
Defines functions smartbind

Documented in smartbind

#' Efficient rbind of data frames, even if the column names don't match
#' Efficient rbind of data frames, even if the column names don't match
#' @param \dots Data frames to combine
#' @param list List containing data frames to combine
#' @param fill Value to use when 'filling' missing columns.  Defaults to
#' \code{NA}.
#' @param sep Character string used to separate column names when pasting them
#' together.
#' @param verbose Logical flag indicating whether to display processing
#' messages. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @return The returned data frame will contain: \item{columns}{all columns
#' present in any provided data frame} \item{rows}{a set of rows from each
#' provided data frame, with values in columns not present in the given data
#' frame filled with missing (\code{NA}) values.} The data type of columns will
#' be preserved, as long as all data frames with a given column name agree on
#' the data type of that column.  If the data frames disagree, the column will
#' be converted into a character strings.  The user will need to coerce such
#' character columns into an appropriate type.
#' @author Gregory R. Warnes \email{greg@@warnes.net}
#' @seealso \code{\link{rbind}}, \code{\link{cbind}}
#' @keywords manip
#' @examples
#' df1 <- data.frame(A = 1:10, B = LETTERS[1:10], C = rnorm(10))
#' df2 <- data.frame(A = 11:20, D = rnorm(10), E = letters[1:10])
#' # rbind would fail
#' \dontrun{
#' rbind(df1, df2)
#' # Error in match.names(clabs, names(xi)) : names do not match previous
#' # names:
#' # 	D, E
#' }
#' # but smartbind combines them, appropriately creating NA entries
#' smartbind(df1, df2)
#' # specify fill=0 to put 0 into the missing row entries
#' smartbind(df1, df2, fill = 0)
#' \dontshow{
#' n <- 10 # number of data frames to create
#' s <- 10 # number of rows in each data frame
#' # create a bunch of column names
#' names <- LETTERS[2:5]
#' # create a list 'Z' containing 'n' data frames, each with 3 columns
#' # and 's' rows.  The first column is always named 'A', but the other
#' # two have a names randomly selected from 'names'
#' Z <- list()
#' for (i in 1:n)
#' {
#'   X <- data.frame(
#'     A = sample(letters, s, replace = TRUE),
#'     B = letters[1:s],
#'     C = rnorm(s)
#'   )
#'   colnames(X) <- c("A", sample(names, 2, replace = FALSE))
#'   Z[[i]] <- X
#' }
#' # Error in match.names(clabs, names(xi)) : names do not match
#' # previous names: E
#' # But smartbind will 'do the right thing'
#' df <- do.call("smartbind", Z)
#' df
#' # Equivalent call:
#' df <- smartbind(list = Z)
#' }
#' @importFrom utils modifyList
#' @export
smartbind <- function(..., list, fill = NA, sep = ":", verbose = FALSE) {
  data <- base::list(...)
  if (!missing(list)) {
    data <- modifyList(list, data)
  data <- data[!sapply(data, function(l) is.null(l) | (ncol(l) == 0) | (nrow(l) == 0))]

  defaultNames <- seq.int(length(data))

  if (is.null(names(data))) {
    names(data) <- defaultNames

  emptyNames <- names(data) == ""
  if (any(emptyNames)) {
    names(data)[emptyNames] <- defaultNames[emptyNames]

  data <- lapply(
    function(x) {
      if (is.matrix(x) || is.data.frame(x)) {
      } else {
        data.frame(as.list(x), check.names = FALSE)

  # retval <- new.env()
  retval <- base::list()
  rowLens <- unlist(lapply(data, nrow))
  nrows <- sum(rowLens)

  rowNameList <- unlist(lapply(
    function(x) {
      if (rowLens[x] <= 1) {
      } else {
        paste(x, seq(1, rowLens[x]), sep = sep)

  colClassList <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(data))
  factorColumnList <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(data))
  factorLevelList <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(data))

  start <- 1
  blockIndex <- 1
  for (block in data)
    colClassList[[blockIndex]] <- base::list()
    factorColumnList[[blockIndex]] <- character(length = 0)
    factorLevelList[[blockIndex]] <- base::list()

    if (verbose) print(head(block))
    end <- start + nrow(block) - 1
    for (col in colnames(block))
      classVec <- class(block[, col])

      ## store class and factor level information for later use
      colClassList[[blockIndex]][[col]] <- classVec
      if ("factor" %in% classVec) {
        factorColumnList[[blockIndex]] <-
          c(factorColumnList[[blockIndex]], col)

        factorLevelList[[blockIndex]][[col]] <-
          levels(block[, col])

      if (verbose) {
        cat("Start:", start,
          "  End:", end,
          "  Column:", col,
          sep = ""

      if ("factor" %in% classVec) {
        newclass <- "character"
      else {
        newclass <- classVec[1]

      ## Coerce everything that isn't a native type to character
      if (!(newclass %in% c(
        "logical", "integer", "numeric",
        "complex", "character", "raw"
      ))) {
        newclass <- "character"
          "Converting non-atomic type column '", col,
          "' to type character."

      if (!(col %in% names(retval))) {
        retval[[col]] <- as.vector(rep(fill, nrows), mode = newclass)

      ## Handle case when current and previous native types differ
      oldclass <- class(retval[[col]])

      if (oldclass != newclass) {
        # handle conversions in case of conflicts
        #   numeric vs integer --> numeric
        #   complex vs numeric or integer --> complex
        #   anything else:  --> character
        if (oldclass %in% c("integer", "numeric") && newclass %in% c("integer", "numeric")) {
          class(retval[[col]]) <- mode <- "numeric"
        } else if (oldclass == "complex" && newclass %in% c("integer", "numeric")) {
          class(retval[[col]]) <- mode <- "complex"
        } else if (oldclass %in% c("integer", "numeric") && newclass == "complex") {
          class(retval[[col]]) <- mode <- "complex"
        } else {
          class(retval[[col]]) <- mode <- "character"
            "Column class mismatch for '", col, "'. ",
            "Converting column to class 'character'."
      else {
        mode <- oldclass

      if (mode == "character") {
        vals <- as.character(block[, col])
      } else {
        vals <- block[, col]

      retval[[col]][start:end] <- as.vector(vals, mode = mode)
    start <- end + 1
    blockIndex <- blockIndex + 1

  all.equal.or.null <- function(x, y) {
    if (is.null(x) || is.null(y)) {
    } else {
      return(all.equal(x, y))

  ## Handle factors, merging levels
  for (col in unique(unlist(factorColumnList)))
    ## Ensure column classes match across blocks
    colClasses <- lapply(colClassList, function(x) x[[col]])
    firstNotNull <- which(!sapply(colClasses, is.null))[1]
    allSameOrNull <- all(sapply(
      function(x) isTRUE(all.equal.or.null(colClasses[[firstNotNull]], x))

    if (allSameOrNull) {
      # grab the first *non-NULL* class information
      colClass <- colClasses[[firstNotNull]]
    else {
        "Column class mismatch for '", col, "'. ",
        "Converting column to class 'character'."

    ## check if factor levels are all the same
    colLevels <- lapply(factorLevelList, function(x) x[[col]])
    firstNotNull <- which(!sapply(colLevels, is.null))[1]
    allSameOrNull <- all(sapply(
      function(x) isTRUE(all.equal.or.null(colLevels[[firstNotNull]], x))

    if (allSameOrNull) {
      if ("ordered" %in% colClass) {
        retval[[col]] <- ordered(retval[[col]], levels = colLevels[[firstNotNull]])
      } else {
        retval[[col]] <- factor(retval[[col]], levels = colLevels[[firstNotNull]])
    else {
      ## Check if longest set of levels is a superset of all others,
      ## and use that one
      longestIndex <- which.max(sapply(colLevels, length))
      longestLevels <- colLevels[[longestIndex]]
      allSubset <- all(sapply(
        function(l) all(l %in% longestLevels)
      if (allSubset) {
        if ("ordered" %in% colClass) {
          retval[[col]] <- ordered(retval[[col]], levels = longestLevels)
        } else {
          retval[[col]] <- factor(retval[[col]], levels = longestLevels)
      else {
        # form superset by appending to longest level set
        levelSuperSet <- unique(c(longestLevels, unlist(colLevels)))
        retval[[col]] <- factor(retval[[col]], levels = levelSuperSet)

        if (length(colClass) > 1) # not just plain factor
              "column '", col, "' of class ",
              paste("'", colClass, "'",
                collapse = ":",
                sep = "'"
              " converted to class 'factor'. Check level ordering."

  attr(retval, "row.names") <- rowNameList
  class(retval) <- "data.frame"

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gtools documentation built on Nov. 20, 2023, 5:07 p.m.