
cat("#### Test smooth.frames with a baby example\n")
test_that("smooth.frames_growthPheno", {
  dat <- read.table(header = TRUE, text = "
Type TunePar TuneVal Tuning Method       ID  DAP   PSA      sPSA
NCSS      df       4   df-4 direct 045451-C   28 57.446 51.18456
NCSS      df       4   df-4 direct 045451-C   30 89.306 87.67343
NCSS      df       7   df-7 direct 045451-C   28 57.446 57.01589
NCSS      df       7   df-7 direct 045451-C   30 89.306 87.01316
  dat[1:7] <- lapply(dat[1:6], factor)
  dat <- as.smooths.frame(dat, individuals = "ID", times = "DAP")
  tmp <- dat[,-c(2,8)]
  testthat::expect_silent(validsframe <- validSmoothsFrame(tmp))
                         paste0("\n  The followng attributes of a smooths.frame are NULL: ",
                                "t, nschemes, individuals, times"))
                         "\n  Do not have the following required smoothing-parameters columns in a smooths.frame: TunePar")
                         regexp = paste0("Cannot assign smooths.frame class to supplied data.frame because it does not ",
                                         "contain the following smoothing-parameters columns: TunePar"),                       
                         fixed = TRUE)

cat("#### Test probeSmooths with Judith Atieno 0278\n")
test_that("chickpea_growthPheno", {
  #'## Values of df for which to obtain plots
  df <- c(4,7)
  #'## Obtain separate plots Tunings
    t <- probeSmooths(data = dat1, response="ShootArea1000", 
                      times = "TimeAfterPlanting", 
                      smoothing.args = 
                        args4smoothing(smoothing.methods = "direct", 
                                       spline.types = "NCSS", 
                                       df = df, lambdas = NULL), 
                      profile.plot.args = 
                        args4profile_plot(breaks.spacing.x = 2,
                                          plots.by = "Tuning", 
                                          facet.x = "Treatment.1", 
                                          facet.y = "Smarthouse")
    regexp = "NaNs produced")
  testthat::expect_equal(nrow(t), 16960)
  testthat::expect_equal(ncol(t), 16)
  #'## Obtain separate plots Tunings, when includes NCSS for lambda
    t <- probeSmooths(data = dat1, response="ShootArea1000", 
                      times = "TimeAfterPlanting", 
                      smoothing.args = 
                        args4smoothing(smoothing.methods = "direct", 
                                       spline.types = "NCSS", 
                                       lambdas = list(NCSS = 0.0001)),
                      profile.plot.args = 
                        args4profile_plot(breaks.spacing.x = 2,
                                          plots.by = "Tuning", 
                                          facet.x = "Treatment.1", 
                                          facet.y = "Smarthouse",
                                          include.raw = "alone")),
    regexp = "NaNs produced")
  testthat::expect_equal(nrow(t), 25440)
  testthat::expect_equal(ncol(t), 16)
  #'## Obtain separate plots Tunings, when includes NCSS & PS for lambda
    t <- probeSmooths(data = dat1, response="ShootArea1000", 
                      times = "TimeAfterPlanting", 
                      smoothing.args = 
                        args4smoothing(smoothing.methods = "direct", 
                                       spline.types = "NCSS", 
                                       lambdas = list(NCSS = 0.0001, PS = 1)),
                      profile.plot.args = 
                        args4profile_plot(breaks.spacing.x = 2,
                                          plots.by = "Tuning", 
                                          facet.x = "Treatment.1", 
                                          facet.y = "Smarthouse")
    regexp = "The following names for the components of lambdas are not in the specified spline.types: PS")
  #'## Obtain separate plots Tunings, when includes NCSS & PS for lambda
    t <- probeSmooths(data = dat1, response="ShootArea1000", 
                      times = "TimeAfterPlanting", 
                      smoothing.args = 
                        args4smoothing(smoothing.methods = "direct", 
                                       spline.types = c("NCSS","PS"), 
                                       lambdas = list(NCSS = 0.0001, PS = 1)),
                      profile.plot.args = 
                        args4profile_plot(breaks.spacing.x = 2,
                                          plots.by = c("Type","Tuning"), 
                                          facet.x = "Treatment.1", facet.y = "Smarthouse",  
                                          include.raw = "facet.x")),
    regexp = "NaNs produced")
  testthat::expect_equal(nrow(t), 25440)
  testthat::expect_equal(ncol(t), 16)
  #'## Obtain separate plots Tunings, when includes NCSS & PS for lambda and set include.raw to "alone"
    t <- probeSmooths(data = dat1, response="ShootArea1000", 
                      times = "TimeAfterPlanting", 
                      smoothing.args = 
                        args4smoothing(smoothing.methods = "direct", 
                                       spline.types = c("NCSS","PS"), 
                                       lambdas = list(NCSS = 0.0001, PS = 1)),
                      profile.plot.args = 
                        args4profile_plot(breaks.spacing.x = 2,
                                          plots.by = c("Type","Tuning"), 
                                          facet.x = "Treatment.1", facet.y = "Smarthouse",  
                                          include.raw = "alone")),
    regexp = "NaNs produced")
  testthat::expect_equal(nrow(t), 25440)
  testthat::expect_equal(ncol(t), 16)
  #Test various combinations of smoothing and non-smoothing factors in facet.x
    t <- probeSmooths(data = dat1, response="ShootArea1000", 
                      times = "TimeAfterPlanting", 
                      get.rates = FALSE, 
                      keep.columns = c("Smarthouse", "Treatment.1"),
                      smoothing.args = 
                        args4smoothing(smoothing.methods = "direct", 
                                       spline.types = "NCSS", 
                                       df = df, lambdas = NULL), 
                      which.plots = "none"),
    repexp = paste0("The calculation of smoothed growth rates have not been specified; ",
                    "trait.types changed to response and propn.type.med reduced to its first element"))
  testthat::expect_equal(nrow(t), 16960)
  testthat::expect_equal(ncol(t), 11)
  testthat::expect_true(all(c("Smarthouse", "Treatment.1") %in% names(t)))
  #test for incorrect trait.types
  testthat::expect_error(plotSmoothsComparison(data = t, response="ShootArea1000", 
                                               times = "TimeAfterPlanting", 
                                               profile.plot.args = 
                                                 args4profile_plot(plots.by = "Smarthouse", 
                                                                   facet.x = c("Treatment.1", "Method", "Tuning"), 
                                                                   facet.y = ".", 
                                                                   include.raw = "no")),
                         regexp = paste0("The following traits are not in the smooths.frame: ShootArea1000.AGR, ",
                                         "ShootArea1000.RGR; perhaps, trait.types needs to be set differently"))
    plotSmoothsComparison(data = t, response="ShootArea1000", 
                          times = "TimeAfterPlanting", 
                          trait.types = ("response"), 
                          profile.plot.args = 
                            args4profile_plot(plots.by = "Tuning", 
                                              facet.x = c("Smarthouse", "Treatment.1"), 
                                              facet.y = ".", 
                                              include.raw = "no")))
    plotSmoothsComparison(data = t, response="ShootArea1000", 
                          times = "TimeAfterPlanting", 
                          trait.types = ("response"), 
                          profile.plot.args = 
                            args4profile_plot(plots.by = "Smarthouse", 
                                              facet.x = c("Method", "Treatment.1", "Tuning"), 
                                              facet.y = ".", 
                                              include.raw = "no")))
    plotSmoothsComparison(data = t, response="ShootArea1000", 
                          times = "TimeAfterPlanting", 
                          trait.types = ("response"), 
                          profile.plot.args = 
                            args4profile_plot(plots.by = "Smarthouse", 
                                              facet.x = c("Method", "Treatment.1", "Tuning"), 
                                              collapse.facets.x = FALSE, 
                                              facet.y = ".", 
                                              include.raw = "no")))
    plotSmoothsComparison(data = t, response="ShootArea1000", 
                          times = "TimeAfterPlanting", 
                          trait.types = ("response"), 
                          profile.plot.args = 
                            args4profile_plot(plots.by = "Smarthouse", 
                                              facet.x = c("Method", "Treatment.1", "Tuning"),
                                              facet.y = ".", 
                                              include.raw = "facet.x")))
  #Don't collapse the facet.x
    plotSmoothsComparison(data = t, response="ShootArea1000", 
                          times = "TimeAfterPlanting", 
                          trait.types = ("response"), 
                          profile.plot.args = 
                            args4profile_plot(plots.by = "Smarthouse", 
                                              facet.x = c("Method", "Treatment.1", "Tuning"), 
                                              facet.y = ".", 
                                              include.raw = "no", 
                                              collapse.facets.x = FALSE)))
  #Inclusion of raw with both smoothing-parameter and other factors in facet.x
    plotSmoothsComparison(data = t, response="ShootArea1000", 
                          times = "TimeAfterPlanting", 
                          trait.types = ("response"), 
                          profile.plot.args = 
                            args4profile_plot(plots.by = "Smarthouse", 
                                              facet.x = c("Method", "Treatment.1", "Tuning"), 
                                              facet.y = ".", 
                                              collapse.facets.x = FALSE, 
                                              include.raw = "facet.x")))
  #Inclusion of raw with both smoothing-parameter and other factors in facet.y
    plotSmoothsComparison(data = t, response="ShootArea1000", 
                          times = "TimeAfterPlanting", 
                          trait.types = ("response"), 
                          profile.plot.args = 
                            args4profile_plot(plots.by = "Smarthouse", 
                                              facet.x = ".", 
                                              facet.y = c("Method", "Treatment.1", "Tuning"), 
                                              collapse.facets.y = FALSE, include.raw = "facet.y")))
  #Inclusion of raw in facet.y = "."
    plotSmoothsComparison(data = t, response="ShootArea1000", 
                          times = "TimeAfterPlanting", 
                          trait.types = ("response"), 
                          profile.plot.args = 
                            args4profile_plot(plots.by = "Smarthouse", 
                                              facet.x = c("Method", "Treatment.1", "Tuning"), 
                                              facet.y = ".", 
                                              collapse.facets.x = FALSE, include.raw = "facet.y")))
  #Inclusion of raw with other factors in facet.x and  facet.y
    plotSmoothsComparison(data = t, response="ShootArea1000", 
                          times = "TimeAfterPlanting", 
                          trait.types = ("response"), 
                          profile.plot.args = 
                            args4profile_plot(plots.by = "Smarthouse", 
                                              facet.x = c("Method", "Tuning"), 
                                              facet.y = "Treatment.1", 
                                              collapse.facets.x = FALSE, 
                                              include.raw = "facet.x")))
  #removes Median whiskers
    plotSmoothsComparison(data = t, response="ShootArea1000", 
                          times = "TimeAfterPlanting", 
                          trait.types = ("response"), 
                          profile.plot.args = 
                            args4profile_plot(plots.by = "Smarthouse", 
                                              facet.x = ".", 
                                              facet.y = c("Method", "Treatment.1", "Tuning"), 
                                              collapse.facets.y = FALSE, 
                                              include.raw = "facet.y")))
  #removes Median whiskers
    plotSmoothsComparison(data = t, response="ShootArea1000", 
                          times = "TimeAfterPlanting", 
                          trait.types = ("response"), 
                          profile.plot.args = 
                            args4profile_plot(plots.by = "Smarthouse", 
                                              facet.x = c("Method", "Treatment.1", "Tuning"), 
                                              facet.y = ".", 
                                              include.raw = "no",
                                              addMediansWhiskers = FALSE)))
  #Must specify either plots.by or plots.compare 
    t <- probeSmooths(dat1, response="ShootArea1000", 
                      times = "TimeAfterPlanting", 
                      smoothing.args = 
                        args4smoothing(smoothing.methods = "direct", 
                                       spline.types = "NCSS", 
                                       df = df, lambdas = NULL)),
    regexp = paste0("There are no smoothing-parameter factors assigned to the plots and facet ", 
                    "arguments - enough of them need to be assigned so that they uniquely index ", 
                    "the combinations of the smoothing-parameter values in the smooths.frame")),
    regexp = "NaNs produced")
  #Check breaks.spacing.x = -1
    plotSmoothsComparison(data = t, response="ShootArea1000", 
                          times = "TimeAfterPlanting", 
                          trait.types = ("response"), 
                          profile.plot.args = 
                            args4profile_plot(breaks.spacing.x = -1, 
                                              plots.by = "Smarthouse", 
                                              facet.x = c("Method", "Treatment.1", "Tuning"), 
                                              facet.y = ".", 
                                              collapse.facets.x = FALSE, 
                                              include.raw = "facet.x")))
  #Plot medians.deviations only with only facet.y.med set
    t <- probeSmooths(data = dat1, response="ShootArea1000", 
                      times = "TimeAfterPlanting", 
                      trait.types = "response", 
                      smoothing.args = args4smoothing(smoothing.methods = "direct", 
                                                      spline.types = "NCSS", 
                                                      df = df, lambdas = NULL), 
                      which.plots = "medians.dev", 
                      meddevn.plot.args = 
                        args4meddevn_plot(plots.by = NULL, 
                                          plots.group = "Tuning", 
                                          facet.x = ".", 
                                          facet.y = c("Smarthouse", "Treatment.1"),
                                          propn.types = 0.05)))
  testthat::expect_equal(nrow(t), 16960)
  testthat::expect_equal(ncol(t), 11)
  #Plot with plots.by.pf set to Tuning, plots.compare set to NULL and facet.x.pf set to Treatment.1
    t <- probeSmooths(data = dat1, response="ShootArea1000", 
                      times = "TimeAfterPlanting", 
                      smoothing.args = args4smoothing(smoothing.methods = "direct", 
                                                      spline.types = "NCSS", 
                                                      df = df, lambdas = NULL), 
                      profile.plot.args = 
                        args4profile_plot(breaks.spacing.x = -1, 
                                          plots.by = "Tuning", 
                                          facet.x = "Treatment.1", 
                                          facet.y = "Smarthouse", 
                                          include.raw = "alone")))
  testthat::expect_equal(nrow(t), 16960)
  testthat::expect_equal(ncol(t), 14)
  #specify Treatment.1 and Tuning for facet.x.pf
    t <- probeSmooths(data = dat1, response="ShootArea1000", 
                      times = "TimeAfterPlanting", 
                      trait.types=c("response"), get.rates=FALSE, 
                      smoothing.args = 
                        args4smoothing(smoothing.methods = "direct", 
                                       spline.types = "NCSS", 
                                       df = df, lambdas = NULL), 
                      profile.plot.args = 
                        args4profile_plot(breaks.spacing.x = -1, 
                                          plots.by = NULL, 
                                          facet.x = c("Treatment.1", "Tuning"), 
                                          facet.y = "Smarthouse")))
  #include raw plots with compare and no facet.x.pf
    t <- probeSmooths(data = dat1, response="ShootArea1000", 
                      times = "TimeAfterPlanting", 
                      trait.types=c("response"), get.rates=FALSE, 
                      smoothing.args = 
                        args4smoothing(smoothing.methods = "direct", 
                                       spline.types = "NCSS", 
                                       df = df, lambdas = NULL), 
                      profile.plot.args = 
                        args4profile_plot(breaks.spacing.x = -1, 
                                          plots.by = NULL, 
                                          facet.x = "Tuning", 
                                          facet.y = "Treatment.1",
                                          include.raw = "facet.x")))
  testthat::expect_equal(nrow(t), 16960)
  testthat::expect_true(all(c("Type", "TunePar", "TuneVal", "Tuning", "Method", 
                              "Snapshot.ID.Tag", "TimeAfterPlanting",  
                              "Treatment.1", "ShootArea1000", "sShootArea1000") 
                            %in% names(t)))
  #'## Plots of response and deviations boxplots 
    t <- probeSmooths(data = dat1, response="ShootArea1000", 
                      times = "TimeAfterPlanting", 
                      x.title = "DAP", 
                      trait.types=c("response"), get.rates=FALSE, 
                      smoothing.args = 
                        args4smoothing(smoothing.methods = "direct", 
                                       spline.types = "NCSS", 
                                       df = df, lambdas = NULL), 
                      which.plots = c("profiles", "absolute"),
                      profile.plot.args = 
                        args4profile_plot(plots.by = NULL, 
                                          facet.x = "Tuning", 
                                          facet.y = "Treatment.1"),
                      devnboxes.plot.args = 
                        args4devnboxes_plot(plots.by = NULL, 
                                            facet.x = "Tuning", 
                                            facet.y = "Treatment.1")))
  testthat::expect_equal(nrow(t), 16960)
  testthat::expect_true(all(c("Type", "TunePar", "TuneVal", "Tuning", "Method", 
                              "Snapshot.ID.Tag", "TimeAfterPlanting",  
                              "Treatment.1", "ShootArea1000", "sShootArea1000") 
                            %in% names(t)))
  #Check plots.by in plotSmoothsDevnBoxplots
  plts <- plotSmoothsDevnBoxplots(data = t, response="ShootArea1000", 
                                  times = "TimeAfterPlanting", 
                                  x.title = "DAP", 
                                  devnboxes.plot.args = 
                                    args4devnboxes_plot(plots.by = "Tuning", 
                                                        facet.x = "'Tuning'", 
                                                        facet.y = "Treatment.1"))
  testthat::expect_equal(length(plts), 1)
  testthat::expect_equal(names(plts), "ShootArea1000")
  testthat::expect_equal(names(plts[[1]]), "absolute")
  testthat::expect_equal(length(plts[[1]][["absolute"]]), 2)
  testthat::expect_true(all(names(plts[[1]][["absolute"]]) == c("df-4", "df-7")))
  #plots.by.pf gives separate plots
    t <- probeSmooths(data = dat1, response="ShootArea1000", 
                      times = "TimeAfterPlanting", 
                      trait.types=c("response", "AGR"), 
                      x.title = "DAP", 
                      smoothing.args = 
                        args4smoothing(smoothing.methods = "direct", 
                                       spline.types = "NCSS", 
                                       df = df, lambdas = NULL), 
                      which.plots = c("profiles", "absolute", "relative"), 
                      profile.plot.args = 
                        args4profile_plot(plots.by = NULL, 
                                          facet.x = "Tuning", 
                                          facet.y = "Treatment.1"),
                      devnboxes.plot.args = 
                        args4devnboxes_plot(plots.by = NULL, 
                                            facet.x = "Tuning", 
                                            facet.y = "Treatment.1")))
  testthat::expect_equal(nrow(t), 16960)
  testthat::expect_lt(max(abs(t[t$TuneVal == "4", "ShootArea1000"] - t[t$TuneVal == "4", "sShootArea1000"]), 
                          na.rm = TRUE) - 5.563407, 1e-07)
  testthat::expect_lt(max(abs(t[t$TuneVal == "4", "ShootArea1000"] - t[t$TuneVal == "4", "sShootArea1000"])/
                            t[t$TuneVal == "4", "sShootArea1000"]) - 370.7951, 1e-04)
    t <- probeSmooths(data = dat1, response="ShootArea1000", 
                      times = "TimeAfterPlanting", 
                      x.title = "DAP", 
                      trait.types=c("response", "AGR"), 
                      smoothing.args = 
                        args4smoothing(smoothing.methods = "direct", 
                                       spline.types = "NCSS", 
                                       df = df, lambdas = NULL), 
                      profile.plot.args = 
                        args4profile_plot(plots.by = NULL, 
                                          facet.x = "Tuning", 
                                          facet.y = c("Smarthouse", "Treatment.1"))))
  testthat::expect_equal(nrow(t), 16960)

cat("#### Test probeSmooths with small example\n")
test_that("exampleData_growthPheno", {
  vline <- list(ggplot2::geom_vline(xintercept=29, linetype="longdash", linewidth=1))
  plotDeviationsBoxes(longi.dat, observed = "PSA", smoothed = "sPSA",
                      x.factor="DAP", df =5)
    tmp <- probeSmooths(data = longi.dat, 
                        response = "PSA", times = "DAP", 
                        smoothing.args = args4smoothing(smoothing.methods = "direct", 
                                                        spline.types = "NCSS", 
                                                        df = c(4,7), lambdas = NULL), 
                        profile.plot.args = 
                          args4profile_plot(plots.by = NULL, 
                                            facet.x = "Tuning", 
                                            facet.y = "Treatment.1", 
                                            ggplotFuncs = vline)), 
    regexp = "Removed 6 rows containing missing values \\(\\`geom_vline\\(\\)\\`\\)")
  testthat::expect_equal(nrow(tmp), 560)
  testthat::expect_equal(ncol(tmp), 15)
    tmp <- probeSmooths(data = longi.dat, 
                        response = "PSA", times = "DAP", 
                        get.rates = FALSE, 
                        smoothing.args = args4smoothing(smoothing.methods = "direct", 
                                                        spline.types = "NCSS", 
                                                        df = c(4,7), lambdas = NULL), 
                        profile.plot.args = 
                          args4profile_plot(plots.by = NULL, 
                                            facet.x = "Method", 
                                            facet.y = ".", 
                                            ggplotFuncs = vline)),
    regexp = paste0("\n The number of different combinations of \\(i\\) the smoothing-parameter values that ", 
                    "are available and \\(ii\\) the levels combination of the following factors nominated ",
                    "in the facet/plots arguments are not equal: Method")),
    regexp = paste0("The calculation of smoothed growth rates have not been specified; ",
                    "trait.types changed to response and propn.type reduced to its first element"))
    tmp <- probeSmooths(data = longi.dat, 
                        response = "PSA", times = "DAP", 
                        get.rates = FALSE,
                        smoothing.args = args4smoothing(smoothing.methods = "direct", 
                                                        spline.types = "NCSS", 
                                                        df = c(4,7), lambdas = NULL), 
                        profile.plot.args = 
                          args4profile_plot(plots.by = NULL, 
                                            facet.x = "Tuning", 
                                            facet.y = ".", 
                                            ggplotFuncs = vline)))
  testthat::expect_equal(nrow(tmp), 560)
  testthat::expect_equal(ncol(tmp), 9)
    tmp <- probeSmooths(data = longi.dat, 
                        response = "PSA", times = "DAP", 
                        get.rates = FALSE,
                        smoothing.args = args4smoothing(smoothing.methods = "direct", 
                                                        spline.types = "NCSS", 
                                                        df = c(4,7), lambdas = NULL), 
                        profile.plot.args = 
                          args4profile_plot(plots.by = NULL, 
                                            facet.x = "Tuning", 
                                            facet.y = ".", 
                                            alpha = 0.6, 
                                            ggplotFuncs = vline)), 
    regexp = paste0("The calculation of smoothed growth rates have not been specified; ",
                    "trait.types changed to response and propn.type reduced to its first element"))
  testthat::expect_equal(nrow(tmp), 560)
  testthat::expect_equal(ncol(tmp), 9)
  #AGR trait plot only
    tmp <- probeSmooths(data = longi.dat, 
                        response = "PSA", times = "DAP", 
                        trait.types = "AGR",
                        smoothing.args = args4smoothing(smoothing.methods = "direct", 
                                                        spline.types = "NCSS", 
                                                        df = c(4,7), lambdas = NULL), 
                        profile.plot.args = 
                          args4profile_plot(plots.by = NULL, 
                                            facet.x = "Tuning", 
                                            facet.y = ".", 
                                            alpha = 0.5, 
                                            ggplotFuncs = vline)),
    regexp = "Removed 3 rows containing missing values \\(\\`geom_vline\\(\\)\\`\\)")
  testthat::expect_equal(nrow(tmp), 560)
  testthat::expect_equal(ncol(tmp), 12)
  #Compare medians and profiles for multiple traits  
    tmp <- probeSmooths(data = longi.dat, 
                        response = "PSA", times = "DAP", 
                        smoothing.args = args4smoothing(smoothing.methods = "direct", 
                                                        spline.types = "NCSS", 
                                                        df = c(4,7), lambdas = NULL), 
                        which.plots = c("profiles", "medians.dev"), 
                        profile.plot.args = 
                          args4profile_plot(plots.by = NULL, 
                                            facet.x = "Tuning", 
                                            facet.y = ".", 
                                            ggplotFuncs = vline),
                        meddevn.plot.args = 
                          args4meddevn_plot(plots.by = NULL, 
                                            plots.group = "Tuning", 
                                            facet.x = ".", 
                                            facet.y = ".", 
                                            propn.types = c(0.02,0.1, 0.2))))
  testthat::expect_equal(nrow(tmp), 560)
  testthat::expect_equal(ncol(tmp), 14)
  #Compare medians for multiple traits  
    tmp <- probeSmooths(data = longi.dat, 
                        response = "PSA", times = "DAP", 
                        smoothing.args = args4smoothing(smoothing.methods = "direct", 
                                                        spline.types = "NCSS", 
                                                        df = c(4,7), lambdas = NULL), 
                        which.plots = "medians.dev", 
                        meddevn.plot.args = 
                          args4meddevn_plot(plots.by = NULL, 
                                            plots.group = "Tuning", 
                                            facet.x = ".", 
                                            facet.y = ".", 
                                            propn.types = c(0.02,0.1, 0.2))))
  testthat::expect_equal(nrow(tmp), 560)
  testthat::expect_equal(ncol(tmp), 14)
    tmp <- probeSmooths(data = longi.dat, 
                        response = "PSA", times = "DAP", 
                        smoothing.args = args4smoothing(smoothing.methods = "direct", 
                                                        spline.types = "NCSS", 
                                                        df = c(4,7), lambdas = NULL), 
                        profile.plot.args = 
                          args4profile_plot(plots.by = NULL, 
                                            facet.x = "Tuning", 
                                            facet.y = "Treatment.1", 
                                            ggplotFuncs = vline)),
    regexp = "Removed 6 rows containing missing values \\(\\`geom_vline\\(\\)\\`\\)")
  #Test for a single line per plot - caused by plots.by.med
    med <- plotSmoothsMedianDevns(data = tmp, 
                                  response = "PSA", 
                                  response.smoothed = "sPSA", 
                                  times = "DAP", 
                                  trait.types = "response", 
                                  x.title = "DAP", 
                                  meddevn.plot.args = 
                                    args4meddevn_plot(plots.by = "Tuning", 
                                                      plots.group = NULL, 
                                                      facet.x = ".", 
                                                      facet.y = ".", 
                                                      propn.types = 0.05,
                                                      ggplotFuncs = vline)))
  testthat::expect_equal(length(med$plots), 1)
  testthat::expect_equal(nrow(med$med.devn.dat), 28)
  testthat::expect_equal(ncol(med$med.devn.dat), 3)

  #Test for a single line per plot - caused by plots.by.med; specification of colour and shape
    med <- plotSmoothsMedianDevns(data = tmp, 
                                  response = "PSA", 
                                  response.smoothed = "sPSA", 
                                  times = "DAP", 
                                  trait.types = "response", 
                                  x.title = "DAP", 
                                  meddevn.plot.args = 
                                    args4meddevn_plot(plots.by = "Tuning", 
                                                      plots.group = NULL, 
                                                      facet.x = ".", 
                                                      facet.y = ".", 
                                                      propn.types = 0.05,
                                                      colour.values = "blue", 
                                                      shape.values = 17, 
                                                      ggplotFuncs = vline)))
  testthat::expect_equal(length(med$plots), 1)
  testthat::expect_equal(nrow(med$med.devn.dat), 28)
  testthat::expect_equal(ncol(med$med.devn.dat), 3)
  #Compare medians and absolute deviations for multiple traits  
    traits <- probeSmooths(data = longi.dat, 
                           response = "PSA", times = "DAP", 
                           smoothing.args = args4smoothing(smoothing.methods = "direct", 
                                                           spline.types = "NCSS", 
                                                           df = c(4,7), lambdas = NULL), 
                           which.plots = c("medians.dev", "absolute"),
                           profile.plot.args = NULL,
                           meddevn.plot.args = 
                             args4meddevn_plot(plots.by = NULL, 
                                               plots.group = "Tuning", 
                                               facet.x = ".", 
                                               facet.y = ".", 
                                               propn.types = NULL,
                                               ggplotFuncs = vline), 
                           devnboxes.plot.args = 
                             args4devnboxes_plot(plots.by = NULL, 
                                                 facet.x = "Tuning",
                                                 facet.y = ".", 
                                                 ggplotFuncs = vline)))
  testthat::expect_equal(nrow(traits), 560)
  testthat::expect_equal(ncol(traits), 14)
  #Form and save the data.frame containing the smooths produced by probeSmooths for testing associated functions
    traits <- probeSmooths(data = longi.dat, 
                           response = "PSA", times = "DAP", 
                           keep.columns = c("Treatment.1", "Genotype.ID"), #so in smooths.frame
                           smoothing.args = args4smoothing(smoothing.methods = "direct", 
                                                           spline.types = "NCSS", 
                                                           df = c(4,7), lambdas = NULL), 
                           which.plots = "none")) 
  #Fit simple and four-parameter logistics and obtain the fitted values
  extra.dat <- longi.dat[, -grep("sPSA", names(longi.dat), fixed = TRUE)]  
  logist.grp <- nlme::groupedData(PSA ~ xDAP | Snapshot.ID.Tag, data = longi.dat)
  #Fit the simple logistic model  
  logist.lis <- nlme::nlsList(SSlogis, logist.grp, na.action = na.pass)
  logist.dat <- within(extra.dat, sPSA <- fitted(logist.lis))
  logist.dat <- cbind(Tuning = factor("Logistic"), logist.dat)
  #Fit the four-parameter logistic model - generates warnings
  logis4.lis <- suppressWarnings(nlme::nlsList(SSfpl, logist.grp, na.action = na.pass))
  logis4.dat <- within(extra.dat, sPSA <- fitted(logis4.lis))
  logis4.dat <- cbind(Tuning = factor("Logis-4par"), logis4.dat)
  #Combine the logistic fits
  extra.dat <- rbind(logist.dat,logis4.dat)
  extra.dat <- cbind(Type = factor("NonLinear"), extra.dat)
  #Check computation of median deviations for Control Treatment, Genotype = 120855 and df = 5
  tmp <- subset(traits, Treatment.1 == "Control" & Genotype.ID == "120855" & TuneVal == "4")
  tmp$PSA.devn <- tmp$PSA - tmp$sPSA
  med.vals <- tapply(tmp$PSA.devn, tmp$DAP, median, na.rm = TRUE)
    med <- plotSmoothsMedianDevns(data = traits, 
                                  response = "PSA", times = "DAP", 
                                  x.title = "DAP", 
                                  trait.types = "response", 
                                  meddevn.plot.args = 
                                    args4meddevn_plot(plots.by = NULL, 
                                                      plots.group = "Tuning",  
                                                      facet.x = ".",
                                                      facet.y = c("Treatment.1", "Genotype.ID"),
                                                      propn.types = 0.05,
                                                      ggplotFuncs = vline), 
                                  printPlot = FALSE))
  med.dat <- med$med.devn.dat
  med.dat <- subset(med.dat, Treatment.1 == "Control" & Genotype.ID == "120855" & SmoothParams == "df-4")
  testthat::expect_true(all(abs(med.dat$PSA.devn - med.vals) < 1e-5))
    med <- plotSmoothsMedianDevns(data = traits, 
                                  response = "PSA", 
                                  response.smoothed = "sPSA", 
                                  times = "DAP", 
                                  trait.types = "response", 
                                  x.title = "DAP", 
                                  meddevn.plot.args = 
                                    args4meddevn_plot(plots.by = NULL, 
                                                      plots.group = "Tuning",  
                                                      facet.x = ".",
                                                      facet.y = ".",
                                                      propn.types = 0.05,
                                                      ggplotFuncs = vline)))
  testthat::expect_equal(length(med), 2)
  testthat::expect_true(all(names(med) == c("plots", "med.devn.dat")))
  testthat::expect_equal(nrow(med$med.devn.dat), 28)
  testthat::expect_equal(ncol(med$med.devn.dat), 3)
  testthat::expect_equal(length(med$plots), 1)
  #Form a smooths.frame with external.smooths for further testing
    smth.extra <- probeSmooths(data = longi.dat, 
                               response = "PSA", times = "DAP", 
                               smoothing.args = args4smoothing(smoothing.methods = "direct", 
                                                               spline.types = "NCSS", 
                                                               df = c(4,7), lambdas = NULL,
                                                               external.smooths = extra.dat), 
                               which.plots = c("medians.dev", "absolute"),
                               meddevn.plot.args = 
                                 args4meddevn_plot(plots.by = NULL, 
                                                   plots.group = "Tuning",  
                                                   facet.x = ".", facet.y = ".",
                                                   propn.types = NULL), 
                               devnboxes.plot.args = 
                                 args4devnboxes_plot(plots.by = NULL, 
                                                     facet.x = "Tuning", facet.y = ".")))
  testthat::expect_equal(nrow(smth.extra), 1120)
  testthat::expect_equal(ncol(smth.extra), 14)
  #Use external.smooths incorporated using probeSmooths
    med <- plotSmoothsMedianDevns(data = smth.extra, 
                                  response = "PSA", times = "DAP", 
                                  x.title = "DAP", 
                                  meddevn.plot.args = 
                                    args4meddevn_plot(plots.by = "Type", 
                                                      plots.group = "Tuning",  
                                                      facet.x = ".", facet.y = ".",
                                                      propn.types = c(0.02,0.1, 0.2),
                                                      ggplotFuncs = vline)))
  testthat::expect_equal(length(med), 2)
  testthat::expect_true(all(names(med) == c("plots", "med.devn.dat")))
  testthat::expect_equal(nrow(med$med.devn.dat), 56)
  testthat::expect_equal(ncol(med$med.devn.dat), 6)
  testthat::expect_equal(length(med$plots), 3)
    t <- plotSmoothsDevnBoxplots(data = smth.extra, 
                                 response = "PSA", times = "DAP", 
                                 devnboxes.plot.args = 
                                   args4devnboxes_plot(plots.by = "Type", 
                                                       facet.x = "Tuning", 
                                                       facet.y = ".")))
  testthat::expect_equal(length(t), 3)
  testthat::expect_true(all(names(t) == c("PSA", "PSA.AGR", "PSA.RGR")))
  testthat::expect_equal(names(t[[1]]), "absolute")
  testthat::expect_equal(length(t[[1]][["absolute"]]), 2)
  testthat::expect_true(all(names(t[[1]][["absolute"]]) == c("NCSS", "NonLinear")))

  #Use plots.by different to that in  probeSmooths
  plts <- plotSmoothsComparison(data = smth.extra, 
                                response = "PSA", times = "DAP", 
                                x.title = "DAP", 
                                profile.plot.args = 
                                  args4profile_plot(plots.by = "Type", 
                                                    facet.x = "Tuning", facet.y = ".", 
                                                    include.raw = "facet.x", 
                                                    alpha = 0.2, 
                                                    ggplotFuncs = vline))      
  testthat::expect_equal(length(plts), 3)
  testthat::expect_true(all(c("PSA","PSA.AGR","PSA.RGR") %in% names(plts)))
  testthat::expect_true("profiles" == names(plts$PSA))
  testthat::expect_true("profiles" == names(plts$PSA.AGR))
  testthat::expect_equal(length(plts$PSA$deviations), 0)
  testthat::expect_equal(length(plts$PSA$profiles), 2)
  testthat::expect_true(all(c("NCSS", "NonLinear") %in% names(plts$PSA$profiles)))
  #Test addMediansWhiskers
  plotSmoothsComparison(data = smth.extra, response = "PSA", times = "DAP", 
                        x.title = "DAP", 
                        profile.plot.args = 
                          args4profile_plot(plots.by = NULL, 
                                            facet.x = c("Type", "Tuning"), facet.y = ".", 
                                            include.raw = "facet.x", 
                                            colour.column = "Method", 
                                            colour.values = c("olivedrab", "orange"),
                                            alpha = 0.25, addMediansWhiskers = TRUE,
                                            ggplotFuncs = vline))

  plts <- plotSmoothsComparison(data = smth.extra, response = "PSA", times = "DAP", 
                                x.title = "DAP", 
                                profile.plot.args = 
                                  args4profile_plot(plots.by = "Type", 
                                                    facet.x = "Tuning", facet.y = ".", 
                                                    include.raw = "facet.x", 
                                                    colour = "olivedrab",
                                                    alpha = 0.25, addMediansWhiskers = TRUE,
                                                    ggplotFuncs = vline))

  #Add external smooths and include deviations plots
    smth.extra <- probeSmooths(data = longi.dat[, 1:25], 
                               response = "PSA", times ="DAP", 
                               smoothing.args = 
                                 args4smoothing(smoothing.methods = "direct", 
                                                spline.types = "NCSS", 
                                                df = c(4,7), lambdas = NULL,
                                                external.smooths = extra.dat), 
                               which.plots = c("medians.dev", "absolute"),
                               meddevn.plot.args = 
                                 args4meddevn_plot(plots.by = NULL, 
                                                   plots.group = c("Type", "Tuning"),  
                                                   facet.x = ".", facet.y = ".",
                                                   propn.types = NULL), 
                               devnboxes.plot.args = 
                                 args4devnboxes_plot(plots.by = NULL, 
                                                     facet.x = c("Type", "Tuning"), 
                                                     facet.y = ".")))
  testthat::expect_equal(nrow(smth.extra), 1120)
  testthat::expect_equal(ncol(smth.extra), 14)
    med <- plotSmoothsMedianDevns(data = smth.extra, 
                                  response = "PSA", times = "DAP", 
                                  x.title = "DAP", 
                                  meddevn.plot.args = 
                                    args4meddevn_plot(plots.by = NULL, 
                                                      plots.group = c("Type", "Tuning"),  
                                                      facet.x = ".", facet.y = ".",
                                                      propn.types = c(0.02,0.1, 0.2),
                                                      ggplotFuncs = vline)))
  testthat::expect_equal(length(med), 2)
  testthat::expect_true(all(names(med) == c("plots", "med.devn.dat")))
  testthat::expect_equal(nrow(med$med.devn.dat), 56)
  testthat::expect_equal(ncol(med$med.devn.dat), 5)
  testthat::expect_equal(length(med$plots), 3)
    med <- plotSmoothsMedianDevns(data = smth.extra, 
                                  response = "PSA", times = "DAP", 
                                  x.title = "DAP", 
                                  meddevn.plot.args = 
                                    args4meddevn_plot(plots.by = NULL, 
                                                      plots.group = "Tuning",  
                                                      facet.x = "Type", facet.y = ".",
                                                      propn.types = c(0.02,0.1, 0.2),
                                                      ggplotFuncs = vline)))
  testthat::expect_equal(length(med), 2)
  testthat::expect_true(all(names(med) == c("plots", "med.devn.dat")))
    med <- plotSmoothsMedianDevns(data = smth.extra, 
                                  response = "PSA", times = "DAP", 
                                  x.title = "DAP", 
                                  meddevn.plot.args = 
                                    args4meddevn_plot(plots.by = NULL, 
                                                      plots.group = "Tuning",  
                                                      facet.x = ".", facet.y = "Type",
                                                      propn.types = c(0.02,0.1, 0.2),
                                                      ggplotFuncs = vline)))
  testthat::expect_equal(length(med), 2)
  testthat::expect_true(all(names(med) == c("plots", "med.devn.dat")))
    med <- plotSmoothsMedianDevns(data = smth.extra, 
                                  response = "PSA", times = "DAP", 
                                  x.title = "DAP", 
                                  meddevn.plot.args = 
                                    args4meddevn_plot(plots.by = NULL, 
                                                      plots.group = "Tuning",  
                                                      facet.x = "Type", facet.y = ".",
                                                      propn.types = c(0.02,0.1, 0.2),
                                                      ggplotFuncs = vline)))
  testthat::expect_equal(length(med), 2)
  testthat::expect_true(all(names(med) == c("plots", "med.devn.dat")))

cat("#### Test probeSmooths with tomato example\n")
test_that("tomato_growthPheno", {

  df.vec        <- c(4:6,12)
  labelMyc <- as_labeller(function(lev) paste(lev, "AMF"))
  labelZn <- as_labeller(function(lev) paste("Zn:", lev, "ppm"))
  DAP.endpts   <- c(18,22,27,33,39,43,51)
  nDAP.endpts <- length(DAP.endpts)
  DAP.starts <- DAP.endpts[-nDAP.endpts]
  DAP.stops   <- DAP.endpts[-1]
  labels <- labeller(Zn = labelZn, AMF = labelMyc)
  #'## Gives error that the Length of propn.types.med is not the same as the number of traits
    tom <- probeSmooths(data = tomato.dat, 
                        response = "PSA", response.smoothed = "sPSA", 
                        times = "DAP", 
                        get.rates = FALSE,
                        smoothing.args = 
                          args4smoothing(smoothing.methods = c("dir", "log"), 
                                         spline.types = "NCSS", 
                                         df = c(4,7), lambdas = NULL), 
                        which.plots = c("profiles", "medians.dev"),
                        profile.plot.args = 
                          args4profile_plot(plots.by = "Tuning", 
                                            facet.x = "Method", facet.y = c("Zn","AMF"), 
                                            facet.labeller = labels),
                        meddevn.plot.args = 
                          args4meddevn_plot(plots.by = "Tuning", 
                                            plots.group = "Method", 
                                            facet.x = ".", facet.y = c("Zn","AMF"),
                                            facet.labeller = labels)),
    regexp = paste0("The calculation of smoothed growth rates have not been specified; ",
                    "trait.types changed to response and propn.type reduced to its first element"))
  testthat::expect_equal(nrow(tom), 4480)
  testthat::expect_equal(ncol(tom), 11)
    med <- plotSmoothsMedianDevns(data = tom, 
                                  response = "PSA", 
                                  response.smoothed = "sPSA", 
                                  times = "DAP", 
                                  trait.types = "response", 
                                  x.title = "DAP", 
                                  y.titles = "PSA deviation (kpixels)",
                                  meddevn.plot.args = 
                                    args4meddevn_plot(plots.by = NULL, 
                                                      plots.group = c("Method","Tuning"), 
                                                      facet.x = "Zn", facet.y = "AMF",
                                                      propn.types = 0.1,
                                                      breaks.spacing.x = 2, angle.x = 90, 
                                                      facet.labeller = labels)))
  testthat::expect_equal(length(med$plots), 1)
  testthat::expect_equal(nrow(med$med.devn.dat), 1120)
  testthat::expect_equal(ncol(med$med.devn.dat), 5)
  #Multiple df, single methods
    tom <- probeSmooths(data = tomato.dat, response = "PSA", 
                        response.smoothed = "sPSA", 
                        times = "DAP",  
                        smoothing.args = 
                          args4smoothing(smoothing.methods = "logarithmic", 
                                         spline.types = "NCSS", 
                                         df = 4:5, lambdas = NULL), 
                        which.plots = "medians.dev", 
                        meddevn.plot.args = 
                          args4meddevn_plot(plots.by = "Method", 
                                            plots.group = "Tuning", 
                                            facet.x = ".", facet.y = ".",
                                            propn.types = c(0.02, 0.2, 0.5),
                                            facet.labeller = labels)))
  testthat::expect_equal(nrow(tom), 2240)
  testthat::expect_equal(ncol(tom), 14)
  #'Single `df`, multiple methods and trait.types
    tomdiff <- probeSmooths(data = tomato.dat, response = "PSA", 
                            response.smoothed = "sPSA", 
                            times = "DAP", 
                            smoothing.args = 
                              args4smoothing(smoothing.methods = c("direct","logarithmic"),
                                             spline.types = "N",
                                             df=5, lambdas = NULL),
                            which.plots = "none"))
  testthat::expect_equal(nrow(tomdiff), 2240)
  testthat::expect_equal(ncol(tomdiff), 14)
    med <- plotSmoothsMedianDevns(data = tomdiff, response = "PSA", 
                                  response.smoothed = "sPSA", 
                                  times = "DAP", x.title = "DAP", 
                                  meddevn.plot.args = 
                                    args4meddevn_plot(plots.by = "Tuning", 
                                                      plots.group = "Method", 
                                                      facet.x = ".", facet.y = ".", 
                                                      propn.types = c(0.02, 0.2, 0.5))))
  testthat::expect_equal(length(med), 2)
  testthat::expect_true(all(names(med) == c("plots", "med.devn.dat")))
  testthat::expect_equal(nrow(med$med.devn.dat), 70)
  testthat::expect_equal(ncol(med$med.devn.dat), 6)
  testthat::expect_equal(length(med$plots), 3)
  testthat::expect_true(all(names(med$plots) == c("PSA","PSA.AGR","PSA.RGR")))
  #'Single `df`, single method - plots.by.med = Tuning
    tom <- probeSmooths(data = tomato.dat, response = "PSA", 
                        response.smoothed = "sPSA", 
                        times = "DAP", 
                        smoothing.args = 
                          args4smoothing(smoothing.methods = "direct",
                                         spline.types = "N",
                                         df=5, lambdas = NULL),
                        which.plots = "medians.dev", 
                        meddevn.plot.args = 
                          args4meddevn_plot(plots.by = "Tuning", 
                                            plots.group = NULL, 
                                            facet.x = ".", facet.y = ".", 
                                            colour.values = "blue", 
                                            propn.types = c(0.02, 0.2, 0.5))))
  testthat::expect_equal(nrow(tom), 1120)
  testthat::expect_equal(ncol(tom), 14)
  #'Single `df`, single method - plots.group.med = Tuning
    tom <- probeSmooths(data = tomato.dat, response = "PSA", 
                        response.smoothed = "sPSA", 
                        times = "DAP", 
                        smoothing.args = 
                          args4smoothing(smoothing.methods = "direct",
                                         spline.types = "N",
                                         df=5, lambdas = NULL),
                        which.plots = "medians.dev", 
                        meddevn.plot.args = 
                          args4meddevn_plot(plots.by = "Tuning", 
                                            plots.group = NULL, 
                                            facet.x = ".", facet.y = ".", 
                                            propn.types = c(0.02, 0.2, 0.5))))
  testthat::expect_equal(nrow(tom), 1120)
  testthat::expect_equal(ncol(tom), 14)
  #test custom schemes
  spar <- args4smoothing(spline.types      = c(  "N", "NCS",   "P"), 
                         df                = c(   4,     6,    NA), 
                         lambdas           = c(  NA,    NA,     1), 
                         smoothing.methods = c("dir", "log", "log"),
                         combinations      = "parallel")
  cols <- scales::brewer_pal("div", "Paired")(6)[c(2,4,6,8,1,3,5,7)]
    tom <- probeSmooths(data = tomato.dat, response = "PSA", 
                        response.smoothed = "sPSA", 
                        times = "DAP", 
                        smoothing.args = spar,
                        which.plots = "medians.dev", 
                        meddevn.plot.args = 
                          args4meddevn_plot(plots.by = NULL, 
                                            plots.group = c("Type", "Tuning", "Method"), 
                                            facet.x = ".", facet.y = ".", 
                                            colour.values = cols[1:3], 
                                            propn.types = c(0.02, 0.2, 0.5))))
  testthat::expect_equal(nrow(tom), 3360)
  testthat::expect_equal(ncol(tom), 14)
  #Multiple df, two spline.types - uses npspline.segments
    tom <- probeSmooths(data = tomato.dat, response = "PSA", 
                        response.smoothed = "sPSA", 
                        times = "DAP",  
                        which.plots = c("medians.dev", "profiles"), 
                        smoothing.args = args4smoothing(smoothing.methods = "log", 
                                                        spline.types = c("NCSS", "PS"), 
                                                        df=5:6, lambdas = c(0.1,1), 
                                                        npspline.segments = 30),
                        profile.plot.args = 
                          args4profile_plot(plots.by = NULL, 
                                            facet.x = c("Type", "Tuning"), facet.y = ".", 
                                            include.raw = "no"), 
                        meddevn.plot.args = 
                          args4meddevn_plot(plots.by = NULL, 
                                            plots.group = "Tuning", 
                                            facet.x = "Type", facet.y = ".", 
                                            propn.types = c(0.02, 0.2, 0.5))))
  testthat::expect_equal(nrow(tom), 4480)
  testthat::expect_equal(ncol(tom), 14)
  #probeSmooths without deviations plots for next set of tests
    tom <- probeSmooths(data = tomato.dat, response = "PSA", 
                        response.smoothed = "sPSA", 
                        times = "DAP", 
                        smoothing.args = spar,
                        which.plots = "none"),
    regexp = "NaNs produced")
  #test various combinations of plots.by.pf, plots.compare and include.raw.pf alone
    plts <- 
      plotSmoothsComparison(data = tom, response = "PSA", 
                            response.smoothed = "sPSA", 
                            times = "DAP", 
                            profile.plot.args = 
                                plots.by = c("Type", "Tuning", "Method"), 
                                facet.x = ".", facet.y = ".", 
                                include.raw = "alone",
                                colour.column = "Method", 
                                colour.values = c("orange", "olivedrab"), 
                                addMediansWhiskers = TRUE)))
  testthat::expect_equal(length(plts$PSA$profiles), 4)
  testthat::expect_equal(length(plts$PSA$deviations), 0)

  #test various combinations of plots.by, facet.y and facet.x, with include.raw set to facet.x
    plotSmoothsComparison(data = tom, response = "PSA", 
                          response.smoothed = "sPSA", 
                          times = "DAP", 
                          profile.plot.args = 
                              plots.by = c("Type", "Tuning", "Method"), 
                              facet.x = ".", facet.y = ".", 
                              include.raw = "facet.x",
                              colour.column = "Method", 
                              colour.values = c("orange", "olivedrab"), 
                              addMediansWhiskers = TRUE)), 
    regexp = "The argument incl.raw is set to facet.x, but facet.x has not been set to include a variable")
    plotSmoothsComparison(data = tom, response = "PSA", 
                          response.smoothed = "sPSA", 
                          times = "DAP", 
                          profile.plot.args = 
                              plots.by = c("Type", "Tuning", "Method"), 
                              facet.x = ".", facet.y = ".", 
                              include.raw = "no")))
    plotSmoothsComparison(data = tom, response = "PSA", 
                          response.smoothed = "sPSA", 
                          times = "DAP", 
                          profile.plot.args = 
                              plots.by = c("Type", "Tuning"), 
                              facet.x = ".", facet.y = "Method", 
                              include.raw = "facet.y", 
                              alpha = 0.4, 
                              colour.column = "Method", 
                              colour.values = c("orange", "olivedrab"), 
                              addMediansWhiskers = TRUE)))
    plotSmoothsComparison(data = tom, response = "PSA", 
                          response.smoothed = "sPSA", 
                          times = "DAP", 
                          profile.plot.args = 
                              plots.by = NULL, 
                              facet.x = "Tuning", facet.y = ".", 
                              include.raw = "facet.x", 
                              colour = "orange")))
    plotSmoothsComparison(data = tom, response = "PSA", 
                          response.smoothed = "sPSA", 
                          times = "DAP", 
                          profile.plot.args = 
                              plots.by = NULL, 
                              facet.x = c("Type","Tuning","Method"), 
                              facet.y = ".", 
                              include.raw = "no")))
  #'Single `df`, multiple methods and trait.types and GRs using deriv
    tomdv <- probeSmooths(data = tomato.dat, 
                          response = "PSA", response.smoothed = "sPSA", 
                          times = "DAP", 
                          smoothing.args = 
                            args4smoothing(smoothing.methods = c("direct","logarithmic"),
                                           spline.types = "NCSS", df=5, lambdas = NULL), 
                          rates.method = "deriv",
                          which.plots = "profiles",
                          profile.plot.args = 
                              plots.by = NULL, 
                              facet.x = "Method", 
                              facet.y = ".", 
                              include.raw = "facet.x")))
  testthat::expect_equal(nrow(tomdv), 2240)
  testthat::expect_equal(ncol(tomdv), 14)
  testthat::expect_true(all(abs(tomdiff$sPSA-tomdv$sPSA) < 1e-08))
  tomspl <- byIndv4Times_SplinesGRs(data = tomato.dat, 
                                    response = "PSA", response.smoothed = "sPSA", 
                                    df = 5, rates.method = "deriv", 
                                    which.rates = c("AGR", "RGR"), 
                                    suffices.rates = c("AGRdv", "RGRdv"))
  testthat::expect_true(all(abs(tomspl$sPSA-tomdv$sPSA[1:1120]) < 1e-08))
  testthat::expect_true(all(abs(tomspl$sPSA.AGRdv-tomdv$sPSA.AGR[1:1120]) < 1e-08))
  testthat::expect_true(all(abs(tomdv$sPSA.AGR[1:4] - 
                                  c(4.483901, 4.533483, 4.706856, 5.038068)) < 1e-05))
  testthat::expect_true(all(abs(tomspl$sPSA.RGRdv-tomdv$sPSA.RGR[1:1120]) < 1e-08))
  testthat::expect_true(all(abs(tomdv$sPSA.RGR[1:4] - 
                                  c(17.6807353, 0.9536113, 0.5027707, 0.3542860)) < 1e-05))
  #Look at water.use
  lambdas <- round(10^c(-0.5, 0, 0.5, 1), digits = 3)
  df = c(4:6)
  x.axis <- list(theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90),
                       panel.grid.minor.x = element_blank()))
  vline.DAP.endpts <- list(geom_vline(xintercept=DAP.starts, linetype="longdash", 
                                      alpha = 0.5, linewidth=0.75))
  theme.profile <- list(vline.DAP.endpts,x.axis)
  tom.H2O <- probeSmooths(data = tomato.dat, response = "WU", 
                          response.smoothed = "sWU", 
                          times = "DAP",  get.rates = FALSE, 
                          smoothing.args = 
                            args4smoothing(smoothing.methods = "dir", 
                                           spline.types = c("NCSS", "PS"), 
                                           lambdas = list(PS = lambdas)), 
                          which.plots = c("medians.dev", "profiles"), 
                          profile.plot.args = 
                            args4profile_plot(plots.by = "Type", 
                                              facet.x = c("Tuning"), facet.y = ".", 
                                              include.raw = "facet.x", 
                                              ggplotFuncs = theme.profile),
                          meddevn.plot.args = 
                            args4meddevn_plot(plots.by = NULL, 
                                              plots.group = "Tuning",
                                              facet.x = "Type", facet.y = ".", 
                                              propn.types = NULL))
  testthat::expect_equal(nrow(tom.H2O), 7840)
  testthat::expect_equal(ncol(tom.H2O), 9)

cat("#### Test probeSmooths Rice experiment\n")
test_that("RicePrepped_growthPheno", {
    smth <- probeSmooths(data = RicePrepped.dat, response = "PSA", response.smoothed = "sPSA", 
                         times = "DAST", 
                         smoothing.args = 
                           args4smoothing(spline.types = c("NCSS", "PS"), 
                                          smoothing.methods = "log",
                                          df = c(4,7), 
                                          lambdas = c(0.1,1,10)),
                         keep.columns = c("Smarthouse","Salinity"), #so these are included in the smooths.frame
                         which.plots = "none"),
    regexp = "Need at least 4 distinct x values to fit a spline - all fitted values set to NA")
  testthat::expect_equal(nrow(smth), 73920)
  testthat::expect_equal(ncol(smth), 16)
  #Check that PS smoothing is correct 
  oneplant <- subset(smth, Snapshot.ID.Tag == "045451-C" & Type == "PS" & TuneVal == "0.1")
  fity <- JOPS::psNormal(x = oneplant$DAST, y = log(oneplant$PSA), nseg = 10, lambda = 0.1, 
                         xgrid = oneplant$DAST)
  testthat::expect_true(all(abs(oneplant$sPSA-exp(fity$muhat[,1])) < 1e-05))
  #Tuning only for PSA
    t <- plotSmoothsMedianDevns(data = smth, response = "PSA", response.smoothed = "sPSA",
                                times = "DAST", trait.types = "response", 
                                meddevn.plot.args = 
                                  args4meddevn_plot(plots.by = NULL, plots.group = "Tuning", 
                                                    facet.x = ".", facet.y = c("Smarthouse","Salinity"),
                                                    propn.types = 0.025)))
  testthat::expect_equal(length(t$plots), 1)
  testthat::expect_equal(nrow(t$med.devn.dat), 280)
  testthat::expect_equal(ncol(t$med.devn.dat), 5)
  testthat::expect_true(all(c("Smarthouse", "Salinity", "SmoothParams", "PSA.devn", "DAST") 
                            %in% names(t$med.devn.dat)))
  #Use plots.by.med for Type
    t <- plotSmoothsMedianDevns(data = smth, response = "PSA", response.smoothed = "sPSA",
                                times = "DAST", trait.types = "response", 
                                meddevn.plot.args = 
                                  args4meddevn_plot(plots.by = "Type", plots.group = "Tuning", 
                                                    facet.x = ".", facet.y = c("Smarthouse","Salinity"),
                                                    propn.types = 0.025)))
  testthat::expect_equal(length(t$plots), 1)
  testthat::expect_equal(nrow(t$med.devn.dat), 280)
  testthat::expect_equal(ncol(t$med.devn.dat), 6)
  testthat::expect_true(all(c("fac.by","Smarthouse", "Salinity", "SmoothParams", "PSA.devn", "DAST") 
                            %in% names(t$med.devn.dat)))
  #Use facet.x for Type, additional to plots.group 
    t <- plotSmoothsMedianDevns(data = smth, response = "PSA", response.smoothed = "sPSA",
                                times = "DAST", trait.types = "response", 
                                meddevn.plot.args = 
                                  args4meddevn_plot(plots.by = NULL, plots.group = "Tuning", 
                                                    facet.x = "Type", 
                                                    facet.y = c("Smarthouse","Salinity"),
                                                    propn.types = 0.025)))
  testthat::expect_equal(length(t$plots), 1)
  testthat::expect_equal(nrow(t$med.devn.dat), 280)
  testthat::expect_equal(ncol(t$med.devn.dat), 6)
  testthat::expect_true(all(c("Type","Smarthouse", "Salinity", "SmoothParams", "PSA.devn", "DAST") 
                            %in% names(t$med.devn.dat)))
  #facet.x a mixture of a smoothing-parameter factor and another factor
    t <- plotSmoothsMedianDevns(data = smth, response = "PSA", response.smoothed = "sPSA",
                                times = "DAST", trait.types = "response", 
                                meddevn.plot.args = 
                                  args4meddevn_plot(plots.by = NULL, plots.group = "Tuning", 
                                                    facet.x = c("Smarthouse"), 
                                                    facet.y = c("Salinity","Type"),
                                                    propn.types = 0.025)))
    t <- plotSmoothsMedianDevns(data = smth, response = "PSA", response.smoothed = "sPSA",
                                times = "DAST", trait.types = "response", 
                                meddevn.plot.args = 
                                  args4meddevn_plot(plots.by = NULL, plots.group = "Tuning", 
                                                    facet.x = c("Salinity","Type"),
                                                    facet.y = c("Smarthouse"), 
                                                    propn.types = FALSE)))
    t <- plotSmoothsMedianDevns(data = smth, response = "PSA", response.smoothed = "sPSA",
                                times = "DAST", trait.types = "response", 
                                meddevn.plot.args = 
                                  args4meddevn_plot(plots.by = NULL, plots.group = "Tuning", 
                                                    facet.x = c("Salinity","Type"),
                                                    facet.y = c("Smarthouse"), 
                                                    propn.types = 0.025)))
  testthat::expect_equal(length(t$plots), 1)
  testthat::expect_equal(nrow(t$med.devn.dat), 280)
  testthat::expect_equal(ncol(t$med.devn.dat), 6)
  testthat::expect_true(all(c("Type","Smarthouse", "Salinity", "SmoothParams", "PSA.devn", "DAST") 
                            %in% names(t$med.devn.dat)))
  #Use plot,by with med
    t <- plotSmoothsMedianDevns(data = smth, response = "PSA", response.smoothed = "sPSA",
                                times = "DAST", trait.types = "response", 
                                meddevn.plot.args = 
                                  args4meddevn_plot(plots.by = c("Method","Type"), 
                                                    plots.group = "Tuning", 
                                                    facet.x = ".", 
                                                    facet.y = c("Smarthouse","Salinity"),
                                                    propn.types = 0.025)))
  testthat::expect_equal(length(t$plots), 1)
  testthat::expect_equal(nrow(t$med.devn.dat), 280)
  testthat::expect_equal(ncol(t$med.devn.dat), 6)
  testthat::expect_true(all(c("fac.by", "Smarthouse", "Salinity", "SmoothParams", "PSA.devn", "DAST") 
                            %in% names(t$med.devn.dat)))
  #Test breaks.spacing.x
    plotSmoothsComparison(data = smth, response="PSA", response.smoothed = "sPSA",
                          times = "DAST", trait.types = "response", 
                          profile.plot.args = 
                            args4profile_plot(plots.by = "Smarthouse", 
                                              facet.x = c("Method", "Tuning"), 
                                              facet.y = "Salinity", 
                                              collapse.facets.x = FALSE, 
                                              include.raw = "facet.x", 
                                              breaks.spacing.x = -2)))
    plotSmoothsComparison(data = smth, response="PSA", response.smoothed = "sPSA",
                          times = "DAST", trait.types = "response", 
                          profile.plot.args = 
                            args4profile_plot(plots.by = "Smarthouse", 
                                              facet.x = c("Method", "Tuning"), 
                                              facet.y = "Salinity", 
                                              collapse.facets.x = FALSE, 
                                              include.raw = "facet.x", 
                                              breaks.spacing.x = -3)))

  #Remove an extra DAST to have a gap of 2 with no DAST
    plotSmoothsComparison(data = smth[smth$DAST != 1, ], response="PSA", response.smoothed = "sPSA",
                          times = "DAST", trait.types = "response", 
                          profile.plot.args = 
                            args4profile_plot(plots.by = "Smarthouse", 
                                              facet.x = c("Method", "Tuning"), 
                                              facet.y = "Salinity", 
                                              collapse.facets.x = FALSE, 
                                              include.raw = "facet.x", 
                                              breaks.spacing.x = -3)))

    plotSmoothsComparison(data = smth[smth$DAST != 1, ], response="PSA", response.smoothed = "sPSA",
                          times = "DAST", trait.types = "response", 
                          profile.plot.args = 
                            args4profile_plot(plots.by = "Smarthouse", 
                                              facet.x = c("Method", "Tuning"), 
                                              facet.y = "Salinity", 
                                              collapse.facets.x = FALSE, 
                                              include.raw = "facet.x", 
                                              breaks.spacing.x = -2)))

      plotSmoothsComparison(data = smth[smth$DAST != 1, ], response="PSA", response.smoothed = "sPSA",
                            times = "DAST", trait.types = "response", 
                            profile.plot.args = 
                              args4profile_plot(plots.by = "Smarthouse", 
                                                facet.x = c("Method", "Tuning"), 
                                                facet.y = "Salinity", 
                                                collapse.facets.x = FALSE, 
                                                include.raw = "facet.x", 
                                                breaks.spacing.x = -3)))

  smth <- probeSmooths(data = RicePrepped.dat, response = "PSA", response.smoothed = "sPSA", 
                       times = "DAST", 
                       smoothing.args = 
                         args4smoothing(spline.types = c("NCSS", "PS"), 
                                        smoothing.methods = "logarithmic",
                                        df = c(4,7), 
                                        lambdas = c(0.1,1,10)), 
                       which.plots = "medians.dev", 
                       meddevn.plot.args = 
                         args4meddevn_plot(plots.by = "Type", 
                                           plots.group = "Tuning", 
                                           facet.x = ".", facet.y = c("Smarthouse","Salinity"))),
  regexp = "Need at least 4 distinct x values to fit a spline - all fitted values set to NA")
  testthat::expect_equal(nrow(smth), 73920)
  testthat::expect_equal(ncol(smth), 16)
  #Test for segmented smoothing
  lambdas <- round(10^c(-0.5, 0, 0.5, 1), digits = 3)
  df <- 4:5
  traits <- c("PSA","PSA.AGR","PSA.RGR")
  DAST.segs <- list(c(-1,5),c(6,13))
  tmp <- subset(RicePrepped.dat, Smarthouse == "NW")
    longiseg.smth <- probeSmooths(data = tmp, 
                                  response = "PSA", response.smoothed = "sPSA",
                                  times = "DAST", 
                                  get.rates = TRUE, 
                                  smoothing.args = 
                                    args4smoothing(smoothing.methods = "log", 
                                                   spline.types = c("NCSS","PS"), 
                                                   df = df, 
                                                   lambdas = list(PS = lambdas), 
                                                   smoothing.segments = DAST.segs, 
                                                   npspline.segments = c(4,6)),
                                  which.plots = "none",
                                  keep.columns = c("Smarthouse", "Salinity")),
    regexp = "Need at least 4 distinct x values to fit a spline - all fitted values set to NA")
  testthat::expect_equal(nrow(longiseg.smth), 44352)
  testthat::expect_equal(ncol(longiseg.smth), 16)
  testthat::expect_true(all(unique(longiseg.smth$DAST) == c(-1,1:13)))
  testthat::expect_true(all(c("Type", "TunePar", "TuneVal", "Tuning", "Method", 
                              "Snapshot.ID.Tag", "DAST", "Smarthouse", "Salinity", 
                              "PSA", "PSA.AGR", "PSA.RGR", "sPSA", "sPSA.AGR", "sPSA.RGR") 
                            %in% names(longiseg.smth)))
  #check sPSA.AGR for first DAST of first segment is always NA, 
  #but that first DAST of 2nd segment (DAST 6) is has values that are not NA 
  testthat::expect_true(all(is.na(longiseg.smth$sPSA.AGR[longiseg.smth$DAST == -1]))) 
  testthat::expect_false(all(is.na(longiseg.smth$sPSA.AGR[longiseg.smth$DAST == 6]))) 
  #Recalculate using derivatives
    longisegder.smth <- probeSmooths(data = tmp, 
                                     times = "DAST", 
                                     response = "PSA", response.smoothed = "sPSA",
                                     get.rates = TRUE, rates.method = "deriv", 
                                     smoothing.args = 
                                       args4smoothing(smoothing.methods = "log", 
                                                      spline.types = c("NCSS","PS"), 
                                                      df = df, 
                                                      lambdas = list(PS = lambdas), 
                                                      smoothing.segments = DAST.segs, 
                                                      npspline.segments = c(4,6)),
                                     which.plots = "none",
                                     keep.columns = c("Smarthouse", "Salinity")),
    regexp = "Need at least 4 distinct x values to fit a spline - all fitted values set to NA")
  testthat::expect_equal(nrow(longisegder.smth), 44352)
  testthat::expect_equal(ncol(longisegder.smth), 16)
  testthat::expect_true(all(unique(longisegder.smth$DAST) == c(-1,1:13)))
  testthat::expect_true(all(c("Type", "TunePar", "TuneVal", "Tuning", "Method", 
                              "Snapshot.ID.Tag", "DAST", "Smarthouse", "Salinity", 
                              "PSA", "PSA.AGR", "PSA.RGR", "sPSA", "sPSA.AGR", "sPSA.RGR") 
                            %in% names(longisegder.smth)))
  #check that, for sPSA.AGR, the DASTs that are missing for differences are not the same as for derivatives
  testthat::expect_true(sum(is.na(longiseg.smth$sPSA.AGR[longiseg.smth$DAST == -1])) !=
                          sum(is.na(longisegder.smth$sPSA[longisegder.smth$DAST == -1]))) 
  #Check that the DAST at the start of each segment has values that are not NA for derivatives 
  testthat::expect_true(!all(is.na(longisegder.smth$sPSA.AGR[longisegder.smth$DAST == -1]))) 
  testthat::expect_true(!all(is.na(longisegder.smth$sPSA.AGR[longisegder.smth$DAST == 6]))) 
  #Plot the median deviations
    t <- plotSmoothsMedianDevns(data = longisegder.smth, response = "PSA", 
                                response.smoothed = "sPSA",
                                times = "DAST", trait.types = "AGR", 
                                meddevn.plot.args = 
                                  args4meddevn_plot(plots.by = NULL, plots.group = "Tuning", 
                                                    facet.x = ".", facet.y = c("Smarthouse","Salinity"),
                                                    propn.types = 0.025)))
  testthat::expect_equal(length(t$plots), 1)
  testthat::expect_equal(nrow(t$med.devn.dat), 144)
  testthat::expect_equal(ncol(t$med.devn.dat), 5)
  #every first DAST must be NA for deviations because PSA.AGR has to be calculated by differences
  testthat::expect_true(all(is.na(t$med.devn.dat$PSA.AGR[t$med.devn.dat$DASTs == -1]))) 
  #every DAST 6, 7 and 13 must be NA for deviations because PSA.AGR has to be calculated 
  #within segments and by differences with ntimes2span == 3 to centre it properly
  testthat::expect_true(all(is.na(t$med.devn.dat$PSA.AGR[t$med.devn.dat$DASTs == 6]))) 
  testthat::expect_true(all(is.na(t$med.devn.dat$PSA.AGR[t$med.devn.dat$DASTs == 7]))) 
  testthat::expect_true(all(is.na(t$med.devn.dat$PSA.AGR[t$med.devn.dat$DASTs == 13]))) 
  testthat::expect_true(all(c("Smarthouse", "Salinity", "SmoothParams", "PSA.AGR.devn", "DAST") 
                            %in% names(t$med.devn.dat)))
  #test segmented smooth that is a subset
  lambdas <- round(10^c(-0.5, 0, 0.5, 1), digits = 3)
  df <- 4:5
  traits <- c("PSA","PSA.AGR","PSA.RGR")
  DAST.segs <- list(c(-1,5),c(6,11))
  tmp <- subset(RicePrepped.dat, Smarthouse == "NW")
    longiseg.smth <- probeSmooths(data = tmp, 
                                  response = "PSA", response.smoothed = "sPSA",
                                  times = "DAST", 
                                  get.rates = TRUE, 
                                  smoothing.args = 
                                    args4smoothing(smoothing.methods = "log", 
                                                   spline.types = c("NCSS","PS"), 
                                                   df = df, 
                                                   lambdas = list(PS = lambdas), 
                                                   smoothing.segments = DAST.segs, 
                                                   npspline.segments = c(4,6)),
                                  which.plots = "none",
                                  keep.columns = c("Smarthouse", "Salinity")),
    regexp = "Need at least 4 distinct x values to fit a spline - all fitted values set to NA")
  testthat::expect_equal(nrow(longiseg.smth), 38016)
  testthat::expect_equal(ncol(longiseg.smth), 16)
  testthat::expect_true(all(unique(longiseg.smth$DAST) == c(-1,1:11)))
  testthat::expect_true(all(c("Type", "TunePar", "TuneVal", "Tuning", "Method", 
                              "Snapshot.ID.Tag", "DAST", "Smarthouse", "Salinity", 
                              "PSA", "PSA.AGR", "PSA.RGR", "sPSA", "sPSA.AGR", "sPSA.RGR") 
                            %in% names(longiseg.smth)))
  #check sPSA.AGR for first DAST of first segment is always NA, 
  #but that first DAST of 2nd segment (DAST 6) is has values that are not NA 
  testthat::expect_true(all(is.na(longiseg.smth$sPSA.AGR[longiseg.smth$DAST == -1]))) 
  testthat::expect_false(all(is.na(longiseg.smth$sPSA.AGR[longiseg.smth$DAST == 6]))) 
  #Recalculate using derivatives
    longisegder.smth <- probeSmooths(data = tmp, 
                                     times = "DAST", 
                                     response = "PSA", response.smoothed = "sPSA",
                                     get.rates = TRUE, rates.method = "deriv", 
                                     smoothing.args = 
                                       args4smoothing(smoothing.methods = "log", 
                                                      spline.types = c("NCSS","PS"), 
                                                      df = df, 
                                                      lambdas = list(PS = lambdas), 
                                                      smoothing.segments = DAST.segs, 
                                                      npspline.segments = c(4,6)),
                                     which.plots = "none",
                                     keep.columns = c("Smarthouse", "Salinity")),
    regexp = "Need at least 4 distinct x values to fit a spline - all fitted values set to NA")
  testthat::expect_equal(nrow(longisegder.smth), 38016)
  testthat::expect_equal(ncol(longisegder.smth), 16)
  testthat::expect_true(all(unique(longisegder.smth$DAST) == c(-1,1:11)))
  testthat::expect_true(all(c("Type", "TunePar", "TuneVal", "Tuning", "Method", 
                              "Snapshot.ID.Tag", "DAST", "Smarthouse", "Salinity", 
                              "PSA", "PSA.AGR", "PSA.RGR", "sPSA", "sPSA.AGR", "sPSA.RGR") 
                            %in% names(longisegder.smth)))
  #check that, for sPSA.AGR, the DASTs that are missing for differences are not the same as for derivatives
  testthat::expect_true(sum(is.na(longiseg.smth$sPSA.AGR[longiseg.smth$DAST == -1])) !=
                          sum(is.na(longisegder.smth$sPSA[longisegder.smth$DAST == -1]))) 
  #every DAST 6, 7 and 13 must be NA for deviations because PSA.AGR has to be calculated 
  #within segments and by differences with ntimes2span == 3 to centre it properly
  testthat::expect_true(!all(is.na(longisegder.smth$sPSA.AGR[longisegder.smth$DAST == -1]))) 
  testthat::expect_true(!all(is.na(longisegder.smth$sPSA.AGR[longisegder.smth$DAST == 6]))) 
  testthat::expect_true(!all(is.na(longisegder.smth$sPSA.AGR[longisegder.smth$DAST == 7]))) 
  testthat::expect_true(!all(is.na(longisegder.smth$sPSA.AGR[longisegder.smth$DAST == 11]))) 

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growthPheno documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:03 a.m.