
#' @include model.R

# transformFitted ####
#' @export
#' @rdname transformFitted
#' @title Helper function for custom lcModel classes implementing fitted.lcModel()
#' @description A helper function for implementing the [fitted.lcModel()] method as part of your own `lcModel` class, ensuring the correct output type and format (see the Value section).
#' Note that this function has no use outside of implementing `fitted.lcModel`.
#' The function makes it easier to implement `fitted.lcModel` based on existing implementations that may output their results in different data formats. Furthermore, the function checks whether the input data is valid.
#' The prediction ordering depends on the ordering of the data observations that was used for fitting the `lcModel`.
#' By default, `transformFitted()` accepts one of the following inputs:
#' \describe{
#'  \item{`data.frame`}{A `data.frame` in long format providing a cluster-specific prediction for each observation per row, with column names `"Fit"` and `"Cluster"`. This `data.frame` therefore has `nobs(object) * nClusters(object)` rows.}
#'  \item{`matrix`}{An N-by-K `matrix` where each row provides the cluster-specific predictions for the respective observation. Here, `N = nrow(model.data(object))` and `K = nClusters(object)`.}
#'  \item{`list`}{A `list` of cluster-specific prediction `vector`s. Each prediction vector should be of length `nrow(model.data(object))`. The overall (named) list of cluster-specific prediction vectors is of length `nClusters(object)`.}
#' }
#' Users can implement support for other prediction formats by defining the `transformFitted` method with other signatures.
#' @section Example implementation:
#' A typical implementation of [fitted.lcModel()] for your own `lcModel` class would have the following format:
#' \preformatted{
#' fitted.lcModelExample <- function(object,
#'  clusters = trajectoryAssignments(object)) {
#'   # computations of the fitted values per cluster here
#'   predictionMatrix <- CODE_HERE
#'   transformFitted(pred = predictionMatrix, model = object, clusters = clusters)
#' }
#' }
#' For a complete and runnable example, see the custom models vignette accessible via \code{vignette("custom", package = "latrend")}.
#' @usage transformFitted(pred, model, clusters)
#' @param pred The cluster-specific predictions for each observation
#' @param model The `lcModel` by which the prediction was made.
#' @param clusters The trajectory cluster assignment per observation. Optional.
#' @return If the `clusters` argument was specified, a `vector` of fitted values conditional on the given cluster assignment. Else, a `matrix` with the fitted values per cluster per column.
setGeneric('transformFitted', function(pred, model, clusters = NULL) {
  if (!is.null(clusters)) {
      length(clusters) == nIds(model),
      is_valid_cluster_name(clusters, model = model)

  out <- standardGeneric('transformFitted')

  if (is.null(clusters)) {
      ncol(out) == nClusters(model)
    colnames(out) = clusterNames(model)
  } else {


#' @rdname transformFitted
#' @aliases transformFitted,NULL,lcModel-method
setMethod('transformFitted', c('NULL', 'lcModel'), function(pred, model, clusters) {
    newpred = matrix(NA_real_, nrow = .ndobs(model), ncol = nClusters(model))
  colnames(newpred) = clusterNames(model)

  transformFitted(newpred, model, clusters)

#' @rdname transformFitted
#' @aliases transformFitted,matrix,lcModel-method
setMethod('transformFitted', c('matrix', 'lcModel'), function(pred, model, clusters) {
    err = validate_that(
      ncol(pred) == nClusters(model),
      nrow(pred) == .ndobs(model),
      is_valid_cluster_name(colnames(pred), model = model),
      all(clusterNames(model) %in% colnames(pred))
  if (!isTRUE(err)) {
    stop(class(model)[1], ' implementation error in fitted(): ', paste0(err, collapse = ', and '))

  newOrder = match(colnames(pred), clusterNames(model))
  pred = pred[, newOrder, drop = FALSE]

  if (is.null(clusters)) {
  } else if (nrow(pred) == 0) {
  } else {
    clusters = make.clusterIndices(model, clusters)
    rowClusters = clusters[make.idRowIndices(model)]
    .rowColumns(pred, rowClusters)

#' @rdname transformFitted
#' @aliases transformFitted,list,lcModel-method
setMethod('transformFitted', c('list', 'lcModel'), function(pred, model, clusters) {
    length(pred) == nClusters(model),
    has_name(pred, clusterNames(model))

  newpred = lapply(pred, '[[', 'Fit') %>%
    do.call(cbind, .)

  transformFitted(newpred, model, clusters)

#' @rdname transformFitted
#' @importFrom utils unstack
#' @aliases transformFitted,data.frame,lcModel-method
setMethod('transformFitted', c('data.frame', 'lcModel'), function(pred, model, clusters) {
    has_name(pred, c('Fit', 'Cluster')),
    all(clusterNames(model) %in% pred$Cluster)

    all(aggregate(. ~ Cluster, pred, length)$Fit == .ndobs(model)),
    msg = sprintf('The number of rows per cluster does not match the number of model observations: Expecting %d rows per cluster', nobs(model))

  predmat = unstack(pred, Fit ~ Cluster) %>% as.matrix()
  assert_that(all(colnames(predmat) == clusterNames(model)))

  transformFitted(predmat, model, clusters)

# transformPredict ####
#' @export
#' @rdname transformPredict
#' @title Helper function for custom lcModel classes implementing predict.lcModel()
#' @description A helper function for implementing the [predict.lcModel()][predict.lcModel] method as part of your own `lcModel` class, ensuring the correct output type and format (see the Value section).
#' Note that this function has no use outside of ensuring valid output for `predict.lcModel`.
#' For implementing `lcModel` predictions from scratch, it is advisable to implement [predictForCluster] instead of [predict.lcModel].
#' The prediction ordering corresponds to the observation ordering of the `newdata` argument.
#' By default, `transformPredict()` accepts one of the following inputs:
#' \describe{
#'  \item{`data.frame`}{A `data.frame` in long format providing a cluster-specific prediction for each observation per row, with column names `"Fit"` and `"Cluster"`.
#'  This `data.frame` therefore has `nrow(model.data(object)) * nClusters(object)` rows.}
#'  \item{`matrix`}{An N-by-K `matrix` where each row provides the cluster-specific predictions for the respective observations in `newdata`.
#'  Here, `N = nrow(newdata)` and `K = nClusters(object)`.}
#'  \item{`vector`}{A `vector` of length `nrow(newdata)` with predictions corresponding to the rows of `newdata`.}
#' }
#' Users can implement support for other prediction formats by defining the `transformPredict()` method with other signatures.
#' @section Example implementation:
#' In case we have a custom `lcModel` class based on an existing internal model representation with a `predict()` function,
#' we can use `transformPredict()` to easily transform the internal model predictions to the right format.
#' A common output is a `matrix` with the cluster-specific predictions.
#' \preformatted{
#' predict.lcModelExample <- function(object, newdata) {
#'   predictionMatrix <- predict(object@model, newdata)
#'   transformPredict(
#'     pred = predictionMatrix,
#'     model = object,
#'     newdata = newdata
#'   )
#' }
#' }
#' However, for ease of implementation it is generally advisable to implement [predictForCluster] instead of [predict.lcModel].
#' For a complete and runnable example, see the custom models vignette accessible via \code{vignette("custom", package = "latrend")}.
#' @usage transformPredict(pred, model, newdata)
#' @param pred The (per-cluster) predictions for `newdata`.
#' @param model The `lcModel` for which the prediction was made.
#' @param newdata A `data.frame` containing the input data to predict for.
#' @return A `data.frame` with the predictions, or a list of cluster-specific prediction `data.frame`s.
#' @seealso predictForCluster, predict.lcModel
setGeneric('transformPredict', function(pred, model, newdata) {
    has_name(newdata, timeVariable(model)),

  if (hasName(newdata, 'Cluster')) {
      all(newdata$Cluster %in% clusterNames(model))

  out <- standardGeneric('transformPredict')

  df_validate = function(out_df) {
      has_name(out_df, 'Fit'),
      nrow(out_df) == nrow(newdata)

  if (is.data.frame(out)) {
    valid = df_validate(out)

    if (!isTRUE(valid)) {
        'implementation error in transformPredict(): %s',
  } else {
      all(vapply(out, is.data.frame, FUN.VALUE = TRUE)),
      msg = 'implementation error in transformPredict(): expecting data.frame or list of data.frames output'
    assert_that(all(names(out) == clusterNames(model)), msg = 'expecting list of data.frames named after the clusters')

    valids = sapply(out, df_validate)
    validMask = vapply(valids, isTRUE, FUN.VALUE = TRUE)

    if (!all(validMask)) {
        'wrong format for one or more data.frames in the data.frame cluster list output: ',
        paste0(valids[!validMask], collapse = '+ \n')


#' @rdname transformPredict
#' @aliases transformPredict,NULL,lcModel-method
setMethod('transformPredict', c('NULL', 'lcModel'), function(pred, model, newdata) {
    nrow(newdata) == 0,
    msg = sprintf(
      '%s implementation error: transformPredict(NULL, ...) can only be used when newdata is empty',

  if (hasName(newdata, 'Cluster')) {
      Cluster = factor(levels = seq_len(nClusters(model)), labels = clusterNames(model)),
      Fit = numeric(0)
  } else {
    data.frame(Fit = numeric(0))

#' @rdname transformPredict
#' @aliases transformPredict,vector,lcModel-method
setMethod('transformPredict', c('vector', 'lcModel'), function(pred, model, newdata) {
    length(pred) == nrow(newdata),
    msg = sprintf(
      '%s implementation error: vector pred must match number of rows of newdata',
    has_name(newdata, 'Cluster'),
    msg = 'newdata$Cluster must be specified for vector-based prediction'

    pred = data.frame(Fit = pred, Cluster = newdata$Cluster),
    model = model,
    newdata = newdata

#' @rdname transformPredict
#' @aliases transformPredict,matrix,lcModel-method
setMethod('transformPredict', c('matrix', 'lcModel'), function(pred, model, newdata) {
  # format where multiple cluster-specific predictions are given per newdata entry (per row)
    ncol(pred) == nClusters(model),
    nrow(pred) == nrow(newdata),
    is_valid_cluster_name(colnames(pred), model = model),
    all(clusterNames(model) %in% colnames(pred))

  newOrder = match(colnames(pred), clusterNames(model))
  pred = pred[, newOrder, drop = FALSE]

  if (hasName(newdata, 'Cluster')) {
    rowClusters = make.clusterIndices(model, newdata$Cluster)
    data.frame(Fit = .rowColumns(pred, rowClusters))
  } else {
    data.frame(Fit = as.vector(pred)) %>%
      split(clusterNames(model, factor = TRUE) %>% rep(each = nrow(pred)))

#' @rdname transformPredict
#' @aliases transformPredict,data.frame,lcModel-method
setMethod('transformPredict', c('data.frame', 'lcModel'), function(pred, model, newdata) {
    has_name(pred, c('Fit', 'Cluster')),
    is_valid_cluster_name(pred$Cluster, model = model)

  if (hasName(newdata, 'Cluster')) {
      all(unique(newdata$Cluster) %in% unique(pred$Cluster)),
      msg = sprintf(
        '"pred" is missing predictions for clusters %s',
        paste0(setdiff(unique(newdata$Cluster), unique(pred$Cluster)), collapse = ', ')

  # generic form, possibly containing more predictions than newdata. These are filtered
  # if the pred object contains the newdata variables. Else, newdata is replicated.
  pred = as.data.table(pred)
  newdata = as.data.table(newdata)

  if (nrow(newdata) == 0) {
    return(as.data.table(pred)[0, ])

  # columns which are relevant to filtering predictions
  datavars = names(newdata) %>% setdiff('Fit')
  # columns which can be used for filtering because they're present in pred and newdata
  mergevars = intersect(names(pred), datavars)
  # columns which should be present in newpred
  predvars = setdiff(names(pred), datavars)

  if (length(predvars) == 0) {
      'possible %s implementation error: Cannot determine prediction variables. Check the "pred" input.',

  # match pred to newdata
  if (length(mergevars) == 0) {
    if (nrow(pred) == nrow(newdata)) {
      # newdata may have Cluster column, but we assume results are correct since rows match
      if (hasName(newdata, 'Cluster')) {
        newpred = cbind(pred, Cluster = newdata$Cluster)
      } else {
        newpred = pred
    else if (hasName(pred, 'Cluster')) {
      assert_that(nrow(pred) == nrow(newdata) * uniqueN(pred$Cluster), msg = 'cannot merge pred and newdata (no shared columns), and nrow(pred) is not a multiple of nrow(newdata)')
      newpred = pred
    else {
        'non-matching rows for pred and newdata, and no shared columns to merge on.\npred has (%s), newdatahas (%s)',
        paste0(names(pred), collapse = ', '),
        paste0(names(newdata), collapse = ', ')
  else if (length(mergevars) == 1 && mergevars == 'Cluster') {
    # can only merge on cluster. order cannot be validated
    # number of observations per cluster must match the number of predictions per cluster
    obsCounts = pred[, .N, keyby = Cluster] %>%
      .[newdata[, .N, keyby = Cluster]]

      all(obsCounts[is.finite(N) & is.finite(i.N), N == i.N]),
      msg = 'number of observations per cluster must match the number of predictions per cluster'

    newpred = pred[Cluster %in% unique(newdata$Cluster)] %>% subset(select = -Cluster)
  else {
    # attempt to merge pred and newdata to ensure correct filtering of predictions
    # we merge only on recognized columns to prevent output from being corrupted due to duplicate value columns
    newdataMerge = subset(newdata, select = mergevars)

    if (anyDuplicated(pred, by = union(mergevars, intersect(names(pred), 'Cluster')))) {
      # merging with newdata would result in replication of data points
      id = idVariable(model)

      if (not(id %in% mergevars)) {
            'The predictions in "pred" cannot be merged with newdata because its rows are not uniquely tied to rows in "newdata".
Merging the data frames would result in data replication.
In case replications are resulting from trajectory-specific predictions, specify the "%s" column to indicate the respective trajectory of the predictions.',
      else {
            'possible %s implementation error: the predictions in "pred" cannot be merged with newdata because its rows are not uniquely tied to rows in "newdata".
Merging the data frames would result in data replication.',

    newpred = merge(
      by = mergevars,
      sort = FALSE
    ) %>%
      subset(select = predvars)

  if (hasName(newdata, 'Cluster')) {
    # case where a cluster-specific prediction is requested.
      !has_name(newpred, 'Cluster'),
      msg = 'implementation error: newdata requests predictions for specific clusters,
but newpred still has a Cluster column, indicating that merging of results has failed'

  else if (hasName(newpred, 'Cluster')) {
    # output predictions for each cluster
    assert_that(has_name(newpred, 'Cluster'))

    newpredClusters = newpred$Cluster
    # drop Cluster column
    newpred = subset(
      select = setdiff(names(newpred), 'Cluster')

    split(as.data.frame(newpred), newpredClusters)
  } else {
    warning('the model predictions do not include predictions for each cluster')
    assert_that(nrow(newpred) == nrow(newdata))

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