
Defines functions plot.inbreed

Documented in plot.inbreed

#' Plot an inbreed object
#' @param x An \code{inbreed} object.
#' @param true_g2 For plotting a \code{simulate_g2} output. If TRUE, plots the real g2 (based on realized f)
#'        as a reference line.
#' @param plottype deprecated. "boxplot" or "histogram" to plot the output of r2_hf() and to show either
#'        the boxplots through resampling of loci or the histogram from the bootstrapping of 
#'        r2 over individuals.
#' @param \dots Additional arguments to the hist() function for the g2 and HHC functions. 
#'              Additional arguments to the boxplot() function for plotting the result of the r2_hf() function.
#' @author Martin Stoffel (martin.adam.stoffel@@gmail.com)
#' @seealso \link{g2_snps}, \link{g2_microsats}
#' @export

plot.inbreed <- function(x, true_g2 = FALSE, plottype = c("boxplot", "histogram"), ...) {
    # check if its a g2 calculater
    if (!is.null(x[["g2"]])) {
        if (is.na(x$g2_se)) stop("Number of bootstraps specified in g2 function was 0, so there is nothing to plot")
        # save ellipsis args
        dots <- list(...)
        # make empty arguments list
        args1 <- list()
        if (!("main" %in% dots)) args1$main <- "g2 bootstrapping distribution - \nempirical g2 with confidence interval"
        if (!("xlab" %in% dots)) args1$xlab <- "g2"
        if (!("ylab" %in% dots)) args1$ylab <- "counts"
        # add names (will be argument names) to args1 values
        args1[names(dots)] <- dots
        boot_hist <- function(g2, g2_boot, CI.l, CI.u, args1) {
                # y position of confidence band
                v.pos <- max(do.call(graphics::hist, (c(list(x = g2_boot, plot = FALSE, warn.unused = FALSE), args1)))$counts)
                # plot
                do.call(graphics::hist, (c(list(x = g2_boot, ylim = c(0, v.pos*1.5)), args1))) 
                graphics::lines(x = c(g2, g2), y = c(0, v.pos * 1.15), lwd = 2.5, col = "black", lty = 5)
                graphics::arrows(CI.l, v.pos*1.15, CI.u, v.pos*1.15,
                       length=0.1, angle=90, code=3, lwd = 2.5, col = "black")
                graphics::points(g2, v.pos*1.15, cex = 1.2, pch = 19, col = "black")
                # graphics::legend(x = "topleft", inset = 0.01, pch = 19, cex = 1, bty = "n", col = c("black"),
                       # c("g2 with CI"), box.lty = 0)
        boot_hist(g2 = x$g2, g2_boot = x$g2_boot, CI.l = unname(x$CI_boot[1]), 
                  CI.u = unname(x$CI_boot[2]), args1 = args1)
    # check if its r2_hf
    if (as.character(x$call[[1]]) == "r2_hf") {
        # save ellipsis args
        dots <- list(...)
            if (length(x$r2_hf_boot) < 2) stop("No bootstrapping done, so nothing to plot")
            # make empty arguments list
            args1 <- list()
            if (!("main" %in% dots)) args1$main <- "r2 bootstrapping distribution - \nestimated r2 with confidence interval"
            if (!("xlab" %in% dots)) args1$xlab <- "r2 (heterozygosity, inbreeding)"
            if (!("ylab" %in% dots)) args1$ylab <- "counts"
            # add names (will be argument names) to args1 values
            args1[names(dots)] <- dots
            boot_hist_r2_hf <- function(r2_hf_full, r2_hf_boot, CI.l, CI.u, args1) {
                # y position of confidence band
                v.pos <- max(do.call(graphics::hist, (c(list(x = r2_hf_boot, plot = FALSE, 
                                                             warn.unused = FALSE), args1)))$counts)
                # plot
                do.call(graphics::hist, (c(list(x = r2_hf_boot, ylim = c(0, v.pos*1.5)), args1))) 
                graphics::lines(x = c(r2_hf_full, r2_hf_full), y = c(0, v.pos * 1.15), lwd = 2.5, 
                                col = "black", lty = 5)
                graphics::arrows(CI.l, v.pos*1.15, CI.u, v.pos*1.15,
                                 length=0.1, angle=90, code=3, lwd = 2.5, col = "black")
                graphics::points(r2_hf_full, v.pos*1.15, cex = 1.2, pch = 19, col = "black")
                # graphics::legend(x = "topleft", inset = 0.01, pch = 19, cex = 1, bty = "n", 
                #                 col = c("black"), c("r2 with CI"), box.lty = 0)
            boot_hist_r2_hf(r2_hf_full = x$r2_hf_full, r2_hf_boot = x$r2_hf_boot, 
                      CI.l = unname(x$CI_boot[1]), 
                      CI.u = unname(x$CI_boot[2]), args1 = args1)

    # check if its r2_Wf
    if (as.character(x$call[[1]]) == "r2_Wf") {
        if (length(x$r2_Wf_boot) < 2) stop("No bootstrapping done, so nothing to plot")
        dots <- list(...)
        # make empty arguments list
        args1 <- list()
        if (!("main" %in% dots)) args1$main <- "r2 bootstrapping distribution - \nestimated r2 with confidence interval"
        if (!("xlab" %in% dots)) args1$xlab <- "r2 (fitness, inbreeding)"
        if (!("ylab" %in% dots)) args1$ylab <- "counts"
        # add names (will be argument names) to args1 values
        args1[names(dots)] <- dots
        boot_hist_r2_Wf <- function(r2_Wf_full, r2_Wf_boot, CI.l, CI.u, args1) {
            # y position of confidence band
            v.pos <- max(do.call(graphics::hist, (c(list(x = r2_Wf_boot, plot = FALSE, 
                                                         warn.unused = FALSE), args1)))$counts)
            # plot
            do.call(graphics::hist, (c(list(x = r2_Wf_boot, ylim = c(0, v.pos*1.5)), args1))) 
            graphics::lines(x = c(r2_Wf_full, r2_Wf_full), y = c(0, v.pos * 1.15), lwd = 2.5, 
                            col = "black", lty = 5)
            graphics::arrows(CI.l, v.pos*1.15, CI.u, v.pos*1.15,
                             length=0.1, angle=90, code=3, lwd = 2.5, col = "black")
            graphics::points(r2_Wf_full, v.pos*1.15, cex = 1.2, pch = 19, col = "black")
            # graphics::legend(x = "topleft", inset = 0.01, pch = 19, cex = 1, bty = "n", 
            #                 col = c("black"), c("r2 with CI"), box.lty = 0)
        boot_hist_r2_Wf(r2_Wf_full = x$r2_Wf_full, r2_Wf_boot = x$r2_Wf_boot, 
                        CI.l = unname(x$CI_boot[1]), 
                        CI.u = unname(x$CI_boot[2]), args1 = args1)

    # check if HHC
    if(!is.null(x$HHC_vals)) {
        # save ellipsis args
        dots <- list(...)
        # make empty arguments list
        args1 <- list()
        if (!("main" %in% dots)) args1$main <-  "heterozygosity-heterozygosity correlation distribution - 
                                                \nmean HHC with confidence interval"
        if (!("xlab" %in% dots)) args1$xlab <- "correlation coefficient r"
        if (!("ylab" %in% dots)) args1$ylab <- "counts"
        # add names (will be argument names) to args1 values
        args1[names(dots)] <- dots
        boot_hist_HHC <- function(g2, g2_boot, CI.l, CI.u, args1) {
            # y position of confidence band
            v.pos <- max(do.call(graphics::hist, (c(list(x = g2_boot, plot = FALSE, warn.unused = FALSE), args1)))$counts)
            # plot
            do.call(graphics::hist, (c(list(x = g2_boot, ylim = c(0, v.pos*1.5)), args1))) 
            graphics::lines(x = c(g2, g2), y = c(0, v.pos * 1.15), lwd = 2.5, col = "black", lty = 5)
            graphics::arrows(CI.l, v.pos*1.15, CI.u, v.pos*1.15,
                   length=0.1, angle=90, code=3, lwd = 2.5, col = "black")
            graphics::points(g2, v.pos*1.15, cex = 1.2, pch = 19, col = "black")
            #graphics::legend(x = "topleft", inset = 0.01, pch = 19, cex = 1, bty = "n", col = c("black"),
            #       c("mean HHC with CI"), box.lty = 0)
        boot_hist_HHC(g2 = mean(x$HHC_vals, na.rm = TRUE), g2_boot = x$HHC_vals, 
                  CI.l = x$CI_HHC[1], CI.u = x$CI_HHC[2], args1 = args1)
        # save ellipsis args
        dots <- list(...)
        # make empty arguments list
        args1 <- list()
        if (!("main" %in% dots)) args1$main <-  "g2 estimates with mean and CI"
        if (!("xlab" %in% dots)) args1$xlab <- "Number of Loci"
        if (!("ylab" %in% dots)) args1$ylab <- "g2"
        if(as.character(x$call[[1]]) == "simulate_r2_hf") {
            if (!("main" %in% dots)) args1$main <-  "r2(h, f) estimates with mean and CI"
            if (!("ylab" %in% dots)) args1$ylab <- "r2(h, f)"
        # add names (will be argument names) to args1 values
        args1[names(dots)] <- dots
    # plot the results
    subsets <- x$subsets
    estMat <- x$estMat
    do.call(what = "plot", args = c(list(x=c(subsets[1],subsets[length(subsets)]),y=c(x$min_val,x$max_val),
         type="n"), args1))
    meanVec <- rep(NA,nrow(estMat))
    sdVec <- rep(NA,nrow(estMat))
    for (j in 1:nrow(estMat)) {
        meanVec[j] <- mean(estMat[j,])
        sdVec[j] <- stats::sd(estMat[j,])

    for(i in 1:nrow(estMat)) {
        graphics::points(rep(subsets[i],ncol(estMat)),estMat[i,],col=grDevices::rgb(1, 0.647, 0, 0.4))
    graphics::segments(subsets,(x$all_CI[, 1]),subsets,(x$all_CI[, 2]), col="blue")
    epsilon <- 0.05
    graphics::segments(subsets-epsilon,(x$all_CI[, 1]),subsets+epsilon,(x$all_CI[, 1]), col="blue")
    graphics::segments(subsets-epsilon,(x$all_CI[, 2]),subsets+epsilon,(x$all_CI[, 2]), col="blue")

    if (true_g2 == FALSE) graphics::lines(subsets,meanVec,col="black",lty=2)

    if (true_g2 == TRUE) {
        graphics::lines (c(0,subsets[length(subsets)]),c(x$true_g2,x$true_g2),lty="dashed")
        graphics::legend("bottomright", legend = "true g2", lty = 2, lwd = 1.5, col = "black")

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inbreedR documentation built on Feb. 2, 2022, 5:09 p.m.