lav_lavaan_step10_cache <- function(slotCache = NULL, # nolint
lavdata = NULL,
lavmodel = NULL,
lavpartable = NULL,
lavoptions = NULL,
sampling.weights = NULL) {
# # # # # # # # # # #
# # 10. lavcache # #
# # # # # # # # # # #
# if slotCache not NULL
# copy to lavcache
# else
# lavcache = list of length lavdata@ngroups
# set tmp.ov.types = lavdata$ov$types
# if lavmodel@conditional.x and sum(lavmodel@nexo) > 0L remove elements
# lavpta$vidx$ov.x from tmp.ov.types
# if lavoptions$estimator == "PML" and all tmp.ov.types are "ordered"
# th = computeTH(lavmodel)
# bi = lav_tables_pairwise_freq_cells(lavdata)
# if lavoptions$missing is "available.cases" or "doubly.robust"
# uni = lav_tables_univariate_freq_cell(lavdata)
# if lavoptions$missing is "doubly.robust"
# if lavoptions$control$pairwiseProbGivObs NULL: *** error ***
# if lavoptions$control$univariateProbGivObs NULL: *** error ***
# for all groups (1:lavdata@ngroups)
# set tmp.idx = 1:length(bi$ibs.freq)
# if bi$group not NULL and max(bi$group) > 1L set tmp.idx = indexes
# for this group in bi
# set bifreq = bi$obs.freq[tmp.idx]
# set binobs = bi$nobs[tmp.idx]
# set long = LongVecInd(no.x = ncol(lavdata@X[[g]]),
# all.thres = th[[g]],
# index.var.of.thres = lavmodel@th.idx[[g]])
# set lavcache[[g]] = list(bifreq = bifreq, nobs = binobs, long = long)
# if sampling.weights not NULL
# compute (for group g) lavcache[[g]]$sum_obs_weights_xixj_ab_vec (*)
# if lavoptions$missing is "available.cases" or "doubly.robust"
# set tmp.idx = 1:length(bi$ibs.freq)
# if bi$group not NULL and max(bi$group) > 1L set tmp.idx = indexes
# for this group in bi
# set lavcache[[g]]$unifreq = unifreq = uni$obs.freq[tmp.idx]
# set lavcache[[g]]$uninobs = uninobs = uni$nobs[tmp.idx]
# set lavcache[[g]]$uniweights.casewise = uniweights.casewise =
# rowSums([[g]]))
# compute lavcache[[g]]$uniweights (*)
# if lavoptions$missing is "doubly.robust"
# lavcache[[g]]$pairwiseProbGivObs =
# lavoptions$control$pairwiseProbGivObs[[g]]
# lavcache[[g]]$univariateProbGivObs =
# lavoptions$control$univariateProbGivObs[[g]]
# compute members idx.y1, idx.gy2,, and
# id.uniPrGivObs from
# lavchache[[g]] (*)
# if lavdata$data.type is "full" and lavdata@Rp[[1L]] not NULL
# copy lavdata@Rp[[g]]$pat to lavcache[[g]]$pat for all groups g
# if lavoptions$estimator is "MML"
# compute for all groups g lavcache[[g]]$GH via
# lav_integration_gauss_hermite
# (*) !!! computations too complicated to summarize here !!!
if (!is.null(slotCache)) {
lavcache <- slotCache
} else {
# prepare cache -- stuff needed for estimation, but also post-estimation
lavcache <- vector("list", length = lavdata@ngroups)
# ov.types? (for PML check)
tmp.ov.types <- lavdata@ov$type
if (lavmodel@conditional.x && sum(lavmodel@nexo) > 0L) {
# remove ov.x
tmp.ov.x.idx <- unlist(attr(lavpartable, "vidx")$ov.x)
tmp.ov.types <- tmp.ov.types[-tmp.ov.x.idx]
if (lavoptions$estimator == "PML" && all(tmp.ov.types == "ordered")) {
th <- computeTH(lavmodel)
bi <- lav_tables_pairwise_freq_cell(lavdata)
# handle option missing = "available.cases" or "doubly.robust"
if (lavoptions$missing == "available.cases" ||
lavoptions$missing == "doubly.robust") {
uni <- lav_tables_univariate_freq_cell(lavdata)
# checks for missing = "double.robust"
if (lavoptions$missing == "doubly.robust") {
# check whether the probabilities pairwiseProbGivObs and
# univariateProbGivObs are given by the user
if (is.null(lavoptions$control$pairwiseProbGivObs)) {
"could not find `pairwiseProbGivObs' in control() list"))
if (is.null(lavoptions$control$univariateProbGivObs)) {
"could not find `univariateProbGivObs' in control() list"))
for (g in 1:lavdata@ngroups) {
if (is.null(bi$group) || max(bi$group) == 1L) {
bifreq <- bi$obs.freq
binobs <- bi$nobs
} else {
idx <- which(bi$group == g)
bifreq <- bi$obs.freq[idx]
binobs <- bi$nobs[idx]
long <- LongVecInd(
no.x = ncol(lavdata@X[[g]]),
all.thres = th[[g]],
index.var.of.thres = lavmodel@th.idx[[g]]
lavcache[[g]] <- list(
bifreq = bifreq,
nobs = binobs,
long = long
# >>>>>>>> HJ/MK PML CODE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
# I need to add something that splits weights into g groups so
# adjust what follows in the new code also compute the sum of
# weights within a group, this will substitute n_g (group size)
# of simple random sampling (SRS) and also compute the total the
# total sum of weights over all observation over all groups,
# this substitutes the total sample size of SRS.
if (!is.null(sampling.weights)) {
# Keep track of indices of the response categories (a,b) of a
# pair of ordinal variables (xi,xj) appearing in the data as
# well as the index of the pair.
idx_ab_of_xixj_ab <- lapply(long[c(1:2, 5)], function(x) {
x[(long$index.thres.var1.of.pair != 0) &
(long$index.thres.var2.of.pair != 0)]
names(idx_ab_of_xixj_ab) <- c("idx_a", "idx_b", "idx_pairs")
lavcache[[g]]$idx_ab_of_xixj_ab <- idx_ab_of_xixj_ab
# Raw data for group g
X.g <- lavdata@X[[g]] # nolint
# I assume that X.g includes only the ordinal indicators nvar
# gives the number of ordinal indicators
nvar <- ncol(X.g)
# pstar gives the number of pairs formed by the nvar ordinal
# indicators
pstar <- nvar * (nvar - 1) / 2
# Keep track of the indices of variables forming each pair
idx_vars_in_pair <- combn(nvar, 2)
# The output of sapply below provides the sum of weights for
# all bivariate response pattern for all pairs of indicators.
# If all indicators have the same number of response
# categories, the output of sapply function below is a matrix.
# Each column refers to a different pair of indicators (i,j)
# with j running faster than i, e.g. (1,2) (1,3) (2,3). Within
# each column, each element (i.e. each row of the matrix)
# refers to a different combination of response categories
# (a,b) with a, the category index of indicator i, running
# faster than b, the category index of indicator j, e.g.
# (1,1), (2,1) (3,1) (1,2) (2,2) (3,2)
# If the indicators have different number of response
# categories, the output of sapply function below is a list.
# Each element of the list refers to a different pair of
# indicators (i,j) with j running faster than i and it is a
# matrix with number of rows the number of response categories
# of indicator i and ncol = the number of response categories
# of indicator j.
sum_obs_weights_xixj_ab <- sapply(1:pstar, function(x) {
tmp_idx_ab <- lapply(idx_ab_of_xixj_ab, function(y) {
y[idx_ab_of_xixj_ab$idx_pairs == x]
tmp_idx_cols <- idx_vars_in_pair[, x]
tmp_var1 <- factor(X.g[, tmp_idx_cols[1]],
levels =
tmp_var2 <- factor(X.g[, tmp_idx_cols[2]],
levels =
X = lavdata@weights[[g]],
INDEX = list(tmp_var1, tmp_var2),
FUN = sum
# We need to transform the output of sapply into a vector
# where the sum of weights (for all bivariate response
# patterns for all pairs of indicators) are listed in the same
# order as in pairwisePI vector, i.e. a runs the fastest,
# followed by b, then by j and lastly by i.
if (is.matrix(sum_obs_weights_xixj_ab)) {
sum_obs_weights_xixj_ab_vec <- c(sum_obs_weights_xixj_ab)
} else if (is.list(sum_obs_weights_xixj_ab)) {
sum_obs_weights_xixj_ab_vec <-, sum_obs_weights_xixj_ab)
# Note that sapply gives NA for these bivariate response
# patterns which are not observed at all. Substitute NA with
# 0.
idx_na_sowxav <-
if (any(idx_na_sowxav)) {
sum_obs_weights_xixj_ab_vec[idx_na_sowxav] <- 0
lavcache[[g]]$sum_obs_weights_xixj_ab_vec <-
# >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
# available cases
if (lavoptions$missing == "available.cases" ||
lavoptions$missing == "doubly.robust") {
if (is.null(uni$group) || max(uni$group) == 1L) {
unifreq <- uni$obs.freq
uninobs <- uni$nobs
} else {
idx <- which(uni$group == g)
unifreq <- uni$obs.freq[idx]
uninobs <- uni$nobs[idx]
lavcache[[g]]$unifreq <- unifreq
lavcache[[g]]$uninobs <- uninobs
uniweights.casewise <- rowSums([[g]]))
lavcache[[g]]$uniweights.casewise <- uniweights.casewise
# weights per response category per variable in the same
# order as unifreq; i.e. w_ia, i = 1,...,p, (p variables),
# a = 1,...,Ci, (Ci response categories for variable i),
# a running faster than i
tmp.uniweights <- apply(
lavdata@X[[g]], 2,
function(x) {
tapply(uniweights.casewise, as.factor(x), sum,
na.rm = TRUE
if (is.matrix(tmp.uniweights)) {
lavcache[[g]]$uniweights <- c(tmp.uniweights)
if (is.list(tmp.uniweights)) {
lavcache[[g]]$uniweights <- unlist(tmp.uniweights)
} # "available.cases" or "double.robust"
# doubly.robust only
if (lavoptions$missing == "doubly.robust") {
# add the provided by the user probabilities
# pairwiseProbGivObs and univariateProbGivObs in Cache
lavcache[[g]]$pairwiseProbGivObs <-
lavcache[[g]]$univariateProbGivObs <-
# compute different indices vectors that will help to do
# calculations
ind.vec <-[1:5])
ind.vec <-
ind.vec[((ind.vec$index.thres.var1.of.pair != 0) &
(ind.vec$index.thres.var2.of.pair != 0)), ] <- ind.vec$index.thres.var1.of.pair <- ind.vec$index.thres.var2.of.pair
idx.pairs <- ind.vec$index.pairs.extended
lavcache[[g]]$idx.pairs <- idx.pairs <- split(, idx.pairs) <- split(, idx.pairs)
lavcache[[g]]$ <-
lavcache[[g]]$ <-
# generate the variables, categories indices vector which
# keep track to which variables and categories the
# elements of vector probY1Gy2 refer to
nlev <- lavdata@ov$nlev
nvar <- length(nlev)
idx.var.matrix <- matrix(1:nvar, nrow = nvar, ncol = nvar)
idx.diag <- diag(matrix(1:(nvar * nvar),
nrow = nvar,
ncol = nvar
idx.y1gy2.matrix <- rbind(
no.pairs.y1gy2 <- ncol(idx.y1gy2.matrix) <- unlist(lapply(1:no.pairs.y1gy2, function(x) {
rep(1:nlev[idx.y1gy2.matrix[1, x]],
times = nlev[idx.y1gy2.matrix[2, x]]
})) <- unlist(lapply(1:no.pairs.y1gy2, function(x) {
rep(1:nlev[idx.y1gy2.matrix[2, x]],
each = nlev[idx.y1gy2.matrix[1, x]]
dim.pairs <- unlist(lapply(1:no.pairs.y1gy2, function(x) {
nlev[idx.y1gy2.matrix[1, x]] *
nlev[idx.y1gy2.matrix[2, x]]
idx.y1 <- unlist(mapply(rep, idx.y1gy2.matrix[1, ],
each = dim.pairs
idx.gy2 <- unlist(mapply(rep, idx.y1gy2.matrix[2, ],
each = dim.pairs
lavcache[[g]]$idx.y1 <- idx.y1
lavcache[[g]]$idx.gy2 <- idx.gy2
lavcache[[g]]$ <-
lavcache[[g]]$ <-
# the vector below keeps track of the variable each column
# of the matrix univariateProbGivObs refers to
lavcache[[g]]$id.uniPrGivObs <-
} # doubly.robust
} # g
# copy response patterns to cache -- FIXME!! (data not included
# in Model only functions)
if (lavdata@data.type == "full" && !is.null(lavdata@Rp[[1L]])) {
for (g in 1:lavdata@ngroups) {
lavcache[[g]]$pat <- lavdata@Rp[[g]]$pat
# If estimator = MML, store Gauss-Hermite nodes/weights
if (lavoptions$estimator == "MML") {
for (g in 1:lavdata@ngroups) {
# count only the ones with non-normal indicators
# nfac <- lavpta$nfac.nonnormal[[g]]
nfac <- attr(lavpartable, "nfac")[[g]]
lavcache[[g]]$GH <-
n = lavoptions$integration.ngh,
dnorm = TRUE,
mean = 0, sd = 1,
ndim = nfac
# lavcache[[g]]$DD <- lav_model_gradient_DD(lavmodel, group = g)
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