
Defines functions efa_extraction_uls_corner_min_gradient efa_extraction_uls_corner_min_objective efa_extraction_uls_corner_init_cache lav_efa_extraction_uls_corner efa_extraction_ml_min_gradient efa_extraction_ml_min_objective efa_extraction_ml_init_cache efa_extraction_uls_min_gradient efa_extraction_uls_min_objective efa_extraction_uls_init_cache lav_efa_extraction

# Factor extraction method(s)
# YR Feb 2020
# - ULS_corner only (for now)
# - just to get better starting values for ESEM

# YR July 2020
# - adding generic function lav_efa_extraction, using eigenvalue based
#   approach; ML and ULS
# - 'corner' is an option

lav_efa_extraction <- function(S, nfactors = 1L,
                               method = "ULS", # or ML
                               corner = FALSE,
                               reflect = FALSE, order.lv.by = "none",
                               verbose = FALSE,
                               min.var = 0.0001) {
    S <- unname(S)
    method <- tolower(method)

    # extract variances
    S.var <- diag(S)

    # force S to be pd (eg if we have polychoric correlations)
    S <- lav_matrix_symmetric_force_pd(S, tol = 1e-08)

    # convert to correlation matrix (ULS is not scale invariant!)
    R <- cov2cor(S)

    # optim.method
    if(method == "uls") {
        minObjective <- efa_extraction_uls_min_objective
        minGradient  <- efa_extraction_uls_min_gradient
        cache <- efa_extraction_uls_init_cache(R = R, nfactors = nfactors)
    } else if(method == "ml") {
        minObjective <- efa_extraction_ml_min_objective
        minGradient  <- efa_extraction_ml_min_gradient
        cache <- efa_extraction_ml_init_cache(R = R, nfactors = nfactors)
    } else {
        stop("lavaan ERROR: method must be uls or ml (for now)")
    minHessian   <- NULL

    # optimize
    control.nlminb <- list(eval.max = 20000L, iter.max = 10000L,
                           trace = if(verbose) { 1L } else { 0L},
                           abs.tol=(.Machine$double.eps * 10))
    out <- nlminb(start = cache$theta, objective = minObjective,
                  gradient = minGradient, hessian = minHessian,
                  control = control.nlminb, lower = min.var, upper = +1,
                  cache = cache)

    # extract LAMBDA/THETA
    if(method == "uls") {
        THETA <- diag(out$par*out$par)

        # compute LAMBDA
        A <- R
        diag(A) <- diag(A) - (out$par*out$par)
        EV <- eigen(A, symmetric = TRUE)
        Omega.1 <- EV$vectors[,1:nfactors]
        gamma.1 <- EV$values[1:nfactors]

        #LAMBDA <- Omega.1 %*% diag(sqrt(gamma.1))
        LAMBDA <- t( t(Omega.1) * sqrt(gamma.1) )

        # rescale if the input matrix was not a correlation matrix
        LAMBDA <- sqrt(S.var) * LAMBDA
        diag(THETA) <- S.var * diag(THETA)

    } else if(method == "ml") {
        THETA <- diag(out$par*out$par)

        # compute LAMBDA
        psi <- out$par
        A <- t(psi * cache$R.inv) * psi
        EV <- eigen(A, symmetric = TRUE)
        Omega.1 <- EV$vectors[, 1L + cache$nvar - seq_len(cache$nfactors),
                                drop = FALSE]
        gamma.1 <- EV$values[1L + cache$nvar - seq_len(cache$nfactors)]

        # LAMBDA <- diag(psi) %*% Omega.1 %*%sqrt(solve(Gamma.1)-diag(nfactors))
        tmp1 <- psi * Omega.1
        LAMBDA <- t( t(tmp1) * sqrt((1/gamma.1) - 1) )

        # rescale if the input matrix was not a correlation matrix
        LAMBDA <- sqrt(S.var) * LAMBDA
        diag(THETA) <- S.var * diag(THETA)

    # corner?
    if(corner) {
        # rotate to echelon pattern (see echelon() in GPArotation package)
        HEAD <- LAMBDA[seq_len(nfactors), , drop = FALSE]
        LAMBDA <- LAMBDA %*% solve(HEAD, t(chol(tcrossprod(HEAD))))

    # ALWAYS change the sign so that largest element in the column is positive
    #neg.max <- apply(LAMBDA, 2, function(x) { sign(x[which.max(abs(x))]) })
    #neg.idx <- which(neg.max < 0)
    #if(length(neg.idx) > 0L) {
    #    LAMBDA[, neg.idx] <- -1 * LAMBDA[, neg.idx, drop = FALSE]

    # ALWAYS change the sign so that diag(LAMBDA) is positive
    neg.idx <- which(diag(LAMBDA) < 0)
    if(length(neg.idx) > 0L) {
        LAMBDA[, neg.idx] <- -1 * LAMBDA[, neg.idx, drop = FALSE]

    # reflect so that column sum is always positive
    if(reflect) {
        SUM <- colSums(LAMBDA)
        neg.idx <- which(SUM < 0)
        if(length(neg.idx) > 0L) {
            LAMBDA[, neg.idx] <- -1 * LAMBDA[, neg.idx, drop = FALSE]

    # reorder the columns
    if(order.lv.by == "sumofsquares") {
        L2 <- LAMBDA * LAMBDA
        order.idx <- base::order(colSums(L2), decreasing = TRUE)
     } else if(order.lv.by == "index") {
        # reorder using Asparouhov & Muthen 2009 criterion (see Appendix D)
        max.loading <- apply(abs(LAMBDA), 2, max)
        # 1: per factor, number of the loadings that are at least 0.8 of the
        #    highest loading of the factor
        # 2: mean of the index numbers
        average.index <- sapply(seq_len(ncol(LAMBDA)), function(i)
                        mean(which(abs(LAMBDA[,i]) >= 0.8 * max.loading[i])))
        # order of the factors
        order.idx <- base::order(average.index)
    } else if(order.lv.by == "none") {
        order.idx <- seq_len(ncol(LAMBDA))
    } else {
        stop("lavaan ERROR: order must be index, sumofsquares or none")
    LAMBDA <- LAMBDA[, order.idx, drop = FALSE]


efa_extraction_uls_init_cache <- function(R = NULL,
                                          nfactors = 1L,
                                          parent = parent.frame()) {
    R.inv <- solve(R)
    nvar <- ncol(R)

    # starting values for diagonal elements of THETA
    # using Joreskog (1966) suggestion:
    theta.init <- (1 - nfactors/(2*nvar)) * 1 / diag(R.inv)
    theta <- sqrt(theta.init)

    out <- list2env(list(R = R, nfactors = nfactors,
                         theta = theta),
                    parent = parent)

# x is here the sqrt() of theta!
efa_extraction_uls_min_objective <- function(x, cache = NULL) {
    cache$theta <- x
    with(cache, {
        A <- R
        diag(A) <- diag(A) - (theta*theta)
        EV <- eigen(A, symmetric = TRUE, only.values = TRUE)
        gamma.2 <- EV$values[-seq_len(nfactors)]

        res <- 0.5 * sum(gamma.2 * gamma.2)

efa_extraction_uls_min_gradient <- function(x, cache = NULL) {
    # check if x has changed
    if(!all(x == cache$theta)) {
        cache$theta <- x
        # nothing to do
    with(cache, {
        A <- R
        diag(A) <- diag(A) - (theta*theta)
        EV <- eigen(A, symmetric = TRUE)
        Omega.2 <- EV$vectors[,-seq_len(nfactors)]
        gamma.2 <- EV$values[-seq_len(nfactors)]

        res <- -2 * theta * colSums(t(Omega.2 * Omega.2) * gamma.2)

# ML
efa_extraction_ml_init_cache <- function(R = NULL,
                                         nfactors = 1L,
                                         parent = parent.frame()) {
    R.inv <- solve(R)
    nvar <- ncol(R)

    # starting values for diagonal elements of THETA
    # using Joreskog (1966) suggestion:
    theta.init <- (1 - nfactors/(2*nvar)) * 1 / diag(R.inv)
    theta <- sqrt(theta.init)

    out <- list2env(list(R = R, nfactors = nfactors, R.inv = R.inv,
                         nvar = nvar, # for ML only
                         theta = theta),
                    parent = parent)

# x is here the sqrt of theta
efa_extraction_ml_min_objective <- function(x, cache = NULL) {
    cache$theta <- x
    with(cache, {
        psi <- theta
        #A <- diag(psi) %*% R.inv %*% diag(psi)
        A <- t(R.inv * psi) * psi
        EV <- eigen(A, symmetric = TRUE, only.values = TRUE)
        gamma.2 <- EV$values[(nvar - nfactors):1L]

        res <- sum(log(gamma.2) + 1/gamma.2 - 1)

efa_extraction_ml_min_gradient <- function(x, cache = NULL) {
    # check if x has changed
    if(!all(x == cache$theta)) {
        cache$theta <- x
        # nothing to do
    with(cache, {
        psi <- theta
        #A <- diag(psi) %*% solve(S) %*% diag(psi)
        A <- t(R.inv * psi) * psi
        EV <- eigen(A, symmetric = TRUE)

        omega.2 <- EV$vectors[,(nvar - nfactors):1L, drop = FALSE]
        gamma.2 <- EV$values[  (nvar - nfactors):1L]

        res <- colSums(t(omega.2 * omega.2) * (1 - 1/gamma.2))

# ULS estimation
# - but resulting in a upper-corner all zeroes LAMBDA matrix
# - not using eigenvalues/vectors, but minimizing the residuals
#   directly

# - should give the same results as MINRES (after an orthogonal transformation)
# - unless there are heywood cases; this function allows for negative variances!

lav_efa_extraction_uls_corner <- function(S, nfactors = 1L, reflect = TRUE,
                                          order.lv.by = "none",
                                          verbose = TRUE) {

    S <- unname(S)
    nvar <- nrow(S)

    # extract variances
    S.var <- diag(S)

    # convert to correlation matrix (ULS is not scale invariant!)
    R <- cov2cor(S)
    #R.inv <- solve(R)

    # eigenvalue decomposition (to get starting values for LAMBDA)
    EV <- eigen(R, symmetric = TRUE)

    # extract first nfac components (assuming no measurement error)
    PC <- ( EV$vectors[, seq_len(nfactors), drop = FALSE] %*%
                diag(sqrt(EV$values[seq_len(nfactors)])) )

    # rotate to echelon pattern (see echelon() in GPArotation package)
    HEAD <- PC[seq_len(nfactors), , drop = FALSE]
    LAMBDA <- PC %*% solve(HEAD, t(chol(tcrossprod(HEAD))))

    THETA <- diag(nvar)
    if(nfactors > 1L) {
        corner.idx <- which(row(LAMBDA) < nfactors & col(LAMBDA) > row(LAMBDA))
        lambda.idx <- seq_len(nvar*nfactors)[-corner.idx]
        LAMBDA[corner.idx] <- 0 # to make them exactly zero
    } else {
        corner.idx <- integer(0L)
        lambda.idx <- seq_len(nvar)

    # optim.method
    minObjective <- efa_extraction_uls_corner_min_objective
    minGradient  <- efa_extraction_uls_corner_min_gradient
    minHessian   <- NULL

    # create cache environment
    cache <- efa_extraction_uls_corner_init_cache(LAMBDA = LAMBDA,
                                         lambda.idx = lambda.idx, R = R)

    control.nlminb <- list(eval.max = 20000L, iter.max = 10000L,
                           trace = if(verbose) { 1L} else { 0L},
                           abs.tol=(.Machine$double.eps * 10))

    # optimize
    out <- nlminb(start = cache$theta, objective = minObjective,
                  gradient = minGradient, hessian = minHessian,
                  control = control.nlminb, lower = -1, upper = +1,
                  cache = cache)

    LAMBDA[lambda.idx] <- out$par
    diag(THETA) <- 1 - diag(tcrossprod(LAMBDA))

    # rescale if the input matrix was not a correlation matrix
    LAMBDA <- sqrt(S.var) * LAMBDA
    diag(THETA) <- S.var * diag(THETA)

    # reflect so that column sum is always positive
    if(reflect) {
        SUM <- colSums(LAMBDA)
        neg.idx <- which(SUM < 0)
        if(length(neg.idx) > 0L) {
            LAMBDA[, neg.idx] <- -1 * LAMBDA[, neg.idx, drop = FALSE]

    # reorder the columns
    if(order.lv.by == "sumofsquares") {
        L2 <- LAMBDA * LAMBDA
        order.idx <- base::order(colSums(L2), decreasing = TRUE)
     } else if(order.lv.by == "index") {
        # reorder using Asparouhov & Muthen 2009 criterion (see Appendix D)
        max.loading <- apply(abs(LAMBDA), 2, max)
        # 1: per factor, number of the loadings that are at least 0.8 of the
        #    highest loading of the factor
        # 2: mean of the index numbers
        average.index <- sapply(seq_len(ncol(LAMBDA)), function(i)
                        mean(which(abs(LAMBDA[,i]) >= 0.8 * max.loading[i])))
        # order of the factors
        order.idx <- base::order(average.index)
    } else if(order.lv.by == "none") {
        order.idx <- seq_len(ncol(LAMBDA))
    } else {
        stop("lavaan ERROR: order must be index, sumofsquares or none")
    LAMBDA <- LAMBDA[, order.idx, drop = FALSE]


efa_extraction_uls_corner_init_cache <- function(LAMBDA = NULL,
                                                 lambda.idx = NULL,
                                                 R = NULL,
                                                 parent = parent.frame()) {
    theta <- LAMBDA[lambda.idx]
    out <- list2env(list(LAMBDA = LAMBDA,
                         lambda.idx = lambda.idx,
                         R = R,
                         theta = theta),
                    parent = parent)

efa_extraction_uls_corner_min_objective <- function(x, cache = NULL) {
    cache$theta <- x
    with(cache, {
        LAMBDA[lambda.idx] <- theta
        res1 <- lav_matrix_vech(R - tcrossprod(LAMBDA), diagonal = FALSE)
        res2 <- res1 * res1

efa_extraction_uls_corner_min_gradient <- function(x, cache = NULL) {
    # check if x has changed
    if(!all(x == cache$theta)) {
        cache$theta <- x
        # nothing to do
    with(cache, {
        LAMBDA[lambda.idx] <- theta
        Sigma <- tcrossprod(LAMBDA)
        diag(Sigma) <- 1 # diagonal is ignored
        tmp <- -2 * (R - Sigma) %*% LAMBDA

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