
Defines functions dlogitx dlogitxSim vcov.logitx toLatex.logitx summary.logitx print.logitx plot.logitx logLik.logitx gets.logitx fitted.logitx coef.logitx logitx logit logitxSim

Documented in coef.logitx dlogitx dlogitxSim fitted.logitx gets.logitx logit logitx logitxSim logLik.logitx plot.logitx print.logitx summary.logitx toLatex.logitx vcov.logitx

## This file contains the source of the logitx()
## functions.
## Created 8 December 2020, Oslo.
## Contents:
## logitxSim()
## logit()
## logitx()
## coef.logitx         #extraction functions
## fitted.logitx       #(all are S3 methods)
## gets.logitx
## logLik.logitx
## plot.logitx
## WIP: predict.logitx
## print.logitx
## summary.logitx
## toLatex.logitx
## vcov.logitx
## dlogitxSim()     #create alias for logitxSim
## dlogitx()        #create alias for logitx

## The function logitxSim() simulates from an
## autoregressive logit model with covariates.
## Function arguments:
## n:           integer, the number of observations to
##              simulate from
## intercept:   the value of the intercept in the logit
##              specification
## ar:          numeric vector w/value(s) of the AR-parameters
## xreg:        numeric vector, e.g. theta1*x1+theta2*x2
## verbose:     logical, whether to return vI only or all
##              the info from the simulations
## as.zoo:      logical, whether the returned object should
##              be of class 'zoo' or not
## The conditional probability of yt = 1:
##    pi1t = 1/( 1 + exp(-ht) )
## The logit specification:
##    ht = intercept + ar-terms + covariates
##       = intercept + theta1*y_1 + ... + thetap*y_p + covariates

logitxSim <- function(n, intercept=0, ar=NULL, xreg=NULL,
  verbose=FALSE, as.zoo=TRUE)

  p.order <- ifelse(is.null(ar), 0, length(ar))
  #q.order <- length(ma) (for the future)
  maxpq <- max(1, p.order)
  nplusMaxpq <- n + maxpq

  if( is.null(xreg) ){
    xreg <- rep(0, n)
    xregMean <- 0
    xreg <- as.vector(xreg)
    xregMean <- mean(xreg)

  ##p.order = 0 (recursion not necessary):
  if( p.order == 0 ){
    ht <- intercept + xreg
    pi1 <- 1/(1 + exp(-ht))
    vItmp <- runif(n)-1
    vI <- as.numeric( vItmp + pi1 > 0)
  ##if p.order > 0 (recursion necessary):
  if( p.order > 0 ){

    htmean <- (intercept + xregMean)/(1 - sum(ar))
    ht <- rep(htmean, n)

    #pi1, vI:
    vI <- rep(0, n)
    pi1 <- 1/(1 + exp(-ht))
    vItmp <- runif(n)-1

    xregsum <- intercept + xreg
    arsum <- 0
    for(i in c(maxpq+1):n){
      arsum <- sum( ar*vI[ c(i-1):c(i-p.order) ] )
      ht[i] <- xregsum[i] + arsum
      pi1[i] <- 1/(1+exp(-ht[i]))
      vI[i] <- as.numeric( vItmp[i] + pi1[i] > 0)

  } #end if p.order > 0
  ## result:
  if( verbose ){
    result <- cbind(vI, pi1, ht)
    colnames(result) <- c("I", "pi1", "h")
    result <- vI
  if( as.zoo ){
    result <- as.zoo(result)

} #end logitxSim

## The function logit() estimates a logit model
## Function arguments:
## y:               vector with the binary data
## x:               matrix of covariates
## initial.values:  initial values of the parameters
## lower:           lower bounds of the permissible parameter values
## upper:           upper bounds of the permissible parameter values
## method:          estimation method, 1=only estimates,
##                  2=ordinary vcov, 3=robust vcov
## lag.length:      integer controlling the bandwidth when method=3
## control:         options passed on to nlminb()
## eps.tol:         pi0 is computed as pmax(pi0, eps.tol) to
##                  ensure log(pi0) is not too small
## solve.tol:       tolerance for singularity when inverting
##                  a matrix with solve()
## The conditional probability of yt = 1:
##    pi1t = 1/( 1 + exp(-ht) )
## The logit specification:
##    ht = intercept + ar-terms + covariates
##       = intercept + theta1*y_1 + ... + thetap*y_p + covariates

logit <- function(y, x, initial.values=NULL, lower=-Inf, upper=Inf,
  method=2, lag.length=NULL, control=list(), eps.tol=.Machine$double.eps,

  out <- list()
  out$n <- length(y)
  if( is.null(x) ){
    out$k <- 0
  }else {
    out$k <- NCOL(x)
  out$df <- out$n - out$k

  ##initial values:
  if( is.null(initial.values) && out$k>0 ){
    out$initial.values <- rep(0.1, out$k)
    out$initial.values <- initial.values

  ##bounds, tolerance:
  out$lower <- lower
  out$upper <- upper
  out$eps.tol <- eps.tol

  ##create log-likelihood function:

  logitObjective <- function(pars, aux, minimise=TRUE){

    ##check parameters:
    parsOK <- TRUE
    if( any(is.na(pars)) || any(pars<aux$lower) || any(pars>aux$upper) ){
      parsOK <- FALSE

    ##compute log-likelihood:
    if( parsOK ){
      ht <- as.vector( aux$x %*% pars )
      pi1that <- 1/(1+exp(-ht))
      pi0that <- pmax(1-pi1that, aux$eps.tol)
      logl <- sum( aux$y*log(pi1that) + aux$oneminy*log(pi0that) )
      if(is.nan(logl) || is.na(logl) || abs(logl) == Inf){
        logl <- aux$logl.penalty
      logl <- aux$logl.penalty
    if(minimise){ logl <- -logl }



  ##create aux:

  aux <- out
  aux$y <- y
  aux$x <- x
  aux$oneminy <- 1-y
  aux$penalty.value <- out$n*log(0.5)
  if( out$k>0 ){
    aux$penalty.value <- logitObjective(out$initial.values, aux)


  if( out$k>0 ){
    result <- nlminb(out$initial.values, logitObjective, aux=aux,
      lower=lower, upper=upper, control=control)
    names(result)[1] <- "coefficients"
    result$objective <- -result$objective #due to minimisation
    names(result)[2] <- "logl"
    ht <- as.vector(x %*% result$coefficients)
    result$fit <- 1/(1+exp(-ht)) #pi1hat

  ##if there are no regressors:
  if( out$k==0 ){
    result <- list()
    result$coefficients <- NULL
    result$logl <- out$n*log(0.5)
    result$convergence <- 0
    result$iterations <- 0
    result$evaluations <- c(1,0)
    names(result$evaluations) <- c("function", "gradient")
    #result$message <- "convergence (no iterations)"
    result$fit <- rep(0.5, out$n)

  ##merge out with result:
  result <- c(out, result)


  ##compute the hessian:
  if( method>1 && result$k>0 ){
    xadj <- (result$fit^2 - result$fit)*x
    hessian <- crossprod(xadj, x)
    hessianinv <- solve(hessian, tol=solve.tol)

  ##ordinary vcov:
  if( method==2 && result$k>0 ){
    result$vcov <- -hessianinv

  ##robust coefficient covariance:
  if( method==3 && result$k>0 ){

    ##lag length (bandwidth):
    if( is.null(lag.length) ){
      ##EViews, see Wooldridge (2009, p. 430):
      iL <- as.integer(4*(result$n/100)^(2/9))
      iL <- as.integer(lag.length)
    result$lag.length <- iL
    vW <- 1 - 1:iL/(iL+1) #weights

    ##compute the "meat":
    mS <- cbind((y - result$fit) * x)
    mSigmahat <- crossprod(mS)
    for(l in 1:iL){
      mS0 <- cbind(mS[-c(1:l),])
      mSj <- cbind(mS[-c(c(result$n-l+1):result$n),])
      mSigmahat <-
        mSigmahat + vW[l] * (crossprod(mS0,mSj) + crossprod(mSj,mS0))

    ##compute vcov:
    result$vcov <- hessianinv %*% mSigmahat %*% hessianinv

  ##return result:


} #close logit function

## estimate model of class "logitx":

logitx <- function(y, intercept=TRUE, ar=NULL, ewma=NULL,
  xreg=NULL, vcov.type=c("ordinary", "robust"), lag.length=NULL,
  initial.values=NULL, lower=-Inf, upper=Inf, control=list(),
  eps.tol=.Machine$double.eps, solve.tol=.Machine$double.eps,
  singular.ok=TRUE, plot=NULL)
  ##auxiliary list:
  aux <- list()
  aux$call <- sys.call()  
  aux$date <- date()
  aux$version <- paste0("gets ", packageVersion("gets"), " under ",
  aux$control <- control

  ##modify ewma argument:
  if( !is.null(ewma) && !is.list(ewma) && is.vector(ewma) ){
    ewma <- list(length=ewma)
  tmp <- regressorsMean(y, mc=intercept, ar=ar, ewma=ewma, mxreg=xreg,
    prefix=character(0), return.regressand=TRUE, return.as.zoo=TRUE,
    na.trim=TRUE, na.omit=FALSE)
  whereMconst <- which( colnames(tmp)=="const" )
  if( length(whereMconst)>0 ){
    colnames(tmp)[ whereMconst ] <- "intercept"
  tmpnames <- colnames(tmp)
  aux$y <- coredata(tmp[,1])
  aux$y.name <- colnames(tmp)[1]
  aux$y.index <- index(tmp)

  if( NCOL(tmp)==1 ){
    tmp <- NULL
    tmpnames <- NULL
  if( NCOL(tmp)>1 ){
    tmp <- cbind(coredata(tmp[,-1]))
    tmpnames <- tmpnames[-1]
  if( singular.ok && NCOL(tmp)> 1 ){
    tmp <- dropvar(tmp, tol=1e-07, LAPACK=FALSE, silent=TRUE)
    droppedVars <- setdiff(tmpnames, colnames(tmp))
    tmpnames <- setdiff(tmpnames, droppedVars)
    if( length(droppedVars)>0 ){
      warning("\n", "regressor-matrix singular, so dropping: ",
        droppedVars, "\n")    
  aux$mX <- tmp
  aux$mXnames <- tmpnames
  if( !is.null(aux$mX) ){
    colnames(aux$mX) <- NULL
  ##determine estimation method/vcov type:
  types <- c("ordinary", "robust")
  whichType <- charmatch(vcov.type[1], types)
  aux$logit.method <- whichType + 1 

  result <- logit(aux$y, aux$mX, initial.values=initial.values,
    lower=lower, upper=upper, method=aux$logit.method,
    lag.length=lag.length, control=control, eps.tol= eps.tol,
  names(result$coefficients) <- aux$mXnames
  colnames(result$vcov) <- aux$mXnames
  rownames(result$vcov) <- aux$mXnames
  result$fit <- zoo(result$fit, order.by=aux$y.index)
  result <- c(aux, result)
  if( is.null(plot) ){
    plot <- getOption("plot")
    if( is.null(plot) ){ plot <- FALSE }
  if(plot){ plot.logitx(result) }

  ##return result:
  class(result) <- c("logitx", "dlogitx")
} #close logitx()
## extract coefficients
coef.logitx <- function(object, ...)
} #close coef.logitx

## extract fitted probabilities
fitted.logitx <- function(object, zero.prob=FALSE, ...)
  if( zero.prob ){
    result <- 1-object$fit
    result <- object$fit
} #close fitted.logitx

## do gets on a logitx object
gets.logitx <- function(x, t.pval=0.05, wald.pval=t.pval,
  do.pet=TRUE, user.diagnostics=NULL, keep=NULL,
  include.gum=FALSE, include.1cut=TRUE, include.empty=FALSE,
  max.paths=NULL, turbo=TRUE, print.searchinfo=TRUE, plot=NULL,
  alarm=FALSE, ...)
  ##logit() arguments:
  callArgs <- names(x$call)
  userEstArgs <- list()
  userEstArgs$name <- "logit"
  if( "lower" %in% callArgs ){ userEstArgs$lower <- x$lower }
  if( "upper" %in% callArgs ){ userEstArgs$lower <- x$upper }
  userEstArgs$method <- x$logit.method
  if( "lag.length" %in% callArgs ){ userEstArgs$lag.length <- x$lag.length }
  userEstArgs$control <- x$control
  if( "eps.tol" %in% callArgs ){ userEstArgs$eps.tol <- eval(x$call$eps.tol) }
  if( "solve.tol" %in% callArgs ){
    userEstArgs$solve.tol <- eval(x$call$solve.tol)

  ##do gets:

  vY <- x$y
  mX <- x$mX
  result1 <- getsFun(vY, mX, user.estimator=userEstArgs, 
    gum.result=x, t.pval=t.pval, wald.pval=wald.pval, do.pet=do.pet, 
    user.diagnostics=user.diagnostics, keep=keep,
    include.gum=include.gum, include.1cut=include.1cut,
    include.empty=include.empty, max.paths=max.paths, turbo=turbo,
    print.searchinfo=print.searchinfo, alarm=alarm)
  result1$call <- NULL

  ##create gum result:

  if( x$k>0 ){
    gum.result <- matrix(0, x$k, 6)
    colnames(gum.result) <- c("reg.no.", "keep", "coef", "std.error",
      "t-stat", "p-value")
    rownames(gum.result) <- x$mXnames
    gum.result[,"reg.no."] <- 1:x$k
    if( !is.null(keep) ){ gum.result[keep,"keep"] <- 1 }
    gum.result[,"coef"] <- x$coefficients
    gum.result[,"std.error"] <- sqrt(diag(x$vcov))
    gum.result[,"t-stat"] <- gum.result[,"coef"]/gum.result[,"std.error"]
    gum.result[,"p-value"] <-
      pt(abs(gum.result[,"t-stat"]), df=x$df, lower.tail=FALSE)    
    result1$gum.result <- gum.result
  ##estimate specific:

  vY <- cbind(zoo(vY, order.by=x$y.index))
  colnames(vY) <- x$y.name
  xfinal <- result1$terminals[[ result1$best.terminal ]]
  vcov.type <- c("none", "ordinary", "robust")[ x$logit.method ]
  solve.tol <- ifelse( is.null(userEstArgs$solve.tol),
    .Machine$double.eps, userEstArgs$solve.tol)

  ##empty final model:
  if( length(xfinal)==0 ){
    result2 <- logitx(vY, intercept=FALSE, vcov.type=vcov.type,
      lag.length=x$lag.length, lower=x$lower, upper=x$upper,
      control=x$control, eps.tol=x$eps.tol, solve.tol=solve.tol, 
  ##non-empty final model:
  if( length(xfinal)>0 ){
    mX <- cbind(mX[,xfinal])
    colnames(mX) <- x$mXnames[ xfinal ]
    mX <- zoo(mX, order.by=x$y.index)
    result2 <- logitx(vY, intercept=FALSE, xreg=mX, vcov.type=vcov.type,
      lag.length=x$lag.length, lower=x$lower, upper=x$upper,
      control=x$control, eps.tol=x$eps.tol, solve.tol=solve.tol, 
  ##return result:
  result2$call <- NULL
  result <- c(result1, result2)
  class(result) <- c("logitx", "dlogitx")
} #close gets.logitx() 

## extract log-likelihood
logLik.logitx <- function(object, ...)
  result <- object$logl
  attr(result, "df") <- length(object$coefficients)
  attr(result, "nobs") <- object$n
  class(result) <- "logLik"

## plot fitted probabilities
plot.logitx <- function(x, ...)
  plot(x$fit, ylab="probability", xlab="", col="blue")
} #close plot.logitx

## print estimation result of model of class "logitx":
print.logitx <- function(x, signif.stars=TRUE, ...)
  ##first part:
  cat("Date:", x$date, "\n")
  cat("Dependent var.:", x$y.name, "\n")
  cat("Method: Maximum Likelihood (logit) \n")
    switch(x$logit.method, "1" = "Ordinary", "2" = "Ordinary",
    "3" = "Robust, Newey and West (1987)"), "\n")
  cat("No. of observations:", x$n, "\n")

  ##sample info:
  isRegular <- is.regular(x$fit, strict=TRUE)
  isCyclical <- frequency(x$fit) > 1
  indexTrimmed <- index(x$fit)
  if(isRegular && isCyclical){
    cycleTrimmed <- cycle(x$fit)
    startYear <- floor(as.numeric(indexTrimmed[1]))
    startAsChar <- paste(startYear,
      "(", cycleTrimmed[1], ")", sep="")
    endYear <- floor(as.numeric(indexTrimmed[length(indexTrimmed)]))
    endAsChar <- paste(endYear,
      "(", cycleTrimmed[length(indexTrimmed)], ")", sep="")
    startAsChar <- as.character(indexTrimmed[1])
    endAsChar <- as.character(indexTrimmed[length(indexTrimmed)])
  cat("Sample:", startAsChar, "to", endAsChar, "\n")

  ##if gets modelling:

  if( !is.null(x$gum.result) ){

    cat("Start model (GUM):\n")
    printCoefmat(x$gum.result, tst.ind=c(1,2), signif.stars=signif.stars)

    cat("Paths searched: \n")
    if( is.null(x$paths) || length(x$paths)==0 ){
      for(i in 1:length(x$paths)){
    } #end if(is.null(x$paths))
    ##terminal models and results:
    if( !is.null(x$terminals) && length(x$terminals)>0 ){
      cat("Terminal models: \n")
        for(i in 1:length(x$terminals)){
    if( !is.null(x$terminals.results) ){
      printCoefmat(x$terminals.results, dig.tst=0, tst.ind=c(3,4),

  } #close if gets modelling

  ##results matrix:
  if( length(x$coefficients)>0 ){  

    resultsmat <- matrix(NA, length(x$coefficients), 4)
    colnames(resultsmat) <- c("coef", "std.error", "t-stat", "p-value")
    rownames(resultsmat) <- names(x$coefficients)
    resultsmat[,"coef"] <- x$coefficients
    resultsmat[,"std.error"] <- sqrt(diag(x$vcov))
    resultsmat[,"t-stat"] <- resultsmat[,1]/resultsmat[,2]
    resultsmat[,"p-value"] <-
      pt(abs(resultsmat[,3]), df=x$df, lower.tail=FALSE) 
    if( is.null(x$gum.result) ){
      cat("Estimation results:\n")
      cat("Final model:\n")
    printCoefmat(resultsmat, signif.stars=signif.stars)
    cat("   The empty model\n")

  gof <- matrix(NA, 1, 1)
  rownames(gof) <- paste0("Log-lik.(n=", x$n, ")")
  colnames(gof) <- ""
  gof[1,1] <- x$logl
  printCoefmat(gof, digits=6, signif.stars=signif.stars)

} #end print.logitx

## summarise output
summary.logitx <- function(object, ...)
} #end summary.arx

### LaTeX code (equation form)
toLatex.logitx <- function(object, digits=4, gof=TRUE,
  nonumber=FALSE, nobs="T", ...) #new argument?: print.info=TRUE

  ##probability equation:
  txtAddNonumber <- ifelse(nonumber, " \\nonumber ", "")
  probtxt <- paste0("  Pr(", object$y.name,
    "_t = 1| ...) &=& \\frac{1}{1 + \\exp(-\\widehat{h}_t)}",
    txtAddNonumber, " \\\\[2mm]", " \n")

  ##logit equation:

  ##y name:
  hName <- paste0("\\widehat{h}_t")

  ##coefs, coef names, std.errors:
  coefs <- coef.logitx(object)
  coefsNames <- names(coefs)
  whereIntercept <- which( coefsNames=="intercept" )
  if( whereIntercept > 0 ){ coefsNames[ whereIntercept ] <- "" }
  coefs <- as.numeric(coefs)
  stderrs <- as.numeric(sqrt(diag(vcov.logitx(object))))

  ##equation (main part):
  eqtxt <- NULL
  if(length(coefs) > 0){
    for(i in 1:length(coefs) ){
      ifpluss <- ifelse(i==1, "", " + ")
      eqtxt <- paste(eqtxt,
        ifelse(coefs[i] < 0, " - ", ifpluss), "\\underset{(",
        format(round(stderrs[i], digits=digits), nsmall=digits), ")}{",
        format(round(abs(coefs[i]), digits=digits), nsmall=digits), "}",
        coefsNames[i], sep="")

  ##equation (put parts together):
  txtAddNonumber <- ifelse(nonumber, " \\nonumber ", "")
  eqtxt <- paste0("  ", hName, " &=& ", eqtxt, "", txtAddNonumber,
    " \\\\[2mm]", " \n")

  ##goodness of fit:

  goftxt <- paste("   && LogL=",
    format(round(as.numeric(logLik.logitx(object)), digits=digits), nsmall=digits),
    " \\qquad ", nobs, " = ", object$n, " \\nonumber \n", sep="")

  ##print code:
#  if( print.info ){
    cat("% Date:", date(), "\n")
    notetxt <- paste0("% LaTeX code generated in R ",
      version$major, ".", version$minor, " by the gets package\n")
    cat("% Note: The {eqnarray} environment requires the {amsmath} package\n")
#  }

} #end toLatex.logitx

## variance-covariance extraction function
vcov.logitx <- function(object, ...)
} #end vcov.logitx

## create alias
dlogitxSim <- function(n, ...){ logitxSim(n, ...) }

## create alias
dlogitx <- function(y, ...){ logitx(y, ...) }

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