
Defines functions mul.cf apply_elementwise.cf add.cf avg.cbt.cf addStat.cf addConfIndex2cf uwerr.cf jackknife.cf bootstrap.cf gen.block.array has_icf resampling_is_concatenable resampling_is_compatible

Documented in add.cf addConfIndex2cf addStat.cf avg.cbt.cf bootstrap.cf has_icf jackknife.cf mul.cf resampling_is_compatible resampling_is_concatenable uwerr.cf

#' Correlation function container
#' This function `cf()` creates containers for correlation functions
#' of class `cf`. This class is particularly designed to deal with
#' correlation functions emerging in statistical and quantum field theory
#' simulations. Arithmetic operations are defined for this class in
#' several ways, as well as concatenation and \link{is.cf}.
#' @details
#' And last but not least, these are the fields that are used somewhere in the library but we have not figured out which mixin these should belong to:
#' - `conf.index`: TODO
#' - `N`: Integer, number of measurements.
#' - `blockind`: TODO
#' - `jack.boot.se`: TODO
#' @family cf constructors
#' @return
#' returns an object of S3 class \code{cf} derived from a \code{list}
#' @examples
#' newcf <- cf()
#' @export
cf <- function () {
  cf <- list()
  class(cf) <- append(class(cf), 'cf')
  return (cf)

#' CF metadata mixin constructor
#' @param .cf `cf` object to extend.
#' @param nrObs Integer, number of different measurements contained in this correlation function. One can use \link{c.cf} to add multiple observables into one container. This is for instance needed when passing to the \link{gevp} function.
#' @param Time Integer, full time extent.
#' @param nrStypes Integer, number of smearing types.
#' @param symmetrised Logical, indicating whether the correlation function has been symmetrized.
#' @family cf constructors
#' @return
#' returns the input object of class \code{cf} with the metadata mixin added
#' @examples
#' newcf <- cf_orig(cf=array(rnorm(25*100), dim=c(100, 25))) 
#' newcf <- cf_meta(newcf, nrObs=1, Time=48, symmetrised=TRUE)
#' @export
cf_meta <- function (.cf = cf(), nrObs = 1, Time = NA, nrStypes = 1, symmetrised = FALSE) {
  stopifnot(inherits(.cf, 'cf'))

  .cf$nrObs = nrObs
  .cf$Time = Time
  .cf$nrStypes = nrStypes
  .cf$symmetrised = symmetrised

  class(.cf) <- append(class(.cf), 'cf_meta')
  return (.cf)

#' Bootstrapped CF mixin constructor
#' @param .cf `cf` object to extend.
#' @param boot.R Integer, number of bootstrap samples used.
#' @param boot.l Integer, block length in the time-series bootstrap process.
#' @param seed Integer, random number generator seed used in bootstrap.
#' @param sim Character, `sim` argument of \link[boot]{tsboot}.
#' @param endcorr Boolean, `endcorr` argumetn of \link[boot]{tsboot}.
#' @param cf.tsboot List, result from the \link[boot]{tsboot} function for the real part.
#' @param icf.tsboot List, result from the \link[boot]{tsboot} function for the imaginay part.
#' @param resampling_method Character, either 'bootstrap' or 'jackknife'
#' @details
#' The following fields will also be made available:
#' - `cf0`: Numeric vector, mean value of original measurements, convenience copy of `cf.tsboot$t0`.
#' - `tsboot.se`: Numeric vector, standard deviation over bootstrap samples.
#' - `boot.samples`: Logical, indicating whether there are bootstrap samples available. This is deprecated and instead the presence of bootstrap samples should be queried with `inherits(cf, 'cf_boot')`.
#' - `error_fn`: Function, takes a vector of samples and computes the error. In the bootstrap case this is just the `sd` function. Use this function instead of a `sd` in order to make the code compatible with jackknife samples.
#' @family cf constructors
#' @return
#' returns the input object of class \code{cf} with the bootstrap mixin added
#' @export
cf_boot <- function (.cf = cf(), boot.R, boot.l, seed, sim, endcorr, cf.tsboot, icf.tsboot = NULL, resampling_method) {
  stopifnot(inherits(.cf, 'cf'))

  .cf$boot.R <- boot.R
  .cf$boot.l <- boot.l
  .cf$seed <- seed
  .cf$sim <- sim
  .cf$endcorr <- endcorr

  .cf$cf.tsboot <- cf.tsboot
  .cf$icf.tsboot <- icf.tsboot

  if (resampling_method == 'bootstrap') {
    .cf$error_fn <- sd
    .cf$cov_fn <- cov
  else if (resampling_method == 'jackknife') {
    .cf$error_fn <- function (...) jackknife_error(..., boot.l = boot.l)
    .cf$cov_fn <- jackknife_cov
  } else {
    stop('This resampling method is not implemented')

  .cf$resampling_method <- resampling_method

  .cf$cf0 <- cf.tsboot$t0
  .cf$tsboot.se <- apply(.cf$cf.tsboot$t, MARGIN = 2L, FUN = .cf$error_fn)

  if( !is.null( icf.tsboot ) ){
    .cf$icf0 <- icf.tsboot$t0
    .cf$itsboot.se <- apply(.cf$icf.tsboot$t, MARGIN = 2L, FUN = .cf$error_fn)
  .cf$boot.samples <- TRUE

  class(.cf) <- append(class(.cf), 'cf_boot')
  return (.cf)

#' Estimates error from jackknife samples
#' Currently this uses the mean over the jackknife samples in order to compute
#' the error. It would be better in the case of a bias to use the mean over the
#' original data instead. This would require a second parameter and therefore
#' is incompatible with the previously used `sd` everywhere for the bootstrap
#' samples. As the `sd` for the bootstrap samples also does not include the
#' original data, this likely is similar in terms of bias.
#' @param samples Numeric vector.
#' @param boot.l Block length for bootstrapping.
#' @param na.rm Logical. Determines whether `NA` values shall be removed, see
#' Description for details.
#' @description
#' Computes the jackknife error which is just
#' \deqn{\sum_{i=0}^N (x_i - \bar x)^2 \,.}
#' Internally we use
#' \deqn{\frac{(N-1)^2}{N} \mathop{\mathrm{sd}}(X)}
#' in order to benefit from the optimized standard deviation function.
#' The width of the bootstrap distribution does not change with the number of
#' elements. The jackknife distribution crucially depends on the number of
#' measurements that one started with. Therefore we cannot just drop the NA
#' values and are done with it. Instead we need to rescale with the
#' \eqn{\sqrt{N / m}} where \eqn{N} is the number of original measurements and
#' \eqn{m} is the number of non-NA values. With NA values removed we would
#' otherwise underestimate the uncertainty.
#' @return
#' returns a single numeric representing the jackknife estimate of error
#' @export
jackknife_error <- function (samples, boot.l = 1, na.rm = FALSE) {
  ## Number of jackknife samples.
  N <- length(samples)

  if (na.rm) {
    selection <- !is.na(samples)
    samples <- samples[selection]

    ## Number of non-NA samples.
    m <- sum(selection)
  } else {
    m <- N

  sqrt((N - 1) * (m - 1) / (m * boot.l)) * sd(samples)

#' jackknife_cov
#' @description
#' Computes covariance matrix for jackknife samples.
#' @param x a numeric vector, matrix or data frame.
#' @param y ‘NULL’ (default) or a vector, matrix or data frame with
#'        compatible dimensions to ‘x’. The default is equivalent to 
#'        ‘y = x’ (but more efficient).
#' @param na.rm logical. The rows containing any `NA` will be deleted if this
#' option is set.
#' @param ... parameters to be forwarded to \link{cov}.
#' @return
#' returns a matrix corresponding to the jackknife estimate of the covariance matrix
#' @export
jackknife_cov <- function (x, y = NULL, na.rm = FALSE, ...) {
    factor <- 1.0
    if (is.null(y)) {
        N <- nrow(x)
        if (na.rm) {
            na_values <- apply(x, 1, function (row) any(is.na(row)))
            m <- sum(na_values)
            x <- x[!na_values, ]
            factor <- N / m
    } else {
        N <- length(x)
        if (na.rm) {
        na_values <- is.na(x) | is.na(y)
            m <- sum(na_values)
            x <- x[!na_values]
            y <- y[!na_values]
            factor <- N / m
    (N-1)^2 / N * factor * cov(x, y, ...)

#' Original data CF mixin constructor
#' @param .cf `cf` object to extend. Named with a leading period just to distinguish it from the member also named `cf`.
#' @param cf Numeric matrix, original data for all observables and measurements.
#' @param icf Numeric matrix, imaginary part of original data. Be very careful with this as quite a few functions just ignore the imaginary part and drop it in operations.
#' @family cf constructors
#' @return
#' returns the input object of class \code{cf} with the original data mixin added
#' @examples
#' newcf <- cf_orig(cf=array(rnorm(25*100), dim=c(100, 25))) 
#' newcf <- cf_meta(newcf, nrObs=1, Time=48, symmetrised=TRUE)
#' newcf <- bootstrap.cf(newcf)
#' plot(newcf)
#' @export
cf_orig <- function (.cf = cf(), cf, icf = NULL) {
  stopifnot(inherits(.cf, 'cf'))

  .cf$cf <- cf
  .cf$icf <- icf

  class(.cf) <- append(class(.cf), 'cf_orig')
  return (.cf)

#' Principal correlator CF mixin constructor
#' @param .cf `cf` object to extend.
#' @param id Integer, number of the principal correlator from the GEVP.
#' Ascending with eigenvalue, so `id = 1` is the lowest state.
#' @param gevp_reference_time Integer, reference time \eqn{t_0} that has been
#' used in the GEVP.
#' @family cf constructors
#' @return
#' returns the input object of class \code{cf} with the principal correlator mixin added
#' @export
cf_principal_correlator <- function (.cf = cf(), id, gevp_reference_time) {
  stopifnot(inherits(.cf, 'cf'))

  .cf$id <- id
  .cf$gevp_reference_time <- gevp_reference_time

  class(.cf) <- append(class(.cf), 'cf_principal_correlator')
  return (.cf)

#' Shifted CF mixin constructor
#' @param .cf `cf` object to extend.
#' @param deltat TODO
#' @param forwardshift Logical, TODO
#' @details
#' The following fields will also be made available:
#' - `shifted`: Logical, whether the correlation function has been shifted This is deprecated and instead the presence of a shift should be queried with `inherits(cf, 'cf_shifted')`.
#' @family cf constructors
#' @return
#' returns the input object of class \code{cf} with the shifted mixin added
#' @export
cf_shifted <- function (.cf = cf(), deltat, forwardshift) {
  stopifnot(inherits(.cf, 'cf'))

  .cf$deltat <- deltat
  .cf$forwardshift <- forwardshift

  .cf$shifted <- TRUE

  class(.cf) <- append(class(.cf), 'cf_shifted')
  return (.cf)

#' Smeared CF mixin constructor
#' @param .cf `cf` object to extend.
#' @param scf Like `cf`, but with the smeared data.
#' @param iscf Like `icf`, but with the smeared data.
#' @param nrSamples TODO
#' @param obs TODO
#' @details
#' The following fields will also be made available:
#' - `smeared`: Logical, whether the correlation function has smeared data. This is deprecated and instead the presence of bootstrap samples should be queried with `inherits(cf, 'cf_smeared')`.
#' @family cf constructors
#' @return
#' returns the input object of class \code{cf} with the smeared mixin added
#' @export
cf_smeared <- function (.cf = cf(), scf, iscf = NULL, nrSamples, obs) {
  stopifnot(inherits(.cf, 'cf'))

  .cf$scf <- scf
  .cf$iscf <- iscf
  .cf$nrSamples <- nrSamples
  .cf$obs <- obs

  .cf$smeared <- TRUE

  class(.cf) <- append(class(.cf), 'cf_smeared')
  return (.cf)

#' Subtracted CF mixin constructor
#' @param .cf `cf` object to extend.
#' @param subtracted.values Numeric matrix, TODO
#' @param subtracted.ii Integer vector, TODO
#' @family cf constructors
#' @return
#' returns the input object of class \code{cf} with the subtracted mixin added
#' @export
cf_subtracted <- function (.cf = cf(), subtracted.values, subtracted.ii) {
  stopifnot(inherits(.cf, 'cf'))

  .cf$subtracted.value <- subtracted.values
  .cf$subtracted.ii <- subtracted.ii

  class(.cf) <- append(class(.cf), 'cf_subtracted')
  return (.cf)

#' Weighted CF mixin constructor
#' @param .cf `cf` object to extend.
#' @param weight.factor TODO
#' @param weight.cosh TODO
#' @details
#' The following fields will also be made available:
#' - `weighted`: Logical, indicating whether the correlation function has been weighted. This is deprecated and instead the presence of this should be queried with `inherits(cf, 'cf_weighted')`.
#' @family cf constructors
#' @return
#' returns the input object of class \code{cf} with the weighted mixin added
#' @export
cf_weighted <- function (.cf = cf(), weight.factor, weight.cosh) {
  stopifnot(inherits(.cf, 'cf'))

  .cf$weight.factor <- weight.factor
  .cf$weight.cosh <- weight.cosh

  .cf$weighted <- TRUE

  class(.cf) <- append(class(.cf), 'cf_weighted')
  return (.cf)

#' Checks whether the cf object contains no data
#' @param .cf `cf` object.
#' @return
#' returns \code{FALSE} if \code{.cf} contains no data, \code{TRUE} otherwise
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # The empty cf object must be empty:
#' is_empty.cf(cf())
#' # The sample cf must not be empty:
#' is_empty.cf(samplecf)
is_empty.cf <- function (.cf) {
  setequal(class(.cf), class(cf())) &&

#' Checks whether the resampling of two cf objects is compatible
#' @param cf1 `cf` object with `cf_boot`
#' @param cf2 `cf` object with `cf_boot`
#' @details Checks whether operations such as addition can be performed on the
#'          resampling samples of `cf1` and `cf2`. In addition to all
#'          meta parameters, the dimensions of the resampling sample arrays
#'          must be identical.
#' @return List of named booleans for each of the checked conditions
#'         with elements `boot`, `boot.R`, `boot.l`, `sim`, `endcorr`,
#'         `resampling_method`, `boot_dim`, `icf` and, optionally
#'         `iboot_dim` (if both `cf1` and `cf2` contain imaginary parts).
resampling_is_compatible <- function(cf1, cf2){
  res <- list()
  res$boot <- ( inherits(cf1, 'cf_boot') & inherits(cf2, 'cf_boot') )
  res$seed <- (cf1$seed == cf2$seed)
  res$boot.R <- (cf1$boot.R == cf2$boot.R)
  res$boot.l <- (cf1$boot.l == cf2$boot.l)
  res$sim <- (cf1$sim == cf2$sim)
  res$endcorr <- (cf1$endcorr == cf2$endcorr)
  res$resampling_method <- (cf1$resampling_method == cf2$resampling_method)
  res$boot_dim <- all(dim(cf1$cf.tsboot$t) == dim(cf2$cf.tsboot$t))
  res$icf <- (has_icf(cf1) == has_icf(cf2))
  if( has_icf(cf1) & res$icf ){
    res$iboot_dim <- all(dim(cf1$icf.tsboot$t) == dim(cf2$icf.tsboot$t))


#' Checks whether the resampling of two cf objects is concatenable
#' @param cf1 `cf` object with `cf_boot`
#' @param cf2 `cf` object with `cf_boot`
#' @details In contrast to \link{resampling_is_compatible}, this function
#'          checks if the resampling samples are concatenable on the
#'          horizontal axis. In addition to checking all meta parameters,
#'          the number of rows in the resampling arrays must be identical
#'          but the number of columns may differ.
#' @return List of named booleans for each of the checked conditions
#'         with elements `boot`, `boot.R`, `boot.l`, `sim`, `endcorr`,
#'         `resampling_method`, `boot_nrow`, `icf` and, optionally
#'         `iboot_nrow` (if both `cf1` and `cf2` contain imaginary parts).
resampling_is_concatenable <- function(cf1, cf2){
  res <- list()
  res$boot <- ( inherits(cf1, 'cf_boot') & inherits(cf2, 'cf_boot') )
  res$seed <- (cf1$seed == cf2$seed)
  res$boot.R <- (cf1$boot.R == cf2$boot.R)
  res$boot.l <- (cf1$boot.l == cf2$boot.l)
  res$sim <- (cf1$sim == cf2$sim)
  res$endcorr <- (cf1$endcorr == cf2$endcorr)
  res$resampling_method <- (cf1$resampling_method == cf2$resampling_method)
  res$boot_nrow <- nrow(cf1$cf.tsboot$t) == nrow(cf2$cf.tsboot$t)
  res$icf <- (has_icf(cf1) == has_icf(cf2))
  if( has_icf(cf1) & res$icf ){
    res$iboot_nrow <- nrow(cf1$icf.tsboot$t) == nrow(cf2$icf.tsboot$t)


#' Checks whether the cf object contains an imaginary part
#' @param .cf `cf` object
#' @return
#' Returns \code{TRUE} if the \code{.cf} object has an element \code{icf},
#' which is the imaginary component of the correlation function.
#' @export
has_icf <- function(.cf) {
  stopifnot( inherits(.cf, 'cf') ) 
  return( !is.null(.cf$icf) )

gen.block.array <- function(n, R, l, endcorr=TRUE) {
  endpt <- if (endcorr)
           else n - l + 1
  nn <- ceiling(n/l)
  lens <- c(rep(l, nn - 1), 1 + (n - 1)%%l)
  st <- matrix(sample.int(endpt, nn * R, replace = TRUE),
  return(list(starts = st, lengths = lens))

#' bootstrap a set of correlation functions
#' bootstrap a set of correlation functions
#' @param cf correlation matrix of class \code{cf} e.g. obtained with a call to
#' \code{extrac.obs}.
#' @param boot.R number of bootstrap samples.
#' @param boot.l block size for autocorrelation analysis
#' @param seed seed for the random number generation used for boostrapping.
#' @param sim The type of simulation required to generate the replicate time
#' series.  The possible input values are ‘"fixed"’ (block resampling with
#' fixed block lengths of ‘boot.l’) and ‘"geom"’ (block resampling with block
#' lengths having a geometric distribution with mean ‘boot.l’). Default is
#' ‘"geom"’. See \link[boot]{tsboot} for details.
#' @param endcorr A logical variable indicating whether end corrections are to
#' be applied when ‘sim’ is ‘"fixed"’.  When ‘sim’ is ‘"geom"’, ‘endcorr’ is
#' automatically set to ‘TRUE’; ‘endcorr’ is not used when ‘sim’ is ‘"model"’
#' or ‘"scramble"’. See \link[boot]{tsboot} for details.
#' @return returns an object of class \code{cf} with bootstrap samples added
#' for th correlation function called \code{cf.tsboot}. Moreover, the original
#' average of \code{cf} is returned as \code{cf0} and the bootstrap errors as
#' \code{tsboot.se}. We also copy the input parameters over and set
#' \code{bootstrap.samples} to \code{TRUE}.
#' @author Carsten Urbach, \email{curbach@@gmx.de}
#' @seealso \code{\link[boot]{tsboot}}, \code{jackknife.cf}
#' @keywords bootstrap
#' @examples
#' data(samplecf)
#' samplecf <- bootstrap.cf(cf=samplecf, boot.R=99, boot.l=2, seed=1442556)
#' plot(samplecf, log=c("y"))
#' @export bootstrap.cf
bootstrap.cf <- function(cf, boot.R=400, boot.l=2, seed=1234, sim="geom", endcorr=TRUE) {
  stopifnot(inherits(cf, 'cf_orig'))

  boot.l <- ceiling(boot.l)
  boot.R <- floor(boot.R)

  stopifnot(boot.l >= 1)
  stopifnot(boot.l <= nrow(cf$cf))
  stopifnot(boot.R >= 1)

  ## we set the seed for reproducibility and correlation
  old_seed <- swap_seed(seed)
  ## now we bootstrap the correlators
  cf.tsboot <- boot::tsboot(cf$cf, statistic = function(x){ return(apply(x, MARGIN=2L, FUN=mean))},
                            R = boot.R, l = boot.l, sim = sim, endcorr = endcorr)

  if( has_icf(cf) ){
    # no need to store the old seed again, but we definitely need to reset the RNG again!
    icf.tsboot <- boot::tsboot(cf$icf, statistic = function(x){ return(apply(x, MARGIN=2L, FUN=mean)) },
                               R = boot.R, l = boot.l, sim = sim, endcorr = endcorr)
  } else {
    icf.tsboot <- NULL

  cf <- cf_boot(cf,
                boot.R = boot.R,
                boot.l = boot.l,
                seed = seed,
                sim = sim,
                endcorr = endcorr,
                cf.tsboot = cf.tsboot,
                icf.tsboot = icf.tsboot,
                resampling_method = "bootstrap")



#' jackknife a set of correlation functions
#' jackknife a set of correlation functions
#' @param cf correlation matrix of class \code{cf} e.g. obtained with a call to
#' \code{extrac.obs}.
#' @param boot.l block size for autocorrelation analysis
#' @return returns an object of class \code{cf} with blocked jackknife samples
#' added for the correlation function called \code{cf.jackknife}.  Currently,
#' only the moving block jackknife approach is implemented.  Moreover, the
#' original average of \code{cf} is returned as \code{cf0} and the bootstrap
#' errors as \code{jackknife.se}. We also copy the input parameters over and
#' set \code{jackknife.samples} to \code{TRUE}.
#' @author Carsten Urbach, \email{curbach@@gmx.de}
#' @seealso \code{boot::tsboot}, \code{bootstrap.cf}
#' @references H.R. Künsch, "The jackknife and the bootstrap for general
#' stationary observations", The Annals of Statistics, 1989, Vol. 17, No. 3,
#' 1217-1241
#' S.N. Lahiri, "On the jackknife-after-bootstrap method for dependent data and
#' its consistency properties", Econometric Theory, 2002, Vol. 18, 79-98
#' @keywords jackknife timeseries
#' @examples
#' data(samplecf)
#' samplecf <- jackknife.cf(samplecf, boot.l=1)
#' plot(samplecf, log="y")
#' @export jackknife.cf
jackknife.cf <- function(cf, boot.l = 1) {
  stopifnot(inherits(cf, 'cf_orig'))

  stopifnot(boot.l >= 1)
  boot.l <- ceiling(boot.l)

  ## blocking with fixed block length, but overlapping blocks
  ## number of observations
  n <- nrow(cf$cf)
  ## number of overlapping blocks
  N <- n-boot.l+1
  cf$cf0 <- apply(cf$cf, 2, mean)

  t <- array(NA, dim = c(N, ncol(cf$cf)))
  t0 <- cf$cf0
  for (i in 1:N) {
    ## The measurements that we are going to leave out.
    ii <- c(i:(i+boot.l-1))
    ## jackknife replications of the mean
    t[i, ] <- apply(cf$cf[-ii, ], 2L, mean)

  cf.tsboot <- list(t = t,
                    t0 = t0,
                    data = cf$cf, # data duplication for consistency with `tsboot`
                    R = N,
                    l = boot.l)

  if( has_icf(cf) ){
    cf$icf0 <- apply(cf$icf, 2, mean)

    t <- array(NA, dim = c(N, ncol(cf$icf)))
    t0 <- cf$icf0
    for (i in 1:N) {
      ## The measurements that we are going to leave out.
      ii <- c(i:(i+boot.l-1))
      ## jackknife replications of the mean
      t[i, ] <- apply(cf$icf[-ii, ], 2L, mean)
    icf.tsboot <- list(t = t,
                       t0 = t0,
                       data = cf$icf, # data duplication for consistency with `tsboot`
                       R = N,
                       l = boot.l)
  } else {
    icf.tsboot <- NULL

  cf <- invalidate.samples.cf(cf)
  cf <- cf_boot(cf,
                boot.R = cf.tsboot$R,
                boot.l = cf.tsboot$l,
                seed = 0,
                sim = 'fixed',
                endcorr = FALSE,
                cf.tsboot = cf.tsboot,
                icf.tsboot = icf.tsboot,
                resampling_method = 'jackknife')

  return (invisible(cf))

#' uwerr.cf
#' @description
#' Gamma method analysis on all time-slices in a 'cf' object
#' @param cf Object of type `cf` containing `cf_orig`
#' @return A list with a named element `uwcf` which contains a data frame
#'         with six columns, `value`, `dvalue`, `ddvalue`, `tauint`, `dtauint`
#'         corresponding to what is returned by \link{uwerrprimary}. The sixth
#'         column, `t`, is just an index counting the columns in the original `cf$cf`.
#'         If `cf` contains an imaginary part, the return value contains another
#'         list element, `uwicf` of the same structure as `uwcf`.
#'         There are as many rows as there were columns in `cf$cf` and/or `cf$icf`.
#'         When the call to \link{uwerrprimary} fails for a particular column of `cf$cf`
#'         or `cf$icf`, the corresponding row of `uwcf` and/or `uwicf` will contain
#'         `NA` for all members.
#' @examples
#' data(samplecf)
#' uwerr.cf(samplecf)
#' @export
uwerr.cf <- function(cf){
  stopifnot(inherits(cf, 'cf_orig'))

  uw_wrapper <- function(x){
    uw_tmp <- try(uwerrprimary(data=x), silent=TRUE)
    if( any(class(uw_tmp) == "try-error") ){
      c(value=NA, dvalue=NA, ddvalue=NA, tauint=NA, dtauint=NA)
    } else {
      c(value=uw_tmp$value, dvalue=uw_tmp$dvalue, ddvalue=uw_tmp$ddvalue,
        tauint=uw_tmp$tauint, dtauint=uw_tmp$dtauint)

  res <- list()
  res[["uwcf"]] <- cbind(as.data.frame(t(apply(X=cf$cf, MARGIN=2L, FUN=uw_wrapper))),
  if( has_icf(cf) ){
    res[["uwicf"]] <- cbind(as.data.frame(t(apply(X=cf$icf, MARGIN=2L, FUN=uw_wrapper))),

#' add a configuration index to an \code{cf} object
#' add a configuration number index to \code{cf} object.
#' @param cf and object of class \code{cf}
#' @param conf.index a configuration index of the same length as \code{cf}.
#' @return Returns an object of class \code{cf} equal to the input but with
#' element \code{conf.index} added
#' @author Carsten Urbach, \email{urbach@hiskp.uni-bonn.de}
#' @seealso \link{cf}
#' @keywords correlator analysis bootstrap
#' @examples
#' data(samplecf)
#' conf.index <- c(1:1018)
#' samplecf <- addConfIndex2cf(samplecf, conf.index=conf.index)
#' @export addConfIndex2cf
addConfIndex2cf <- function(cf, conf.index) {
  if(is.null(cf$conf.index)) {
    cf$conf.index <- conf.index

#' Combine statistics of two cf objects
#' \code{addStat.cf} takes the raw data of two \code{cf} objects and combines
#' them into one
#' Note that the two \code{cf} objects to be combined need to be compatible.
#' Otherwise, \code{addStat.cf} will abort with an error.
#' @param cf1 the first of the two \code{cf} objects to be combined
#' @param cf2 the second of the two \code{cf} objects to be combined
#' @return an object of class \code{cf} with the statistics of the two input
#' \code{cf} objects combined
#' @author Carsten Urbach, \email{curbach@@gmx.de}
#' @seealso \code{\link{cf}}
#' @keywords correlation function
#' @examples
#' data(samplecf)
#' ## the following is not useful, but
#' ## explains the usage
#' cfnew <- addStat.cf(cf1=samplecf, cf2=samplecf)
#' @export
addStat.cf <- function(cf1, cf2) {
  stopifnot(inherits(cf1, 'cf'))
  stopifnot(inherits(cf2, 'cf'))

  if (is_empty.cf(cf1)) {
    return (invisible(cf2))
  if (is_empty.cf(cf2)) {
    return (invisible(cf1))

  stopifnot(inherits(cf1, 'cf_meta'))
  stopifnot(inherits(cf2, 'cf_meta'))

  stopifnot(cf1$Time == cf2$Time)
  stopifnot(dim(cf1$cf)[2] == dim(cf2$cf)[2])
  stopifnot(cf1$nrObs == cf2$nrObs )
  stopifnot(cf1$nrStypes == cf2$nrStypes)

  cf <- cf1

  cf$cf <- rbind(cf1$cf, cf2$cf)
  cf$icf <- rbind(cf1$icf, cf2$icf)

  cf <- invalidate.samples.cf(cf)

  return (invisible(cf))

#' @title average close-by-times in a correlation function
#' @description                                                                                                                                   
#' "close-by-times" averaging replaces the value of the correlation function at t
#' with the "hypercubic" average with the values at the neighbouring time-slices
#' with weights 0.25, 0.5 and 0.25
#'   C(t') = 0.25 C(t-1) + 0.5 C(t) + 0.25 C(t+1)
#' where periodic boundary conditions are assumed in shift.cf
#' @param cf object of type \link{cf}
#' @return
#' Returns an object of class \code{cf}.
#' @export
avg.cbt.cf <- function(cf){
  stopifnot(inherits(cf, 'cf_meta'))
  stopifnot(inherits(cf, 'cf_orig'))

  # copy for shifting
  cf2 <- cf
  cf <- mul.cf(cf, 0.5)

  # average over shifted correlation functions
  for( p in c(-1,1) ){
    cf <- cf + mul.cf(shift.cf(cf2,p),0.25)

#' Arithmetically adds two correlation functions
#' @param cf1,cf2 `cf_orig` object.
#' @param a,b Numeric. Factors that multiply the correlation function before
#' the addition.
#' Since addition is associative, this operates also on the bootstrap samples
#' and these are thus not invalidated in the process.
#' @return
#' The value is
#' \deqn{a C_1 + b C_2 \,.}
#' @export
add.cf <- function(cf1, cf2, a = 1.0, b = 1.0) {
  stopifnot(inherits(cf1, 'cf'))
  stopifnot(inherits(cf2, 'cf'))
  stopifnot(inherits(cf1, 'cf_orig'))
  stopifnot(inherits(cf2, 'cf_orig'))
  stopifnot(inherits(cf1, 'cf_meta'))
  stopifnot(inherits(cf2, 'cf_meta'))
  stopifnot(all(dim(cf1$cf) == dim(cf2$cf)))
  stopifnot(cf1$Time == cf2$Time)

  if( inherits(cf1, 'cf_boot') | inherits(cf2, 'cf_boot') ){
    res_compat <- resampling_is_compatible(cf1, cf2)
    if( !all(unlist(res_compat)) ){
      stop("Samples were found to be incompatible in add.cf!\n")

  cf <- cf1
  cf$cf <- a*cf1$cf + b*cf2$cf

  if( has_icf(cf1) | has_icf(cf2) ){
    stopifnot( has_icf(cf1) & has_icf(cf2) )
    stopifnot( all(dim(cf1$icf) == dim(cf2$icf) ) )
    cf$icf <- a*cf1$icf + b*cf2$icf

  # now reconstruct the bootstrap samples
  cf <- invalidate.samples.cf(cf)
  if( inherits(cf1, 'cf_boot') | inherits(cf2, 'cf_boot') ){
    cf.tsboot <- cf1$cf.tsboot
    cf.tsboot$t <- a*cf1$cf.tsboot$t + b*cf2$cf.tsboot$t
    cf.tsboot$t0 <- a*cf1$cf.tsboot$t0 + b*cf2$cf.tsboot$t0
    cf.tsboot$data <- a*cf1$cf.tsboot$data + b*cf2$cf.tsboot$data

    if( has_icf(cf1) ){
      # no further tests required as this was already tested for compatibility twice
      icf.tsboot <- cf1$icf.tsboot
      icf.tsboot$t <- a*cf1$icf.tsboot$t + b*cf2$icf.tsboot$t
      icf.tsboot$t0 <- a*cf1$icf.tsboot$t0 + b*cf2$icf.tsboot$t0
      icf.tsboot$data <- a*cf1$icf.tsboot$data + b*cf2$icf.tsboot$data
    } else {
      icf.tsboot <- NULL
    # use constructor to also update cf0 / icf0 and tsboot.se / itsboot.se
    cf <- cf_boot(cf,
                  boot.R = cf1$boot.R,
                  boot.l = cf1$boot.l,
                  seed = cf1$seed,
                  sim = cf1$sim,
                  endcorr = cf1$endcorr,
                  cf.tsboot = cf.tsboot,
                  icf.tsboot = icf.tsboot,
                  resampling_method = cf1$resampling_method)

#' Arithmetically add correlators
#' @param cf1,cf2 `cf_orig` objects.
#' @return
#' The value is
#' \deqn{cf1 + cf2 \,.}
#' @export
'+.cf' <- function (cf1, cf2) {
  add.cf(cf1, cf2, a = 1.0, b = 1.0)

#' Arithmetically subtract correlators
#' @param cf1,cf2 `cf_orig` objects.
#' @return
#' The value is
#' \deqn{cf1 - cf2 \,.}
#' @export
'-.cf' <- function(cf1, cf2) {
  add.cf(cf1, cf2, a = 1.0, b = -1.0)

#' @rdname slash-.cf
#' @export
'*.cf' <- function(cf1, cf2) {
  apply_elementwise.cf(cf1, cf2, `*`)

#' Divide two cf objects by each other measurement by measurement
#' Note that no complex arithmetic is used, real and imaginary parts are 
#' treated as seperate and indepenent, such that the real part of one
#' is the divided by the real part of the other and similarly for the
#' imaginary parts.
#' Note that this is generally only allowed on bootstrap samples and mean values,
#' although it makes sense in some exeptional circumstances. Don't use this
#' function unless you're certain that you should!
#' @param cf1,cf2 `cf_orig` objects.
#' @return
#' The value is
#' \deqn{cf1 / cf2 \,.}
#' @export
'/.cf' <- function(cf1, cf2) {
  apply_elementwise.cf(cf1, cf2, `/`)

apply_elementwise.cf <- function(cf1, cf2, `%op%` = `/`) {
  stopifnot(inherits(cf1, 'cf_meta'))
  stopifnot(inherits(cf2, 'cf_meta'))
  cf <- cf1
  if(inherits(cf1, 'cf_orig') && inherits(cf2, 'cf_orig')) {
    stopifnot(all(dim(cf1$cf) == dim(cf2$cf)))
    stopifnot(cf1$Time == cf2$Time)

    cf$cf <- cf1$cf %op% cf2$cf

    if( has_icf(cf1) | has_icf(cf2) ){
      stopifnot(has_icf(cf1) & has_icf(cf2))
      cf$icf <- cf1$icf %op% cf2$icf
  ## the following is a bit dangerous, however, for
  ## principal correlators this is the only way to
  ## build a ratio
  if(inherits(cf1, 'cf_boot') && inherits(cf2, 'cf_boot') &&
     all(dim(cf1$cf.tsboot$t) == dim(cf2$cf.tsboot$t)) &&
     cf1$seed == cf2$seed && cf1$boot.l == cf2$boot.l) {
    cf$cf.tsboot$t  <- cf1$cf.tsboot$t %op% cf2$cf.tsboot$t
    cf$cf.tsboot$t0 <- cf1$cf.tsboot$t0 %op% cf2$cf.tsboot$t0
    cf$tsboot.se <- apply(cf$cf.tsboot$t, MARGIN = 2L, FUN = cf$error_fn)
    cf$cf0 <- cf$cf.tsboot$t0
  else cf <- invalidate.samples.cf(cf)
  return (cf)

#' Arithmetically scale a correlator by a scalar a
#' Note that this function is fundamentally different from \code{*.cf}.
#' @param cf `cf_orig` objects.
#' @param a Numeric, scaling factor.
#' @return
#' Returns an object of class \code{cf}.
#' @export
mul.cf <- function(cf, a=1.) {
  stopifnot(inherits(cf, 'cf_orig'))

  cf$cf <- a*cf$cf

  if( has_icf(cf) ){
    cf$icf <- a*cf$icf
  if( inherits(cf, 'cf_boot') ){
    cf$cf.tsboot$t <- a*cf$cf.tsboot$t
    cf$cf.tsboot$t0 <- a*cf$cf.tsboot$t0
    cf$cf.tsboot$data <- a*cf$cf.tsboot$data

    if( has_icf(cf) ){
      cf$icf.tsboot$t <- a*cf$icf.tsboot$t
      cf$icf.tsboot$t0 <- a*cf$icf.tsboot$t0
      cf$icf.tsboot$data <- a*cf$icf.tsboot$data
    # cf_boot will take care of cf0 / icf0 and tsboot.se / itsboot.se
    cf <- cf_boot(cf,
                  boot.R = cf$boot.R,
                  boot.l = cf$boot.l,
                  seed = cf$seed,
                  sim = cf$sim,
                  endcorr = cf$endcorr,
                  cf.tsboot = cf$cf.tsboot,
                  icf.tsboot = cf$icf.tsboot,
                  resampling_method = cf$resampling_method)
  return (cf)

#' extract one single correlator object as \code{cf} object from a large
#' \code{cf} object.
#' \code{cf} objects are capable of storing several correlation functions in
#' form of a correlation matrix. \code{extractSingleCor.cf} lets one extract
#' one of them.
#' @param cf input object of class \code{cf}
#' @param id id of the correlators in \code{cf} to be extracted
#' @return A \code{cf} object containing only the single correlator
#' @author Carsten Urbach \email{curbach@@gmx.de}
#' @seealso \code{\link{cf}}
#' @keywords bootstrap correlator
#' @return
#' Returns an object of class \code{cf} corresponding ot the \code{id}s element
#' in the input object \code{cf}
#' @export extractSingleCor.cf
extractSingleCor.cf <- function(cf, id=c(1)) {
  stopifnot(inherits(cf, 'cf_meta'))
  stopifnot(inherits(cf, 'cf_orig'))

  ii <- c()
  for (i in c(1:length(id))) {
    num_time <- if (cf$symmetrised) cf$Time / 2 + 1 else cf$Time
    ii <- c(ii, c(1:num_time) + (id[i]-1) * num_time)

  # TODO: This should be done using constructors.
  cf$cf <- cf$cf[,ii]

  if( has_icf(cf) ){
    cf$icf <- cf$icf[,ii]

  if (inherits(cf, 'cf_boot')) {
    cf$cf0 <- cf$cf0[ii]
    cf$tsboot.se <- cf$tsboot.se[ii]
    cf$cf.tsboot$t0 <- cf$cf.tsboot$t0[ii]
    cf$cf.tsboot$t <- cf$cf.tsboot$t[,ii]
    cf$cf.tsboot$data <- cf$cf.tsboot$data[,ii]

    if( has_icf(cf) ){
      cf$icf0 <- cf$icf0[ii]
      cf$itsboot.se <- cf$itsboot.se[ii]
      cf$icf.tsboot$t0 <- cf$icf.tsboot$t0[ii]
      cf$icf.tsboot$t <- cf$icf.tsboot$t[,ii]
      cf$icf.tsboot$data <- cf$icf.tsboot$data[,ii]
  cf$nrObs <- 1
  cf$nsStypes <- 1
  return (cf)

#' Checks whether an object is a cf
#' @param x Object, possibly of class `cf`.
#' @return
#' Returns TRUE if the input object is of class `cf`, FALSE otherwise.
#' @export
is.cf <- function (x) {
  inherits(x, "cf")

#' Concatenate correlation function objects
#' @param ... Zero or multiple objects of type `cf`.
#' @return
#' Returns an object of class \code{cf} representing the concatenation
#' of all the input objects of class \code{cf}.
#' @export
c.cf <- function (...) {
  rval <- Reduce(concat.cf, list(...), cf())
  return (invisible(rval))

#' Concatenate two correlation function objects
#' @param left,right `cf` objects to concatenate.
#' @return
#' Returns an object of class \code{cf} representing the concatenation
#' of the two input objects of class \code{cf}.
#' @export
concat.cf <- function (left, right) {
  stopifnot(inherits(left, 'cf'))
  stopifnot(inherits(right, 'cf'))

  # In case that one of them does not contain data, the other one is the
  # result. This satisfies the neutral element axiom of a monoid.
  if (is_empty.cf(left)) {
    return (right)
  if (is_empty.cf(right)) {
    return (left)

  stopifnot(inherits(left, 'cf_meta'))
  stopifnot(inherits(right, 'cf_meta'))

  # At this point both `cf` objects given here have original data, therefore we
  # need to concatenate them.

  # A few checks for compatability.
  stopifnot(left$Time == right$Time)
  stopifnot(nrow(left$cf) == nrow(right$cf))
  stopifnot(left$symmetrised == right$symmetrised)
  stopifnot(left$nrStypes == right$nrStypes)

  if( has_icf(left) | has_icf(right) ){
    stopifnot( has_icf(left) & has_icf(right) )
    stopifnot( nrow(left$icf) == nrow(right$icf) )
  if( inherits(left, 'cf_boot') | inherits(right, 'cf_boot') ){
    res_compat <- resampling_is_concatenable(left, right)
    if( !all(unlist(res_compat)) ){
      stop("Samples were found to be inconcatenable in concat.cf!\n")

  rval <- cf_meta(nrObs = left$nrObs + right$nrObs,
                  Time = left$Time,
                  nrStypes = left$nrStypes,
                  symmetrised = left$symmetrised)
  rval <- cf_orig(.cf = rval,
                  cf = cbind(left$cf, right$cf),
                  icf = cbind(left$icf, right$icf))
  # finally deal with the resampling samples
  if( inherits(left, 'cf_boot') | inherits(right, 'cf_boot') ){

    cf.tsboot <- left$cf.tsboot
    cf.tsboot$t <- cbind(left$cf.tsboot$t, right$cf.tsboot$t)
    cf.tsboot$t0 <- c(left$cf.tsboot$t0, right$cf.tsboot$t0)
    cf.tsboot$data <- cbind(left$cf.tsboot$data, right$cf.tsboot$data)

    # no need to test both as this has been done already
    if( has_icf(left) ){
      icf.tsboot <- left$icf.tsboot
      icf.tsboot$t <- cbind(left$icf.tsboot$t, right$icf.tsboot$t)
      icf.tsboot$t0 <- c(left$icf.tsboot$t0, right$icf.tsboot$t0)
      icf.tsboot$data <- cbind(left$icf.tsboot$data, right$icf.tsboot$data)
    } else {
      icf.tsboot <- NULL
    rval <- cf_boot(.cf = rval,
                    boot.R = left$boot.R,
                    boot.l = left$boot.l,
                    seed = left$seed,
                    sim = left$sim,
                    endcorr = left$endcorr,
                    cf.tsboot = cf.tsboot,
                    icf.tsboot = icf.tsboot,
                    resampling_method = left$resampling_method)

  # If one of the correlation functions has been weighted, we need both of them
  # to be so. Then we copy the data over.
  if (inherits(left, 'cf_weighted')) {
    stopifnot(inherits(right, 'cf_weighted'))
    stopifnot(left$weight.factor == right$weight.factor)
    stopifnot(left$weight.cosh == right$weight.cosh)

    rval <- cf_weighted(.cf = rval,
                        weight.factor = left$weight.factor,
                        weight.cosh = left$weight.cosh)

  return (invisible(rval))

#' Plot a correlation function
#' @param x `cf_boot` object
#' @param neg.vec Numeric vector of length `cf$cf0`. This allows switching the
#' sign for certain time slices or observables such that displaying in
#' log-scale is sensible.
#' @param rep See \code{\link{plotwitherror}}.
#' @param ... Graphical parameter to be passed on to \link{plotwitherror}
#' @return
#' Invisibly returns a data.frame with named columns `t` containing the (physical)
#' t-values, `CF` the mean values of the correlation function and `Err` its standard error.
#' @export
plot.cf <- function(x, neg.vec = rep(1, times = length(x$cf0)), rep = FALSE, ...) {
  cf <- x
  stopifnot(inherits(cf, 'cf_boot'))
  stopifnot(inherits(cf, 'cf_meta'))

  val <- cf$cf0
  err <- cf$tsboot.se

    tmax <- cf$Time - 1
  } else {
    tmax <- cf$Time / 2

  df <- data.frame(t = rep(c(0:tmax), times = length(val)/(tmax+1)),
                   CF = val,
                   Err = err)

  plotwitherror(x = df$t, y = neg.vec * df$CF, dy = df$Err, rep = rep, ...)


#' shift a correlation function by 'places' time-slices
#'   C'(t) = C(t+places)
#' where places can be positive or negative as required and periodic boundary conditions
#' in time are assumed
#' @param cf unsymmetrised correlation function (cf_meta and cf_orig mixins required)
#' @param places integer number of time-slices for backward (negative) or forward (positive) shifts
#' @return
#' Returns an object of class \code{cf} containing the shifted correlation function.
#' @export
shift.cf <- function(cf, places) {
  stopifnot(inherits(cf, 'cf_meta'))
  stopifnot(inherits(cf, 'cf_orig'))
  if( cf$symmetrised ){
    stop("A correlation function can only be time-shifted if it is not symmetrised!")

  if(places == 0){

  n <- cf$Time

  for( oidx in 0:(cf$nrObs-1) ){
    for( sidx in 0:(cf$nrStypes-1) ){
      istart <- cf$Time*cf$nrStypes*oidx + cf$Time*sidx + 1
      iend <- istart + cf$Time - 1

      if( places < 0 ){
        ishift <- c( (iend - abs(places) + 1):iend,
                     (istart:(iend-abs(places))) )
      } else {
        ishift <- c( (istart+places):iend,
                      istart:(istart+places-1) )

      # drop=FALSE to catch edge case of a single measurement
      cf$cf[,istart:iend] <- cf$cf[,ishift, drop=FALSE]
      if( has_icf(cf) ){
        cf$icf[,istart:iend] <- cf$icf[,ishift, drop=FALSE]

      if( inherits(cf, 'cf_boot') ){
        cf$cf.tsboot$t[,istart:iend] <- cf$cf.tsboot$t[,ishift,drop=FALSE]
        cf$cf.tsboot$t0[istart:iend] <- cf$cf.tsboot$t0[ishift]
        cf$cf.tsboot$data[,istart:iend] <- cf$cf.tsboot$data[,ishift,drop=FALSE]

        if( has_icf(cf) ){
          cf$icf.tsboot$t[,istart:iend] <- cf$icf.tsboot$t[,ishift,drop=FALSE]
          cf$icf.tsboot$t0[istart:iend] <- cf$icf.tsboot$t0[ishift]
          cf$icf.tsboot$data[,istart:iend] <- cf$icf.tsboot$data[,ishift,drop=FALSE]
    } # for(sidx)
  } # for(oidx)

  if( inherits(cf, 'cf_boot') ){
    # trigger cf0 / icf0, tsboot.se / itsboot.se to
    # be refreshed
    cf <- cf_boot(cf,
                  boot.R = cf$boot.R,
                  boot.l = cf$boot.l,
                  seed = cf$seed,
                  sim = cf$sim,
                  endcorr = cf$endcorr,
                  cf.tsboot = cf$cf.tsboot,
                  icf.tsboot = cf$icf.tsboot,
                  resampling_method = cf$resampling_method)

#' Invalidate samples
#' When a correlation function is modified, any resampling should be
#' invalidated. We could instead also choose to properly work with the samples,
#' but most computations are done with the original data anyway.
#' @param cf `cf` object.
#' @return
#' Returns an object of class \code{cf} with all resampling removed.
#' @export
invalidate.samples.cf <- function (cf) {
  cf$boot.l <- NULL
  cf$boot.R <- NULL
  cf$boot.samples <- NULL
  cf$seed <- NULL
  cf$sim <- NULL
  cf$endcorr <- NULL
  cf$resampling_method <- NULL

  cf$cf.tsboot <- NULL
  cf$tsboot.se <- NULL
  cf$cf0 <- NULL

  if( has_icf(cf) ){
    cf$icf.tsboot <- NULL
    cf$itsboot.se <- NULL
    cf$icf0 <- NULL

  class(cf) <- setdiff(class(cf), c('cf_boot', 'cf_jackknife'))


#' Average backward and forward-dominated parts of the correlation function
#' When a correlation function is symmetric or anti-symmetric in time,
#' this symmetry can be exploited by averaging the part from source-sink
#' separation 1 to cf$Time/2 with the part from cf$Time/2+1 to cf$Time-1
#' in order to improve statistical precision. This function
#' reduces the number of time slices in a `cf` object from cf$Time to 
#' cf$Time/2+1 by performing this averaging.
#' @param cf Object of type `cf`.
#' @param sym.vec Integer or integer vector of length cf$nrObs giving the
#'                time-reflection symmetry (1 for symmetric, -1 for anti-symmetric)
#'                of the observable in question. 
#' @return
#' Returns an object of class \code{cf}, which is the symmetrised version
#' of the input \code{cf} object.
#' @export
symmetrise.cf <- function(cf, sym.vec=c(1) ) {
  stopifnot(inherits(cf, 'cf_meta'))
  stopifnot(inherits(cf, 'cf_orig'))

    stop("symmetrise.cf: cf was already symmetrised")

  if( cf$nrObs > 1 & length(sym.vec) == 1 ){
    sym.vec <- rep(sym.vec[1],times=cf$nrObs)
  } else if( cf$nrObs != length(sym.vec) ) {
    stop("symmetrise.cf: length of sym.vec must either be 1 or match cf$nrObs!\n")

  Thalf <- cf$Time/2
  isub <- c()
  for( oidx in 0:(cf$nrObs-1) ){
    for( sidx in 0:(cf$nrStypes-1) ){
      istart <- oidx*cf$nrStypes*cf$Time + cf$Time*sidx + 1
      ihalf <- istart + Thalf
      iend <- istart + cf$Time - 1
      ifwd <- (istart+1):(ihalf-1)
      ibwd <- rev((ihalf+1):iend)
      isub <- c(isub,(ihalf+1):iend)
      cf$cf[,ifwd] <- 0.5*( cf$cf[,ifwd] + sym.vec[oidx+1]*cf$cf[,ibwd] )
      if( has_icf(cf) ){
        cf$icf[,ifwd] <- 0.5*( cf$icf[,ifwd] + sym.vec[oidx+1]*cf$icf[,ibwd] )

      if( inherits(cf, 'cf_boot') ){
        cf$cf.tsboot$t[,ifwd] <- 0.5*( cf$cf.tsboot$t[,ifwd] + 
                                       sym.vec[oidx+1]*cf$cf.tsboot$t[,ibwd] )
        cf$cf.tsboot$t0[ifwd] <- 0.5*( cf$cf.tsboot$t0[ifwd] + 
                                       sym.vec[oidx+1]*cf$cf.tsboot$t0[ibwd] )
        cf$cf.tsboot$data[,ifwd] <- 0.5*( cf$cf.tsboot$data[,ifwd] + 
                                          sym.vec[oidx+1]*cf$cf.tsboot$data[,ibwd] )
          cf$icf.tsboot$t[,ifwd] <- 0.5*( cf$icf.tsboot$t[,ifwd] + 
                                          sym.vec[oidx+1]*cf$icf.tsboot$t[,ibwd] )
          cf$icf.tsboot$t0[ifwd] <- 0.5*( cf$icf.tsboot$t0[ifwd] +
                                          sym.vec[oidx+1]*cf$icf.tsboot$t0[ibwd] )
          cf$icf.tsboot$data[,ifwd] <- 0.5*( cf$icf.tsboot$data[,ifwd] + 
                                             sym.vec[oidx+1]*cf$icf.tsboot$data[,ibwd] )
  # remove now unnecessary time slices
  cf$cf <- cf$cf[, -isub]
  if( has_icf(cf) ){
    cf$icf <- cf$icf[, -isub]
  if( inherits(cf, 'cf_boot') ){
    cf$cf.tsboot$t <- cf$cf.tsboot$t[,-isub]
    cf$cf.tsboot$t0 <- cf$cf.tsboot$t0[-isub]
    cf$cf.tsboot$data <- cf$cf.tsboot$data[,-isub]
    if( has_icf(cf) ){
      cf$icf.tsboot$t <- cf$icf.tsboot$t[,-isub]
      cf$icf.tsboot$t0 <- cf$icf.tsboot$t0[-isub]
      cf$icf.tsboot$data <- cf$icf.tsboot$data[,-isub]
    # update central value and error
    cf <- cf_boot(.cf = cf,
                  boot.R = cf$boot.R,
                  boot.l = cf$boot.l,
                  seed = cf$seed,
                  sim = cf$sim,
                  endcorr = cf$endcorr,
                  cf.tsboot = cf$cf.tsboot,
                  icf.tsboot = cf$icf.tsboot,
                  resampling_method = cf$resampling_method)

  cf$symmetrised <- TRUE

#' Unfold a correlation function which has been symmetrised
#' After a symmetric correlation function has been averaged across the central
#' time slice, it is sometimes useful to explicitly duplicate the resulting
#' average to span all cf$Time time slices. This function takes a `cf` with
#' cf$Time/2+1 time slices and turns it into one with cf$Time time slices by
#' reflecting the correlation function along the cf$Time/2 axis.
#' @param cf `cf` object which has been previously symmetrised
#' @param sym.vec Integer vector giving the symmetry properties (see \link{symmetrise.cf})
#'                of the original unsymmetrised correlation function. This should be of
#'                length cf$nrObs
#' @return
#' Returns an object of class \code{cf}, which is the unfolded version
#' of the input \code{cf} object.
#' @export
unsymmetrise.cf <- function(cf, sym.vec=c(1) ) {
  stopifnot(inherits(cf, 'cf_meta'))
  stopifnot(inherits(cf, 'cf_orig'))

    stop("unsymmetrise.cf: cf is not symmetrised!")

  if( cf$nrObs > 1 & length(sym.vec) == 1 ){
    sym.vec <- rep(sym.vec[1],times=cf$nrObs)
  } else if( cf$nrObs != length(sym.vec) ) {
    stop("symmetrise.cf: length of sym.vec must either be 1 or match cf$nrObs!\n")

  cf2 <- cf$cf
  cf$cf <- array(NA, dim=c(nrow(cf$cf), cf$nrObs*cf$nrStypes*cf$Time))
  if( has_icf(cf) ){
    icf2 <- cf$icf
    cf$icf <- array(NA, dim=c(nrow(cf$icf), cf$nrObs*cf$nrStypes*cf$Time))

  if( inherits(cf, 'cf_boot') ){
    cf.tsboot <- cf$cf.tsboot
    cf$cf.tsboot$t <- array(NA, dim=c(nrow(cf.tsboot$t), cf$nrObs*cf$nrStypes*cf$Time))
    cf$cf.tsboot$t0 <- rep(NA, times=cf$nrObs*cf$nrStypes*cf$Time)
    cf$cf.tsboot$data <- array(NA, dim=c(nrow(cf.tsboot$data), cf$nrObs*cf$nrStypes*cf$Time))

    if( has_icf(cf) ){
      icf.tsboot <- cf$icf.tsboot
      cf$icf.tsboot$t <- array(NA, dim=c(nrow(icf.tsboot$t), cf$nrObs*cf$nrStypes*cf$Time))
      cf$icf.tsboot$t0 <- rep(NA, times=cf$nrObs*cf$nrStypes*cf$Time)
      cf$icf.tsboot$data <- array(NA, dim=c(nrow(icf.tsboot$data), cf$nrObs*cf$nrStypes*cf$Time))

  Thalf <- cf$Time/2
  Thalfp1 <- Thalf+1
  for( oidx in 0:(cf$nrObs-1) ){
    for( sidx in 0:(cf$nrStypes-1) ){
      istart <- oidx*cf$nrStypes*Thalfp1 + sidx*Thalfp1 + 1
      ihalf <- istart + Thalf
      iend <- istart + cf$Time - 1
      ifwd <- (istart):(ihalf)
      ifwd_2 <- (istart+1):(ihalf-1)
      ibwd <- rev((ihalf+1):(iend))

      cf$cf[,ifwd] <- cf2[,ifwd]
      cf$cf[,ibwd] <- sym.vec[oidx+1]*cf2[,ifwd_2]
      if( inherits(cf, 'cf_boot') ){
        cf$cf.tsboot$t[,ifwd] <- cf.tsboot$t[,ifwd]
        cf$cf.tsboot$t[,ibwd] <- sym.vec[oidx+1]*cf.tsboot$t[,ifwd_2]
        cf$cf.tsboot$t0[ifwd] <- cf.tsboot$t0[ifwd]
        cf$cf.tsboot$t0[ibwd] <- sym.vec[oidx+1]*cf.tsboot$t0[ifwd_2]
        cf$cf.tsboot$data[,ifwd] <- cf.tsboot$data[,ifwd]
        cf$cf.tsboot$data[,ibwd] <- sym.vec[oidx+1]*cf.tsboot$data[,ifwd_2]

      if( has_icf(cf) ){
        cf$icf[,ifwd] <- icf2[,ifwd]
        cf$icf[,ibwd] <- sym.vec[oidx+1]*icf2[,ifwd_2]
        if( inherits(cf, 'cf_boot') ){
          cf$icf.tsboot$t[,ifwd] <- icf.tsboot$t[,ifwd]
          cf$icf.tsboot$t[,ibwd] <- sym.vec[oidx+1]*icf.tsboot$t[,ifwd_2]
          cf$icf.tsboot$t0[ifwd] <- icf.tsboot$t0[ifwd]
          cf$icf.tsboot$t0[ibwd] <- sym.vec[oidx+1]*icf.tsboot$t0[ifwd_2]
          cf$icf.tsboot$data[,ifwd] <- icf.tsboot$data[,ifwd]
          cf$icf.tsboot$data[,ibwd] <- sym.vec[oidx+1]*icf.tsboot$data[,ifwd_2]

  cf$symmetrised <- FALSE

  if( inherits(cf, 'cf_boot') ){
    # update central value and error
    cf <- cf_boot(.cf = cf,
                  boot.R = cf$boot.R,
                  boot.l = cf$boot.l,
                  seed = cf$seed,
                  sim = cf$sim,
                  endcorr = cf$endcorr,
                  cf.tsboot = cf$cf.tsboot,
                  icf.tsboot = cf$icf.tsboot,
                  resampling_method = cf$resampling_method)


#' summary.cf
#' @param object Object of type \link{cf}
#' @param ... Generic parameters to pass on.
#' @return
#' No return value, only output is produced.
#' @export
summary.cf <- function(object, ...) {
  cf <- object
  stopifnot(inherits(cf, 'cf_meta'))

  cat("T = ", cf$Time, "\n")
  cat("observations = ", dim(cf$cf)[1], "\n")
  cat("Nr Stypes = ", cf$nrStypes, "\n")
  cat("Nr Obs    = ", cf$nrObs, "\n")

  if (inherits(cf, 'cf_boot')) {
    cat("R = ", cf$boot.R, "\n")

      tmax <- cf$Time-1
    } else {
      tmax <- cf$Time/2
    cat("l = ", cf$boot.l, "\n")
    out <- data.frame(t=c(0:tmax), C=cf$cf0)
    cat("sim = ", cf$sim, "\n")

    out <- cbind(out, tsboot.se=cf$tsboot.se)

    if( has_icf(cf) ){
      out <- cbind(out, iC=cf$icf0, itsboot.se = cf$itsboot.se)

  if(exists("out")) {

#' print.cf
#' @param x Object of type \link{cf}
#' @param ... Generic parameters to pass on.
#' @return
#' No return value, only output is produced.
#' @export
print.cf <- function (x, ...) {
  summary(x, ...)

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