
Defines functions ilav_matrix_rotate_grad_test_all ilav_matrix_rotate_grad_test lav_matrix_rotate_bigeomin lav_matrix_rotate_biquartimin lav_matrix_rotate_pst lav_matrix_rotate_target lav_matrix_rotate_simplimax lav_matrix_rotate_tandem2 lav_matrix_rotate_tandem1 lav_matrix_rotate_bentler lav_matrix_rotate_oblimax lav_matrix_rotate_infomax lav_matrix_rotate_mccammon lav_matrix_rotate_entropy lav_matrix_rotate_geomin lav_matrix_rotate_quartimin lav_matrix_rotate_varimax lav_matrix_rotate_quartimax lav_matrix_rotate_oblimin lav_matrix_rotate_cf lav_matrix_rotate_orthomax

# various rotation criteria and their gradients
# YR 05 April 2019: initial version
# YR 14 June  2019: add more rotation criteria

# references:
# Bernaards, C. A., & Jennrich, R. I. (2005). Gradient projection algorithms
# and software for arbitrary rotation criteria in factor analysis. Educational
# and Psychological Measurement, 65(5), 676-696.
# old website: http://web.archive.org/web/20180708170331/http://www.stat.ucla.edu/research/gpa/splusfunctions.net
# Browne, M. W. (2001). An overview of analytic rotation in exploratory factor
# analysis. Multivariate behavioral research, 36(1), 111-150.
# Mulaik, S. A. (2010). Foundations of factor analysis (Second Edition).
# Boca Raton: Chapman and Hall/CRC.

# Note: this is YR's implementation, not a copy of the GPArotation
#       package
# Why did I write my own functions (and not use the GPArotation):
# - to better understand what is going on
# - to have direct access to the gradient functions
# - to avoid yet another dependency
# - to simplify further experiments

# Orthomax family (Harman, 1960)
# gamma = 0   -> quartimax
# gamma = 1/2 -> biquartimax
# gamma = 1/P -> equamax
# gamma = 1   -> varimax
lav_matrix_rotate_orthomax <- function(LAMBDA = NULL, orthomax.gamma = 1,
                                       ..., grad = FALSE) {
    # center L2 column-wise
    cL2 <- t( t(L2) - orthomax.gamma * colMeans(L2) )
    out <- -1 * sum(L2 * cL2)/4

    if(grad) {
        attr(out, "grad") <- -1 * LAMBDA * cL2


# Crawford-Ferguson (1970) family
# combine penalization for 1) row complexity, and 2) column complexity
# if combined with orthogonal rotation, this is equivalent to the
# orthomax family:
#     quartimax -> gamma = 0 (only row complexity)
#     varimax   -> gamma = 1/nrow
#     equamax   -> gamma = ncol/(2*nrow)
#     parsimax  -> gamma = (ncol - 1)/(nrow + ncol - 2)
#     factor parsimony -> gamma = 1 (only column complexity)
# the Crawford-Ferguson family is also equivalent to the oblimin family
# if the latter is restricted to orthogonal rotation
lav_matrix_rotate_cf <- function(LAMBDA = NULL, cf.gamma = 0, ...,
                                 grad = FALSE) {
    # check if gamma is between 0 and 1?
    nRow <- nrow(LAMBDA)
    nCol <- ncol(LAMBDA)
    ROW1 <- matrix(1.0, nCol, nCol); diag(ROW1) <- 0.0
    COL1 <- matrix(1.0, nRow, nRow); diag(COL1) <- 0.0

    LR <- L2 %*% ROW1
    LC <- COL1 %*% L2

    f1 <- sum(L2 * LR)/4
    f2 <- sum(L2 * LC)/4

    out <- (1 - cf.gamma)*f1 + cf.gamma*f2

    if(grad) {
        attr(out, "grad") <- ((1 - cf.gamma) * LAMBDA * LR) +
                             (cf.gamma * LAMBDA * LC)


# Oblimin family (Carroll, 1960; Harman, 1976)
# quartimin   -> gamma = 0
# biquartimin -> gamma = 1/2
# covarimin   -> gamma = 1
# if combined with orthogonal rotation, this is equivalent to the
# orthomax family (they have the same optimizers):
# gamma = 0   -> quartimax
# gamma = 1/2 -> biquartimax
# gamma = 1   -> varimax
# gamma = P/2 -> equamax
lav_matrix_rotate_oblimin <- function(LAMBDA = NULL, oblimin.gamma = 0, ...,
                                      grad = FALSE) {
    nRow <- nrow(LAMBDA)
    nCol <- ncol(LAMBDA)
    ROW1 <- matrix(1.0, nCol, nCol); diag(ROW1) <- 0.0

    LR <- L2 %*% ROW1
    Jp <- matrix(1, nRow, nRow)/nRow

    # see Jennrich (2002, p. 11)
    tmp <- (diag(nRow) - oblimin.gamma * Jp) %*% LR

    # same as t( t(L2) - gamma * colMeans(L2) ) %*% ROW1

    out <- sum(L2 * tmp)/4

    if(grad) {
        attr(out, "grad") <- LAMBDA * tmp


# quartimax criterion
# Carroll (1953); Saunders (1953) Neuhaus & Wrigley (1954); Ferguson (1954)
# we use here the equivalent 'Ferguson, 1954' variant
# (See Mulaik 2010, p. 303)
lav_matrix_rotate_quartimax <- function(LAMBDA = NULL, ..., grad = FALSE) {
    out <- -1 * sum(L2 * L2)/4

    if(grad) {
        attr(out, "grad") <- -1 * LAMBDA * L2


# varimax criterion
# Kaiser (1958, 1959)
# special case of the Orthomax family (Harman, 1960), where gamma = 1
# see Jennrich (2001, p. 296)
lav_matrix_rotate_varimax <- function(LAMBDA = NULL, ..., grad = FALSE) {
    # center L2 column-wise
    cL2 <- t( t(L2) - colMeans(L2) )
    out <- -1 * abs(sum(L2 * cL2))/4  # abs needed?

    if(grad) {
        attr(out, "grad") <- -1 * LAMBDA * cL2


# quartimin criterion (part of Carroll's oblimin family
lav_matrix_rotate_quartimin <- function(LAMBDA = NULL, ..., grad = FALSE) {
    nCol <- ncol(LAMBDA)
    ROW1 <- matrix(1.0, nCol, nCol); diag(ROW1) <- 0.0

    LR <- L2 %*% ROW1

    out <- sum(L2 * LR)/4

    if(grad) {
        attr(out, "grad") <- LAMBDA * LR


# Browne's (2001) version of Yates (1984) geomin criterion
# we use the exp/log trick as in Bernaard & Jennrich (2005, p. 687)
lav_matrix_rotate_geomin <- function(LAMBDA = NULL, geomin.epsilon = 0.01,
                                     ..., grad = FALSE) {
    nCol <- ncol(LAMBDA)

    L2 <- L2 + geomin.epsilon

    if(geomin.epsilon < sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)) {
        # Yates's original formula
        tmp <- apply(L2, 1, prod)^(1/nCol)
    } else {
        tmp <- exp( rowSums(log(L2)) / nCol )

    out <- sum(tmp)

    if(grad) {
        attr(out, "grad") <- (2/nCol) * LAMBDA/L2 * tmp


# simple entropy
# seems to only work for orthogonal rotation
lav_matrix_rotate_entropy <- function(LAMBDA = NULL, ..., grad = FALSE) {


    # handle zero elements -> replace by '1', so log(1) == 0
    L2[ L2 == 0 ] <- 1

    out <- -1 * sum(L2 * log(L2))/2

    if(grad) {
        attr(out, "grad") <- -LAMBDA * log(L2) - LAMBDA


# McCammon's (1966) Minimum Entropy Criterion
# for p-vector x, where x > 0 and sum(x) = 1, we have
# - entropy(x) == 0, if there is only one 1, and all zeroes
# - entropy(x) == max == log(p) if all elements are 1/p
# - entropy(x) is similar as complexity(x), but also measure of equality
#   of elements of x
# works only ok with orthogonal rotation!

lav_matrix_rotate_mccammon <- function(LAMBDA = NULL, ..., grad = FALSE) {

    nCol <- ncol(LAMBDA)
    nRow <- nrow(LAMBDA)

    # entropy function (Browne, 2001, eq 9)
    f_entropy <- function(x) { -1 * sum(ifelse(x > 0, x * log(x), 0)) }

    # sums of rows/columns/all
    sumi. <- rowSums(L2)
    sum.j <- colSums(L2)
    sum.. <- sum(L2)

    Q1 <- f_entropy( t(L2)/sum.j ) # encouraging columns with few large,
                                   # and many small elements
    Q2 <- f_entropy( sum.j/sum.. ) # encouraging equal column sums

    # minimize
    out <- log(Q1) - log(Q2)

    if(grad) { # See Bernaards and Jennrich 2005 page 685+686
        H <- -(log( t(t(L2)/sum.j) ) + 1)
        G1 <- t( t(H)/sum.j -  rowSums( t(L2*H)/(sum.j * sum.j)) )

        h <- -(log( sum.j/sum..  ) + 1)
        alpha <- as.numeric(h %*% sum.j)/(sum.. * sum..) # paper divides by
                                                         # sum.., not sum..^2??
        G2 <- matrix(h/sum.. - alpha, nRow, nCol, byrow = TRUE)

        attr(out, "grad") <- 2 * LAMBDA * (G1/Q1 - G2/Q2)


# Infomax
# McKeon (1968, unpublished) and Browne (2001)
# Treat LAMBDA^2 as a contingency table, and use simplicity function based
# on tests for association; most effective was LRT for association
# (see Agresti, 1990, eq 3.13) which is maximized for max simplicity
# McKeon: criterion may be regarded as a measure of information about row
# categories conveyed by column categories (and vice versa); hence infomax

# - favors perfect cluster
# - discourages general factor
# - both for orthogonal and oblique rotation

# Note: typo in Browne (2001), see last  paragraph of Bernaards and
# Jennrich (2005) page 684
lav_matrix_rotate_infomax <- function(LAMBDA = NULL, ..., grad = FALSE) {

    nCol <- ncol(LAMBDA)
    nRow <- nrow(LAMBDA)

    # entropy function (Browne, 2001, eq 9)
    f_entropy <- function(x) { -1 * sum(ifelse(x > 0, x * log(x), 0)) }

    # sums of rows/columns/all
    sumi. <- rowSums(L2)
    sum.j <- colSums(L2)
    sum.. <- sum(L2)

    Q1 <- f_entropy(    L2/sum.. ) # Bernaards & Jennrich version!! (Browne
                                   # divides by sum.j, like in McCammon)
    Q2 <- f_entropy( sum.j/sum.. )
    Q3 <- f_entropy( sumi./sum.. )

    # minimize
    out <- log(nCol) + Q1 - Q2 - Q3

    if(grad) {
        H <- -(log(L2/sum..) + 1)
        alpha <- sum(L2 * H)/(sum.. * sum..)
        G1 <- H/sum.. - alpha

        hj <- -(log(sum.j/sum..) + 1)
        alphaj <- as.numeric(hj %*% sum.j)/(sum.. * sum..)
        G2 <- matrix(hj, nRow, nCol, byrow = TRUE)/sum.. - alphaj

        hi <- -(log(sumi./sum..) + 1)
        alphai <- as.numeric(sumi. %*% hi)/(sum.. * sum..)
        G3 <- matrix(hi, nRow, nCol)/sum.. - alphai

        attr(out, "grad") <- 2 * LAMBDA * (G1 - G2 - G3)


# oblimax
# Harman, 1976; Saunders, 1961
# for orthogonal rotation, oblimax is equivalent to quartimax
lav_matrix_rotate_oblimax <- function(LAMBDA = NULL, ..., grad = FALSE) {

    # minimize version
    out <- - log(sum(L2 * L2)) + 2 * log(sum(L2))

    if(grad) {
        attr(out, "grad") <- ( - 4 * L2 * LAMBDA/(sum(L2 * L2))
                               + 4 * LAMBDA/(sum(L2)) )


# Bentler's Invariant Pattern Simplicity
# Bentler (1977)
lav_matrix_rotate_bentler <- function(LAMBDA = NULL, ..., grad = FALSE) {

    L2tL2 <- crossprod(L2)
    L2tL2.inv <- lav_matrix_symmetric_inverse(S = L2tL2, logdet = TRUE)
    L2tL2.logdet <- attr(L2tL2.inv, "logdet")

    DIag <- diag(L2tL2)
    DIag.inv <- diag(1/DIag)
    DIag.logdet <- sum(log(DIag)) # add small constant?

    # minimize version
    out <- - (L2tL2.logdet - DIag.logdet)/4

    if(grad) {
        attr(out, "grad") <- -LAMBDA * (L2 %*% (L2tL2.inv - DIag.inv))


# The Tandem criteria
# Comrey (1967)
# only for sequential use:
# - tandem1 is used to determine the number of factors
#   (it removes the minor factors)
# - tandomII is used for final rotation
lav_matrix_rotate_tandem1 <- function(LAMBDA, ..., grad = FALSE) {
    LL <- tcrossprod(LAMBDA)
    LL2 <- LL * LL

    # minimize version
    out <- -1 * sum(L2 * (LL2 %*% L2))

    if(grad) {
        tmp1 <- 4 * LAMBDA *(LL2 %*% L2)
        tmp2 <- 4 * (LL * (L2 %*% t(L2))) %*% LAMBDA
        attr(out, "grad") <- -tmp1 - tmp2


lav_matrix_rotate_tandem2 <- function(LAMBDA, ..., grad = FALSE) {
    LL <- tcrossprod(LAMBDA)
    LL2 <- LL * LL

    # minimize version
    out <- sum( L2 * ((1 - LL2) %*% L2) )

    if(grad) {
        tmp1 <- 4 * LAMBDA *((1 - LL2) %*% L2)
        tmp2 <- 4 * (LL * tcrossprod(L2, L2)) %*% LAMBDA
        attr(out, "grad") <- tmp1 - tmp2


# simplimax
# Kiers (1994)
# oblique rotation method
# designed to rotate so that a given number 'k' of small loadings are
# as close to zero as possible
# may be viewed as partially specified target rotation with
# dynamically chosen weights
lav_matrix_rotate_simplimax <- function(LAMBDA = NULL, k = nrow(LAMBDA),
                                        ..., grad = FALSE) {

    # 'k' smallest element of L2
    small.element <- sort(L2)[k]

    # which elements are smaller than (or equal than) 'small.element'?
    ID <- sign( L2 <= small.element )

    # minimize version
    out <- sum(L2 * ID)

    if(grad) {
        attr(out, "grad") <- 2 *ID * LAMBDA


# target rotation
# Harman, 1976
# LAMBDA is rotated toward a specified target matrix 'target'
# Note: 'target' must be fully specified; if there are any NAs
#        use lav_matrix_rotate_pst() instead
lav_matrix_rotate_target <- function(LAMBDA = NULL, target = NULL,
                                        ..., grad = FALSE) {
    # squared difference
    DIFF <- LAMBDA - target
    DIFF2 <- DIFF * DIFF

    out <- sum(DIFF2, na.rm = TRUE)

    if(grad) {

        tmp <- 2 * DIFF
        # change NAs to zero
        tmp[is.na(tmp)] <- 0
        attr(out, "grad") <- tmp


# partially specified target rotation
# Browne 1972a, 1972b
# a pre-specified weight matrix W with ones/zeroes determines
# which elements of (LAMBDA - target) are used by the rotation criterion
# if 'target' contains NAs, they should correspond to '0' values in the
# target.mask matrix
lav_matrix_rotate_pst <- function(LAMBDA = NULL, target = NULL,
                                  target.mask = NULL, ..., grad = FALSE) {
    # mask target+LAMBDA
    target <- target.mask * target
    LAMBDA <- target.mask * LAMBDA

    # squared difference
    DIFF <- LAMBDA - target
    DIFF2 <- DIFF * DIFF

    # minimize
    out <- sum(DIFF2, na.rm = TRUE)

    if(grad) {
        tmp <- 2 * DIFF
        # change NAs to zero
        tmp[is.na(tmp)] <- 0
        attr(out, "grad") <- tmp


# bi-quartimin
# Jennrich & Bentler 2011
lav_matrix_rotate_biquartimin <- function(LAMBDA, ..., grad = FALSE) {
    # see Matlab code page 549
    stopifnot(ncol(LAMBDA) > 1L)

    # remove first column
    LAMBDA.group <- LAMBDA[, -1, drop = FALSE]

    # apply quartimin on the 'group' part
    out <- lav_matrix_rotate_quartimin(LAMBDA.group, ..., grad = grad)

    if(grad) {
        tmp <- attr(out, "grad")
        attr(out, "grad") <- cbind(0, tmp)


# bi-geomin
# Jennrich & Bentler 2012
lav_matrix_rotate_bigeomin <- function(LAMBDA, geomin.epsilon = 0.01, ...,
                                       grad = FALSE) {
    stopifnot(ncol(LAMBDA) > 1L)

    # remove first column
    LAMBDA.group <- LAMBDA[, -1, drop = FALSE]

    # apply geomin on the 'group' part
    out <- lav_matrix_rotate_geomin(LAMBDA.group,
                                    geomin.epsilon = geomin.epsilon, ...,
                                    grad = grad)

    if(grad) {
        tmp <- attr(out, "grad")
        attr(out, "grad") <- cbind(0, tmp)


# gradient check
ilav_matrix_rotate_grad_test <- function(crit = NULL, ...,
                                         LAMBDA = NULL,
                                         nRow = 20L, nCol = 5L,
                                         verbose = FALSE) {
    # test matrix
    if(is.null(LAMBDA)) {
        LAMBDA <- matrix(rnorm(nRow*nCol), nRow, nCol)

    ff <- function(x, ...) {
        Lambda <- matrix(x, nRow, nCol)
        crit(Lambda, ..., grad = FALSE)

    GQ1 <- matrix(numDeriv::grad(func = ff, x = as.vector(LAMBDA), ...),
                  nRow, nCol)
    GQ2 <- attr(crit(LAMBDA, ..., grad = TRUE), "grad")

    if(verbose) {
        print( list(LAMBDA = LAMBDA, GQ1 = GQ1, GQ2 = GQ2) )

    all.equal(GQ1, GQ2, tolerance = 1e-07)

ilav_matrix_rotate_grad_test_all <- function() {

    # Orthomax family with various values for gamma
    for(gamma in seq(0,1,0.2)) {
        check <- ilav_matrix_rotate_grad_test(crit = lav_matrix_rotate_orthomax,
                                              gamma = gamma)
        if(is.logical(check) && check) {
            cat("orthomax + gamma = ", sprintf("%3.1f", gamma),
                ": OK\n")
        } else {
            cat("orthomax + gamma = ", sprintf("%3.1f", gamma),
                ": FAILED\n")

    # Crawford-Ferguson with various values for gamma
    for(gamma in seq(0,1,0.2)) {
        check <- ilav_matrix_rotate_grad_test(crit = lav_matrix_rotate_cf,
                                              gamma = gamma)
        if(is.logical(check) && check) {
            cat("Crawford-Ferguson + gamma = ", sprintf("%3.1f", gamma),
                ": OK\n")
        } else {
            cat("Crawford-Ferguson + gamma = ", sprintf("%3.1f", gamma),
                ": FAILED\n")

    # Oblimin family with various values for gamma
    for(gamma in seq(0,1,0.2)) {
        check <- ilav_matrix_rotate_grad_test(crit = lav_matrix_rotate_oblimin,
                                              gamma = gamma)
        if(is.logical(check) && check) {
            cat("Oblimin + gamma = ", sprintf("%3.1f", gamma),
                ": OK\n")
        } else {
            cat("Oblimin + gamma = ", sprintf("%3.1f", gamma),
                ": FAILED\n")

    # quartimax
    check <- ilav_matrix_rotate_grad_test(crit = lav_matrix_rotate_quartimax)
    if(is.logical(check) && check) {
        cat("quartimax: OK\n")
    } else {
        cat("quartimax: FAILED\n")

    # varimax
    check <- ilav_matrix_rotate_grad_test(crit = lav_matrix_rotate_varimax)
    if(is.logical(check) && check) {
        cat("varimax: OK\n")
    } else {
        cat("varimax: FAILED\n")

    # quartimin
    check <- ilav_matrix_rotate_grad_test(crit = lav_matrix_rotate_quartimin)
    if(is.logical(check) && check) {
        cat("quartimin: OK\n")
    } else {
        cat("quartimin: FAILED\n")

    # geomin
    check <- ilav_matrix_rotate_grad_test(crit = lav_matrix_rotate_geomin)
    if(is.logical(check) && check) {
        cat("geomin: OK\n")
    } else {
        cat("geomin: FAILED\n")

    # simple entropy
    check <- ilav_matrix_rotate_grad_test(crit = lav_matrix_rotate_entropy)
    if(is.logical(check) && check) {
        cat("entropy: OK\n")
    } else {
        cat("entropy: FAILED\n")

    # McCammon entropy criterion
    check <- ilav_matrix_rotate_grad_test(crit = lav_matrix_rotate_mccammon)
    if(is.logical(check) && check) {
        cat("McCammon: OK\n")
    } else {
        cat("McCammon: FAILED\n")

    # infomax
    check <- ilav_matrix_rotate_grad_test(crit = lav_matrix_rotate_infomax)
    if(is.logical(check) && check) {
        cat("infomax: OK\n")
    } else {
        cat("infomax: FAILED\n")

    # oblimax
    check <- ilav_matrix_rotate_grad_test(crit = lav_matrix_rotate_oblimax)
    if(is.logical(check) && check) {
        cat("oblimax: OK\n")
    } else {
        cat("oblimax: FAILED\n")

    # bentler
    check <- ilav_matrix_rotate_grad_test(crit = lav_matrix_rotate_bentler)
    if(is.logical(check) && check) {
        cat("bentler: OK\n")
    } else {
        cat("bentler: FAILED\n")

    # simplimax
    check <- ilav_matrix_rotate_grad_test(crit = lav_matrix_rotate_simplimax)
    if(is.logical(check) && check) {
        cat("simplimax: OK\n")
    } else {
        cat("simplimax: FAILED\n")

    # tandem1
    check <- ilav_matrix_rotate_grad_test(crit = lav_matrix_rotate_tandem1)
    if(is.logical(check) && check) {
        cat("tandem1: OK\n")
    } else {
        cat("tandem1: FAILED\n")

    # tandem2
    check <- ilav_matrix_rotate_grad_test(crit = lav_matrix_rotate_tandem2)
    if(is.logical(check) && check) {
        cat("tandem2: OK\n")
    } else {
        cat("tandem2: FAILED\n")

    # bi-quartimin
    check <- ilav_matrix_rotate_grad_test(crit = lav_matrix_rotate_biquartimin)
    if(is.logical(check) && check) {
        cat("biquartimin: OK\n")
    } else {
        cat("biquartimin: FAILED\n")

    # bi-quartimin
    check <- ilav_matrix_rotate_grad_test(crit = lav_matrix_rotate_bigeomin)
    if(is.logical(check) && check) {
        cat("bigeomin: OK\n")
    } else {
        cat("bigeomin: FAILED\n")


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