
Defines functions define_surv_table.character define_surv_table.data.frame define_surv_table define_surv_spline define_spline_survival define_surv_dist define_survival define_surv_fit

Documented in define_surv_dist define_surv_fit define_surv_spline define_surv_table define_surv_table.character define_surv_table.data.frame

#' Define a Fitted Survival Model
#' Define a fitted survival models with a Kaplan-Meier estimator or 
#' parametric distributions
#' @param x a survfit or flexsurvreg object
#' @return A \code{surv_object} object.
#' @examples
#' library(survival)
#' define_surv_fit(
#'   survfit(Surv(time, status) ~ 1, data = colon)
#' )
#' define_surv_fit(
#'   flexsurv::flexsurvreg(Surv(time, status) ~ 1, data = colon, dist = "exp")
#' )
#' @export
define_surv_fit <- function(x){
  enx <- rlang::enexpr(x) 
  if (!rlang::is_call(enx)){
    cli::cli_abort(c("{.arg x} must not be the object created by the function evaluation,
                but by the {.fun survfit}, {.fun flexsurvreg} or {.fun flexsurvspline} call:",
                   "x" = "{.code m <- survfit(Surv(time, status) ~ 1, data = colon); define_surv_fit(m)}",
                   "v" = "{.code define_surv_fit(survfit(Surv(time, status) ~ 1, data = colon))}"))
  fun <- rlang::call_name(enx) 
  stopifnot(fun %in% c("survfit", "flexsurvreg", 
  data <- rlang::call_args(enx) %>% 
  if (is.null(data)){
    cli::cli_abort("Please explicit the {.arg data} argument within the {.fun {fun}} function")
  if (!rlang::is_symbol(data)){
    cli::cli_inform("{.arg {deparse(data)}} is a complex expression. If you need to \
    perform PSA, please make sure the data.frame does not include the package environment, i.e. is not preceded by `::`.")
            class = c("surv_fit", "surv_object"),
            strata = x$strata)

define_survival <- function(distribution, ...){
  lifecycle::deprecate_warn("0.17.0", "define_survival()", "define_surv_dist()")
  define_surv_dist(distribution, ...)

#' Define a Survival Distribution
#' Define a parametric survival distribution.
#' @param distribution A parametric survival distribution.
#' @param ... Additional distribution parameters (see 
#'   respective distribution help pages).
#' @return A `surv_dist` object.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' define_surv_dist(distribution = "exp", rate = .5)
#' define_surv_dist(distribution = "gompertz", rate = .5, shape = 1)
define_surv_dist <- function(distribution = c("exp", "weibull",
                                             "lnorm", "llogis",
                                             "gamma", "gompertz",
                                             "genf", "genf.orig"),
                            ...) {
  distribution <- match.arg(distribution)
  list_arg <- list(...)
  if (distribution %in% c("exp", "weibull",
                          "llogis", "lnorm", "gamma")) {
    env_f <- asNamespace("stats")
  } else {
    if (! requireNamespace("flexsurv")) {
      stop("'flexsurv' package required.")
    env_f <- asNamespace("flexsurv")
  pf <- get(paste0("p", distribution),
            envir = env_f)
  names_fun <- setdiff(names(list_arg), "distribution")
  names_par <- setdiff(names(formals(pf)), "q")
  correct_names <- names_fun %in% names_par
  if (! all(correct_names)) {
      "Incorrect argument%s: %s.",
      plur(sum(! correct_names)),
      paste(names_fun[! correct_names], collapse = ", ")))
      distribution = distribution,
    class = c("surv_dist", "surv_object")

define_spline_survival <- function(scale, ...){
  lifecycle::deprecate_warn("0.17.0", "define_spline_survival()", "define_surv_spline()")
  define_surv_spline(scale, ...)

#' Define a Restricted Cubic Spline Survival Distribution
#' Define a restricted cubic spline parametric survival
#' distribution.
#' @param scale "hazard", "odds", or "normal", as described
#'   in flexsurvspline. With the default of no knots in
#'   addition to the boundaries, these models reduce to the
#'   Weibull, log-logistic and log-normal respectively. The
#'   scale must be common to all times.
#' @param ... Additional distribution parameters (see 
#'   respective distribution help pages).
#' @return A \code{surv_dist} object.
#' @examples
#' define_surv_spline(
#'   scale = "hazard", 
#'   gamma = c(-18.3122, 2.7511, 0.2292), 
#'   knots=c(4.276666, 6.470800, 7.806289)
#' )
#' define_surv_spline(
#'   scale = "odds", 
#'   gamma = c(-18.5809, 2.7973, 0.2035), 
#'   knots=c(4.276666, 6.470800, 7.806289)
#' )
#' @export
define_surv_spline <- function(scale = c("hazard", "odds", 
                                   ...) {
  scale <- match.arg(scale)
  list_arg <- list(...)
  if (! requireNamespace("flexsurv")) {
    stop("'flexsurv' package required.")
  pf <- flexsurv::psurvspline
  names_fun <- setdiff(names(list_arg), "scale")
  names_par <- setdiff(names(formals(pf)), "q")
  correct_names <- names_fun %in% names_par
  if (! all(correct_names)) {
      "Incorrect argument%s: %s.",
      plur(sum(! correct_names)),
      paste(names_fun[! correct_names], collapse = ", ")))
      distribution = "survspline",
      scale = scale,
    class = c("surv_dist", "surv_object")

#' Define a survival distribution based on explicit survival probabilities
#' @param x a data frame with columns `time` and `survival` 
#' @return a `surv_table` object, which can be used with [compute_surv()].
#' @export
#' @examples
#'  x <- data.frame(time = c(0, 1, 5, 10), survival = c(1, 0.9, 0.7, 0.5))
#'  define_surv_table(x)
define_surv_table <- function(x){

#' @rdname define_surv_table
#' @export
define_surv_table.data.frame <- function(x){
  required_names <- c("time", "survival")
  names_present <- required_names %in% names(x)
    stop("missing column",
         " in surv_table object: ",
         paste(required_names[!names_present], collapse = ", ")
  x$time <- as.numeric(x$time)
  x <- x[order(x$time),]
  dup_time <- duplicated(x$time)
    stop("any time can appear only once in explicit survival data. ",
         "Duplicated time",
         ": ",
         paste(x$time[dup_time], collapse = ", ")
  if(x$time[1] != 0 | x$survival[1] != 1)
    stop("surv_table data must start with time 0 and survival 1")
  increasing_survival <- diff(x$survival) > 0
    problem_times <- matrix(x$time[which(increasing_survival) + c(0,1)],
                            ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
    stop("survival cannot increase over time; see times:\n",
               ", ",
               sep = "", collapse = ", ")
  class(x) <- c("surv_table", "surv_object", "data.frame")
#' @rdname define_surv_table
#' @export
define_surv_table.character <- function(x){

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