mre: Mean relative error (MRE)

mreR Documentation

Mean relative error (MRE)


This function computes the mean relative error (MRE).


mre(predicted, observed, na.rm = FALSE)



numeric vector that contains the model predicted data points (1st parameters)


numeric vector that contains the observed data points (2nd parameters)


logical vector that determines whether the missing values should be removed or not.


(MRE) is expressed as

\frac{1}{N} \sum \limits_{i=1}^N \Bigg | \frac{P_i - O_i}{O_i} \Bigg |


the number of observations


the predicted values


the observed or reference values


mean relative error (MRE) as a numeric vector using the same units as the given variables. The default choice is that any NA values will be kept (na.rm = FALSE). This can be changed by specifying na.rm = TRUE, such as mre(pre, obs, na.rm = TRUE).


Irucka Embry


Huang, J. (2018). "A Simple Accurate Formula for Calculating Saturation Vapor Pressure of Water and Ice", Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 57(6), 1265-1272. Retrieved Nov 4, 2021,

See Also

mape for mean absolute percent error (MAPE), madstat for mean-absolute deviation (MAD), dr for 'index of agreement (dr)', vnse for Nash-Sutcliffe model efficiency (NSE), rmse for root mean square error (RMSE), and maxmre for the maximum mean relative error (MAXRE).


# Example 1


obs <- 1:10 # observed
pre <- 2:11 # predicted
mre(pre, obs)

# Example 2

install.load::load_package("iemisc", "rando")

set_n(100) # makes the example reproducible
obs1 <- r_norm(.seed = 873) # observed
pre1 <- r_norm(.seed = 281) # predicted

# using the vectors pre1 and obs1
mre(pre1, obs1)

# using a matrix of the numeric vectors pre1 and obs1
mat1 <- matrix(data = c(obs1, pre1), nrow = length(pre1), ncol = 2,
   byrow = FALSE, dimnames = list(c(rep("", length(pre1))),
   c("Predicted", "Observed")))
mre(mat1[, 2], mat1[, 1])

# mat1[, 1] # observed values from column 1 of mat1
# mat1[, 2] # predicted values from column 2 of mat1

# using a data.frame of the numeric vectors pre1 and obs1
df1 <- data.frame(obs1, pre1)
mre(df1[, 2], df1[, 1])

# df1[, 1] # observed values from column 1 of df1
# df1[, 2] # predicted values from column 2 of df1


# using a data.table of the numeric vectors pre1 and obs1
df2 <- data.table(obs1, pre1)
mre(df2[, 2, with = FALSE][[1]], df2[, 1, with = FALSE][[1]])

# df2[, 1, with = FALSE][[1]] # observed values from column 1 of df2
# df2[, 2, with = FALSE][[1]] # predicted values from column 2 of df2

iemisc documentation built on Sept. 25, 2023, 5:09 p.m.