
Defines functions gsi.midValues.azimuthInterval gsi.midValues.lagClass gsi.midValues.default gsi.midValues print.lagClass gsi.lagClass gsi.lagdists as.directorVector.azimuthInterval as.directorVector.azimuth as.directorVector.default as.directorVector print.directionClass gsi.directorVector gsi.azimuthInterval gsi.azimuth ndirections.gstatVariogram ndirections.gmEVario ndirections.logratioVariogram ndirections.logratioVariogramAnisotropy ndirections.azimuthInterval ndirections.azimuth ndirections.default ndirections variogramModelPlot.gmEVario variogramModelPlot as.gmEVario.default as.gmEVario plot.gmEVario gsi.EVario3D gsi.EVario2D variogram_gmSpatialModel is.anisotropySpecification is.isotropic.LMCAnisCompo is.isotropic.variogramModelList is.isotropic.variogramModel is.isotropic.gmCgram is.isotropic.default is.isotropic plot.gmCgram as.gmCgram.default as.gmCgram predict.gmCgram as.function.gmCgram nrow.gmCgram ncol.gmCgram length.gmCgram setCgram

Documented in as.directorVector as.directorVector.azimuth as.directorVector.azimuthInterval as.directorVector.default as.function.gmCgram as.gmCgram as.gmCgram.default as.gmEVario as.gmEVario.default gsi.EVario2D gsi.EVario3D is.anisotropySpecification is.isotropic length.gmCgram ncol.gmCgram ndirections ndirections.azimuth ndirections.azimuthInterval ndirections.default ndirections.gmEVario ndirections.gstatVariogram ndirections.logratioVariogram ndirections.logratioVariogramAnisotropy nrow.gmCgram plot.gmCgram plot.gmEVario predict.gmCgram setCgram variogram_gmSpatialModel variogramModelPlot variogramModelPlot.gmEVario

#### theoretical variogram ---------------------

#' Generate D-variate variogram models
#' @description Function to set up D-variate variogram models based on model type, the variogram parameters sill and nugget and a matrix describing the anisotropy of the range.
#' @param type model of correlation function. The function expects a constant, e.g. the internal constants 'vg.Gau' for Gaussian model or 'vg.Exp'. for exponential models. See examples for usage.
#' @param nugget (DxD)-matrix for the nugget effect. Default is a muted nugget (0).
#' @param sill (DxD)-matrix for the partial sills of the correlation function
#' @param anisRanges 2x2 or 3x3 matrix of ranges (see details)
#' @param extraPar for certain correlation functions, extra parameters (smoothness, period, etc)
#' @return an object of class "gmCgram" containing the linear model of corregionalization
#' of the nugget and the structure given.
#' @details The argument `type` must be an integer indicating the model to be used.
#' Some constants are available to make reading code more understandable. That is, you can
#' either write `1`, `vg.sph`, `vg.Sph` or `vg.Spherical`, they will all work and produce
#' a spherical model. The same applies for the following models:
#' `vg.Gauss = vg.Gau = vg.gau = 0`;
#' `vg.Exponential = vg.Exp = vg. exp = 2`.
#' These constants are available after calling `data("variogramModels")`.
#' No other model is currently available, but this data object will be
#' regularly updated.
#' The constant vector `gsi.validModels` contains all currently valid models.
#' Argument `anisRange` expects a matrix $M$ such that
#' \deqn{
#' h^2 = (\mathbf{x}_i-\mathbf{x}_j)\cdot M^{-1}\cdot (\mathbf{x}_i-\mathbf{x}_j)^t
#' }
#' is the (square of) the lag distance to be fed into the correlation function.
#' @family gmCgram
#' @export
#' @aliases vg.Exp vg.exp vg.Exponential vg.Gau vg.gauss
#' vg.Gauss vg.Sph vg.sph vg.Spherical gsi.validModels
#' @examples
#' utils::data("variogramModels") # shortcut for all model constants
#' v1 = setCgram(type=vg.Gau, sill=diag(2), anisRanges = 3*diag(c(3,1)))
#' v2 = setCgram(type=vg.Exp, sill=0.3*diag(2), anisRanges = 0.5*diag(2))
#' vm = v1+v2
#' plot(vm)
setCgram = function(type, nugget=sill*0, sill, anisRanges, extraPar=0){
            type %in% gsi.validModels)
  dim(sill) = c(1,dim(sill))
  dim(anisRanges) = c(1,dim(anisRanges))
  vgout <- list(type=type,
                sill=sill, #(nstru, nvar, nvar)
                M=AnisotropyRangeMatrix(anisRanges)     # these are "classical" ranges (i.e. distances)
  class(vgout) = "gmCgram"

#' Subsetting of gmCgram variogram structures
#' Extraction or combination of nested structures of a gmCgram object
#' @param x `gmCgram` variogram object
#' @param i indices of the structures that are desired to be kept (0=nugget) or removed (see details)
#' @param ... extra arguments for generic functionality
#' @return a `gmCgram` variogram object with the desired structures only.
#' @details This function can be used to: extract the nugget (i=0), extract some
#' structures (i=indices of the structures, possibly including 0 for the nugget),
#' or filter some structures out (i=negative indices of the structures to remove;
#' nugget will always removed in this case). If you want to extract "slots" or
#' "elements" of the variogram, use the $-notation. If you want to extract variables of the
#' variogram matrices, use the `[`-notation. The contrary operation (adding structures together)
#' is obtained by summing (+) two `gmCgram` objects.
#' @export
#' @method [[ gmCgram
#' @family gmCgram functions
#' @examples
#' utils::data("variogramModels")
#' v1 = setCgram(type=vg.Gau, sill=diag(2), anisRanges = 3*diag(c(3,1)))
#' v2 = setCgram(type=vg.Exp, sill=0.3*diag(2), anisRanges = 0.5*diag(2))
#' vm = v1+v2
#' vm[[1]]
"[[.gmCgram"<- function(x,i,...){
  nG = dim(x$M)[3]
  nD = dim(x$nugget)[1]
  nSo = length(i)
  nSi = dim(x$M)[1]
  if(i==0){# case only nugget wanted
    out = with(x, list(type=type[i],
                       sill=structure(0*sill[1,,], dim=c(nSo, nD, nD)),
                       M=structure(M[1,,], dim=c(nSo, nG, nG))))
  }else if( (0 %in% i) & !any(i<0)){
    j = i[i>0] # case some structures wanted, including nugget
    out = with(x, list(type=type[j],
                       sill=structure(sill[j,,], dim=c(nSo-1, nD, nD)),
                       M=structure(M[j,,], dim=c(nSo-1, nG, nG))))
  }else if(all(i>0) | all(i<0)){# case some structured (un)wanted, nugget surely not wanted
    if(all(i<0)) nSo = nSi-nSo
    out = with(x, list(type=type[i],
                       sill=structure(sill[i,,], dim=c(nSo, nD, nD)),
                       M=structure(M[i,,], dim=c(nSo, nG, nG))))
  }else{# unsolvable case
    stop("index set i cannot merge 0 and negative numbers")
  class(out) = class(x)

#' Combination of gmCgram variogram structures
#' combination of nested structures of a gmCgram object
#' @param x `gmCgram` variogram object
#' @param y `gmCgram` variogram object
#' @export
#' @return The combined nested structures
#' @method + gmCgram
#' @examples
#' utils::data("variogramModels")
#' v1 = setCgram(type=vg.Gau, sill=diag(2), anisRanges = 3*diag(c(3,1)))
#' v2 = setCgram(type=vg.Exp, sill=0.3*diag(2), anisRanges = 0.5*diag(2))
#' vm = v1+v2
"+.gmCgram" <- function(x,y) {
  y = as.gmCgram(y)
  myfun = function(A,B){
    D = dim(A)[2]
    nA = dim(A)[1]
    nB = dim(B)[1]
    dim(A) = c(nA, D^2)
    dim(B) = c(nB, D^2)
    out = rbind(A, B)
    dim(out) = c(nA+nB, D, D)
  x$type = c(x$type, y$type)
  x$data= c(x$data, y$data)
  x$nugget = x$nugget + y$nugget
  x$sill = myfun(x$sill, y$sill)
  x$M = myfun(x$M, y$M)

#' Subsetting of gmCgram variogram structures
#' Extraction of some variables of a gmCgram object
#' @param x \code{gmCgram} variogram object
#' @param i row-indices of the variables to be kept/removed
#' @param j column-indices of the variables to be kept/removed (if only \code{i}
#' is specified, \code{j} will be taken as equal to \code{i}!)
#' @param ...  extra arguments for generic functionality
#' @return a \code{gmCgram} variogram object with the desired variables only.
#' @details This function can be used to extract the model for a a subset of variables.
#' If only \code{i} is specified, \code{j} will be taken as equal to \code{i}.
#' If you want to select all \code{i}'s for certain \code{j}'s or vice versa, give
#' \code{i=1:dim(x$nugget)[1]} and \code{j=} your desired indices, respectively
#' \code{j=1:dim(x$nugget)[2]} and \code{i=} your desired indices; replace \code{x} by the
#' object you are giving. If \code{i!=j}, the output will be a \code{c("gmXCgram","gmCgram")}
#' object, otherwise it will be a regular class \code{"gmCgram"} object.
#' If you want to extract "slots" or
#' "elements" of the variogram, use the $-notation. If you want to extract variables of the
#' variogram matrices, use the `[`-notation.
#' @export
#' @method [ gmCgram
#' @family gmCgram functions
#' @examples
#' utils::data("variogramModels")
#' v1 = setCgram(type=vg.Gau, sill=diag(2), anisRanges = 3*diag(c(3,1)))
#' v2 = setCgram(type=vg.Exp, sill=0.3*diag(2), anisRanges = 0.5*diag(2))
#' vm = v1+v2
#' vm[1,1]
"[.gmCgram"<- function(x,i,j=i,...){
  nDi = length(i)
  nDj = length(j)
  nS = dim(x$M)[1]
  out = with(x, list(type=type,
                     nugget=structure(nugget[i,j, drop=F], dim=c(nDi, nDj)),
                     sill=structure(sill[,i,j, drop=F], dim=c(nS, nDi, nDj)),
  class(out) = class(x)
  if(!all(i==j)) class(out) = unique(c("gmXCgram", class(out)))

#' Length, and number of columns or rows
#' Provide number of structures, and nr of variables of an LMC of class gmCgram
#' @param x gmCgram object
#' @return \code{length} returns the number of structures (nugget not counted), while
#' \code{ncol} and \code{nrow} return these values for the nugget (assuming that they will
#' be also valid for the sill).
#' @export
#' @aliases ncol.gmCgram nrow.gmCgram
#' @family gmCgram functions
#' @method length gmCgram
#' @examples
#' utils::data("variogramModels")
#' v1 = setCgram(type=vg.Gau, sill=diag(3)+0.5, anisRanges = 2*diag(c(3,0.5)))
#' v2 = setCgram(type=vg.Exp, sill=0.3*diag(3), anisRanges = 0.5*diag(2))
#' vm = v1+v2
#' length(vm)
#' ncol(vm)
#' nrow(vm)
length.gmCgram = function(x)  length(x$type)
  ncol <- function(x) UseMethod("ncol",x)
  ncol.default <- base::ncol
  nrow <- function(x) UseMethod("nrow",x)
  nrow.default <- base::nrow
ncol.gmCgram = function(x) ncol(x$nugget)
nrow.gmCgram = function(x) nrow(x$nugget)

#' Convert a gmCgram object to an (evaluable) function
#' Evaluate a gmCgram on some h values, or convert the gmCgram object into an evaluable function
#' @param x a gmCgram object
#' @param ... extra arguments for generic functionality
#' @return a \code{function} that can be evaluated normally, with an argument \code{X}
#' and possibly another argument \code{Y}; both must have the same number of columns
#' than the geographic dimension of the variogram (i.e. \code{dim(x$M)[3]}).
#' @export
#' @method as.function gmCgram
#' @family gmCgram functions
#' @examples
#' utils::data("variogramModels")
#' v1 = setCgram(type=vg.Gau, sill=diag(2)+0.5, anisRanges = 2*diag(c(3,0.5)))
#' v2 = setCgram(type=vg.Exp, sill=0.3*diag(2), anisRanges = 0.5*diag(2))
#' vm = v1+v2
#' vgf = as.function(vm)
#' (h = rbind(c(0,1), c(0,0), c(1,1)))
#' vgf(h)
#' predict(vm, h)
as.function.gmCgram = function(x,...){
    f <- function(X,Y=X){
      if(is(X,"Spatial")) X = sp::coordinates(X)
      X = as.matrix(X)
      if(is(Y,"Spatial")) Y = sp::coordinates(Y)
      Y = as.matrix(Y)
      stopifnot(ncol(X)==ncol(Y), ncol(X)==dim(x$M)[3])
      ijEqual = ifelse(nrow(X)==nrow(Y), all(X==Y), FALSE)
      o = gsi.calcCgram(X,Y,x,ijEqual)

#' @describeIn as.function.gmCgram predict a gmCgram object on some lag vector coordinates
#' @param object gmCgram object
#' @param newdata matrix, data.frame or Spatial object containing coordinates
#' @include gmAnisotropy.R
#' @method predict gmCgram
#' @export
predict.gmCgram = function(object, newdata, ...){

#' Convert theoretical structural functions to gmCgram format
#' Convert covariance function or variogram models to the format gmCgram
#' of package gmGeostats
#' @param m model to be converted
#' @param ... further parameters
#' @return the covariance/variogram model, recasted to class \code{gmCgram}.
#' This is a generic function. Methods exist for objects of class
#' \code{LMCAnisCompo} (for compositional data) and \code{variogramModelList}
#' (as provided by package \code{gstat}).
#' @export
#' @family gmCgram functions
as.gmCgram <- function(m, ...)  UseMethod("as.gmCgram",m)

#' @describeIn as.gmCgram Convert theoretical structural functions to gmCgram format
#' @method as.gmCgram default
#' @export
as.gmCgram.default <- function(m,...) m

#' Draw cuves for covariance/variogram models
#' Represent a gmCgram object as a matrix of lines in several plots
#' @param x object to draw, of class gmCgram // curently only valid for symmetric functions
#' @param xlim.up range of lag values to use in plots of the upper triangle
#' @param xlim.lo range of lag values to use in plots of the lower triangle
#' @param vdir.up geograohic directions to represent in the upper triangle
#' @param vdir.lo geograohic directions to represent in the lower triangle
#' @param xlength number of discretization points to use for the curves (defaults to 200)
#' @param varnames string vector, variable names to use in the labelling of axes
#' @param add logical, should a new plot be created or stuff be added to an existing one?
#' @param commonAxis logical, is a common Y axis for all plots in a row desired?
#' @param cov logical, should the covariance function (=TRUE) or the variogram (=FALSE) be plotted?
#' @param closeplot logical, should the plot be left open (FALSE) for further changes, or be frozen (TRUE)?
#' defaults to TRUE
#' @param ... further graphical parameters for the plotting function
#' @return This function is called for its side effect of producing a plot: the plot will be
#' open to further changes if you provide `closeplot=FALSE`. Additionally, the function
#' invisibly returns the graphical parameters that were active before starting the plot. Hence,
#' if you want to freeze a plot and not add anymore to it, you can do \code{par(plot(x, closeplot=FALSE, ...))},
#' or \code{plot(x, closeplot=TRUE, ...)}.
#' If you want to further add stuff to it, better just call \code{plot(x, closeplot=FALSE,...)}. The difference
#' is only relevant when working with the screen graphical device.
#' @export
#' @method plot gmCgram
#' @family gmCgram functions
#' @examples
#' utils::data("variogramModels")
#' v1 = setCgram(type=vg.Gau, sill=diag(3)-0.5, anisRanges = 2*diag(c(3,0.5)))
#' v2 = setCgram(type=vg.Exp, sill=0.3*diag(3), anisRanges = 0.5*diag(2))
#' vm = v1+v2
#' plot(vm)
#' plot(vm, cov=FALSE)
plot.gmCgram = function(x, xlim.up=NULL, xlim.lo=NULL, vdir.up= NULL, vdir.lo= NULL, xlength=200, varnames = colnames(x$nugget),
                        add=FALSE, commonAxis=TRUE, cov =TRUE, closeplot=TRUE, ...){
  Dg = dim(x$M)[2]
  Ns = dim(x$M)[1]
  Dv = dim(x$nugget)[1]
  if(is.null(varnames)) varnames = paste("v", 1:Dv, sep="")
  if(is.null(vdir.up) & is.null(vdir.lo)){
    vdir.lo = rep(0, Dg)
    vdir.lo[1] = 1
    dim(vdir.lo) = c(1,Dg)
      aux = diag(Dg)
        vdir.lo = aux[3,]
        vdir.up = aux[-3,]
        vdir.lo = aux
  if(!is.null(vdir.up)) vdir.up = compositions::oneOrDataset(compositions::normalize(vdir.up))
  if(!is.null(vdir.lo)) vdir.lo = compositions::oneOrDataset(compositions::normalize(vdir.lo))
  fk = c(sqrt(3),1,3)[x$type+1]*1.25  # range to effective range factor expansion
      xlim.up = par()$usr[1:2]
    }else if(!is.null(vdir.up)){
      maxdist = sapply(1:Ns, function(i) max(sapply(1:nrow(vdir.up), function(j) vdir.up[j,]%*%x$M[i,,]%*%vdir.up[j,])))
      # here we must compute the max M projected on vd.up
      xlim.up = c(0, max(fk*maxdist))
      xlim.lo = par()$usr[1:2]
    }else if(!is.null(vdir.lo)){
      maxdist = sapply(1:Ns, function(i) max(sapply(1:nrow(vdir.lo), function(j) vdir.lo[j,]%*%x$M[i,,]%*%vdir.lo[j,])))
      # here we must compute the max M projected on vd.lo
      xlim.lo = c(0, max(fk*maxdist))
    xseq.up = seq(from=xlim.up[1], to=xlim.up[2], length.out=xlength)
  }else{ xseq.up=NULL}
    xseq.lo = seq(from=xlim.lo[1], to=xlim.lo[2], length.out=xlength)
  }else{ xseq.lo=NULL}

  opar = par(no.readonly = TRUE)
  if(closeplot) on.exit(par(opar))

  getVdens = function(vdir, xseq){
    if(is.null(vdir)|is.null(xseq)) return(NULL)
    Vdens = sapply(1:nrow(vdir), function(k){
      X = outer(xseq, vdir[k,])
      Y = X[1,,drop=F]*0
    dim(Vdens) = c(Dv,xlength,Dv,nrow(vdir))
      # convert to variogram if cov=FALSE
      Y = matrix(rep(0,Dg), ncol=Dg)
      C0 = gsi.calcCgram(Y,Y,x,FALSE)
      dim(C0) = c(Dv,Dv)
      Vdens = sweep(-Vdens, c(1,3), C0, "+") ## this must be corrected when we allow non-symmetric covariances
  Vdens.up = getVdens(vdir.up, xseq.up)
  Vdens.lo = getVdens(vdir.lo, xseq.lo)

  myplot = function(...) matplot(type="l",ylab="", xlab="",xaxt="n", ...)
  if(add) myplot = function(...) matlines(...)
    par(mfrow=c(Dv+1,Dv+1), mar=c(2,3,0,0), oma=c(1,4,1,1), xpd=NA)
    myplot(c(0,0), c(0,0), pch="", ann=FALSE, bty="n", yaxt="n")
  for(i in 1:Dv){
      for(j in 1:Dv){
            ylim = range(Vdens.lo[,,j,])
            if(commonAxis) ylim=range(Vdens.lo[,,j,])
            myplot(xseq.lo, Vdens.lo[i,,j,], ylim=ylim, ...)
            if(i==j & !add){
              axis(side = 3)
              mtext(text=varnames[i], side = 3, line=3)
              mtext(text=varnames[i], side = 4, line=3)
            ylim = range(Vdens.up[,,j,])
            if(commonAxis) ylim=range(Vdens.up[,,j,])
            myplot(xseq.up, Vdens.up[i,,j,], ylim=ylim,...)
            if(i==j & !add){
              axis(side = 1)
              mtext(text=varnames[i], side = 1, line=3)
              mtext(text=varnames[i], side = 2, line=3)
  mtext(text="lag distance", side=1, outer = TRUE, line=0)
  mtext(text=c("semivariogram","covariance")[cov+1], side=2, outer = TRUE, line=2)

#' Check for anisotropy of a theoretical variogram
#' Checks for anisotropy of a theoretical variogram or covariance function model

#' @param x variogram or covariance model object
#' @param tol tolerance for
#' @param ... extra arguments for generic  functionality
#' @return Generic function. Returns of boolean answering the question of the name,
#' or NA if object \code{x} does not contain a known theoretical variogram
#' @export
is.isotropic <- function(x, tol=1e-10, ...){ UseMethod("is.isotropic", x) }

#' @method is.isotropic default
#' @export
is.isotropic.default = function(x, tol=1e-10, ...) NA

#' @method is.isotropic gmCgram
#' @export
is.isotropic.gmCgram = function(x, tol=1e-10, ...){
  all(apply(x$M, 1, function(y){
    ev = eigen(y, only.values=TRUE)[[1]]

#' @method is.isotropic variogramModel
#' @export
is.isotropic.variogramModel = function(x, tol=1e-10, ...){
  anis = x[,grep("anis", colnames(x))]
  all(apply(anis, 2, function(y) all(abs(y-y[1])<tol) ) )

#' @method is.isotropic variogramModelList
#' @export
is.isotropic.variogramModelList = function(x, tol=1e-10, ...) is.isotropic(x[[1]], tol=tol)

#' @method is.isotropic LMCAnisCompo
#' @export
is.isotropic.LMCAnisCompo = function(x, tol=1e-10, ...){
  all(sapply(x["A",], 1, function(y){
    ev = eigen(y$A, only.values=TRUE)[[1]]

#' Check for any anisotropy class
#' Check that an object contains a valid specification of anisotropy, in any form
#' @param x object to check
#' @return a logical, TRUE if the object is an anisotropy specification; FALSE otherwise
#' @export
#' @family anisotropy
#' @examples
#' a =  anis2D_par2A(0.5, 30)
#' a
#' is.anisotropySpecification(a)
is.anisotropySpecification = function(x){
  length(grep("Anisotropy", class(x))) |  inherits(x, "Anisotropy")

#### empirical variogram ---------------------

#' Variogram method for gmSpatialModel objects
#' Compute the empirical variogram of the conditioning data contained in a [gmSpatialModel-class] object
#' @param object a gmSpatialModel object containing spatial data.
#' @param methodPars (currently ignored)
#' @param ... further parameters to [gstat::variogram()]
#' @return Currently the function is just a convenience wrapper on
#' the variogram calculation functionalities of package "gstat",
#' and returns objects of class "\code{gstatVariogram}". Check the
#' help of \code{gstat::variogram} for further information.
#' In the near future, methods will be created, which will depend on
#' the properties of the two arguments provided,  \code{object} and
#' \code{methodPars}.
#' @export
#' @importFrom gstat variogram
variogram_gmSpatialModel <-  function(object, methodPars=NULL, ...){
  if(!is.null(methodPars)) stop("use 'variogram' with named parameters only")
  gstat::variogram(as.gstat(object), ...)

# Variogram calculations
# Compute empirical variograms out of a spatial data object
# @param object spatial data container
# @param ... further parameters for variogram calculation
# @return depending on the input data, different kinds of empirical variograms
# will be produced. See appropriate method descriptions.
# @importFrom sp variogram
# @export
##variogram <- function(object, ...) UseMethod("variogram", object)

# @describeIn variogram
# @method variogram default
# @export
#variogram.default <- function(object, ...){
#  return(variogram_gmSpatialModel(object, ...))

#' Empirical variogram or covariance function in 2D
#' compute the empirical variogram or covariance function in a 2D case study
#' @param X matrix of Nx2 columns with the geographic coordinates
#' @param Z matrix or data.frame of data with dimension (N,Dv)
#' @param Ff for variogram, matrix of basis functions with nrow(Ff)=N (can be a N-vector of 1s);
#' for covariance function, a (N,Dv)-matrix or a  Dv-vector giving the mean values
#' @param maxdist maximum lag distance to consider
#' @param lagNr number of lags to consider
#' @param lags if maxdist and lagNr are not specified, either: (a) a matrix of 2 columns giving
#' minimal and maximal lag distance defining the lag classes to consider, or (b) a vector of lag breaks
#' @param azimuthNr number of azimuths to consider
#' @param azimuths if azimuthNr is not specified, either: (a) a matrix of 2 columns giving
#' minimal and maximal azimuth defining the azimuth classes to consider, or (b) a vector of azimuth breaks
#' @param maxbreadth maximal breadth (in lag units) orthogonal to the lag direction
#' @param minpairs minimal number of pairs falling in each class to consider the calculation sufficient; defaults to 10
#' @param cov boolean, is covariance (TRUE) or variogram (FALSE) desired? defaults to variogram
#' @return An empirical variogram for the provided data. NOTE: avoid using directly gsi.* functions! They
#' represent either internal functions, or preliminary, not fully-tested functions. Use \code{\link{variogram}} instead.
#' @export
#' @family gmEVario functions
#' @examples
#' library(gstat)
#' data("jura", package = "gstat")
#' X = as.matrix(jura.pred[,1:2])
#' Z = as.matrix(jura.pred[,c("Zn","Cd","Pb")])
#' vge = gsi.EVario2D(X,Z)
#' dim(vge)
#' dimnames(vge)
#' class(vge["gamma",1])
#' dim(vge["gamma",1][[1]])
#' vge["npairs",1]
#' vge["lags",1]
gsi.EVario2D = function(X,Z,Ff=rep(1, nrow(X)),
                      maxdist= max(dist(X[sample(nrow(X),min(nrow(X),1000)),]))/2,
                      lagNr = 15, lags = seq(from=0, to=maxdist, length.out=lagNr+1),
                      azimuthNr=4, azimuths = seq(from=0, to=180, length.out=azimuthNr+1)[1:azimuthNr],
                      maxbreadth=Inf, minpairs=10, cov=FALSE){

  # dimensions
  N = nrow(X)
  Dv = ncol(Z)
  Dg = ncol(X)
  # expand the information given into a set of columns stating conditions
    lags = data.frame(minlag=lags[-length(lags)], maxlag=lags[-1])
    if(maxbreadth!=Inf) lags[,"maxbreadth"]=maxbreadth
  }else if(dim(lags)==2){
    lags = data.frame(lags)
    colnames(lags) = c("minlag","maxlag","maxbreadth")[1:ncol(lags)]
  }else stop("lags can be either a vector of lags or a data.frame, see ?gsi.EVario2D")

    tol = (azimuths[2]-azimuths[1])/2
    if(is.na(tol)) tol=180
    azimuths = data.frame(minaz=azimuths-tol, maxaz=azimuths+tol)
  }else if(dim(azimuths)==2){
    azimuths = data.frame(azimuths)
    colnames(azimuths) = c("minaz","maxaz")
  }else stop("azimuths can be either a vector of lags or a data.frame, see ?gsi.EVario2D")

  # compute pairs of locations
  ij = expand.grid(1:nrow(X), 1:nrow(X))# indices
  XX = X[ij[,1],]-X[ij[,2],] # locations
  XXabs = gmApply(XX, 1, function(x) sqrt(sum(x^2)))
  XXaz = gmApply(XX, 1, function(x) pi/2-atan2(x[2],x[1])) +2*pi
  XXaz = XXaz %% pi  # residual to 180??

  # compute residuals and pairs of variables appropriate to the structural function
      Z = as.matrix(Z-Ff)
    }else if(Dv==length(c(unlist(Ff)))){
      Z = as.matrix(sweep(Z, 2, Ff, "-"))
    ZZ = outer(Z,Z) # variables
    ZZ = aperm(ZZ, c(1,3,2,4))
    dim(ZZ) = c(N*N, Dv, Dv)
    Z = lm(as.matrix(Z)~as.matrix(Ff)+0)$residuals ## ideally this should be a GLS fit
    ZZ = Z[ij[,1],]-Z[ij[,2],]

  # output
  ## ATTENTION: needs to be changed to return a structure (3,Na)-matrix of objects,
  #     like logratioVariogramAnisotropy
  Nh = nrow(lags)
  Na = nrow(azimuths)
  vg = array(0, dim=c(Nh, Dv, Dv, Na))
  n = array(0, dim=c(Nh, Na))
  azs = azimuths * pi/180
  res = sapply(1:Na, function(i){
    tk_a = (azs[i,1]<=XXaz) & (azs[i,2]>=XXaz)
    zz = ZZ[tk_a,]
    xxabs = XXabs[tk_a]
    xxaz = XXaz[tk_a]
    tk_h = outer(xxabs, lags[,1],">=") & outer(xxabs, lags[,2],"<=")
      tk_b = outer(xxabs * abs(sin((xxaz-(azs[i,2]-azs[i,1])))), lags[,3], "<=")
      tk_h = tk_h & tk_b
    n[,i] = colSums(tk_h)
    for(j in 1:Nh){
      if(!is.na(n[j,i]) && n[j,i]>minpairs){
        if(cov){ # covariance function
          vg[j,,,i] = gmApply((ZZ[tk_a,][tk_h[,j],,]), c(2,3),"sum")/(n[j,i])
        }else{   # semi-variogram
          aux = rowSums(
            gmApply(X=ZZ[tk_a,][tk_h[,j],], 1, function(x)outer(x,x,"*"))
          vg[j,,,i] = aux
    return(list(gamma=vg[,,,i], lags=gsi.lagClass(lags), npairs =n[,i]))

  # output
  attr(res, "directions") = gsi.azimuthInterval(azimuths)
  # attr(res, "lags") = gsi.lagClass(lags)
  attr(res, "type") = ifelse(cov, "covariance","semivariogram")
  class(res) = "gmEVario"

#' Empirical variogram or covariance function in 3D
#' compute the empirical variogram or covariance function in a 3D case study
#' @param X matrix of Nx3 columns with the geographic coordinates
#' @param Z matrix or data.frame of data with dimension (N,Dv)
#' @param Ff for variogram, matrix of basis functions with nrow(Ff)=N
#' (can be a N-vector of 1s; should include the vector of 1s!!);
#' for covariance function, a (N,Dv)-matrix or a Dv-vector giving the mean values
#' @param maxdist maximum lag distance to consider
#' @param lagNr number of lags to consider
#' @param lags if maxdist and lagNr are not specified, either: (a) a matrix of 2 columns giving
#' minimal and maximal lag distance defining the lag classes to consider, or (b) a vector of lag breaks
#' @param dirvecs matrix which rows are the director vectors along which variograms will be computed (these will be normalized!)
#' @param angtol scalar, angular tolerance applied (in degrees; defaults to 90??, ie. isotropic)
#' @param maxbreadth maximal breadth (in lag units) orthogonal to the lag direction (defaults to `Inf`, ie. not used)
#' @param minpairs minimal number of pairs falling in each class to consider the calculation sufficient; defaults to 10
#' @param cov boolean, is covariance (TRUE) or variogram (FALSE) desired? defaults to variogram
#' @return An empirical variogram for the provided data. NOTE: avoid using directly gsi.* functions! They
#' represent either internal functions, or preliminary, not fully-tested functions. Use \code{\link{variogram}} instead.
#' @export
#' @family gmEVario functions
# @examples
# dt <- readr::read_csv("~/Geochem_sum_imp2.csv")
# X = as.matrix(dt[,c("X","Y","Z")])
# Z = as.matrix(compositions::clr(dt[,c("Cu","Zn","Pb", "As", "Cd", "In", "Other")]))
# dirvecs = rbind( c(1,0,0), c(1,1,0), c(0,1,0), c(-1,1,0), c(0,0,1))
# vge = gsi.EVario3D(X, Z, dirvecs=dirvecs, maxdist=50, angtol=10, maxbreadth=5,
# cov = TRUE, Ff = colMeans(Z))
# dim(vge)
# dimnames(vge)
# class(vge["gamma",1])
# dim(vge["gamma",1][[1]])
# vge["npairs",1]
# vge["lags",1]
# plot.gmEVario(vge, varnames = colnames(Z), commonAxis=FALSE,
#    vdir.up = 1:4, vdir.lo=5, xlim.up=c(0,50), xlim.lo=c(0,15)
#    )
## ie. the 4 planar directions on the upper triangle,
## the downhole direction in the lower triangle
gsi.EVario3D = function(X,Z,Ff=rep(1, nrow(X)),
                        maxdist= max(dist(X[sample(nrow(X),min(nrow(X),1000)),]))/2,
                        lagNr = 15, lags = seq(from=0, to=maxdist, length.out=lagNr+1),
                        dirvecs=t(c(1,0,0)), angtol=90,
                        maxbreadth=Inf, minpairs=10, cov=FALSE){
  # dimensions
  N = nrow(X)
  Dv = ncol(Z)
  Dg = ncol(X)
    stopifnot(length(Ff) %in% c(N, Dv))
    stopifnot(nrow(Ff) %in% c(N, 1) )
  ## expand the information given into a set of columns stating conditions
  # prepare lags
    lags = data.frame(minlag=lags[-length(lags)], maxlag=lags[-1])
    # if(maxbreadth!=Inf)
    lags[,"maxbreadth"] = maxbreadth
  }else if(dim(lags)==2){
    lags = data.frame(lags)
    colnames(lags) = c("minlag","maxlag","maxbreadth")[1:ncol(lags)]
  }else stop("lags can be either a vector of lags or a data.frame, see ?gsi.EVario3D")
  lagsSq = lags^2

  # prepare directions with tolerance
    if(length(dirvecs)!=3) stop("dirvecs must be a matrix with 3 columns!")
    dirvecs = t(dirvecs)
  dirvecs = dirvecs / sqrt(rowSums(dirvecs^2))
  if(length(angtol) %in% c(1, nrow(dirvecs))){
    dirvecs = cbind(dirvecs, tol=cos(angtol*pi/180) )
  }else stop("angtol can be either a scalar or a vector of length=nrow(dirvecs), see ?gsi.EVario3D")

  # compute pairs of locations
  ij = expand.grid(1:nrow(X), 1:nrow(X))# indices
  XX = X[ij[,1],]-X[ij[,2],] # locations
  XXmodSq = gmApply(XX, 1, function(x) sum(x^2))
  XXmod = sqrt(XXmodSq)

  # compute residuals and pairs of variables appropriate to the structural function
      Z = as.matrix(Z-Ff)
    }else if(Dv==length(c(unlist(Ff)))){
      Z = as.matrix(sweep(Z, 2, Ff, "-"))
    ZZ = outer(Z,Z) # variables
    ZZ = aperm(ZZ, c(1,3,2,4))
    dim(ZZ) = c(N*N, Dv, Dv)
    Z = lm(as.matrix(Z)~as.matrix(Ff)+0)$residuals ## ideally this should be a GLS fit
    ZZ = Z[ij[,1],]-Z[ij[,2],]

  # output
  ## ATTENTION: needs to be changed to return a structure (3,Na)-matrix of objects,
  #     like logratioVariogramAnisotropy
  Nh = nrow(lags)
  Na = nrow(dirvecs)
  vg = array(0, dim=c(Nh, Dv, Dv, Na),
             dimnames=list(rownames(lags), colnames(Z), colnames(Z), rownames(dirvecs))
  n = array(0, dim=c(Nh, Na))
  res = sapply(1:Na, function(i){
    projections = abs(XX %*% dirvecs[i,1:3])
    cosinus = ifelse(XXmod==0,0,projections/XXmod)
    tk_a = cosinus > dirvecs[i,"tol"]
    xxabs = XXmod[tk_a]
    tk_h = outer(xxabs, lags[,1],">=") & outer(xxabs, lags[,2],"<=")
      residualsSq = XXmodSq[tk_a]-projections[tk_a]^2
      tk_b = outer(residualsSq, lagsSq[,3], "<=")
      tk_h = tk_h & tk_b
    n[,i] = colSums(tk_h)
    for(j in 1:Nh){
      if(!is.na(n[j,i]) && n[j,i]>minpairs){
        if(cov){ # covariance function
          vg[j,,,i] = gmApply((ZZ[tk_a,,][tk_h[,j],,]), c(2,3),"sum")/(n[j,i])
        }else{   # semi-variogram
          aux = rowSums(
            gmApply(X=ZZ[tk_a,][tk_h[,j],], 1, function(x)outer(x,x,"*"))
          vg[j,,,i] = aux
    return(list(gamma=vg[,,,i], lags=gsi.lagClass(lags), npairs =n[,i]))

  # output
  attr(res, "directions") = gsi.directorVector(dirvecs[,1:3])
  # attr(res, "lags") = gsi.lagClass(lags)
  attr(res, "type") = ifelse(cov, "covariance","semivariogram")
  class(res) = "gmEVario"

#' Plot empirical variograms
#' Flexible plot of an empirical variogram of class gmEVario
#' @param x object to print, of class gmEVario
#' @param xlim.up range of X values to be used for the diagrams of the upper triangle
#' @param xlim.lo range of X values to be used for the diagrams of the lower triangle
#' @param vdir.up in case of anisotropic variograms, indices of the directions to be plotted
#' on the upper triangle
#' @param vdir.lo ..., indices of the directions to be plotted on the lower triangle
#' @param varnames variable names to be used
#' @param type  string, controlling whether to plot lines, points, etc (see \code{\link{plot}})
#' @param add boolean, add stuff to an existing diagram?
#' @param commonAxis boolean, should vertical axes be shared by all plots in a row?
#' @param cov boolean, is this a covariance? (if FALSE, it is a variogram)
#' @param closeplot logical, should the plot be left open (FALSE) for further changes, or be frozen (TRUE)?
#' defaults to TRUE
#' @param ... further parameters to \code{\link{matplot}}
#' @return invisibly, the graphical parameters active before calling the function.
#' This is useful for freezing the plot if you provided `closeplot=FALSE`.
#' How to use arguments `vdir.lo` and `vdir.up`? Each empirical variogram \code{x} has been
#' computed along certain distances, recorded in its attributes and retrievable with command
#' \code{\link{ndirections}}.
#' @export
#' @family gmEVario functions
#' @method plot gmEVario
#' @examples
#' library(gstat)
#' data("jura", package = "gstat")
#' X = as.matrix(jura.pred[,1:2])
#' Z = as.matrix(jura.pred[,c("Zn","Cd","Pb")])
#' vge = gsi.EVario2D(X,Z)
#' plot(vge)
#' plot(vge, pch=22, lty=1, bg="grey")
plot.gmEVario = function(x, xlim.up=NULL, xlim.lo=NULL, vdir.up= NULL, vdir.lo= NULL,
                         varnames = dimnames(x$gamma)[[2]], type="o",
                         add=FALSE, commonAxis=TRUE, cov =attr(x,"type")=="covariance",
                         closeplot=TRUE, ...){
  Dv = dim(x[1,1][[1]])[2]
  if(is.null(varnames)) varnames = paste("v", 1:Dv, sep="")
  if(is.null(vdir.up)&is.null(vdir.lo)) vdir.lo <- 1:ndirections(x)
  if( any(c(vdir.up, vdir.lo)>ndirections(x))){
    stop("indicated directions (vdir.up or vdir.lo) do not exist in x")
      xlim.up = par()$usr[1:2]
    }else if(!is.null(vdir.up)){
      maxdist = max(sapply(x["lags",], gsi.midValues.lagClass ) )
      xlim.up = c(0, maxdist)
      xlim.lo = par()$usr[1:2]
    }else if(!is.null(vdir.lo)){
      maxdist = max(sapply(x["lags",], gsi.midValues.lagClass ) )
      xlim.lo = c(0, maxdist)

  opar = par(no.readonly = TRUE)
  if(closeplot) on.exit(par(opar))

  myplot = function(...) matplot(type=type, ylab="", xlab="",xaxt="n", ...)
  if(add) myplot = function(...) matpoints(type=type, ...)
    myplot(c(0,0), c(0,0), pch="", ann=FALSE, bty="n", yaxt="n")
    par(mfrow=c(Dv+1,Dv+1), mar=c(2,3,0,0), oma=c(1,4,1,1), xpd=NA)
  for(i in 1:Dv){
    for(j in 1:Dv){
        ylim = range(sapply(vdir.lo, function(kk) x["gamma",kk][[1]][,i,j]), na.rm = TRUE)
        if(commonAxis) ylim=range(sapply(vdir.lo, function(kk) x["gamma",kk][[1]][,,j]), na.rm=TRUE)
          sapply(vdir.lo, function(kk) gsi.midValues.lagClass(x["lags",kk][[1]])),
          sapply(vdir.lo, function(kk) x["gamma",kk][[1]][,i,j]),  ylim=ylim, ...)
          axis(side = 3)
          mtext(text=varnames[i], side = 3, line=3)
          mtext(text=varnames[i], side = 4, line=3)
        ylim = range(sapply(vdir.up, function(kk) x["gamma",kk][[1]][,i,j]), na.rm = TRUE)
        if(commonAxis) ylim=range(sapply(vdir.up, function(kk) x["gamma",kk][[1]][,,j]), na.rm=TRUE)
          sapply(vdir.up, function(kk) gsi.midValues.lagClass(x["lags",kk][[1]])),
          sapply(vdir.up, function(kk) x["gamma",kk][[1]][,i,j]),  ylim=ylim, ...)
          axis(side = 1)
          mtext(text=varnames[i], side = 1, line=3)
          mtext(text=varnames[i], side = 2, line=3)
  mtext(text="lag distance", side=1, outer = TRUE, line=0)
  mtext(text=c("semivariogram","covariance")[cov+1], side=2, outer = TRUE, line=2)
  attr(opar, "vdir.up")=vdir.up
  attr(opar, "vdir.lo")=vdir.lo

#' Convert empirical structural function to gmEVario format
#' Convert empirical covariance functions or variograms to the format gmEVario
#' of package gmGeostats
#' @param vgemp variogram/covariance function to be converted
#' @param ... further parameters
#' @return the empirical covariance function or variogram, recasted to class
#' \code{gmEVario}. This is a generic function. Methods exist for objects of
#' class \code{logratioVariogram}\code{logratioVariogramAnisotropy}
#' (for compositional data) and \code{gstatVariogram}
#' (from package \code{gstat}).
#' @export
#' @family gmEVario functions
# @aliases as.gmEVario.gstatVariogram as.gmEVario.logratioVariogram
#  as.gmEVario.logratioVariogramAnisotropy
as.gmEVario  <- function(vgemp,...){ UseMethod("as.gmEVario",vgemp)}

#' @describeIn as.gmEVario default method
#' @method as.gmEVario default 
#' @export
as.gmEVario.default  <- function(vgemp,...) vgemp

#' @describeIn variogramModelPlot.gmEVario Quick plotting of empirical and theoretical variograms
#' @export
variogramModelPlot <- function(vg, ...)  UseMethod("variogramModelPlot", vg)

#' Quick plotting of empirical and theoretical variograms
#' Quick and dirty plotting of empirical variograms/covariances with or without their models
#' @param vg empirical variogram or covariance function
#' @param model optional, theoretical variogram or covariance function
#' @param col colors to use for the several directional variograms
#' @param commonAxis boolean, should all plots in a row share the same vertical axis?
#' @param newfig boolean, should a new figure be created? otherwise user should ensure the device space is appropriately managed
#' @param closeplot logical, should the plot be left open (FALSE) for further changes, or be frozen (TRUE)?
#' defaults to TRUE
#' @param ... further parameters to underlying plot or matplot functions
#' @return The function is primarily called for producing a plot. However, it
#' invisibly returns the graphical parameters active before the call
#' occurred. This is useful for constructing complex diagrams, by adding layers
#' of info. If you want to "freeze" your plot, embed your call in another
#' call to \code{\link{par}}, e.g. \code{par(variogramModelPlot(...))}; if you
#' want to leave the plot open for further changes give the extra argument `closeplot=FALSE`.
#' @export
#' @family variogramModelPlot
#' @family gmEVario functions
#' @family gmCgram functions
#' @seealso [logratioVariogram()]
#' @method variogramModelPlot gmEVario
#' @examples
#' utils::data("variogramModels")
#' v1 = setCgram(type=vg.Gau, sill=diag(3)+0.5, anisRanges = 5e-1*diag(c(3,0.5)))
#' v2 = setCgram(type=vg.Exp, sill=0.3*diag(3), anisRanges = 5e-2*diag(2))
#' vm = v1+v2
#' plot(vm, closeplot=TRUE)
#' library(gstat)
#' data("jura", package = "gstat")
#' X = as.matrix(jura.pred[,1:2])
#' Z = as.matrix(jura.pred[,c("Zn","Cd","Pb")])
#' vge = gsi.EVario2D(X,Z)
#' variogramModelPlot(vge, vm)
variogramModelPlot.gmEVario <- function(vg, model = NULL,   # gstat  or variogramModelList object containing a variogram model fitted to vg
                                        col = rev(rainbow(ndirections(vg))),
                                        commonAxis = FALSE,
                                        newfig = TRUE, closeplot=TRUE, ...){
  opar = plot(vg, commonAxis=commonAxis, add=!newfig, col=col, closeplot=is.null(model), ...)
  opar = par_remove_readonly(opar)

  if(closeplot) on.exit(par(opar))
  vdir.lo = attr(opar, "vdir.lo")
  vdir.up = attr(opar, "vdir.up")
  # OTHERWISE: add the curves for the model
  aux = as.directorVector(attr(vg, "directions"))
  if(!is.null(vdir.lo)) vdir.lo = aux[vdir.lo,]
  if(!is.null(vdir.up)) vdir.up = aux[vdir.up,]
  opar = plot(as.gmCgram(model), vdir.up= vdir.up, vdir.lo= vdir.lo, add=TRUE, cov =FALSE, ...)
  #f = as.function(as.gmCgram(gg))
  #Dv = dim(vg$gamma)[2]
  #dirs = as.directorVector(attr(vg, "directions"))
  #Dg = ncol(dirs)
  #for(i in 1:Dv){
  #  for(j in 1:Dv){
  #    if((i>=j)&(!is.null(vdir.lo))){
  #      par(mfg=c(i+1,j,Dv+1,Dv+1))
  #      dirs.lo = dirs[vdir.lo,, drop=F]
  #      xlim = par()$usr[1:2]
  #      hd = seq(from=xlim[1], to=xlim[2], length.out = 200)
  #      Y = outer(hd, 1:nrow(dirs.lo), function(h,k){
  #        f(rep(0,Dg), dirs.lo[k,]*h)[i,j]
  #      })
  #      matlines(hd, Y, col=col[vdir.lo], ...)
  #    }
  #    if((i<=j)&(!is.null(vdir.up))){
  #      par(mfg=c(i,j+1,Dv+1,Dv+1))
   #     dirs.up = dirs[vdir.up,, drop=F]
  #      xlim = par()$usr[1:2]
  #      hd = seq(from=xlim[1], to=xlim[2], length.out = 200)
  #      Y = outer(hd, 1:nrow(dirs.up), function(h,k){
  #        f(rep(0,Dg), dirs.up[k,]*h)[i,j]
  #      })
  #      matlines(hd, Y, col=col[vdir.up], ...)
  #    }
  #  }}

#' Number of directions of an empirical variogram
#' Returns the number of directions at which an empirical variogram was computed
#' @param x empirical variogram object
#' @return Generic function. It provides the
#' number of directions at which an empirical variogram was computed
#' @export
#' @family gmEVario functions
#' @family gmCgram functions
#' @seealso [logratioVariogram()], [gstat::variogram()]
ndirections <- function(x){ UseMethod("ndirections", x) }

#' @describeIn ndirections generic method
#' @method ndirections default
#' @export
ndirections.default = function(x) nrow(x)
#' @describeIn ndirections method for objects of class "azimuth" (vectors of single angles)
#' @method ndirections azimuth
#' @export
ndirections.azimuth = function(x) length(x)
#' @describeIn ndirections method for objects of class "azimuthInterval" (data.frames of intervals for angles)
#' @method ndirections azimuthInterval
#' @export
ndirections.azimuthInterval = function(x) length(x[[1]])
#' @describeIn ndirections method for empirical logratio variograms with anisotropy
#' @method ndirections logratioVariogramAnisotropy
#' @export
ndirections.logratioVariogramAnisotropy = function(x) ndirections(attr(x,"directions"))
#' @describeIn ndirections method for empirical logratio variograms without anisotropy
#' @method ndirections logratioVariogram
#' @export
ndirections.logratioVariogram = function(x) 1
#' @describeIn ndirections method for empirical gmGeostats variograms
#' @method ndirections gmEVario
#' @export
ndirections.gmEVario = function(x) ndirections(attr(x,"directions"))
#' @describeIn ndirections method for empirical gstat variograms
#' @method ndirections gstatVariogram
#' @export
ndirections.gstatVariogram = function(x){
  length(unique(paste(x$dir.hor, x$dir.ver)))

#### internal functions -------------

gsi.azimuth = function(x){
   class(x) = c("azimuth","directionClass")

gsi.azimuthInterval = function(x){
  class(x) = c("azimuthInterval","directionClass")

gsi.directorVector = function(x){
  if(length(dim(x))!=2) stop("provided director vectors are not a matrix!")
  class(x) = c("directorVector", "directionClass")

print.directionClass = function(x, complete=TRUE, ...){
    print(unclass(x), ...)

#' Express a direction as a director vector
#' Internal methods to express a direction (in 2D or 3D) as director
#' vector(s). These functions are not intended for direct use.
#' @param x value of the direction in a certain representation
#' @param ... extra parameters for generic functionality
#' @return A 2- or 3- column matrix which rows represents the unit
#' director vector of each direction specified.
#' @export
as.directorVector <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("as.directorVector",x)

#' @describeIn as.directorVector default method
#' @method as.directorVector default
#' @export
as.directorVector.default = function(x, ...) x

#' @describeIn as.directorVector method for azimuths
#' @method as.directorVector azimuth
#' @param D dimension currently used (D=2 default; otherwise D=3; other values are not accepted)
#' @export
as.directorVector.azimuth = function(x, D=2, ...){
  res = cbind(cos(pi/2-x), sin(pi/2-x))
    res = cbind(res, matrix(0, ncol=D-2, nrow=nrow(res)))
  colnames(res) = paste("v", 1:ncol(res), sep="")

#' @describeIn as.directorVector method for azimuthIntervals
#' @method as.directorVector azimuthInterval
#' @export
as.directorVector.azimuthInterval = function(x, D=2, ...){
  res = (x[[1]]+x[[2]])/2

gsi.lagdists = function(x){
  class(x) = c("lagdist","lagClass")

gsi.lagClass = function(x){
  if(length(dim(x))!=2) stop("provided lag classes are not matrix-like!")
  class(x) = c("lagClass")

#' @method print lagClass
print.lagClass = function(x,...){
    print(as.data.frame(unclass(x)), ...)
    print(unclass(x), ...)

gsi.midValues <- function(x) UseMethod("gsi.midValues",x)

#' @method gsi.midValues default
gsi.midValues.default = function(x) x

#' @method gsi.midValues lagClass
gsi.midValues.lagClass <- function(x){ (x[[1]]+x[[2]])/2 }

#' @method gsi.midValues azimuthIntervals
gsi.midValues.azimuthInterval <- function(x){ (x[[1]]+x[[2]])/2 }

## theoretical structural functions
# S3 -> S4 classes
# cat("creating variogram model classes\n")

# abstract classes
#' @title Structural function model specification
#' @description Abstract class, containing any specification of a variogram (or covariance) model.
#' Members must implement a coercion method to
#' class "gmCgram" (see [setCgram()] for an example), and (possibly) coercion to
#' class "variogramModel" or "variogramModelList" (see [gstat::vgm()])
#' @export
#' @include compositionsCompatibility.R
#' @include gstatCompatibility.R
#' @include preparations.R
              members=c("NULL","gmCgram", "LMCAnisCompo", "variogramModelList", "variogramModel"))

# #### container class --------------
# # An S4 class to represent a Gaussian random field specification
# #
# # @slot structure ModelStructuralFunctionSpecification. Variogram or
# # (generalised) covariance function specification, typically an object
# # obtained from a call to functions such as \code{\link{setCgram}},
# # \code{\link{LMCAnisCompo}} or \code{gstat::vgm}.
# # @slot formula formula specifying the structure
# # of dependence of the mean of the random field w.r.to spatial coordinates
# # and/or covariables; typically it will have no left-hand-side term;
# # @slot beta numeric, a vector with as many coefficients as terms the formula
# # above requires for a full specification of the trend; if unknown, these can
# # be NAs, as many as needed.
# #
# # @return A object with the slots populated as given
# # @export
# # @seealso [gmSpatialModel-class], and the `make.gm*` functions referenced there
# setClass("gmGaussianModel",
#          slots = list(structure = "ModelStructuralFunctionSpecification",
#                       formula="formula",
#                       beta = "structure")
# )
# #setMethod("initialize", signature="gmGaussianModel",
# #          def=function(.Object, structure, formula, beta){
# #            .Object@formula = formula
# #            .Object@beta = beta
# #            if(!is.null(structure)) .Object@structure = structure
# #            return(.Object)
# #          }
# #)

#### container class --------------
# An S4 class to represent a Gaussian random field specification
# @slot structure ModelStructuralFunctionSpecification. Variogram or
# (generalised) covariance function specification, typically an object
# obtained from a call to functions such as \code{\link{setCgram}},
# \code{\link{LMCAnisCompo}} or \code{gstat::vgm}.
# @slot formula formula specifying the structure
# of dependence of the mean of the random field w.r.to spatial coordinates
# and/or covariables; typically it will have no left-hand-side term;
# @slot beta numeric, a vector with as many coefficients as terms the formula
# above requires for a full specification of the trend; if unknown, these can
# be NAs, as many as needed.
# @return A object with the slots populated as given
# @export
# @seealso [gmSpatialModel-class], and the `make.gm*` functions referenced there
         slots = list(structure = "ModelStructuralFunctionSpecification",
                      beta = "numeric")

## empirical structural functions
# S3 -> S4 classes
# cat("creating empirical variogram classes\n")

# abstract classes
#' @title Empirical structural function specification
#' @description Abstract class, containing any specification of an empirical variogram
#' (or covariance function, or variations). Members must implement a coercion method to
#' class "gmEVario" (see [gsi.EVario2D()] for an example), and (possibly) coercion to
#' class "gstatVariogram" (see [gstat::variogram()])
#' @export
#' @include compositionsCompatibility.R
#' @include gstatCompatibility.R
#' @include preparations.R
setClassUnion(name="EmpiricalStructuralFunctionSpecification", members=c("NULL","gmEVario", "logratioVariogram", "logratioVariogramAnisotropy", "gstatVariogram"))

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gmGeostats documentation built on April 18, 2023, 5:08 p.m.