
Defines functions lalcrayGPsep lalcrayGPsep.R alcrayGPsep mleGPsep.switch ieciGPsep dalcGPsep getmGPsep lalcoptGPsep lalcoptGPsep.R alcoptGPsep.R alcoptGPsep alcGPsep efiGPsep alGPsep updateGPsep predGPsep jmleGPsep jmleGPsep.R mleGPsep mleGPsep.R newparamsGPsep dllikGPsep getgGPsep getdGPsep getmGPsep llikGPsep deleteGPseps deleteGPsep deletedkGPsep buildKGPsep newGPsep

Documented in alcGPsep alcoptGPsep alcrayGPsep dalcGPsep deleteGPsep deleteGPseps ieciGPsep jmleGPsep jmleGPsep.R llikGPsep mleGPsep mleGPsep.R newGPsep predGPsep updateGPsep

# Local Approximate Gaussian Process Regression
# Copyright (C) 2013, The University of Chicago
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
# Questions? Contact Robert B. Gramacy (rbg@vt.edu)

## newGPsep:
## build an initial separable GP representation on the C-side
## using the X-Z data and d/g paramterization.  

newGPsep <- function(X, Z, d, g, dK=FALSE)
    n <- nrow(X)
    m <- ncol(X)
    if(is.null(n)) stop("X must be a matrix")
    if(length(Z) != n) stop("must have nrow(X) = length(Z)")
    if(length(d) == 1) d <- rep(d, m)
    else if(length(d) != m) stop("must have length(d) = ncol(X)")
    out <- .C("newGPsep_R",
              m = as.integer(m),
              n = as.integer(n),
              X = as.double(t(X)),
              Z = as.double(Z),
              d = as.double(d),
              g = as.double(g),
              dK = as.integer(dK),
              gpsepi = integer(1),
              PACKAGE = "laGP")

    ## return C-side GP index

## buildkGPsep:
## allocates/calculates the C-side derivative info (only) for particular 
## separable GP

buildKGPsep <- function(gpsepi)
       gpisep = as.integer(gpsepi),
       PACKAGE = "laGP")

## deletedkGPsep:
## deletes the C-side derivative info (only) for particular separable GP

deletedkGPsep <- function(gpsepi)
       gpi = as.integer(gpsepi),
       PACKAGE = "laGP")

## deleteGPsep:
## deletes the C-side of a particular separable GP

deleteGPsep <- function(gpsepi)
       gpsepi = as.integer(gpsepi), PACKAGE="laGP")

## deleteGPseps:
## deletes all gpseps on the C side

deleteGPseps <- function()
    .C("deleteGPseps_R", PACKAGE="laGP")

## llikGPsep:
## calculate the log likelihood of the GP

llikGPsep <- function(gpsepi, dab=c(0,0), gab=c(0,0))
    r <- .C("llikGPsep_R",
            gpsepi = as.integer(gpsepi),
            dab = as.double(dab),
            gab = as.double(gab),
            llik = double(1),
            PACKAGE = "laGP")


## getmGPsep:
## acces the input dimension of a separable GP
## totally new to GPsep

getmGPsep <- function(gpsepi)
    .C("getmGPsep_R", gpsepi = as.integer(gpsepi), m = integer(1), PACKAGE="laGP")$m

## getdGPsep:
## acces the separable lengthscale of a separable gp
## totally new to GPsep

getdGPsep <- function(gpsepi)
    m <- getmGPsep(gpsepi) 
    .C("getdGPsep_R", gpsepi = as.integer(gpsepi), d = double(m), PACKAGE="laGP")$d

## getgGPsep:
## acces the input dimension of a separable GP
## totally new to GPsep

getgGPsep <- function(gpsepi)
    .C("getgGPsep_R", gpsepi = as.integer(gpsepi), g = double(1), PACKAGE="laGP")$g

## dllikGPsep:
## calculate the first and second derivative of the
## log likelihood of the GP with respect to d, the
## lengthscale parameter
## SIMILAR to dllikGP except with vector d and gpsep
## isntead of gp

dllikGPsep <- function(gpsepi, ab=c(0,0), param=c("d", "g"), d2nug=FALSE)
    param <- match.arg(param)
    if(param == "d") {
      dim <- getmGPsep(gpsepi)
      r <- .C("dllikGPsep_R",
            gpsepi = as.integer(gpsepi),
            ab = as.double(ab),
            d = double(dim),
            PACKAGE = "laGP")
    } else {
      if(d2nug) d2 <- 1
      else d2 <- 0
      r <- .C("dllikGPsep_nug_R",
            gpsepi = as.integer(gpsepi),
            ab = as.double(ab),
            d = double(1),
            d2 = as.double(d2),
            PACKAGE = "laGP")
      if(d2nug) return(list(d=r$d, d2=r$r2))
      else return(r$d)

## newparamsGPsep:
## change the separable GP lengthscale and nugget parameerization
## (without destroying the object and creating a new one)

newparamsGPsep <- function(gpsepi, d, g=-1)
    if(all(d <= 0) & g < 0) stop("one of d or g must be new")
    m <- getmGPsep(gpsepi)
    if(length(d) != m) stop("length(d) !=", m)

    r <- .C("newparamsGPsep_R",
            gpi = as.integer(gpsepi),
            d = as.double(d),
            g = as.double(g),
            PACKAGE = "laGP")


## mleGPsep.R:
## updates the separable GP to use its MLE lengthscale
## parameterization using the current data;
## differs substantially from mleGP in that L-BFGS-B from
## optim is used to optimize over the separable lengthscale;
## an option is also provided to include the nugget in that
## optimization, or do to a mleGP style profile optimization
## for the the nugget instead
## in this ".R" version the optim command is used; in mleGPsep
## an internal C-side call to lbfgsb is used

mleGPsep.R <- function(gpsepi, param=c("d", "g"), 
                  tmax=-1, ab=c(0,0), maxit=100, verb=0)
    param <- match.arg(param)

    if(param == "d") { ## lengthscale with L-BFGS-B given nugget

      theta <- getdGPsep(gpsepi)
      if(length(ab) != 2 || any(ab < 0)) stop("ab should be a positive 2-vector")   
      ## objective
      f <- function(theta, gpsepi, dab) 
          newparamsGPsep(gpsepi, d=theta)
          -llikGPsep(gpsepi, dab=dab)
      ## gradient of objective
      g <- function(theta, gpsepi, dab)
          newparamsGPsep(gpsepi, d=theta)
          -dllikGPsep(gpsepi, param="d", ab=dab)

      ## for compatibility with mleGP
      tmax[tmax < 0] <- Inf

      ## possibly print progress meter
      if(verb > 0) {
        cat("(d=[", paste(signif(theta, 3), collapse=","), "], llik=", 
          llikGPsep(gpsepi, dab=ab), ") ", sep="")

      ## call R's optim function
      out <- optim(theta, fn=f, gr=g, method="L-BFGS-B",
        control=list(trace=max(verb-1,0), maxit=maxit), lower=tmin, upper=tmax, 
        gpsepi=gpsepi, dab=ab)

      ## sanity check completion of scheme
      if(sqrt(mean((out$par - getdGPsep(gpsepi))^2)) > sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))
        warning("stored d not same as d-hat")

      ## check that we moved somewhere
      if(sqrt(mean((out$par - theta)^2)) < sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)) {
        out$convergence <- 0
        out$counts <- c(0,0)
        out$message <- "optim initialized at minima"

      ## possibly print progress meter
      if(verb > 0) {
        cat("-> ", out$counts[1], " lbfgs.R its -> (d=[", 
          paste(signif(theta, 3), collapse=","), "], llik=", 
          llikGPsep(gpsepi, dab=ab), ")\n", sep="")

    else { ## nugget conditionally on lengthscale

      ## sanity check
      if(length(ab) != 2 || any(ab < 0)) stop("ab should be a positive 2-vector");

      r <- .C("mleGPsep_nug_R",
            gpsepi = as.integer(gpsepi),
            verb = as.integer(verb),
            tmin = as.double(tmin),
            tmax = as.double(tmax),
            ab = as.double(ab),
            g = double(1),
            its = integer(1),
            PACKAGE = "laGP")

    ## build object for returning
    if(param == "d") return(list(d=out$par, its=max(out$counts), msg=out$message, conv=out$convergence))
    else return(list(g=r$g, its=r$its))

## mleGPsep:
## updates the separable GP to use its MLE lengthscale
## parameterization using the current data;
## differs substantially from mleGP in that lbfgsb is used 
## to optimize over the separable lengthscale;
## an option is also provided to include the nugget in that
## optimization, or do to a mleGP style profile optimization
## for the the nugget instead
## this is a mostly C verision

mleGPsep <- function(gpsepi, param=c("d", "g", "both"), 
                  tmin=rep(sqrt(.Machine$double.eps), 2), 
                  tmax=c(-1,1), ab=rep(0,4), maxit=100, verb=0)
    param <- match.arg(param)

    if(param == "both") { ## lengthscale and multiple nugget jointly with L-BFGS-B

      ## sanity checking, and length checking for tmax and tmin
      m <- getmGPsep(gpsepi)
      if(length(tmax) == 2) tmax <- c(rep(tmax[1], m), tmax[2])
      else if(length(tmax) != m+1) stop("length(tmax) should be 2 or m+1")
      if(length(tmin) == 2) tmin <- c(rep(tmin[1], m), tmin[2])
      else if(length(tmin) != m+1) stop("length(tmin) should be 2 or m+1")
      if(length(ab) != 4 || any(ab < 0)) stop("ab should be a positive 4-vector")

      ## possibly reset params
      theta <- c(getdGPsep(gpsepi), getgGPsep(gpsepi))
      if(any(theta <= tmin)) {
        tmax[tmax < 0] <- sqrt(m)
        theta.new <- 0.9*max(tmin, 0) + 0.1*tmax
        newparamsGPsep(gpsepi, theta.new[1:m], theta.new[m+1])
        return(list(theta=theta.new, its=0, msg="reset due to init on lower boundary", conv=102))

      out <- .C("mleGPsep_both_R",
                gpsepi = as.integer(gpsepi),
                maxit = as.integer(maxit),
                verb = as.integer(verb),
                tmin = as.double(tmin),
                tmax = as.double(tmax),
                ab = as.double(ab),
                par = double(m+1),
                counts = integer(2),
                msg = paste(rep(0,60), collapse=""),
                convergence = integer(1),
                PACKAGE = "laGP")

      ## sanity check completion of scheme
      if(sqrt(mean((out$par - c(getdGPsep(gpsepi), getgGPsep(gpsepi)))^2)) > sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))
        warning("stored theta not same as theta-hat")

    } else if(param == "d") { ## lengthscale with L-BFGS-B given nugget

      ## sanity checking
      m <- getmGPsep(gpsepi)
      if(length(tmax) == 1 || (length(tmax) == 2 && m != 2)) tmax <- rep(tmax[1], m)
      else if(length(tmax) != m) stop("length(tmax) should be 1 or m")
      if(length(tmin) == 1 || (length(tmin) == 2 && m != 2)) tmin <- rep(tmin[1], m)
      else if(length(tmin) != m) stop("length(tmin) should be 1 or m")
      if(length(ab) == 4 && all(ab == 0)) ab <- ab[1:2]
      if(length(ab) != 2 || any(ab < 0)) stop("ab should be a positive 2-vector")   

      ## possibly reset params
      theta <- getdGPsep(gpsepi)
      if(any(theta <= tmin)) {
        tmax[tmax < 0] <- sqrt(m)
        theta.new <- 0.9*tmin + 0.1*tmax
        newparamsGPsep(gpsepi, theta.new, -1)
        return(list(d=theta.new, its=0, msg="reset due to init on lower boundary", conv=102))

      out <- .C("mleGPsep_R",
                gpsepi = as.integer(gpsepi),
                maxit = as.integer(maxit),
                verb = as.integer(verb),
                dmin = as.double(tmin),
                dmax = as.double(tmax),
                ab = as.double(ab),
                par = double(m),
                counts = integer(2),
                msg = paste(rep(0,60), collapse=""),
                convergence = integer(1),
                PACKAGE = "laGP")

      ## sanity check completion of scheme
      if(sqrt(mean((out$par - getdGPsep(gpsepi))^2)) > sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))
        warning("stored d not same as theta-hat")
    else { ## nugget conditionally on lengthscale

      ## sanity check
      if(length(ab) == 4 && all(ab == 0)) ab <- ab[1:2]
      if(length(ab) != 2 || any(ab < 0)) stop("ab should be a positive 2-vector");

      r <- .C("mleGPsep_nug_R",
            gpsepi = as.integer(gpsepi),
            verb = as.integer(verb),
            tmin = as.double(tmin),
            tmax = as.double(tmax),
            ab = as.double(ab),
            g = double(1),
            its = integer(1),
            PACKAGE = "laGP")

    ## build object for returning
    if(param == "both") return(list(theta=out$par, its=max(out$counts), msg=out$msg, conv=out$convergence))
    else if(param == "d") return(list(d=out$par, its=max(out$counts), msg=out$msg, conv=out$convergence))
    else return(list(g=r$g, its=r$its))

## jmleGPsep.R:
## joint MLE for lengthscale (d) and nugget (g) parameters;
## updates the internal GP parameterization (since mleGP does);
## R-only version

jmleGPsep.R <- function(gpsepi, N=100, drange=c(sqrt(.Machine$double.eps), 10), 
  grange=c(sqrt(.Machine$double.eps), 1), dab=c(0,0), gab=c(0,0), maxit=100, 
  mleGPsep=mleGPsep.R, verb=0)
    ## sanity check N
    if(length(N) != 1 && N > 0) 
      stop("N should be a positive scalar integer")
    m <- getmGPsep(gpsepi)
    dmle <- matrix(NA, nrow=N, ncol=m)
    gmle <- dits <- dconv <- gits <- rep(NA, N)

    ## sanity check tmin and tmax
    if(length(drange) != 2) stop("drange should be a 2-vector for c(min,max)")
    if(length(grange) != 2) stop("grange should be a 2-vector for c(min,max)")

    ## loop over outer interations
    for(i in 1:N) {
      d <- mleGPsep(gpsepi, param="d", tmin=drange[1], tmax=drange[2],
                    ab=dab, maxit=maxit, verb=verb)
      dmle[i,] <- d$d; dits[i] <- d$its; dconv[i] <- d$conv
      g <- mleGPsep(gpsepi, param="g", tmin=grange[1], tmax=grange[2],
                    ab=gab, verb=verb)
      gmle[i] <- g$g; gits[i] <- g$its
      if((gits[i] <= 2 && (dits[i] <= m+1 && dconv[i] == 0)) || dconv[i] > 1) break;

    ## check if not converged
    if(i == N) warning("max outer its (N=", N, ") reached", sep="")
    else {
      dmle <- dmle[1:i,]; dits <- dits[1:i]; dconv <- dconv[1:i]
      gmle <- gmle[1:i]; gits <- gits[1:i]

    ## total iteration count
    totits <- sum(c(dits, gits), na.rm=TRUE)

    ## assemble return objects
    return(list(mle=data.frame(d=dmle[i,,drop=FALSE], g=gmle[i], tot.its=totits, 
      conv=dconv[i]), prog=data.frame(dmle=dmle, dits=dits, dconv=dconv, gmle=gmle, 

## jmleGPsep
## interface to C-version for jmleGPsep; 
## right now doesn't take an N argument -- the C-side hard-codes
## N=100

jmleGPsep <- function(gpsepi, drange=c(sqrt(.Machine$double.eps), 10),
   grange=c(sqrt(.Machine$double.eps), 1), dab=c(0,0), gab=c(0,0), maxit=100,
    ## sanity check tmin and tmax
    m <- getmGPsep(gpsepi)
    if(length(drange) != 2) stop("drange should be a two vector for c(dmin, dmax)")
    dmin <- rep(drange[1], m)
    dmax <- rep(drange[2], m)
    if(length(grange) != 2) stop("grange should be a 2-vector for c(gmin, gmax)")

    ## sanity check ab
    if(length(dab) != 2 || any(dab < 0)) stop("dab should be a positive 2-vector")
    if(length(gab) != 2 || any(gab < 0)) stop("gab should be a positive 2-vector")

    ## call the C-side function
    r <- .C("jmleGPsep_R",
            gpsepi = as.integer(gpsepi),
            maxit = as.integer(maxit),
            verb = as.integer(verb),
            dmin = as.double(dmin),
            dmax = as.double(dmax),
            grange = as.double(grange),
            dab = as.double(dab),
            gab = as.double(gab),
            d = double(m),
            g = double(1),
            dits = integer(1),
            gits = integer(1),
            dconv = integer(1),
	          PACKAGE = "laGP")

    return(data.frame(d=t(r$d), g=r$g, tot.its=r$dits+r$gits,
                      dits=r$dits, gits=r$gits, dconv=r$dconv))

## predGPsep
## obtain the parameters to a multivariate-t
## distribution describing the predictive surface
## of the fitted GP model

predGPsep <- function(gpsepi, XX, lite=FALSE, nonug=FALSE)
    nn <- nrow(XX)
    if(is.null(nn) || nn == 0) stop("XX bad dims")

    if(lite) {  ## lite means does not compute full Sigma, only diag
      out <- .C("predGPsep_R",
                gpsepi = as.integer(gpsepi),
                m = as.integer(ncol(XX)),
                nn = as.integer(nn),
                XX = as.double(t(XX)),
                lite = as.integer(TRUE),
                nonug = as.integer(nonug),
                mean = double(nn),
                s2 = double(nn),
                df = double(1),
                llik = double(1),
		            PACKAGE = "laGP")
      ## coerce matrix output
      return(list(mean=out$mean, s2=out$s2, df=out$df, llik=out$llik))

    } else { ## compute full predictive covariance matrix

      out <- .C("predGPsep_R",
                gpsepi = as.integer(gpsepi),
                m = as.integer(ncol(XX)),
                nn = as.integer(nn),
                XX = as.double(t(XX)),
                lite = as.integer(FALSE),
                nonug = as.integer(nonug),
                mean = double(nn),
                Sigma = double(nn*nn),
                df = double(1),
                llik = double(1),
		            PACKAGE = "laGP")
      ## coerce matrix output
      Sigma <- matrix(out$Sigma, ncol=nn)
      ## return parameterization
      return(list(mean=out$mean, Sigma=Sigma, df=out$df, llik=out$llik))

## updateGPsep:
## add X-Z pairs to the C-side GPsep represnetation
## using only O(n^2) for each pair

updateGPsep <- function(gpsepi, X, Z, verb=0)
    if(length(Z) != nrow(X))
      stop("bad dims")

    out <- .C("updateGPsep_R",
              gpsepi = as.integer(gpsepi),
              m = as.integer(ncol(X)),
              n = as.integer(nrow(X)),
              X = as.double(t(X)),
              Z = as.double(Z),
              verb = as.integer(verb),
              PACKAGE = "laGP")


## alGPsep:
## calculate the E(Y) and EI(Y) for an augmented Lagrangian 
## composite objective function with linear objective (in X), or
## estimate objective (fhat) and constraint separable GP (gpsepi) 
## predictive surfaces

alGPsep <- function(XX, fgpsepi, fnorm, Cgpsepis, Cnorms, lambda, alpha, ymin, 
                    slack=FALSE, equal=rep(FALSE, length(Cgpsepis)), N=100, fn=NULL, Bscale=1)
    ## dims
    m <- ncol(XX)
    nn <- nrow(XX)
    nCgpseps <- length(Cgpsepis)

    ## checking lengths for number of constraint gps
    if(length(Cnorms) != nCgpseps) stop("length(Cgpsepis) != length(Cnorms)")
    if(length(lambda) != nCgpseps) stop("length(Cgpsepis) != length(lambda)")
    if(length(alpha) != 1) stop("length(alpha) != 1")

    ## checking scalars
    if(length(equal) != length(Cgpsepis)) stop("equal should be a vector of length(Cgpsepis)")
    if(length(N) != 1 || N <= 0) stop("N should be a positive integer scalar")
    if(length(ymin) != 1) stop("ymin should be a scalar")
    if(length(fnorm) != 1) stop("fnorm should be a scalar")

    ## run fn to get cheap objectives and constraints
    if(fgpsepi < 0 || any(Cgpsepis < 0)) {
      if(is.null(fn)) stop("fn must be provided when fgpsepi or Cgpsepis < -1")
      out <- fn(XX*Bscale, known.only=TRUE)
      if(fgpsepi < 0) {
        if(is.null(out$obj)) stop("fgpsepi < 0 but out$obj from fn() is NULL")
        obj <- out$obj
      } else obj <- NULL
      if(any(Cgpsepis < 0)) {
        C <- out$c
        if(ncol(C) != sum(Cgpsepis < 0)) stop("ncol(C) != sum(Cgpsepis < 0)")
      } else C <- NULL
    } else { obj <- C <- NULL }

    ## call the C-side
    out <- .C("alGPsep_R",
      m = as.integer(m),
      XX = as.double(t(XX)),
      nn = as.integer(nn),
      fgpsepi = as.integer(fgpsepi),
      ff = as.double(obj),
      fnorm = as.double(fnorm),
      nCgpseps = as.integer(nCgpseps),
      Cgpsepis = as.integer(Cgpsepis),    
      CC = as.double(C),  
      Cnorms = as.double(Cnorms),
      lambda = as.double(lambda),
      alpha = as.double(alpha),
      ymin = as.double(ymin),
      slack = as.integer(slack),
      equal = as.double(equal),
      N = as.integer(N),
      eys = double(nn),
      eis = double(nn),
      PACKAGE = "laGP")
    ## done
    return(data.frame(ey=out$eys, ei=out$eis))

## efiGPsep:
## calculate EI(f) and p(Y(c) <= 0) for known linear or esitmated
## objective f and vectorized constraints C via separable GP (gpsepi)
## predictive surfaces; returns log probabilities (lplex) and 
## and log EIs

efiGPsep <- function(XX, fgpsepi, fnorm, Cgpsepis, Cnorms, fmin, fn=NULL, Bscale=1)
    ## doms
    m <- ncol(XX)
    nn <- nrow(XX)
    nCgpseps <- length(Cgpsepis)

    ## checking lengths for number of constraint gps
    if(length(Cnorms) != nCgpseps) stop("length(Cgpsepis) != length(Cnorms)")
    ## checking scalars
    if(length(fmin) != 1) stop("ymin should be a scalar")
    if(length(fnorm) != 1) stop("fnorm should be a scalar")

    ## run fn to get cheap objectives and constraints
    if(fgpsepi < 0 || any(Cgpsepis < 0)) {
      if(is.null(fn)) stop("fn must be provided when fgpsepi or Cgpsepis < -1")
      out <- fn(XX*Bscale, known.only=TRUE)
      if(fgpsepi < 0) {
        if(is.null(out$obj)) stop("fgpsepi < 0 but out$obj from fn() is NULL")
        obj <- out$obj
      } else obj <- NULL
      if(any(Cgpsepis < 0)) {
        C <- out$c
        if(ncol(C) != sum(Cgpsepis < 0)) stop("ncol(C) != sum(Cgpsepis < 0)")
      } else C <- NULL

    ## calculate expected improvement part
    if(fgpsepi < 0) {
      obj <- rowSums(XX) * fnorm
      if(!is.finite(fmin)) fmin <- quantile(obj, p=0.9)
      I <- fmin - obj
      ei <- pmax(I, 0)
    } else {
      p <- predGPsep(fgpsepi, XX=XX, lite=TRUE)
      pm <- p$mean * fnorm
      ps <- sqrt(p$s2) * fnorm
      if(!is.finite(fmin)) fmin <- quantile(pm, p=0.9)
      u <- (fmin  - pm)/ps
      ei <- ps*dnorm(u) + (fmin-pm)*pnorm(u)

    ## calculate constraint part
    lplez <- matrix(NA, nrow=nrow(XX), nCgpseps)
    ik <- 1
    for(j in 1:nCgpseps) {
      if(Cgpsepis[j] < 0) {
        lplez[,j] <- log(C[,ik] <= 0)
        ik <- ik + 1
      } else {
        pc <- predGPsep(Cgpsepis[j], XX=XX, lite=TRUE)
        lplez[,j] <- pnorm(0, pc$mean, sqrt(pc$s2), log.p=TRUE)
    ## done
    return(data.frame(lei=log(ei), lplez=lplez))

## alcGPsep:
## wrapper used to calculate the ALCs in C using
## the pre-stored separable GP representation.  
## Note that this only calculates the s2' component 
## of ds2 = s2 - s2'

alcGPsep <- function(gpsepi, Xcand, Xref=Xcand, 
  parallel=c("none", "omp", "gpu"), verb=0)
    m <- ncol(Xcand)
    if(ncol(Xref) != m) stop("Xcand and Xref have mismatched cols")
    ncand <- nrow(Xcand)

    parallel <- match.arg(parallel)
    if(parallel == "omp") {

      if(!is.loaded("alcGPsep_omp_R")) stop("OMP not supported in this build; please re-compile")

      out <- .C("alcGPsep_omp_R",
              gpsepi = as.integer(gpsepi),
              m = as.integer(m),
              Xcand = as.double(t(Xcand)),
              ncand = as.integer(ncand),
              Xref = as.double(t(Xref)),
              nref = as.integer(nrow(Xref)),
              verb = as.integer(verb),
              alcs = double(ncand),
              PACKAGE = "laGP")

    } else if(parallel == "gpu") { stop("alcGPsep_gpu_R not implemented") 
    } else {

      out <- .C("alcGPsep_R",
              gpsepi = as.integer(gpsepi),
              m = as.integer(m),
              Xcand = as.double(t(Xcand)),
              ncand = as.integer(ncand),
              Xref = as.double(t(Xref)),
              nref = as.integer(nrow(Xref)),
              verb = as.integer(verb),
              alcs = double(ncand),
              PACKAGE = "laGP")

## alcoptGPsep:
## interface to C version of alcoptGPsep.R which continuously optimizes 
## ALC based on derivatives, using the starting locations and bounding 
## boxes and (stored) gpsep provided; ... has arguments to optim including 
## trace/verb level

alcoptGPsep <- function(gpsepi, Xref, start, lower, upper, maxit=100, verb=0)
  m <- getmGPsep(gpsepi)
  if(ncol(Xref) != m) stop("gpsepi stored X and Xref have mismatched cols")
  if(length(start) != m) stop("gpsepi stored X and start have mismatched cols")
  ## check lower and upper arguments
  if(length(lower) == 1) lower <- rep(lower, m)
  else if(length(lower) != m) stop("lower should be a vector of length ncol(Xref)")
  if(length(upper) ==  1) upper <- rep(upper, m)
  else if(length(upper) != m) stop("upper should be a vector of length ncol(Xref)")
  if(any(lower >= upper)) stop("some lower >= upper")
  out <- .C("alcoptGPsep_R",
            gpsepi = as.integer(gpsepi),
            maxit = as.integer(maxit),
            verb = as.integer(verb),
            start = as.double(start),
            lower = as.double(lower),
            upper = as.double(upper),
            m = as.integer(m),
            Xref = as.double(t(Xref)),
            nref = as.integer(nrow(Xref)),
            par = double(m),
            value = double(1),
            counts = integer(2),
            msg = paste(rep(0,60), collapse=""),
            convergence = integer(1),              
            PACKAGE = "laGP")
  ## for now return the whole optim output
  return(list(par=out$par, value=out$value, its=out$counts, msg=out$msg, convergence=out$convergence))

## alcoptGPsep.R:
## continuously optimizes ALC based on derivatives, using the
## starting locations and (stored) gpsep provided; ... has arguments 
## to optim including trace/verb level

alcoptGPsep.R <- function(gpsepi, Xref, start, lower, upper, maxit=100, verb=0)
  m <- getmGPsep(gpsepi)
  if(ncol(Xref) != m) stop("gpsepi stored X and Xref have mismatched cols")
  if(length(start) != m) stop("gpsepi stored X and start have mismatched cols")
  ## objective (and derivative saved)
  deriv <- NULL
  f <- function(x, gpsepi, Xref) {
    out <- dalcGPsep(gpsepi, matrix(x, nrow=1), Xref, verb=0)
    deriv <<- list(x=x, df=-out$dalcs/out$alcs)
    return(- log(out$alcs))
  ## derivative read from global variable
  df <- function(x, gpsepi, Xref) {
    if(any(x != deriv$x)) stop("xs don't match for successive f and df calls") 
  ## set up control
  control <- list(maxit=maxit, trace=verb, pgtol=1e-1)
  ## call optim with derivative and global variable
  opt <- optim(start, f, df, gpsepi=gpsepi, Xref=Xref, lower=lower, upper=upper,
               method="L-BFGS-B", control=control)
  ## version without derivatives
  ## opt <- optim(start, f, gpsepi=gpsepi, Xref=Xref, lower=lower, upper=upper,
  ## method="L-BFGS-B", control=control)
  ## keep track of progress in derivatives
  ## f(opt$par, gpsepi, Xref)
  ## grads <<- rbind(grads, df(opt$par, gpsepi, Xref))
  ## for now return the whole optim output

## lalcoptGPsep.R:
## optimizes ALC continuously from an initial random nearest (of start)
## neighbor(s) to Xref in Xcand.  The candidate in Xcand which is closest
## to the solution is returned.  This works differently than
## lalcoptGPsep, since the starts are random from 1:offset

lalcoptGPsep.R <- function(gpsepi, Xref, Xcand, rect=NULL, offset=1, numstart=1, verb=0) 
  ## sanity checks
  m <- ncol(Xref)
  if(m != ncol(Xcand)) stop("ncol(Xref) != ncol(Xcand)")
  if(length(offset) != 1 || offset < 1 || offset > nrow(Xcand))
    stop("offset should be a scalar integer >= 1 and <= nrow(Xcand)") 
  if(length(numstart) != 1 || numstart < 1)
    stop("numstart should be an integer scalar >= 1")
  ## adjust numstart
  if(numstart > nrow(Xcand)) numstart <- nrow(Xcand)
  ## calculate bounding rectangle from candidates
  if(is.null(rect)) rect <- apply(Xcand, 2, range)
  else if(nrow(rect) != 2 || ncol(rect) != ncol(Xref))
    stop("bad rect dimensions, must be 2 x ncol(Xref)")
  ## get starting and ending point of ray
  Xstart <- Xcand[offset:(offset + numstart - 1),,drop=FALSE]
  ## multi-start scheme for searching via derivatives
  best.obj <- -Inf; best.w <- NA
  for(i in 1:nrow(Xstart)) {
    opt <- alcoptGPsep(gpsepi, Xref, Xstart[i,], rect[1,], rect[2,], verb=verb)
    ## opt <- alcoptGPsep.R(gpsepi, Xref, Xstart[i,], rect[1,], rect[2,], verb=verb)
    ## calculate the index of the closest Xcand to opt$par and evaluate
    ## the ALC criteria there
    w <- which.min(distance(matrix(opt$par, nrow=1), Xcand)[1,])
    obj <- alcGPsep(gpsepi, Xcand[w,,drop=FALSE], Xref)
    ## determine if that location has the best ALC so far
    if(obj > best.obj) { best.obj <- obj; best.w <- w }

## lalcoptGPsep:
## wrapper to a C-side function used to optimize ALC continuously 
## from an initial neighbor(s) to Xref in Xcand.  
## The candidate in Xcand which is closest to the solution is returned.  
## This works differently than lalcoptGPsep.R, since the starts are 
## determined by a deterministic round robin similar to lalcrayGPsep

lalcoptGPsep <- function(gpsepi, Xref, Xcand, rect=NULL, offset=1, numstart=1, maxit=100, 
  ## sanity checks
  m <- ncol(Xref)
  ncand <- nrow(Xcand)
  if(m != ncol(Xcand)) stop("ncol(Xref) != ncol(Xcand)")
  if(length(offset) != 1 || offset < 1 || offset > ncand)
    stop("offset should be a scalar integer >= 1 and <= nrow(Xcand)") 
  if(length(numstart) != 1 || numstart < 1)
    stop("numstart should be an integer scalar >= 1")
  ## calculate bounding rectangle from candidates
  if(is.null(rect)) rect <- apply(Xcand, 2, range)
  else if(nrow(rect) != 2 || ncol(rect) != ncol(Xref))
    stop("bad rect dimensions, must be 2 x ncol(Xref)")
  out <- .C("lalcoptGPsep_R",
            gpsepi = as.integer(gpsepi),
            m = as.integer(m),
            Xcand = as.double(t(Xcand)),
            ncand = as.integer(ncand),
            Xref = as.double(t(Xref)),
            nref = as.integer(nrow(Xref)),
            offset = as.integer(offset-1),
            numstart = as.integer(numstart),
            rect = as.double(t(rect)),
            maxit = as.integer(maxit),
            verb = as.integer(verb),
            w = integer(1),
            PACKAGE = "laGP")

## getmGPsep:
## access the input dimension of a GPsep

getmGPsep <- function(gpsepi)
  .C("getmGPsep_R", gpsepi = as.integer(gpsepi), m = integer(1), PACKAGE="laGP")$m

## dalcGPsep:
## wrapper used to calculate the derivative of ALCs in C using
## the pre-stored separable GP representation.  Note that this only
## calculates the s2' component of ds2 = s2 - s2'

dalcGPsep <- function(gpsepi, Xcand, Xref=Xcand, verb=0)
  m <- ncol(Xcand)
  if(ncol(Xref) != m) stop("Xcand and Xref have mismatched cols")
  ncand <- nrow(Xcand)
  out <- .C("dalcGPsep_R",
            gpsepi = as.integer(gpsepi),
            m = as.integer(m),
            Xcand = as.double(t(Xcand)),
            ncand = as.integer(ncand),
            Xref = as.double(t(Xref)),
            nref = as.integer(nrow(Xref)),
            verb = as.integer(verb),
            alcs = double(ncand),
            dalcs = double(ncand*m),
            PACKAGE = "laGP")
  return(list(alcs=out$alcs, dalcs=matrix(out$dalcs, ncol=m, byrow=TRUE)))

## ieciGPsep:
## wrapper used to calculate the IECIs in C using
## the pre-stored separable GP representation.  

ieciGPsep <- function(gpsepi, Xcand, fmin, Xref=Xcand, w=NULL, nonug=FALSE, verb=0)
    m <- ncol(Xcand)
    if(ncol(Xref) != m) stop("Xcand and Xref have mismatched cols")
    ncand <- nrow(Xcand)
    nref <- nrow(Xref)
    if(is.null(w)) wb <- 0
    else {
      wb <- 1
      if(length(w) != nref || any(w < 0)) 
        stop("w must be a non-negative vector of length nrow(Xref)")

    out <- .C("ieciGPsep_R",
              gpsepi = as.integer(gpsepi),
              m = as.integer(m),
              Xcand = as.double(t(Xcand)),
              ncand = as.integer(ncand),
              fmin = as.double(fmin),
              Xref = as.double(t(Xref)),
              nref = as.integer(nref),
              w = as.double(w),
              wb = as.integer(wb),
              nonug = as.integer(nonug),
              verb = as.integer(verb),
              iecis = double(ncand),
              PACKAGE = "laGP")

## mleGPsep.switch:
## switch function for mle calculaitons by laGPsep.R

mleGPsep.switch <- function(gpsepi, method, d, g, verb) 
    ## do nothing if no MLE required
    if(!(d$mle || g$mle)) return(NULL)

    ## calculate derivatives
    if(d$mle && method != "mspe" && method != "efi") buildKGPsep(gpsepi)

    if(d$mle && g$mle) { ## joint lengthscale and nugget
      return(jmleGPsep(gpsepi, drange=c(d$min,d$max), grange=c(g$min, g$max), 
                    dab=d$ab, gab=g$ab))
    } else { ## maybe one or the other
      if(d$mle) { ## lengthscale only
        dmle <- mleGPsep(gpsepi, param="d", d$min, d$max, d$ab, verb=verb)
        return(data.frame(d=matrix(dmle$d, nrow=1), dits=dmle$its))
      if(g$mle) { ## nugget only
        gmle <- mleGPsep(gpsepi, param="g", g$min, g$max, g$ab, verb=verb)
        return(data.frame(g=gmle$g, gits=gmle$its))

## alcrayGPsep:
## wrapper used to optimize AIC via a ray search using
## the pre-stored separable GP representation.  Return 
## the convex combination s in (0,1) between Xstart and Xend;

alcrayGPsep <- function(gpsepi, Xref, Xstart, Xend, verb=0)
    ## coerse to matrices
    if(is.null(ncol(Xref))) Xref <- matrix(Xref, nrow=1)
    if(is.null(ncol(Xstart))) Xstart <- matrix(Xstart, nrow=1)
    if(is.null(ncol(Xend))) Xend <- matrix(Xend, nrow=1)
    ## check dimensions of matrices
    m <- ncol(Xstart)
    if(ncol(Xref) != m) stop("Xstart and Xref have mismatched cols")
    if(ncol(Xend) != m) stop("Xend and Xref have mismatched cols")
    if(nrow(Xref) != 1) stop("only one reference location allowed for ray search")
    numrays <- nrow(Xstart)
    if(nrow(Xend) != numrays) stop("must have same number of starting and ending locations")

    ## call the C routine
    out <- .C("alcrayGPsep_R",
              gpsepi = as.integer(gpsepi),
              m = as.integer(m),
              Xref = as.double(t(Xref)),
              numrays = as.integer(numrays),
              Xstart = as.double(t(Xstart)),
              Xend = as.double(t(Xend)),
              verb = as.integer(verb),
              s = double(1),
              r = integer(1))
    ## return the convex combination
    return(list(r=out$r, s=out$s))

## lalcrayGPsep.R:
## calculates a ray emanating from a random nearest (of start)
## neighbor(s) to Xref in Xcand.  The ending point of the ray
## is 10 times the (opposite) distance from Xstart to Xref,
## then alcrayGP (either C or R version) is called to optimize
## over the ray.  The candidate in Xcand which is closest
## to the solution is returned.  This works differently than
## lalcrayGPsep, since the starts of the rays are random from 
## 1:offset -- otherwise this is nearly identical to lalcrayGP.R

lalcrayGPsep.R <- function(gpsepi, Xref, Xcand, rect, offset=1, 
  numrays=ncol(Xref), verb=0) 
    ## sanity checks
    m <- ncol(Xref)
    if(nrow(Xref) != 1) stop("alcray only applies for one Xref")
    if(m != ncol(Xcand)) stop("ncol(Xref) != ncol(Xcand)")
    if(ncol(rect) != m) stop("ncol(rect) != ncol(Xref)")
    if(length(offset) != 1 || offset < 1 || offset > nrow(Xcand))
      stop("offset should be a scalar integer >= 1 and <= nrow(Xcand)") 
    if(length(numrays) != 1 || numrays < 1)
      stop("numrays should be an integer scalar >= 1")

    ## adjust numrays
    if(numrays > nrow(Xcand)) numrays <- nrow(Xcand)

    ## get starting and ending point of ray
    Xstart <- Xcand[sample(1:offset, numrays),,drop=FALSE]
    Xend <- ray.end(numrays, Xref, Xstart, rect)

    ## solve for the best convex combination of Xstart and Xend
    so <- alcrayGPsep(gpsepi, Xref, Xstart, Xend, verb)
    Xstar <- matrix((1-so$s)*Xstart[so$r,] + so$s*Xend[so$r,], nrow=1)

    ## return the index of the closest Xcand to Xstar
    w <- which.min(distance(Xstar, Xcand)[1,])

## lalcrayGPsep:
## wrapper to a C-side function used to calculate a ray emanating 
## from a random nearest (of start) neighbor(s) to Xref in Xcand.  
## The ending point of the ray is 10 times the (opposite) distance 
## from Xstart to Xref, then alcrayGPsep (on the C-side) is called to 
## optimize over the ray.  The candidate in Xcand which is closest
## to the solution is returned -- nearly identical to lalcrayGP

lalcrayGPsep <- function(gpsepi, Xref, Xcand, rect, offset=1, 
  numrays=ncol(Xref), verb=0)
    ## sanity checks
    m <- ncol(Xref)
    ncand <- nrow(Xcand)
    if(nrow(Xref) != 1) stop("alcray only applies for one Xref")
    if(m != ncol(Xcand)) stop("ncol(Xref) != ncol(Xcand)")
    if(ncol(rect) != m) stop("ncol(rect) != ncol(Xref)")
    if(length(offset) != 1 || offset < 1 || offset > ncand)
      stop("offset should be a scalar integer >= 1 and <= nrow(Xcand)") 
    if(length(numrays) != 1 || numrays < 1)
      stop("numrays should be an integer scalar >= 1")

    out <- .C("lalcrayGPsep_R",
              gpsepi = as.integer(gpsepi),
              m = as.integer(m),
              Xcand = as.double(t(Xcand)),
              ncand = as.integer(ncand),
              Xref = as.double(t(Xref)),
              offset = as.integer(offset-1),
              numrays = as.integer(numrays),
              rect = as.double(t(rect)),
              verb = as.integer(verb),
              w = integer(1),
              PACKAGE = "laGP")


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