
Defines functions pop_gen_index

Documented in pop_gen_index

#' Compute population-level genetic indices
#' @description The function computes population-level genetic indices from an
#' object of class \code{genind}.
#' @param x An object of class \code{genind}
#' from package \pkg{adegenet}.
#' @param pop_names (optional) A character vector indicating population names.
#' It is of the same length as the number of populations. Without this
#' argument, populations are given the names they have initially in the
#' 'genind' object (which is sometimes only a number). The order of the
#' population names must match with their order in the 'genind' object.
#' The function does not reorder them. Users must be careful.
#' @param indices (optional) A character vector indicating the population-level
#' indices to compute. These indices can be:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{Mean allelic richness by locus by
#' population (\code{indices = c("A", ...)})}
#' \item{Mean expected heterozygosity by locus by
#' population (\code{indices = c("He",...)})}
#' \item{Mean observed heterozygosity by locus by
#' population (\code{indices = c("Ho",...)})}
#' \item{Number of individuals by
#' population (\code{indices = c("Nb_ind", ...)})}
#' \item{Total allelic richness by
#' population (\code{indices = c("A_tot",...)})}
#' }
#' By default, \code{indices = c("Nb_ind", "A", "He", "Ho")}.
#' @return An object of class \code{data.frame} whose rows
#' correspond to populations and columns to population attributes
#' (ID, size, genetic indices). By default, the first column corresponds to
#' the population names (ID). The order of the columns depends on the
#' vector 'indices'.
#' @export
#' @author P. Savary
#' @examples
#' data(data_ex_genind)
#' x <- data_ex_genind
#' pop_names <- levels(x@pop)
#' df_pop_indices <- pop_gen_index(x = x,
#'                    pop_names = pop_names,
#'                    indices = c("Nb_ind", "A"))

pop_gen_index <- function(x,
                          pop_names = NULL,
                          indices = c("Nb_ind", "A", "He", "Ho")){

  # Check whether 'x' is a 'genind' object
  if(!inherits(x, "genind")){
    stop("x must be a 'genind' object.")

  # Get the names of the populations in the 'genind' object 'x'
  pop_x <- levels(x@pop)
  # Get the number of populations
  nb_pop <- length(pop_x)

  if(nb_pop == 1){
    message("There is only one population in your dataset")

  # If 'pop_names' is NULL (default), then population names are the same as in
  # the 'genind' object
  # ELSE they are derived from 'pop_names' vector when provided.
    pop_names <- pop_x
  } else {
    pop_names <- pop_names

  # Check whether 'pop_names' is of class "character"
  if(!inherits(pop_names, "character")){
    stop("'pop_names' must be a character vector.")

  # Check whether 'pop_names' has as many elements as there are
  # populations in 'x'
  if(length(pop_names) != nb_pop){
    stop("'pop_names' must have as many as elements as there are
         populations in 'x'.")

  # Check whether indices consist of valid character strings
  if(!all(indices %in% c("A", "He", "Ho", "Nb_ind", "A_tot"))){
    stop("indices must consist of valid character strings
         ('A', 'He' , 'Ho', 'Nb_ind', 'A_tot')")

  # Summary of the data
  summ_x <- adegenet::summary(x)

  # Number of individuals by population
  Nb_ind <- summ_x[[2]]

  # Total allelic richness by population
  A_tot <- summ_x[[4]]

  # Number of loci
  n_loci <- length(summ_x[[3]])
  # Mean allelic richness by population and by locus
  A <- A_tot/n_loci

  if(any(indices %in% c("He", "Ho"))){

    # We split the data into the different populations
    x.pop <- adegenet::seppop(x)

    # We create a list of summaries of the data by population
    summ_x_pop <- lapply(x.pop, function(x){adegenet::summary(x)})

    # We get the population-level heterozygosities (observed and expected)
    Ho <- rep(NA, length(summ_x_pop))
    He <- rep(NA, length(summ_x_pop))

    for (j in 1:length(summ_x_pop)){

      summ_x_pop_j <- summ_x_pop[[j]]
      Ho[j] <- mean(summ_x_pop_j[['Hobs']])
      He[j] <- mean(summ_x_pop_j[['Hexp']])
    # We gather the data into a data.frame
    df_pop_indices <- data.frame(ID = pop_names,
                                 Nb_ind = Nb_ind,
                                 A = A,
                                 Ho = Ho,
                                 He = He,
                                 A_tot = A_tot)

  } else {
    # We gather the data into a data.frame
    df_pop_indices <- data.frame(ID = pop_names,
                                 Nb_ind = Nb_ind,
                                 A = A,
                                 A_tot = A_tot)


  # We keep only the columns indicated by the vector 'indices'
  df_pop_indices <- df_pop_indices[,
                                     which(colnames(df_pop_indices) %in% indices))]

  # The function returns the data.frame 'df_pop_indices'


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graph4lg documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 5:43 p.m.