
Defines functions matrixTriplets qpSetupInfeasible qpSetupBound qpSetupCriterion qpSetup optionsCplexAPITol optionsCplexAPISingle optionsCplexAPI optionsLpSolveAPI optionsRmosek optionsGurobi magnitude runMosek runLpSolveAPI runCplexAPI runGurobi bound criterionMin lpSetupBound lpSetupCriterionBoot lpSetupSolver lpSetupCriterion lpSetupInfeasible lpSetupEqualCoef lpSetup

Documented in bound criterionMin lpSetup lpSetupBound lpSetupCriterion lpSetupCriterionBoot lpSetupEqualCoef lpSetupInfeasible lpSetupSolver magnitude matrixTriplets optionsCplexAPI optionsCplexAPISingle optionsCplexAPITol optionsGurobi optionsLpSolveAPI optionsRmosek qpSetup qpSetupBound qpSetupCriterion qpSetupInfeasible runCplexAPI runGurobi runLpSolveAPI runMosek

#' Constructing LP problem
#' If the user passes IV-like moments to the function, then the
#' function constructs the components of the LP problem. If no IV-like
#' moments are passed, then the function constructs the linear
#' constraints of the QCQP problem. Note that the LP/QCQP model will
#' be saved inside an environment variable, which is to be passed
#' through the argument \code{env}. This is done for efficient use of
#' memory. The environment \code{env} is supposed to already contain a
#' list under the entry \code{$mbobj} containing the matrices defining
#' the shape constraints. This list of shape constraints \code{$mbobj}
#' should contain three entries corresponding to a system of linear
#' equations of the form \code{Ax <=> b}: \code{mbA}, the matrix
#' defining the constraints, \code{A}; \code{mbs}, a vector indicating
#' whether a row in \code{mbA} is an equality or inequality constraint
#' (for Gurobi and MOSEK, use '<=', '>=', '='; for CPLEX,
#' use 'L', 'G', and 'E'); \code{mbrhs}, a vector of the right hand
#' side values defining the constraint of the form i.e. the vector
#' \code{b}. Depending on the linear programming solver used, this
#' function will return different output specific to the solver.
#' @param env environment containing the matrices defining the LP/QCQP
#'     problem.
#' @param sset List of IV-like estimates and the corresponding gamma
#'     terms.
#' @param equal.coef0 character, name of terms in \code{m0} that
#'     should have common coefficients with the corresponding terms in
#'     \code{m1}.
#' @param equal.coef1 character, name of terms in \code{m1} that
#'     should have common coefficients with the corresponding terms in
#'     \code{m0}.
#' @param orig.sset list, only used for bootstraps. The list contains
#'     the gamma moments for each element in the S-set, as well as the
#'     IV-like coefficients.
#' @param shape boolean, default set to TRUE. Switch to determine
#'     whether or not to include shape restrictions in the LP/QCQP
#'     problem.
#' @param direct boolean, set to \code{TRUE} if the direct MTR
#'     regression is used.
#' @param rescale boolean, set to \code{TRUE} if the MTR components
#'     should be rescaled to improve stability in the LP/QCQP
#'     optimization.
#' @param solver string, name of the package used to solve the LP/QCQP
#'     problem.
#' @return A list of matrices and vectors necessary to define an
#'     LP/QCQP problem.
#' @examples
#' dtm <- ivmte:::gendistMosquito()
#' ## Declare empty list to be updated (in the event multiple IV like
#' ## specifications are provided
#' sSet <- list()
#' ## Declare MTR formulas
#' formula0 = ~ 1 + u
#' formula1 = ~ 1 + u
#' ## Construct object that separates out non-spline components of MTR
#' ## formulas from the spline components. The MTR functions are
#' ## obtained from this object by the function 'genSSet'.
#' splinesList = list(removeSplines(formula0), removeSplines(formula1))
#' ## Construct MTR polynomials
#' polynomials0 <- polyparse(formula = formula0,
#'                           data = dtm,
#'                           uname = u,
#'                           as.function = FALSE)
#' polynomials1 <- polyparse(formula = formula1,
#'                           data = dtm,
#'                           uname = u,
#'                            as.function = FALSE)
#' ## Generate propensity score model
#' propensityObj <- propensity(formula = d ~ z,
#'                             data = dtm,
#'                             link = "linear")
#' ## Generate IV estimates
#' ivEstimates <- ivEstimate(formula = ey ~ d | z,
#'                           data = dtm,
#'                           components = l(intercept, d),
#'                           treat = d,
#'                           list = FALSE)
#' ## Generate target gamma moments
#' targetGamma <- genTarget(treat = "d",
#'                          m0 = ~ 1 + u,
#'                          m1 = ~ 1 + u,
#'                          target = "atu",
#'                          data = dtm,
#'                          splinesobj = splinesList,
#'                          pmodobj = propensityObj,
#'                          pm0 = polynomials0,
#'                          pm1 = polynomials1)
#' ## Construct S-set. which contains the coefficients and weights
#' ## corresponding to various IV-like estimands
#' sSet <- genSSet(data = dtm,
#'                 sset = sSet,
#'                 sest = ivEstimates,
#'                 splinesobj = splinesList,
#'                 pmodobj = propensityObj$phat,
#'                 pm0 = polynomials0,
#'                 pm1 = polynomials1,
#'                 ncomponents = 2,
#'                 scount = 1,
#'                 yvar = "ey",
#'                 dvar = "d",
#'                 means = TRUE)
#' ## Only the entry $sset is required
#' sSet <- sSet$sset
#' ## Define additional upper- and lower-bound constraints for the LP
#' ## problem.  The code below imposes a lower bound of 0.2 and upper
#' ## bound of 0.8 on the MTRs.
#' A <- matrix(0, nrow = 22, ncol = 4)
#' A <- cbind(A, rbind(cbind(1, seq(0, 1, 0.1)),
#'                     matrix(0, nrow = 11, ncol = 2)))
#' A <- cbind(A, rbind(matrix(0, nrow = 11, ncol = 2),
#'                     cbind(1, seq(0, 1, 0.1))))
#' sense <- c(rep(">", 11), rep("<", 11))
#' rhs <- c(rep(0.2, 11), rep(0.8, 11))
#' ## Construct LP object to be interpreted and solved by
#' ## lpSolveAPI. Note that an environment has to be created for the LP
#' ## object. The matrices defining the shape restrictions must be stored
#' ## as a list under the entry \code{$mbobj} in the environment.
#' modelEnv <- new.env()
#' modelEnv$mbobj <- list(mbA = A,
#'                     mbs = sense,
#'                     mbrhs = rhs)
#' ## Convert the matrices defining the shape constraints into a format
#' ## that is suitable for the LP solver.
#' lpSetup(env = modelEnv,
#'         sset = sSet,
#'         solver = "lpsolveapi")
#' ## Setup LP model so that it is solving for the bounds.
#' lpSetupBound(env = modelEnv,
#'              g0 = targetGamma$gstar0,
#'              g1 = targetGamma$gstar1,
#'              sset = sSet,
#'              criterion.tol = 0,
#'              criterion.min = 0,
#'              solver = "lpsolveapi")
#' ## Declare any LP solver options as a list.
#' lpOptions <- optionsLpSolveAPI(list(epslevel = "tight"))
#' ## Obtain the bounds.
#' bounds <- bound(env = modelEnv,
#'                 sset = sSet,
#'                 solver = "lpsolveapi",
#'                 solver.options = lpOptions)
#' cat("The bounds are [",  bounds$min, ",", bounds$max, "].\n")
#' @export
lpSetup <- function(env, sset, orig.sset = NULL,
                    equal.coef0 = NULL, equal.coef1 = NULL,
                    shape = TRUE, direct = FALSE, rescale = TRUE,
                    solver) {
    ## Read in constraint grids and sequences
    solver <- tolower(solver)
    for (i in names(env$shapeSeq)) {
        if (length(env$shapeSeq[[i]]) == 0) {
            env$shapeSeq[[i]] <- NULL
    if (!direct) {
        ## Determine lengths
        sn  <- length(sset)
        gn0 <- length(sset$s1$g0)
        gn1 <- length(sset$s1$g1)
        ## Generate all vectors/matrices for LP optimization to minimize
        ## observational equivalence
        rhs <- unlist(lapply(sset, function(x) x[["beta"]]))
        if (!is.null(orig.sset)) {
            ## Recenter RHS when bootstrapping
            rhs <- rhs - unlist(lapply(orig.sset, function(x) x[["beta"]]))
        sense <- replicate(sn, "=")
        A <- NULL
        scount <- 0
        for (s in names(sset)) {
            avec <- replicate(2 * sn, 0)
            avec[(2 * scount + 1):(2 * scount + 2)] <- c(-1, 1)
            ## Regarding c(-1, 1), the -1 is for w+, 1 is for w-
            g0fill <- sset[[s]]$g0
            g1fill <- sset[[s]]$g1
            if (!is.null(orig.sset)) {
                ## Recenter gamma vectors when bootstrapping
                g0fill <- g0fill - orig.sset[[s]]$g0
                g1fill <- g1fill - orig.sset[[s]]$g1
            avec <- c(avec, g0fill, g1fill)
            A <- rbind(A, avec)
            scount <- scount + 1
        ## Generate informative colnumn names and row names indicating
        ## which rows correspond to which IV-like specifications, and
        ## which columns correspond to which MTR terms
        ## colnames(A) <- c(c(rbind(paste0('slack', seq(sn), '-'),
        ##                          paste0('slack', seq(sn), '+'))),
        ##                  colnames(A)[(2 * sn + 1) : ncol(A)])
        tmpIvs <- paste0('iv', lapply(sset, function(x) x$ivspec))
        tmpBetas <- lapply(sset, function(x) names(x$beta))
        rownames(A) <- mapply(paste, tmpIvs, tmpBetas, sep = '.')
        rm(tmpIvs, tmpBetas)
    } else {
        sn <- 0
        A <- NULL
        sense <- NULL
        rhs <- NULL
        gn0 <- ncol(sset$s1$g0)
        gn1 <- ncol(sset$s1$g1)
    ## Add additional equality constraints if included
    if (!is.null(equal.coef0) & !is.null(equal.coef1)) {
        equal.coef0 <- paste0('[m0]', equal.coef0)
        equal.coef1 <- paste0('[m1]', equal.coef1)
        if (!direct) {
            tmpANames <- colnames(A)
        } else {
            tmpANames <- c(colnames(sset$s1$g0), colnames(sset$s1$g1))
        equal.constraints <- lpSetupEqualCoef(equal.coef0, equal.coef1,
        A <- rbind(A, equal.constraints$A)
        sense <- c(sense, equal.constraints$sense)
        rhs <- c(rhs, equal.constraints$rhs)
    ## Add in additional constraints if included
    if (shape == TRUE) {
        mbA <- rbind(A, env$mbobj$mbA)
        if (direct) colnames(mbA) <- colnames(env$mbobj$mbA)
        env$mbobj$mbA <- NULL
        sense <- c(sense, env$mbobj$mbs)
        env$mbobj$mbs <- NULL
        rhs <- c(rhs, env$mbobj$mbrhs)
        env$mbobj$mbrhs <- NULL
    } else {
        mbA <- A
    if (!direct) {
        colnames(mbA) <- c(c(rbind(paste0('slack', seq(sn), '-'),
                                   paste0('slack', seq(sn), '+'))),
                           names(sset$s1$g0), names(sset$s1$g1))
    } else {
        colnames(mbA) <- c(colnames(sset$s1$g0), colnames(sset$s1$g1))
    ## Define bounds on parameters
    ub <- replicate(ncol(mbA), Inf)
    lb <- c(unlist(replicate(sn * 2, 0)), replicate(gn0 + gn1, -Inf))
    if (direct && rescale) {
        ## Rescale linear constraints
        colNorms0 <- apply(sset$s1$g0, MARGIN = 2, function(x) sqrt(sum(x^2)))
        colNorms1 <- apply(sset$s1$g1, MARGIN = 2, function(x) sqrt(sum(x^2)))
        colNorms <- c(colNorms0, colNorms1)
        rm(colNorms0, colNorms1)
        colNorms[colNorms == 0] <- 1
        mbA <- sweep(x = mbA,
                     MARGIN = 2,
                     STATS = colNorms,
                     FUN = '/')
        env$colNorms <- colNorms
    ## Convert into sparse matrix
    if (solver %in% c("gurobi", "lpsolveapi")) {
        mbA <- Matrix::Matrix(mbA, sparse = TRUE)
    env$model <- list(rhs = rhs,
                      sense = sense,
                      A = mbA,
                      ub = ub,
                      lb = lb,
                      sn = sn,
                      gn0 = gn0,
                      gn1 = gn1)

#' Generate equality constraints
#' This function generates the linear constraints to ensure that
#' certain MTR coefficients are constant across the treatment and
#' control group.
#' @param equal.coef0 character, name of terms in \code{m0} that
#'     should have common coefficients with the corresponding terms in
#'     \code{m1}.
#' @param equal.coef1 character, name of terms in \code{m1} that
#'     should have common coefficients with the corresponding terms in
#'     \code{m0}.
#' @param ANames character, name of all terms in \code{m0} and
#'     \code{m1}. The names of the terms corresponding to the
#'     treatment and control groups should be distinguishable. For
#'     example, all terms for \code{m0} may contain a prefix '[m0]',
#'     and all terms for \code{m1} may contain a prefix '[m1]'. All
#'     the terms in \code{equal.coef0} and \code{equal.coef1} should
#'     be contained in \code{ANames}.
#' @return A list, containing the matrix of linear equality
#'     constraints, a vector of equal signs, and a vector of 0s.
lpSetupEqualCoef <- function(equal.coef0, equal.coef1, ANames) {
    tmpPos0 <- sapply(equal.coef0, function(x) which(ANames == x))
    tmpPos1 <- sapply(equal.coef1, function(x) which(ANames == x))
    newA <- NULL
    newSense <- NULL
    newRhs <- NULL
    for (i in 1:length(tmpPos0)) {
        tmpA <- matrix(0, ncol = length(ANames), nrow = 1)
        tmpA[tmpPos0[i]] <- 1
        tmpA[tmpPos1[i]] <- -1
        rownames(tmpA) <- paste0('eq.coef.', i)
        newA <- rbind(newA, tmpA)
        newSense <- c(newSense, '=')
        newRhs <- c(newRhs, 0)
    return(list(A = newA,
                sense = newSense,
                rhs = newRhs))

#' Configure LP environment for diagnostics
#' This function separates the shape constraints from the LP
#' environment. That way, the model can be solved without any shape
#' constraints, which is the primary cause of infeasibility. This is
#' done in order to check which shape constraints are causing the
#' model to be infeasible. The LP model must be passed as an
#' environment variable, under the entry \code{$model}. See
#' \code{\link{lpSetup}}.
#' @param env The LP environment
#' @param sset List of IV-like estimates and the corresponding gamma
#'     terms.
#' @return Nothing, as this modifies an environment variable to save
#'     memory.
#' @export
lpSetupInfeasible <- function(env, sset) {
    sn <- length(sset)
    ## Separate shape constraint objects
    env$mbobj$mbA <- env$model$A[-(1:sn), ]
    env$mbobj$mbrhs <- env$model$rhs[-(1:sn)]
    env$mbobj$mbsense <- env$model$rhs[-(1:sn)]
    ## Reduce $model so it does not contain any shape constraints
    env$model$A <- env$model$A[1:sn, ]
    env$model$rhs <- env$model$rhs[1:sn]
    env$model$sense <- env$model$sense[1:sn]

#' Configure LP environment for minimizing the criterion
#' This function sets up the objective function for minimizing the
#' criterion. The LP model must be passed as an environment variable,
#' under the entry \code{$model}. See \code{\link{lpSetup}}.
#' @param env The LP environment
#' @param sset List of IV-like estimates and the corresponding gamma
#'     terms.
#' @return Nothing, as this modifies an environment variable to save
#'     memory.
#' @export
lpSetupCriterion <- function(env, sset) {
    ## determine lengths
    sn  <- length(sset)
    gn0 <- length(sset$s1$g0)
    gn1 <- length(sset$s1$g1)
    ## generate all vectors/matrices for LP optimization to minimize
    ## observational equivalence
    env$model$obj <- c(replicate(sn * 2, 1),
                       replicate(gn0 + gn1, 0))

#' Configure LP environment to be compatible with solvers
#' This alters the LP environment so the model will be compatible with
#' specific solvers. The LP model must be passed as an environment
#' variable, under the entry \code{$model}. See \code{\link{lpSetup}}.
#' @param env The LP environment
#' @param solver Character, the LP solver.
#' @return Nothing, as this modifies an environment variable to save
#'     memory.
#' @export
lpSetupSolver <- function(env, solver) {
    if (solver == "cplexapi") {
        env$model$sense[env$model$sense == "<"]  <- "L"
        env$model$sense[env$model$sense == "<="] <- "L"
        env$model$sense[env$model$sense == ">"]  <- "G"
        env$model$sense[env$model$sense == ">="] <- "G"
        env$model$sense[env$model$sense == "="]  <- "E"
        env$model$sense[env$model$sense == "=="] <- "E"
        env$model$ub[env$model$ub == Inf] <- cplexAPI::CPX_INFBOUND
        env$model$lb[env$model$lb == -Inf] <- -cplexAPI::CPX_INFBOUND
    if (solver == "lpsolveapi") {
        env$model$sense[env$model$sense == "<"]  <- "<="
        env$model$sense[env$model$sense == ">"]  <- ">="
        env$model$sense[env$model$sense == "=="] <- "="

#' Configure LP environment for specification testing
#' This function re-centers various objects in the LP environment so
#' that a specification test can be performed via the bootstrap. The
#' LP model must be passed as an environment variable, under the entry
#' \code{$model}. See \code{\link{lpSetup}}.
#' @param env the LP environment
#' @param sset list of IV-like estimates and the corresponding gamma
#'     terms.
#' @param orig.sset list, only used for bootstraps. The list caontains
#'     the gamma moments for each element in the S-set, as well as the
#'     IV-like coefficients.
#' @param orig.criterion scalar, only used for bootstraps. This is the
#'     minimum criterion from the original sample.
#' @param criterion.tol tolerance for violation of observational
#'     equivalence, set to 0 by default.
#' @param setup boolean. If \code{TRUE}, the function will modify the
#'     LP environment so that the LP solver can obtain the test
#'     statistic for the specification test. If \code{FALSE}, then it
#'     will undo the changes made by the function if \code{setup =
#'     TRUE}.
#' @return Nothing, as this modifies an environment variable to save
#'     memory.
#' @export
lpSetupCriterionBoot <- function(env, sset, orig.sset,
                                 criterion.tol = 0, setup = TRUE) {
    if (setup) {
        sn  <- length(sset)
        gn0 <- length(sset$s1$g0)
        gn1 <- length(sset$s1$g1)
        env$model$obj <- c(replicate(sn * 2, 1),
                           replicate(gn0 + gn1, 0))
        ## Prepare to obtain 'recentered' bootstrap
        ## criterion. Specifically, the |S| equality constraints are
        ## centered. Then, the original |S| equality constraints are
        ## added. In addition, 2 * |S| residual variables are added to
        ## the problem. These new residual variables correspond to the
        ## |S| equality constraints from the original, uncentered
        ## sample.
        tmpA <- NULL
        tmpRhs <- NULL
        tmpSense <- NULL
        scount <- 0
        for (s in names(orig.sset)) {
            avec <- replicate(2 * 2 * length(orig.sset), 0)
            avec[(2 * scount + 1):(2 * scount + 2)] <- c(-1, 1)
            avec <- c(avec, orig.sset[[s]]$g0, orig.sset[[s]]$g1)
            tmpA <- rbind(tmpA, avec)
            tmpRhs <- c(tmpRhs, orig.sset[[s]]$beta)
            tmpSense <- c(tmpSense, "=")
            scount <- scount + 1
        avec <- c(rep(1, 2 * length(orig.sset)),
                  rep(0, 2 * length(orig.sset)),
                  rep(0, length(sset$s1$g0) + length(sset$s1$g1)))
        ## Update model
        env$model$ub <- c(rep(Inf, 2 * length(orig.sset)), env$model$ub)
        env$model$lb <- c(rep(0, 2 * length(orig.sset)), env$model$lb)
        env$model$A <- list(a = avec,
                            b = tmpA,
                            c = cbind(matrix(0,
                                             nrow = nrow(env$model$A),
                                             ncol = length(orig.sset) * 2),
        rm(avec, tmpA)
        env$model$A <- Reduce(rbind, env$model$A)
        env$model$rhs <- c(orig.criterion * (1 + criterion.tol),
                           tmpRhs, env$model$rhs)
        env$model$sense <- c("<=", tmpSense, env$model$sense)
        env$model$obj <- c(rep(0, 2 * length(orig.sset)), env$model$obj)
    } else {
        ## Simply undo the procedure done above.
        removeCol <- 2 * length(orig.sset)
        removeRow <- length(orig.sset) + 1
        env$model$ub <- env$model$ub[-(1:removeCol)]
        env$model$lb <- env$model$lb[-(1:removeCol)]
        env$model$A <- env$model$A[-(1:removeRow), -(1:removeCol)]
        env$model$rhs <- env$model$rhs[-(1:removeRow)]
        env$model$sense <- env$model$sense[-(1:removeRow)]
        env$model$obj <- env$model$obj[-(1:removeCol)]

#' Configure LP environment for obtaining the bounds
#' This function sets up the LP model so that the bounds can be
#' obtained. The LP model must be passed as an environment variable,
#' under the entry \code{$model}. See \code{\link{lpSetup}}.
#' @param env the environment containing the LP model.
#' @param g0 set of expectations for each terms of the MTR for the
#'     control group.
#' @param g1 set of expectations for each terms of the MTR for the
#'     control group.
#' @param sset a list containing the point estimates and gamma
#'     components associated with each element in the S-set. This
#'     object is only used to determine the names of terms. If it is
#'     no submitted, then no names are provided to the solution
#'     vector.
#' @param criterion.tol additional multiplicative factor for how much
#'     more the solution is permitted to violate observational
#'     equivalence of the IV-like estimands, i.e. \code{1 +
#'     criterion.tol} will multiply \code{criterion.min} directly.
#' @param criterion.min minimum criterion, i.e. minimum deviation from
#'     observational equivalence while satisfying shape constraints.
#' @param solver string, name of the package used to solve the LP
#'     problem.
#' @param setup boolean. If \code{TRUE}, the function will modify the
#'     LP environment so that the LP solver can obtain the bounds. If
#'     \code{FALSE}, then it will undo the changes made by the
#'     function if \code{setup = TRUE}.
#' @return Nothing, as this modifies an environment variable to save
#'     memory.
#' @export
lpSetupBound <- function(env, g0, g1, sset, criterion.tol, criterion.min,
                         solver, setup = TRUE) {
    if (setup) {
        solver <- tolower(solver)
        ## Update objective function
        tmpSlack <- replicate(2 * env$model$sn, 0)
        names(tmpSlack) <- c(rbind(paste0('slack', seq(env$model$sn), '-'),
                                   paste0('slack', seq(env$model$sn), '+')))
        env$model$obj <- c(tmpSlack, g0, g1)
        ## Allow for slack in minimum criterion
        env$model$rhs <- c(criterion.min * (1 + criterion.tol), env$model$rhs)
        avec <- c(replicate(2 * env$model$sn, 1),
                  replicate(env$model$gn0 + env$model$gn1, 0))
        env$model$A <- rbind(avec, env$model$A)
        ## Label each row with the corresponding constraint. IV-like
        ## constraints are already labeled.
        rownames(env$model$A)[1] <- 'criterion'
        tmpOffset <- env$model$sn + 1
        if (length(env$mbobj$lb0seq) > 0) {
            rownames(env$model$A)[env$mbobj$lb0seq + tmpOffset] <- 'm0.lb'
        if (length(env$mbobj$lb1seq) > 0) {
            rownames(env$model$A)[env$mbobj$lb1seq + tmpOffset] <- 'm1.lb'
        if (length(env$mbobj$lbteseq) > 0) {
            rownames(env$model$A)[env$mbobj$lbteseq + tmpOffset] <- 'mte.lb'
        if (length(env$mbobj$ub0seq) > 0) {
            rownames(env$model$A)[env$mbobj$ub0seq + tmpOffset] <- 'm0.ub'
        if (length(env$mbobj$ub1seq) > 0) {
            rownames(env$model$A)[env$mbobj$ub1seq + tmpOffset] <- 'm1.ub'
        if (length(env$mbobj$ubteseq) > 0) {
            rownames(env$model$A)[env$mbobj$ubteseq + tmpOffset] <- 'mte.ub'
        if (!is.null(env$mbobj$mono0seq)) {
            tmpDec <- which(env$mbobj$mono0seq[, 2] == -1)
            if (length(tmpDec) > 0) {
                tmpDec <- env$mbobj$mono0seq[, 1][tmpDec]
                rownames(env$model$A)[tmpDec + tmpOffset] <- 'm0.dec'
            tmpInc <- which(env$mbobj$mono0seq[, 2] == 1)
            if (length(tmpInc) > 0) {
                tmpInc <- env$mbobj$mono0seq[, 1][tmpInc]
                rownames(env$model$A)[tmpInc + tmpOffset] <- 'm0.inc'
        if (!is.null(env$mbobj$mono1seq)) {
            tmpDec <- which(env$mbobj$mono1seq[, 2] == -1)
            if (length(tmpDec) > 0) {
                tmpDec <- env$mbobj$mono1seq[, 1][tmpDec]
                rownames(env$model$A)[tmpDec + tmpOffset] <- 'm1.dec'
            tmpInc <- which(env$mbobj$mono1seq[, 2] == 1)
            if (length(tmpInc) > 0) {
                tmpInc <- env$mbobj$mono1seq[, 1][tmpInc]
                rownames(env$model$A)[tmpInc + tmpOffset] <- 'm1.inc'
        if (!is.null(env$mbobj$monoteseq)) {
            tmpDec <- which(env$mbobj$monoteseq[, 2] == -1)
            if (length(tmpDec) > 0) {
                tmpDec <- env$mbobj$monoteseq[, 1][tmpDec]
                rownames(env$model$A)[tmpDec + tmpOffset] <- 'mte.dec'
            tmpInc <- which(env$mbobj$monoteseq[, 2] == 1)
            if (length(tmpInc) > 0) {
                tmpInc <- env$mbobj$monoteseq[, 1][tmpInc]
                rownames(env$model$A)[tmpInc + tmpOffset] <- 'mte.inc'
        ## Adjust syntax for solver.
        if (solver %in% c("gurobi", "lpsolveapi", "rmosek")) {
            env$model$sense <- c("<=", env$model$sense)
        if (solver == "cplexapi") {
            env$model$sense <- c("L", env$model$sense)
    } else {
        env$model$rhs <- env$model$rhs[-1]
        env$model$sense <- env$model$sense[-1]
        env$model$A <- env$model$A[-1, ]

#' Minimizing violation of observational equivalence
#' Given a set of IV-like estimates and the set of matrices/vectors
#' defining an LP problem, this function minimizes the violation of
#' observational equivalence under the L1 norm. The LP model must be
#' passed as an environment variable, under the entry \code{$model}.
#' See \code{\link{lpSetup}}.
#' @param env environment containing the matrices defining the LP
#'     problem.
#' @param sset A list of IV-like estimates and the corresponding gamma
#'     terms.
#' @param solver string, name of the package used to solve the LP
#'     problem.
#' @param solver.options list, each item of the list should correspond
#'     to an option specific to the LP solver selected.
#' @param rescale boolean, set to \code{TRUE} if the MTR components
#'     should be rescaled to improve stability in the LP/QP/QCP
#'     optimization.
#' @param debug boolean, indicates whether or not the function should
#'     provide output when obtaining bounds. The option is only
#'     applied when \code{solver = 'gurobi'} or \code{solver =
#'     'rmosek'}. The output provided is the same as what the Gurobi
#'     API would send to the console.
#' @return A list including the minimum violation of observational
#'     equivalence, the solution to the LP problem, and the status of
#'     the solution.
#' @examples
#' dtm <- ivmte:::gendistMosquito()
#' ## Declare empty list to be updated (in the event multiple IV like
#' ## specifications are provided
#' sSet <- list()
#' ## Declare MTR formulas
#' formula0 = ~ 1 + u
#' formula1 = ~ 1 + u
#' ## Construct object that separates out non-spline components of MTR
#' ## formulas from the spline components. The MTR functions are
#' ## obtained from this object by the function 'genSSet'.
#' splinesList = list(removeSplines(formula0), removeSplines(formula1))
#' ## Construct MTR polynomials
#' polynomials0 <- polyparse(formula = formula0,
#'                           data = dtm,
#'                           uname = u,
#'                           as.function = FALSE)
#' polynomials1 <- polyparse(formula = formula1,
#'                           data = dtm,
#'                           uname = u,
#'                            as.function = FALSE)
#' ## Generate propensity score model
#' propensityObj <- propensity(formula = d ~ z,
#'                             data = dtm,
#'                             link = "linear")
#' ## Generate IV estimates
#' ivEstimates <- ivEstimate(formula = ey ~ d | z,
#'                           data = dtm,
#'                           components = l(intercept, d),
#'                           treat = d,
#'                           list = FALSE)
#' ## Generate target gamma moments
#' targetGamma <- genTarget(treat = "d",
#'                          m0 = ~ 1 + u,
#'                          m1 = ~ 1 + u,
#'                          target = "atu",
#'                          data = dtm,
#'                          splinesobj = splinesList,
#'                          pmodobj = propensityObj,
#'                          pm0 = polynomials0,
#'                          pm1 = polynomials1)
#' ## Construct S-set. which contains the coefficients and weights
#' ## corresponding to various IV-like estimands
#' sSet <- genSSet(data = dtm,
#'                 sset = sSet,
#'                 sest = ivEstimates,
#'                 splinesobj = splinesList,
#'                 pmodobj = propensityObj$phat,
#'                 pm0 = polynomials0,
#'                 pm1 = polynomials1,
#'                 ncomponents = 2,
#'                 scount = 1,
#'                 yvar = "ey",
#'                 dvar = "d",
#'                 means = TRUE)
#' ## Only the entry $sset is required
#' sSet <- sSet$sset
#' ## Define additional upper- and lower-bound constraints for the LP
#' ## problem.  The code below imposes a lower bound of 0.2 and upper
#' ## bound of 0.8 on the MTRs.
#' A <- matrix(0, nrow = 22, ncol = 4)
#' A <- cbind(A, rbind(cbind(1, seq(0, 1, 0.1)),
#'                     matrix(0, nrow = 11, ncol = 2)))
#' A <- cbind(A, rbind(matrix(0, nrow = 11, ncol = 2),
#'                     cbind(1, seq(0, 1, 0.1))))
#' sense <- c(rep(">", 11), rep("<", 11))
#' rhs <- c(rep(0.2, 11), rep(0.8, 11))
#' ## Construct LP object to be interpreted and solved by
#' ## lpSolveAPI. Note that an environment has to be created for the LP
#' ## object. The matrices defining the shape restrictions must be stored
#' ## as a list under the entry \code{$mbobj} in the environment.
#' modelEnv <- new.env()
#' modelEnv$mbobj <- list(mbA = A,
#'                     mbs = sense,
#'                     mbrhs = rhs)
#' ## Convert the matrices defining the shape constraints into a format
#' ## that is suitable for the LP solver.
#' lpSetup(env = modelEnv,
#'         sset = sSet,
#'         solver = "lpsolveapi")
#' ## Setup LP model so that it will minimize the criterion
#' lpSetupCriterion(env = modelEnv,
#'                 sset = sSet)
#' ## Declare any LP solver options as a list.
#' lpOptions <- optionsLpSolveAPI(list(epslevel = "tight"))
#' ## Minimize the criterion.
#' obseqMin <- criterionMin(env = modelEnv,
#'                          sset = sSet,
#'                          solver = "lpsolveapi",
#'                          solver.options = lpOptions)
#' obseqMin
#' cat("The minimum criterion is",  obseqMin$obj, "\n")
#' @export
criterionMin <- function(env, sset, solver, solver.options, rescale = FALSE,
                         debug = FALSE) {
    solver <- tolower(solver)
    if (solver == "gurobi") {
        if (debug && solver.options$outputflag == 1) {
            cat("\nMinimum criterion optimization statistics:\n")
        env$model$modelsense <- "min"
        if (debug) {
            gurobi::gurobi_write(env$model, "modelCriterion.mps")
            model <- env$model
            save(model, file = "modelCriterion.Rdata")
        result   <- runGurobi(env$model, solver.options)
        obseqmin <- result$objval
        optx     <- result$optx
        status   <- result$status
        if (debug) cat("\n")
    } else if (solver == "cplexapi") {
        result   <- runCplexAPI(env$model, cplexAPI::CPX_MIN, solver.options)
        obseqmin <- result$objval
        optx     <- result$optx
        status   <- result$status
    } else if (solver == "lpsolveapi") {
        result   <- runLpSolveAPI(env$model, 'min', solver.options)
        obseqmin <- result$objval
        optx     <- result$optx
        status   <- result$status
    } else if (solver == 'rmosek') {
        if (debug && solver.options$verbose == 10) {
            cat("\nMinimum criterion optimization statistics:\n")
        result   <- runMosek(env$model, 'min', solver.options, debug)
        obseqmin <- result$objval
        optx     <- result$optx
        status   <- result$status
        if (debug) cat("\n")
    } else {
        stop(gsub('\\s+', ' ',
                  "Invalid solver. Option 'solver' must be either 'gurobi',
                  'cplexapi', 'rmosek', or 'lpsolveapi'."))
    ## Provide nicer output
    g0sol <- optx[(2 * env$model$sn + 1) :
                  (2 * env$model$sn + env$model$gn0)]
    g1sol <- optx[(2 * env$model$sn + env$model$gn0 + 1) :
                  (2 * env$model$sn + env$model$gn0 + env$model$gn1)]
    names(g0sol) <- names(sset$gstar$g0)
    names(g1sol) <- names(sset$gstar$g1)
    if (rescale) {
        g0sol <- g0sol / env$colNorms[1:ncol(sset$s1$g0)]
        g1sol <- g1sol / env$colNorms[(ncol(sset$s1$g0) + 1):
                                      (ncol(sset$s1$g0) + ncol(sset$s1$g1))]
    output <- list(obj = obseqmin,
                   x = optx,
                   g0 = g0sol,
                   g1 = g1sol,
                   status = status)

#' Obtaining TE bounds
#' This function estimates the bounds on the target treatment
#' effect. The LP model must be passed as an environment variable,
#' under the entry \code{$model}. See \code{\link{lpSetup}}.
#' @param env environment containing the matrices defining the LP
#'     problem.
#' @param sset a list containing the point estimates and gamma
#'     components associated with each element in the S-set. This
#'     object is only used to determine the names of terms. If it is
#'     no submitted, then no names are provided to the solution
#'     vector.
#' @param noisy boolean, set to \code{TRUE} if optimization results
#'     should be displayed.
#' @param solver string, name of the package used to solve the LP
#'     problem.
#' @param solver.options list, each item of the list should correspond
#'     to an option specific to the LP solver selected.
#' @param smallreturnlist boolean, set to \code{TRUE} if the LP model
#'     should not be returned.
#' @param rescale boolean, set to \code{TRUE} if the MTR components
#'     should be rescaled to improve stability in the LP/QP/QCP
#'     optimization.
#' @param debug boolean, indicates whether or not the function should
#'     provide output when obtaining bounds. The option is only
#'     applied when \code{solver = 'gurobi'} or \code{solver =
#'     'rmosek'}. The output provided is the same as what the Gurobi
#'     API would send to the console.
#' @return a list containing the bounds on the treatment effect; the
#'     coefficients on each term in the MTR associated with the upper
#'     and lower bounds, for both counterfactuals; the optimization
#'     status to the maximization and minimization problems; the LP
#'     problem that the optimizer solved.
#' @examples
#' dtm <- ivmte:::gendistMosquito()
#' ## Declare empty list to be updated (in the event multiple IV like
#' ## specifications are provided
#' sSet <- list()
#' ## Declare MTR formulas
#' formula0 = ~ 1 + u
#' formula1 = ~ 1 + u
#' ## Construct object that separates out non-spline components of MTR
#' ## formulas from the spline components. The MTR functions are
#' ## obtained from this object by the function 'genSSet'.
#' splinesList = list(removeSplines(formula0), removeSplines(formula1))
#' ## Construct MTR polynomials
#' polynomials0 <- polyparse(formula = formula0,
#'                           data = dtm,
#'                           uname = u,
#'                           as.function = FALSE)
#' polynomials1 <- polyparse(formula = formula1,
#'                           data = dtm,
#'                           uname = u,
#'                            as.function = FALSE)
#' ## Generate propensity score model
#' propensityObj <- propensity(formula = d ~ z,
#'                             data = dtm,
#'                             link = "linear")
#' ## Generate IV estimates
#' ivEstimates <- ivEstimate(formula = ey ~ d | z,
#'                           data = dtm,
#'                           components = l(intercept, d),
#'                           treat = d,
#'                           list = FALSE)
#' ## Generate target gamma moments
#' targetGamma <- genTarget(treat = "d",
#'                          m0 = ~ 1 + u,
#'                          m1 = ~ 1 + u,
#'                          target = "atu",
#'                          data = dtm,
#'                          splinesobj = splinesList,
#'                          pmodobj = propensityObj,
#'                          pm0 = polynomials0,
#'                          pm1 = polynomials1)
#' ## Construct S-set. which contains the coefficients and weights
#' ## corresponding to various IV-like estimands
#' sSet <- genSSet(data = dtm,
#'                 sset = sSet,
#'                 sest = ivEstimates,
#'                 splinesobj = splinesList,
#'                 pmodobj = propensityObj$phat,
#'                 pm0 = polynomials0,
#'                 pm1 = polynomials1,
#'                 ncomponents = 2,
#'                 scount = 1,
#'                 yvar = "ey",
#'                 dvar = "d",
#'                 means = TRUE)
#' ## Only the entry $sset is required
#' sSet <- sSet$sset
#' ## Define additional upper- and lower-bound constraints for the LP
#' ## problem
#' A <- matrix(0, nrow = 22, ncol = 4)
#' A <- cbind(A, rbind(cbind(1, seq(0, 1, 0.1)),
#'                     matrix(0, nrow = 11, ncol = 2)))
#' A <- cbind(A, rbind(matrix(0, nrow = 11, ncol = 2),
#'                     cbind(1, seq(0, 1, 0.1))))
#' sense <- c(rep(">", 11), rep("<", 11))
#' rhs <- c(rep(0.2, 11), rep(0.8, 11))
#' ## Construct LP object to be interpreted and solved by
#' ## lpSolveAPI. Note that an environment has to be created for the LP
#' ## object. The matrices defining the shape restrictions must be stored
#' ## as a list under the entry \code{$mbobj} in the environment.
#' modelEnv <- new.env()
#' modelEnv$mbobj <- list(mbA = A,
#'                     mbs = sense,
#'                     mbrhs = rhs)
#' ## Convert the matrices defining the shape constraints into a format
#' ## that is suitable for the LP solver.
#' lpSetup(env = modelEnv,
#'         sset = sSet,
#'         solver = "lpsolveapi")
#' ## Setup LP model so that it is solving for the bounds.
#' lpSetupBound(env = modelEnv,
#'              g0 = targetGamma$gstar0,
#'              g1 = targetGamma$gstar1,
#'              sset = sSet,
#'              criterion.tol = 0,
#'              criterion.min = 0,
#'              solver = "lpsolveapi")
#' ## Declare any LP solver options as a list.
#' lpOptions <- optionsLpSolveAPI(list(epslevel = "tight"))
#' ## Obtain the bounds.
#' bounds <- bound(env = modelEnv,
#'                 sset = sSet,
#'                 solver = "lpsolveapi",
#'                 solver.options = lpOptions)
#' cat("The bounds are [",  bounds$min, ",", bounds$max, "].\n")
#' @export
bound <- function(env, sset, solver,
                  solver.options, noisy = FALSE,
                  smallreturnlist = FALSE,
                  rescale = FALSE,
                  debug = FALSE) {
    solver <- tolower(solver)
    ## Obtain lower and upper bounds
    if (solver == "gurobi") {
        if (debug && solver.options$outputflag == 1) {
            cat("\nLower bound optimization statistics:\n")
        if (debug == TRUE){
            gurobi::gurobi_write(env$model, "modelBound.mps")
            model <- env$model
            save(model, file = "modelBound.Rdata")
        env$model$modelsense <- "min"
        minresult <- runGurobi(env$model, solver.options)
        min <- minresult$objval
        minstatus <- minresult$status
        minoptx <- minresult$optx
        if (debug && solver.options$outputflag == 1) {
            cat("\nUpper bound optimization statistics:\n")
        env$model$modelsense <- "max"
        maxresult <- runGurobi(env$model, solver.options)
        max <- maxresult$objval
        maxstatus <- maxresult$status
        maxoptx <- maxresult$optx
        if (debug) cat("\n")
    } else if (solver == "cplexapi") {
        minresult <- runCplexAPI(env$model, cplexAPI::CPX_MIN, solver.options)
        min       <- minresult$objval
        minoptx   <- minresult$optx
        minstatus <- minresult$status
        maxresult <- runCplexAPI(env$model, cplexAPI::CPX_MAX, solver.options)
        max       <- maxresult$objval
        maxoptx   <- maxresult$optx
        maxstatus <- maxresult$status
    } else if (solver == "lpsolveapi") {
        minresult <- runLpSolveAPI(env$model, 'min', solver.options)
        min       <- minresult$objval
        minoptx   <- minresult$optx
        minstatus <- minresult$status
        maxresult <- runLpSolveAPI(env$model, 'max', solver.options)
        max       <- maxresult$objval
        maxoptx   <- maxresult$optx
        maxstatus <- maxresult$status
    } else if (solver == 'rmosek') {
        if (debug && solver.options$verbose == 10) {
            cat("\nLower bound optimization statistics:\n")
        minresult <- runMosek(env$model, 'min', solver.options, debug)
        min       <- minresult$objval
        minoptx   <- minresult$optx
        minstatus <- minresult$status
        if (debug && solver.options$verbose == 10) {
            cat("\nUpper bound optimization statistics:\n")
        maxresult <- runMosek(env$model, 'max', solver.options)
        max       <- maxresult$objval
        maxoptx   <- maxresult$optx
        maxstatus <- maxresult$status
        if (debug) cat("\n")
    } else {
        stop(gsub('\\s+', ' ',
                  "Invalid solver. Option 'solver' must be either 'gurobi',
                  'cplexapi', 'rmosek', or 'lpsolveapi'."))
    env$model$modelsense <- NULL
    ## Return error codes, if any
    if (maxstatus %in% c(2, 3, 4, 5, 9) || minstatus %in% c(2, 3, 4, 5, 9)) {
        return(list(error = TRUE,
                    max = max,
                    maxstatus = maxstatus,
                    min = min,
                    minstatus = minstatus))
    ming0 <- minoptx[(2 * env$model$sn + 1) :
                     (2 * env$model$sn + env$model$gn0)]
    ming1 <- minoptx[(2 * env$model$sn + env$model$gn0 + 1) :
                     (2 * env$model$sn + env$model$gn0 + env$model$gn1)]
    maxg0 <- maxoptx[(2 * env$model$sn + 1) :
                     (2 * env$model$sn + env$model$gn0)]
    maxg1 <- maxoptx[(2 * env$model$sn + env$model$gn0 + 1) :
                     (2 * env$model$sn + env$model$gn0 + env$model$gn1)]
    if (rescale) {
        ming0 <- ming0 / env$colNorms[1:ncol(sset$s1$g0)]
        ming1 <- ming1 / env$colNorms[(ncol(sset$s1$g0) + 1):
                                      (ncol(sset$s1$g0) + ncol(sset$s1$g1))]
        maxg0 <- maxg0 / env$colNorms[1:ncol(sset$s1$g0)]
        maxg1 <- maxg1 / env$colNorms[(ncol(sset$s1$g0) + 1):
                                      (ncol(sset$s1$g0) + ncol(sset$s1$g1))]
    if (hasArg(sset)) {
        names(ming0) <- names(sset$s1$g0)
        names(ming1) <- names(sset$s1$g1)
        names(maxg0) <- names(sset$s1$g0)
        names(maxg1) <- names(sset$s1$g1)
    ## if (noisy) {
    ##     cat("Min status: ", minstatus, "\n", sep = "")
    ##     cat("Max status: ", maxstatus, "\n", sep = "")
    ##     cat("Bound: (", min, ", ", max, ")\n", sep = "")
    ## }
    ## Name the coefficients
    if (is.matrix(sset$s1$g0)) {
        names(ming0) <- names(maxg0) <- colnames(sset$s1$g0)
        names(ming1) <- names(maxg1) <- colnames(sset$s1$g1)
    } else {
        names(ming0) <- names(maxg0) <- names(sset$s1$g0)
        names(ming1) <- names(maxg1) <- names(sset$s1$g1)
    ## Return output
    output <- list(max = max,
                   maxg0 = maxg0,
                   maxg1 = maxg1,
                   maxresult = maxresult,
                   maxstatus = maxstatus,
                   min = min,
                   ming0 = ming0,
                   ming1 = ming1,
                   minresult = minresult,
                   minstatus = minstatus,
                   error = FALSE)
    if (rescale) {
        output$norms <- env$colNorms
    if (!smallreturnlist) {
        if (solver != 'rmosek') output$model = env$model
        if (solver == 'rmosek') {
            output$model <- minresult$prob
            output$model$sense <- NULL

#' Running Gurobi solver
#' This function solves the LP/QCQP problem using the Gurobi package. The
#' object generated by \code{\link{lpSetup}} is compatible with the
#' \code{gurobi} function. See \code{\link{runCplexAPI}} for
#' additional error code labels.
#' @param model list of matrices and vectors defining the linear
#'     programming problem.
#' @param solver.options list, each item of the list should
#'     correspond to an option specific to the LP solver selected.
#' @return a list of the output from Gurobi. This includes the
#'     objective value, the solution vector, and the optimization
#'     status (status of \code{1} indicates successful optimization) .
runGurobi <- function(model, solver.options) {
    result <- gurobi::gurobi(model, solver.options)
    status <- 0
    if (result$status == "OPTIMAL") status <- 1
    if (result$status == "INFEASIBLE") status <- 2
    if (result$status == "INF_OR_UNBD") status <- 3
    if (result$status == "UNBOUNDED") status <- 4
    if (result$status == "NUMERIC") status <- 5
    if (result$status == "SUBOPTIMAL") status <- 6
    optx <- result$x
    return(list(objval = result$objval,
                optx = result$x,
                status = status))

#' Running cplexAPI solver
#' This function solves the LP problem using the cplexAPI package. The
#' object generated by \code{\link{lpSetup}} is not compatible with
#' the \code{cplexAPI} functions. This function adapts the object to
#' solve the LP problem. See \code{\link{runGurobi}} for additional
#' error code labels.
#' @param model list of matrices and vectors defining the linear
#'     programming problem.
#' @param lpdir input either CPX_MAX or CPX_MIN, which sets the LP
#'     problem as a maximization or minimization problem.
#' @param solver.options list, each item of the list should
#'     correspond to an option specific to the LP solver selected.
#' @return a list of the output from CPLEX. This includes the
#'     objective value, the solution vector, and the optimization
#'     status (status of \code{1} indicates successful optimization).
runCplexAPI <- function(model, lpdir, solver.options) {
    ## Declare environment and set options
    env  <- cplexAPI::openEnvCPLEX()
    prob <- cplexAPI::initProbCPLEX(env)
    cplexAPI::chgProbNameCPLEX(env, prob, "sample")
    if (!is.null(solver.options)) {
        for(i in seq(length(solver.options))) {
            eval(parse(text = solver.options[[i]]))
    ## Declare LP prblem
    sense <- model$sense
    cnt <- apply(model$A, MARGIN = 2, function(x) length(which(x != 0)))
    beg <- rep(0, ncol(model$A))
    beg[-1] <- cumsum(cnt[-length(cnt)])
    ind <- unlist(apply(model$A, MARGIN = 2, function(x) which(x != 0) - 1))
    val <- c(model$A)
    val <- val[val != 0]
    cplexAPI::copyLpwNamesCPLEX(env = env,
                                lp = prob,
                                nCols = ncol(model$A),
                                nRows = nrow(model$A),
                                lpdir = lpdir,
                                objf = model$obj,
                                rhs = model$rhs,
                                sense = sense,
                                matbeg = beg,
                                matcnt = cnt,
                                matind = ind,
                                matval = val,
                                lb = model$lb,
                                ub = model$ub)
    cplexAPI::lpoptCPLEX(env, prob)
    solution <- cplexAPI::solutionCPLEX(env, prob)
    cplexAPI::delProbCPLEX(env, prob)
    status <- 0
    if (typeof(solution) == "S4") {
        if (attr(solution, "class") == "cplexError") {
            status <- 5
            solution <- list()
            solution$objval <- NA
            solution$x <- NA
    }  else {
        if (solution$lpstat == 1) status <- 1
        if (solution$lpstat == 2) status <- 4
        if (solution$lpstat == 3) status <- 2
        if (solution$lpstat == 4) status <- 3
        if (solution$lpstat == 5) status <- 7
        if (solution$lpstat == 6) status <- 6
    return(list(objval = solution$objval,
                optx   = solution$x,
                status = status))

#' Running lpSolveAPI
#' This function solves the LP problem using the \code{lpSolveAPI}
#' package. The object generated by \code{\link{lpSetup}} is not
#' compatible with the \code{lpSolveAPI} functions. This function
#' adapts the object to solve the LP problem. See
#' \code{\link{runGurobi}} and \code{\link{runCplexAPI}} for
#' additional error code labels.
#' @param model list of matrices and vectors defining the linear
#'     programming problem.
#' @param modelsense input either 'max' or 'min' which sets the LP
#'     problem as a maximization or minimization problem.
#' @param solver.options list, each item of the list should
#'     correspond to an option specific to the LP solver selected.
#' @return a list of the output from \code{lpSolveAPI}. This includes
#'     the objective value, the solution vector, and the optimization
#'     status (status of \code{1} indicates successful optimization).
runLpSolveAPI <- function(model, modelsense, solver.options) {
    lpmodel <- lpSolveAPI::make.lp(nrow(model$A), ncol(model$A))
    for (j in 1:ncol(model$A)) {
        lpSolveAPI::set.column(lprec = lpmodel,
                               column = j,
                               x = model$A[, j])
    lpSolveAPI::set.constr.value(lprec = lpmodel,
                                 rhs = model$rhs)
    sense <- model$sense
    sense[sense == "<"]  <- "<="
    sense[sense == ">"]  <- ">="
    sense[sense == "=="] <- "="
    lpSolveAPI::set.constr.type(lprec = lpmodel,
                                types = sense)
    lpSolveAPI::set.objfn(lprec = lpmodel,
                          obj = model$obj)
    lpSolveAPI::lp.control(lprec = lpmodel,
                           sense = modelsense)
    if (!is.null(solver.options)) {
    lpSolveAPI::set.bounds(lprec = lpmodel,
                           lower = model$lb,
                           upper = model$ub)
    solved <- lpSolveAPI::solve.lpExtPtr(lpmodel)
    status <- 0
    if (solved == 0) status <- 1
    if (solved == 1) status <- 6
    if (solved == 2) status <- 2
    if (solved == 3) status <- 4
    if (solved == 5) status <- 5
    return(list(objval = lpSolveAPI::get.objective(lpmodel),
                optx   = lpSolveAPI::get.variables(lpmodel),
                status = status))

#' Running Rmosek
#' This function solves the LP/QCQP problem using the \code{Rmosek}
#' package. The object generated by \code{\link{lpSetup}} is not
#' compatible with the \code{Rmosek} functions. This function
#' adapts the object to solve the LP problem. See
#' \code{\link{runGurobi}} and \code{\link{runCplexAPI}} for
#' additional error code labels.
#' @param model list of matrices and vectors defining the linear
#'     programming problem.
#' @param modelsense input either 'max' or 'min' which sets the LP
#'     problem as a maximization or minimization problem.
#' @param solver.options list, each item of the list should
#'     correspond to an option specific to the LP solver selected.
#' @param debug boolean, indicates whether or not the function should
#'     provide output when obtaining bounds. The output provided is
#'     the same as what the Mosek would send to the console.
#' @return a list of the output from \code{Rmosek}. This includes
#'     the objective value, the solution vector, and the optimization
#'     status (status of \code{1} indicates successful optimization).
runMosek <- function(model, modelsense, solver.options, debug = FALSE) {
    qcp <- !is.null(model$Q)
    qcqp <- !is.null(model$quadcon)
    if (qcqp) {
        ## Construct the transformation matrix
        Qc <- model$quadcon[[1]]$Qc * 2
        QdList <- eigen(Qc, symmetric = TRUE)
        QdList$values <- sapply(QdList$values, function(x) max(x, 0))
        Qd <- diag(sqrt(QdList$values)) %*% t(QdList$vectors)
        ## Update the old linear constraints to include the new variables
        nvars <- length(model$obj)
        QSlack1 <- c(rep(0, times = nvars), c(1, 0), rep(0, times = nvars))
        QSlack2 <- c(model$quadcon[[1]]$q, 0, 1, rep(0, times = nvars))
        model$A <- rbind(cbind(model$A, Matrix::Matrix(0, nrow = nrow(model$A),
                                                       ncol = nvars + 2)),
                               Matrix::Matrix(0, nrow = nvars, ncol = 2),
        model$rhs <- c(model$rhs, 1, model$quadcon[[1]]$rhs, rep(0, nvars))
        model$sense <- c(model$sense, '=', '=', rep('=', nvars))
        model$ub <- c(model$ub, 1, Inf, rep(Inf, nvars))
        model$lb <- c(model$lb, 1, 0, rep(-Inf, nvars))
        ## Update objective to include new variables
        model$obj <- c(model$obj, rep(0, nvars + 2))
    prob <- list()
    tmpSense <- model$sense
    tmpBlc <- model$rhs
    tmpBuc <- model$rhs
    tmpBuc[which(tmpSense == '>=')] <- Inf
    tmpBlc[which(tmpSense == '<=')] <- -Inf
    prob$bc <- rbind(blc = tmpBlc,
                     buc = tmpBuc)
    prob$bx <- rbind(blx = model$lb,
                     bux = model$ub)
    prob$A <- model$A
    prob$c <- model$obj
    prob$sense <- modelsense
    if (qcp) {
        tripletQ <- matrixTriplets(model$Q, lower = TRUE)
        prob$qobj$i <- tripletQ$rows
        prob$qobj$j <- tripletQ$columns
        prob$qobj$v <- tripletQ$values * 2
    if (qcqp) {
        ## Declare conic constraints
        prob$cones <- matrix(list(), nrow = 2, ncol = 1)
        rownames(prob$cones) <- c('type', 'sub')
        prob$cones[, 1] <- list('RQUAD', seq((nvars + 1), (2 * nvars + 2)))
    ## Include options
    if ('dparam' %in% names(solver.options)) {
        prob$dparam <- solver.options$dparam
        solver.options$dparam <- NULL
    ## Export model if debugging
    if (debug == TRUE){
        if (qcp) {
            Rmosek::mosek_write(prob, "modelCriterion.mps", solver.options)
            save(prob, file = "modelCriterion.Rdata")
        if (qcqp) {
            Rmosek::mosek_write(prob, "modelBound.mps", solver.options)
            save(prob, file = "modelBound.Rdata")
    ## Estimate
    result <- Rmosek::mosek(prob, solver.options)
    response <- result$response$code
    if (is.null(result$sol)) {
        objval <- NA
        optx <- NA
        responsecode <- result$response$msg
        status <- 0
        solutionstatus <- NA
        problemstatus <- NA
    } else {
        if (!is.null(result$sol$itr$xc)) {
            optx <- result$sol$itr$xx
            solutionstatus <- result$sol$itr$solsta
            problemstatus <- result$sol$itr$prosta
        } else {
            optx <- result$sol$bas$xx
            solutionstatus <- result$sol$bas$solsta
            problemstatus <- result$sol$bas$prosta
        if (solutionstatus == 'OPTIMAL') {
            status <- 1
        } else if (solutionstatus == 'DUAL_INFEASIBLE_CER') {
            status <- 4
        } else if (solutionstatus == 'PRIMAL_INFEASIBLE_CER') {
            status <- 2
        } else if (solutionstatus == 'UNKNOWN') {
            if (response == 0) {
                status <- 8
            } else if (response == 10000) {
                status <- 10
            } else if (response == 10006) {
                status <- 6
            } else if (response == 10025) {
                status <- 5
            } else {
                status <- 0
        if (!is.null(optx)) {
            if (!qcp) {
                objval <- sum(optx * model$obj)
            } else {
                objval <- t(optx) %*% model$Q %*% optx +
                    t(optx) %*% model$obj
            if (qcqp) {
                optx <- optx[1:nvars]
    return(list(objval = as.numeric(objval),
                optx = as.vector(optx),
                response = response,
                status = status,
                solutionstatus = solutionstatus,
                problemstatus = problemstatus,
                prob = prob))

#' Check magnitude of real number
#' This function returns the order of magnitude of a a number.
#' @param x The number to be checked.
#' @return An integer indicating the order of magnitude.
magnitude <- function(x) {
    sapply(x, function(y) {
        if (y == 0) return(NA)
        else return(floor(log(abs(y), 10)))

#' Function to parse options for Gurobi
#' This function constructs a list of options to be parsed when
#' \code{solver} is set to \code{Gurobi}. This function really
#' implements some default values, and accounts for the \code{debug}
#' option.
#' @param options list. The list should be structured the same way as
#'     if one were using the \code{gurobi} library directly. That is,
#'     the name of each item must be the name of the option, and is
#'     case sensitive. The value assigned to each item is the value to
#'     set the option to.
#' @param debug boolean, indicates whether or not the function should
#'     provide output when obtaining bounds. The output provided is
#'     the same as what the Gurobi API would send to the console.
#' @return list, the set of options declared by the user, including
#'     some additional default values (if not assigned by the user)
#'     and accounting for \code{debug}.
#' @export
optionsGurobi <- function(options, debug) {
    if (! "outputflag" %in% names(options)) {
        if (debug)  options$outputflag = 1
        if (!debug) options$outputflag = 0
    if (! "dualreductions" %in% names(options)) {
        options$dualreductions <- 1
    if (! "FeasibilityTol" %in% names(options)) {
        options$FeasibilityTol <- 1e-06
    if (! "presolve" %in% names(options)) {
        options$presolve <- 1

#' Function to parse options for Gurobi
#' This function constructs a list of options to be parsed when
#' \code{solver} is set to \code{Rmosek}. This function really
#' implements the default feasibility tolerances.
#' @param options list. Each set of options should be passed as a
#'     list, with the name of each entry being the name of the class
#'     of options. For example, options for double parameters should
#'     be contained in the entry\code{dparam = list(BASIS_TOL_X = 1e-06)}.
#' @param debug boolean, indicates whether or not the function should
#'     provide output when obtaining bounds. The output provided is
#'     the same as what Mosek would send to the console.
#' @return list, the set of options declared by the user, including
#'     some additional default values.
#' @export
optionsRmosek <- function(options, debug) {
    if (is.null(options$dparam$ANA_SOL_INFEAS_TOL)) {
        options$dparam$ANA_SOL_INFEAS_TOL <- 1e-06
    if (is.null(options$dparam$BASIS_TOL_X)) {
        options$dparam$BASIS_TOL_X <- 1e-06
    if (is.null(options$verbose)) {
        if (debug) options$verbose <- 10
        if (!debug) options$verbose <- 0

#' Function to parse options for lp_solve
#' This function constructs a list of options to be parsed when
#' \code{solver} is set to \code{lpsolveapi}. The options permitted
#' are those that can be set via \code{lpSolveAPI::lp.control}, and
#' should be passed as a named list (e.g. \code{list(epslevel =
#' "tight")}).
#' @param options list. The name of each item must be the name of the
#'     option, and is case sensitive. The value assigned to each item
#'     is the value to set the option to. The \code{lprec} argument
#'     should always be omitted.
#' @return string, the command to be evaluated to implement the
#'     options.
#' @export
optionsLpSolveAPI <- function(options) {
    ## Implement default tolerance
    if (!"epslevel" %in% names(options)) {
        options$epslevel = "tight"
    optionsStr <- gsub("\\s+", " ", Reduce(paste, deparse(options)))
    optionsStr <- gsub("list\\(", "lpSolveAPI::lp.control(lprec = lpmodel, ",

#' Function to parse options for CPLEX
#' This function constructs a list of options to be parsed when
#' \code{solver} is set to \code{cplexapi}.
#' @param options list. The name of each item must be the name of the
#'     function to set the option, and is case sensitive. The value
#'     assigned to each item is the value to set the option to. The
#'     \code{env} argument should always be omitted. If the option
#'     accepts a list of parameters, then these parameters should be
#'     passed as using a named vector (e.g.
#'     \code{list(setLogFileNameCPLEX = c(filename = "cpx.log", mode =
#'     "w"))}).  If the function to set the option can be used
#'     multiple times, then the value submitted should be a a list,
#'     with each entry being a named vector
#'     (e.g. \code{list(setDblParmCPLEX = list(c(parm = 1016, value =
#'     1e-04), c(parm = 1084, value = 2)))}). If the option only
#'     requires the \code{env} parameter, then an \code{NA} should be
#'     passed as the parameter value (e.g. \code{list(setDefaultParm
#'     = NA)}).
#' @return list, each element being the command to evaluate to
#'     implement an option.
#' @export
optionsCplexAPI <- function(options) {
    ## Implement default tolerance
    if ("setDblParmCPLEX" %in% names(options)) {
        pos <- which(names(options) == "setDblParmCPLEX")
        if (!is.list(options[[pos]])) {
            if (options[[pos]]["parm"] != 1016) {
                options[[pos]] <- list(options[[pos]],
                                       c(parm = 1016, value = 1e-06))
        } else {
            parms <- unlist(lapply(options[[pos]], function(x) x["parm"]))
            if (! 1016 %in% parms) {
                options[[pos]][length(options[[pos]]) + 1] <-
                    c(parm = 1016, value = 1e-06)
    } else {
        options$setDblParmCPLEX <- c(parm = 1016, value = 1e-06)
    ## Construct commands to implement options
    optionsStr <- list()
    counter <- 1
    for (i in seq(length(options))) {
        if (!is.list(options[[i]])) {
            optionsStr[counter] <-
            counter <- counter + 1
        if (is.list(options[[i]])) {
            for (j in seq(length(options[[i]]))) {
                optionsStr[counter] <-
                counter <- counter + 1

#' Function to parse a single set of options for CPLEX
#' This function constructs a string to be parsed when \code{solver}
#' is set to \code{cplexapi}.
#' @param name string, name of the \code{cplexapi} function to call to
#'     implement the option.
#' @param vector a named vector, contains the argument names and
#'     values of the options. The \code{env} argument in the
#'     \code{cplexapi} documentation should always be omitted.
#' @return string, the command to be evaluated to implement a single
#'     option.
optionsCplexAPISingle <- function(name, vector) {
    if (is.na(vector)) {
        tmpCommand <- paste0("cplexAPI::",
                             "(env = env)")
    } else {
        tmpCommand <- NULL
        for (i in seq(length(vector))) {
            if (!is.character(vector[i])) {
                tmpAdd <- paste0(names(vector)[i], " = ", vector[[i]])
            } else {
                tmpAdd <- paste0(names(vector)[i], " = ", deparse(vector[[i]]))
            if (i == 1) tmpCommand <- tmpAdd
            if (i != 1) tmpCommand <- paste(tmpCommand, tmpAdd, sep = ", ")
        tmpCommand <- paste0("cplexAPI::",
                             "(env = env, ",

#' Function to extract feasibility tolerance from CPLEX options
#' This function parses through the user-submitted CPLEX options to
#' determine what the feasibility tolerance is. This tolerance can
#' then be used for the audit.  If the user does not set the CPLEX
#' feasibility tolerance, then a default value of \code{1e-06} is
#' returned.
#' @param options list, the set of options submitted by the user.
#' @return scalar, the level to set the audit tolerance at.
optionsCplexAPITol <- function(options) {
    if (! "setDblParmCPLEX" %in% names(options)) {
        audit.tol <- 1e-06
    } else {
        if (is.list(options$setDblParmCPLEX)) {
            parms <- unlist(lapply(options$setDblParmCPLEX,
                                   function(x) x["parm"]))
            if (1016 %in% parms) {
                pos <- which(parms == 1016)
                audit.tol <- options$setDblParmCPLEX[[pos]]["value"]
            } else {
                audit.tol <- 1e-06
        } else {
            if (options$setDblParmCPLEX["parm"] == 1016) {
                audit.tol <- options$setDblParmCPLEX["value"]
            } else {
                audit.tol <- 1e-06

#' Constructing QCQP problem
#' This function is only used when the direct MTR regression procedure
#' is used. This function simply constructs the quadratic constraint,
#' and adds it to the LP problem defined by the linear optimization problem
#' for the bounds and the linear shape constraints.
#' @param env environment containing the matrices defining the LP
#'     problem.
#' @param sset A list containing the covariats and outcome variable
#'     for the direct MTR regression.
#' @param rescale boolean, set to \code{TRUE} if the MTR components
#'     should be rescaled to improve stability in the LP/QP/QCP
#'     optimization.
#' @export
qpSetup <- function(env, sset, rescale = TRUE) {
    ## Construct the constraint vectors and matrices
    drY <- sset$s1$ys
    drX <- cbind(sset$s1$g0, sset$s1$g1)
    drN <- length(drY)
    if (rescale) {
        drX <- sweep(x = drX, MARGIN = 2, STATS = env$colNorms, FUN = '/')
        normY <- sqrt(sum(drY^2))
        drN <- drN * normY
    qc <- list()
    qc$q <- as.vector(-2 * t(drX) %*% drY) / drN
    qc$Qc <- Matrix::Matrix(t(drX) %*% drX / drN, sparse = TRUE)
    qc$sense <- '<'
    qc$name <- 'SSR'
    ## Store the quadratic component
    env$quad <- qc
    ## Store the SSY
    env$ssy <- sum(drY^2)
    ## Store the regression matrices
    env$drY <- drY
    env$drX <- drX
    env$drN <- drN
    if (rescale) env$normY <- normY

#' Configure QCQP problem to find minimum criterion
#' This function sets up the objective function for minimizing the
#' criterion. The QCQP model must be passed as an environment variable,
#' under the entry \code{$model}. See \code{\link{qpSetup}}.
#' @param env The LP environment
#' @return Nothing, as this modifies an environment variable to save
#'     memory.
#' @export
qpSetupCriterion <- function(env) {
    env$model$obj <- env$quad$q
    env$model$Q <- env$quad$Qc
    env$model$modelsense <- 'min'
    env$model$ub <- rep(Inf, times = length(env$quad$q))
    env$model$lb <- rep(-Inf, times = length(env$quad$q))

#' Constructing QCQP problem for bounding
#' This function is only used when the direct MTR regression procedure
#' is used. This function simply constructs the quadratic constraint,
#' and adds it to the LP problem defined by the linear optimization problem
#' for the bounds and the linear shape constraints.
#' @param env environment containing the matrices defining the LP
#'     problem.
#' @param g0 set of expectations for each terms of the MTR for the
#'     control group.
#' @param g1 set of expectations for each terms of the MTR for the
#'     control group.
#' @param criterion.tol non-negative scalar, determines how much the
#'     quadratic constraint should be relaxed by. If set to 0, the
#'     constraint is not relaxed at all.
#' @param criterion.min minimum of (SSR - SSY) of a linear regression
#'     with shape constraints.
#' @param rescale boolean, set to \code{TRUE} if the MTR components
#'     should be rescaled to improve stability in the LP/QP/QCP
#'     optimization.
#' @param setup boolean, set to \code{TRUE} if the QP problem should
#'     be set up for solving the bounds, which includes the quadratic
#'     constraint. Set to \code{FALSE} if the quadratic constraint
#'     should be removed.
#' @return A list of matrices and vectors necessary to define an LP
#'     problem for Gurobi or MOSEK.
#' @export
qpSetupBound <- function(env, g0, g1,
                         rescale = FALSE,
                         setup = TRUE) {
    if (setup) {
        ## Prepare objective
        env$model$obj <- c(g0, g1)
        if (rescale) {
            env$model$obj <- env$model$obj / env$colNorms
        env$model$Q <- NULL
        ## Add in the quadratic constraint, accounting for how
        ## criterion.min excludes the SSY.
        env$quad$rhs <- (env$ssy / env$drN) * criterion.tol +
            criterion.min * (1 + criterion.tol)
        env$model$quadcon <- list(env$quad)
    } else {
        env$model$obj <- NULL
        env$quad$rhs <- NULL
        env$model$quadcon <- NULL
        env$model$ub <- NULL
        env$model$lb <- NULL

#' Configure QP environment for diagnostics
#' This function separates the shape constraints from the QP
#' environment. That way, the model can be solved without any shape
#' constraints, which is the primary cause of infeasibility. This is
#' done in order to check which shape constraints are causing the
#' model to be infeasible. The QP model must be passed as an
#' environment variable, under the entry \code{$model}. See
#' \code{\link{lpSetup}}.
#' @param env The LP environment
#' @param rescale boolean, set to \code{TRUE} if the MTR components
#'     should be rescaled to improve stability in the LP/QP/QCP
#'     optimization.
#' @return Nothing, as this modifies an environment variable to save
#'     memory.
#' @export
qpSetupInfeasible <- function(env, rescale) {
    ## Separate shape constraint objects
    env$mbobj$mbA <- env$model$A
    env$mbobj$mbrhs <- env$model$rhs
    env$mbobj$mbsense <- env$model$rhs
    ## Reduce model object so it does not contain any shape constraints
    env$model$A <- matrix(0, nrow = 1, ncol = ncol(env$mbobj$mbA))
    env$model$rhs <- 0
    env$model$sense <- '='

#' Convert matrix into triplet form
#' This function converts matrices into triplet form for Mosek.  This
#' is required in order to declare quadratic programming problems and
#' second-order cone programming problems.
#' @param mat A matrix.
#' @param lower Boolean, set to \code{TRUE} if matrix is symmetric,
#'     and only its lower triangle should be returned.
#' @return A list containing vectors of row and column indexes, and
#'     matrix values.
matrixTriplets <- function(mat, lower = TRUE) {
    dim <- dim(mat)
    sparseList <- apply(mat, 2, function(x) {
        pos <- which(x != 0)
        vals <- x[x != 0]
        return(list(pos = pos,
                    vals = vals))
    ## If lower = TRUE, that means return entries for the lower
    ## triangle only.
    if (lower) {
        sparseList <- lapply(seq(dim[2]), function(x) {
            pos <- sparseList[[x]]$pos
            vals <- sparseList[[x]]$vals
            if (length(pos) > 0) {
                vals <- vals[pos >= x]
                pos <- pos[pos >= x]

            return(list(pos = pos,
                        vals = vals))
    columnIndex <- Reduce(c, lapply(seq(dim[2]),
                                    FUN = function(x) {
                                        n <- length(sparseList[[x]]$pos)
                                        if (n > 0) return(rep(x, times = n))
    rowIndex <- Reduce(c, lapply(sparseList, function(x) x$pos))
    values <- Reduce(c, lapply(sparseList, function(x) x$vals))
    return(list(columns = columnIndex,
                rows = rowIndex,
                values = values,
                dim = dim,
                lower = lower))

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