### Copyright (C) 2001-2006 Deepayan Sarkar <>
### This file is part of the lattice package for R.
### It is made available under the terms of the GNU General Public
### License, version 2, or at your option, any later version,
### incorporated herein by reference.
### This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
### useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
### PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
### details.
### You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
### License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
### Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
### MA 02110-1301, USA
## (By popular demand) function to get axis limits of current panel
current.panel.limits <- function(unit = "native")
list(xlim = convertX(unit(c(0,1), "npc"), unit, valueOnly=TRUE),
ylim = convertY(unit(c(0,1), "npc"), unit, valueOnly=TRUE))
## Functions to compute axis tick mark positions and labels. From
## lattice 0.14 onwards, there will be user specifiable functions (one
## each for the x and y axes) that does this. The function defined
## here is intended to serve as the default choice for that function.
## The goal is to make anything reasonable possible, so suggested
## changes to the API will be considered. The tentative plan is to
## specify them as optional arguments, e.g. xyplot(...,
## xscale.components = function(lim, ...) list(...))
## This function is intended to work with one packet at a time. It
## will be called only once when relation=same, and once for each
## packet otherwise. The major difference is that there can be
## different things on opposite sides (left/right or top/bottom),
## e.g. both transformed and original axes on log transformed data.
## The output can be a list with tick locations, labels, etc. I also
## considered allowing it to be a ``grob''. (I don't necessarily
## endorse the idea of having a grid dependency built into the Trellis
## object, as opposed to just the plotting procedure, but that ship
## has sailed a long time back: xlab, main, etc can already be grobs.)
## However, this is difficult to implement, and I don't even know how
## to design a grob that will be properly coordinated with the axes.
## Anyone who can figure that out will also be capable of writing a
## custom axis function.
## Output formats: The output is a list of the form
## list(num.limit = ..., left=..., right=...) or
## list(num.limit = ..., bottom=..., top=...)
## num.limit is the numeric range suggested
## right and top can be logical: TRUE means same as left/bottom, FALSE
## means to be omitted. Prior default behaviour corresponds to TRUE
## for relation=same, FALSE otherwise. They can also be like
## left/bottom, whose possible values are described next.
## One thing to remember is that tick marks and labels are treated
## separately. This strategy has worked successfully in the past, and
## I'm not willing to give it up (mostly because I'm not really sure
## how to create a single grob that combines both, and then can be
## used to determine widths/heights (even if I could, I'm sure the
## calculations will be slower)). So, the output will be like
## left =
## list(ticks = list(at = ..., tck = ...),
## labels =
## list(at = ..., labels = ..., check.overlap = TRUE))
## or
## left =
## list(ticks = list(at = ..., tck = ...),
## labels = textGrob("foo"))
xscale.components.default <-
packet.number = 0,
packet.list = NULL,
top = TRUE,
comps <-
calculateAxisComponents(lim, packet.list = packet.list,
packet.number = packet.number, ...)
list(num.limit = comps$num.limit,
bottom =
list(ticks = list(at = comps$at, tck = 1),
labels =
list(at = comps$at,
labels = comps$labels,
check.overlap = comps$check.overlap)),
top = top)
## should be same as above with s/bottom/left/g and s/top/right/g
yscale.components.default <-
packet.number = 0,
packet.list = NULL,
right = TRUE,
comps <-
calculateAxisComponents(lim, packet.list = packet.list,
packet.number = packet.number, ...)
list(num.limit = comps$num.limit,
left =
list(ticks = list(at = comps$at, tck = 1),
labels =
list(at = comps$at,
labels = comps$labels,
cex = 1,
check.overlap = comps$check.overlap)),
right = right)
## default function to draw axes. This (or its user-specified
## replacement) will be called once for each side of each panel,
## regardless of whether relation == "same".
axis.default <-
function(side = c("top", "bottom", "left", "right"),
scales, components, as.table,
labels = c("default", "yes", "no"),
ticks = c("default", "yes", "no"),
prefix = lattice.getStatus("current.prefix"))
side <- match.arg(side)
labels <- match.arg(labels)
ticks <- match.arg(ticks)
row <- lattice.getStatus("current.focus.row", prefix = prefix)
column <- lattice.getStatus("current.focus.column", prefix = prefix)
panel.layout <- trellis.currentLayout("panel", prefix = prefix)
layout.dim <- dim(panel.layout)
determineStatus <- function(x)
## whether the relevant component of 'components' wants us to
## draw something here
if (is.null(x) || (is.logical(x) && !x)) FALSE
else TRUE
lastPanel <- function()
## is this the last panel? In that case, it is considered to
## be ``on the boundary'' on the right side.
((pn <- panel.number(prefix = prefix)) > 0 && pn == max(panel.layout))
atBoundary <- function()
top = if (as.table) row == 1 else row == layout.dim[1],
bottom = if (!as.table) row == 1 else row == layout.dim[1],
left = column == 1,
right = column == layout.dim[2] || lastPanel())
## FIXME: what about scales$relation ?
do.ticks <-
yes = TRUE,
no = FALSE,
default = scales$draw && determineStatus(components[[side]]) &&
(if (scales$relation == "same") atBoundary() else TRUE))
do.labels <-
yes = TRUE,
no = FALSE,
default =
scales$draw &&
(if (scales$relation == "same") {
atBoundary() &&
## rule: if (alternating[row/column] %in% c(2, 3)) for
## a ``boundary'' panel, then draw, otherwise don't.
top = rep(scales$alternating, length.out = column)[column] %in% c(2, 3),
bottom = rep(scales$alternating, length.out = column)[column] %in% c(1, 3),
left = rep(scales$alternating, length.out = row)[row] %in% c(1, 3),
right = rep(scales$alternating, length.out = row)[row] %in% c(2, 3))
} else TRUE))
if (do.ticks || do.labels)
comp.list <-
top = if (is.logical(components[["top"]]) && components[["top"]])
components[["bottom"]] else components[["top"]],
bottom = components[["bottom"]],
left = components[["left"]],
right = if (is.logical(components[["right"]]) && components[["right"]])
components[["left"]] else components[["right"]])
scales.tck <-
left = ,
bottom = scales$tck[1],
right = ,
top = scales$tck[2])
if (!is.logical(comp.list)) ## must be FALSE if it is
if (do.ticks)
panel.axis(side = side,
at = comp.list$ticks$at,
labels = FALSE,
draw.labels = FALSE,
check.overlap = FALSE,
outside = TRUE,
ticks = TRUE,
tck = scales.tck * comp.list$ticks$tck,
if (do.labels)
panel.axis(side = side,
at = comp.list$labels$at,
labels = comp.list$labels$labels,
draw.labels = TRUE,
check.overlap = comp.list$labels$check.overlap,
outside = TRUE,
ticks = FALSE,
tck = scales.tck * comp.list$ticks$tck,
## FIXME: Long term goal: some of the following code is possibly too
## cautious. A review might make the code simpler without substantial
## drawbacks (the point being that we know exactly how the code is
## being called).
calculateAxisComponents <-
function(x, ...,
## ignored, but needs to be caught:
packet.number, packet.list,
abbreviate = NULL, minlength = 4)
## This aims to be a general function which given a general
## 'range' x and optional at, generates the locations of tick
## marks and corresponding labels.
## x is guaranteed to be given (possibly NA). Possible cases
## correspond to factors (character/expression), shingle (see
## below), "POSIXt", "date" and usual numeric. The last case will
## be default, and will be changed later if necessary.
## Theres no need to handle shingles specially. Shingles can also
## be thought of as numeric, and thus the default is more
## appropriate for functions like xyplot. In functions like
## bwplot, things will be adjusted elsewhere when one of the
## variables is a shingle.
## Note that at and labels will never be TRUE (it's set up that
## way), so it's enough to check if they are is.logical(), which
## means they are not explicitly specified.
## The variables about log scales are required for cases where at
## is explicitly specified. In such cases, at will be
## log(at,base=logbase), but labels would correspond to at.
if (all(
return(list(at = numeric(0),
labels = numeric(0),
check.overlap = TRUE,
num.limit = c(0,1)))
## Get ticks and labels depending on x (generic defined below)
ans <- formattedTicksAndLabels(x, ...)
## remove labels outside limits
rng <- range(ans$num.limit)
ok <- ans$at >= min(rng) & ans$at <= max(rng)
ans$at <- ans$at[ok]
ans$labels <- ans$labels[ok]
## abbreviate labels if requested
if (is.logical(abbreviate) && abbreviate)
ans$labels <- abbreviate(ans$labels, minlength)
formattedTicksAndLabels <- function(x, ...)
## quick and dirty fix: have methods for all sorts of objects, even
## ones in other packages (like chron)
formattedTicksAndLabels.default <-
at = FALSE, = NULL,
labels = FALSE,
logsc = FALSE,
num.limit = NULL,
abbreviate = NULL,
minlength = 4,
format.posixt = NULL,
equispaced.log = TRUE)
## meant for when x is numeric
rng <-
if (length(x) == 2) as.numeric(x)
else range(as.numeric(x))
## str(list(x = x, num.limit = num.limit,
## rng = rng, equispaced.log = equispaced.log))
## handle log scale (most other methods ignore logsc)
if (is.logical(logsc) && logsc) logsc <- 10
have.log <- !is.logical(logsc)
if (have.log)
logbase <-
if (is.numeric(logsc)) logsc
else if (logsc == "e") exp(1)
else stop("Invalid value of 'log'")
logpaste <-
if (have.log) paste(as.character(logsc), "^", sep = "")
else ""
## will check for overlap only when neither at nor labels is specified
check.overlap <-
if (is.logical(at) && is.logical(labels)) TRUE
else FALSE
if (is.logical(at)) ## at not explicitly specified
at <-
if (have.log && !equispaced.log) # FIXME: num.limit instead of rng?
checkArgsAndCall(axisTicks, list(usr = log10(logbase^rng), log = TRUE, axp = NULL, ...))
checkArgsAndCall(pretty, list(x = x[is.finite(x)], ...))
else if (have.log && (length(at) > 0)) ## 'at' specified but not NULL
if (is.logical(labels)) labels <- as.character(at)
at <- log(at, base = logbase)
if (is.logical(labels))
if (have.log && !equispaced.log)
labels <- as.character(at)
at <- log(at, logbase)
else labels <- paste(logpaste, format(at, trim = TRUE), sep = "")
list(at = at, labels = labels,
check.overlap = check.overlap,
num.limit = rng)
} <-
function(x, at = FALSE, = NULL,
num.limit = NULL,
labels = FALSE,
logsc = FALSE,
abbreviate = NULL,
minlength = 4,
format.posixt = NULL)
## handle log scales (not very meaningful, though)
if (is.logical(logsc) && logsc) logsc <- 10
have.log <- !is.logical(logsc) || logsc
logbase <-
if (is.numeric(logsc)) logsc
else exp(1)
## will check for overlap only when neither at nor labels is specified
check.overlap <-
if (is.logical(at) && is.logical(labels)) TRUE
else FALSE
if (is.logical(at)) ## at not explicitly specified
at <- as.integer(pretty(x[is.finite(x)], ...))
class(at) <- "date"
datelabels <- as.character(at)
else if (have.log && (length(at) > 0))
if (is.logical(labels)) labels <- as.character(at)
at <- log(at, base = logbase)
list(at = at,
labels = if (is.logical(labels)) datelabels else labels,
check.overlap = check.overlap,
num.limit = if (length(x) == 2) as.numeric(x) else as.numeric(range(x)))
## The next two are actually identical
formattedTicksAndLabels.character <-
function (x,
at = FALSE, = NULL,
labels = FALSE,
logsc = FALSE,
num.limit = NULL,
abbreviate = NULL,
minlength = 4,
format.posixt = NULL)
retain <- if (is.null( || any( TRUE else
## OLD: ans <- list(at = if (is.logical(at)) seq_along(x)[retain] else at,
## labels = if (is.logical(labels)) x[retain] else labels,
## check.overlap = FALSE)
ans <- list()
ans$at <- if (is.logical(at)) seq_along(x)[retain] else at
ans$labels <- if (is.logical(labels)) {
if (all(ans$at %in% seq_along(x)))
else ## meaningless at, since not corresponding to values
as.character(ans$at) # best guess
} else labels
ans$check.overlap <- FALSE
ans$num.limit <-
c(-1, 1) * lattice.getOption("axis.padding")$factor +
if (is.null(num.limit) || any(
c(1, length(x)) ## WAS range(ans$at), not sure why
else num.limit
formattedTicksAndLabels.expression <-
at = FALSE, = NULL,
labels = FALSE,
logsc = FALSE,
num.limit = NULL,
abbreviate = NULL,
minlength = 4,
format.posixt = NULL)
retain <- if (is.null( || any( TRUE else
ans <- list()
ans$at <- if (is.logical(at)) seq_along(x)[retain] else at
ans$labels <- if (is.logical(labels)) {
if (all(ans$at %in% seq_along(x)))
else ## meaningless at, since not corresponding to values
as.character(ans$at) # best guess
} else labels
ans$num.limit <- c(-1, 1) * lattice.getOption("axis.padding")$factor +
if (is.null(num.limit) || any( ## range(ans$at)
c(1, length(x))
else num.limit
## method for "Date" (using pretty.Date)
## and POXIXct (using pretty.POSIXt)
formattedTicksAndLabels.Date <-
formattedTicksAndLabels.POSIXct <-
at = FALSE, = NULL,
labels = FALSE,
logsc = FALSE,
num.limit = NULL,
abbreviate = NULL,
minlength = 4,
format.posixt = NULL)
num.lim <-
if (length(x) == 2) as.numeric(x)
else range(as.numeric(x), na.rm = TRUE)
if (!is.logical(labels)) ## no need to do anything
if (missing(at) || length(at) != length(labels))
stop("'at' missing or incompatible with 'labels'")
return(list(at = at,
labels = labels,
check.overlap = FALSE,
num.limit = num.lim))
mat <- is.logical(at)
if (mat) ## at not explicitly specified
## at <- prettyDate_TMP(x, ...) ## FIXME: should be pretty() eventually
at <- pretty(x, ...) ## FIXME: should be pretty() eventually
if (is.null(format.posixt))
labels <- attr(at, "labels")
labels <- format(at, format = format.posixt)
if (is.null(format.posixt))
format.posixt <- ""
labels <- format(at, format = format.posixt)
list(at = as.numeric(at),
labels = labels,
check.overlap = mat,
num.limit = num.lim)
## chron 'chron' objects: dates and times
formattedTicksAndLabels.chron <-
function(x, at = FALSE, ...)
if (!inherits(x, "times"))
x <- chron::chron(x)
x <- as.POSIXct(x)
attr(x, "tzone") <- "GMT"
if (!is.logical(at)) { ## at was explicitly specified
at <- as.POSIXct(at)
attr(at, "tzone") <- "GMT"
ans <- formattedTicksAndLabels(x, at = at, ...)
ans$at <- ans$at / 86400
ans$num.limit <- ans$num.limit / 86400
## chron 'dates' objects: only dates (no times here because caught by 'chron' method)
formattedTicksAndLabels.dates <-
function(x, ...)
if (!inherits(x, "times"))
x <- chron::chron(x)
formattedTicksAndLabels(as.Date(x), ...)
## chron 'times' objects: only times (no dates here because caught by 'dates' method)
formattedTicksAndLabels.times <-
function(x, labels = FALSE, ..., format.posixt = NULL, simplify = TRUE)
ans <- formattedTicksAndLabels(chron::chron(dates = x), labels = labels,
format.posixt = format.posixt, ...)
if (is.logical(labels)) { ## labels not specified
if (is.null(format.posixt)) { ## format not specified
at <- chron::chron(times = ans$at)
## format.times will revert to numeric format if any > 1
if (max(abs(at)) <= 1) ## 'x' might exceed 1
labels <- format(at - floor(at), simplify = simplify)
else labels <- format(at, simplify = simplify)
ans$labels <- labels
OLD_formattedTicksAndLabels.times <-
function(x, at = FALSE, = NULL,
num.limit = NULL, labels = FALSE, logsc = FALSE,
abbreviate = NULL, minlength = 4, simplify = TRUE,
format.posixt = NULL)
## most arguments ignored for now
check.overlap <-
if (is.logical(at) && is.logical(labels)) TRUE
else FALSE
if (!inherits(x, "times"))
x <- chron::chron(x)
bad <- | abs(as.vector(x)) == Inf
## rng <- extend.limits(range(as.numeric(x[!bad])))
rng <- range(as.numeric(x[!bad]))
tmp <- pretty(rng, ...)
att <- attributes(x)
at <-
structure(tmp, # [tmp >= rng[1] & tmp <= rng[2]],
format = att$format,
origin = att$origin,
class = att$class)
if (inherits(at, "chron"))
class(at) <- class(at)[-1]
if (is.logical(labels)) ## labels unspecified
if (!inherits(x, "dates"))
at[c(1, length(at))] <- range(x)
if (max(at) == 1)
labels <- format(at - trunc(at), simplify = simplify)
else labels <- format(at, simplify = simplify)
else labels <- format(at, simplify = simplify)
## invisible(list(n = n, at = at, labels = labels))
list(at = as.numeric(at), labels = labels,
check.overlap = check.overlap,
num.limit = if (length(x) == 2) as.numeric(x) else rng)
panel.axis <-
function(side = c("bottom", "left", "top", "right"),
at = pretty(scale.range),
labels = TRUE,
draw.labels = TRUE,
check.overlap = FALSE,
outside = FALSE,
ticks = TRUE,
half = !outside, ## whether only half of the ticks will be labeled
which.half = switch(side, bottom = "lower", left = "upper", top = "upper", right = "lower"),
tck = as.numeric(ticks),
rot = if (is.logical(labels)) 0 else c(90, 0),
text.col = axis.text$col,
text.alpha = axis.text$alpha,
text.cex = axis.text$cex,
text.font = axis.text$font,
text.fontfamily = axis.text$fontfamily,
text.fontface = axis.text$fontface,
text.lineheight = axis.text$lineheight,
line.col = axis.line$col,
line.lty = axis.line$lty,
line.lwd = axis.line$lwd,
line.alpha = axis.line$alpha)
side <- match.arg(side)
at.missing <- missing(at)
orientation <- if (outside) "outer" else "inner"
cpl <- current.panel.limits()
scale.range <-
left = cpl$ylim,
top = cpl$xlim,
right = cpl$ylim,
bottom = cpl$xlim))
axis.line <- trellis.par.get("axis.line")
axis.text <- trellis.par.get("axis.text")
rot <- rep(rot, length.out = 2) ## for x- and y-axes respectively
if (is.null(at) || length(at) == 0) return()
## get labels from at if unspecified
if (is.logical(labels))
labels <-
if (labels) format(at, trim = TRUE)
else NULL
else if (at.missing)
warning("specifying 'labels' but not 'at' may lead to unexpected results")
if (check.overlap) ## remove ticks close to limits
pad <- lattice.getOption("skip.boundary.labels")
scale.range <- extend.limits(scale.range, prop = -pad)
## skip ticks outside (or close to) axis limits <- at >= scale.range[1] & at <= scale.range[2]
at <- at[]
labels <- labels[]
nal <- length(at) / 2 + 0.5 <- seq_along(at) <- <= nal <- >= nal
axid <-
if (half)
if (which.half == "lower") else
else rep(TRUE, length(
if (!any(axid)) return(invisible())
gp.line <- gpar(col = line.col, alpha = line.alpha,
lty = line.lty, lwd = line.lwd)
gp.text <- gpar(col = text.col, cex = text.cex, alpha = text.alpha,
fontface = chooseFace(text.fontface, text.font),
fontfamily = text.fontfamily, lineheight = text.lineheight)
## We now compute some spacing information based on settings
## (combining trellis settings and the (newer) lattice.options).
## These can only be controlled via these settings and not by
## arguments to this function, for convenience for one thing, and
## also because the same settings will be used elsewhere to leave
## appropriate space.
## unit representing tick marks
axis.units <- lattice.getOption("axis.units")[[orientation]][[side]]
## axis.units is of the form:
## list(outer = list(left = list(tick=, pad1=, pad2=), top = list(...), ...),
## inner = list(...) )
axis.settings <- trellis.par.get("axis.components")[[side]]
tck.unit.x <- tck * axis.settings$tck * axis.units$tick$x
tck.unit <- unit(x = tck.unit.x, units = axis.units$tick$units)
lab.unit <-
if (any(tck.unit.x > 0)) tck.unit + unit(x = axis.settings$pad1 * axis.units$pad1$x, units = axis.units$pad1$units)
else unit(x = axis.settings$pad1 * axis.units$pad1$x, units = axis.units$pad1$units)
orient.factor <- if (outside) -1 else 1
if (ticks && any(tck.unit.x != 0))
bottom =
grid.segments(x0 = unit(at[axid], "native"),
x1 = unit(at[axid], "native"),
y0 = unit(0, "npc"),
y1 = orient.factor * tck.unit,
name = trellis.grobname("ticks.bottom",
gp = gp.line),
top =
grid.segments(x0 = unit(at[axid], "native"),
x1 = unit(at[axid], "native"),
y0 = unit(1, "npc"),
y1 = unit(1, "npc") - orient.factor * tck.unit,
name = trellis.grobname("",
gp = gp.line),
left =
grid.segments(y0 = unit(at[axid], "native"),
y1 = unit(at[axid], "native"),
x0 = unit(0, "npc"),
x1 = orient.factor * tck.unit,
name = trellis.grobname("ticks.left",
gp = gp.line),
right =
grid.segments(y0 = unit(at[axid], "native"),
y1 = unit(at[axid], "native"),
x0 = unit(1, "npc"),
x1 = unit(1, "npc") - orient.factor * tck.unit,
name = trellis.grobname("ticks.right",
gp = gp.line))
if (draw.labels && !is.null(labels))
just <-
if (outside)
bottom = if (rot[1] == 0) c("centre", "top") else c("right", "centre"),
top = if (rot[1] == 0) c("centre", "bottom") else c("left", "centre"),
left = if (rot[2] == 90) c("centre", "bottom") else c("right", "centre"),
right = if (rot[2] == 90) c("centre", "top") else c("left", "centre"))
bottom = if (rot[1] == 0) c("centre", "bottom") else c("left", "centre"),
top = if (rot[1] == 0) c("centre", "top") else c("right", "centre"),
left = if (rot[2] == 90) c("centre", "top") else c("left", "centre"),
right = if (rot[2] == 90) c("centre", "bottom") else c("right", "centre"))
bottom =
grid.text(label = labels[axid],
x = unit(at[axid], "native"),
y = orient.factor * lab.unit,
rot = rot[1],
check.overlap = check.overlap,
just = just,
name = trellis.grobname("ticklabels.bottom",
gp = gp.text),
top =
grid.text(label = labels[axid],
x = unit(at[axid], "native"),
y = unit(1, "npc") - orient.factor * lab.unit,
rot = rot[1],
check.overlap = check.overlap,
just = just,
name = trellis.grobname("",
gp = gp.text),
left =
grid.text(label = labels[axid],
y = unit(at[axid], "native"),
x = orient.factor * lab.unit,
rot = rot[2],
check.overlap = check.overlap,
just = just,
name = trellis.grobname("ticklabels.left",
gp = gp.text),
right =
grid.text(label = labels[axid],
y = unit(at[axid], "native"),
x = unit(1, "npc") - orient.factor * lab.unit,
rot = rot[2],
check.overlap = check.overlap,
just = just,
name = trellis.grobname("ticklabels.right",
gp = gp.text))
## Temporary hacks that should be removed
## prettyDate copied here temporarily.
## remove after it appears in R 2.12 ?
if (FALSE)
prettyDate_TMP <-
function(x, n = 5, min.n = n %/% 2, ...)
isDate <- inherits(x, "Date")
x <- as.POSIXct(x)
if (isDate) # the timezone *does* matter
attr(x, "tzone") <- "GMT"
zz <- range(x, na.rm = TRUE)
if (diff(as.numeric(zz)) == 0)# one value only
zz <- zz + c(0,60)
## specify the set of pretty timesteps
MIN <- 60
HOUR <- MIN * 60
DAY <- HOUR * 24
YEAR <- DAY * 365.25
MONTH <- YEAR / 12
steps <-
list("1 sec" = list(1, format = "%S", start = "mins"),
"2 secs" = list(2),
"5 secs" = list(5),
"10 secs" = list(10),
"15 secs" = list(15),
"30 secs" = list(30, format = "%H:%M:%S"),
"1 min" = list(1*MIN, format = "%H:%M"),
"2 mins" = list(2*MIN, start = "hours"),
"5 mins" = list(5*MIN),
"10 mins" = list(10*MIN),
"15 mins" = list(15*MIN),
"30 mins" = list(30*MIN),
"1 hour" = list(1*HOUR),
"3 hours" = list(3*HOUR, start = "days"),
"6 hours" = list(6*HOUR, format = "%b %d %H:%M"),
"12 hours" = list(12*HOUR),
"1 DSTday" = list(1*DAY, format = "%b %d"),
"2 DSTdays" = list(2*DAY),
"1 week" = list(7*DAY, start = "weeks"),
"halfmonth" = list(MONTH/2, start = "months"),
"1 month" = list(1*MONTH, format = "%b"),
"3 months" = list(3*MONTH, start = "years"),
"6 months" = list(6*MONTH, format = "%Y-%m"),
"1 year" = list(1*YEAR, format = "%Y"),
"2 years" = list(2*YEAR, start = "decades"),
"5 years" = list(5*YEAR),
"10 years" = list(10*YEAR),
"20 years" = list(20*YEAR, start = "centuries"),
"50 years" = list(50*YEAR),
"100 years" = list(100*YEAR),
"200 years" = list(200*YEAR),
"500 years" = list(500*YEAR),
"1000 years" = list(1000*YEAR))
## carry forward 'format' and 'start' to following steps
for (i in seq_along(steps)) {
if (is.null(steps[[i]]$format))
steps[[i]]$format <- steps[[i-1]]$format
if (is.null(steps[[i]]$start))
steps[[i]]$start <- steps[[i-1]]$start
steps[[i]]$spec <- names(steps)[i]
## crudely work out number of steps in the given interval
xspan <- diff(as.numeric(zz))
nsteps <- sapply(steps, function(s) {
xspan / s[[1]]
init.i <- which.min(abs(nsteps - n))
## calculate actual number of ticks in the given interval
calcSteps <- function(s) {
startTime <- trunc_POSIXt_TMP(min(zz), units = s$start) ## FIXME: should be trunc() eventually
if (identical(s$spec, "halfmonth")) {
at <- seq(startTime, max(zz), by = "months")
at2 <- as.POSIXlt(at)
at2$mday <- 15L
at <- structure(sort(c(as.POSIXct(at), as.POSIXct(at2))),
tzone = attr(at, "tzone"))
} else {
at <- seq(startTime, max(zz), by = s$spec)
at <- at[(min(zz) <= at) & (at <= max(zz))]
} <- calcSteps(steps[[init.i]])
init.n <- length( - 1L
## bump it up if below acceptable threshold
while (init.n < min.n) {
init.i <- init.i - 1
if (init.i == 0) stop("range too small for min.n") <- calcSteps(steps[[init.i]])
init.n <- length( - 1L
makeOutput <- function(at, s) {
flabels <- format(at, s$format)
ans <-
if (isDate) as.Date(round(at, "days"))
else as.POSIXct(at)
attr(ans, "labels") <- flabels
if (init.n == n) ## perfect
return(makeOutput(, steps[[init.i]]))
if (init.n > n) {
## too many ticks
new.i <- init.i + 1
new.i <- min(new.i, length(steps))
} else {
## too few ticks
new.i <- init.i - 1
new.i <- max(new.i, 1)
} <- calcSteps(steps[[new.i]])
new.n <- length( - 1L
## work out whether or is better
if (new.n < min.n)
new.n <- -Inf
if (abs(new.n - n) < abs(init.n - n))
return(makeOutput(, steps[[new.i]]))
return(makeOutput(, steps[[init.i]]))
trunc_POSIXt_TMP <-
function(x, units = c("secs", "mins", "hours", "days",
"weeks", "months", "years", "decades", "centuries"),
start.on.monday = TRUE)
x <- as.POSIXlt(x)
if (units %in% c("secs", "mins", "hours", "days"))
return(base::trunc.POSIXt(x, units))
x <- base::trunc.POSIXt(x, "days")
if (length(x$sec))
weeks = {
x$mday <- x$mday - x$wday
if (start.on.monday)
x$mday <- x$mday + ifelse(x$wday > 0L, 1L, -6L)
months = {
x$mday <- 1
years = {
x$mday <- 1
x$mon <- 0
decades = {
x$mday <- 1
x$mon <- 0
x$year <- (x$year %/% 10) * 10
centuries = {
x$mday <- 1
x$mon <- 0
x$year <- (x$year %/% 100) * 100
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