## File Name: immer_ccml.R
## File Version: 0.212
immer_ccml <- function( dat, weights=NULL, irtmodel="PCM", A=NULL, b_fixed=NULL,
control=NULL )
time <- list( start=Sys.time() )
#-- data processing
dat0 <- dat
I <- ncol(dat)
dat <- as.matrix(dat)
dat_resp <- 1 -
dat[ ] <- 0
maxK <- apply( dat, 2, max )
K <- max(maxK)
N <- nrow(dat)
if (is.null(weights)){
weights <- rep(1,N)
W <- sum(weights)
#-- count frequencies
dfr <- immer_ccml_proc_freq( dat=dat, dat_resp=dat_resp, K=K, weights=weights )
dfr <-
colnames(dfr) <- c('ll_index', 'item1', 'item2', 'score', 'cat1', 'cat2', 'n')
dfr <- dfr[ dfr$ll_index > 0, ]
sz <- rowsum( dfr$n, dfr$ll_index )
dfr$ntot <- sz[dfr$ll_index]
#-- create design matrix if not provided
#-- initial values xsi
xsi <- rep( 0, dim(A)[3] )
names(xsi) <- dimnames(A)[[3]]
if ( is.null(b_fixed) ){
b_fixed <- matrix(0, nrow=I, ncol=K+1)
#-- preparation optimization
ll_index1 <- dfr$ll_index - 1
par0 <- as.vector(xsi)
A_ <- as.vector(A)
item10 <- dfr$item1 - 1
item20 <- dfr$item2 - 1
cat1 <- dfr$cat1
cat2 <- dfr$cat2
max_ll_index <- max(dfr$ll_index)
n <- dfr$n
ntot <- dfr$ntot
#- define optimization function
opt_fct <- function(par){
immer_ccml_opt_function_par( b_fixed=b_fixed, A_=A_, par=par,
ll_index1=ll_index1, item10=item10, item20=item20, cat1=cat1, cat2=cat2,
n=n, ntot=ntot, max_ll_index=max_ll_index )
#- define gradient
grad_fct <- function(par){
immer_ccml_gradient_par( b_fixed=b_fixed, A_=A_, par=par, ll_index1=ll_index1,
item10=item10, item20=item20, cat1=cat1, cat2=cat2, n=n,
ntot=ntot, max_ll_index=max_ll_index )
#--- optimization
res <- nlminb_result <- stats::nlminb( start=par0, objective=opt_fct,
gradient=grad_fct, control=control )
par <- coef <- res$par
names(par) <- names(coef) <- names(xsi)
objective <- res$objective
#-- calculate intercept matrix
b <- immer_ccml_calc_item_intercepts( b_fixed=b_fixed, A_=A_, par=par )
#-- calculate standard errors
res <- immer_ccml_se( b_fixed=b_fixed, A_=A_, par=par, ll_index1=ll_index1,
item10=item10, item20=item20, cat1=cat1, cat2=cat2, n=n,
ntot=ntot, max_ll_index=max_ll_index, h=1e-4 )
J <- res$xpd_mat
H <- res$obs_mat
colnames(J) <- rownames(J) <- names(xsi)
colnames(H) <- rownames(H) <- names(xsi)
J1 <- immer_ginv(J)
V <- H %*% J1 %*% H
se <- sqrt(diag(V))
#-- information criteria
ic <- list( objective=objective, np=length(xsi), N=N, I=I )
H1 <- immer_ginv(H)
tr_HJ <- immer_trace( J %*% H1 )
ic$dev <- 2*ic$objective
ic$CLAIC <- ic$dev + 2*tr_HJ
ic$CLBIC <- ic$dev + log(ic$N)*tr_HJ
ic$R <- NA
ic$ND <- NA
#-- output xsi parameters
xsi_out <- data.frame( est=coef, se=se )
rownames(xsi_out) <- names(xsi)
#-- output item parameters
item <- b[,-1,drop=FALSE]
colnames(item) <- paste0('Cat', 1L:K)
M <- colSums( dat * dat_resp * weights ) / colSums( dat_resp * weights )
item <- data.frame( item=colnames(dat), M=M, item )
#--- output
time$end <- Sys.time()
time$diff <- time$end - time$start
description <- 'Composite Conditional Maximum Likelihood Estimation'
res <- list( coef=coef, vcov=V, se=se, b=b, objective=objective,
nlminb_result=nlminb_result, A=A,
weights=weights, b_fixed=b_fixed, K=K, maxK=maxK, N=N, W=W,
ic=ic, suff_stat=dfr, xsi_out=xsi_out, item=item, time=time,
CALL=CALL, description=description)
class(res) <- 'immer_ccml'
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