
Defines functions gen_height_weight

Documented in gen_height_weight

#'Generate heights and weights for a virtual population.
#'Predict height and weight from age using smoothing splines, and then add
#'residual variability from a 2-D KDE, both fitted to NHANES data, for a given
#'combination of gender and NHANES race/ethnicity category.
#'This function should usually not be called directly by the user. It is used by
#'\code{httkpop_generate()} in "virtual-individuals" mode, after drawing gender,
#'NHANES race/ethnicity category, and age from their NHANES
#'@param gender Gender for which to calculate height/weight ("Male" or "Female")
#'@param reth NHANES race/ethnicity category for which to calculate
#'  height/weight ("Mexican American", "Non-Hispanic Black", "Non-Hispanic
#'  White", "Other", or "Other Hispanic")
#'@param age_months vector of ages in months for individuals for whom to
#'  calculate height/weight (between 0-959 months)
#' @param nhanes_mec_svy \code{surveydesign} object created from
#'  \code{\link{mecdt}} using \code{\link[survey]{svydesign}} (this is done in
#'  \code{\link{httkpop_generate}})
#'@return A list containing two named elements, \code{weight} and \code{height},
#'  each of which is a numeric vector. \code{weight} gives individual body
#'  weights in kg, and \code{height} gives individual heights in cm,
#'  corresponding to each item in the input \code{age_months}.
#'@author Caroline Ring
#' \insertRef{ring2017identifying}{httk} 
#'@keywords httk-pop
#'@import stats
#'@importFrom mvtnorm rmvnorm
gen_height_weight <- function(gender,
  #R CMD CHECK throws notes about "no visible binding for global variable", for
  #each time a data.table column name is used without quotes. To appease R CMD
  #CHECK, a variable has to be created for each of these column names and set to
  #NULL. Note that within the data.table, these variables will not be NULL! 
  riagendr <- ridexagm <- ridreth1 <- bmxwt <- bmxhtlenavg <- wtmec6yr <- NULL
  #End R CMD CHECK appeasement

   n <- length(age_months)
   grname <- unique(paste(gender, reth))
  #Get "mean" heights (cm) and bodyweights (kg) for each individual
  #Subset dt by gender and race/ethnicity,
  #then predict mean heights and BWs from ages
  #using the spline for that gender/race combination
  #Draw log BW and log height residuals from the 2-d KDE
  #calculate NHANES residuals
  nhanes_sub <- nhanes_mec_svy$variables[riagendr %in% gender &
                                           ridreth1 %in% reth &
                                           is.finite(bmxwt) &
                                         list(ridexagm, bmxwt, bmxhtlenavg, wtmec6yr)]
  w <- nhanes_sub[, wtmec6yr/sum(wtmec6yr)]
  #fit smoothing spline
 height_spline <- smooth.spline(x = nhanes_sub$ridexagm,
                             y = log(nhanes_sub$bmxhtlenavg),
                             w = w)
 weight_spline <- smooth.spline(x = nhanes_sub$ridexagm,
                                y = log(nhanes_sub$bmxwt),
                                w = w)
  logw_resid <- resid(weight_spline)
  logh_resid <- resid(height_spline)
  centers <- cbind(logw_resid, logh_resid)
  #sample from centers
  centers_id_samp <- sample(x = nrow(centers),
                         size = n,
                         replace = TRUE,
                         prob = w)
  centers_samp <- centers[centers_id_samp, ]
  #handle the case where n=1
    centers_samp <- matrix(centers_samp,
                           nrow = 1,
                           ncol = 2)
  H <- hw_H[[grname]]

  resids_samp <- t(apply(centers_samp,
                  function(this_center) rmvnorm(n = 1,
                    mean = this_center,
                    sigma = H)
  mean_logbw <- predict(weight_spline,
  mean_logh <- predict(height_spline,
   weight <- exp(mean_logbw + resids_samp[,1])
   height <- exp(mean_logh + resids_samp[,2])

              height = height))

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httk documentation built on June 22, 2024, 6:48 p.m.