
Defines functions .sqrtm

## Spectral clustering
## author : alexandros

setGeneric("specc",function(x, ...) standardGeneric("specc"))
setMethod("specc", signature(x = "formula"),
function(x, data = NULL, na.action = na.omit, ...)
    mt <- terms(x, data = data)
    if(attr(mt, "response") > 0) stop("response not allowed in formula")
    attr(mt, "intercept") <- 0
    cl <- match.call()
    mf <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
    mf$formula <- mf$x
    mf$... <- NULL
    mf[[1L]] <- quote(stats::model.frame)
    mf <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
    na.act <- attr(mf, "na.action")
    x <- model.matrix(mt, mf)
    res <- specc(x, ...)
    cl[[1]] <- as.name("specc")
        n.action(res) <- na.action

setMethod("specc",signature(x="matrix"),function(x, centers, kernel = "rbfdot", kpar = "automatic", nystrom.red = FALSE, nystrom.sample = dim(x)[1]/6, iterations = 200, mod.sample =  0.75, na.action = na.omit, ...)
  x <- na.action(x)
  rown <- rownames(x)
  x <- as.matrix(x)
  m <- nrow(x)
  if (missing(centers))
    stop("centers must be a number or a matrix")
  if (length(centers) == 1) {
    nc <-  centers
    if (m < centers)
      stop("more cluster centers than data points.")
    nc <- dim(centers)[2]

  if(is.character(kpar)) {
    kpar <- match.arg(kpar,c("automatic","local"))
    if(kpar == "automatic")
        if (nystrom.red == TRUE)
          sam <- sample(1:m, floor(mod.sample*nystrom.sample))
          sam <- sample(1:m, floor(mod.sample*m))

        sx <- unique(x[sam,])
        ns <- dim(sx)[1]
        dota <- rowSums(sx*sx)/2
        ktmp <- crossprod(t(sx))
        for (i in 1:ns)
          ktmp[i,]<- 2*(-ktmp[i,] + dota + rep(dota[i], ns))

        ## fix numerical prob.
        ktmp[ktmp<0] <- 0
        ktmp <- sqrt(ktmp)
        kmax <- max(ktmp)
        kmin <- min(ktmp + diag(rep(Inf,dim(ktmp)[1])))
        kmea <- mean(ktmp)
        lsmin <- log2(kmin)
        lsmax <- log2(kmax)
        midmax <- min(c(2*kmea, kmax))
        midmin <- max(c(kmea/2,kmin))
        rtmp <- c(seq(midmin,0.9*kmea,0.05*kmea), seq(kmea,midmax,0.08*kmea))
        if ((lsmax - (Re(log2(midmax))+0.5)) < 0.5) step <- (lsmax - (Re(log2(midmax))+0.5))
        else step <- 0.5
        if (((Re(log2(midmin))-0.5)-lsmin) < 0.5 ) stepm <-  ((Re(log2(midmin))-0.5) - lsmin)
        else stepm <- 0.5
        tmpsig <- c(2^(seq(lsmin,(Re(log2(midmin))-0.5), stepm)), rtmp, 2^(seq(Re(log2(midmax))+0.5, lsmax,step)))
        diss <- matrix(rep(Inf,length(tmpsig)*nc),ncol=nc)

        for (i in 1:length(tmpsig)){
          ka <- exp((-(ktmp^2))/(2*(tmpsig[i]^2)))
          diag(ka) <- 0
          d <- 1/sqrt(rowSums(ka))
          if(!any(d==Inf) && !any(is.na(d))&& (max(d)[1]-min(d)[1] < 10^4))
              l <- d * ka %*% diag(d)
              xi <- eigen(l,symmetric=TRUE)$vectors[,1:nc]
              yi <- xi/sqrt(rowSums(xi^2))
              res <- kmeans(yi, centers, iterations)
              diss[i,] <- res$withinss

        ms <- which.min(rowSums(diss))
        kernel <- rbfdot((tmpsig[ms]^(-2))/2)

        ## Compute Affinity Matrix
        if (nystrom.red == FALSE)
          km <- kernelMatrix(kernel, x)
    if (kpar=="local")
        if (nystrom.red == TRUE)
          stop ("Local Scaling not supported for nystrom reduction.")
        s <- rep(0,m)
        dota <- rowSums(x*x)/2
        dis <- crossprod(t(x))
        for (i in 1:m)
          dis[i,]<- 2*(-dis[i,] + dota + rep(dota[i],m))
        ## fix numerical prob.
        dis[dis < 0] <- 0
        for (i in 1:m)
          s[i] <- median(sort(sqrt(dis[i,]))[1:5])
        ## Compute Affinity Matrix
        km <- exp(-dis / s%*%t(s))
        kernel <- "Localy scaled RBF kernel"

            if(is(kernel,"function")) kernel <- deparse(substitute(kernel))
            kernel <- do.call(kernel, kpar)
        if(!is(kernel,"kernel")) stop("kernel must inherit from class `kernel'")

        ## Compute Affinity Matrix
        if (nystrom.red == FALSE)
          km <- kernelMatrix(kernel, x)

  if (nystrom.red == TRUE){

    n <- floor(nystrom.sample)
    ind <- sample(1:m, m)
    x <- x[ind,]

    tmps <- sort(ind, index.return = TRUE)
    reind <- tmps$ix
    A <- kernelMatrix(kernel, x[1:n,])
    B <- kernelMatrix(kernel, x[-(1:n),], x[1:n,])
    d1 <- colSums(rbind(A,B))
    d2 <- rowSums(B) + drop(matrix(colSums(B),1) %*% .ginv(A)%*%t(B))
    dhat <- sqrt(1/c(d1,d2))
    A <- A * (dhat[1:n] %*% t(dhat[1:n]))
    B <- B * (dhat[(n+1):m] %*% t(dhat[1:n]))

    Asi <- .sqrtm(.ginv(A))
    Q <- A + Asi %*% crossprod(B) %*% Asi
    tmpres <- svd(Q)
    U <- tmpres$u
    L <- tmpres$d
    V <- rbind(A,B) %*% Asi %*% U %*% .ginv(sqrt(diag(L)))
    yi <- matrix(0,m,nc)

   ## for(i in 2:(nc +1))
   ##   yi[,i-1] <- V[,i]/V[,1]

    for(i in 1:nc) ## specc
      yi[,i] <- V[,i]/sqrt(sum(V[,i]^2))
    res <- kmeans(yi[reind,], centers, iterations)
    if(is(kernel)[1] == "rbfkernel")
      diag(km) <- 0
    d <- 1/sqrt(rowSums(km))
    l <- d * km %*% diag(d)
    xi <- eigen(l)$vectors[,1:nc]
    yi <- xi/sqrt(rowSums(xi^2))
    res <- kmeans(yi, centers, iterations)
  cent <- matrix(unlist(lapply(1:nc,ll<- function(l){colMeans(x[which(res$cluster==l), ,drop=FALSE])})),ncol=dim(x)[2], byrow=TRUE)
  withss <- unlist(lapply(1:nc,ll<- function(l){sum((x[which(res$cluster==l),, drop=FALSE] - cent[l,])^2)}))
  names(res$cluster) <- rown
  return(new("specc", .Data=res$cluster, size = res$size, centers=cent, withinss=withss, kernelf= kernel))

setMethod("specc",signature(x="list"),function(x, centers, kernel = "stringdot", kpar = list(length=4, lambda=0.5), nystrom.red = FALSE, nystrom.sample = length(x)/6, iterations = 200, mod.sample =  0.75, na.action = na.omit, ...)
  x <- na.action(x)
  m <- length(x)
  if (missing(centers))
    stop("centers must be a number or a matrix")
  if (length(centers) == 1) {
    nc <-  centers
    if (m < centers)
      stop("more cluster centers than data points.")
    nc <- dim(centers)[2]

      if(is(kernel,"function")) kernel <- deparse(substitute(kernel))
      kernel <- do.call(kernel, kpar)
  if(!is(kernel,"kernel")) stop("kernel must inherit from class `kernel'")

  if (nystrom.red == TRUE){
    n <- nystrom.sample
    ind <- sample(1:m, m)
    x <- x[ind,]

    tmps <- sort(ind, index.return = TRUE)
    reind <- tmps$ix
    A <- kernelMatrix(kernel, x[1:n,])
    B <- kernelMatrix(kernel, x[-(1:n),], x[1:n,])
    d1 <- colSums(rbind(A,B))
    d2 <- rowSums(B) + drop(matrix(colSums(B),1) %*% .ginv(A)%*%t(B))
    dhat <- sqrt(1/c(d1,d2))
    A <- A * (dhat[1:n] %*% t(dhat[1:n]))
    B <- B * (dhat[(n+1):m] %*% t(dhat[1:n]))

    Asi <- .sqrtm(.ginv(A))
    Q <- A + Asi %*% crossprod(B) %*% Asi
    tmpres <- svd(Q)
    U <- tmpres$u
    L <- tmpres$d
    V <- rbind(A,B) %*% Asi %*% U %*% .ginv(sqrt(diag(L)))
    yi <- matrix(0,m,nc)

##    for(i in 2:(nc +1))
##      yi[,i-1] <- V[,i]/V[,1]

    for(i in 1:nc) ## specc
      yi[,i] <- V[,i]/sqrt(sum(V[,i]^2))
    res <- kmeans(yi[reind,], centers, iterations)
    ## Compute Affinity Matrix / in our case just the kernel matrix 
    km <- kernelMatrix(kernel, x)
    if(is(kernel)[1] == "rbfkernel")
      diag(km) <- 0
    d <- 1/sqrt(rowSums(km))
    l <- d * km %*% diag(d)
    xi <- eigen(l)$vectors[,1:nc]
    sqxi <- rowSums(xi^2)
    if(any(sqxi==0)) stop("Zero eigenvector elements, try using a lower value for the length hyper-parameter")
    yi <- xi/sqrt(sqxi)
    res <- kmeans(yi, centers, iterations)
  return(new("specc", .Data=res$cluster, size = res$size, kernelf= kernel))


setMethod("specc",signature(x="kernelMatrix"),function(x, centers, nystrom.red = FALSE,  iterations = 200, ...)
  m <- nrow(x)
  if (missing(centers))
    stop("centers must be a number or a matrix")
  if (length(centers) == 1) {
    nc <-  centers
    if (m < centers)
      stop("more cluster centers than data points.")
    nc <- dim(centers)[2]

      nystrom.red <- TRUE
      if(dim(x)[1] < dim(x)[2])
        x <- t(x)
      m <- nrow(x)
      n <- ncol(x)
  if (nystrom.red == TRUE){
    A <- x[1:n,]
    B <- x[-(1:n),]
    d1 <- colSums(rbind(A,B))
    d2 <- rowSums(B) + drop(matrix(colSums(B),1) %*% .ginv(A)%*%t(B))
    dhat <- sqrt(1/c(d1,d2))
    A <- A * (dhat[1:n] %*% t(dhat[1:n]))
    B <- B * (dhat[(n+1):m] %*% t(dhat[1:n]))

    Asi <- .sqrtm(.ginv(A))
    Q <- A + Asi %*% crossprod(B) %*% Asi
    tmpres <- svd(Q)
    U <- tmpres$u
    L <- tmpres$d

    V <- rbind(A,B) %*% Asi %*% U %*% .ginv(sqrt(diag(L)))
    yi <- matrix(0,m,nc)

    ## for(i in 2:(nc +1))
    ##   yi[,i-1] <- V[,i]/V[,1]

    for(i in 1:nc) ## specc
      yi[,i] <- V[,i]/sqrt(sum(V[,i]^2))
    res <- kmeans(yi, centers, iterations)

    d <- 1/sqrt(rowSums(x))
    l <- d * x %*% diag(d)
    xi <- eigen(l)$vectors[,1:nc]
    yi <- xi/sqrt(rowSums(xi^2))
    res <- kmeans(yi, centers, iterations)
  ## cent <- matrix(unlist(lapply(1:nc,ll<- function(l){colMeans(x[which(res$cluster==l),])})),ncol=dim(x)[2], byrow=TRUE)
##  withss <- unlist(lapply(1:nc,ll<- function(l){sum((x[which(res$cluster==l),] - cent[l,])^2)}))
  return(new("specc", .Data=res$cluster, size = res$size, centers = matrix(0), withinss = c(0), kernelf= "Kernel Matrix used as input."))


  cat("Spectral Clustering object of class \"specc\"","\n")
  cat("\n","Cluster memberships:","\n","\n")
    cat(paste("Centers: ","\n"))
  cat(paste("Cluster size: ","\n"))
    cat(paste("Within-cluster sum of squares: ", "\n"))

.ginv <- function (X, tol = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))
  if (length(dim(X)) > 2 || !(is.numeric(X) || is.complex(X)))
    stop("'X' must be a numeric or complex matrix")
  if (!is.matrix(X))
    X <- as.matrix(X)
  Xsvd <- svd(X)
  if (is.complex(X))
    Xsvd$u <- Conj(Xsvd$u)
  Positive <- Xsvd$d > max(tol * Xsvd$d[1], 0)
  if (all(Positive))
    Xsvd$v %*% (1/Xsvd$d * t(Xsvd$u))
  else if (!any(Positive))
    array(0, dim(X)[2:1])
  else Xsvd$v[, Positive, drop = FALSE] %*% ((1/Xsvd$d[Positive]) * t(Xsvd$u[, Positive, drop = FALSE]))

.sqrtm <- function(x)
    tmpres <- eigen(x)
    V <- t(tmpres$vectors)
    D <- tmpres$values
      D <- Re(D)
    D <- pmax(D,0)

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