
Defines functions get_version_info set_base_url get_base_url set_tls_version get_tls_version set_user_agent get_user_agent gsnpense gorth gconvert random_query upload_GMT_file publish_gosttable publish_gostplot mapViridis gostplot gost

Documented in gconvert get_base_url get_tls_version get_user_agent get_version_info gorth gost gostplot gsnpense mapViridis publish_gostplot publish_gosttable random_query set_base_url set_tls_version set_user_agent upload_GMT_file

gp_globals = new.env()

gp_globals$version =
    error = function(e) { return("unknown_version") }

# set global variables
utils::globalVariables(c("incoming", "n_converted", "n_result"))

# Set SSL version to TLSv1_2 with fallback to TLSv1_1
# CURL_SSLVERSION_SSLv3 is not used due to the SSLv3 vulnerability <https://access.redhat.com/articles/1232123>
# CURL_SSLVERSION_TLSv1_3 is not widespread enough to have a built-in LibreSSL support yet.
# (curl's authors may decide to change it at some point, so links to the source are provided.)
gp_globals$CURL_SSLVERSION_TLSv1_1 <- 5L # <https://github.com/curl/curl/blob/master/include/curl/curl.h#L1925>
gp_globals$CURL_SSLVERSION_TLSv1_2 <- 6L # <https://github.com/curl/curl/blob/master/include/curl/curl.h#L1926>

gp_globals$rcurl_opts =
  RCurl::curlOptions(useragent = paste("gprofiler2/", gp_globals$version, sep=""),
                     sslversion = gp_globals$CURL_SSLVERSION_TLSv1_2)
gp_globals$base_url = "http://biit.cs.ut.ee/gprofiler"

#' Gene list functional enrichment.
#' Interface to the g:Profiler tool g:GOSt (\url{https://biit.cs.ut.ee/gprofiler/gost}) for functional enrichments analysis of gene lists.
#' In case the input 'query' is a list of gene vectors, results for multiple queries will be returned in the same data frame with column 'query' indicating the corresponding query name.
#' If 'multi_query' is selected, the result is a data frame for comparing multiple input lists,
#' just as in the web tool.
#' The input gene lists are not stored in g:Profiler unless the option 'as_short_link' is set to TRUE.
#' @param query character vector, or a (named) list of character vectors for multiple queries, that can consist of mixed types of gene IDs (proteins, transcripts, microarray IDs, etc), SNP IDs, chromosomal intervals or term IDs.
#' @param organism organism name. Organism names are constructed by concatenating the first letter of the name and the
#' family name. Example: human - 'hsapiens', mouse - 'mmusculus'.
#' @param ordered_query in case input gene lists are ranked this option may be
#'  used to get GSEA style p-values.
#' @param multi_query in case of multiple gene lists, returns comparison table of these lists.
#' If enabled, the result data frame has columns named 'p_values', 'gconvert_sizes', 'intersection_sizes' with vectors showing values in the order of input queries.
#' Set 'multi_gconvert' to FALSE and simply input query as list of multiple gene vectors to get the results in a long format.
#' @param significant whether all or only statistically significant results should
#'  be returned.
#' @param exclude_iea exclude GO electronic annotations (IEA).
#' @param measure_underrepresentation measure underrepresentation.
#' @param evcodes include evidence codes to the results. Note
#'  that this can decrease performance and make the query slower.
#'  In addition, a column 'intersection' is created that contains the gene id-s that intersect between the query and term.
#'  This parameter does not work if 'multi_query' is set to TRUE.
#' @param user_threshold custom p-value threshold for significance, results with smaller p-value are tagged as significant. We don't recommend to set it higher than 0.05.
#' @param correction_method the algorithm used for multiple testing correction, one of "gSCS" (synonyms: "analytical", "g_SCS"), "fdr" (synonyms: "false_discovery_rate"), "bonferroni".
#' @param domain_scope how to define statistical domain, one of "annotated", "known", "custom" or "custom_annotated".
#' @param custom_bg vector of gene names to use as a statistical background. If given, the domain_scope is by default set to "custom", if domain_scope is set to "custom_annotated", then this is used instead.
#' @param numeric_ns namespace to use for fully numeric IDs (\href{https://biit.cs.ut.ee/gprofiler/page/namespaces-list}{list of available namespaces}).
#' @param sources a vector of data sources to use. Currently, these include
#'  GO (GO:BP, GO:MF, GO:CC to select a particular GO branch), KEGG, REAC, TF,
#'  MIRNA, CORUM, HP, HPA, WP. Please see the g:GOSt web tool for the comprehensive
#'  list and details on incorporated data sources.
#' @param as_short_link indicator to return results as short-link to the g:Profiler web tool. If set to TRUE, then the function returns the results URL as a character string instead of the data.frame.
#' @param highlight indicator to return a TRUE-FALSE column called 'highlighted' to indicate driver terms in GO.
#' @return A named list where 'result' contains data.frame with the enrichment analysis results and 'meta' contains metadata needed for Manhattan plot. If the input
#'  consisted of several lists the corresponding list is indicated with a variable
#'  'query'. The 'result' data.frame is ordered first by the query name, data source (such as GO:BP, GO:CC, GO:MF, REAC, etc), and then by the adjusted p-value.
#'  When requesting a 'multi_query', either TRUE or FALSE, the columns of the resulting data frame differ.
#'  If 'evcodes' is set, the return value includes columns 'evidence_codes' and 'intersection'.
#'  The latter conveys info about the intersecting genes between the corresponding query and term.
#'  The result fields are further described in the \href{https://cran.r-project.org/package=gprofiler2/vignettes/gprofiler2.html}{vignette}.
#'  If 'as_short_link' is set to TRUE, then the result is a character short-link to see and share corresponding results via the g:Profiler web tool. In this case, the input gene lists will be stored in a database.
#' @author  Liis Kolberg <liis.kolberg@@ut.ee>, Uku Raudvere <uku.raudvere@@ut.ee>
#' @examples
#' gostres <- gost(c("X:1000:1000000", "rs17396340", "GO:0005005", "ENSG00000156103", "NLRP1"))
#' @export
gost <- function(query,
                      organism = "hsapiens",
                      ordered_query = FALSE,
                      multi_query = FALSE,
                      significant = TRUE,
                      exclude_iea = FALSE,
                      measure_underrepresentation = FALSE,
                      evcodes = FALSE,
                      user_threshold = 0.05,
                      correction_method = c("g_SCS", "bonferroni", "fdr", "false_discovery_rate", "gSCS", "analytical"),
                      domain_scope = c("annotated", "known", "custom", "custom_annotated"),
                      custom_bg = NULL,
                      numeric_ns  = "",
                      sources = NULL,
                      as_short_link = FALSE,
                      highlight = FALSE
                    ) {

  url = paste0(file.path(gp_globals$base_url, "api", "gost", "profile"), "/")
  # get data_version
  version_info = try(gprofiler2::get_version_info(), silent = TRUE)
  if("try-error" %in% class(version_info)){
    base_url = gprofiler2::get_base_url()
    # get data version from archive
    data_version = basename(base_url)
    data_version = version_info$gprofiler_version
  # extract ensembl version
  ensembl_version = as.numeric(gsub("\\D", "", strsplit(data_version, "_")[[1]][1]))
  if (highlight & ensembl_version < 108){
    message("Note that the set g:Profiler version doesn't support GO term highlighting")
  if (highlight & ordered_query){
    message("Highlighting is not supported for ordered query. Setting 'highlight = FALSE'")
    highlight = FALSE
  if (highlight & !significant){
    message("Highlighting is not supported if all results are returned (significant = FALSE). Setting 'highlight = FALSE'")
    highlight = FALSE
  # Query

  if (is.null(query) | all(is.na(query))) {
    message("Missing query")
  } else if (is.list(query)) {
    if (is.data.frame(query)){
      message("Query can't be a data.frame. Please use a vector or list of identifiers.")
    # Multiple queries
    qnames = names(query)
    if (is.null(qnames)) {
      qnames = paste("query", seq(1, length(query)), sep = "_")
      names(query) = qnames
    # remove NA/NULL elements from list
    query = lapply(query, function(x) x[!is.na(x)])
    # remove empty queries from list
    query = query[lapply(query, length) > 0]
    # handle potential numeric values in the input
    query = lapply(query, function(x) as.character(x))
    query = query[!is.na(query)]
    # handle potential numeric values in the input
    query = as.character(query)

  ## evaluate choices
  correction_method <- match.arg(correction_method)
  domain_scope <- match.arg(domain_scope)

  if (startsWith(organism, "gp__")){
    message("Detected custom GMT source request")
    if (highlight){
      message("Highlighting option doesn't work with custom GMT data")
    if (!is.null(sources)){
      message("Sources selection is not available for custom GMT requests. All sources in the GMT upload will be used.")
      sources <- NULL

  if (multi_query & evcodes){
    message("Evidence codes are not supported with multi_query option and will not be included in the results.\nYou can get evidence codes and intersection genes by setting multi_query = FALSE while keeping the input query as a list of multiple gene vectors.")

  if (!is.null(custom_bg)){
    if (!is.vector(custom_bg)){
      message("custom_bg must be a vector")
    if (!domain_scope %in% c("custom_annotated", "custom")){
      message("Detected custom background input, domain scope is set to 'custom'")
      domain_scope <- "custom"
    t <- ifelse(length(custom_bg) == 1, custom_bg <- jsonlite::unbox(custom_bg), custom_bg <- custom_bg)
    if (domain_scope %in% c("custom_annotated", "custom")){
      message("Domain scope is set to custom, but no background genes detected from the input.")

  if (as_short_link){
    # query should be a string in this case

      query2 = paste0(unlist(lapply(names(query), function(x) paste(">", x, "\n", paste0(query[[x]], collapse = " ")))), collapse = "\n")
      multi_query = TRUE
      query2 = paste0(query, collapse = " ")

    url = file.path("http://biit.cs.ut.ee", "gplink", "l")
    payload = {
        organism = jsonlite::unbox(organism),
        query = jsonlite::unbox(query2),
        sources = sources,
        user_threshold = jsonlite::unbox(user_threshold),
        all_results = jsonlite::unbox(!significant),
        ordered = jsonlite::unbox(ordered_query),
        no_evidences = jsonlite::unbox(!evcodes),
        combined = jsonlite::unbox(multi_query),
        measure_underrepresentation = jsonlite::unbox(measure_underrepresentation),
        no_iea = jsonlite::unbox(exclude_iea),
        domain_scope = jsonlite::unbox(domain_scope),
        numeric_ns = jsonlite::unbox(numeric_ns),
        significance_threshold_method = jsonlite::unbox(correction_method),
        background = custom_bg)
    # add driver terms parameter starting from ensembl version 108
    if (ensembl_version >= 108 & !startsWith(organism, "gp__")) {
      payload$highlight <- jsonlite::unbox(highlight)
    body <- jsonlite::toJSON((
        url = jsonlite::unbox(file.path(gprofiler2::get_base_url(), "gost")),
        data_version = jsonlite::unbox(data_version),
        payload = payload
    auto_unbox = FALSE,
    null = "null")

  } else {
    payload = list(
      organism = jsonlite::unbox(organism),
      query = query,
      sources = sources,
      user_threshold = jsonlite::unbox(user_threshold),
      all_results = jsonlite::unbox(!significant),
      ordered = jsonlite::unbox(ordered_query),
      no_evidences = jsonlite::unbox(!evcodes),
      combined = jsonlite::unbox(multi_query),
      measure_underrepresentation = jsonlite::unbox(measure_underrepresentation),
      no_iea = jsonlite::unbox(exclude_iea),
      domain_scope = jsonlite::unbox(domain_scope),
      numeric_ns = jsonlite::unbox(numeric_ns),
      significance_threshold_method = jsonlite::unbox(correction_method),
      background = custom_bg,
      output = jsonlite::unbox("json")
    # add driver terms parameter starting from ensembl version 108
    if (ensembl_version >= 108 & !startsWith(organism, "gp__")) {
      payload$highlight <- jsonlite::unbox(highlight)
    body <- jsonlite::toJSON((
    auto_unbox = FALSE,
    null = "null")
  # Headers
  headers <-
    list("Accept" = "application/json",
         "Content-Type" = "application/json",
         "charset" = "UTF-8",
         "Expect" = "")
  oldw <- getOption("warn")
  options(warn = -1)
  h1 = RCurl::basicTextGatherer(.mapUnicode = FALSE)
  h2 = RCurl::getCurlHandle() # Get info about the request

  # Request
  r = RCurl::curlPerform(
    url = url,
    postfields = body,
    httpheader = headers,
    customrequest = 'POST',
    verbose = FALSE,
    ssl.verifypeer = FALSE,
    writefunction = h1$update,
    curl = h2,
    .opts = gp_globals$rcurl_opts
  options(warn = 0)
  rescode = RCurl::getCurlInfo(h2)[["response.code"]]
  txt <- h1$value()

  if (rescode != 200) {
    message("The g:Profiler web resource you're trying to connect to is not available at the moment or has changed.")
    message("Please check your internet connection or try again later, or contact us on biit.support@ut.ee")
  res <- jsonlite::fromJSON(txt)

  if (as_short_link){
    shortlink = paste0('https://biit.cs.ut.ee/gplink/l/', res$result)

  df = res$result
  meta = res$meta

  if (is.null(dim(df))) {
    message("No results to show\n", "Please make sure that the organism is correct or set significant = FALSE")

  # Re-order the data frame columns
  if (multi_query) {
    # add column that shows if significant
    df$significant <- lapply(df$p_values, function(x) x <= user_threshold)

    col_names <- c(

  } else {
    col_names <- c(
    if (evcodes) {
      col_names <- append(col_names, c("evidence_codes", "intersection"))
      # Add column that lists the intersecting genes separated by comma
      df$intersection <- mapply(
        function(evcodes, query){
          genemap <- meta$genes_metadata$query[[query]]$mapping
          genes <- meta$genes_metadata$query[[query]]$ensgs[which(lengths(evcodes) > 0)]
          genes2 <- lapply(genes, function(x) ifelse(x %in% genemap, names(which(genemap == x)) , x))
          return(paste0(genes2, collapse = ","))
      df$evidence_codes <- sapply(df$intersections, function(x)
        paste0(sapply(x[which(lengths(x) > 0)], paste0, collapse = " "), collapse = ","), USE.NAMES = FALSE)
    # Order by query, source and p_value
    df <- df[with(df, order(query, source, p_value)), ]

  if (highlight & ensembl_version >= 108 & !startsWith(organism, "gp__")){
    col_names <- append(col_names, "highlighted")

  # Rename native to term_id
  colnames(df)[colnames(df) == "native"] <- "term_id"
  colnames(df)[colnames(df) == "name"] <- "term_name"

  # Fix the row indexing to start from 1
  row.names(df) <- NULL
  df <- df[, col_names]
  return(list("result" = df, "meta" = meta))

#' Manhattan plot of functional enrichment results.
#' This function creates a Manhattan plot out of the results from gprofiler2::gost().
#' The plot is very similar to the one shown in the g:GOSt web tool.
#' @param gostres named list from gost() function (with names 'result' and 'meta')
#' @param capped whether the -log10(p-values) would be capped if >= 16, just as in the web options.
#' @param interactive if enabled, returns interactive plot using 'plotly'. If disabled, static 'ggplot()' object is returned.
#' @param pal values mapped to relevant colors for data sources.
#' @return The output is either a plotly object (if interactive = TRUE) or a ggplot object (if interactive = FALSE).
#' @author Liis Kolberg <liis.kolberg@@ut.ee>
#' @examples
#'  gostres <- gost(c("Klf4", "Pax5", "Sox2", "Nanog"), organism = "mmusculus")
#'  gostplot(gostres)
#' @export
#' @importFrom plotly %>%
gostplot <- function(gostres, capped = TRUE, interactive = TRUE, pal = c("GO:MF" = "#dc3912",
                                                                         "GO:BP" = "#ff9900",
                                                                         "GO:CC" = "#109618",
                                                                         "KEGG" = "#dd4477",
                                                                         "REAC" = "#3366cc",
                                                                         "WP" = "#0099c6",
                                                                         "TF" = "#5574a6",
                                                                         "MIRNA" = "#22aa99",
                                                                         "HPA" = "#6633cc",
                                                                         "CORUM" = "#66aa00",
                                                                         "HP" = "#990099")
  # gostres is the GOSt response list (contains results and metadata)
  # This function will plot only the sources that were asked from the query

  if( is.null(pal) ){
    pal <- c("GO:MF" = "#dc3912",
             "GO:BP" = "#ff9900",
             "GO:CC" = "#109618",
             "KEGG" = "#dd4477",
             "REAC" = "#3366cc",
             "WP" = "#0099c6",
             "TF" = "#5574a6",
             "MIRNA" = "#22aa99",
             "HPA" = "#6633cc",
             "CORUM" = "#66aa00",
             "HP" = "#990099")

  if (!("result" %in% names(gostres))) stop("Name 'result' not found from the input")
  if (!("meta" %in% names(gostres))) stop("Name 'meta' not found from the input")

  source_order <- logpval <- term_id <- opacity <- NULL
  term_size <- term_name <- p_value <- term_size_scaled <- NULL

  df <- gostres$result
  # Order of data sources comes metadata
  meta <- gostres$meta

  # make sure all the essential column names are there
  essential_names <- c("source_order", "term_size", "term_name", "term_id", "source", "significant")

  if (!(all(essential_names %in% colnames(df)))) stop(paste("The following columns are missing from the result:", paste0(setdiff(essential_names, colnames(df)), collapse = ", ")))

  if (!any(grepl("p_value", colnames(df)))) stop("Column 'p_value(s)' is missing from the result")

  # nr_of_terms for every source
  widthscale <- unlist(lapply(meta$query_metadata$sources, function(x) meta$result_metadata[[x]][["number_of_terms"]]))
  names(widthscale) <- meta$query_metadata$sources # all the sources that were queried

  # Define the start positions for sources in the plot

  # start position for every term
  space <- 1000 # space between different sources
  starts <- c()
  start <- 1
  starts[1] <- start

  if(!length(widthscale) < 2) {
    for(idx in 2:length(widthscale)){
      starts[idx] <- starts[idx - 1] + space + widthscale[idx - 1]

  names(starts) <- names(widthscale)

  # Make sure that all the sources have colors

  if (is.null(names(pal))){
    names(pal) = meta$query_metadata$sources[1:length(pal)]

  sourcediff = setdiff(meta$query_metadata$sources, names(pal))
  colors = grDevices::colors(distinct = TRUE)[grep('gr(a|e)y|white|snow|khaki|lightyellow', grDevices::colors(distinct = TRUE), invert = TRUE)]

  if (length(sourcediff) > 0){
    use_cols = sample(colors, length(sourcediff), replace = FALSE)
    pal[sourcediff] <- use_cols

  # If multiquery
  if("p_values" %in% colnames(df)){
    p_values <- query <- significant <- NULL
    # spread the data frame to correct form
    df$query <- list(names(meta$query_metadata$queries))
    df <- tidyr::unnest(data = df, cols = c(p_values, query, significant))
    df <- dplyr::rename(df, p_value = p_values)

  # Set sizescale of circles
  logScale <- function(input, input_start = 1, input_end = 50000, output_start = 2, output_end = 10){
    m = (output_end - output_start)/(log(input_end) - log(input_start))
    b = -m*log(input_start) + output_start
    output = m * log(input) + b

  # Scale x positions
  xScale <- function(input, input_start = 1, input_end = sum(widthscale) + (length(widthscale) - 1)*space, output_start = 2, output_end = 200){
    m = (output_end - output_start)/(input_end - input_start)
    b = -m*input_start + output_start
    output = m * input + b

  # Add values to df needed for plotting
  # add -log10 pval
  df$logpval <- -log10(df$p_value)
  df$opacity <- ifelse(df$significant, 0.8, ifelse(df$p_value == 1, 0, 0.3))
  df$term_size_scaled = logScale(df$term_size)
  # add x axis position
  df <- df %>% dplyr::group_by(source) %>% dplyr::mutate(order = xScale(source_order, input_start = 1, input_end = widthscale[source], output_start = starts[source], output_end = starts[source] + widthscale[source]))
  df$order <- xScale(df$order)

  if (capped) {
    df$logpval[df$logpval > 16] <- 17
    ymin <- -1
    ymax <- 18.5
    ticklabels <- c("0", "2", "4", "6", "8", "10", "12", "14", ">16")
    tickvals <- c(0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16)
  } else {
    ymin <- -1
    ymax <- ceiling(max(df$logpval)) + 5
    ticklabels <- ggplot2::waiver()
    tickvals <- ggplot2::waiver()

  if (interactive){
    # Start plotting
    sd <- crosstalk::SharedData$new(df, key = ~term_id)
  } else {
    sd <- df

  p <- ggplot2::ggplot(data = sd, ggplot2::aes(x = order, y = logpval, text = paste(term_id, paste0('(', term_size,')'), '<br>', term_name, '<br>', formatC(p_value, format = "e", digits = 3)))) +
    ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(color = source, size = term_size_scaled, alpha = opacity),
                        show.legend = FALSE) +
    ggplot2::facet_wrap(~ query, ncol = 1, scales = "free_x", shrink = FALSE) +
    ggplot2::ylab("-log10(p-adj)") +
    ggplot2::theme_classic() +
                   strip.text=ggplot2::element_text(size=12, colour = "darkgrey"),
                   axis.text.x=ggplot2::element_text(size = 8, angle=45, hjust = 1),
                   axis.ticks.y = ggplot2::element_line(color = "grey", size = 0.5),
                   axis.line.x = ggplot2::element_line(color = "grey", size = 0.1),
                   axis.line.y = ggplot2::element_line(size = 0.5, color = "grey"),
                   strip.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(angle = 0, hjust = 0, size = 10),
                   plot.margin = ggplot2::margin(t = 0, r = 5, b = 20, l = 20, unit = "pt"),
                   axis.title.y = ggplot2::element_text(size = 10, margin = ggplot2::margin(t = 0, r = 10, b = 0, l = 0))
    ) +
    ggplot2::scale_color_manual(values = pal) +
    ggplot2::scale_alpha(range = c(0, 0.8), limits = c(0, 0.8)) +
    ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0, 0), limits = c(ymin, ymax),
                                labels = ticklabels,
                                breaks = tickvals) +
    ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0), limits = c(0, 210),
                                breaks = (xScale(starts) + xScale(starts + widthscale))/2,
                                labels = names(widthscale))

  for (s in names(widthscale)){
    xstart = xScale(starts[s])
    xend = xScale(starts[s] + widthscale[s])
    p <- p + ggplot2::annotate("segment", x = xstart, xend = xend, y = -1, yend = -1,
                               size = 3, colour = pal[s])

  if (capped){
    p <- p + ggplot2::annotate(geom = "text", x = 180,
                               y = 16.2, label = "values above this threshold are capped", size = 2, color = "grey") +
      ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept = 16, linetype = "dashed", size = 0.2, color = "grey")

  if (interactive){
    p <- p %>% plotly::ggplotly(tooltip = "text")
    p <- p %>% plotly::highlight(on = "plotly_click", off = "plotly_doubleclick", dynamic = FALSE, persistent = FALSE)


#' Map vector of numeric values to Viridis color scale.
#' @param values vector of numeric values (mostly -log10(p-values))
#' @param domain_min numeric value that corresponds to the 'yellow' in the color scale
#' @param domain_max numeric value that corresponds to the 'dark blue' in the color scale
#' @param n number of bins to generate from the color scale
#' @return The output is a corresponding vector of colors from the Viridis color scale with domain in range(domain_min, domain_max).
#' @author Liis Kolberg <liis.kolberg@@ut.ee>
#' @export
mapViridis <- function(values, domain_min = 0, domain_max = 50, n = 256){
  cols <- viridisLite::viridis(n, direction = -1)
  domain_range <- seq(from = domain_min, to = domain_max, length.out = n)
  val_colors <- unlist(lapply(values, function(x) ifelse(!is.na(x), cols[which.min(abs(x - domain_range))], "white")))

#' Create and save an annotated Manhattan plot of enrichment results.
#' This function allows to highlight a list of selected terms on the Manhattan plot created with the gprofiler2::gostplot() function.
#' The resulting plot is saved to a publication ready image if 'filename' is specified.
#' The plot is very similar to the one shown in the g:GOSt web tool after clicking on circles.
#' @param p ggplot object from gostplot(gostres, interactive = FALSE) function
#' @param highlight_terms vector of selected term IDs from the analysis or a (subset) data.frame that has a column called 'term_id'. No annotation is added if set to NULL.
#' @param filename file name to create on disk and save the annotated plot. Filename extension should be from c("png", "pdf", "jpeg", "tiff", "bmp").
#' @param width plot width in inches. If not supplied, the size of current graphics device is used.
#' @param height plot height in inches. If not supplied, the size of current graphics device is used.
#' @return The output is a ggplot object.
#' @author Liis Kolberg <liis.kolberg@@ut.ee>
#' @examples
#'  gostres <- gost(c("Klf4", "Pax5", "Sox2", "Nanog"), organism = "mmusculus")
#'  p <- gostplot(gostres, interactive = FALSE)
#'  publish_gostplot(p, highlight_terms = c("GO:0001010", "REAC:R-MMU-8939245"))
#' @export
publish_gostplot <- function(p, highlight_terms = NULL, filename = NULL, width = NA, height = NA){
  # check that it is a static plot
  if(!("ggplot" %in% class(p))){
    warning("Highlighting terms in a Manhattan plot is available for a ggplot object only.\nPlease set 'interactive = F' in the gostplot() function and try again.")

  term_id <- logpval <- term_size_scaled <- id <- query <- p_value <- NULL

  # add highlights
  if (!is.null(highlight_terms)) {
    if (is.data.frame(highlight_terms)){
      message("The input 'highlight_terms' is a data.frame and therefore the column 'term_id' will be used for detection.")
      if ("term_id" %in% colnames(highlight_terms)){
        highlight_terms <- highlight_terms$term_id
        stop("No column named 'term_id'.")
    df <- p$data
    subdf <- base::subset(df, term_id %in% highlight_terms)

    if (nrow(subdf) == 0){
      message("None of the term IDs in the 'highlight_terms' was found from the results.")

    highlight_terms <- unique(highlight_terms)
    subdf$id <- match(subdf$term_id, highlight_terms)

    p <- p + ggplot2::geom_point(data = subdf, ggplot2::aes(x = order, y = logpval, size = term_size_scaled), pch=21, colour = "black")
    p <- p + ggplot2::geom_text(data = subdf, size = 4, colour = "white", ggplot2::aes(label = as.character(id), family = "mono", fontface = "bold"), hjust = -1.2, vjust = -0.05) +
      ggplot2::geom_text(data = subdf, size = 4, colour = "black", fontface = "bold", ggplot2::aes(label = as.character(id)), hjust = -1.2, vjust = -0.05)

    # add table
    pseudo_gostres <- list("result" = data.frame(subdf), "meta" = list("query_metadata"= list("queries" = sapply(unique(subdf$query), function(x) NULL))))
    #tb <- publish_gosttable(data.frame(subdf), highlight_terms = highlight_terms, use_colors = TRUE, show_columns = c("source", "term_name", "term_size"), filename = NULL, ggplot = FALSE)
    tb <- publish_gosttable(pseudo_gostres, highlight_terms = highlight_terms, use_colors = TRUE, show_columns = c("source", "term_name", "term_size"), filename = NULL, ggplot = FALSE)

    h <- grid::unit.c(grid::unit(1, "null"), sum(tb$heights) + grid::unit(3, "mm"))
    w <- grid::unit.c(grid::unit(1, "null"))

    tg <- gridExtra::grid.arrange(p, tb, ncol = 1, heights = h, widths = w, newpage = TRUE)

    # convert grob to ggplot object
    p <- ggplot2::ggplot() + ggplot2::annotation_custom(tg) + ggplot2::geom_blank() + ggplot2::theme_void()

  if (is.null(filename)){
    imgtype <- strsplit(basename(filename), split="\\.")[[1]][-1]

    if (length(imgtype) == 0) {
      filename = paste0(filename, ".pdf")

    if (tolower(imgtype) %in% c("png", "pdf", "jpeg", "tiff", "bmp")){
      if (is.na(width)){
        width = max(grDevices::dev.size()[1], 8)
      if (is.na(height)){
        height = max(grDevices::dev.size()[2], 6)
      ggplot2::ggsave(filename = filename, plot = p, width = width, height = height, limitsize = F)
      message("The image is saved to ", filename)
    } else {
      stop("The given file format is not supported.\nPlease use one of the following extensions: .png, .pdf, .jpeg, .tiff, .bmp")

#' Create and save a table with the functional enrichment analysis results.
#' This function creates a table mainly for the results from gost() function.
#' However, if the input at least contains columns named 'term_id' and 'p_value' then any enrichment results data frame can be visualised in a table with this function.
#' The output table is very similar to the one shown under the Manhattan plot.
#' @param gostres named list from gost() function (with names 'result' and 'meta') or a data frame that has columns named "term_id" and "p_value(s)".
#' @param highlight_terms vector of selected term IDs from the analysis or a (subset) data.frame that has a column called 'term_id'. All data is shown if set to NULL.
#' @param use_colors if enabled, the p-values are highlighted in the viridis colorscale just as in g:Profiler, otherwise the table has no background colors.
#' @param show_columns names of additional columns to show besides term_id and p_value. By default the output table shows additional columns named "source", "term_name", "term_size", "intersection_size"
#' @param filename file name to create on disk and save the annotated plot. Filename extension should be from c("png", "pdf", "jpeg", "tiff", "bmp").
#' @param ggplot if FALSE, then the function returns a gtable object.
#' @return The output is a ggplot object.
#' @author Liis Kolberg <liis.kolberg@@ut.ee>
#' @examples
#'  gostres <- gost(c("Klf4", "Pax5", "Sox2", "Nanog"), organism = "mmusculus")
#'  publish_gosttable(gostres, highlight_terms = c("GO:0001010", "REAC:R-MMU-8939245"))
#' @export
publish_gosttable <- function(gostres, highlight_terms = NULL, use_colors = TRUE, show_columns = c("source", "term_name", "term_size", "intersection_size"), filename = NULL, ggplot = TRUE){
  # gostres is the GOSt response list (contains results and metadata) or a data frame
  term_id <- p_values <- query <- p_value <- NULL

  if (is.list(gostres) & !is.data.frame(gostres)){
    if (!("result" %in% names(gostres))) stop("Name 'result' not found from the input")
    df <- gostres$result
  } else if (is.data.frame(gostres)){
    df <- gostres
  } else {
    stop("The input 'gostres' should be a data frame or a list from the gost() function.")

  # make sure all the essential column names are there
  if (!"term_id" %in% colnames(df)) stop("The required column 'term_id' is missing from the input")
  if (!any(grepl("p_value", colnames(df)))) stop("Column 'p_value(s)' is missing from the input")

  # selected terms
  if (is.null(highlight_terms)) {
    # show full table if no terms given
    highlight_terms = df

  if (is.data.frame(highlight_terms)){
    message("The input 'highlight_terms' is a data.frame. The column 'term_id' will be used.")
    if ("term_id" %in% colnames(highlight_terms)){
      highlight_terms <- highlight_terms$term_id
      stop("No column named 'term_id'.")

  subdf <- base::subset(df, term_id %in% highlight_terms)

  if (nrow(subdf) == 0){
    stop("None of the term IDs in the 'highlight_terms' were found from the results.")

  highlight_terms <- unique(highlight_terms)
  subdf$id <- match(subdf$term_id, highlight_terms)

  # order by id column
  subdf = subdf[order(subdf$id),]

  # default column names to show
  show_columns <- unique(append(show_columns, c("id", "term_id", "p_value")))
  gp_colnames <- c("id", "source", "term_id", "term_name", "term_size", "query_size", "intersection_size", "p_value", "intersection_sizes", "query_sizes")

  colnames <- gp_colnames[which(gp_colnames %in% show_columns)]

  # include non gprofiler columns
  if (length(setdiff(show_columns, gp_colnames)) > 0){
    colnames <- append(colnames, setdiff(show_columns, gp_colnames))

  # If multiquery
  if ("p_values" %in% colnames(subdf)){
    if ("meta" %in% names(gostres)){
      meta <- gostres$meta
      subdf$query <- list(names(meta$query_metadata$queries))
    } else {
      qnames = paste("query", seq(1, length(subdf$p_values[[1]])), sep = "_")
      subdf$query <- list(qnames)
    spread_col = c("p_values")
    if ("query_sizes" %in% show_columns){
      spread_col = append(spread_col, "query_sizes")
    if ("intersection_sizes" %in% show_columns){
      spread_col = append(spread_col, "intersection_sizes")
    # spread the data frame to correct form
    subdf <- tidyr::unnest(data = subdf, cols = c(spread_col, query))
    subdf <- dplyr::rename(subdf, p_value = p_values)
    subdf$p_value <- formatC(subdf$p_value, format = "e", digits = 1)
    showdf <- subdf[,stats::na.omit(match(c(colnames, "query"), names(subdf)))]
    showdf <- tidyr::pivot_wider(showdf, names_from = query, values_from = c(p_value, spread_col[spread_col!="p_values"]), names_prefix = ifelse(length(spread_col) == 1,"p_value ", ""))

  } else {
    if ("query" %in% names(subdf) & length(unique(subdf$query)) > 1){
      subdf$p_value <- formatC(subdf$p_value, format = "e", digits = 1)
      showdf <- subdf[,stats::na.omit(match(c(colnames, "query"), names(subdf)))]
      spread_col <- c("p_value", "intersection_size", "query_size")
      spread_col <- intersect(colnames(showdf), spread_col)
      spread_col <- intersect(show_columns, spread_col)
      showdf <- tidyr::pivot_wider(showdf, names_from = query, values_from = spread_col, names_prefix = ifelse(length(spread_col) == 1,"p_value ", ""))
      # order columns by query
      if ('meta' %in% names(gostres)){
        input_order <- names(gostres$meta$query_metadata$queries)
        if (length(spread_col) == 1){
          input_order <- paste("p_value", input_order)
        } else{
          input_order <- unlist(lapply(spread_col, function(x) paste(x, input_order, sep = "_")))

        showdf <- showdf[c(names(showdf)[stats::na.omit(match(colnames, names(showdf)))], input_order) ]


    } else {
      subdf$p_value <- formatC(subdf$p_value, format = "e", digits = 1)
      showdf <- subdf[,stats::na.omit(match(colnames, names(subdf)))]
  # find the columns to color
  idx <- which(grepl(pattern = "p_value", x = names(showdf)))

  # Prepare table
  if (use_colors){
    order_of_cl = names(showdf)[idx]
    # add empty columns next to pvalue columns that show the color scale (to the right)
    showdf[paste0(1, order_of_cl)] <- NA
    # update the order with extra pvalue color code column
    order_of_cl2 = c(rbind(paste0(1, order_of_cl), order_of_cl))
    showdf = showdf[,c(names(showdf)[1:min(idx)-1], order_of_cl2)]
    colours <- matrix("white", nrow(showdf), ncol(showdf))
    # add colors to empty columns
    temp_df = showdf[, order_of_cl2, drop = F]
    temp_cols <- sapply(temp_df, function(x) ifelse(!is.na(x), mapViridis(-log10(as.numeric(x))), "white"))
    if (nrow(temp_df) == 1){
      temp_cols = data.frame(t(temp_cols), check.names = F, stringsAsFactors = F)
    # switch values
    temp_cols[,seq(1,ncol(temp_cols),2)] = temp_cols[,seq(2,ncol(temp_cols),2)]
    temp_cols[,seq(2,ncol(temp_cols),2)] = "white"
    colours[,which(names(showdf) %in% order_of_cl2)] <- temp_cols
    if (nrow(temp_df) == 1){
      colours = unlist(colours)
    # remove column names from color scale column
    showdf[,startsWith(names(showdf), "1")] = ""
    # rename the column
    names(showdf)[startsWith(names(showdf), "1")] = ""

  } else {
    colours <- matrix("white", nrow(showdf), ncol(showdf))

  fontcolours <- matrix("black", nrow(showdf), ncol(showdf))
  fontfaces <- matrix("plain", nrow(showdf), ncol(showdf))

  th <- gridExtra::ttheme_default(base_size = 10,
                                  padding = grid::unit(c(4, 4), "mm"),
                                    padding.h = grid::unit(c(15,15), "mm"),
                                    padding.v = grid::unit(c(15,15), "mm"),
                                    bg_params = list(fill = colours, col="black", lwd = 0.5),
                                    fg_params=list(hjust = 0, x = 0.02, col=fontcolours, fontface=fontfaces)),
                                  colhead=list(bg_params = list(fill = "gray99", lwd = 0.5, col = "black"),
                                               fg_params=list(col="gray39", fontface="bold")),
                                  rowhead=list(fg_params=list(col="black", fontface="bold")))

  tb <- gridExtra::tableGrob(showdf, theme = th, rows = NULL)
  h <- grid::unit.c(sum(tb$heights))
  w <- grid::unit.c(sum(tb$widths))
  tg <- gridExtra::arrangeGrob(tb, ncol = 1, widths = w, heights = h, bottom = grid::textGrob("g:Profiler (biit.cs.ut.ee/gprofiler)", x = 0.95, hjust = 1, gp = grid::gpar(fontsize=10, font=8, col = "cornflowerblue")))

    p <- ggplot2::ggplot() + ggplot2::annotation_custom(tg) + ggplot2::geom_blank() + ggplot2::theme_void()
  p <- ggplot2::ggplot() + ggplot2::annotation_custom(tg) + ggplot2::geom_blank() + ggplot2::theme_void()

  if (is.null(filename)){
    if (ggplot){
      p <- ggplot2::ggplot() + ggplot2::annotation_custom(tg) + ggplot2::geom_blank() + ggplot2::theme_void()
    } else {

  } else{
    imgtype <- strsplit(basename(filename), split="\\.")[[1]][-1]

    if (length(imgtype) == 0) {
      filename = paste0(filename, ".pdf")

    if (tolower(imgtype) %in% c("png", "pdf", "jpeg", "tiff", "bmp")){
      width = grid::convertWidth(sum(tg$widths), "in", TRUE) + 0.2
      height = grid::convertHeight(sum(tg$heights), "in", TRUE) + 0.2
      p <- ggplot2::ggplot() + ggplot2::annotation_custom(tg) + ggplot2::geom_blank() + ggplot2::theme_void()
      ggplot2::ggsave(filename = filename, plot = p, height = height, width = width)
      message("The image is saved to ", filename)
    } else {
      stop("The given file format is not supported.\nPlease use one of the following extensions: .png, .pdf, .jpeg, .tiff, .bmp")

#' Upload custom annotations for functional enrichment analysis in g:GOSt.
#' Upload your own annotation data using files in the Gene Matrix Transposed file format (GMT) for functional enrichment analysis in g:GOSt.
#' The accepted file is either a single annotations file (with the extension .gmt) or a compressed directory of multiple annotation GMT files (with the extension .zip).
#' The GMT format is a tab-separated list of gene annotation sets where every line represents a separate gene set/functional term. The first column defines the function ID, second defines a short name/description of the function and the following columns
#' are the list of genes related to the specific function in that row.
#' The uploaded filename is used to define 'source' name in the g:GOSt results.
#' @param gmtfile the filepath of the GMT file to be uploaded. The file extension should be .gmt or .zip in case of multiple GMT files.
#' If the filepath does not contain an absolute path, the filename is relative to the current working directory.
#' @return A string that denotes the ID of the uploaded custom annotations in the g:Profiler database.
#' After the GMT file upload this unique ID can be used as a value for the argument 'organism' in the \code{gost()} function to perform
#' functional enrichment analysis based on these custom data.
#' No need to repeatedly upload the same custom GMT file(s) every time you want to do the enrichment analysis.
#' The custom ID can also be used in the web tool as a token under the Custom GMT options.
#' @author Liis Kolberg <liis.kolberg@@ut.ee>
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{custom_id <- upload_GMT_file("path/to/file.gmt")}
#' @export
upload_GMT_file <- function(gmtfile){
  # check if file exists
  if (!file.exists(gmtfile)){
    stop(paste0("Can't find the input file ", gmtfile, "\nPlease check the filename and absolute path and try again."))
  if (endsWith(gmtfile, ".gmt")){
    # GMT file
    gmturl = paste0(file.path(gp_globals$base_url, "api", "gost", "custom"), "/")
    # read in file and remove duplicated rows
    gmtlist = unique(readLines(gmtfile, skipNul = TRUE))
    # check for duplicated term_ids
    term_ids = unlist(lapply(gmtlist, function(x) strsplit(x, "\t")[[1]][1]))
    if (sum(duplicated(term_ids)) > 0){
      duplicates = paste(term_ids[duplicated(term_ids)], collapse = ", ")
      stop("Your GMT file includes duplicated identifiers: ", duplicates, ".\nPlease remove duplicated identifiers and try to upload again.")

    gmtdata <- paste(gmtlist, collapse = "\n")

    body <- jsonlite::toJSON((
        gmt = gmtdata,
        name = basename(gmtfile)
    auto_unbox = TRUE,
    null = "null")

    # Headers
    headers <-
      list("Accept" = "application/json",
           "Content-Type" = "application/json",
           "charset" = "UTF-8",
           "Expect" = "")
    oldw <- getOption("warn")
    options(warn = -1)
    h1 = RCurl::basicTextGatherer(.mapUnicode = FALSE)
    h2 = RCurl::getCurlHandle() # Get info about the request

    # Request
    r = RCurl::curlPerform(
      url = gmturl,
      postfields = body,
      httpheader = headers,
      customrequest = 'POST',
      verbose = FALSE,
      ssl.verifypeer = FALSE,
      writefunction = h1$update,
      curl = h2,
      .opts = gp_globals$rcurl_opts
    options(warn = 0)
    rescode = RCurl::getCurlInfo(h2)[["response.code"]]

    if (rescode != 200) {
      message("The g:Profiler web resource you're trying to connect to is not available at the moment or has changed.")
      message("Please check your internet connection or try again later, or contact us on biit.support@ut.ee")

    txt <- h1$value()
    res <- jsonlite::fromJSON(txt)
  else if (endsWith(gmtfile, ".zip")){
    # zipped GMT files

    gmturl = paste0(file.path(gp_globals$base_url, "api", "gost", "custom", "zip"), "/")
    options(warn = -1)
    h2 = RCurl::getCurlHandle() # Get info about the request
    r = RCurl::postForm(
      uri = gmturl,
      zipfile = RCurl::fileUpload(filename = gmtfile, contentType="multipart/form-data"),
      curl = h2
    options(warn = 0)
    rescode = RCurl::getCurlInfo(h2)[["response.code"]]

    if (rescode != 200) {
      message("The g:Profiler web resource you're trying to connect to is not available at the moment or has changed.")
      message("Please check your internet connection or try again later, or contact us on biit.support@ut.ee")
    res <- jsonlite::fromJSON(r)
  else {
    stop("Custom GMT file should have extension .gmt or .zip")
  custom_id <- res$organism
  message(paste("Your custom annotations ID is", custom_id), "\nYou can use this ID as an 'organism' name in all the related enrichment tests against this custom source.")
  message(paste0("Just use: gost(my_genes, organism = '", custom_id, "')"))


#' Generate a random gene list for testing.
#' This function returns a vector of randomly selected genes from the selected organism.
#' @param organism organism name. Organism names are constructed by concatenating the first letter of the name and the
#' family name. Example: human - 'hsapiens', mouse - 'mmusculus'.
#' @return a character vector containing randomly selected gene IDs from the selected organism.
#' @author Liis Kolberg <liis.kolberg@@ut.ee>
#' @examples
#' random_genes <- random_query()
#' @export
random_query <- function(organism = "hsapiens"){
  url = paste0(file.path(gp_globals$base_url, "api", "gost", "random_query"), "/")
  body <- jsonlite::toJSON((
    list(organism = jsonlite::unbox(organism))),
    auto_unbox = FALSE,
    null = "null")
  # Headers

  headers <- list("Accept" = "application/json",
                  "Content-Type" = "application/json",
                  "charset" = "UTF-8",
                  "Expect" = "")
oldw <- getOption("warn")
  options(warn = -1)
  h1 = RCurl::basicTextGatherer(.mapUnicode = FALSE)
  h2 = RCurl::getCurlHandle() # Get info about the request

  # Request
  r = RCurl::curlPerform(
    url = url,
    postfields = body,
    httpheader = headers,
    customrequest = 'POST',
    verbose = FALSE,
    ssl.verifypeer = FALSE,
    writefunction = h1$update,
    curl = h2,
    .opts = gp_globals$rcurl_opts
  options(warn = 0)
  rescode = RCurl::getCurlInfo(h2)[["response.code"]]
  txt <- h1$value()

  if (rescode != 200) {
    message("The g:Profiler web resource you're trying to connect to is not available at the moment or has changed.")
    message("Please check your internet connection or try again later, or contact us on biit.support@ut.ee")
  res <- jsonlite::fromJSON(txt)

#' Gene ID conversion.
#' Interface to the g:Profiler tool g:Convert (\url{https://biit.cs.ut.ee/gprofiler/convert}) that uses the information in Ensembl databases to handle hundreds of types of identifiers for genes, proteins, transcripts, microarray probesets, etc, for many species,
#' experimental platforms and biological databases.
#' The input is flexible: it accepts a mixed list of IDs and recognises their types automatically.
#' It can also serve as a service to get all genes belonging to a particular functional category.
#' @param query character vector that can consist of mixed types of gene IDs (proteins, transcripts, microarray IDs, etc), SNP IDs, chromosomal intervals or term IDs.
#' @param organism organism name. Organism names are constructed by
#' concatenating the first letter of the name and the family name. Example: human
#' - 'hsapiens', mouse - 'mmusculus'.
#' @param target target namespace.
#' @param numeric_ns namespace to use for fully numeric IDs (\href{https://biit.cs.ut.ee/gprofiler/page/namespaces-list}{list of available namespaces}).
#' @param mthreshold maximum number of results per initial alias to show. Shows all by default.
#' @param filter_na logical indicating whether to filter out results without a
#' corresponding target.
#' @return The output is a data.frame which is a table closely corresponding to the
#' web interface output.
#' The result fields are further described in the \href{https://cran.r-project.org/package=gprofiler2/vignettes/gprofiler2.html}{vignette}.
#' @author  Liis Kolberg <liis.kolberg@@ut.ee>, Uku Raudvere <uku.raudvere@@ut.ee>
#' @examples
#' gconvert(c("POU5F1", "SOX2", "NANOG"), organism = "hsapiens", target="AFFY_HG_U133_PLUS_2")
#' @export
gconvert = function(
  organism = "hsapiens",
  target = "ENSG",
  numeric_ns = "",
  mthreshold = Inf,
  filter_na = TRUE
) {
  url = file.path(gp_globals$base_url, "api", "convert", "convert")

  if (is.null(query)) {
    stop("Missing query")

  if (is.list(query)) {
    stop("Parameter 'query' must be a vector")
  # handle potential numeric values in the input
  query = as.character(query)

  body <- jsonlite::toJSON((
      organism = organism,
      query = query,
      target = target,
      numeric_ns = numeric_ns,
      output = "json"
  auto_unbox = TRUE,
  null = "null")

  # Headers

  headers <-
    list("Accept" = "application/json",
         "Content-Type" = "application/json",
         "charset" = "UTF-8",
         "Expect" = "")

  oldw <- getOption("warn")
  options(warn = -1)
  h1 = RCurl::basicTextGatherer()
  h2 = RCurl::getCurlHandle() # Get info about the request

  # Request

  r = RCurl::curlPerform(
    url = url,
    postfields = body,
    httpheader = headers,
    customrequest = 'POST',
    verbose = FALSE,
    ssl.verifypeer = FALSE,
    writefunction = h1$update,
    curl = h2,
    .opts = gp_globals$rcurl_opts
  options(warn = 0)
  rescode = RCurl::getCurlInfo(h2)[["response.code"]]
  txt <- h1$value()

  if (rescode != 200) {
    message("The g:Profiler web resource you're trying to connect to is not available at the moment or has changed.")
    message("Please check your internet connection or try again later, or contact us on biit.support@ut.ee")

  res <- jsonlite::fromJSON(txt)
  df = res$result

  if (is.null(dim(df))) {
    message("No results to show\n", "Please make sure that the organism or namespace is correct")

  col_names <- c("n_incoming", "incoming", "n_converted", "converted", "name", "description", "namespaces")
  df = df[,col_names]

  # filter empty results
  if (filter_na){
    df <- df[!df$converted %in% c("nan", "None"),]
    # convert to NA-s
    df[df == "nan"] <- NA_character_
    df[df == "None"] <- NA_character_
  if (nrow(df) == 0){
    message("No results to show\n", "Please make sure that the organism or namespace is correct")
  # filter max number of results per input
  if (mthreshold < Inf){
    df <- df %>% dplyr::group_by(incoming) %>% dplyr::top_n(-mthreshold, n_converted) %>% data.frame()

  # rename columns
  colnames(df) <- c("input_number", "input", "target_number", "target", "name", "description", "namespace")
  df$target_number <- paste(df$input_number, df$target_number, sep=".")

  #df = plyr::dlply(df, "input", function(x) {
  #  if (filter_na)
  #    x = x[x$target != "None",]
  #  if (nrow(x) == 0)
  #    return(NULL)
  #  if (nrow(x) > mthreshold)
  #    x = lapply(x, function(y) { as.character(y)[1:mthreshold] })
  #  return(x)
 # })

  #df <- plyr::ldply(df, function(x) data.frame(x, stringsAsFactors = F))

  df <- df[order(df$input_number, df$target_number),]
  row.names(df) <- NULL

#' Orthology search.
#' Interface to the g:Profiler tool g:Orth (\url{https://biit.cs.ut.ee/gprofiler/orth}) that, given a target organism, retrieves the genes of the target organism that are similar in sequence to the source organism genes in the input.
#' @param query character vector of gene IDs to be translated.
#' @param source_organism name of the source organism. Organism names are constructed by concatenating
#' the first letter of the name and the family name. Example: human - 'hsapiens',
#' mouse - 'mmusculus'.
#' @param target_organism name of the target organism. Organism names are constructed by concatenating
#' the first letter of the name and the family name. Example: human - 'hsapiens',
#' mouse - 'mmusculus'.
#' @param numeric_ns namespace to use for fully numeric IDs (\href{https://biit.cs.ut.ee/gprofiler/page/namespaces-list}{list of available namespaces}).
#' @param mthreshold maximum number of ortholog names per gene to show.
#' @param filter_na logical indicating whether to filter out results without a
#' corresponding target name.
#' @return The output is a data.frame which is a table closely corresponding to the
#' web interface output.
#' The result fields are further described in the \href{https://cran.r-project.org/package=gprofiler2/vignettes/gprofiler2.html}{vignette}.
#' @author  Liis Kolberg <liis.kolberg@@ut.ee>, Uku Raudvere <uku.raudvere@@ut.ee>
#' @examples
#' gorth(c("Klf4","Pax5","Sox2","Nanog"), source_organism="mmusculus", target_organism="hsapiens")
#' @export

gorth <- function(
  source_organism = "hsapiens",
  target_organism = "mmusculus",
  numeric_ns = "",
  mthreshold = Inf,
  filter_na = TRUE
  url = file.path(gp_globals$base_url, "api", "orth", "orth")

  if (is.null(query)) {
    stop("Missing query")

  if (is.list(query)) {
    stop("Parameter 'query' should be a vector")

  # handle potential numeric values in the input
  query = as.character(query)

  body <- jsonlite::toJSON((
      organism = source_organism,
      target = target_organism,
      query = query,
      numeric_ns = numeric_ns,
      output = "json"
  auto_unbox = TRUE,
  null = "null")

  # Headers

  headers <-
    list("Accept" = "application/json",
         "Content-Type" = "application/json",
         "charset" = "UTF-8",
         "Expect" = "")

  oldw <- getOption("warn")
  options(warn = -1)
  h1 = RCurl::basicTextGatherer()
  h2 = RCurl::getCurlHandle() # Get info about the request

  # Request

  r = RCurl::curlPerform(
    url = url,
    postfields = body,
    httpheader = headers,
    customrequest = 'POST',
    verbose = FALSE,
    ssl.verifypeer = FALSE,
    writefunction = h1$update,
    curl = h2,
    .opts = gp_globals$rcurl_opts
  options(warn = 0)
  rescode = RCurl::getCurlInfo(h2)[["response.code"]]
  txt <- h1$value()

  if (rescode != 200) {
    message("The g:Profiler web resource you're trying to connect to is not available at the moment or has changed.")
    message("Please check your internet connection or try again later, or contact us on biit.support@ut.ee")

  res <- jsonlite::fromJSON(txt)
  df = res$result

  if (is.null(dim(df))) {
    message("No results to show\n", "Please make sure that the organisms or the namespace are correct")

  df$ensg_number = paste(df$n_incoming, df$n_converted, df$n_result, sep = ".")

  # filter empty results
  if (filter_na){
    df <- df[df$name != "N/A",]
  if (nrow(df) == 0){
    message("No results to show\n", "Please make sure that the organisms or namespaces are correct")
  # filter max number of results per input
  if (mthreshold < Inf){
    df <- df %>% dplyr::group_by(incoming) %>% dplyr::top_n(-mthreshold, n_result) %>% data.frame()

  col_names = c("n_incoming", "incoming", "converted", "ensg_number", "name", "ortholog_ensg", "description")
  df <- df[,col_names]

  # rename columns
  colnames(df) <- c("input_number", "input", "input_ensg", "ensg_number", "ortholog_name", "ortholog_ensg", "description")

  # df = plyr::dlply(df, "input", function(x) {
  #   if (filter_na)
  #     x = x[x$ortholog_name != "None",]
  #   if (nrow(x) == 0)
  #     return(NULL)
  #   if (nrow(x) > mthreshold)
  #     x = lapply(x, function(y) { as.character(y)[1:mthreshold] })
  #   return(x)
  # })
  # df <- plyr::ldply(df, function(x) data.frame(x, stringsAsFactors = F))

  df <- df[order(df$input_number, df$ensg_number),]
  row.names(df) <- NULL

#' Convert SNP rs identifiers to genes.
#' Interface to the g:Profiler tool g:SNPense (\url{https://biit.cs.ut.ee/gprofiler/snpense}) that maps SNP rs identifiers to chromosome positions, genes and variant effects.
#' Available only for human variants.
#' @param query vector of SNP IDs to be translated (should start with prefix 'rs').
#' @param filter_na logical indicating whether to filter out results without a
#' corresponding target name.
#' @return The output is a data.frame which is a table closely corresponding to the
#' web interface output. Columns 'ensgs' and 'gene_names' can contain list of multiple values.
#' The result fields are further described in the \href{https://cran.r-project.org/package=gprofiler2/vignettes/gprofiler2.html}{vignette}.
#' @author  Liis Kolberg <liis.kolberg@@ut.ee>, Uku Raudvere <uku.raudvere@@ut.ee>
#' @examples
#' gsnpense(c("rs11734132", "rs7961894", "rs4305276", "rs17396340", "rs3184504"))
#' @export

gsnpense <- function(
  query, filter_na = TRUE
  url = file.path(gp_globals$base_url, "api", "snpense", "snpense")

  if (is.null(query)) {
    stop("Missing query")

  if ( !any(startsWith(tolower(query), "rs")) ){
    stop("Query must contain SNP ids with 'rs' prefix.")

  body <- jsonlite::toJSON((
      query = query,
      output = "json"
  auto_unbox = TRUE,
  null = "null")

  # Headers
  headers <-
    list("Accept" = "application/json",
         "Content-Type" = "application/json",
         "charset" = "UTF-8",
         "Expect" = "")

  oldw <- getOption("warn")
  options(warn = -1)
  h1 = RCurl::basicTextGatherer()
  h2 = RCurl::getCurlHandle() # Get info about the request

  # Request

  r = RCurl::curlPerform(
    url = url,
    postfields = body,
    httpheader = headers,
    customrequest = 'POST',
    verbose = FALSE,
    ssl.verifypeer = FALSE,
    writefunction = h1$update,
    curl = h2,
    .opts = gp_globals$rcurl_opts
  options(warn = 0)
  rescode = RCurl::getCurlInfo(h2)[["response.code"]]
  txt <- h1$value()

  if (rescode != 200) {
    message("The g:Profiler web resource you're trying to connect to is not available at the moment or has changed.")
    message("Please check your internet connection or try again later, or contact us on biit.support@ut.ee")

  res <- jsonlite::fromJSON(txt)
  df = res$result

  if (is.null(dim(df))) {
    message("No results to show\n", "Please make sure that the input is of correct format")

  # Add NA where relevant

  df[df$start == -1, -1] = NA

  if (filter_na) {
    df <- df[!is.na(df$chromosome),]
  row.names(df) <- NULL
  # spread the data frame to longer form
  df <- tidyr::unchop(df, c("ensgs", "gene_names"))
  # unnest variants column
  df <- do.call(data.frame, df)

#' Get current user agent string.
#' Get the HTTP User-Agent string.
#' @export

get_user_agent = function() {

#' Set custom user agent string.
#' Set the HTTP User-Agent string. Useful for overriding the default user agent for
#' packages that depend on gprofiler2 functionality.
#' @param ua the user agent string.
#' @param append logical indicating whether to append the passed string to the default user agent string.
#' @export

set_user_agent = function(ua, append = F) {
  rco = gp_globals$rcurl_opts
  rco$useragent = ifelse(
    append, paste(rco$useragent, ua, sep=""), ua)
  assign("rcurl_opts", rco, envir=gp_globals)

#' Get the TLS version for SSL
#' @export

get_tls_version = function() {
  v = gp_globals$rcurl_opts$sslversion
  if (v == gp_globals$CURL_SSLVERSION_TLSv1_2) {
  else if (v == gp_globals$CURL_SSLVERSION_TLSv1_1) {

#' Set the TLS version to use for SSL
#' Set the TLS version. Could be useful at environments where SSL was built without TLS 1.2 support
#' @param v version: "1.2" (default), "1.1" (fallback)
#' @export

set_tls_version = function(v) {
  if (v == "1.1") {
    rco = gp_globals$rcurl_opts
    rco$sslversion = gp_globals$CURL_SSLVERSION_TLSv1_1
    assign("rcurl_opts", rco, envir=gp_globals)
  else if (v == "1.2") {
    rco = gp_globals$rcurl_opts
    rco$sslversion = gp_globals$CURL_SSLVERSION_TLSv1_2
    assign("rcurl_opts", rco, envir=gp_globals)
  else {
    print('Only "1.1" (fallback) or "1.2" (default) are allowed to be passed as a parameter.')

#' Get the current base URL.
#' @export

get_base_url = function() {

#' Set the base URL.
#' Function to change the g:Profiler base URL. Useful for overriding the default URL (http://biit.cs.ut.ee/gprofiler)
#' with the beta (http://biit.cs.ut.ee/gprofiler_beta) or an archived version (available starting from the version e94_eg41_p11, e.g. http://biit.cs.ut.ee/gprofiler_archive3/e94_eg41_p11).
#' @param url the base URL.
#' @export

set_base_url = function(url) {
  url = as.character(url)
  schema = substr(url, 1, 4)

  if (schema != "http")
    stop("The URL must be absolute and use the HTTP(S) schema")

  assign("base_url", url, envir = gp_globals)

#' Get version info of g:Profiler data sources
#' @param organism organism name. Organism names are constructed by concatenating the first letter of the name and the family name. Example: human - 'hsapiens', mouse - 'mmusculus'.
#' @return A named nested list that includes the versions for all the data sources (GO, KEGG, Reactome, WP, etc) at the time of the data extraction for the given organism.
#' The versions correspond to the g:Profiler version embedded in the base_url which is also returned by this function under the name 'gprofiler_version'.
#' @author Liis Kolberg <liis.kolberg@@ut.ee>
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{version_info <- get_version_info(organism = "hsapiens")}
#' @export
get_version_info <- function(organism = "hsapiens"){
  url = file.path(gprofiler2::get_base_url(), "api", "util", "data_versions")

  body <- jsonlite::toJSON((
      organism = jsonlite::unbox(organism)
  auto_unbox = FALSE,
  null = "null")

  # Headers
  headers <-
    list("Accept" = "application/json",
         "Content-Type" = "application/json",
         "charset" = "UTF-8",
         "Expect" = "")
  oldw <- getOption("warn")
  options(warn = -1)
  h1 = RCurl::basicTextGatherer(.mapUnicode = FALSE)
  h2 = RCurl::getCurlHandle() # Get info about the request

  # Request
  r = RCurl::curlPerform(
    url = url,
    postfields = body,
    httpheader = headers,
    customrequest = 'POST',
    verbose = FALSE,
    ssl.verifypeer = FALSE,
    writefunction = h1$update,
    curl = h2,
    .opts = gp_globals$rcurl_opts
  options(warn = 0)
  rescode = RCurl::getCurlInfo(h2)[["response.code"]]
  txt <- h1$value()

  if (rescode != 200) {
    message("The g:Profiler web resource you're trying to connect to is not available at the moment or has changed.")
    message("Please check your internet connection or try again later, or contact us on biit.support@ut.ee")

  version_info <- jsonlite::fromJSON(txt)


Try the gprofiler2 package in your browser

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gprofiler2 documentation built on July 9, 2023, 6:06 p.m.