## File Name: lc2_agreement.R
## File Version: 0.293
#** latent class agreement
#** Schuster & Smith (2006)
lc2_agreement <- function( y, w=rep(1,nrow(y)), type="homo", method="BFGS", ... )
s0 <- Sys.time()
#*** preprocessing for dataset
if ( is.null( colnames(y) ) ){
colnames(y) <- c('Var1','Var2')
res <- immer_unique_patterns( dat=y, w=w )
y <- res$y
w <- res$w
y0 <- y
values <- sort( unique( c(y[,1], y[,2] ) ) )
I <- ncol(y)
for (ii in 1L:I){
y[,ii] <- match( y[,ii], values )
#*** preprocessing
# The input is a weighted frequency table.
W <- sum(w)
eps <- 1E-20
# define starting values
p0 <- sum( w[ y[,1]==y[,2] ] ) / W
gamma0 <- p0 * 2/3
# compute tables
vals <- unique( c(y[,1],y[,2] ) )
V <- length(vals)
# compute frequencies
relFreq <- rep(0,V)
names(relFreq) <- vals
for (vv in 1L:V){
relFreq[vv] <- ( sum( w[ y[,1]==vv ] ) / W +
sum( w[ y[,2]==vv ] ) / W ) / 2
# define parameter table
#**** tau parameters
tau_i <- relFreq
tau_i_logits <- probs2logits( tau_i )
dfr1 <- data.frame( 'pargroup'='tau', 'parnum'=NA,
'parname'=paste0( 'tau_Cat', values ),
'est'=TRUE, 'est_parindex'=0,
'rater'=0, 'value'=NA, 'value_logits'=NA, 'start_logits'=NA)
dfr1[1,'est'] <- FALSE
dfr1$est_parindex <- cumsum(dfr1$est)
dfr1$start_logits <- tau_i_logits
dfr0 <- dfr1
#**** phi parameters
dfr1 <- data.frame( 'pargroup'='phi', 'parnum'=NA,
'parname'=paste0( 'phi_Cat', values ),
'est'=TRUE, 'est_parindex'=0,
'rater'=0, 'value'=NA, 'value_logits'=NA, 'start_logits'=NA)
#--- homogeneous
if (type=='homo'){
dfr1[1,'est'] <- FALSE
dfr1$est_parindex <- cumsum(dfr1$est) + max(dfr0$est_parindex)
dfr1$start_logits <- tau_i_logits
#--- equal phi parameters
if (type=='unif'){
phi0 <- rep(1/V,V)
dfr1$start_logits <- probs2logits(phi0)
dfr1$est <- FALSE
#--- set tau and phi parameters equal to each other
if ( type=='equal'){
dfr1$est[1] <- FALSE
dfr1$est_parindex <- dfr0$est_parindex
dfr1$start_logits <- dfr0$start_logits
#--- heterogeneous raters
if (type=='hete'){
dfr1[1,'est'] <- FALSE
dfr1a <- dfr1
dfr1a$parname <- gsub( 'phi_', paste0('phi_', colnames(y)[1] ),
'_', dfr1a$parname)
dfr1a$est_parindex <- cumsum(dfr1a$est) + max(dfr0$est_parindex)
dfr1a$start_logits <- tau_i_logits
dfr1b <- dfr1
dfr1b$parname <- gsub( 'phi_', paste0('phi_', colnames(y)[2]),
'_', dfr1a$parname)
dfr1b$est_parindex <- cumsum(dfr1b$est) + max(dfr1a$est_parindex)
dfr1b$start_logits <- tau_i_logits
dfr1 <- rbind( dfr1a, dfr1b)
dfr0 <- rbind( dfr0, dfr1)
#**** gamma parameters
dfr1 <- data.frame( 'pargroup'='gamma', 'parnum'=NA,
'parname'=paste0( 'gamma_', c(0,1) ),
'est'=c(TRUE,FALSE), 'est_parindex'=0,
'rater'=0, 'value'=NA, 'value_logits'=NA, 'start_logits'=NA)
dfr1$est_parindex <- cumsum(dfr1$est) + max(dfr0$est_parindex)
dfr1$start_logits <- c( stats::qlogis( gamma0 ), 0 )
dfr0 <- rbind( dfr0, dfr1)
dfr0[ ! dfr0$est, 'est_parindex' ] <- 0
dfr0$parnum <- seq(1, nrow(dfr0) )
# extract starting values
x0 <- dfr0[ dfr0$est,]
x0 <- x0[ ! duplicated( x0$est_parindex), ]
x <- x0[ x0$est, 'start_logits' ]
# optimization function
l2rater_fct <- function(x){
# reconstruct phi parameters
ind <- dfr0[ ( dfr0$pargroup=='tau' ) &
( dfr0$est_parindex > 0 ), 'est_parindex' ]
tau00 <- c( 0, x[ind] )
tau_probs <- logits2probs( tau00 )
# reconstruct phi parameters
if ( type=='unif'){
ind <- dfr0[ dfr0$pargroup=='phi',]
phi00 <- dfr0$start_logits
if ( type %in% c('homo') ){
ind <- dfr0[ ( dfr0$pargroup=='phi' ) &
( dfr0$est_parindex > 0 ), 'est_parindex' ]
phi00 <- c(0,x[ind])
if ( type %in% c('equal') ){
ind <- dfr0[ ( dfr0$pargroup=='phi' ) & ( dfr0$est ), 'est_parindex' ]
phi00 <- c(0,x[ind])
if (type=='hete'){
ind <- dfr0[ ( dfr0$pargroup=='phi' ), 'est_parindex' ]
L <- length(ind)
L1 <- L / 2
ind[ ind==0] <- NA
phi00 <- x[ ind ]
phi00[ ] <- 0
phi_probs1 <- logits2probs( phi00[ seq(1,L1) ] )
phi_probs2 <- logits2probs( phi00[ L1 + seq(1,L1) ] )
if (type !='hete'){
phi_probs <- logits2probs( phi00 )
phi_probs1 <- phi_probs
phi_probs2 <- phi_probs
# reconstruct gamma parameters
ind <- dfr0[ ( dfr0$pargroup=='gamma' ) &
( dfr0$est_parindex > 0 ), 'est_parindex' ]
gamma_probs <- logits2probs( c(x[ind], 0 ) )
# estimated probability
est_prob <- ( y[,1]==y[,2] ) * tau_probs[ y[,1] ] * gamma_probs[1] +
phi_probs1[ y[,1] ] * phi_probs2[ y[,2] ] * ( 1 - gamma_probs[1] )
ll <- - sum( w * log( est_prob + eps ) )
# conduct optimization fitted model
h1 <- stats::optim( x, l2rater_fct, method=method, hessian=TRUE, ... )
#------ optimization independence model
# optimization function
l2_indep <- function(x){
phi_probs <- logits2probs( c(0, x ) )
phi_probs1 <- phi_probs2 <- phi_probs
est_prob <- phi_probs1[ y[,1] ] * phi_probs2[ y[,2] ]
ll <- - sum( w * log( est_prob + eps ) )
h2 <- stats::optim( x[1L:(V-1)], l2_indep, method=method, hessian=FALSE, ... )
# update parameter table
m1 <- dfr0$est_parindex
m1[ m1==0] <- NA
dfr0[, 'value_logits' ] <- h1$par[ m1 ]
dfr0[$value_logits), 'value_logits'] <- 0
# tau parameters
ind <- which(dfr0$pargroup=='tau')
y <- dfr0[ ind, 'value_logits' ]
dfr0[ ind, 'value'] <- logits2probs(y)
ind <- which(dfr0$pargroup=='phi')
if ( type !='hete'){
y <- dfr0[ ind, 'value_logits' ]
dfr0[ ind, 'value'] <- logits2probs(y)
} else {
y <- dfr0[ ind, 'value_logits' ]
y1 <- y[1L:V]
y2 <- y[V + 1L:V]
dfr0[ ind[1L:V], 'value'] <- logits2probs(y1)
dfr0[ ind[V + 1L:V], 'value'] <- logits2probs(y2)
ind <- which(dfr0$pargroup=='gamma')
y <- dfr0[ ind, 'value_logits' ]
dfr0[ ind, 'value'] <- logits2probs(y)
dfr0[ dfr0$pargroup=='gamma', 'value']
# compute agreement by chance
phi_probs <- dfr0[ dfr0$pargroup=='phi', 'value']
phi_probs1 <- phi_probs2 <- phi_probs
if ( type=='hete'){
phi_probs1 <- phi_probs[1L:V]
phi_probs2 <- phi_probs[V + 1L:V]
agree_chance <- sum( phi_probs1 * phi_probs2 ) *
( 1 - dfr0[ dfr0$parname=='gamma_0', 'value' ] )
#**** saturated model
ll0 <- - sum( w * log( w / W ) )
# collect model results
model_output <- data.frame( 'deviance'=2*h1$value)
model_output$npars <- max( dfr0$est_parindex )
saturated_output <- data.frame('deviance'=2*ll0, 'npars'=nrow(y0) - 1)
# independence output
independence_output <- data.frame('deviance'=2*h2$value,
'npars'=length(h2$par) )
#**** likelihood ratio test
LRT_output <- data.frame('chisquare'=-2*(ll0 - h1$value) )
LRT_output$df <- saturated_output$npars - model_output$npars
LRT_output$p <- 1 - stats::pchisq( LRT_output$chisquare,
df=LRT_output$df )
#*** normed fit index (Clogg, xxxx)
# see Uebersax (1990, Statistics in Medicine)
L1 <- LRT_output$chisquare
L0 <- -2*(ll0 - h2$value)
NFI <- ( L0 - L1 ) / L0
#**** agreement statistics
gamma0 <- dfr0[ dfr0$parname=='gamma_0', 'value' ]
# conditional probability of true agreement given observed agreement
rel_agree <- gamma0 / ( gamma0 + agree_chance )
#**** information criteria
# total number of parameters
dev <- model_output$deviance
ic <- data.frame( 'dev'=dev)
ic$n <- W
ic$Npars <- ic$np <- model_output$npars
ic$AIC <- dev + 2*ic$np
# AIC3
ic$AIC3 <- dev + 3*ic$np
ic$BIC <- dev + ( log(ic$n) )*ic$np
# adjusted BIC
ic$aBIC <- dev + ( log( ( ic$n -2 ) / 24 ) )*ic$np
# CAIC (consistent AIC)
ic$CAIC <- dev + ( log(ic$n) + 1 )*ic$np
# corrected AIC
ic$AICc <- ic$AIC + 2*ic$np * ( ic$np + 1 ) / ( ic$n - ic$np - 1 )
# parameter output
if ( type=='hete'){ NR <- 3} else { NR <- 2}
dfr11 <- matrix( 0, nrow=2, ncol=V+1 ) )
colnames(dfr11) <- c( 'parm', paste0('Cat',values) )
dfr11[1,-1] <- dfr0[ dfr0$pargroup=='tau', 'value']
dfr11[1,1] <- 'tau'
if ( type !='hete'){
dfr11[2,-1] <- dfr0[ dfr0$pargroup=='phi', 'value']
dfr11[2,1] <- 'phi'
} else {
dfr11[2,-1] <- dfr0[ dfr0$pargroup=='phi', 'value'][ seq(1,V)]
dfr11[2,1] <- paste0( 'phi_', colnames(y0)[1] )
dfr11[3,-1] <- dfr0[ dfr0$pargroup=='phi', 'value'][ V + seq(1,V)]
dfr11[3,1] <- paste0( 'phi_', colnames(y0)[2] )
#*** time
s1 <- Sys.time()
time0 <- data.frame('start'=s0, 'end'=s1)
# output
res <- list(
model_output=model_output, saturated_output=saturated_output,
independence_output=independence_output, LRT_output=LRT_output,
NFI=NFI, partable=dfr0, parmsummary=dfr11, agree_true=gamma0,
agree_chance=agree_chance, rel_agree=rel_agree, optim_output=h1,
nobs=W, type=type, ic=ic, loglike=-model_output$deviance/2,
npars=model_output$df, y=y0, w=w, CALL=CALL, time=time0,
description='Latent class model for 2 raters (Schuster & Smith, 2006)' )
class(res) <- 'lc2_agreement'
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