
Defines functions print.summary.gmeta.e summary.gmeta.e print.gmeta.e print.summary.gmeta.m summary.gmeta.m print.gmeta.m print.summary.gmeta.p summary.gmeta.p print.gmeta.p gmeta.peto gmeta.MH gmeta.exact.LT test.size.error gmeta.exact.combine gmeta.exact.indiv gmeta.e gmeta.cdpvt.combine.de gmeta.cdpvt.combine.gaussian gmeta.cdpvt.combine gmeta.cdpvt.dproc.pivot gmeta.cdpvt.dproc.cd gmeta.cdpvt.dproc gmeta.m psumunif R.pvalue.combine Cpvaluecombine gmeta.p gmeta.check.study.names gmeta.check.gmo.xgrid.2x2 gmeta.check.gmo.xgrid.pvalue gmeta.check.gmo.xgrid.pivot gmeta.check.gmo.xgrid.cd gmeta.check.gmo.xgrid gmeta.check.weight gmeta.check.gmi gmeta.default gmeta pFNCHypergeo.wrap adjust.beta .Estimates.1arm .Estimates .Integrate .conditionalMLE midp.oddsratio .quantileCD .convolution.de.vfunc .convolution.de convolution.sim GtauEB2 GtauREML2 GtauML2 GtauHE2 GtauSJ2 GtauHS2 GtauDL2 Gtau2m Gtau2 gmeta.cd.mdncis gmeta.cd.stddev gmeta.cd.median gmeta.cd.mean gmeta.plot.cdf gmeta.plot.cvs gmeta.plot.cdd plot.gmeta.e plot.gmeta.m plot.gmeta

Documented in gmeta gmeta.default plot.gmeta plot.gmeta.e plot.gmeta.m print.gmeta.e print.gmeta.m print.gmeta.p print.summary.gmeta.e print.summary.gmeta.m print.summary.gmeta.p summary.gmeta.e summary.gmeta.m summary.gmeta.p

# R package: generalized meta-analysis (gmeta), file gmeta.r 
# R interface to meta-analysis based on combine confidence distributions (CDs)

# *****************************************************************************
#    main
# *****************************************************************************
## plot functions
plot.gmeta <- function(gmo, studies=NULL,
'confidence-curve', 'cv',
'confidence-distribution', 'cdf'),
type='l', xlab='x', ylab='density', xlim=NULL, ylim=NULL, ...) {
    UseMethod("plot", gmo);

###plot functions - model based meta-anlaysis
plot.gmeta.m <- function(x, studies=NULL,
'confidence-curve', 'cv',
'confidence-distribution', 'cdf'),
type='l', xlab='x', ylab='density', xlim=NULL, ylim=NULL, ...) {
    # match plot.option
    mfplot <- match.call()
    plot.option = match.arg(plot.option)
    # plot.individual.studies
    # if ( is.null(studies) ) {
    # # take all studies
    # gmi     <- x$input
    # nn1     <- ifelse(is.list(gmi), length(gmi), dim(gmi)[1])
    # studies <- c(1:nn1)
    # }
    # plot via plot.option
    if ( plot.option == 'confidence-density' ) {
        gmeta.plot.cdd(x, studies, type, xlab, ylab, xlim, ylim, ...)
    } else if ( plot.option == 'cv' || plot.option == 'confidence-curve' ) {
        if ( ylab == 'density' ) {
            ylab = 'confidence curve'
        gmeta.plot.cvs(x, studies, type, xlab, ylab, xlim, ylim, ...)
    } else if ( plot.option == 'cdf' || plot.option == 'confidence-distribution' ) {
        if ( ylab == 'density' ) {
            ylab = 'confidence distribution'
        gmeta.plot.cdf(x, studies, type, xlab, ylab, xlim, ylim, ...)
    } else {
        stop('plot.option not recognize')

###plot functions - combine evidence from 2x2 tables
plot.gmeta.e <- function(x, studies=NULL,
'confidence-curve', 'cv',
'confidence-distribution', 'cdf'),
type='l', xlab='x', ylab='confidence density', xlim=NULL, ylim=NULL, ...) {
    # match plot.option
    mfplot <- match.call()
    plot.option = match.arg(plot.option)
    # plot.individual.studies
    # if ( is.null(studies) ) {
    # # take all studies
    # gmi     <- x$input
    # nn1     <- ifelse(is.list(gmi), length(gmi), dim(gmi)[1])
    # studies <- c(1:nn1)
    # }
    # take only non-zero/zero-event studies
    idx     <- studies[is.na(x$individual.mean)[studies]]
    studies <- studies[!is.na(x$individual.mean)[studies]]
    if ( length(idx) != 0 ) {
        for (i in idx) {
            cat('The confidence distribution of study', i, 'cannot be plot because it contains zero-zero events.','\n')
    # plot via plot.option
    if ( plot.option == 'confidence-density' ) {
        gmeta.plot.cdd(x, studies, type, xlab, ylab, xlim, ylim, ...)
    } else if ( plot.option == 'cv' || plot.option == 'confidence-curve' ) {
        if ( ylab == 'confidence density' ) {
            ylab = 'confidence curve'
        gmeta.plot.cvs(x, studies, type, xlab, ylab, xlim, ylim, ...)
    } else if ( plot.option == 'cdf' || plot.option == 'confidence-distribution' ) {
        if ( ylab == 'confidence density' ) {
            ylab = 'confidence distribution'
        gmeta.plot.cdf(x, studies, type, xlab, ylab, xlim, ylim, ...)
    } else {
        stop('plot.option not recognize')

###plot functions - shared by model based and exact methods on 2x2 tables
gmeta.plot.cdd <- function(x, studies, type, xlab, ylab, xlim, ylim, ...) {
    #e <- studies
    # number of layers
    nn <- length(studies) + 1 # individual studies + combined CD
    # extract study names
    enames <- c(x$study.names[studies], 'combined.density')
    # x.grids
    x.grids <- x$x.grids
    # individual CDs
    ecds <- x$individual.cds[studies, ]
    # individual densities
    edns <- NULL
    for (i in studies) {
        edns <- rbind(edns, F2f(x.grids, x$individual.cds[i, ]))
    # individual and combined density
    edns <- rbind(edns, x$combined.density)
    # unified y-range on all layers for visual comparison
    if ( !is.null(studies) ) {
        if ( max(edns, na.rm=T) > 1 ) {
            edns <- edns / max(edns, na.rm=T)
    # individual and combined medians
    mdn <- c(x$individual.medians[studies], x$combined.median)
    # individual and combined confidence intervals
    emdncis <- rbind(x$individual.cis[studies,], x$combined.ci)
    # set lower/upper bound
    if ( !is.null(xlim) ) {
        xl <- min(xlim)
        xu <- max(xlim)
    } else {
        xl <- min(x.grids)
        xu <- max(x.grids)
    # set study.names position
    xnames <- xl
    # plot
    if ( !is.null(studies) ) {
        plot(0, type='n', xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, xlim=c(xl,xu), ylim=c(0,nn), yaxt='n')
    } else {
        plot(0, type='n', xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, xlim=c(xl,xu), ylim=c(0,ceiling(max(edns))), yaxt='n')
    for ( i in 1:nn ) {
        # supporting line
        abline(h=i-1, lty=2)
        # plot of density
        lines(x.grids, edns[i, ]+i-1, lty=1)
        # mark median, ci.lower, ci.upper
        points(mdn[i], i-1, cex=1, col='dark red')
        points(emdncis[i,1], i-1, pch='[', cex=1, col='dark red')
        points(emdncis[i,2], i-1, pch=']', cex=1, col='dark red')
        # legend study.names
        legend(xnames, i-0.5, legend=paste('#', enames[i], sep=''), bty='n')
    # overall median
    abline(v=x$combined.median, lty=2)
gmeta.plot.cvs <- function(gmo, studies, type, xlab, ylab, xlim, ylim, ...) {
    # number of layers
    nn <- length(studies) + 1 # individual studies + combined CD
    # extract study names
    enames <- c(gmo$study.names[studies], 'combined.cv')
    # x.grids
    x.grids <- gmo$x.grids
    # construct individual and combined CVs
    combined.cv    <- 1 - 2 * abs( gmo$combined.cd - 0.5 )
    individual.cvs <- 1 - 2 * abs( gmo$individual.cds - 0.5 )
    # set cvs
    ecvs <- rbind(individual.cvs[studies,], combined.cv)
    # individual and combined medians
    mdn <- c(gmo$individual.medians[studies], gmo$combined.median)
    # individual and combined confidence intervals
    emdncis <- rbind(gmo$individual.cis[studies,], gmo$combined.ci)
    # set lower/upper bound
    if ( !is.null(xlim) ) {
        xl <- min(xlim)
        xu <- max(xlim)
    } else {
        xl <- min(x.grids)
        xu <- max(x.grids)
    # set study.names position
    xnames <- xl
    # plot
    if ( !is.null(studies) ) {
        plot(0, type='n', xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, xlim=c(xl,xu), ylim=c(0,nn), yaxt='n')
    } else {
        plot(0, type='n', xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, xlim=c(xl,xu), ylim=c(0,ceiling(max(ecvs))), yaxt='n')
    for ( i in 1:nn ) {
        # supporting line
        abline(h=i-1, lty=2)
        # plot of density
        lines(x.grids, ecvs[i, ]+i-1, lty=1)
        # mark median, ci.lower, ci.upper
        points(mdn[i], i-1, cex=1, col='dark red')
        points(emdncis[i,1], i-1, pch='[', cex=1, col='dark red')
        points(emdncis[i,2], i-1, pch=']', cex=1, col='dark red')
        # legend study.names
        legend(xnames, i-0.5, legend=paste('#', enames[i], sep=''), bty='n')
    # overall median
    abline(v=gmo$combined.median, lty=2)
gmeta.plot.cdf <- function(gmo, studies, type, xlab, ylab, xlim, ylim, ...) {
    #e <- studies
    # number of layers
    nn <- length(studies) + 1 # individual studies + combined CD
    # extract study names
    enames <- c(gmo$study.names[studies], 'combined.cdf')
    # x.grids
    x.grids <- gmo$x.grids
    # individual CDs
    ecds <- gmo$individual.cds[studies, ]
    # individual and combined CDs
    ecds <- rbind(ecds, gmo$combined.cd)
    # unified y-range on all layers for visual comparison
    if ( !is.null(studies) ) {
        if ( max(ecds, na.rm=T) > 1 ) {
            ecds <- ecds / max(ecds, na.rm=T)
    # individual and combined medians
    mdn <- c(gmo$individual.medians[studies], gmo$combined.median)
    # individual and combined confidence intervals
    emdncis <- rbind(gmo$individual.cis[studies,], gmo$combined.ci)
    # set lower/upper bound
    if ( !is.null(xlim) ) {
        xl <- min(xlim)
        xu <- max(xlim)
    } else {
        xl <- min(x.grids)
        xu <- max(x.grids)
    # set study.names position
    xnames <- xl
    # plot
    if ( !is.null(studies) ) {
        plot(0, type='n', xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, xlim=c(xl,xu), ylim=c(0,nn), yaxt='n')
    } else {
        plot(0, type='n', xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, xlim=c(xl,xu), ylim=c(0,ceiling(max(ecds))), yaxt='n')
    for ( i in 1:nn ) {
        # supporting line
        abline(h=i-1, lty=2)
        # plot of CDs
        lines(x.grids, ecds[i, ]+i-1, lty=1)
        # mark median, ci.lower, ci.upper
        points(mdn[i], i-1, cex=1, col='dark red')
        points(emdncis[i,1], i-1, pch='[', cex=1, col='dark red')
        points(emdncis[i,2], i-1, pch=']', cex=1, col='dark red')
        # legend study.names
        legend(xnames, i-0.5, legend=paste('#', enames[i], sep=''), bty='n')
    # overall median
    abline(v=gmo$combined.median, lty=2)

# postprocessing [done]

# *****************************************************************************
#    other functions used in this package
# *****************************************************************************
# other functions used in this package

### using CD to make inference
### get mean, median, sd, ci, given cd, used everywhere
##### get mean from cd
gmeta.cd.mean <- function(x, cd) {
    x  =  x[!is.na(cd)]
    cd = cd[!is.na(cd)]
    if ( length(unique(cd)) == 1 ) {
        mn <- NA
    } else if (length(x) == length(cd)) {
        dn <- F2f(x,cd) # density
        mn <- sum(x*dn, na.rm=T) / sum(dn, na.rm=T) # mean
    } else {
        stop('length of x is not the same as length of cd.')
##### get median from cd
gmeta.cd.median <- function(x, cd) {
    x  =  x[!is.na(cd)]
    cd = cd[!is.na(cd)]
    if ( length(unique(cd)) == 1 ) {
        mdn <- NA
    } else {
        # same as approx in
        # gmeta.cd.mdncis()
        x1 <- rev(x[cd<0.5])[1]
        x2 <- x[cd>0.5][1]
        y1 <- rev(cd[cd<0.5])[1]
        y2 <- cd[cd>0.5][1]
        # linear interpolation
        mdn <- x1+(x2-x1)/(y2-y1)*(0.5-y1)
##### get stddev from cd
gmeta.cd.stddev <- function(x, cd) {
    x  =  x[!is.na(cd)]
    cd = cd[!is.na(cd)]
    if ( length(unique(cd)) == 1 ) {
        sdv <- NA
    } else {
        sdv <- diff(approx(x=cd, y=x, xout=c(0.25,0.75), ties='mean')$y) / (qnorm(0.75) - qnorm(0.25))
##### get ci&median from cd
gmeta.cd.mdncis <- function(x, cd, alpha) {
    x  =  x[!is.na(cd)]
    cd = cd[!is.na(cd)]
    if ( length(unique(cd)) == 1 ) {
        mdncis <- c(NA, NA, NA)
    } else {
        mdncis <- approx(x=cd, y=x, xout=c(alpha/2, 0.5 ,1-alpha/2), ties='mean')$y

### computing density(pdf) from distribution(cdf), used everywhere
### mainly used for getting CD density from CD distribution, NA on two end to avoid sudden jump
F2f<-function (x, Fx) {
    fx = diff(Fx, lag = 2)/diff(x, lag = 2)
    fx = c(NA, fx, NA) # match the length of x-fx-cdf
    # n.xgrids
    n = length(fx)
    # liner extrapolation
    fx[1] = max(0, (fx[2]-fx[3])/(x[2]-x[3]) * (x[1]-x[2]) + fx[2])
    fx[n] = max(0, (fx[n-1]-fx[n-2])/(x[n-1]-x[n-2]) * (x[n]-x[n-1]) + fx[n-1])
    # return
    #[update in v2.0: previously #return(c(NA, fx, NA)) # NA so that the edge of the plot of density is right.]

## [p-value combination tools]
## [update: p-value combination is implemented in C under this version]
## [p-value combination tools - done]

## [model based methods tools]

### computing tau2
### used in model based meta-analysis, random-effects models, estimate of tau2
##### Gtau2 - robust heterogeneity tau2 function
Gtau2 <- function(theta, sigma, method) {
    # calculate tau2 by method
    if ( method == 'random-mm' ) {
        tau2 <- GtauDL2(theta, sigma)
    else if ( method == 'random-reml' ) {
        tau2 <- GtauREML2(theta, sigma)
    else if ( method == 'random-robust1' ) {
        tau2 <- GtauREML2(theta, sigma)
    else if ( method == 'random-robust2' ) {
        tau2 <- GtauREML2(theta, sigma)
    else if ( method == 'random-robust2(sqrt12)' ) {
        tau2 <- GtauREML2(theta, sigma)
    else {
        tau2 <- 0 # for fixed effects models
        #cat('\nmethod not recongize\n') #commentOut
    # return
##### Gtau2m() methods for tau2
Gtau2m <- function(theta, sigma, tau2method) {
    # calculate tau2 by method-name
    if ( tau2method == 'DL' ) {
        tau2 <- GtauDL2(theta, sigma)
    else if ( tau2method == 'HS' ) {
        tau2 <- GtauHS2(theta, sigma)
    else if ( tau2method == 'SJ' ) {
        tau2 <- GtauSJ2(theta, sigma)
    else if ( tau2method == 'HE' ) {
        tau2 <- GtauHE2(theta, sigma)
    else if ( tau2method == 'ML' ) {
        tau2 <- GtauML2(theta, sigma)
    else if ( tau2method == 'REML' ) {
        tau2 <- GtauREML2(theta, sigma)
    else if ( tau2method == 'EB' ) {
        tau2 <- GtauEB2(theta, sigma)
    else {
        stop('tau2method not recongize.')
    # return
##### Get tauDL2
# ?update: need robust version
GtauDL2 <- function(theta, sigma) {
    nn1 = length(theta)
    wis <- 1 / sigma^2
    theta.mle <- sum(theta * wis) / sum(wis)
    q.w <- sum(wis * (theta - theta.mle)^2)
    tauDL2 <- max(0, (q.w - (nn1-1) ) / (sum(wis) - sum(wis^2)/sum(wis)) )
##### Get tauHS2
GtauHS2 <- function(theta, sigma) {
    nn1 = length(theta)
    wis <- 1 / sigma^2
    theta.mle <- sum(theta * wis) / sum(wis)
    q.w <- sum(wis * (theta - theta.mle)^2)
    tauHS2 <- max(0, (q.w - nn1) / sum(wis))
##### Get tauSJ2
GtauSJ2 <- function(theta, sigma) {
    nn1 = length(theta)
    tauSJ2 <- var(theta) * (nn1 - 1)/nn1
    wis <- 1 / (sigma^2 + tauSJ2)
    theta.mle <- sum(theta * wis) / sum(wis)
    q.w <- sum(wis * (theta - theta.mle)^2)
    tauSJ2 <- max(0, tauSJ2 * q.w / (nn1 - 1))
##### Get tauHE2
GtauHE2 <- function(theta, sigma) {
    nn1 = length(theta)
    wis <- rep(1, nn1)
    theta.mle <- sum(theta * wis) / sum(wis)
    q.w <- sum(wis * (theta - theta.mle)^2)
    adj.w <- sum(sigma^2) * (nn1 - 1) / nn1
    tauHE2 <- max(0, (q.w - adj.w) / (nn1 - 1))
##### Get tauML2
GtauML2 <- function(theta, sigma) {
    nn1 = length(theta)
    # initialization
    tauML2 = max(0, GtauHE2(theta, sigma))
    # update
    nloop = 0
    absch = 1 # absolute change in tauML2 value
    while ( absch > 10^(-5) ) {
        nloop = nloop + 1
        if ( nloop > 10^5 ) {
            stop("tauML2 via MLE method does not converge.")
        else {
            tauML2O <- tauML2 # tauML2Old
            # update wML
            wML <- 1 / (sigma^2 + tauML2)
            WML <- diag(wML) - wML %o% wML / sum(wML)
            # update tauML2
            adj.tauML2 <- (t(theta) %*% WML %*% WML %*% theta - sum(wML)) / sum(wML^2)
            while ( tauML2 + adj.tauML2 < 0 ) {
                adj.tauML2 <- adj.tauML2 / 2
            tauML2 <- tauML2 + adj.tauML2
            absch <- abs(tauML2 - tauML2O)
    # return
    return(max(0, tauML2))
##### Get tauREML2
GtauREML2 <- function(theta, sigma) {
    nn1 = length(theta)
    # adopt tauHE2 as initial tauREML2
    tauR2 <- GtauHE2(theta, sigma)
    # update
    nloop = 0
    absch = 1 # absolute change in tauR2 value
    while ( absch > 10^(-5) ) {
        nloop = nloop + 1
        if ( nloop > 10^5 ) {
            stop("tauREML2 via REML method does not converge.")
        else {
            tauR2O <- tauR2 # tauR2Old
            # update thetaR, wR
            wR <- 1/(sigma^2 + tauR2O)
            thetaR <- sum(wR*theta) / sum(wR)
            # update tauR
            tauR2 <- sum(wR^2*(nn1/(nn1-1)*(theta-thetaR)^2 - sigma^2)) / sum(wR^2)
            absch <- abs(tauR2 - tauR2O)
    # return
    return(max(0, tauR2))
##### Get tauEB2
GtauEB2 <- function(theta, sigma) {
    nn1 = length(theta)
    # initialization
    tauEB2 <- max(0, GtauHE2(theta, sigma))
    # update
    nloop = 0
    absch = 1 # absolute change in tauEB2 value
    while ( absch > 10^(-5) ) {
        nloop = nloop + 1
        if ( nloop > 10^5 ) {
            stop("tauEB2 via EB method does not converge.")
        else {
            tauEB2O <- tauEB2 # tauEB2Old
            # update thetaEB, wEB
            wEB <- 1 / (sigma^2 + tauEB2)
            thetaEB <- sum(theta * wEB) / sum(wEB)
            adj.w <- sum(wEB * (theta - thetaEB)^2)
            # update tauEB2
            adj.tauEB2 <- 1/sum(wEB)*(adj.w*nn1/(nn1-1)-nn1)
            while (tauEB2 + adj.tauEB2 < 0) {
                adj.tauEB2 <- adj.tauEB2 / 2
            tauEB2 <- tauEB2 + adj.tauEB2
            absch <- abs(tauEB2 - tauEB2O)
    # return
    return(max(0, tauEB2))

### compute convolution distribution, used in double exp
convolution.sim <- function(rF0, weight, m=1e5) {
    k = length(weight)
    yy = numeric(m)
    for (i in c(1:m)) {
        yy[i] <- sum(rF0(k)*weight)
### compute convolution distribution
### update in v2.0 - exact distribution functions
.convolution.de <- function(rF0, weight, verbose, m=1e5) {
    k = length(weight)
    if ( k <= 41 && all( weight == 1 ) ) {
        # return
        convolutionDEfunc <- .convolution.de.vfunc(k)
    } else {
        # verbose
        if ( verbose ) {
            if ( k > 41 ) {
                cat('\nlarge number of study, convolution distribution obtained by simulation.\n') #commentOut
            if ( ! all( weight == 1 ) ) {
                cat('\nwarning: NOT all one weight, convolution distribution obtained by simulation.\n') #commentOut
        # return
        convolutionDEfunc <- convolution.sim(rF0, weight, m=m)
    # return
    return( convolutionDEfunc )
# exact DE convolution disribution function k=1-41
.convolution.de.vfunc <- function(k) {
    # v1
    v1 <- function(x) {
        return( 1 )
    # v2
    v2 <- function(x) {
        return( x/2 + 1 )
    # v3
    v3 <- function(x) {
        return( x^2/8 + (5*x)/8 + 1 )
    # v4
    v4 <- function(x) {
        return( x^3/48 + (3*x^2)/16 + (11*x)/16 + 1 )
    # v5
    v5 <- function(x) {
        return( x^4/384 + (7*x^3)/192 + (29*x^2)/128 + (93*x)/128 + 1 )
    # v6
    v6 <- function(x) {
        return( x^5/3840 + x^4/192 + (37*x^3)/768 + (65*x^2)/256 + (193*x)/256 + 1 )
    # v7
    v7 <- function(x) {
        return( x^6/46080 + (3*x^5)/5120 + (23*x^4)/3072 + (11*x^3)/192 + (281*x^2)/1024 + (793*x)/1024 + 1 )
    # v8
    v8 <- function(x) {
        return( x^7/645120 + x^6/18432 + (7*x^5)/7680 + (29*x^4)/3072 + (397*x^3)/6144 + (595*x^2)/2048 + (1619*x)/2048 + 1 )
    # v9
    v9 <- function(x) {
        return( x^8/10321920 + (11*x^7)/2580480 + (67*x^6)/737280 + (299*x^5)/245760 + (1093*x^4)/98304 + (3473*x^3)/49152 + (9949*x^2)/32768 + (26333*x)/32768 + 1 )
    # v10
    v10 <- function(x) {
        return( x^9/185794560 + x^8/3440640 + (79*x^7)/10321920 + (21*x^6)/163840 + (1471*x^5)/983040 + (103*x^4)/8192 + (14893*x^3)/196608 + (20613*x^2)/65536 + (53381*x)/65536 + 1 )
    # v11
    v11 <- function(x) {
        return( x^10/3715891200 + (13*x^9)/743178240 + (23*x^8)/41287680 + (47*x^7)/4128768 + (647*x^6)/3932160 + (459*x^5)/262144 + (10889*x^4)/786432 + (15751*x^3)/196608 + (84883*x^2)/262144 + (215955*x)/262144 + 1 )
    # v12
    v12 <- function(x) {
        return( x^11/81749606400 + x^10/1061683200 + (53*x^9)/1486356480 + x^8/1146880 + (839*x^7)/55050240 + (1567*x^6)/7864320 + (1559*x^5)/786432 + (11773*x^4)/786432 + (131975*x^3)/1572864 + (173965*x^2)/524288 + (436109*x)/524288 + 1 )
    # v13
    v13 <- function(x) {
        return( (x^12 + 90*x^11 + 3993*x^10 + 115005*x^9 + 2386395*x^8 + 37469520*x^7 + 455259420*x^6 + 4302906300*x^5 + 31335467625*x^4 + 171172905750*x^3 + 664761133575*x^2 + 1645756410375*x + 1961990553600)/1961990553600 )
    # v14
    v14 <- function(x) {
        return( (x^13 + 104*x^12 + 5343*x^11 + 178893*x^10 + 4341480*x^9 + 80424630*x^8 + 1167180300*x^7 + 13408094700*x^6 + 121696499925*x^5 + 860553193500*x^4 + 4601737965825*x^3 + 17600023616175*x^2 + 43105900812975*x + 51011754393600)/51011754393600 )
    # v15
    v15 <- function(x) {
        return( (x^14 + 119*x^13 + 7007*x^12 + 269724*x^11 + 7561554*x^10 + 162912750*x^9 + 2775672900*x^8 + 37918881000*x^7 + 416674583325*x^6 + 3659572691775*x^5 + 25255014609825*x^4 + 132643472761800*x^3 + 500706514833525*x^2 + 1214871076343925*x + 1428329123020800)/1428329123020800 )
    # v16
    v16 <- function(x) {
        return( (x^15 + 135*x^14 + 9030*x^13 + 395850*x^12 + 12686310*x^11 + 314143830*x^10 + 6196840650*x^9 + 98983684800*x^8 + 1288808846325*x^7 + 13659762691575*x^6 + 116744331904200*x^5 + 789273852617250*x^4 + 4082080279402125*x^3 + 15234653491682625*x^2 + 36659590336994625*x + 42849873690624000)/42849873690624000 )
    # v17
    v17 <- function(x) {
        return( (x^16 + 152*x^15 + 11460*x^14 + 567420*x^13 + 20603310*x^12 + 580556340*x^11 + 13108004910*x^10 + 241511019750*x^9 + 3664417281525*x^8 + 45879983849700*x^7 + 471898161885150*x^6 + 3941370814030650*x^5 + 26181748152685125*x^4 + 133614981594344250*x^3 + 493699195087473375*x^2 + 1179297174137457375*x + 1371195958099968000)/1371195958099968000 )
    # v18
    v18 <- function(x) {
        return( (x^17 + 170*x^16 + 14348*x^15 + 796620*x^14 + 32519130*x^13 + 1033829160*x^12 + 26460800730*x^11 + 556103137590*x^10 + 9702192775275*x^9 + 141154833169350*x^8 + 1710657725827050*x^7 + 17154519346814850*x^6 + 140481501759573975*x^5 + 919067426174898000*x^4 + 4635763624512145125*x^3 + 16977671416936605375*x^2 + 40288002704636061375*x + 46620662575398912000)/46620662575398912000 )
    # v19
    v19 <- function(x) {
        return( (x^18 + 189*x^17 + 17748*x^16 + 1097928*x^15 + 50044770*x^14 + 1781769150*x^13 + 51272700570*x^12 + 1217623155840*x^11 + 24160874352615*x^10 + 403114038101775*x^9 + 5662993054568850*x^8 + 66763593395799300*x^7 + 655117082164019475*x^6 + 5273993980721691225*x^5 + 34045921262108881125*x^4 + 169957871025837394500*x^3 + 617528830880480644125*x^2 + 1456700757237661060125*x + 1678343852714360832000)/1678343852714360832000 )
    # v20
    v20 <- function(x) {
        return( (x^19 + 209*x^18 + 21717*x^17 + 1488384*x^16 + 75297114*x^15 + 2982843630*x^14 + 95816929320*x^13 + 2550713370660*x^12 + 57036699560295*x^11 + 1079618519974995*x^10 + 17353300159520325*x^9 + 236653385032864800*x^8 + 2724788477433797775*x^7 + 26237740609970314425*x^6 + 208087722625924691550*x^5 + 1327519193937539352750*x^4 + 6566054316784789451625*x^3 + 23687738668934964248625*x^2 + 55576271870507820056625*x + 63777066403145711616000)/63777066403145711616000 )
    # v21
    v21 <- function(x) {
        return( (x^20 + 230*x^19 + 26315*x^18 + 1987875*x^17 + 111018330*x^16 + 4865271480*x^15 + 173370863700*x^14 + 5137770462300*x^13 + 128456673938775*x^12 + 2733682807223550*x^11 + 49741855758770175*x^10 + 774605689977994875*x^9 + 10297696798485471375*x^8 + 116155760365285641000*x^7 + 1100170903364915382000*x^6 + 8610589485844903557000*x^5 + 54356745298536206150625*x^4 + 266631748389972173958750*x^3 + 955710341290036461504375*x^2 + 2231251669352950693824375*x + 2551082656125828464640000)/2551082656125828464640000 )
    # v22
    v22 <- function(x) {
        return( (x^21 + 252*x^20 + 31605*x^19 + 2619435*x^18 + 160715205*x^17 + 7751748060*x^16 + 304733193660*x^15 + 9992154645900*x^14 + 277452017345475*x^13 + 6587383025386800*x^12 + 134486022782700225*x^11 + 2366345074258640475*x^10 + 35859684567759302250*x^9 + 466277451513791667750*x^8 + 5165622516149912817000*x^7 + 48216742006981857309000*x^6 + 372948556274797637759625*x^5 + 2332188069734348007682500*x^4 + 11354348528498951245895625*x^3 + 40459665320954409153999375*x^2 + 94032401099596806911439375*x + 107145471557284795514880000)/107145471557284795514880000 )
    # v23
    v23 <- function(x) {
        return( (x^22 + 275*x^21 + 37653*x^20 + 3409560*x^19 + 228820515*x^18 + 12091058595*x^17 + 521782139340*x^16 + 18829417262040*x^15 + 577216656722475*x^14 + 15188395563096525*x^13 + 345282279595077825*x^12 + 6804383826087747900*x^11 + 116315417092553078400*x^10 + 1721366411385367246500*x^9 + 21951610770646412856000*x^8 + 239344775104528631538000*x^7 + 2205184752540108215501625*x^6 + 16877181764451455880307875*x^5 + 104641871317872871553195625*x^4 + 505987954989411410235720000*x^3 + 1793338344579681991379413125*x^2 + 4150538718839947492706773125*x + 4714400748520531002654720000)/4714400748520531002654720000 )
    # v24
    v24 <- function(x) {
        return( (x^23 + 299*x^22 + 44528*x^21 + 4388538*x^20 + 320878635*x^19 + 18498033015*x^18 + 872422838595*x^17 + 34482881442240*x^16 + 1160928591845715*x^15 + 33659328578215725*x^14 + 846499333177263150*x^13 + 18543981332320393950*x^12 + 354468851005624254900*x^11 + 5908721426717278068900*x^10 + 85642167991905000976500*x^9 + 1073505984389092320066000*x^8 + 11539630981616724845483625*x^7 + 105084571866055784500372875*x^6 + 796606323660382562645818500*x^5 + 4900946550340072015469936250*x^4 + 23550820409124372631515373125*x^3 + 83057425880345955113400950625*x^2 + 191488643096318168174459510625*x + 216862434431944426122117120000)/216862434431944426122117120000 )
    # v25
    v25 <- function(x) {
        return( (x^24 + 324*x^23 + 52302*x^22 + 5590794*x^21 + 443757699*x^20 + 27803513430*x^19 + 1427363829045*x^18 + 61527989438685*x^17 + 2264380797997395*x^16 + 71969972109124320*x^15 + 1990916504836597800*x^14 + 48171457993524604200*x^13 + 1022052178969158437100*x^12 + 19024068913925375500200*x^11 + 310173582207161567594700*x^10 + 4413550536073387358149500*x^9 + 54479870357180417648123625*x^8 + 578209442112341503165201500*x^7 + 5210158342034725511661479250*x^6 + 39155018467736522209240131750*x^5 + 239192468624087541312192568125*x^4 + 1142844344290942723531592741250*x^3 + 4012130233592232103390903239375*x^2 + 9216828659958898330321714119375*x + 10409396852733332453861621760000)/10409396852733332453861621760000 )
    # v26
    v26 <- function(x) {
        return( (x^25 + 350*x^24 + 61050*x^23 + 7055250*x^22 + 605890725*x^21 + 41116244400*x^20 + 2289272745375*x^19 + 107203631968125*x^18 + 4294804449474000*x^17 + 148958919241035750*x^16 + 4509865528655949000*x^15 + 119844452167642125000*x^14 + 2804396124729568792500*x^13 + 57862051714753396110000*x^12 + 1052112269850251212102500*x^11 + 16820493824359850061937500*x^10 + 235435442336189299332253125*x^9 + 2866363997113919044386393750*x^8 + 30073164352865410147765143750*x^7 + 268401985517264444722345218750*x^6 + 2001168299672231040727998496875*x^5 + 12145697900998969623892450875000*x^4 + 57725814415266540109375762078125*x^3 + 201799079872386039293085069609375*x^2 + 462034001190719350639625613609375*x + 520469842636666622693081088000000)/520469842636666622693081088000000 )
    # v27
    v27 <- function(x) {
        return( (x^26 + 377*x^25 + 70850*x^24 + 8825700*x^23 + 817548225*x^22 + 59898856875*x^21 + 3604992566175*x^20 + 182749632565500*x^19 + 7939727936390250*x^18 + 299277074972625750*x^17 + 9872386621333236000*x^16 + 286709476727912238000*x^15 + 7358485307099969542500*x^14 + 167233500579206579017500*x^13 + 3366594338440387056502500*x^12 + 59957096888220149758140000*x^11 + 941896182959303001933628125*x^10 + 12990088017570058915673278125*x^9 + 156193180225877848100766468750*x^8 + 1621694381396207901371776687500*x^7 + 14347659633466395497955878559375*x^6 + 106200607985593828538108380228125*x^5 + 640719313663217082056213404078125*x^4 + 3030363986220446504652497411437500*x^3 + 10551987994810021315293879094078125*x^2 + 24084203903363353505313987382078125*x + 27064431817106664380040216576000000)/27064431817106664380040216576000000 )
    # v28
    v28 <- function(x) {
        return( (x^27 + 405*x^26 + 81783*x^25 + 10951200*x^24 + 1091144925*x^23 + 86060400075*x^22 + 5581654843050*x^21 + 305319379815450*x^20 + 14335965076182750*x^19 + 585107280682674750*x^18 + 20945638395320388750*x^17 + 661860168338575206000*x^16 + 18540154899488546824500*x^15 + 461572912863205360717500*x^14 + 10223167862187856796220000*x^13 + 201354059102716406131245000*x^12 + 3520051349152769441533648125*x^11 + 54433520067779391000752915625*x^10 + 740747141016530499306063984375*x^9 + 8806580671786588914007034250000*x^8 + 90567295559088166862429382871875*x^7 + 794888270391980812439990551078125*x^6 + 5844549104957314680423524035256250*x^5 + 35066329669381300607463167615343750*x^4 + 165100551292052793052571247077390625*x^3 + 572787579633484461900595700274140625*x^2 + 1303527238695364400161681547826140625*x + 1461479318123759876522171695104000000)/1461479318123759876522171695104000000 )
    # v29
    v29 <- function(x) {
        return( (x^28 + 434*x^27 + 93933*x^26 + 13486473*x^25 + 1441583325*x^24 + 122068182600*x^23 + 8507708445600*x^22 + 500677299322200*x^21 + 25327462749538950*x^20 + 1115537988501436500*x^19 + 43179715061262029250*x^18 + 1478740065756070367250*x^17 + 45014561633031555064500*x^16 + 1221719263742235780522000*x^15 + 29609230202442481946355000*x^14 + 640950277176794248368705000*x^13 + 12379629949672291311308428125*x^12 + 212835830779654015869767081250*x^11 + 3244689064134382485340698103125*x^10 + 43621696299563522381392041515625*x^9 + 513283167804844434734767026871875*x^8 + 5232685752787300988699030311800000*x^7 + 45588962624556355302423051589162500*x^6 + 333138334022204349309062893413412500*x^5 + 1988549694099880424640655963075265625*x^4 + 9323116798112282493686871795375843750*x^3 + 32234056538903525342793849362629734375*x^2 + 73155477446368801885414656825541734375*x + 81842841814930553085241614925824000000)/81842841814930553085241614925824000000 )
    # v30
    v30 <- function(x) {
        return( (x^29 + 464*x^28 + 107387*x^27 + 16492329*x^26 + 1886636934*x^25 + 171082015650*x^24 + 12780094836600*x^23 + 806954803363800*x^22 + 43852522824460350*x^21 + 2077981572983916600*x^20 + 86685696612818052750*x^19 + 3205928668206551537250*x^18 + 105642904329030440121750*x^17 + 3112330852329561093231000*x^16 + 82143158543358620508801000*x^15 + 1943756406084263454008325000*x^14 + 41222392422628032487900153125*x^13 + 782298808464579416189954775000*x^12 + 13247973110778121231219750921875*x^11 + 199366771378013881677745550465625*x^10 + 2650746286483457031422977061137500*x^9 + 30896844143029522725437381655393750*x^8 + 312455936016708705726073597490962500*x^7 + 2703764390499134825035061576049862500*x^6 + 19644881397276710938020989313986128125*x^5 + 116704800279505825424282293801440187500*x^4 + 545005480435079062495571798108301140625*x^3 + 1878262643624966221081870221132806859375*x^2 + 4251705056257952260553877053981702859375*x + 4746884825265972078944013665697792000000)/4746884825265972078944013665697792000000 )
    # v31
    v31 <- function(x) {
        return( (x^30 + 495*x^29 + 122235*x^28 + 20036100*x^27 + 2447376120*x^26 + 237114308340*x^25 + 18939047400000*x^24 + 1279818312318000*x^23 + 74516805352284750*x^22 + 3788229963137870250*x^21 + 169804959532174716750*x^20 + 6760042229332091700000*x^19 + 240291908393705604686250*x^18 + 7654975738477870018466250*x^17 + 219085716045859308610965000*x^16 + 5640198540535401376904370000*x^15 + 130635187102504151372283103125*x^14 + 2719751252328096943121261971875*x^13 + 50798315917077933208337580121875*x^12 + 848517453806141822007513345637500*x^11 + 12619084855384151115310254584418750*x^10 + 166084904753685831328009211773406250*x^9 + 1919091831454243887448817443571437500*x^8 + 19263928999384696228516962243070875000*x^7 + 165648158484229991489914314420678703125*x^6 + 1197173277129724927015436706070677234375*x^5 + 7080474296087405286255380250988951640625*x^4 + 32943575028424472783329462713305971875000*x^3 + 113190938386505993083302349879684500703125*x^2 + 255597483144485155451622759850618260703125*x + 284813089515958324736640819941867520000000)/284813089515958324736640819941867520000000 )
    # v32
    v32 <- function(x) {
        return( (x^31 + 527*x^30 + 138570*x^29 + 24192090*x^28 + 3148639620*x^27 + 325219848660*x^26 + 27712276808580*x^25 + 1999502113518000*x^24 + 124429719532686750*x^23 + 6768902177229260250*x^22 + 325122388020827397000*x^21 + 13891850529683429803500*x^20 + 530973724254985547786250*x^19 + 18227819707800916624661250*x^18 + 563559624277363459441946250*x^17 + 15718141478644929573008760000*x^16 + 395724518507668016086788493125*x^15 + 8990240233248296208990850921875*x^14 + 184066127281154683421279416743750*x^13 + 3388433249660038482424392351731250*x^12 + 55893474999497384037693435211931250*x^11 + 822277317233661689324142450163181250*x^10 + 10721591783399592947833305667561968750*x^9 + 122894887897913866150753104195928500000*x^8 + 1225164253450388284058347237789576828125*x^7 + 10473470152246604450450638313628684609375*x^6 + 75319351092481726126135272497017554000000*x^5 + 443611084201493979386141517270665167031250*x^4 + 2056861865063549887299740649964736841328125*x^3 + 7047053786334844740449763752631688302890625*x^2 + 15876259561329552807285629170829581422890625*x + 17658411549989416133671730836395786240000000)/17658411549989416133671730836395786240000000 )
    # v33
    v33 <- function(x) {
        return( (x^32 + 560*x^31 + 156488*x^30 + 29042040*x^29 + 4019554860*x^28 + 441719514600*x^27 + 40070631057660*x^26 + 3080280909052620*x^25 + 204409804073406750*x^24 + 11870520678069417000*x^23 + 609416279464456327500*x^22 + 27872113214579007874500*x^21 + 1142215147561056459140250*x^20 + 42121637299275266275042500*x^19 + 1402039330836205624176363750*x^18 + 42205443819681012166780233750*x^17 + 1150195309482624635591208973125*x^16 + 28380741640124028997243487085000*x^15 + 633578138943569493870821962837500*x^14 + 12775805740998927336909642605662500*x^13 + 232092003981819385123761837501956250*x^12 + 3784631492207023043321894516395537500*x^11 + 55124566914017324171336997976373756250*x^10 + 712582435984891478281584915911836781250*x^9 + 8107277975733564788500521072761572828125*x^8 + 80307832598918736641776430867634563812500*x^7 + 682780619922784784252272294687481261343750*x^6 + 4887452798657915820828122594594700853031250*x^5 + 28673526917153188650468231686204646863203125*x^4 + 132515627555211387865733943400480635623906250*x^3 + 452793594314089926715170981833994256202109375*x^2 + 1017862763913751242992666368598659415882109375*x + 1130138339199322632554990773529330319360000000)/1130138339199322632554990773529330319360000000 )
    # v34
    v34 <- function(x) {
        return( (x^33 + 594*x^32 + 176088*x^31 + 34675608*x^30 + 5094110340*x^29 + 594462599280*x^28 + 57297692127060*x^27 + 4683106151359020*x^26 + 330701321344564170*x^25 + 20455732449152500500*x^24 + 1119848668621441258500*x^23 + 54686429511015086284500*x^22 + 2396460242217111813492750*x^21 + 94663534087083863395494000*x^20 + 3381756283902143139103361250*x^19 + 109503331699818882127245693750*x^18 + 3218262056646994231763440426875*x^17 + 85890507114255260776803935741250*x^16 + 2080995962589894972730239804172500*x^15 + 45721868966064541018192384673212500*x^14 + 909209708254762533979972895602068750*x^13 + 16317599707225269840005033741501175000*x^12 + 263279298985403591554041196378128318750*x^11 + 3799558183169861631876456802588767131250*x^10 + 48724476826872379050550861279736269359375*x^9 + 550529955191465494374806653087805787843750*x^8 + 5420942743258990246117081715877920526281250*x^7 + 45854289994025002875964460275843576533656250*x^6 + 326808147635286053720983709956481398898109375*x^5 + 1910274296418709084194764307945168741142500000*x^4 + 8801278130292407362256409416064274300508203125*x^3 + 29996652800015506552763609205974291812817109375*x^2 + 67291217993593153427078304732442192351697109375*x + 74589130387155293748629391052935801077760000000)/74589130387155293748629391052935801077760000000 )
    # v35
    v35 <- function(x) {
        return( (x^34 + 629*x^33 + 197472*x^32 + 41190864*x^31 + 6411783444*x^30 + 793132902540*x^29 + 81076196098260*x^28 + 7032311528568480*x^27 + 527391779701643010*x^26 + 34675889266968759810*x^25 + 2019900896384151280500*x^24 + 105079619598979942917000*x^23 + 4912035999723805782579750*x^22 + 207297165471288118629653250*x^21 + 7925605920082168582087073250*x^20 + 275209389611023895943310395000*x^19 + 8693428641637938338125725114375*x^18 + 250021872003251966596739397511875*x^17 + 6547302332531168533124044462717500*x^16 + 156014654983328974572895094294355000*x^15 + 3378190632422247748962361667955543750*x^14 + 66324133661237209208903542999614956250*x^13 + 1177064882590018702594323085902194118750*x^12 + 18806478225337866350456804996142081300000*x^11 + 269098851450724353699385355829884762971875*x^10 + 3425274087976935858357307468592245680046875*x^9 + 38452740054746919908605480901146267796906250*x^8 + 376531797332823407889106444944396728636812500*x^7 + 3169774127264836232030780247058783143984796875*x^6 + 22499187597441730468616738035203496871723390625*x^5 + 131058833101089788750721325124555073733628203125*x^4 + 602079731269021985099430221250152121345850312500*x^3 + 2047070302794616585909476512326745451997626328125*x^2 + 4583100735957896573362875808126562688641466328125*x + 5072060866326559974906798591599634473287680000000)/5072060866326559974906798591599634473287680000000 )
    # v36
    v36 <- function(x) {
        return( (x^35 + 665*x^34 + 220745*x^33 + 48694800*x^32 + 8018227140*x^31 + 1049604240300*x^30 + 113594645102400*x^29 + 10437511764695400*x^28 + 829781175430087650*x^27 + 57881127573841052250*x^26 + 3580315913397745471950*x^25 + 197995060832650901820000*x^24 + 9850778120875863099678750*x^23 + 443074893458030796193481250*x^22 + 18083167028175286394940082500*x^21 + 671489685615132325047664057500*x^20 + 22729107511800157031234555259375*x^19 + 702080161368424760179277103459375*x^18 + 19798461548703522762751232530846875*x^17 + 509568980940012075361593495281100000*x^16 + 11958996656505341350471591854145068750*x^15 + 255502809076883083150795796405125406250*x^14 + 4957540501280539627501825036880246625000*x^13 + 87076241415558951100927543978469340187500*x^12 + 1378681066745658468376336850602267559671875*x^11 + 19571205175020397080320428818385331458359375*x^10 + 247394459421340007268401236485273254279765625*x^9 + 2760601680727132442222646260815465332045000000*x^8 + 26891277359232710929044486278555777048103984375*x^7 + 225364731742391249318586673846965618086750390625*x^6 + 1593506026934802269210809297412782370395648593750*x^5 + 9251962715940948042647037679470786987765311718750*x^4 + 42386412297819089587571301336086937582169597265625*x^3 + 143783881325991824415207278646345253424480056640625*x^2 + 321306011647421423536945229352332459989548856640625*x + 355044260642859198243475901411974413130137600000000)/355044260642859198243475901411974413130137600000000 )
    # v37
    v37 <- function(x) {
        return( (x^36 + 702*x^35 + 246015*x^34 + 57303855*x^33 + 9966019140*x^32 + 1378351553040*x^31 + 157678023195000*x^30 + 15322081504098600*x^29 + 1289031693076685250*x^28 + 95221280468194996500*x^27 + 6242847781794433875450*x^26 + 366269908762344939001650*x^25 + 19354541040843106387038750*x^24 + 925763021380948088077740000*x^23 + 40236911701076826204614145000*x^22 + 1593731204052071931189608265000*x^21 + 57646571163787037933713086249375*x^20 + 1906722859493833082834708532206250*x^19 + 57710790262598459812432196117653125*x^18 + 1598484366118705827312911284477678125*x^17 + 40494859589146017570720827589886668750*x^16 + 937165618497687540127676532091394325000*x^15 + 19776703427739758450247981228377520187500*x^14 + 379571130991110789123535221154403891062500*x^13 + 6603255551679195534431989489310427970921875*x^12 + 103670750246505563651276976705123652598343750*x^11 + 1460809180272604626248267823225163804698046875*x^10 + 18346452624271552900131924159387680351670234375*x^9 + 203569784925769187231293846970745558298983984375*x^8 + 1973297760092517459706478281953091126213509375000*x^7 + 16467578321932624724237529771312513164121174375000*x^6 + 116016866520572700079771260606127205804273767500000*x^5 + 671519876981803556487569863540100452750210794140625*x^4 + 3068446329875509005957627070836343946594182267968750*x^3 + 10386177704466849132601454734596500199703152821484375*x^2 + 23167771087609780269366587185427579072388106421484375*x + 25563186766285862273530264901662157745369907200000000)/25563186766285862273530264901662157745369907200000000 )
    # v38
    v38 <- function(x) {
        return( (x^37 + 740*x^36 + 273393*x^35 + 67144455*x^34 + 12315477195*x^33 + 1796924356920*x^32 + 216947139975720*x^31 + 22259914524678600*x^30 + 1978525360761122250*x^29 + 154516738349722518000*x^28 + 10718247963799598710950*x^27 + 665926602288477765023250*x^26 + 37301766570198008398119600*x^25 + 1893490073423103407429677500*x^24 + 87450825791505178696578885000*x^23 + 3686050612508066893829543805000*x^22 + 142114324978546850286762324294375*x^21 + 5019637702338333131255215189672500*x^20 + 162580547534759279368341165388996875*x^19 + 4830288620824219576809114267066253125*x^18 + 131608468457912249727556770805114321875*x^17 + 3285867474668156559229484532304821112500*x^16 + 75069474919103323317780896621769785362500*x^15 + 1566173336655496296138414094857055102312500*x^14 + 29757094542136953670967637979729065325734375*x^13 + 513072594450615686786060325042370186795500000*x^12 + 7992066445802455136278717355647953918393703125*x^11 + 111838240161718248980021064845798163852345234375*x^10 + 1396089205503420125739868917330944781157549218750*x^9 + 15408903565193283816971872182022297973946452343750*x^8 + 148678528248131294524571574662169618620426302500000*x^7 + 1235812192411991181327923285055378100964513625000000*x^6 + 8676683666901319861991786845362877653245100751640625*x^5 + 50074837718601757960087517518643375639108937857812500*x^4 + 228245867125627988555592976763976920407890093847265625*x^3 + 770972565809222917816671328076375593451015109568359375*x^2 + 1716810476161799821937291129437875430029701675968359375*x + 1891675820705153808241239602722999673157373132800000000)/1891675820705153808241239602722999673157373132800000000 )
    # v39
    v39 <- function(x) {
        return( (x^38 + 779*x^37 + 302993*x^36 + 78353568*x^35 + 15135544305*x^34 + 2326489876305*x^33 + 296011811680200*x^32 + 32022535823586000*x^31 + 3002481428896337850*x^30 + 247507430305495263750*x^29 + 18135051404586279574950*x^28 + 1191120752514658101859800*x^27 + 70598096684621896649282100*x^26 + 3795880168503201835733777100*x^25 + 185912309609506555882922115000*x^24 + 8320944379457841364748224710000*x^23 + 341161058053982462553557689764375*x^22 + 12835925576158409897027143025863125*x^21 + 443680258865705934718633216010656875*x^20 + 14097379830305498500804560694239075000*x^19 + 411765208465716985182485398294957003125*x^18 + 11050767113684979293155334009806566103125*x^17 + 272221523399192716871549968560059052112500*x^16 + 6145411306720799018523048788785012009425000*x^15 + 126859841414777724031549311860866481669109375*x^14 + 2387769550605243768057021517765301302316765625*x^13 + 40828712490641859090586578158359645873305703125*x^12 + 631322559138877832838137692962915168547935937500*x^11 + 8777413056176824558421259197153623595412334687500*x^10 + 108946880333922432241543089643195598311502250000000*x^9 + 1196483970681274594078658883039685880848785061875000*x^8 + 11494630641533050503523361936745081785773928497500000*x^7 + 95183537135740702554946416799239344720761054501640625*x^6 + 666119378068595468161504383539407689019511091224296875*x^5 + 3833634182864954561681894238106299966423733619609765625*x^4 + 17432920865980066082374958631846690783226991960418750000*x^3 + 58768780346044295740370969407089669345404819784026953125*x^2 + 130652461532840140453538074310563656925384998830426953125*x + 143767362373591689426334209806947975159960358092800000000)/143767362373591689426334209806947975159960358092800000000 )
    # v40
    v40 <- function(x) {
        return( (x^39 + 819*x^38 + 334932*x^37 + 91079274*x^36 + 18504747729*x^35 + 2992453825725*x^34 + 400703856113925*x^33 + 45639079160875200*x^32 + 4507540612604879850*x^31 + 391626538892519480550*x^30 + 30262915489555547498700*x^29 + 2097873322743972080607300*x^28 + 131345255062869459844131900*x^27 + 7466981196103540461496446300*x^26 + 387093958540176253176812301300*x^25 + 18360209098371195382426018920000*x^24 + 798812998924163737614710048814375*x^23 + 31940944827181427800026373652668125*x^22 + 1175328016706735298849180368484855000*x^21 + 39830834844516442714485287222857173750*x^20 + 1243510618453741396729954479255062428125*x^19 + 35756679621627998404104457907503986290625*x^18 + 946318317333976453754025343158259584403125*x^17 + 23023145757470747464559146839508673240400000*x^16 + 514020753738188062198501385554322238262884375*x^15 + 10506799401151018106076177476860756129139765625*x^14 + 196033733279982704014292976813104230523895468750*x^13 + 3326017583521240532816851851414651796186112343750*x^12 + 51076024518481639358576484625668939888124042500000*x^11 + 705810968153946502214188715049642002799541008750000*x^10 + 8713818713721922418745132068420182164342440311875000*x^9 + 95248508589222272089029483749523093445188882828750000*x^8 + 911302312684587288305105114308140151510709977824140625*x^7 + 7519334051841926052117646393084640508914307015342421875*x^6 + 52460348781872423737471714236483061264848043278983437500*x^5 + 301121850397986703646835132251712888298583279811541406250*x^4 + 1366237845294549251918492866795591478087429216815433203125*x^3 + 4597079767832206616721731749249378527176151302416475390625*x^2 + 10204006900402282504348765931720349558414605268035675390625*x + 11213854265140151775254068364941942062476907931238400000000)/11213854265140151775254068364941942062476907931238400000000 )
    # v41
    v41 <- function(x) {
        return( (x^40 + 860*x^39 + 369330*x^38 + 105481350*x^37 + 22512235785*x^36 + 3825167473530*x^35 + 538356732097275*x^34 + 64472160398229675*x^33 + 6698216412326889450*x^32 + 612496028910158593200*x^31 + 49844242434181521526200*x^30 + 3641282012711305003041000*x^29 + 240434667845556008035711500*x^28 + 14428279714435621833235437000*x^27 + 790310943129767438097620401500*x^26 + 39650376818080889307150695491500*x^25 + 1826984708432950679030567108334375*x^24 + 77473285765858760844064846435087500*x^23 + 3027902816683258111250710040339606250*x^22 + 109175187830213825346586928963463618750*x^21 + 3633360709124727959599071712626492853125*x^20 + 111610827347306223604631681142062794406250*x^19 + 3163232453874912354808501733423506734421875*x^18 + 82641199749511264051062743458479027057796875*x^17 + 1987502082216315899930286783282877325648484375*x^16 + 43918148394133242148978767537891701616227250000*x^15 + 889482493755949899015320690285914135047120000000*x^14 + 16460277713280081701774481297892635241287108750000*x^13 + 277245220197925995590122410521865262028779681875000*x^12 + 4230056659929179617955966154220798855080099941250000*x^11 + 58120586484498177573738342121895122360310310924375000*x^10 + 713929637263478763819933860607356027113502144971875000*x^9 + 7769194931108590878715227944273802879564309541494140625*x^8 + 74044402877816798098390319737578871569196135396504687500*x^7 + 608891068618174951594177547324746458924506762414322656250*x^6 + 4235648009038418483957213699987942483162186525735299218750*x^5 + 24251498475541538729077962917925770988779758482492580078125*x^4 + 109797393855512499014445682492509922339908200997204832031250*x^3 + 368776228791314398608643842373171874678154406856520755859375*x^2 + 817330399396920469618806576970849557177230724106056755859375*x + 897108341211212142020325469195355364998152634499072000000000)/897108341211212142020325469195355364998152634499072000000000 )
    # vk: k = 1 - 41
    vv <- function(x) {
        return( do.call(paste('v',k,sep=''),list(x=x)) )
    # convolutionDEfunc
    # x - single number
    vvDE <-  function(x) {
        if ( x == 0 ) {
            return( 0.5 )
        } else if ( x > 0 ) {
            return( 1 - 0.5 * vv(x) * exp(-x) )
        } else if ( x < 0 ) {
            return( 0.5 * vv(-x) * exp(x) )
        } else {
            stop('x not a number.')
    # x - numeric vector
    vvDEvec <- function(x) {
        return( sapply(x,vvDE) )
    # return
    return( vvDEvec )

## [model based methods tools - done]

## [exact methods tools]

### compute quantile given cd function, used in exact method
.quantileCD <- function(CDF, prbblty) {
    ff <- function(theta) {
        CDF(theta) - prbblty
    for ( power.l in 0:15 ) {
        if ( ff(10^(-power.l)) < 0 ) {
    for ( power.u in 0:15 ) {
        if ( ff(10^( power.u)) > 0 ) {
    if ( power.l == 15 ) {
        qntl = 0
    } else if ( power.u == 15 ) {
        qntl = Inf
    } else {
        qntl = uniroot(f = function(theta) { CDF(theta) - prbblty }, interval=c(10^(-power.l), 10^(power.u)), tol=0.001)$root

### compute cd function (based on p-value functions) using exact method
midp.oddsratio <- function(x, N, M, t, or){ # x and t can be vectors
    mid.p = rep(NA, length(x))
    for(i in min(t):max(t)) {
        index = which( t == i )
        if ( !identical(index, integer(0)) ) {
            for (idx in index) {
                mid.p[idx] = 1 - pFNCHypergeo.wrap(x[idx], N, M, i, or) + dFNCHypergeo(x[idx], N, M, i, or) / 2
        } else {
            #cat('\nindex null, mid.p all NA\n')

### conditional MLE, used in excat method
.conditionalMLE <- function(data_matrix){
    # number of study
    K = dim(data_matrix)[1]
    # or.hat.CMLE
    if ( sum(data_matrix[,1]) == 0 ) {
        or.hat.CMLE = 0
    } else if ( sum(data_matrix[,2]) == 0 ) {
        or.hat.CMLE = Inf
    } else {
        .estimatingFunctionCMLE <- function(theta) {
            summation = 0
            for(j in 1:K) {
                expectation = 0
                for(x in max(0, data_matrix[j,1]+data_matrix[j,2]-data_matrix[j,4]):min(data_matrix[j,3], data_matrix[j,1]+data_matrix[j,2])) {
                    expectation = expectation + x * dFNCHypergeo(x, data_matrix[j,3], data_matrix[j,4], data_matrix[j,1]+data_matrix[j,2], theta)
                summation = summation + expectation - data_matrix[j,1]
        or.hat.CMLE = uniroot(.estimatingFunctionCMLE, c(0.0001,10000), tol=0.001)$root

### calculate estimates of event rates and weights using empirical Bayes approach
### please refer to Efron 1996 JASA for details, functions are used in exact method
.Integrate <- function(f) {  # input a function with range between 0 and 1
    ss1 = seq(0.0001,0.1,0.0001)
    ss2 = seq(0.101,0.999,0.001)
    return( sum(f(ss1))*0.0001 + sum(f(ss2))*0.001 )
.Estimates <- function(data_matrix) {
    K = dim(data_matrix)[1]
    x = data_matrix[,1]
    y = data_matrix[,2]
    n = data_matrix[,3]
    m = data_matrix[,4]
    if( sum(x)+sum(y) == 0 ) {   # in the case of all zeros in two arms
        p0.hat  = NA
        p1.hat  = NA
        psi.hat = NA
        weight.hat = rep(1, K)
    } else if ( sum(y) == 0 ) {  # in the case of all zeros in the control arm
        p0.hat  = NA
        p1.hat  = rep(sum(x)/sum(n), K)
        psi.hat = Inf
        weight.hat = sqrt( m * p1.hat / (1 - p1.hat) )
    } else if ( sum(x) == 0 ) {  # in the case of all zeros in the treatment arm
        p0.hat = .Estimates.1arm(y, m)
        p1.hat = NA
        psi.hat = 0
        weight.hat = sqrt( n * p0.hat / (1 - p0.hat) )
    } else {
        # use moment estimates as initial values
        mu = mean(y/m)
        v.square = var(y/m)
        beta1.initial = mu*(mu*(1-mu)/v.square-1)
        beta2.initial = beta1.initial * (1-mu)/mu
        psi.initial   = .conditionalMLE(data_matrix)
        # use optim() to obtain parameters estimates
        parameter.initials  = c(log(beta1.initial),log(beta2.initial),log(psi.initial))
        .marginalLikelihood <- function(parameters) {
            beta1 = exp(parameters[1])
            beta2 = exp(parameters[2])
            psi   = exp(parameters[3])
            ff = 0
            for(i in 1:K) {
                .individualLikelihood <- function(p0) {
                    p1 = psi * p0 / ( 1 - p0 + psi * p0 )
                ff = ff + log(.Integrate(.individualLikelihood))
            return( -ff )
        parameter.estimates = optim(parameter.initials, .marginalLikelihood, method='Nelder-Mead', lower=-Inf, upper=Inf)$par
        # resolve parameters estimates
        beta1.hat = exp(parameter.estimates[1])
        beta2.hat = exp(parameter.estimates[2])
        psi.hat   = exp(parameter.estimates[3])
        # update
        p0.hat = rep(NA, K)
        for(i in 1:K) {
            .individualLikelihoodEmpirical <- function(p0) {
                p1 = psi.hat * p0 / ( 1 - p0 + psi.hat * p0 )
            denominator <- .Integrate(.individualLikelihoodEmpirical)
            nominator   <- .Integrate( f = function(p0) { p0*.individualLikelihoodEmpirical(p0) } )
            p0.hat[i]   <- nominator / denominator
        p1.hat = psi.hat * p0.hat / ( 1 - p0.hat + psi.hat * p0.hat )
        weight.hat = 1 / sqrt( (n*p1.hat*(1-p1.hat))^(-1) + (m*p0.hat*(1-p0.hat))^(-1) )
    # return
    return( list(or.hat=psi.hat, pt.hat=p1.hat, pc.hat=p0.hat, weight.hat=weight.hat) )
.Estimates.1arm <- function(y, m) {
    K = length(m)
    # initial
    mu = mean(y/m)
    v.square = var(y/m)
    beta1.initial = mu*(mu*(1-mu)/v.square-1)
    beta2.initial = beta1.initial*(1-mu)/mu
    # optim()
    parameter.initials  = c(log(beta1.initial),log(beta2.initial))
    .marginalLikelihood <- function(parameters) {
        beta1 = exp(parameters[1])
        beta2 = exp(parameters[2])
        ff = 0
        for(i in 1:K) {
            ff = ff + lbeta(y[i]+beta1, m[i]-y[i]+beta2) - lbeta(beta1, beta2)
    parameter.estimates = optim(parameter.initials, .marginalLikelihood)$par
    # update
    beta1.hat = exp(parameter.estimates[1])
    beta2.hat = exp(parameter.estimates[2])
    p.hat = (y + beta1.hat) / (m + beta1.hat + beta2.hat)
    # return

### mixed beta adjustment, used in exact method
adjust.beta<-function(x, n, pt, m, pc) {
    ifelse(x<1/2, pbeta(x,1+1/(2*m*pc*(1-pc)),1+1/(2*m*pc*(1-pc))), pbeta(x,1+1/(2*n*pt*(1-pt)),1+1/(2*n*pt*(1-pt))))

### update on 2012.11.26
### pFNCHypergeo gives NaN when odds extremely large which results a probability very close to 0 or 1 and pFNCHypergeo can not handle it.
### wrap pFNCHypergeo in pFNCHypergeo.wrap to recursively adjust odds when it results NaN
pFNCHypergeo.wrap <- function(x, m1, m2, n, odds, precision=1E-7, lower.tail=TRUE) {
    prbblty = pFNCHypergeo(x=x, m1=m1, m2=m2, n=n, odds=odds, precision=precision, lower.tail=lower.tail)
    while ( is.na(prbblty) ) {
        odds = odds / 10
        prbblty = pFNCHypergeo(x=x, m1=m1, m2=m2, n=n, odds=odds, precision=precision, lower.tail=lower.tail)

## [exact methods tools - done]

# other functions used in this package [done]

# main function
gmeta <- function(gmi, gmi.type = c('pivot', 'cd', 'pvalue', '2x2'),
		method = c('fixed-mle',
		        'fixed-robust1', 'fixed-robust2', 'fixed-robust2(sqrt12)',
				'random-mm', 'random-reml', 'random-tau2',
				'random-robust1', 'random-robust2', 'random-robust2(sqrt12)',
				'fisher', 'normal', 'stouffer', 'min', 'tippett', 'max', 'sum',
				'MH', 'Mantel-Haenszel', 'Peto', 'exact1', 'exact2'),
		linkfunc = c('inverse-normal-cdf', 'inverse-laplace-cdf'), 
		weight = NULL, study.names = NULL, gmo.xgrid = NULL, ci.level = 0.95, 
		tau2 = NULL, mc.iteration = 10000, eta = 'Inf', verbose = FALSE, 
		report.error = FALSE)

# main function
gmeta.default <- function(gmi, # generalized meta-analysis input: vector of p-values, data.frame/matrix of mean/sd, list of cd-functions or matrix of 2x2 tables.
		# parameters specifying input properties
		gmi.type = c('pivot',  # type of input (gmi), if model-based meta-analysis, input data.frame/matrix of mean/sd
		             'cd',     # type of input (gmi), if model-based meta-analysis, input list of cd-funcitons (pointers to function)
					 'pvalue', # type of input (gmi), if combine p-values, input vector of p-values
					 '2x2'),   # type of input (gmi), if combine 2x2 tables, input matrix of 2x2 tables in format c(rx-event_treatment_grounp, nx-number_observation_treatment_group, ry-event_control_group, ny-number_observation_treatment_group) for each row of the matrix
		method   = c('fixed-mle',      # method of combination, if model-based meta-analysis, fixed-effects model with mle
		             'fixed-robust1',  # method of combination, if model-based meta-analysis, fixed-effects model with robust method 1 - adaptive-weighting (xie2012section4)
					 'fixed-robust2',  # method of combination, if model-based meta-analysis, fixed-effects model with robust method 2 - m-estimating-equation (xie2012section4)
					 'fixed-robust2(sqrt12)', # method of combination, if model-based meta-analysis, fixed-effects model with robust method 2 - m-estimator-simplified-variance (xie2012section4)
				     'random-mm',      # method of combination, if model-based meta-analysis, random-effects model with moment estimator
					 'random-reml',    # method of combination, if model-based meta-analysis, random-effects model with restricted-mle estimator
					 'random-tau2',    # method of combination, if model-based meta-analysis, random-effects model with heterogeneity specified by user
				     'random-robust1', # method of combination, if model-based meta-analysis, random-effects model with robust method 1 - adaptive-weighting (xie2012section4)
					 'random-robust2', # method of combination, if model-based meta-analysis, random-effects model with robust method 2 - m-estimating-equation (xie2012section4)
					 'random-robust2(sqrt12)', # method of combination, if model-based meta-analysis, random-effects model with robust method 2 - m-estimator-simplified-variance (xie2012section4)
				     'fisher',   # method of combination, if combine p-value vector, see fisher1932, bahadur optimal
					 'normal',   # method of combination, if combine p-value vector, see stouffer(1949)
					 'stouffer', # method of combination, if combine p-value vector, see stouffer1949, alias 'normal'
					 'min',      # method of combination, if combine p-value vector, see tippett(1931)
					 'tippett',  # method of combination, if combine p-value vector, see tippett1931, alias 'min'
					 'max',      # method of combination, if combine p-value vector, see marden(1991)
					 'sum',      # method of combination, if combine p-value vector, see marden(1991)
				     'MH',   # method of combination, if cobmine 2x2 tables, see Mantel-Haenszel method
					 'Mantel-Haenszel', # method of combination, if cobmine 2x2 tables, see Mantel-Haenszel method, alias 'MH'
					 'Peto', # method of combination, if cobmine 2x2 tables, see Peto's method
					 'exact1',  # method of combination, if cobmine 2x2 tables, see liu2012exact
					 'exact2'), # method of combination, if cobmine 2x2 tables, see tian2009exact
		linkfunc = c('inverse-normal-cdf',   # 'link' function, F0^{-1}(\cdot), see xie2012section2 
		             'inverse-laplace-cdf'), # 'link' function, F0^{-1}(\cdot), see xie2012section2
		weight   = NULL, # study-specific weight, in default inverse-of-adjusted-variance
		study.names = NULL, # names of studies, in default, study1, study2, etc.
		# parameters specifying output properties
		#gmo.limit= NULL, # range of generalized meta-analysis output, in default, c(-1,1) with gmo.n.pts=2001, seq(from=-1,to=1,by=0.001)
		#gmo.n.pts= 2001, # number of points in the range of generalized meta-analysis output, suppressed if gmo.limit is given as a vector 
		gmo.xgrid= NULL,  # gridding positions where generalized meta-analysis output (fixed- or random-effects model-based) evaluating the combined and individual CDs. gmo.xgrids suppress gmo.limit and gmo.n.pts, in default, gmo.xgrid = seq(-1,1,by=0.001).
		ci.level = 0.95,  # confidence level
		# parameters specifying model-based meta-analysis (random-effects model) heterogeneity
		tau2     = NULL,  # numeric value or method used to estimate heterogeneity, in default, REML. (only when method=='random-tau2')
		# parameters specifying properties when use liu2012exact (exact1) method to combine 2x2 tables
		mc.iteration = 10000, # monte-carlo iteration (see liu2012exact)
		# parameters specifying properties when use tian2009exact (exact2) method to combine 2x2 tables
		eta      = 'Inf', # seq(0.05, 0.95, length=20), # number of confidence-level taken to make confidence interval for later combination (see tian2009exact)
		# parameters specifying whether report detailed inforamtion
		verbose  = FALSE, # whether detailed inforamtion reported during meta-analysis
		# parameters specifying whether report error of coverage probability when use liu2012exact/tian2009exact method to combine 2x2 tables
		report.error = FALSE) # minor error message and exact error of coverage probability of the computed confidence interval for 2x2-"exact1"&"exact2" method
	mf          <- match.call()
	gmi.type    <- match.arg(gmi.type)
	gmi         <- gmeta.check.gmi(gmi, gmi.type, verbose)
	method      <- match.arg(method)
	linkfunc    <- match.arg(linkfunc)
	weight      <- gmeta.check.weight(gmi, gmi.type, linkfunc, weight, verbose)
	gmo.xgrid   <- gmeta.check.gmo.xgrid(gmi, gmi.type, gmo.xgrid)
	study.names <- gmeta.check.study.names(gmi, study.names)
	#gmo.n.pts <- round(ifelse(is.numeric(gmo.n.pts)&&(gmo.n.pts>1), gmo.n.pts, 2001))
	#if(! ((!is.null(gmo.limit))&&is.numeric(gmo.limit)&&(length(gmo.limit)==2)) ) { gmo.limit = c(-1,1) }
	ci.level  <- ifelse(is.numeric(ci.level)&&(ci.level>=0)&&(ci.level<=1), ci.level, 0.95)
	mc.iteration <- round(ifelse(is.numeric(mc.iteration)&&(mc.iteration>1), mc.iteration, 10000))
	#if(!(is.numeric(eta)&&(min(eta)>=0)&&(max(eta)<=1))) { eta = seq(0.05, 0.95, length=20) } # allow eta non-numeric as K\to\Infty
	# meta-analysis
	if (gmi.type == 'pvalue') {
		gmo <- gmeta.p(gmi, method)
	} else if (gmi.type == 'cd' || gmi.type == 'pivot') {
		gmo <- gmeta.m(gmi, gmi.type, method, linkfunc, weight, gmo.xgrid, ci.level, tau2, verbose)
	} else if (gmi.type == '2x2') { # combine 2x2 tables
		gmo <- gmeta.e(gmi, method, weight, gmo.xgrid, ci.level, mc.iteration, eta, verbose, report.error)
	} else {
		stop("gmi.type must be 'cd', 'pivot', 'pvalue' or '2x2'.")
	# post processing
	gmo$call   <- match.call()
	gmo$input  <- gmi
	gmo$alpha  <- 1 - ci.level
	gmo$study.names <- study.names
	# registr S3 class
	if ( gmi.type=='pvalue' ) {
		class(gmo) <- c('gmeta.p', 'gmeta')
	} else if ( gmi.type == 'cd' || gmi.type == 'pivot' ) {
		class(gmo) <- c('gmeta.m', 'gmeta')
	} else if (gmi.type == '2x2') {
		class(gmo) <- c('gmeta.e', 'gmeta')
	} else {
		stop("gmi.type must be 'cd', 'pivot', 'pvalue' or '2x2'.")
	# return

# preprocessing

## preprocessing - checks
# *****************************************************************************
#    # checking - input, output, parameters formats, etc.
# *****************************************************************************
## main [gmeta.check.x()]

### check gmi - gmeta input formats
### update v2.0: 2x2 table order is changed - before x y M N, now x-M y-N.
gmeta.check.gmi <- function(gmi, gmi.type, verbose) {
	# check by gmi.type
	if ( gmi.type == 'cd' ) {
		# verbose
		if ( verbose ) {
			cat('\ninput CDs must composite of a list.\n') #commentOut
		# check
		if ( !is.list(gmi) ) {
			stop('input CDs must composite of a list.')
	} else if ( gmi.type == 'pivot' ) {
		# verbose
		if ( verbose ) {
			cat('\ninput pivots must be in form of of either a matrix or a data.frame of 2 columns.\n') #commentOut
		# check
		if ( ! (is.matrix(gmi) || is.data.frame(gmi)) ) {
			stop('input pivots must be in form of either a matrix or a data.frame.')
		if ( dim(gmi)[2] != 2 ) {
			stop('input pivots must be in form of of either a matrix or a data.frame of 2 columns.')
	} else if ( gmi.type == 'pvalue' ) {
		# verbose
		if ( verbose ) {
			cat('\ninput p-values must be in form of a vector with all element in-between 0 and 1.\n') #commentOut
		# check
		if ( !is.vector(gmi) ) {
			stop('input p-values must be in form of a vector.')
		if ( any( gmi < 0 | gmi > 1 ) ) {
			stop('input p-values must be between 0 and 1.')
	} else if ( gmi.type == '2x2' ) {
		# verbose
		if ( verbose ) {
			cat('\ninput 2x2 tables should be in format: r_group_1 n_group_1 r_group_2 n_group_2.\n') #commentOut
		# check
		if ( ! (is.matrix(gmi) || is.data.frame(gmi)) ) {
			stop('input 2x2 tables must be in form of either a matrix or a data.frame.')
		if ( dim(gmi)[2] != 4 ) {
			stop('input 2x2 tables must composites of either a matrix or a data.frame of 4 columns.')
		if ( any( gmi[,1] > gmi[,2] | gmi[,3] > gmi[,4] ) ) {
			stop('input 2x2 tables should be in format: r_group_1 n_group_1 r_group_2 n_group_2 - second and fourth column should be larger than first and third column, respectively.')
		if ( any( gmi < 0 ) ) {
			stop('input data should be nonnegative.')
	} else {
		stop('gmi.type not recognize.')
	# return

### check weight - weight assigned to each study
### update v2.0: weights: need to distinguish whether use weight=1/s^2 (gaussian) or weight=1(laplacian, DE, warning if not), keep NULL set later.
gmeta.check.weight <- function(gmi, gmi.type, linkfunc, weight, verbose) {
	if ( gmi.type == 'cd' || gmi.type == 'pivot' ) {
		# number of studies
		if ( gmi.type == 'cd' ) {
			nn1 = length(gmi)
		} else { # gmi.type == 'pivot'
			nn1 = dim(gmi)[1]
		if ( (!is.null(weight)) && (is.vector(weight)) ) {
			nn2 = length(weight) # length of weight vector
			if (nn2 != nn1) {
				stop('weight must be assigned to each study.')
			if (!match(typeof(weight), c('double', 'integer', 'logical'))) {
				stop('weight must be a vector comprised by numeric numbers.')
		} else if ( (!is.null(weight)) && (!is.vector(weight)) ) {
			stop('weight must be a vector comprised by numeric numbers.')
		} else {
			# verbose
			if ( verbose ) {
				cat('\nweight is null - use default weight which depends on method.\n') #commentOut
			} else {
				#cat('\nweight is null - use default weight which depends on method.\n') #commentOut
	} # note: weight=NULL is kept.
	else if ( gmi.type == 'pvalue' ) { 
		if ( is.vector(gmi) ) {
			if ( is.null(weight) ) {
				# verbose
				if ( verbose ) {
					cat('\nweight is null - use default weight all one.\n') #commentOut
				weight=rep(1, length(gmi))
			} else if ( is.numeric(weight) ) {
				if ( length(weight) != length(gmi) ) {
					stop('weight must be assigned to each trial.')
			} else {
				stop('weight must be a vector comprised by numeric numbers.')
		} else {
			stop('input for p-value combination must be a vector.')
	else if ( gmi.type == '2x2' ) {
		#if (is.null(weight)) {
			# weight = rep(1, dim(gmi)[1])
		if ( !is.null(weight) ) {
			stopifnot( is.numeric(weight), length(weight) == dim(gmi)[1] )
		} # note: weight=NULL is kept.
	else {
		stop('input type must be cd, pivot, pvalue or 2x2.')
	# return

### checking gmo.xgrid: cd, pivot, exact
gmeta.check.gmo.xgrid <- function(gmi, gmi.type, gmo.xgrid) {
	if (gmi.type == 'cd') {
		gmo.xgrid <- gmeta.check.gmo.xgrid.cd(gmi, gmo.xgrid)
	else if (gmi.type == 'pivot') {
		gmo.xgrid <- gmeta.check.gmo.xgrid.pivot(gmi, gmo.xgrid)
	else if (gmi.type == 'pvalue') { 
		gmo.xgrid <- gmeta.check.gmo.xgrid.pvalue(gmi, gmo.xgrid)
	else if (gmi.type == '2x2') {
		gmo.xgrid <- gmeta.check.gmo.xgrid.2x2(gmi, gmo.xgrid)
	else {
		stop('input type must be cd, pivot, pvalue or 2x2!')
gmeta.check.gmo.xgrid.cd <- function(gmi, gmo.xgrid) {
	if( is.null(gmo.xgrid) ) {
		nn1 <- length(gmi)
		gmi.x <- list()
		for (i in seq(1, nn1)) {
			gmi.x[[i]] <- gmi[[i]][,1]
		xl <- min(unlist(gmi.x))
		xu <- max(unlist(gmi.x))
		gmo.xgrid <- seq(xl, xu, by=0.001)
	} else {
		stopifnot( is.vector(gmo.xgrid), is.numeric(gmo.xgrid) )
gmeta.check.gmo.xgrid.pivot <- function(gmi, gmo.xgrid) {
	if ( is.null(gmo.xgrid) ) {
		gmo.xgrid <- seq(from=-1, to=1, by=0.001)
	} else {
		stopifnot( is.vector(gmo.xgrid), is.numeric(gmo.xgrid) )
gmeta.check.gmo.xgrid.pvalue <- function(gmi, gmo.xgrid) {
	if ( !is.null(gmo.xgrid) ) {
		warning('gmo.xgrid is not used in p-value combination.')
gmeta.check.gmo.xgrid.2x2 <- function(gmi, gmo.xgrid){
	if( is.null(gmo.xgrid) ) {
		gmo.xgrid = seq(from=-1, to=1, by=0.001)
	} else {
		stopifnot( is.vector(gmo.xgrid), is.numeric(gmo.xgrid), length(gmo.xgrid) > 2 )

### checking study.names
gmeta.check.study.names <- function(gmi, study.names) {
	# nn1 - number of study
	if ( is.matrix(gmi) || is.data.frame(gmi) ) {
		nn1 = dim(gmi)[1]
	} else if ( is.list(gmi) || is.vector(gmi) ) {
		nn1 = length(gmi)
	} else {
	# nn2 - number of study.names
	if ( is.null(study.names) ) {
		# study.names
		if ( is.list(gmi) && !is.data.frame(gmi) && !is.matrix(gmi) ) { # just a list
			study.names <- names(gmi)
		} else if ( is.data.frame(gmi) || is.matrix(gmi) ) { # R - is.list(data.frame)=TRUE
			study.names <- rownames(gmi)
		} else {
			study.names = paste('study-', formatC(c(1:nn1),width=ceiling(log10(nn1)),format='d',flag='0'), sep='')
		# study.names - again
		if ( is.null(study.names) || length(unique(study.names) == nn1) ) {
			study.names = paste('study-', formatC(c(1:nn1),width=ceiling(log10(nn1)),format='d',flag='0'), sep='')
	} else if ( is.vector(study.names) ) {
		nn2 = length(study.names)
		if ( !(nn1 == nn2) ) {
			stop('study.names must assign each study a name.')
	} else {
		stop('if not NULL, study.names must be a vector that assigns each study a name.')
	# return

# preprocessing[done]

# A unifying framework for meta-analysis 

## meta-analysis - combine p-value vector
# *****************************************************************************
#    gmeta.p() - combination of p-value vector
# *****************************************************************************
## main [gmeta.p()]
gmeta.p <- function(gmi, method) {
	cmbd.pvalue <- Cpvaluecombine(gmi, method)
	gmeta.cmbd <- list(individual.pvalues=gmi, method=method, combined.pvalue=cmbd.pvalue)
### combine: p-value vector
### Cpvaluecombine: implemented in C
Cpvaluecombine <- function(RpVec, Rmethod) {
	stopifnot(is.numeric(RpVec), is.character(Rmethod));
	stopifnot(Rmethod %in% c('fisher', 'normal', 'stouffer', 'min', 'tippett', 'max', 'sum'));
	.Call('pvaluecombine', # pvaluecombine() in C
	RpVec,   # generatlized meta-analysis input: vector of p-values.
	Rmethod, # generatlized meta-analysis method: 'fisher', 'normal', 'stouffer', 'min', 'tippett', 'max', 'sum'. 
	package  = 'pvaluecombine')
### combine: p-value vector
### R.pvalue.combine: implemented in R (deprecated)
R.pvalue.combine <- function(gmi, method) {
	k = length(gmi)
	if (method == 'fisher') {
		cmbd.pvalue <- 1 - pchisq(-2*sum(log(gmi)), df=2*k)  
	else if (method == 'normal') {
		cmbd.pvalue <- pnorm(sum(qnorm(gmi))/sqrt(k))
	else if (method == 'stouffer') {
		# alias for normal
		cmbd.pvalue <- pnorm(sum(qnorm(gmi))/sqrt(k))
	else if (method == 'tippett') {
		cmbd.pvalue <-  1-(1-min(gmi))^k
	else if (method == 'max') {
		cmbd.pvalue <- max(gmi)^k
	else if (method == 'min') {
		# alias for 'tippett'
		cmbd.pvalue <-  1-(1-min(gmi))^k
	else if (method == 'sum') {
		if (k <= 30) {
			cmbd.pvalue <- psumunif(sum(gmi), k)
		else {
			cmbd.pvalue <- pnorm(sum(gmi), mean = k/2, sd = sqrt(k/12))
	else {
		stop('method is not recognized')
	# return
	# gmeta.cmbd <- list(indiv.pvalues=gmi, method=method, cmbd.pvalue=c0mbd.pvalue)
	# return(gmeta.cmbd)
## [p-value combination tools]
### compute pdf of sum of n uniform(0,1), used in pvalue-based method
### input: q - quantile; n - number of uniform(0,1) r.v.s to sum.
### designed for n < 30, if n > 30 then use normal approximation.
psumunif <- function(q, n) {
	psunif <- 0
	for (i in 0:n) {
		psunif = psunif + (-1)^i * choose(n,i) * max(0, q - i)^n
	psunif = psunif / factorial(n)
## [p-value combination tools - done]
## meta-analysis - combine p-value vector [done]

## meta-analysis - model based meta-analysis
# *****************************************************************************
#    gmeta.m() - model based meta-analysis methods
# *****************************************************************************
## main[gmeta.m]

## meta-analysis - model based meta-analysis
## main[gmeta.m]
gmeta.m <- function(gmi, gmi.type, method, linkfunc, weight, gmo.xgrid, ci.level, tau2, verbose) {
	gmeta.data <- gmeta.cdpvt.dproc(gmi, gmi.type, method, gmo.xgrid, tau2)
	gmeta.cmbd <- gmeta.cdpvt.combine(gmeta.data, method, linkfunc, weight, gmo.xgrid, ci.level, verbose)
	#class(gmeta.cmbd) <- c('gmeta.m')

### data processing
gmeta.cdpvt.dproc <- function(gmi, gmi.type, method, gmo.xgrid, tau2) {
	if (gmi.type == 'cd') {
		gmeta.data <- gmeta.cdpvt.dproc.cd(gmi, method, gmo.xgrid, tau2)
	} else { # gmi.type == 'pivot'
		gmeta.data <- gmeta.cdpvt.dproc.pivot(gmi, method, gmo.xgrid, tau2)
gmeta.cdpvt.dproc.cd <- function(gmi, method, gmo.xgrid, tau2) {
	# unified data structure
	# x.grids and cdf values
	gmi.x     <- list()
	gmi.cd    <- list()
	# maintain mean & stddev
	nn1       <- length(gmi)
	gmi.theta <- numeric(nn1)
	gmi.sigma <- numeric(nn1)
	# unifying data structure:
	# x.grids, cdf-values-on-xgrids, mean, stddev for each study 
	for ( i in seq(1:nn1) ) {
		gmi.x[[i]]   <- gmi[[i]][,1]
		gmi.cd[[i]]  <- gmi[[i]][,2]
		gmi.theta[i] <- gmeta.cd.mean(gmi.x[[i]], gmi.cd[[i]])
		gmi.sigma[i] <- gmeta.cd.stddev(gmi.x[[i]], gmi.cd[[i]])
	# calculate tau2
	if ( is.element(method, c('fixed-mle',
							  'fixed-robust2(sqrt12)')) ) {
		gmi.tau2 <- 0
	} else if ( is.element(method, c('random-mm',
									 'random-robust2(sqrt12)')) ) {
		#gmi.tau2 <- Gtau2(gmi.theta, gmi.sigma, method)
		if ( is.numeric(tau2) ) {
			gmi.tau2 <- tau2
		} else if ( is.character(tau2) && is.element(tau2, c('DL', 'HS', 'SJ', 'HE', 'ML', 'REML', 'EB')) ) {
			gmi.tau2 <- Gtau2m(gmi.theta, gmi.sigma, tau2method=tau2)
		} else {
			gmi.tau2 <- Gtau2(gmi.theta, gmi.sigma, method)
	} else if ( method == 'random-tau2' ) {
		if ( is.numeric(tau2) ) {
			gmi.tau2 <- tau2
		} else if ( is.character(tau2) && is.element(tau2, c('DL', 'HS', 'SJ', 'HE', 'ML', 'REML', 'EB')) ) {
			gmi.tau2 <- Gtau2m(gmi.theta, gmi.sigma, tau2method=tau2)
		} else {
			stop("tau2 not recongize: must specify a numeric tau2 or a tau2method in c('DL', 'HS', 'SJ', 'HE', 'ML', 'REML', 'EB').")
	} else {
		stop('method not recongize.')
	# unified x.grids
	# xl <- min(unlist(gmi.x))
	# xu <- max(unlist(gmi.x))
	# gmi.unix <- seq(from=xl, to=xu, length.out=n)
	gmi.unix <- gmo.xgrid # update in v2.0
	# calculate cdf-value on unified x.grids
	gmi.unix.cd <- NULL
	for ( i in seq(1,nn1) ) {
		gmi.unix.cd <- rbind(gmi.unix.cd, 
			approx(x=gmi.x[[i]], y=gmi.cd[[i]], xout=gmi.unix, rule=2)$y)
	# return
	gmeta.data <- list( # x.grids
						gmi.x     = gmi.unix, # [unified x.grids - gmo.xgrids]
						# individual CDs
						gmi.cd    = gmi.unix.cd, 
						gmi.theta = gmi.theta, 
						gmi.sigma = gmi.sigma, 
						gmi.tau2  = gmi.tau2   )
	# return
gmeta.cdpvt.dproc.pivot <- function(gmi, method, gmo.xgrid, tau2) {
	# unified data structure
	# x.grids and cdf values
	#gmi.x     <- list()
	#gmi.cd    <- list()
	# maintain mean & stddev
	nn1       <- dim(gmi)[1]
	gmi.theta <- gmi[,1]
	gmi.sigma <- gmi[,2]
	# calculate tau2
	if ( is.element(method, c('fixed-mle',
							  'fixed-robust2(sqrt12)')) ) {
		gmi.tau2 <- 0
	} else if ( is.element(method, c('random-mm',
									 'random-robust2(sqrt12)')) ) {
		#gmi.tau2 <- Gtau2(gmi.theta, gmi.sigma, method)
		if ( is.numeric(tau2) ) {
			gmi.tau2 <- tau2
		} else if ( is.character(tau2) && is.element(tau2, c('DL', 'HS', 'SJ', 'HE', 'ML', 'REML', 'EB')) ) {
			gmi.tau2 <- Gtau2m(gmi.theta, gmi.sigma, tau2method=tau2)
		} else {
			gmi.tau2 <- Gtau2(gmi.theta, gmi.sigma, method)
	} else if ( method == 'random-tau2' ) {
		if ( is.null(tau2) ) {
			stop("tau2 must not NULL if method='random-tau2'")
		if ( is.numeric(tau2) ) {
			gmi.tau2 <- tau2
		} else if ( is.character(tau2) && is.element(tau2, c('DL', 'HS', 'SJ', 'HE', 'ML', 'REML', 'EB')) ) {
			gmi.tau2 <- Gtau2m(gmi.theta, gmi.sigma, tau2method=tau2)
		} else {
			stop("tau2 not recongize: must specify a numeric tau2 or a tau2method in c('DL', 'HS', 'SJ', 'HE', 'ML', 'REML', 'EB').")
	} else {
		stop('method not recongize.')
	# unified x.grids
	# xl <- min(unlist(gmi.x))
	# xu <- max(unlist(gmi.x))
	# gmi.unix <- seq(from=xl, to=xu, length.out=n)
	gmi.unix <- gmo.xgrid # update in v2.0
	# calculate cdf-value on unified x.grids
	gmi.unix.cd <- NULL
	if (is.element(method, c('fixed-mle',
							 'fixed-robust2(sqrt12)'))) {
		for (i in seq(1,nn1)) {
			gmi.unix.cd <- rbind(gmi.unix.cd,
				pnorm(gmi.unix, gmi.theta[i], gmi.sigma[i]))
	} else if (is.element(method, c('random-mm',
									'random-robust2(sqrt12)'))) {
		for (i in seq(1,nn1)) {
			gmi.unix.cd <- rbind(gmi.unix.cd,
				pnorm(gmi.unix, gmi.theta[i], sqrt(gmi.sigma[i]^2+gmi.tau2)))
	} else {
		stop('method not recongize.')
	# return
	gmeta.data <- list( # x.grids
						gmi.x     = gmi.unix, # [unified x.grids - gmo.xgrids]
						# individual CDs
						gmi.cd    = gmi.unix.cd, 
						gmi.theta = gmi.theta, 
						gmi.sigma = gmi.sigma, 
						gmi.tau2  = gmi.tau2   )
	# return

### combine: gaussian & double exponential
gmeta.cdpvt.combine <- function(gmeta.data, method, linkfunc, weight, gmo.xgrid, ci.level, verbose) {
	# use linkfunc combine
	if ( linkfunc == 'inverse-normal-cdf' ) {
		cmbdF <- gmeta.cdpvt.combine.gaussian(gmeta.data, method, weight, gmo.xgrid, verbose)
	} else if ( linkfunc == 'inverse-laplace-cdf' ) {
		cmbdF <- gmeta.cdpvt.combine.de(gmeta.data, method, weight, gmo.xgrid, verbose)
	} else {
		stop('linkfunc not recongize.')
	# post-processing
	cmbdf   <- F2f(gmeta.data$gmi.x, cmbdF)
	cmbdmn  <- gmeta.cd.mean(gmeta.data$gmi.x, cmbdF)
	cmbdmdn <- gmeta.cd.median(gmeta.data$gmi.x, cmbdF)
	cmbdsdv <- gmeta.cd.stddev(gmeta.data$gmi.x, cmbdF)
	# post-processing on individual CDs
	# number of study
	K = dim(gmeta.data$gmi.cd)[1]
	# significance level
	alpha = 1 - ci.level
	# calculate individual and combined CIs
	indiv.ci <- NULL
	for (i in 1:K) {
		indiv.ci <- rbind(indiv.ci,
			gmeta.cd.mdncis(gmeta.data$gmi.x, gmeta.data$gmi.cd[i, ], alpha))
	combined.ci <- gmeta.cd.mdncis(gmeta.data$gmi.x, cmbdF, alpha)[c(1,3)]
	# return
	gmeta.cmbd <- list( # x.grids
						x.grids            = gmeta.data$gmi.x,
						# individual CDs
						individual.cds     = gmeta.data$gmi.cd,
						individual.means   = gmeta.data$gmi.theta,
						individual.stddevs = gmeta.data$gmi.sigma,
						individual.medians = indiv.ci[,2], 
						individual.cis     = indiv.ci[,c(1,3)],
						# combined CD
						combined.cd        = cmbdF, 
						combined.density   = cmbdf, 
						combined.mean      = cmbdmn, 
						combined.sd        = cmbdsdv,
						combined.median    = cmbdmdn, 
						combined.ci        = combined.ci,
						# other information
						method             = method, 
						linkfunc           = linkfunc, 
						weight             = weight,
						tau2               = gmeta.data$gmi.tau2,
						ci.level           = ci.level,             
						verbose            = verbose              )
	# return
gmeta.cdpvt.combine.gaussian <- function(gmeta.data, method, weight, gmo.xgrid, verbose) {
	# extract data structure
	gmi.x     <- gmeta.data$gmi.x
	gmi.cd    <- gmeta.data$gmi.cd
	gmi.tau2  <- gmeta.data$gmi.tau2
	gmi.theta <- gmeta.data$gmi.theta
	gmi.sigma <- gmeta.data$gmi.sigma
	# specify study-specific weight
	if ( is.null(weight) ) {
		if ( verbose ) {
			cat('\nlinkfunc is inverse-normal-cdf - default weight is inverse-variance.\n') #commentOut
		weight <- 1 / sqrt(gmi.sigma^2 + gmi.tau2) # tau2 is zero if fixed-effect model, method suppress tau2 if random-effects model
	} else {
		if ( verbose ) {
			cat('\nuser-specified study-specific weights.\n') #commentOut
		} else {
			#cat('\nuser-specified study-specific weights.\n') #commentOut
	# meta via CD-framework
	if (method == 'fixed-mle') {
		#adptws <- 1 / gmi.sigma
		#weight <- weight * adptws [no adptws in v2.0]
		weight.ss <- sum(weight^2)
		cmbdF = pnorm(apply(weight*qnorm(gmi.cd), 2, sum) / sqrt(weight.ss))
	#else if (method == 'fixed-bayesian') {
	#	#adptws <- 1 / gmi.sigma
	#	#weight <- weight * adptws [no adptws in v2.0]
	#	weight.ss <- sum(weight^2)
	#	cmbdF = pnorm(apply(weight*qnorm(gmi.cd), 2, sum) / sqrt(weight.ss))
	else if (method == 'fixed-robust1') {
		k <- length(weight)
		#adptws <- 1 / gmi.sigma
		#weight <- weight * adptws [no adptws in v2.0]
		e.kernel <- function(u00, h) { 
			1/h * dnorm(u00/h) 
		data.iqr <- qnorm(0.75, gmi.theta, gmi.sigma) - qnorm(0.25, gmi.theta, gmi.sigma)
		cmbdm.all <- NULL
		cmbdF.all <- NULL
		for (i in 1:k) {
			# ith kernel weights
			knwsi <- e.kernel(gmi.theta-gmi.theta[i], sqrt(data.iqr))
			# adjusted weights [adjusted by kernel]
			wts.adj <- weight * knwsi
			weight.ss <- sum(wts.adj^2)
			# ith kernel combined Fs
			Fknl <- pnorm(apply(wts.adj*qnorm(gmi.cd), 2, sum)/sqrt(weight.ss))
			# ith kernel combined F's median
			mknl <- gmeta.cd.median(gmi.x, Fknl)
			# save for later analysis
			cmbdm.all <- c(cmbdm.all, mknl)
			cmbdF.all <- rbind(cmbdF.all, Fknl)
		# using the median one as robust one
		srt.list <- sort.list(cmbdm.all)
		if (k %% 2) {
			# k is odd, median is (k+1)/2
			cmbdF <- cmbdF.all[srt.list[(k+1)/2], ]
		else {
			# k is even, median is k/2 and k/2 + 1, combined with equal weight one
			cmbdF <- pnorm( (qnorm(cmbdF.all[srt.list[k/2], ]) + qnorm(cmbdF.all[srt.list[k/2+1], ]))/sqrt(2) )
	else if (method == 'fixed-robust2') {
		cmbdFr0 <- gmeta.cdpvt.combine.gaussian(gmeta.data, 
			method='fixed-robust2(sqrt12)', weight, gmo.xgrid, verbose)
		# latex format
		# $\hat{theta^{(c)}) = H(c)^{-1}(1/2)$
		x.median <- gmeta.cd.median(gmi.x, cmbdFr0)
		# ith cd at x.median
		nn1 <- length(weight)
		mdn.cds <- numeric(nn1)
		for (i in seq(1,nn1)) {
			mdn.cds[i] <- approx(x=gmi.x, y=gmi.cd[i,], xout=x.median)$y
		weight.ss <- sum(weight^2*(mdn.cds-0.5)^2)
		cmbdF = pnorm(apply(weight*(gmi.cd-0.5), 2, sum)/sqrt(weight.ss))
	else if (method == 'fixed-robust2(sqrt12)') {
		#adptws <- 1 / gmi.sigma
		#weight <- weight * adptws [no adptws in v2.0]
		weight.ss <- sum(weight^2)
		cmbdF = pnorm(apply(sqrt(12)*weight*(gmi.cd-0.5), 2, sum)/sqrt(weight.ss))
	else if (method == 'random-mm') {
		#adptws <- 1 / sqrt(gmi.sigma^2 + gmi.tau2)
		#weight <- weight * adptws [no adptws in v2.0]
		weight.ss <- sum(weight^2)
		cmbdF = pnorm(apply(weight*qnorm(gmi.cd), 2, sum)/sqrt(weight.ss))
	else if (method == 'random-reml') {
		#adptws <- 1 / sqrt(gmi.sigma^2 + gmi.tau2)
		#weight <- weight * adptws [no adptws in v2.0]
		weight.ss <- sum(weight^2)
		cmbdF = pnorm(apply(weight*qnorm(gmi.cd), 2, sum)/sqrt(weight.ss))
	else if (method == 'random-tau2') {
		#adptws <- 1 / sqrt(gmi.sigma^2 + gmi.tau2)
		#weight <- weight * adptws [no adptws in v2.0]
		weight.ss <- sum(weight^2)
		cmbdF = pnorm(apply(weight*qnorm(gmi.cd), 2, sum)/sqrt(weight.ss))
	else if (method == 'random-robust1') {
		k <- length(weight)
		#adptws <- 1 / sqrt(gmi.sigma^2 + gmi.tau2)
		#weight <- weight * adptws [no adptws in v2.0]
		e.kernel <- function(u00, h) { 
			1/h * dnorm(u00/h) 
		data.iqr <- qnorm(0.75, gmi.theta, gmi.sigma) - qnorm(0.25, gmi.theta, gmi.sigma)
		cmbdm.all <- NULL
		cmbdF.all <- NULL
		for (i in 1:k) {
			# ith kernel weights
			knwsi <- e.kernel(gmi.theta-gmi.theta[i], sqrt(data.iqr))
			# adjusted weights
			wts.adj <- weight * knwsi
			weight.ss <- sum(wts.adj^2)
			# ith kernel combined Fs
			Fknl <- pnorm(apply(wts.adj*qnorm(gmi.cd), 2, sum)/sqrt(weight.ss))
			# ith kernel combined F's median
			mknl <- gmeta.cd.median(gmi.x, Fknl)
			# save for later analysis
			cmbdm.all <- c(cmbdm.all, mknl)
			cmbdF.all <- rbind(cmbdF.all, Fknl)
		# using the median one as robust one
		srt.list <- sort.list(cmbdm.all)
		if (k %% 2) {
			# k is odd, median is (k+1)/2
			cmbdF <- cmbdF.all[srt.list[(k+1)/2], ]
		else {
			# k is even, median is k/2 and k/2 + 1, combined with equal weight one
			cmbdF <- pnorm( (qnorm(cmbdF.all[srt.list[k/2], ]) + qnorm(cmbdF.all[srt.list[k/2+1], ]))/sqrt(2) )
	else if (method == 'random-robust2') {
		cmbdFr0 <- gmeta.cdpvt.combine.gaussian(gmeta.data, 
			method='random-robust2(sqrt12)', weight, gmo.xgrid, verbose)
		# latex format
		# $\hat{theta^{(c)}) = H(c)^{-1}(1/2)$
		x.median <- gmeta.cd.median(gmi.x, cmbdFr0)
		# ith cd at x.median
		nn1 <- length(weight)
		mdn.cds <- numeric(nn1)
		for (i in seq(1,nn1)) {
			mdn.cds[i] <- approx(x=gmi.x, y=gmi.cd[i,], xout=x.median)$y
		weight.ss <- sum(weight^2*(mdn.cds-0.5)^2)
		cmbdF = pnorm(apply(weight*(gmi.cd-0.5), 2, sum)/sqrt(weight.ss))
	else if (method == 'random-robust2(sqrt12)') {
		#adptws <- 1 / sqrt(gmi.sigma^2 + gmi.tau2)
		#weight <- weight * adptws [no adptws in v2.0]
		weight.ss <- sum(weight^2)
		cmbdF = pnorm(apply(sqrt(12)*weight*(gmi.cd-0.5), 2, sum)/sqrt(weight.ss))
	else {
		stop('method is not recongized.')
	# return
gmeta.cdpvt.combine.de <- function(gmeta.data, method, weight, gmo.xgrid, verbose) {
	# extract data structure
	gmi.x     <- gmeta.data$gmi.x
	gmi.cd    <- gmeta.data$gmi.cd
	gmi.tau2  <- gmeta.data$gmi.tau2
	gmi.theta <- gmeta.data$gmi.theta
	gmi.sigma <- gmeta.data$gmi.sigma
	# specify study-specific weight
	if ( is.null(weight) ) {
		if ( is.element(method, c('fixed-mle',
								  'random-tau2')) ) {
			if ( verbose ) {
				cat('\nlinkfunc is inverse-laplace-cdf - default weight is all one (Bahadur Efficiency).\n') #commentOut
			weight <- rep(1, length(gmi.theta)) # tau2 is zero if fixed-effect model, method suppress tau2 if random-effects model
		} else if ( is.element(method, c('fixed-robust1',
										 'random-robust2(sqrt12)')) ) {
			if ( verbose ) {
				cat('\nif use robust method, linkfunc is forced to use inverse-normal-cdf and default weight is inverse-variance.\n') #commentOut
			weight <- 1 / sqrt(gmi.sigma^2 + gmi.tau2) # tau2 is zero if fixed-effect model, method suppress tau2 if random-effects model
		} else {
			stop('method not recongize.')
	} else {
		if ( ( verbose ) && !( weight == 1 ) ) {
			cat("\nwarning: user-specified study-specific weights are not recommend if take linkfunc='inverse-laplace-cdf', the default weights with all ones give Bahadur Efficiency.\n") #commentOut
		} else {
			#cat("\nwarning: use user-specified weight which is not recommend.\n") #commentOut
	# meta via CD-framework
	# F0: double.exponential
	# linkfunc: inverse-laplace-cdf
	glog <- function(x) {
		ifelse(x<=0, -5000, log(x))
	qde <- function(x) {
		ifelse(x>0.5, -glog(2*(1-x)), glog(2*x))
	rde <- function(k) {
	# meta via CD-framework
	if (method == 'fixed-mle') {
		#adptws <- 1 / gmi.sigma
		#weight <- weight * adptws [no adptws in v2.0]
		#p.cmbd.de <- convolution.sim(rde, weight) 
		p.cmbd.de <- .convolution.de(rde, weight, verbose) # [update in v2.0: .convolution.de()]
		cmbd.q = apply(weight*qde(gmi.cd), 2, sum)
		cmbdF <- p.cmbd.de(cmbd.q)
	#else if (method == 'fixed-bayesian') {
	#	#adptws <- 1 / gmi.sigma
	#	#weight <- weight * adptws [no adptws in v2.0]
	#	#p.cmbd.de <- convolution.sim(rde, weight)
	#	p.cmbd.de <- .convolution.de(rde, weight, verbose) # [update in v2.0: .convolution.de()]
	#	cmbd.q = apply(weight*qde(gmi.cd), 2, sum)
	#	cmbdF <- p.cmbd.de(cmbd.q)
	else if (method == 'fixed-robust1') {
		k <- length(weight)
		#adptws <- 1 / gmi.sigma
		#weight <- weight * adptws [no adptws in v2.0]
		e.kernel <- function(u00, h) { 
			1/h * dnorm(u00/h) 
		data.iqr <- qnorm(0.75, gmi.theta, gmi.sigma) - qnorm(0.25, gmi.theta, gmi.sigma)
		cmbdm.all <- NULL
		cmbdF.all <- NULL
		for (i in 1:k) {
			# ith kernel weights
			knwsi <- e.kernel(gmi.theta-gmi.theta[i], sqrt(data.iqr))
			# adjusted weights
			wts.adj <- weight * knwsi
			# ith kernel combined Fs
			p.cmbd.de <- convolution.sim(rde, wts.adj)
			#p.cmbd.de <- .convolution.de(rde, wts.adj, verbose=FALSE) # [update in v2.0: .convolution.de() - no need exact convolution since weight not all one]
			cmbd.q = apply(wts.adj*qde(gmi.cd), 2, sum)
			Fknl <- p.cmbd.de(cmbd.q)
			# ith kernel combined F's median
			mknl <- gmeta.cd.median(gmi.x, Fknl)
			# save for later analysis
			cmbdm.all <- c(cmbdm.all, mknl)
			cmbdF.all <- rbind(cmbdF.all, Fknl)
		# using the median one as robust one
		srt.list <- sort.list(cmbdm.all)
		if (k %% 2) {
			# k is odd, median is (k+1)/2
			cmbdF <- cmbdF.all[srt.list[(k+1)/2], ]
		else {
			# k is even, median is k/2 and k/2 + 1, combined with equal weight one
			cmbdF <- pnorm( (qnorm(cmbdF.all[srt.list[k/2], ]) + qnorm(cmbdF.all[srt.list[k/2+1], ]))/sqrt(2) )
	else if (method == 'fixed-robust2') {
		cmbdFr0 <- gmeta.cdpvt.combine.de(gmeta.data, 
			method='fixed-robust2(sqrt12)', weight, gmo.xgrid, verbose)
		# latex format
		# $\hat{theta^{(c)}) = H(c)^{-1}(1/2)$
		x.median <- gmeta.cd.median(gmi.x, cmbdFr0)
		# ith cd at x.median
		nn1 <- length(weight)
		mdn.cds <- numeric(nn1)
		for (i in seq(1,nn1)) {
			mdn.cds[i] <- approx(x=gmi.x, y=gmi.cd[i,], xout=x.median)$y
		weight.ss <- sum(weight^2*(mdn.cds-0.5)^2)
		cmbdF = pnorm(apply(weight*(gmi.cd-0.5), 2, sum)/sqrt(weight.ss))
	else if (method == 'fixed-robust2(sqrt12)') {
		#adptws <- 1 / gmi.sigma 
		#weight <- weight * adptws [no adptws in v2.0]
		weight.ss <- sum(weight^2)
		cmbdF = pnorm(apply(sqrt(12)*weight*(gmi.cd-0.5), 2, sum)/sqrt(weight.ss))
	else if (method == 'random-mm') {
		#adptws <- 1 / sqrt((gmi.sigma^2 + gmi.tau2))
		#weight <- weight * adptws [no adptws in v2.0]
		#p.cmbd.de <- convolution.sim(rde, weight)
		p.cmbd.de <- .convolution.de(rde, weight, verbose) # [update in v2.0: .convolution.de()]
		cmbd.q = apply(weight*qde(gmi.cd), 2, sum)
		cmbdF <- p.cmbd.de(cmbd.q)
	else if (method == 'random-reml') {
		#adptws <- 1 / sqrt(gmi.sigma^2 + gmi.tau2)
		#weight <- weight * adptws [no adptws in v2.0]
		#p.cmbd.de <- convolution.sim(rde, weight)
		p.cmbd.de <- .convolution.de(rde, weight, verbose) # [update in v2.0: .convolution.de()]
		cmbd.q = apply(weight*qde(gmi.cd), 2, sum)
		cmbdF <- p.cmbd.de(cmbd.q)
	else if (method == 'random-tau2') {
		#adptws <- 1 / sqrt(gmi.sigma^2 + gmi.tau2)
		#weight <- weight * adptws [no adptws in v2.0]
		#p.cmbd.de <- convolution.sim(rde, weight)
		p.cmbd.de <- .convolution.de(rde, weight, verbose) # [update in v2.0: .convolution.de()]
		cmbd.q = apply(weight*qde(gmi.cd), 2, sum)
		cmbdF <- p.cmbd.de(cmbd.q)
	else if (method == 'random-robust1') {
		k <- length(weight)
		#adptws <- 1 / sqrt(gmi.sigma^2 + gmi.tau2)
		#weight <- weight * adptws [no adptws in v2.0]
		e.kernel <- function(u00, h) { 
			1/h * dnorm(u00/h) 
		data.iqr <- qnorm(0.75, gmi.theta, gmi.sigma) - qnorm(0.25, gmi.theta, gmi.sigma)
		cmbdm.all <- cmbdF.all <- NULL
		for (i in 1:k) {
			# ith kernel weights
			knwsi <- e.kernel(gmi.theta-gmi.theta[i], sqrt(data.iqr))
			# adjusted weights
			wts.adj <- weight * knwsi
			# ith kernel combined Fs
			p.cmbd.de <- convolution.sim(rde, wts.adj)
			#p.cmbd.de <- .convolution.de(rde, wts.adj, verbose=FALSE) # [update in v2.0: .convolution.de() - no need exact convolution since weight not all one]
			cmbd.q = apply(wts.adj*qde(gmi.cd), 2, sum)
			Fknl <- p.cmbd.de(cmbd.q)
			# ith kernel combined F's median
			mknl <- gmeta.cd.median(gmi.x, Fknl)
			# save for later analysis
			cmbdm.all <- c(cmbdm.all, mknl)
			cmbdF.all <- rbind(cmbdF.all, Fknl)
		# using the median one as robust one
		srt.list <- sort.list(cmbdm.all)
		if (k %% 2) {
			# k is odd, median is (k+1)/2
			cmbdF <- cmbdF.all[srt.list[(k+1)/2], ]
		else {
			# k is even, median is k/2 and k/2 + 1, combined with equal weight one
			cmbdF <- pnorm( (qnorm(cmbdF.all[srt.list[k/2], ]) + qnorm(cmbdF.all[srt.list[k/2+1], ]))/sqrt(2) )
	else if (method == 'random-robust2') {
		cmbdFr0 <- gmeta.cdpvt.combine.de(gmeta.data, 
			method='random-robust2(sqrt12)', weight, gmo.xgrid, verbose)
		# latex format
		# $\hat{theta^{(c)}) = H(c)^{-1}(1/2)$
		x.median <- gmeta.cd.median(gmi.x, cmbdFr0)
		# ith cd at x.median
		nn1 <- length(weight)
		mdn.cds <- numeric(nn1)
		for (i in seq(1,nn1)) {
			mdn.cds[i] <- approx(x=gmi.x, y=gmi.cd[i,], xout=x.median)$y
		weight.ss <- sum(weight^2*(mdn.cds-0.5)^2)
		cmbdF = pnorm(apply(weight*(gmi.cd-0.5), 2, sum)/sqrt(weight.ss))
	else if (method == 'random-robust2(sqrt12)') {
		#adptws <- 1 / sqrt(gmi.sigma^2 + gmi.tau2)
		#weight <- weight * adptws [no adptws in v2.0]
		weight.ss <- sum(weight^2)
		cmbdF = pnorm(apply(sqrt(12)*weight*(gmi.cd-0.5), 2, sum)/sqrt(weight.ss))
	else {
		stop('method is not recongized.')
	# return
## meta-analysis - model based meta-analysis[done]

## meta-analysis - model based meta-analysis[done]

## meta-analysis - combine evidence from 2x2 tables
# *****************************************************************************
#    gmeta.e() - combine evidence from 2x2 tables (exact methods)
# *****************************************************************************
## main[gmeta.e]
gmeta.e <- function(gmi, method, weight, gmo.xgrid, ci.level, mc.iteration, eta, verbose, report.error) {
	data_matrix = as.matrix(cbind(gmi[,1], gmi[,3], gmi[,2], gmi[,4], gmi[,1]+gmi[,3]))
	colnames(data_matrix) = c("x","y","N","M","x+y")
	if (method == 'exact1') {
		gmeta.data <- gmeta.exact.indiv(data_matrix, gmo.xgrid, ci.level)
		gmeta.cmbd <- gmeta.exact.combine(gmeta.data, weight, gmo.xgrid, ci.level, mc.iteration, report.error)
	} else if (method == 'exact2') {
		gmeta.cmbd <- gmeta.exact.LT(data_matrix, weight, gmo.xgrid, ci.level, mc.iteration, eta, verbose, report.error)
	} else if (method == 'MH' || method == 'Mantel-Haenszel') {
		gmeta.cmbd <- gmeta.MH(data_matrix, weight, gmo.xgrid, ci.level)
	} else if (method == 'Peto') {
		gmeta.cmbd <- gmeta.peto(data_matrix, weight, gmo.xgrid, ci.level)
	} else {
		stop('gmi.type 2x2 only match methods MH, Mantel-Haenszel, Peto, exact1, exact2.')
	#gmeta.cmbd$method <- method

### 2x2 with exact1(LLX)
##### data processing
gmeta.exact.indiv <- function(data_matrix, gmo.xgrid, ci.level) {
	# number of study
	K = nrow(data_matrix)
	# input  - individual study mean and standard deviation
	gmeta.theta = log( (data_matrix[,1]*(data_matrix[,4]-data_matrix[,2])) / (data_matrix[,2]*(data_matrix[,3]-data_matrix[,1])) ) 
	gmeta.sigma = sqrt(1/data_matrix[,1] + 1/data_matrix[,2] + 1/(data_matrix[,3]-data_matrix[,1]) + 1/(data_matrix[,4]-data_matrix[,2]))
	index = is.finite(gmeta.theta) & is.finite(gmeta.sigma)
	# output - individual study CDs
	indiv.cds = matrix(NA, K, length(gmo.xgrid))
	indiv.cis = matrix(NA, K, 2)
	indiv.medians = rep(NA, K)
	indiv.means = rep(NA, K)
	indiv.stddevs = rep(NA, K)
	# construct individual CDs
	alpha <- 1 - ci.level
	pfunc <- function(theta) {
		return(1 - pFNCHypergeo.wrap(data_matrix[i,1],data_matrix[i,3],data_matrix[i,4],data_matrix[i,5], theta) + 
		           dFNCHypergeo(data_matrix[i,1],data_matrix[i,3],data_matrix[i,4],data_matrix[i,5], theta) / 2)
	for (i in 1:K) {
		indiv.cds[i, ] <- sapply(exp(gmo.xgrid), pfunc)
	indiv.cds <- ifelse(indiv.cds < 1-0.1^12, indiv.cds, 1-0.1^12) # otherwise qnorm() will resolve Inf.
	# individual study - CI median
	for (i in 1:K) {
		indiv.cis[i, ]   <- log(c(.quantileCD(pfunc, alpha/2), .quantileCD(pfunc, 1-alpha/2)))
		indiv.medians[i] <- log(.quantileCD(pfunc, 0.5))
	# individual study - mean and standard deviation
	na.moment <- is.na(gmeta.theta*0)
	for (i in c(1:K)[!na.moment]) {
		indiv.means[i]   <- gmeta.cd.mean(gmo.xgrid, indiv.cds[i,])
		indiv.stddevs[i] <- gmeta.cd.stddev(gmo.xgrid, indiv.cds[i,])
	indiv.means[na.moment] <- gmeta.theta[na.moment]
	indiv.stddevs[na.moment] <- gmeta.sigma[na.moment]
	# return
	gmeta.data <- list( # input
						data_matrix   = data_matrix,
						# individual CDs
						indiv.cds     = indiv.cds,
						indiv.cis     = indiv.cis,
						indiv.medians = indiv.medians,
						indiv.means   = indiv.means,
						indiv.stddevs = indiv.stddevs,
						# output gridding points
						x.grids       = gmo.xgrid     )
	# return
##### combine: exact1 method
gmeta.exact.combine <- function(gmeta.data, weight, gmo.xgrid, ci.level, mc.iteration, report.error) {
	#gmeta.cmbd <- gmeta.data
	#x.grids <- gmeta.data$x.grids
	# data_matrix
	data_matrix = gmeta.data$data_matrix
	# number of study
	K = nrow(data_matrix)
	# combine individual CDs
	alpha = 1 - ci.level
	xstmts <- .Estimates(data_matrix[,1:4])
	# obtain weight
	if ( is.null(weight) ) {
		weight <- xstmts$weight.hat
	} else {
		warning('combine 2x2 with method="exact1", default weight=NULL is strongly recommended.')
	indiv.cds <- gmeta.data$indiv.cds
	# combined cdf
	combined.cd <- weight %*% qnorm( indiv.cds )
	combined.cd <- combined.cd / sqrt( sum( weight^2 ) )
	combined.cd <- as.vector( pnorm(combined.cd) ) # combined CD with values on limited points
	# combined CD function	
	combinedCDF <- function(theta) {  # combined CD function, used when searching for quantiles
		ff = sapply(1:K, FUN = function(j) { midp.oddsratio(data_matrix[j,1], data_matrix[j,3], data_matrix[j,4], data_matrix[j,5], theta) })
		ff = ifelse(ff<1-0.1^12, ff, 1-0.1^12)
		ff = pnorm( weight %*% qnorm(ff) / sqrt(sum(weight^2)) )
	# inference derived from combined CD function
	mn.xstmt = log(.quantileCD(combinedCDF, 1/2))            # mean
	lower.ci = log(.quantileCD(combinedCDF, alpha/2))        # ci.lower
	upper.ci = log(.quantileCD(combinedCDF, 1 - alpha/2))    # ci.upper
	o.pvalue = 2 * min( combinedCDF(1), 1 - combinedCDF(1) ) # null hypothesis: odd-ratio==1
	# adjust individual CDs and combined CD function to reduce test.size.error
	if( is.na(xstmts$or.hat)==TRUE || xstmts$or.hat==0 || xstmts$or.hat==Inf ) {
		mn.xstmt.adj = xstmts$or.hat
		lower.ci.adj = NA
		upper.ci.adj = NA
		o.pvalue.adj = NA
		coverage.prbblty.error     = NA
		coverage.prbblty.error.adj = NA
	} else {
		indiv.cds.adj   <- t( sapply(1:K, FUN = function(j) { adjust.beta(gmeta.data$indiv.cds[j,], data_matrix[j,3], xstmts$pt.hat[j], data_matrix[j,4], xstmts$pc.hat[j]) }) )
		combined.cd.adj <- weight %*% qnorm( indiv.cds.adj )
		combined.cd.adj <- combined.cd.adj / sqrt( sum( weight^2 ) )
		combined.cd.adj <- as.vector( pnorm(combined.cd.adj) ) # combined CD with values on limited points
		# combined CD function - adjusted
		combinedCDF.adj <- function(theta) { # combined CD function, used when searching for quantiles
			ff = sapply(1:K, FUN = function(j) { midp.oddsratio(data_matrix[j,1], data_matrix[j,3], data_matrix[j,4], data_matrix[j,5], theta) })
			ff = sapply(1:K, FUN = function(j) { adjust.beta(ff[j], data_matrix[j,3], xstmts$pt.hat[j], data_matrix[j,4], xstmts$pc.hat[j]) })
			ff = ifelse(ff<1-0.1^12, ff, 1-0.1^12)
			ff = pnorm( weight %*% qnorm(ff) / sqrt(sum(weight^2)) )
		# inference derived from combined CD function - adjusted
		mn.xstmt.adj = log(.quantileCD(combinedCDF.adj,1/2))               # mean
		lower.ci.adj = log(.quantileCD(combinedCDF.adj,alpha/2))           # ci.lower
		upper.ci.adj = log(.quantileCD(combinedCDF.adj,1-alpha/2))         # ci.upper
		o.pvalue.adj = 2 * min(combinedCDF.adj(1), 1 - combinedCDF.adj(1)) # null hypothesis: odd-ratio==1
		# calculate coverage probability error
		coverage.prbblty.error     <- 'Not Requested'
		coverage.prbblty.error.adj <- 'Not Requested'
		if ( report.error ) {	
			ee = test.size.error(alpha/2, data_matrix[,3], xstmts$pt.hat, data_matrix[,4], xstmts$pc.hat, weight, result.1minusS=TRUE, mc.iteration)
			coverage.prbblty.error     = ee$Test.Size.Error.1minusS - ee$Test.Size.Error
			coverage.prbblty.error.adj = ee$Test.Size.Error.Adjusted.1minusS - ee$Test.Size.Error.Adjusted
	# return
	gmeta.cmbd <- list( # input
						data_matrix = gmeta.data$data_matrix[,1:4],
						# individual CDs
						individual.cds     = gmeta.data$indiv.cds,
						individual.cis     = gmeta.data$indiv.cis,
						individual.medians = gmeta.data$indiv.medians,
						individual.means   = gmeta.data$indiv.means,
						individual.stddevs = gmeta.data$indiv.stddevs,
						# combined CD function
						combined.cd        = combined.cd,
						combined.density   = F2f(gmo.xgrid, combined.cd),
						combined.mean      = mn.xstmt,
						combined.median    = gmeta.cd.median(gmo.xgrid, combined.cd),
						combined.sd        = gmeta.cd.stddev(gmo.xgrid, combined.cd),
						combined.ci        = c(lower.ci, upper.ci),
						# p-value for null hypothesis: odd-ratio==1
						pvalue = o.pvalue,
						# combined CD function - adjusted 
						combined.cd.adjusted       = combined.cd.adj,
						combined.density.adjusted  = F2f(gmo.xgrid, combined.cd.adj),
						combined.mean.adjusted     = mn.xstmt.adj,
						combined.median.adjusted   = gmeta.cd.median(gmo.xgrid, combined.cd.adj),
						combined.sd.adjusted       = gmeta.cd.stddev(gmo.xgrid, combined.cd.adj),
						combined.ci.adjusted       = c(lower.ci.adj, upper.ci.adj),
						# p-value for null hypothesis: odd-ratio==1 - adjusted
						pvalue.adj = o.pvalue.adj,
						# coverage probability error - check liu2012exact
						coverage.prbblty.error     = coverage.prbblty.error,
						coverage.prbblty.error.adj = coverage.prbblty.error.adj,
						# other information
						method       = 'exact1',
						linkfunc     = 'inverse-fisher-exact-test-function', #[? adjusted]
						weight       = weight,
						tau2         = NULL,
						ci.level     = ci.level,
						verbose      = report.error,
						mc.iteration = mc.iteration,
						report.error = report.error,
						# output gridding points
						x.grids      = gmo.xgrid )
	# return
##### overall test size error for exact1 method
test.size.error <- function(s, n.vec, p1.vec, m.vec, p0.vec, weight.vec, result.1minusS=FALSE, mc.iteration=1000000) {
	# number of study
	K = length(n.vec)
	psi = (p1.vec[1]/(1-p1.vec[1])) / (p0.vec[1]/(1-p0.vec[1]))
	# generate p.i(\psi), i=1,2,...K. 
	mid.p.sample     = matrix(NA, nrow=mc.iteration, ncol=K) # each column is for an i
	mid.p.sample.adj = matrix(NA, nrow=mc.iteration, ncol=K) # each column is for an i
	for(i in 1:K){											
	    x = rbinom(mc.iteration, n.vec[i], p1.vec[i])
		y = rbinom(mc.iteration,m.vec[i],p0.vec[i])
		mid.p.sample[,i]     = midp.oddsratio(x, n.vec[i], m.vec[i], x + y, or=psi)
		mid.p.sample.adj[,i] = adjust.beta(mid.p.sample[,i], n=n.vec[i], pt=p1.vec[i], m=m.vec[i], pc=p0.vec[i])
	# uniform sample
	uniform.sample = matrix(runif(mc.iteration*K,0,1), nrow=mc.iteration, ncol=K)
	# quantile
	qnorm.mid.p.sample     = qnorm(mid.p.sample)
	qnorm.mid.p.sample.adj = qnorm(mid.p.sample.adj)
	qnorm.uniform.sample   = qnorm(uniform.sample)
	bb1 = sapply(1:K, function(i) { ww<-weight.vec/weight.vec[i]; ww[1:K<=i]<-0; ww })
	bb2 = sapply(1:K, function(i) { ww<-weight.vec/weight.vec[i]; ww[1:K>=i]<-0; ww })
	xoffset = sqrt(sum(weight.vec^2))/weight.vec*qnorm(s)
	main     = qnorm.mid.p.sample     %*% bb1 + qnorm.uniform.sample %*% bb2
	main.adj = qnorm.mid.p.sample.adj %*% bb1 + qnorm.uniform.sample %*% bb2
	aa     = t(xoffset-t(main))
	aa.adj = t(xoffset-t(main.adj))
	pnorm.aa     = pnorm(aa)
	pnorm.aa.adj = pnorm(aa.adj)		
	dd     = sapply(1:K, FUN = function(i) { findInterval(pnorm.aa[,i], sort(mid.p.sample[,i])) / mc.iteration - pnorm.aa[,i] })
	dd.adj = sapply(1:K, FUN = function(i) { findInterval(pnorm.aa.adj[,i], sort(mid.p.sample.adj[,i])) / mc.iteration - pnorm.aa.adj[,i] })
    # calculate test.size.error
	test.size.error     = sum(colMeans(dd))
	test.size.error.adj = sum(colMeans(dd.adj))
	# calculate test.size.error.1minusS
	test.size.error.1minusS     = 'Not requested'
	test.size.error.adj.1minusS = 'Not requested'
	if( result.1minusS ) {
		xoffset = sqrt(sum(weight.vec^2))/weight.vec*qnorm(1-s)  # use 1 - s instead of s
		aa      = t(xoffset-t(main))
		aa.adj  = t(xoffset-t(main.adj))
		pnorm.aa     = pnorm(aa)
		pnorm.aa.adj = pnorm(aa.adj)		
		dd     = sapply(1:K, FUN = function(i) { findInterval(pnorm.aa[,i], sort(mid.p.sample[,i])) / mc.iteration - pnorm.aa[,i] })
		dd.adj = sapply(1:K, FUN = function(i) { findInterval(pnorm.aa.adj[,i], sort(mid.p.sample.adj[,i])) / mc.iteration - pnorm.aa.adj[,i] })
		# calculate test.size.error.1minusS
		test.size.error.1minusS     = sum(colMeans(dd))
		test.size.error.adj.1minusS = sum(colMeans(dd.adj))
	# return
	return( list( Test.Size.Error                  = test.size.error, 
				  Test.Size.Error.Adjusted         = test.size.error.adj,
	              Test.Size.Error.1minusS          = test.size.error.1minusS,
				  Test.Size.Error.Adjusted.1minusS = test.size.error.adj.1minusS ) )

### 2x2 with exact2(LT's method) - risk difference[delta = p1 - p2]
gmeta.exact.LT <- function(data_matrix, weight, gmo.xgrid, ci.level, mc.iteration, eta, verbose, report.error) {
	# n=length(gmo.xgrid) - number of gridding delta [output]
	# mc.iteration - number of simulation for null distribution
	#if (!is.null(gmo.xgrid)) { warning('input gmo.xgrid will not be utilized, output range and griddings will be automatically set.') }#
	# expand data_matrix and set gmo.xgrid
	#data.mi = data_matrix[,1:4]
	data.mi = data_matrix[,c(2,1,4,3)] # [update in v2.0, target p1-p2, following program is on p2-p1, so change case-ctrl order]
	# number of trial
	nstudy = dim(data.mi)[1]
	# delta - individual studies
	n1 = data.mi[,3]
	n2 = data.mi[,4]
    p1 = data.mi[,1]/data.mi[,3]
	p2 = data.mi[,2]/data.mi[,4]
    deltap = p2 - p1
	# var weight - non-zero-event studies
	id = (1:nstudy)[p1*p2==0]
    n1[id] = data.mi[id,3]+1
	n2[id] = data.mi[id,4]+1
	p1[id] = (data.mi[id,1]+0.5)/(data.mi[id,3]+1)
	p2[id] = (data.mi[id,2]+0.5)/(data.mi[id,4]+1)
    varp = p1*(1-p1)/n1+p2*(1-p2)/n2
	wght = (n1*n2/(n1+n2))/sum(n1*n2/(n1+n2))
	# Mantel-Haenszel's method
	mu.MH = sum(deltap*wght)
	sd.MH = sqrt(sum(wght^2*varp))
    ci.MH = c(mu.MH-1.96*sd.MH, mu.MH+1.96*sd.MH)
    p.MH  = 1 - pchisq(mu.MH^2/sd.MH^2,1)
	# gridding detla
    d0 = max(abs(ci.MH))
	delta.grd = sort(c(0, seq(from=max(-1,-d0*15), to=min(1,d0*15), length=length(gmo.xgrid)-1)))
	# exact p-values [for observed data] given true delta[risk difference]
    diff.exact = function(x1, x2, n1, n2, delta.grd, n.grd=15, midp=TRUE) {
        # fit
		fit = binom.confint(x1, n1, 0.9995, methods='exact')
		# l,u
		l = fit$lower
		u = fit$upper
		# grd
        p1.grd = seq(l, u, length=n.grd)
		pnull1.tot = matrix(0, n1 + 1, n.grd)
        for( b in 1:n.grd ) { 
			p1 = p1.grd[b]
			pnull1.tot[,b] = dbinom(c(0:n1), n1, p1)
		# df & sd
        dfnull = matrix(0, n1 + 1, n2 + 1)
		sdnull = matrix(0, n1 + 1, n2 + 1)
        for(i in 0:n1) {
			p1 = (i + 0.5) / (n1 + 1)
			p2 = (c(0:n2) + 0.5) / (n2 + 1)
            dfnull[i+1, ] = c(0:n2) / n2 - i / n1
            sdnull[i+1, ] = sqrt(p1*(1-p1)/n1+p2*(1-p2)/n2)
		# pv1 & pv2
        pv1 = numeric(0)
		pv2 = numeric(0)
        for( theta in delta.grd ) {
			p1 = (x1 + 0.5) / (n1 + 1)
			p2 = (x2 + 0.5) / (n2 + 1)
            tt  = (x2/n2-x1/n1-theta) / sqrt(p1*(1-p1)/n1+p2*(1-p2)/n2)
			# null hypothesis detla==theta
			tnull   = (dfnull-theta) / sdnull
            pvalue1 = rep(0, n.grd)
			pvalue2 = rep(0, n.grd)
			error = 1e-6
            for ( b in 1:n.grd ) { 
				p1 = p1.grd[b]
				p2 = p1 + theta
                if ( p2 >= 0 && p2 <= 1) {
					pnull1 = pnull1.tot[,b]
					pnull2 = dbinom(c(0:n2), n2, p2)
                    n1.adj = n1+1-max(c(1,(1:(n1+1))[cumsum(sort(pnull1))<error]))
                    n2.adj = n2+1-max(c(1,(1:(n2+1))[cumsum(sort(pnull2))<error]))
                    id1 = order(pnull1)
					id2 = order(pnull2)
                    id1 = (id1[(n1+1):1])[1:n1.adj]
					id2 = (id2[(n2+1):1])[1:n2.adj]
                    pnull = pnull1[id1] %*% t(pnull2[id2])
                    if ( midp==TRUE ) {
						pvalue1[b] = sum(pnull[tnull[id1,id2]>tt])+sum(pnull[tnull[id1,id2]==tt])*0.5
                        pvalue2[b] = sum(pnull[tnull[id1,id2]<tt])+sum(pnull[tnull[id1,id2]==tt])*0.5
                    } else {
                        pvalue1[b] = sum(pnull[tnull[id1,id2]>tt])+sum(pnull[tnull[id1,id2]==tt])
                        pvalue2[b] = sum(pnull[tnull[id1,id2]<tt])+sum(pnull[tnull[id1,id2]==tt])
            pv1=c(pv1, max(pvalue1)+(1-0.9995))
			pv2=c(pv2, max(pvalue2)+(1-0.9995))
        return(list(pv1=pv1, pv2=pv2))
	# pv1.pool&pv2.pool are the CDs of individual studies.
    pv1.pool = numeric(0)
	pv2.pool = numeric(0)
    for ( kk in 1:nstudy ) {
		# verbose
		if ( verbose ) {
			cat('2x2 exact2 processing trial:', kk, '\n') # use report.error as a surrogate as verbose [use parameter verbose - update v2.0]
		} # update status - due to slow speed of diff.exact().
		# resolve
		x1 = data.mi[kk,1]
		x2 = data.mi[kk,2]
		n1 = data.mi[kk,3]
		n2 = data.mi[kk,4]
		# fit
        fit = diff.exact(x1,x2,n1,n2,delta.grd,n.grd=15, midp=TRUE)
        pv1.pool = rbind(pv1.pool, fit$pv1)
		pv2.pool = rbind(pv2.pool, fit$pv2)
	n = length(gmo.xgrid)
    for ( i in 1:nstudy ) {
		for ( j in 1:length(gmo.xgrid)) {
			pv1.pool[i,(n-j+1)] = max(pv1.pool[i,1:(n-j+1)])
			pv2.pool[i,j]       = max(pv2.pool[i,j:n])
	# pv1.pool&pv2.pool are the CDs of individual studies.
	# weight for individual study
	if ( is.null(weight) ) {
		weight = data.mi[,3] + data.mi[,4]
	} else {
		if ( verbose ) { # use report.error as a surrogate as verbose [use parameter verbose - update v2.0]
			cat('\nwarning: use user specified weights, instead of the default weight determined by study size.\n') 
	# combine individual CDs
	if ( is.numeric(eta) ) {
		# eta in [0,1]
		if ( ! (min(eta)>=0 && max(eta)<=1) ) {
			eta = seq(0.05, 0.95, length=20)
		# F0^{-1}()
		F0inv <- function(ui) {
			sum( ((ui > (1-eta)) - eta) / ( eta*(1-eta) ) )
	} else { # eta = 'Inf'
		# for the case K\to\inf:
		# pv1.pool&pv2.pool - adjust to make sense ln(ui/(1-ui))
		pv1.pool[pv1.pool<=0] = 1e-6
		pv1.pool[pv1.pool>=1] = 1 - 1e-6
		pv2.pool[pv2.pool<=0] = 1e-6
		pv2.pool[pv2.pool>=1] = 1 - 1e-6
		# pv2.pool = 1+(1-0.9995)*2 - pv2.pool
		# F0^{-1}()
		F0inv <- function(ui) {	log(ui/(1-ui)) }

	# combine recipe g_c()
	gc <- function(u) { sum( sapply(u, F0inv) * weight ) }
	# simulation for G_c()
	T = numeric(mc.iteration)
	for (b in 1:mc.iteration) {
		u = runif(nstudy); T[b] = gc(u)
	Gc = ecdf(T)
	# combined CDs
	Hc1 = Gc( apply(pv1.pool, 2, gc) ) # HC1 non-decreasing
	Hc2 = Gc( apply(pv2.pool, 2, gc) ) # HC2 non-increasing
	combined.ci = c(max(delta.grd[Hc1<0.025]), min(delta.grd[Hc2<0.025]))
	# post processing
	integrated2CDs <- function(cd1, cd2, delta.grd) {
		mdnpt = delta.grd[ round(median(which( abs(cd1-cd2) == min(abs(cd1-cd2)) ))) ]
		intgrtdcd = ifelse(delta.grd<mdnpt, cd1, 1+(1-0.9995)*2-cd2) # 1+(1-0.9995)*2-cd2
		for(j in 1:n) {
			intgrtdcd[j] = max(intgrtdcd[1:j])
		intgrtdcd[intgrtdcd<=0] = 1e-6
		intgrtdcd[intgrtdcd>=1] = 1 - 1e-6;
	# individual CDs
	indiv.cds <- NULL
	for (i in 1:nstudy) {
		indiv.cds = rbind(indiv.cds, integrated2CDs(pv1.pool[i,],pv2.pool[i,],delta.grd))
	indiv.means   = numeric(0)
	indiv.stddevs = numeric(0)
	indiv.ci      = numeric(0)
	for (i in 1:nstudy) {
		indiv.means[i]   = gmeta.cd.mean(delta.grd, indiv.cds[i,])
		indiv.stddevs[i] = gmeta.cd.stddev(delta.grd, indiv.cds[i,])
		indiv.ci         = rbind(indiv.ci, gmeta.cd.mdncis(delta.grd, indiv.cds[i,], 1-ci.level))
	# combined CD
	cmbdF   = integrated2CDs(Hc1, Hc2, delta.grd)
	cmbdf   = F2f(delta.grd, cmbdF)
	cmbdmn  = gmeta.cd.mean(delta.grd, cmbdF)
	cmbdmdn = gmeta.cd.median(delta.grd, cmbdF)
	cmbdsdv = gmeta.cd.stddev(delta.grd, cmbdF)
	# report.error
	if ( min(gmo.xgrid) < -1 || max(gmo.xgrid) > 1 ) {
		#gmo.xgrid = seq(from=-1, to=1, length=length(gmo.xgrid))
		gmo.xgrid = delta.grd
		if ( report.error ) {
			warning('\nuse exact2method combine 2x2 tables, parameter is risk-difference, only evaluate gmo.xgrid within [-1,1]\n')
	# return
	gmeta.cmbd <- list( # input
					    data_matrix = data.mi,
					    # individual CDs
					    individual.cds     = indiv.cds,
						individual.cis     = indiv.ci[,c(1,3)],
						individual.medians = indiv.ci[,2], 
					    individual.means   = indiv.means,
					    individual.stddevs = indiv.stddevs,
						# combined CD
						combined.cd        = cmbdF,
						combined.density   = cmbdf,
						combined.mean      = cmbdmn, 
						combined.median    = cmbdmdn,
						combined.sd        = cmbdsdv, 
						combined.ci        = combined.ci,		
						# other information
						method       = 'exact2',
						linkfunc     = 'log(u/(1-u))',
						weight       = weight,
						tau2         = NULL,
						ci.level     = ci.level,						
						mc.iteration = mc.iteration,
						eta          = eta,
						verbose      = verbose,
						report.error = report.error,
						# output gridding points
						x.grids      = delta.grd )
	# return

### Mantel-Haenszel's method
gmeta.MH <- function(data_matrix, weight, gmo.xgrid, ci.level) {
	# data matrix
	dm = data_matrix
	# number of study
	K = nrow(data_matrix)
	alpha = 1 - ci.level
	Ni = dm[,3]+dm[,4]
	R = dm[,1]*(dm[,4]-dm[,2])/Ni
	S = dm[,2]*(dm[,3]-dm[,1])/Ni
	P = (dm[,1]+dm[,4]-dm[,2])/Ni
	Q = (dm[,2]+dm[,3]-dm[,1])/Ni

	gmeta.theta = R/S
	gmeta.sigma = sqrt(1/dm[,1]+1/(dm[,3]-dm[,1])+1/dm[,2]+1/(dm[,4]-dm[,2])) * gmeta.theta
	# this is the same as var_U and var_US in Robins et.al(1986)'s paper when K=1.
	index = is.finite(gmeta.theta) & is.finite(gmeta.sigma)
	# individual CDs
	indiv.cds = matrix(NA,K,length(gmo.xgrid))
	indiv.cis = matrix(NA,K,2)
	for (ii in 1:K) {
		indiv.cds[ii,] = pnorm( ( gmo.xgrid - gmeta.theta[ii] ) / gmeta.sigma[ii] )
		indiv.cis[ii,] = c(gmeta.theta[ii]+qnorm(alpha/2)*gmeta.sigma[ii], gmeta.theta[ii]-qnorm(alpha/2)*gmeta.sigma[ii])
	# combined CD
	cmbd.mean    = sum(R) / sum(S)
	cmbd.stddev  = sqrt(sum(P*R)/2/sum(R)^2+sum(P*S+Q*R)/2/sum(R)/sum(S)+sum(Q*S)/2/sum(S)^2) * cmbd.mean
	cmbd.cd      = pnorm( ( gmo.xgrid - cmbd.mean ) / cmbd.stddev )
	cmbd.density = dnorm( ( gmo.xgrid - cmbd.mean ) / cmbd.stddev ) / cmbd.stddev
	cmbd.ci      = c(cmbd.mean+qnorm(alpha/2)*cmbd.stddev, cmbd.mean-qnorm(alpha/2)*cmbd.stddev)
	# weight - MH default
	if (!is.null(weight)) { warning('user specific weight will be surrogated by MH default weight.') }
	weight = gmeta.sigma*S / (cmbd.stddev*sum(S))
	# return
	gmeta.cmbd <- list( # input
						data_matrix = data_matrix, 
						# individual CDs
						individual.cds     = indiv.cds,
						individual.cis     = indiv.cis,
						individual.medians = gmeta.theta,						
						individual.means   = gmeta.theta,
						individual.stddevs = gmeta.sigma,
						# combined CD
						combined.cd        = cmbd.cd,
						combined.density   = cmbd.density,
						combined.mean      = cmbd.mean,
						combined.median    = cmbd.mean,
						combined.sd        = cmbd.stddev,
						combined.ci        = cmbd.ci,
						# other information
						method       = 'Mantel-Haenszel',
						linkfunc     = 'inverse-normal-cdf',
						tau2         = NULL,
						weight       = weight,
						ci.level     = ci.level,
						verbose      = FALSE,
						# output gridding points
						x.grids      = gmo.xgrid  )
	# return

### Peto's method
gmeta.peto <- function(data_matrix, weight, gmo.xgrid, ci.level) {
	# data matrix
	dm = data_matrix
	# number of study
	K = nrow(data_matrix)
	alpha = 1 - ci.level
	Ni = dm[,3]+dm[,4]
	gmeta.theta = (dm[,1]-dm[,5]*dm[,3]/Ni)*Ni^2*(Ni-1) / (dm[,5]*dm[,3]*dm[,4]*(Ni-dm[,5]))
	gmeta.sigma = 1 / sqrt(dm[,5]*dm[,3]*dm[,4]*(Ni-dm[,5])/Ni^2/(Ni-1))
	index = is.finite(gmeta.theta) & is.finite(gmeta.sigma)
	# individual CDs
	indiv.cds = matrix(NA,K,length(gmo.xgrid))
	indiv.cis = matrix(NA,K,2)
	for (ii in 1:K) {
		indiv.cds[ii,] = pnorm((gmo.xgrid-gmeta.theta[ii])/gmeta.sigma[ii])
		indiv.cis[ii,] = c(gmeta.theta[ii]+qnorm(alpha/2)*gmeta.sigma[ii], gmeta.theta[ii]-qnorm(alpha/2)*gmeta.sigma[ii])
	# combined CD
	cmbd.mean    = (sum(dm[,1])-sum(dm[,5]*dm[,3]/Ni))/sum(dm[,5]*dm[,3]*dm[,4]*(Ni-dm[,5])/Ni^2/(Ni-1))
	cmbd.stddev  = 1 / sqrt(sum(dm[,5]*dm[,3]*dm[,4]*(Ni-dm[,5])/Ni^2/(Ni-1)))
	cmbd.cd      = pnorm( ( gmo.xgrid - cmbd.mean ) / cmbd.stddev )
	cmbd.density = dnorm( ( gmo.xgrid - cmbd.mean ) / cmbd.stddev ) / cmbd.stddev
	cmbd.ci      = c(cmbd.mean+qnorm(alpha/2)*cmbd.stddev, cmbd.mean-qnorm(alpha/2)*cmbd.stddev)
	# weight - Peto's method default
	if (!is.null(weight)) { warning('user specific weight will be surrogated by Peto-s method default weight.') }
	weight = cmbd.stddev / gmeta.sigma
	# return 
	# return
	gmeta.cmbd <- list( # input
						data_matrix = data_matrix, 
						# individual CDs
						individual.cds     = indiv.cds,
						individual.cis     = indiv.cis,
						individual.medians = gmeta.theta,						
						individual.means   = gmeta.theta,
						individual.stddevs = gmeta.sigma,
						# combined CD
						combined.cd        = cmbd.cd,
						combined.density   = cmbd.density,
						combined.mean      = cmbd.mean,
						combined.median    = cmbd.mean,
						combined.sd        = cmbd.stddev,
						combined.ci        = cmbd.ci,
						# other information
						method       = 'Peto',
						linkfunc     = 'inverse-normal-cdf',
						weight       = weight,
						tau2         = NULL,
						ci.level     = ci.level,
						verbose      = FALSE,
						# output gridding points
						x.grids     = gmo.xgrid  )
	# return
## meta-analysis - combine evidence from 2x2 tables[done]

# unified meta-analysis[done]

# postprocessing

# *****************************************************************************
#    # postprocessing - print, summary, plot, etc..
# *****************************************************************************
# print, summary, plot, etc.

## print&summary [gmeta.p]
print.gmeta.p <- function(x, ...) {
	# Title
	cat('\t\tP-value combination through CD-Framework\n')
	# Call
	print(x$call) #[*$call]: type of language
	# Results
	cat('\nCombine Method:   ', x$method, '\n')
	cat('\nCombined p-value: ', x$combined.pvalue, '\n')
	# Details
	cat('\nIndividual p-values:\n')
	print(x$individual.pvalues) #[nicer visual display]
summary.gmeta.p <- function(object, ...) {
	# set
	object.sry <- object
	# set class
	class(object.sry) <- "summary.gmeta.p"
	# return
###print of summary
print.summary.gmeta.p <- function(x, ...) {
	# Title
	cat('\t\tP-value combination through CD-Framework\n')
	# Call
	print(x$call) #[*$call]: type of language
	# Results
	cat('\nCombine Method:   ', x$method, '\n')
	cat('\nCombined p-value: ', x$combined.pvalue, '\n')
	# Details
	cat('\nIndividual p-values:\n')
	print(x$individual.pvalues) #[nicer visual display]

## print&summary [gmeta.m]
print.gmeta.m <- function(x, ...) {
	# Title
	cat('\t\tModel-Based Meta-Analysis through CD-Framework\n')
	# Call
	print(x$call) #[*$call]: type of language
	# Results
	cat('\nSummary of Combined CD:\n')
	cmbd.cd.summary = data.frame( mean   = format(round(x$combined.mean,4),nsmall=4),
		                         median  = format(round(x$combined.median,4),nsmall=4),
		              standard.deviation = format(round(x$combined.sd,4),nsmall=4)    )
	row.names(cmbd.cd.summary) <- 'Combined CD'
	# Details
	cat('\nCombined Confidence Distribution:\n')
	# construct combined CD
	cmbd.cd <- data.frame( x = x$x.grids, 
		density = x$combined.density, probability = x$combined.cd )
	# set lower/upper bound
	xl  <- min(x$x.grids)
	xu  <- max(x$x.grids)
	# count
	n.grids <- sum(cmbd.cd$x >= xl & cmbd.cd$x <= xu)
	# print head/tail 
	if (n.grids <= 10) {
		print(cmbd.cd) # simple print all x-cd-points
	} else {
		cmbd.cdhead <- cmbd.cd[1:5, ]
		cmbd.cdtail <- cmbd.cd[(n.grids-5):n.grids, ]
		names(cmbd.cdtail) <- c(' ', ' ', ' ') # avoid duplicate titles
		# print head/tail 5 x-cd-points
		# output
		#cat('\n          \n')
summary.gmeta.m <- function(object, ...) {
	# set
	object.sry <- list()
	# set Call
	object.sry$call <- object$call
	# set combined CD
	object.sry$cmbd <- data.frame(  mean   = object$combined.mean, 
	                            median  = object$combined.median,
							    stddev  = object$combined.sd,
							   ci.lower = object$combined.ci[1],
							   ci.upper = object$combined.ci[2])
	row.names(object.sry$cmbd) <- 'Combined CD'
	# set individual CDs
	object.sry$idiv <- data.frame(  mean   = object$individual.means, 
	                            median  = object$individual.medians,
							    stddev  = object$individual.stddevs,
							   ci.lower = object$individual.cis[,1],
							   ci.upper = object$individual.cis[,2])
	# set individual study names
	row.names(object.sry$idiv) <- object$study.names
	# set ci.level
	object.sry$ci.level <- object$ci.level
	# set number of study
	object.sry$n.study <- dim(object.sry$idiv)[1]
	# set class
	class(object.sry) <- 'summary.gmeta.m'
	# return
###print of summary
print.summary.gmeta.m <- function(x, ...) {
	# Title
	cat('\t\tModel-Based Meta-Analysis through CD-Framework\n')
	# Call
	print(x$call) #[*$call]: type of language
	# Results
	cat('\nSummary of Combined CD:\n')
	cat('\nConfidence level =', x$ci.level, '\n')
	# Details
	cat('\nSummary of Individual CDs:\n')
	cat('\nConfidence level =', x$ci.level, '\n')

## print&summary [gmeta.e]
print.gmeta.e <- function(x, ...) {
	# Title
	cat('\t\tExact Meta-Analysis Approach through CD-Framework\n')
	# Call
	print(x$call) #[*$call]: type of language
	# Results
	cat('\nSummary of Combined CD:\n')
	cmbd.cd.summary = data.frame( mean   = format(round(x$combined.mean,4),nsmall=4),
		                         median  = format(round(x$combined.median,4),nsmall=4),
		              standard.deviation = format(round(x$combined.sd,4),nsmall=4)    )
	row.names(cmbd.cd.summary) <- 'Combined CD'
	# Details
	cat('\nCombined Confidence Distribution:\n')
	# construct combined CD
	cmbd.cd <- data.frame( x = x$x.grids, 
		density = x$combined.density, probability = x$combined.cd )
	# set lower/upper bound
	xl  <- min(x$x.grids)
	xu  <- max(x$x.grids)
	# count
	n.grids <- sum(cmbd.cd$x >= xl & cmbd.cd$x <= xu)
	# print head/tail 
	if (n.grids <= 10) {
		print(cmbd.cd) # simple print all x-cd-points
	} else {
		cmbd.cdhead <- cmbd.cd[1:5, ]
		cmbd.cdtail <- cmbd.cd[(n.grids-5):n.grids, ]
		names(cmbd.cdtail) <- c(' ', ' ', ' ') # avoid duplicate titles
		# print head/tail 5 x-cd-points
		# output
		#cat('\n          \n')
summary.gmeta.e <- function(object, ...) {
	# set
	object.sry <- list()
	# set Call
	object.sry$call <- object$call
	# set combined CD
	object.sry$cmbd <- data.frame(  mean   = object$combined.mean, 
	                            median  = object$combined.median,
							    stddev  = object$combined.sd,
							   ci.lower = object$combined.ci[1],
							   ci.upper = object$combined.ci[2])
	row.names(object.sry$cmbd) <- 'Combined CD'
	# set individual CDs
	object.sry$idiv <- data.frame(  mean   = object$individual.means, 
	                            median  = object$individual.medians,
							    stddev  = object$individual.stddevs,
							   ci.lower = object$individual.cis[,1],
							   ci.upper = object$individual.cis[,2])							   
	# set individual study names
	row.names(object.sry$idiv) <- object$study.names
	# set ci.level
	object.sry$ci.level <- object$ci.level
	# set number of study
	object.sry$n.study <- dim(object.sry$idiv)[1]
	# set class
	class(object.sry) <- 'summary.gmeta.e'
	# return
###print of summary
print.summary.gmeta.e <- function(x, ...) {
	# Title
	cat('\t\tExact Meta-Analysis Approach through CD-Framework\n')
	# Call
	print(x$call) #[*$call]: type of language
	# Results
	cat('\nSummary of Combined CD:\n')
	cat('\nConfidence level =', x$ci.level, '\n')
	# Details
	cat('\nSummary of Individual CDs:\n')
	cat('\nConfidence level =', x$ci.level, '\n')

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