
Defines functions get_random get_predictions get_modelterm get_fitted get_difference get_coefs

Documented in get_coefs get_difference get_fitted get_modelterm get_predictions get_random

#' Get coefficients for the parametric terms (intercepts and random slopes).
#' @description Wrapper around the function \code{\link[stats]{coef}}, 
#' and loosely based on \code{\link[mgcv]{summary.gam}}. This function 
#' provides a much faster alternative for \code{summary(model)$p.table}.
#' The function \code{\link[mgcv]{summary.gam}}) may take considerably 
#' more time for large models, because it additionally needs to calculate 
#' estimates for the smooth term table.
#' @export
#' @import mgcv
#' @import stats
#' @param model A gam object, produced by \code{\link[mgcv]{gam}} or 
#' \code{\link[mgcv]{bam}}.
#' @param se Logical: whether or not to return the standard errors.
#' @return The coefficients of the parametric terms.
#' @examples
#' data(simdat)
#' # Condition as factor, to have a random intercept
#' # for illustration purposes:
#' simdat$Condition <- as.factor(simdat$Condition)
#' # Model with random effect and interactions:
#' m1 <- bam(Y ~ Group * Condition + s(Time),
#'     data=simdat)
#' # extract all parametric coefficients:
#' get_coefs(m1)
#' # calculate t-values:
#' test <- get_coefs(m1)
#' test <- cbind(test, test[,1] / test[,2] )
#' colnames(test)[3] <- 't-value'
#' test
#' # get_coefs returns the same numbers as shown in the parametric summary:
#' summary(m1)
#' # get_coefs is based on the function coef. This function returns 
#' # values of all coefficients, and does not provide SE:
#' coef(m1)
#' @author Jacolien van Rij
#' @family Model predictions
get_coefs <- function(model, se = TRUE) {
    # number of parametric terms including intercept:
    n <- model$nsdf
    coefs <- coef(model)[1:n]
    p.table <- NULL
    if (se == TRUE) {
        covmat <- as.matrix(model$Vp[1:n, 1:n])
        name <- names(coefs)
        dimnames(covmat) <- list(name, name)
        se <- diag(covmat)^0.5
        p.table <- cbind(coefs, se)
        dimnames(p.table) <- list(names(coefs), c("Estimate", "Std. Error"))
    } else {
        p.table <- coefs[1:n]

#' Get model predictions for differences between conditions.
#' @export
#' @import mgcv
#' @import stats
#' @param model A gam object, produced by \code{\link[mgcv]{gam}} or 
#' \code{\link[mgcv]{bam}}.
#' @param comp A named list with the two levels to compare.
#' @param cond A named list of the values to use for the other predictor 
#' terms. Variables omitted from this list will have the closest observed 
#' value to the median for continuous variables, or the reference level for 
#' factors. 
#' @param rm.ranef Logical: whether or not to remove random effects. 
#' Default is TRUE. Alternatively a vector of numbers with the 
#' mdoelterm number of the random effect(s) to remove. 
#' (See notes.)
#' @param se Logical: whether or not to return the confidence interval or 
#' standard error around the estimates.
#' @param sim.ci Logical: Using simultaneous confidence intervals or not 
#' (default set to FALSE). The implementation of simultaneous CIs follows 
#' Gavin Simpson's blog of December 15, 2016: 
#' \url{https://fromthebottomoftheheap.net/2016/12/15/simultaneous-interval-revisited/}. 
#' This interval is calculated from simulations based. 
#' Please specify a seed (e.g., \code{set.seed(123)}) for reproducable results. 
#' In addition, make sure to specify at least 200 points for each smooth 
#' for the simulations when using simultaneous CI.
#' Note: in contrast with Gavin Simpson's code, here the Bayesian posterior 
#' covariance matrix of the parameters is uncertainty corrected 
#' (\code{unconditional=TRUE}) to reflect the uncertainty on the estimation of 
#' smoothness parameters.
#' @param f A number to scale the standard error. Defaults to 1.96, resulting 
#' in 95\% confidence intervals. For 99\% confidence intervals use a value of 
#' 2.58.
#' @param return.n.posterior Numeric: N samples from 
#' the posterior distribution of the fitted model are returned. 
#' Default value is 0 (no samples returned). 
#' Only workes when \code{sim.ci=TRUE}.
#' @param print.summary Logical: whether or not to print a summary of the 
#' values selected for each predictor. 
#' Default set to the print info messages option 
#' (see \code{\link{infoMessages}}).
#' @return Returns a data frame with the estimates of the difference and 
#' optionally the confidence intervals around that estimate.
#' @section Notes:
#' Other, not specified effects and random effects are generally canceled 
#' out, when calculating the difference. When the predictors that 
#' specify the conditions to compare are involved in other interactions
#' or included as random slopes, it may be useful to specify the values
#' of other predictors with \code{cond} or remove the random effects with
#' \code{rm.ranef}. 
#' @examples
#' data(simdat)
#' # first fit a simple model:
#' m1 <- bam(Y ~ Group+te(Time, Trial, by=Group), data=simdat)
#' # get difference estimates:
#' diff <- get_difference(m1, comp=list(Group=c('Adults', 'Children')), 
#'     cond=list(Time=seq(0,500,length=100)))
#' head(diff)
#' @author Jacolien van Rij, Martijn Wieling
#' @family Model predictions
get_difference <- function(model, comp, cond = NULL, rm.ranef = TRUE, se = TRUE, sim.ci = FALSE, f = 1.96, 
    return.n.posterior = 0, print.summary = getOption("itsadug_print")) {
    if (!inherits(model, "lm")) {
        stop("This function does not work for class %s models.", class(model)[1])
    } else {
        newd <- NULL
        su <- model$var.summary
        dat <- model$model
        # check comp
        if (is.null(names(comp))) {
            stop("Predictor specified in 'comp' unknown. Please provide a named list for 'comp', in the form of 'comp=list(Predictor=c('level1', 'level2'))'.")
        if (all(names(comp) %in% colnames(dat))) {
            for (i in 1:length(comp)) {
                if (length(comp[[i]]) < 2) {
                  stop(sprintf("Provide two levels for %s to calculate difference.", names(comp)[i]))
                } else if (length(comp[[i]]) > 2) {
                  warning(sprintf("More than two levels provided for predictor %s. Only first two levels are being used.", 
        } else {
            errname <- paste(which(!names(comp) %in% colnames(dat)), collapse = ", ")
            stop(sprintf("Grouping predictor(s) not found in model: %s.", errname))
        if (any(names(cond) %in% names(comp))) {
            for (i in names(cond)[names(cond) %in% names(comp)]) {
                cond[[i]] <- NULL
                warning(sprintf("Predictor %s specified in comp and cond. (The value in cond will be ignored.)", 
        new.cond1 <- list()
        new.cond2 <- list()
        for (i in names(su)) {
            if (i %in% names(comp)) {
                new.cond1[[i]] <- comp[[i]][1]
                new.cond2[[i]] <- comp[[i]][2]
            } else if (i %in% names(cond)) {
                new.cond1[[i]] <- new.cond2[[i]] <- cond[[i]]
            } else {
                if (inherits(su[[i]],"factor")) {
                  new.cond1[[i]] <- as.character(su[[i]][1])
                  new.cond2[[i]] <- as.character(su[[i]][1])
                } else if (inherits(su[[i]], "numeric")) {
                  new.cond1[[i]] <- su[[i]][2]
                  new.cond2[[i]] <- su[[i]][2]
        newd1 <- expand.grid(new.cond1)
        newd2 <- expand.grid(new.cond2)
        p1 <- mgcv::predict.gam(model, newd1, type = "lpmatrix")
        p2 <- mgcv::predict.gam(model, newd2, type = "lpmatrix")
        newd <- as.data.frame(newd1, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
        newd.names <- colnames(newd)
        for (nn in newd.names) {
            if (nn %in% names(comp)) {
                newd[, nn] <- NULL
        mysummary <- summary_data(newd, print = FALSE)
        # Check for random effects:
        if (inherits(rm.ranef, "logical")) {
            if (rm.ranef[1] == FALSE) {
                rm.ranef <- NULL
        if (!is.null(rm.ranef)) {
            # get random effects columns:
            smoothlabels.table <- as.data.frame(do.call("rbind", lapply(model$smooth, function(x) {
                data.frame(Label = x[["label"]], Dim = x[["null.space.dim"]], Class = attr(x, "class")[1], 
                  stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
            })), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
            # smoothlabels <- as.vector( smoothlabels.table[smoothlabels.table$Class %in%
            # c('random.effect','fs.interaction'), 'Label'] )
            smoothlabels <- as.vector(smoothlabels.table[smoothlabels.table$Dim == 0, "Label"])
            if (inherits(rm.ranef, "logical")) {
                if (rm.ranef[1] == TRUE) {
                  rm.ranef <- smoothlabels
                } else {
                  rm.ranef <- ""
            } else if (inherits(rm.ranef, c("numeric", "integer"))) {
                smoothlabels.table <- smoothlabels.table[rm.ranef, ]
                smoothlabels <- as.vector(smoothlabels.table[smoothlabels.table$Class %in% c("random.effect", 
                  "fs.interaction"), "Label"])
            rm.col <- unlist(lapply(rm.ranef, function(x) {
                colnames(p1)[grepl(x, colnames(p1), fixed = TRUE)]
            rm.col <- unlist(lapply(smoothlabels, function(x) {
                rm.col[grepl(x, rm.col, fixed = TRUE)]
            # cancel random effects
            p1[, rm.col] <- 0
            p2[, rm.col] <- 0
            # find terms that only occur in random effects:
            predictors <- do.call("rbind", lapply(model$smooth, function(x) {
                data.frame(Label = x[["label"]], Terms = x[["term"]], stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
            test <- table(predictors$Terms) - table(predictors[predictors$Label %in% rm.ranef, ]$Terms)
            for (pred in names(test[test == 0])) {
                if (pred %in% names(mysummary)) {
                  mysummary[[pred]] <- paste(mysummary[[pred]], "(Might be canceled as random effect, check below.)")
            if (length(rm.col) > 0) {
                mysummary[["NOTE"]] = sprintf("The following random effects columns are canceled: %s\n", paste(smoothlabels, 
                  collapse = ","))
            } else {
                mysummary[["NOTE"]] = "No random effects in the model to cancel.\n"
                # warning('No random effects to cancel.\n')
        # calculate the difference:
        p <- p1 - p2
        newd$difference <- as.vector(p %*% coef(model))
        if (se) {
            newd$CI <- f * sqrt(rowSums((p %*% vcov(model)) * p))
        # simultaneous CI See https://fromthebottomoftheheap.net/2016/12/15/simultaneous-interval-revisited/
        stackFits <- NULL
        if (sim.ci == TRUE) {
            Vb <- vcov(model, freq = FALSE, unconditional = TRUE)
            se.fit <- sqrt(rowSums((p %*% Vb) * p))
            sim <- mgcv::rmvn(10000, mu = rep(0, nrow(Vb)), V = Vb)
            # Cg <- predict(model, newd, type='lpmatrix') Cg replaced by p
            simDev <- p %*% t(sim)
            # Evaluate the basis function at g and compute the deviations between the fitted and true parameters. Then
            # we find the absolute values of the standardized deviations from the true model:
            absDev <- abs(sweep(simDev, 1, se.fit, FUN = "/"))
            # maximum of the absolute standardized deviations:
            masd <- apply(absDev, 2L, max)
            # set simultaneous X% CI on the basis of original se multiplication specified by f:
            crit <- quantile(masd, prob = 1 - round(2 * (1 - pnorm(f)), 2), type = 8)
            newd$sim.CI <- crit * se.fit
            if ((return.n.posterior > 0) | (print.summary == TRUE)) {
                # coverage pointwise and simultaneous CIs:
                sims <- rmvn(max(10000, return.n.posterior), mu = coef(model), V = Vb)
                fits <- p %*% t(sims)
                inCI <- function(x, upr, lwr) {
                  all(x >= lwr & x <= upr)
                fitsInPCI <- apply(fits, 2L, inCI, upr = newd$fit + newd$CI, lwr = newd$fit - newd$CI)
                fitsInSCI <- apply(fits, 2L, inCI, upr = newd$fit + newd$sim.CI, lwr = newd$fit - newd$sim.CI)
                mysummary[[paste("Simultaneous ", 100 * (1 - round(2 * (1 - pnorm(f)), 2)), "%-CI used", sep = "")]] = sprintf("\n\t\t%s\n\t\t%s\n\t\t%s\n", 
                  paste("Critical value: ", round(crit, 3), sep = ""), paste("Proportion posterior simulations in pointwise CI: ", 
                    round(sum(fitsInPCI)/length(fitsInPCI), 2), " (10000 samples)", sep = ""), paste("Proportion posterior simulations in simultaneous CI: ", 
                    round(sum(fitsInSCI)/length(fitsInSCI), 2), " (10000 samples)", sep = ""))
                if (return.n.posterior > 0) {
                  rnd <- sample(max(10000, return.n.posterior), return.n.posterior)
                  fits <- stack(as.data.frame(fits[, rnd], stringsAsFactors = FALSE))[, 1]
                  stackFits <- newd[rep(1:nrow(newd), length(rnd)), colnames(newd)[!colnames(newd) %in% c("fit", 
                    "CI", "sim.CI", "rm.ranef")]]
                  row.names(stackFits) <- NULL
                  stackFits$posterior.fit <- fits
                  stackFits$draw <- rep(rnd, each = nrow(newd))
        # print summary of chosen values
        if (print.summary == TRUE) {
        if (return.n.posterior > 0) {
            return(list(newd = newd, posterior.fit = stackFits))
        } else {

#' Get model all fitted values.
#' @export
#' @import mgcv
#' @import stats
#' @param model A gam object, produced by \code{\link[mgcv]{gam}} or 
#' \code{\link[mgcv]{bam}}.
#' @param se A number to scale the standard error. Defaults to 1.96, resulting 
#' in 95\% confidence intervals. For 99\% confidence intervals use a value of 
#' 2.58.
#' @param rm.ranef Logical: whether or not to remove random effects. 
#' Default is FALSE. Alternatively a string (or vector of strings) with the 
#' name of the random effect(s) to remove.
#' @param as.data.frame Logical: return values as data frame or as vector. 
#' Default is FALSE (as vector).
#' @param print.summary Logical: whether or not to print a summary of the 
#' values selected for each predictor. 
#' Default set to the print info messages option 
#' (see \code{\link{infoMessages}}).
#' @return A data frame with estimates and optionally errors.
#' @examples
#' data(simdat)
#' \dontrun{
#' m1 <- bam(Y ~ Group + s(Time, by=Group)+ s(Subject, bs='re'), 
#'     data=simdat)
#' # as.data.frame FALSE and rm.ranef=NULL results in fitted():
#' all( get_fitted(m1) == fitted(m1) )
#' # now fitted values without random effects:
#' all( get_fitted(m1, rm.ranef=TRUE) == fitted(m1) )
#' head(get_fitted(m1, rm.ranef=TRUE))
#' # without summary:
#' infoMessages('off')
#' head(get_fitted(m1, rm.ranef=TRUE))
#' infoMessages('on')
#' }
#' @author Jacolien van Rij
#' @family Model predictions
get_fitted <- function(model, se = 1.96, rm.ranef = NULL, as.data.frame = FALSE, print.summary = getOption("itsadug_print")) {
    if (!inherits(model, "gam")) {
        stop("This function does not work for class %s models.", class(model)[1])
    } else {
        if (!is.null(rm.ranef)) {
            if (inherits(rm.ranef, "logical")) {
                if (rm.ranef[1] == FALSE) {
                  rm.ranef <- NULL
        newd <- as.data.frame(unclass(model$model), stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
        su <- model$var.summary
        mysummary <- summary_data(newd, print = FALSE)
        p <- mgcv::predict.gam(model, newd, type = "lpmatrix")
        if (!is.null(rm.ranef)) {
            # get random effects columns:
            smoothlabels.table <- as.data.frame(do.call("rbind", lapply(model$smooth, function(x) {
                data.frame(Label = x[["label"]], Dim = x[["null.space.dim"]], Class = attr(x, "class")[1], 
                  stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
            })), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
            # smoothlabels <- as.vector( smoothlabels.table[smoothlabels.table$Class %in%
            # c('random.effect','fs.interaction'), 'Label'] )
            smoothlabels <- as.vector(smoothlabels.table[smoothlabels.table$Dim == 0, "Label"])
            if (inherits(rm.ranef, "logical")) {
                if (rm.ranef[1] == TRUE) {
                  rm.ranef <- smoothlabels
                } else if (rm.ranef[1] == FALSE) {
                  rm.ranef <- ""
            } else if (inherits(rm.ranef, c("numeric", "integer"))) {
                smoothlabels.table <- smoothlabels.table[rm.ranef, ]
                smoothlabels <- as.vector(smoothlabels.table[smoothlabels.table$Class %in% c("random.effect", 
                  "fs.interaction"), "Label"])
            rm.col <- unlist(lapply(rm.ranef, function(x) {
                colnames(p)[grepl(x, colnames(p), fixed = TRUE)]
            rm.col <- unlist(lapply(smoothlabels, function(x) {
                rm.col[grepl(x, rm.col, fixed = TRUE)]
            # cancel random effects
            p[, rm.col] <- 0
            # find terms that only occur in random effects:
            predictors <- do.call("rbind", lapply(model$smooth, function(x) {
                data.frame(Label = x[["label"]], Terms = x[["term"]], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
            test <- table(predictors$Terms) - table(predictors[predictors$Label %in% rm.ranef, ]$Terms)
            for (pred in names(test[test == 0])) {
                mysummary[[pred]] <- paste(mysummary[[pred]], "(Might be canceled as random effect, check below.)")
            if (length(rm.col) > 0) {
                mysummary[["NOTE"]] = sprintf("The following random effects columns are canceled: %s\n", paste(smoothlabels, 
                  collapse = ","))
            } else {
                warning("No random effects to cancel.\n")
        if (print.summary) {
        newd$fit <- p %*% coef(model)
        newd$CI <- se * sqrt(rowSums((p %*% vcov(model)) * p))
        if (!is.null(rm.ranef)) {
            newd$rm.ranef <- paste(smoothlabels, collapse = ",")
        if (as.data.frame == FALSE) {
        } else {

#' Get estimated for selected model terms.
#' @export
#' @import mgcv
#' @import stats
#' @param model A gam object, produced by \code{\link[mgcv]{gam}} or 
#' \code{\link[mgcv]{bam}}.
#' @param select A number, indicating the model term to be selected. 
#' @param cond A named list of the values to restrict the estimates for the 
#' predictor terms. When NULL (default) values are automatically selected.
#' Only relevant for complex interactions, which involve more than two 
#' dimensions.
#' @param n.grid Number of data points estimated for each random smooth.
#' @param se Logical: whether or not to return the confidence interval or 
#' standard error around the estimates.
#' @param f A number to scale the standard error. Defaults to 1.96, resulting 
#' in 95\% confidence intervals. For 99\% confidence intervals use a value of 
#' 2.58.
#' @param as.data.frame Logical: whether or not to return a data.frame. 
#' Default is TRUE, and a list will be returned.
#' @param print.summary Logical: whether or not to print a summary of the 
#' values selected for each predictor. 
#' Default set to the print info messages option 
#' (see \code{\link{infoMessages}}).
#' @return A data frame with estimates for the selected smooth term.
#' Or a list with two or more elements:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{fit}: Numeric vector with the fitted values;
#' \item \code{se.fit}: Optionally, only with \code{se=TRUE}.
#' Numeric vector with the error or confidence interval values (f*SE);
#' \item \code{f}: The multiplication factor for generating 
#' the confidence interval values;
#' \item \code{terms}: Numeric vector (for 1-dimensional smooth) 
#' or data frame (more 2- or more dimensional surfaces) 
#' with values of the modelterms.
#' \item \code{title}: String with name of the model term.
#' \item \code{xlab}, \code{ylab}, or \code{labels}:
#' Labels for x-axis and optionally y-axis. Precise structure depends 
#' on type of smooth term: for 1-dimensional smooth only x-label is provided, 
#' for 2-dimensional smooths x-label and y-label are provided, 
#' for more complex smooths a vector of of labels is provided.
#' }
#' @examples
#' data(simdat)
#' # Model with random effect and interactions:
#' m1 <- bam(Y ~ s(Time) + s(Trial) 
#' +ti(Time, Trial)
#' +s(Time, Subject, bs='fs', m=1),
#' data=simdat)
#' # Get data frame with predictions:
#' p <- get_modelterm(m1, select=1)
#' emptyPlot(range(p$terms), range(p$fit), h=0)
#' plot_error(p$terms, p$fit, p$se.fit, shade=TRUE, xpd=TRUE)
#' # Plot random effects in separate panels:
#' pp <- get_modelterm(m1, select=4, as.data.frame=TRUE)
#' require(lattice)
#' lattice::xyplot(fit~Time|Subject, 
#'     data=pp, type='l',
#'     xlab='Time', ylab='Partial effect')
#' # Plot selection of subjects:
#' pp <- get_modelterm(m1, select=4, 
#'     cond=list(Subject=c('a01', 'a03', 'c16')),
#'     as.data.frame=TRUE)
#' lattice::xyplot(fit~Time|Subject, 
#'     data=pp, type='l',
#'     xlab='Time', ylab='Partial effect')
#' # Or using the package ggplot2:
#' require(ggplot2)
#' pp <- get_modelterm(m1, select=4, as.data.frame=TRUE)
#' pg <- ggplot2::qplot(Time, fit, data = pp, 
#'     geom = c('point', 'line'), colour = Subject)
#' pg + ggplot2::guides(col = guide_legend(nrow = 18))
#' }
#' @author Jacolien van Rij
#' @family Model predictions
get_modelterm <- function(model, select, cond = NULL, n.grid = 30, se = TRUE, f = 1.96, as.data.frame = TRUE, 
    print.summary = getOption("itsadug_print")) {
    if (! inherits(model, "lm")) {
        stop("This function does not work for class %s models.", class(model)[1])
    } else {
        # find terms:
        smoothlabels <- model$smooth[[select[1]]][["label"]]
        smoothterms <- model$smooth[[select[1]]][["term"]]
        # select right grouping predictor:
        if (model$smooth[[select[1]]][["by"]] != "NA") {
            if (is.null(model$smooth[[select[1]]][["by.level"]])) {
                if (!all(unique(model$model[, model$smooth[[2]]$by]) %in% c(0, 1, NA))) {
                  stop(sprintf("Check if predictor %s is really binomial.", model$smooth[[2]]$by))
                cond[[model$smooth[[select[1]]][["by"]]]] <- 1
                smoothterms <- c(smoothterms, model$smooth[[select[1]]][["by"]])
            } else {
                cond[[model$smooth[[select[1]]][["by"]]]] <- model$smooth[[select[1]]][["by.level"]]
                smoothterms <- c(smoothterms, model$smooth[[select[1]]][["by"]])
        su <- model$var.summary
        newd <- NULL
        new.cond <- list()
        for (i in names(su)) {
            if ((i %in% names(cond)) & (i %in% smoothterms)) {
                # & any(grepl(i, smoothlabels)) ){
                new.cond[[i]] <- cond[[i]]
            } else {
                if (i %in% smoothterms) {
                  if (inherits(su[[i]], "factor")) {
                    new.cond[[i]] <- levels(su[[i]])
                  } else if (inherits(su[[i]], "numeric")) {
                    new.cond[[i]] <- seq(su[[i]][1], su[[i]][3], length = n.grid)
                } else {
                  if (inherits(su[[i]], "factor")) {
                    new.cond[[i]] <- as.character(su[[i]][1])
                  } else if (inherits(su[[i]], "numeric")) {
                    new.cond[[i]] <- su[[i]][2]
        newd <- expand.grid(new.cond, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
        mysummary = summary_data(newd, print = FALSE)
        p <- mgcv::predict.gam(model, newd, type = "terms", se.fit = se)
        # print summary of chosen values
        if (print.summary == TRUE) {
            new_summary <- list()
            for (i in names(mysummary)) {
                if (i %in% smoothterms) {
                  new_summary[[i]] <- mysummary[[i]]
        if (as.data.frame) {
            fv <- c()
            if (length(smoothterms) > 1) {
                fv <- newd[, smoothterms]
            } else {
                fv <- data.frame(st = newd[, smoothterms], stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
                names(fv) <- smoothterms
            if (se) {
                fv$fit <- p$fit[, smoothlabels]
                fv$se.fit <- f * p$se.fit[, smoothlabels]
            } else {
                fv$fit <- p[, smoothlabels]
        } else {
            fv <- list()
            if (se) {
                fv[["fit"]] <- p$fit[, smoothlabels]
                fv[["se.fit"]] <- f * p$se.fit[, smoothlabels]
                fv[["f"]] <- f
            } else {
                fv[["fit"]] <- p[, smoothlabels]
            fv[["terms"]] <- newd[, smoothterms]
            fv[["title"]] <- model$smooth[[select]]["label"]
            if (length(smoothterms) == 1) {
                fv[["xlab"]] <- smoothterms[1]
            } else if (length(smoothterms) == 2) {
                fv[["xlab"]] <- smoothterms[1]
                fv[["ylab"]] <- smoothterms[2]
            } else {
                fv[["labels"]] <- smoothterms

#' Get model predictions for specific conditions.
#' @export
#' @import mgcv
#' @import stats
#' @param model A gam object, produced by \code{\link[mgcv]{gam}} or 
#' \code{\link[mgcv]{bam}}.
#' @param cond A named list of the values to use for the predictor terms. 
#' Variables omitted from this list will have the closest observed value to 
#' the median for continuous variables, or the reference level for factors. 
#' @param rm.ranef Logical: whether or not to remove random effects. 
#' Default is TRUE. Alternatively a vector with numbers (modelterms) 
#' of the random effect(s) to remove.
#' @param se Logical: whether or not to return the confidence interval or 
#' standard error around the estimates.
#' @param sim.ci Logical: Using simultaneous confidence intervals or not 
#' (default set to FALSE). The implementation of simultaneous CIs follows 
#' Gavin Simpson's blog of December 15, 2016: 
#' \url{https://fromthebottomoftheheap.net/2016/12/15/simultaneous-interval-revisited/}. 
#' This interval is calculated from simulations based. 
#' Please specify a seed (e.g., \code{set.seed(123)}) for reproducable results. 
#' In addition, make sure to specify at least 200 points for each smooth 
#' for the simulations when using simultaneous CI.
#' Note: in contrast with Gavin Simpson's code, here the Bayesian posterior 
#' covariance matrix of the parameters is uncertainty corrected 
#' (\code{unconditional=TRUE}) to reflect the uncertainty on the estimation of 
#' smoothness parameters.
#' @param f A number to scale the standard error. Defaults to 1.96, resulting 
#' in 95\% confidence intervals. For 99\% confidence intervals use a value of 
#' 2.58.
#' @param return.n.posterior Numeric: N samples from 
#' the posterior distribution of the fitted model are returned. 
#' Default value is 0 (no samples returned). 
#' Only workes when \code{sim.ci=TRUE}.
#' @param print.summary Logical: whether or not to print a summary of the 
#' values selected for each predictor. 
#' Default set to the print info messages option 
#' (see \code{\link{infoMessages}}).
#' @return A data frame with estimates and optionally errors.
#' @examples
#' data(simdat)
#' \dontrun{
#' m1 <- bam(Y ~ Group + s(Time, by=Group), data=simdat)
#' # Time value is automatically set:
#' pp <- get_predictions(m1, cond=list(Group='Adults'))
#' head(pp)
#' # Range of time values:
#' pp <- get_predictions(m1, 
#'     cond=list(Group='Adults', Time=seq(0,500,length=100)))
#' # plot:
#' emptyPlot(500, range(pp$fit), h=0)
#' plot_error(pp$Time, pp$fit, pp$CI, shade=TRUE, xpd=TRUE)
#' # Warning: also unrealistical values are possible
#' range(simdat$Time)
#' pp <- get_predictions(m1, 
#'     cond=list(Group='Adults', Time=seq(-500,0,length=100)))
#' # plot of predictions that are not supported by data:
#' emptyPlot(c(-500,0), range(pp$fit), h=0)
#' plot_error(pp$Time, pp$fit, pp$CI, shade=TRUE, xpd=TRUE) 
#' m2 <- bam(Y ~ Group + s(Time, by=Group)
#'     + s(Time, Subject, bs='fs', m=1), 
#'     data=simdat, discrete=TRUE)
#' # Simultaneous CI vs pointwise CI
#' pp <- get_predictions(m2, 
#'     cond=list(Group='Adults', Time=seq(0,2000,length=200)), 
#'     rm.ranef=TRUE, sim.ci=TRUE)
#' head(pp)
#' # plot:
#' emptyPlot(2000, range(pp$fit), h=0)
#' plot_error(pp$Time, pp$fit, pp$CI, shade=TRUE, xpd=TRUE)
#' plot_error(pp$Time, pp$fit, pp$sim.CI, shade=FALSE, col=2, xpd=TRUE)
#' }
#' @author Jacolien van Rij
#' @family Model predictions
get_predictions <- function(model, cond = NULL, rm.ranef = TRUE, se = TRUE, sim.ci = FALSE, f = 1.96, return.n.posterior = 0, 
    print.summary = getOption("itsadug_print")) {
    if (is.null(cond)) {
        stop("Please specify values for at least one predictor in the parameter 'cond'.")
    if (! inherits(model, "gam")) {
        stop("This function does not work for class %s models.", class(model)[1])
    } else {
        if (!is.null(rm.ranef)) {
            if (inherits(rm.ranef, "logical")) {
                if (rm.ranef[1] == FALSE) {
                  rm.ranef <- NULL
        newd <- NULL
        su <- model$var.summary
        new.cond <- list()
        for (i in names(su)) {
            if (i %in% names(cond)) {
                new.cond[[i]] <- cond[[i]]
            } else {
                if (inherits(su[[i]], "factor")) {
                  new.cond[[i]] <- as.character(su[[i]][1])
                } else if (inherits(su[[i]], "numeric")) {
                  new.cond[[i]] <- su[[i]][2]
        newd <- expand.grid(new.cond, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
        mysummary <- summary_data(newd, print = FALSE)
        p <- mgcv::predict.gam(model, newd, type = "lpmatrix")
        if (!is.null(rm.ranef)) {
            # get random effects columns:
            smoothlabels.table <- as.data.frame(do.call("rbind", lapply(model$smooth, function(x) {
                data.frame(Label = x[["label"]], Dim = x[["null.space.dim"]], Class = attr(x, "class")[1], 
                  stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
            # smoothlabels <- as.vector( smoothlabels.table[smoothlabels.table$Class %in%
            # c('random.effect','fs.interaction'), 'Label'] )
            smoothlabels <- as.vector(smoothlabels.table[smoothlabels.table$Dim == 0, "Label"])
            if (inherits(rm.ranef, "logical")) {
                if (rm.ranef[1] == TRUE) {
                  rm.ranef <- smoothlabels
                } else if (rm.ranef[1] == FALSE) {
                  rm.ranef <- ""
            } else if (inherits(rm.ranef, c("numeric", "integer"))) {
                smoothlabels.table <- smoothlabels.table[rm.ranef, ]
                smoothlabels <- as.vector(smoothlabels.table[smoothlabels.table$Class %in% c("random.effect", 
                  "fs.interaction"), "Label"])
            rm.col <- unlist(lapply(rm.ranef, function(x) {
                colnames(p)[grepl(x, colnames(p), fixed = TRUE)]
            rm.col <- unlist(lapply(smoothlabels, function(x) {
                rm.col[grepl(x, rm.col, fixed = TRUE)]
            # cancel random effects
            p[, rm.col] <- 0
            # find terms that only occur in random effects:
            predictors <- do.call("rbind", lapply(model$smooth, function(x) {
                data.frame(Label = x[["label"]], Terms = x[["term"]], stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
            test <- table(predictors$Terms) - table(predictors[predictors$Label %in% rm.ranef, ]$Terms)
            for (pred in names(test[test == 0])) {
                mysummary[[pred]] <- paste(mysummary[[pred]], "(Might be canceled as random effect, check below.)")
            if (length(rm.col) > 0) {
                mysummary[["NOTE"]] = sprintf("The following random effects columns are canceled: %s\n", paste(smoothlabels, 
                  collapse = ","))
            } else {
                mysummary[["NOTE"]] = "No random effects in the model to cancel.\n"
                # warning('No random effects to cancel.\n')
        for (i in names(newd)) {
            if (i %in% c("fit", "CI", "sim.CI", "rm.ranef")) {
                warning(sprintf("Predictor %s is renamed to %s_predictor. To avoid problems with plotting, please rename the predictor before running the model. Use a different name, or capitalization.", 
                names(newd)[names(newd) == i] <- sprintf("%s_predictor", i)
        newd$fit <- (p %*% coef(model))[, 1]
        if (se) {
            newd$CI <- f * sqrt(rowSums((p %*% vcov(model)) * p))
        if (!is.null(rm.ranef) & length(rm.ranef) > 0) {
            newd$rm.ranef <- paste(smoothlabels, collapse = ",")
        # simultaneous CI See https://fromthebottomoftheheap.net/2016/12/15/simultaneous-interval-revisited/
        stackFits <- NULL
        if (sim.ci == TRUE) {
            Vb <- vcov(model, freq = FALSE, unconditional = TRUE)
            se.fit <- sqrt(rowSums((p %*% Vb) * p))
            sim <- mgcv::rmvn(10000, mu = rep(0, nrow(Vb)), V = Vb)
            # Cg <- predict(model, newd, type='lpmatrix') Cg replaced by p
            simDev <- p %*% t(sim)
            # Evaluate the basis function at g and compute the deviations between the fitted and true parameters. Then
            # we find the absolute values of the standardized deviations from the true model:
            absDev <- abs(sweep(simDev, 1, se.fit, FUN = "/"))
            # maximum of the absolute standardized deviations:
            masd <- apply(absDev, 2L, max)
            # set simultaneous X% CI on the basis of original se multiplication specified by f:
            crit <- quantile(masd, prob = 1 - round(2 * (1 - pnorm(f)), 2), type = 8)
            newd$sim.CI <- crit * se.fit
            if ((return.n.posterior > 0) | (print.summary == TRUE)) {
                # coverage pointwise and simultaneous CIs:
                sims <- rmvn(max(10000, return.n.posterior), mu = coef(model), V = Vb)
                fits <- p %*% t(sims)
                inCI <- function(x, upr, lwr) {
                  all(x >= lwr & x <= upr)
                fitsInPCI <- apply(fits, 2L, inCI, upr = newd$fit + newd$CI, lwr = newd$fit - newd$CI)
                fitsInSCI <- apply(fits, 2L, inCI, upr = newd$fit + newd$sim.CI, lwr = newd$fit - newd$sim.CI)
                mysummary[[paste("Simultaneous ", 100 * (1 - round(2 * (1 - pnorm(f)), 2)), "%-CI used", sep = "")]] = sprintf("\n\t\t%s\n\t\t%s\n\t\t%s\n", 
                  paste("Critical value: ", round(crit, 3), sep = ""), paste("Proportion posterior simulations in pointwise CI: ", 
                    round(sum(fitsInPCI)/length(fitsInPCI), 2), " (10000 samples)", sep = ""), paste("Proportion posterior simulations in simultaneous CI: ", 
                    round(sum(fitsInSCI)/length(fitsInSCI), 2), " (10000 samples)", sep = ""))
                if (return.n.posterior > 0) {
                  rnd <- sample(max(10000, return.n.posterior), return.n.posterior)
                  fits <- stack(as.data.frame(fits[, rnd]))[, 1]
                  stackFits <- newd[rep(1:nrow(newd), length(rnd)), colnames(newd)[!colnames(newd) %in% c("fit", 
                    "CI", "sim.CI", "rm.ranef")]]
                  row.names(stackFits) <- NULL
                  stackFits$posterior.fit <- fits
                  stackFits$draw <- rep(rnd, each = nrow(newd))
        if (print.summary) {
        if (return.n.posterior > 0) {
            return(list(newd = newd, posterior.fit = stackFits))
        } else {

#' Get coefficients for the random intercepts and random slopes.
#' @export
#' @import mgcv
#' @import stats
#' @param model A gam object, produced by \code{\link[mgcv]{gam}} or 
#' \code{\link[mgcv]{bam}}.
#' @param cond A named list of the values to restrict the estimates for the 
#' random predictor terms. When NULL (default) all levels are returned.
#' Only relevant for complex interactions, which involve more than two 
#' dimensions.
#' @param print.summary Logical: whether or not to print a summary of the 
#' values selected for each predictor. 
#' Default set to the print info messages option 
#' (see \code{\link{infoMessages}}).
#' @return The coefficients of the random intercepts 
#' and slopes.
#' @examples
#' data(simdat)
#' \dontrun{
#' # Condition as factor, to have a random intercept
#' # for illustration purposes:
#' simdat$Condition <- as.factor(simdat$Condition)
#' # Model with random effect and interactions:
#' m2 <- bam(Y ~ s(Time) + s(Trial)
#' + ti(Time, Trial)
#' + s(Condition, bs='re')
#' + s(Time, Subject, bs='re'),
#' data=simdat)
#' # extract all random effects combined:
#' newd <- get_random(m2)
#' head(newd)
#' # extract coefficients for the random intercept for Condition:
#' # Make bar plot:
#' barplot(newd[[1]])
#' abline(h=0)
#' # or select:
#' get_random(m2, cond=list(Condition=c('2','3')))
#' }
#' @author Jacolien van Rij
#' @family Model predictions
get_random <- function(model, cond = NULL, print.summary = getOption("itsadug_print")) {
    if (! inherits(model, "lm")) {
        stop("This function does not work for class %s models.", class(model)[1])
    } else {
        # find random effects:
        smoothlabels <- as.data.frame(do.call("rbind", lapply(model$smooth, function(x) {
            data.frame(Label = x[["label"]], Dim = x[["null.space.dim"]], Class = attr(x, "class")[1], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        randomeffects <- which(smoothlabels$Class %in% c("random.effect"))
        if (length(randomeffects) == 0) {
            warning("No random effects specified in the model.")
        coefs <- list()
        coeflabels <- as.vector(smoothlabels[smoothlabels$Class %in% c("random.effect"), "Label"])
        for (i in coeflabels) {
            coefs[[i]] = coef(model)[grepl(convertNonAlphanumeric(i), names(coef(model)))]
            components = model$smooth[[which(smoothlabels$Label == i)]]$term
            components = components[sapply(components, function(x) {
                class(model$model[, x])
            }) == "factor"]
            if (length(components) == 1) {
                names(coefs[[i]]) <- levels(model$model[, components])
                if (!is.null(cond)) {
                  for (j in names(cond)) {
                    if (j %in% components) {
                      coefs[[i]] = coefs[[i]][cond[[j]]]
            } else if (length(components) > 1) {
                model$model[, paste(components, collapse = ".")] <- interaction(model$model[, components])
                names(coefs[[i]]) = levels(model$model[, paste(components, collapse = ".")])
                if (!is.null(cond)) {
                  for (j in names(cond)) {
                    if (j %in% components) {
                      incl.levels <- sort(unique(model$model[model$model[, j] == cond[[j]], paste(components, 
                        collapse = ".")]))
                      incl.levels[incl.levels %in% names(coefs[[i]])]
                      coefs[[i]] = coefs[[i]][incl.levels]

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