
Defines functions kable_light kable_paper kable_material_dark kable_material kable_minimal kable_classic_2 kable_classic

Documented in kable_classic kable_classic_2 kable_material kable_material_dark kable_minimal kable_paper

#' Alternative HTML themes
#' @description kableExtra uses the built-in bootstrap themes by default in
#' `kable_styling()`. Alternatively, you can use a customized table themes for
#' your table. This `lightable` table style sheet comes with three formats,
#' namely `lightable-minimal`, `lightable-classic`, `lightable-material` and
#' `lightable-material-dark` with `hover` and `striped` options.
#' @param kable_input A HTML kable object.
#' @param lightable_options Options to customize lightable. Similar with
#' `bootstrap_options` in `kable_styling`. Choices include `basic`, `striped`
#' and `hover`.
#' @param html_font A string for HTML css font. For example,
#' `html_font = '"Arial Narrow", arial, helvetica, sans-serif'`.
#' @param ... Everything else you need to specify in `kable_styling`.
#' @export
kable_classic <- function(
  kable_input, lightable_options = "basic",
  html_font = '"Arial Narrow", "Source Sans Pro", sans-serif', ...) {
  kable_light(kable_input, "lightable-classic",
              lightable_options, html_font, ...)

#' @rdname kable_classic
#' @export
kable_classic_2 <- function(
  kable_input, lightable_options = "basic",
  html_font = '"Arial Narrow", "Source Sans Pro", sans-serif', ...) {
  kable_light(kable_input, "lightable-classic-2",
              lightable_options, html_font, ...)

#' @rdname kable_classic
#' @export
kable_minimal <- function(
  kable_input, lightable_options = "basic",
  html_font = '"Trebuchet MS", verdana, sans-serif', ...) {
  kable_light(kable_input, "lightable-minimal",
              lightable_options, html_font, ...)

#' @rdname kable_classic
#' @export
kable_material <- function(
  kable_input, lightable_options = "basic",
  html_font = '"Source Sans Pro", helvetica, sans-serif', ...) {
  kable_light(kable_input, "lightable-material",
              lightable_options, html_font, ...)

#' @rdname kable_classic
#' @export
kable_material_dark <- function(
  kable_input, lightable_options = "basic",
  html_font = '"Source Sans Pro", helvetica, sans-serif', ...) {
  kable_light(kable_input, "lightable-material-dark",
              lightable_options, html_font, ...)

#' @rdname kable_classic
#' @export
kable_paper <- function(
  kable_input, lightable_options = "basic",
  html_font = '"Arial Narrow", arial, helvetica, sans-serif', ...) {
  kable_light(kable_input, "lightable-paper", lightable_options,
              html_font, ...)

kable_light <- function(kable_input, light_class, lightable_options,
                        html_font = NULL, ...) {
  lightable_options <- match.arg(lightable_options,
                                 choices = c("basic", "striped", "hover"),
                                 several.ok = TRUE)
  if ("striped" %in% lightable_options) {
    light_class <- paste(light_class, "lightable-striped")
  if ("hover" %in% lightable_options) {
    light_class <- paste(light_class, "lightable-hover")
  out <- kable_styling(kable_input, "none", htmltable_class = light_class,
                       html_font = html_font, ...)
  attr(out, "lightable") <- TRUE
  attr(out, "lightable_class") <- light_class

Try the kableExtra package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

kableExtra documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:59 a.m.