_path <- if (file_type == "parameters") {
package = "geohabnet",
mustWork = TRUE)
} else {
# Recursively check the structure of nested sections
.check_nested_structure <- function(existing_section, provided_section,
section_name) {
if (!identical(names(existing_section), names(provided_section))) {
stop(paste("The", section_name, "section in the provided YAML file does not
match the structure of the existing YAML file."))
# Check the structure of nested sections
for (key in names(existing_section)) {
if (is.list(existing_section[[key]]) && is.list(provided_section[[key]])) {
existing_section[[key]], provided_section[[key]],
paste(section_name, key, sep = " > ")
.check_yaml_structure <- function(existing_yaml_file, provided_yaml_file) {
# Read the existing YAML file
existing_yaml <- yaml::yaml.load_file(existing_yaml_file)
# Read the provided YAML file
provided_yaml <- yaml::yaml.load_file(provided_yaml_file)
# Compare the structure of the YAML files
if (!identical(names(existing_yaml), names(provided_yaml))) {
stop("The provided YAML file does not match the structure of the existing
YAML file.")
# Check the structure of nested sections
for (key in names(existing_yaml)) {
if (is.list(existing_yaml[[key]]) && is.list(provided_yaml[[key]])) {
.check_nested_structure(existing_yaml[[key]], provided_yaml[[key]], key)
# If the function reaches this point, the YAML structures match
.param_hosts <- function(param_config = load_parameters()) {
return(paste(param_config$`CCRI parameters`$Hosts, collapse = ", "))
.cal_mgb <- function(geoscale, isglobal) {
# calculate map grey background
map_grey_background <- terra::rast(.get_helper_filepath(.kmapgreybackground_fname))
map_grey_background_ext <- if (isglobal == FALSE) {
terra::crop(map_grey_background, .to_ext(geoscale))
} else {
.cal_zerorast <- function(in_rast) {
# Create zero_rast with the same dimensions as in_rast
zero_rast <- terra::rast(.get_helper_filepath(.kzeroraster_fname))
# Set extent of zero_rast to match in_rast
zero_rast <- terra::resample(zero_rast, in_rast, threads = TRUE)
.get_palette <- function() {
palette1 <- viridisLite::viridis(n=100, option = "inferno", direction = -1, begin = 0.05, end = 0.95)
#"#F4E156FF", "#F6D746FF", "#F8CD37FF", "#FAC329FF", "#FBB91EFF",
#"#FCAF13FF", "#FCA50BFF", "#FB9C06FF", "#FA9207FF", "#F8890CFF",
#"#F68013FF", "#F37819FF", "#F06F20FF", "#EC6727FF", "#E85F2EFF",
#"#E25834FF", "#DD5139FF", "#D74B3FFF", "#D04545FF", "#CA404AFF",
#"#C33B4FFF", "#BC3754FF", "#B43359FF", "#AC305EFF", "#A42C60FF",
#"#9B2964FF", "#932667FF", "#922568FF", "#902568FF", "#8F2469FF",
#"#8D2369FF", "#8C2369FF", "#8A226AFF", "#88226AFF", "#87216BFF",
#"#85216BFF", "#84206BFF", "#82206CFF", "#801F6CFF", "#7F1E6CFF",
#"#7D1E6DFF", "#7C1D6DFF", "#7A1D6DFF", "#781C6DFF", "#771C6DFF",
#"#751B6EFF", "#741A6EFF", "#721A6EFF", "#71196EFF", "#6E196EFF",
#"#6D186EFF", "#6B186EFF", "#6A176EFF", "#68166EFF", "#66166EFF",
#"#65156EFF", "#63156EFF", "#61136EFF", "#60136EFF", "#5E126EFF",
#"#5C126EFF", "#5B126EFF", "#59106EFF", "#58106EFF", "#560F6DFF",
#"#540F6DFF", "#530E6DFF", "#510E6CFF", "#500D6CFF", "#4D0D6CFF",
#"#4C0C6BFF", "#4A0C6BFF", "#490B6AFF", "#470B6AFF", "#450A69FF",
#"#440A68FF", "#420A68FF", "#400A67FF", "#3E0966FF", "#3D0965FF",
#"#3B0964FF", "#390963FF", "#380962FF", "#360961FF", "#340A5FFF",
#"#320A5EFF", "#310A5CFF", "#2F0A5BFF", "#2D0B59FF", "#2B0B57FF",
#"#290B55FF", "#280B53FF", "#250C51FF", "#240C4EFF", "#230C4BFF",
#"#200C49FF", "#1F0C47FF", "#1D0C44FF", "#1C0C42FF", "#1A0C40FF",
#"#190C3DFF", "#170C3BFF", "#150B38FF", "#150B36FF", "#130A33FF",
#"#110A31FF", "#11092EFF", "#0F092CFF", "#0D082AFF", "#0C0827FF",
#"#0B0725FF", "#0A0723FF", "#090620FF", "#08051EFF", "#07051CFF",
#"#060419FF", "#050418FF", "#040315FF", "#040312FF", "#030210FF",
#"#02020EFF", "#02020CFF", "#02010AFF", "#010108FF", "#010106FF",
#"#010005FF", "#000004FF", "#000004FF", "#000004FF"
.get_palette_for_diffmap <- function() {
# ```{r ,fig.width=6, fig.height=7, dpi=150}
paldif <- viridisLite::viridis(80, option = "cividis", direction = -1, alpha = 0.95)
.write_yaml <- function(yaml_obj, file_path) {
# Validate YAML object
if (is.null(yaml_obj) || !is.list(yaml_obj)) {
stop("Invalid YAML object. Please provide a non-null list as the YAML object.")
# Validate file path and type
if (!is.character(file_path) || !grepl("\\.yaml$|\\.yml$", file_path, = TRUE)) {
stop("Invalid file path. Please provide a valid YAML file path with '.yaml' or '.yml' extension.")
# Write YAML to file
yaml::write_yaml(yaml_obj, file_path),
error = function(e) {
stop("Error writing YAML to file:", conditionMessage(e))
.showmsg("YAML object successfully written to file: ", file_path)
.get_cropharvest_raster_helper <- function(crop_name, data_source) {
if (data_source == "monfreda") {
geodata::crop_monfreda(crop = crop_name, path = tempdir(), var = "area_f")
} else if (data_source %in% c("mapspam2010", "mapspam2017Africa")) {
x <- if (data_source == "mapspam2010") {
sp_rast(crp = crop_name)
} else {
sp_rast(crp = crop_name, africa = TRUE)
x * 0.0001
} else {
stop(paste("unsupported source: ", data_source))
#' Get supported sources of crops
#' When provided, [cropharvest_rast()] will
#' look for cropland data in this specific source.
#' @returns Vector of supported sources.
#' Also used as a lookup to find get raster object.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Get currently supported sources
#' supported_sources()
supported_sources <- function() {
return(c(monfreda(), mapspam()))
#' Supported sources for monfreda
#' @export
monfreda <- function() {
#' Supported sources for Mapspam
#' @export
mapspam <- function() {
return(c("mapspam2010", "mapspam2017Africa"))
#' Search for crop
#' It returns the dataset sources in which crop data is available.
#' Essentially, a wrapper around [geodata::spamCrops()] and [geodata::monfredaCrops()]
#' @param name name of crop
#' @return Logical. Sources iin crop data is available.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' search_crop("coffee")
#' search_crop("wheat")
#' \donttest{
#' search_crop("jackfruit")
#' }
#' @seealso [supported_sources()]
search_crop <- function(name) {
crp <- tolower(trimws(name))
funs <- c("monfreda", "spam")
srcs <- character(0)
for (src in funs) {
f <- paste0("geodata::", src, "Crops()")
res <- rlang::eval_tidy(rlang::parse_expr(f))
if (src == "monfreda") {
res <- res$name
if (crp %in% res) {
srcs <- c(srcs, src)
srcs <- if (is.null(srcs) || length(srcs) < 1) {
"Crop not present in supported sources."
} else {
#' Distance methods supported
#' Contains supported strategies to calculate distance between two points.
#' Use of one the methods in [sean()] or [sensitivity_analysis()].
#' @return vector
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dist_methods()
dist_methods <- function() {
return(c("geodesic", "vincentyellipsoid"))
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