#' Joint plot of longitudinal and survival data
#' @description This function views the longitudinal profile of each unit with
#' the last longitudinal measurement prior to event-time (censored or not)
#' taken as the end-point, referred to as time zero. In doing so, the shape of
#' the profile prior to event-time can be inspected. This can be done over a
#' user-specified number of time units.
#' @param object an object of class \code{jointdata}.
#' @param Y.col an element of class \code{character} identifying the
#' longitudinal response part of the \code{jointdata} object.
#' @param Cens.col an element of class \code{character} identifying the survival
#' status or censoring indicator part of the \code{jointdata} object.
#' @param lag argument which specifies how many units in time we look back
#' through. Defaults to the maximum observation time across all units.
#' @param split logical argument which allows the profiles of units which
#' \emph{fail} and those which are \emph{censored} to be viewed in separate
#' panels of the same graph. This is the default option. Using \code{split =
#' FALSE} will plot all profiles overlaid on a single plot.
#' @param col1 argument to choose the colour for the profiles of the
#' \emph{censored} units.
#' @param col2 argument to choose the colour for the profiles of the
#' \emph{failed} units.
#' @param xlab an element of class \code{character} indicating the title for the
#' x-axis.
#' @param ylab an element of class \code{character} indicating the title for the
#' x-axis.
#' @param gp1lab an element of class \code{character} for the group
#' corresponding to a censoring indicator of zero. Typically, the censored
#' group.
#' @param gp2lab an element of class \code{character} for the group
#' corresponding to a censoring indicator of one. Typically, the group
#' experiencing the event of interest.
#' @param smooth the smoother span. This gives the proportion of points in the
#' plot which influence the smooth at each value. Defaults to a value of 2/3.
#' Larger values give more smoothness. See \code{\link[stats]{lowess}} for
#' further details.
#' @param mean.profile draw mean profiles if TRUE. Only applies to the
#' \code{split = TRUE} case.
#' @param mcol1 argument to choose the colour for the mean profile of the units
#' with a censoring indicator of zero.
#' @param mcol2 argument to choose the colour for the mean profile of the units
#' with a censoring indicator of one.
#' @details The function tailors the \code{\link[lattice]{xyplot}} function to
#' produce a representation of joint data with longitudinal and survival
#' components.
#' @note If more than one cause of failure is present (i.e. competing risks
#' data), then all failures are pooled together into a single failure type.
#' @author Pete Philipson
#' @keywords dplot
#' @seealso \code{\link[lattice]{xyplot}}, \code{\link{joint}},
#' \code{\link{jointdata}}.
#' @references
#' Wulfsohn MS, Tsiatis AA. A joint model for survival and longitudinal data
#' measured with error. \emph{Biometrics.} 1997; \strong{53(1)}: 330-339.
#' @return A lattice plot.
#' @importFrom lattice xyplot
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(heart.valve)
#' heart.surv <- UniqueVariables(heart.valve,
#' var.col = c("fuyrs", "status"),
#' id.col = "num")
#' heart.long <- heart.valve[, c("num", "time", "log.lvmi")]
#' heart.cov <- UniqueVariables(heart.valve,
#' c("age", "sex"),
#' id.col = "num")
#' heart.valve.jd <- jointdata(longitudinal = heart.long,
#' baseline = heart.cov,
#' survival = heart.surv,
#' id.col = "num",
#' time.col = "time")
#' jointplot(heart.valve.jd, Y.col = "log.lvmi",
#' Cens.col = "status", lag = 5)
jointplot <- function(object, Y.col, Cens.col, lag, split = TRUE,
col1, col2, xlab, ylab, gp1lab, gp2lab,
smooth = 2/3, mean.profile = FALSE, mcol1, mcol2) {
if (!inherits(object, "jointdata")) {
stop("Data must be of class 'jointdata'\n")
if (!is.vector(Y.col) | length(Y.col) > 1) {
stop("Only one longitudinal response is possible to plot")
longdat <- object$longitudinal #[complete.cases(object$longitudinal), ]
survdat <- object$survival
if (is.numeric(Y.col)) {
Y <- longdat[, Y.col]
} else {
Y <- longdat[[Y.col]]
Y.col <- which(names(longdat) %in% Y.col)
t <- longdat[[object$time.col]]
id <- longdat[[object$subj.col]]
nobs <- diff(match(unique(id), id))
nobs[length(nobs) + 1] <- length(id) - sum(nobs)
index <- cumsum(nobs)
cens <- survdat[, Cens.col]
ft <- rep(t[index], nobs)
t0 <- t - ft
hue <- length(id)
if (length(unique(cens)) == 3) {
warning("jointplot does not display profiles for different failure events")
if (missing(lag)) {
lag <- max(t)
if (missing(col1)) {
col1 <- "blue"
if (missing(col2)) {
col2 <- "red"
if (missing(xlab)) {
xlab <- "Time"
if (missing(ylab)) {
ylab <- "Y"
if (missing(gp1lab)) {
gp1lab <- "Censored"
if (missing(gp2lab)) {
gp2lab <- "Failed"
if (missing(mcol1)) {
mcol1 <- "black"
if (missing(mcol2)) {
mcol2 <- "black"
if (missing(smooth)) {
smooth <- 2/3
ii <- (cens == 0)
hue[ii] <- col1
hue[!ii] <- col2
fac <- rep(cens, nobs)
ii <- (fac == 0)
fac[ii] <- gp1lab
fac[!ii] <- gp2lab
if (mean.profile == FALSE) {
if (split == TRUE) {
xyplot(Y ~ t0 | fac, groups = id, type = "l", lty = 1,
xlim = c(-lag, 0), col = hue, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab)
} else {
xyplot(Y ~ t0, groups = id, type = "l",
xlim = c(-lag, 0), col = hue, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab)
else {
s1 <- lowess(t0[ii], Y[ii], f = smooth)
s2 <- lowess(t0[!ii], Y[!ii], f = smooth)
if (!is.character(summary(object)$times)) {
mean_cens <- unique(s1$y)
mean_fail <-unique(s2$y)
t_mean_cens <- unique(s1$x)
t_mean_fail <- unique(s2$x)
} else {
mean_cens <- s1$y
mean_fail <- s2$y
t_mean_cens <- seq(min(t0[ii]), max(t0[ii]), length = length(mean_cens))
t_mean_fail <- seq(min(t0[!ii]), max(t0[!ii]), length = length(mean_fail))
Y <- c(Y,mean_cens, mean_fail)
fac <- c(fac,rep(gp1lab, length(mean_cens)), rep(gp2lab, length(mean_fail)))
id <- c(id, rep(max(id) + 1, length(mean_cens)),
rep(max(id) + 2, length(mean_fail)))
t0 <- c(t0, t_mean_cens, t_mean_fail)
hue <- c(hue, mcol1, mcol2)
if (split == TRUE) {
xyplot(Y ~ t0 | fac, groups = id, type = "l", lty = 1,
lwd = c(rep(1, length(cens)), 2, 2),
xlim = c(-lag, 0), col = hue, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
scales = list(alternating = FALSE))
} else {
xyplot(Y ~ t0, groups = id, type = "l",
xlim = c(-lag, 0), col = hue, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab)
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