# model objective
lav_model_objective <- function(lavmodel = NULL,
lavsamplestats = NULL,
lavdata = NULL,
lavcache = NULL) {
# state or final?
if (is.null(GLIST)) GLIST <- lavmodel@GLIST
# shortcut for data.type == "none" or estimator == "none"
if (lavmodel@estimator == "none" || length(lavsamplestats@cov) == 0L) {
fx <- as.numeric(NA)
attr(fx, "") <- rep(as.numeric(NA), lavsamplestats@ngroups)
meanstructure <- lavmodel@meanstructure
estimator <- lavmodel@estimator
categorical <- lavmodel@categorical
if (.hasSlot(lavmodel, "correlation")) {
correlation <- lavmodel@correlation
} else {
correlation <- FALSE
} <-
fixed.x <- lavmodel@fixed.x
conditional.x <- lavmodel@conditional.x
num.idx <- lavmodel@num.idx
th.idx <- lavmodel@th.idx
if (.hasSlot(lavmodel, "estimator.args")) {
estimator.args <- lavmodel@estimator.args
} else {
estimator.args <- list()
# do we need WLS.est?
if (estimator %in% c("ULS", "WLS", "DWLS", "NTRLS", "DLS")) {
lavimplied <- lav_model_implied(lavmodel, GLIST = GLIST)
# check for COV with negative diagonal elements?
for (g in 1:lavsamplestats@ngroups) {
COV <- if (lavmodel@conditional.x) {
} else {
dCOV <- diag(COV)
if (anyNA(COV) || any(dCOV < 0)) {
# return NA
fx <- as.numeric(NA)
attr(fx, "") <- rep(as.numeric(NA), lavsamplestats@ngroups)
WLS.est <- lav_model_wls_est(
lavmodel = lavmodel, GLIST = GLIST,
lavimplied = lavimplied
) # ,
# cov.x = lavsamplestats@cov.x)
if (estimator == "NTRLS") {
Sigma.hat <- computeSigmaHat(
lavmodel = lavmodel, GLIST = GLIST,
extra = TRUE
Mu.hat <- computeMuHat(lavmodel = lavmodel, GLIST = GLIST)
if (estimator == "DLS" && estimator.args$dls.GammaNT == "model") {
Sigma.hat <- computeSigmaHat(
lavmodel = lavmodel, GLIST = GLIST,
extra = FALSE
Mu.hat <- computeMuHat(lavmodel = lavmodel, GLIST = GLIST)
if (lav_debug()) print(WLS.est)
} else if (estimator %in% c("ML", "GLS", "PML", "FML", "REML", "catML") &&
lavdata@nlevels == 1L) {
# compute moments for all groups
# if(conditional.x) {
# Sigma.hat <- computeSigmaHatJoint(lavmodel = lavmodel,
# GLIST = GLIST, lavsamplestats = lavsamplestats,
# extra = (estimator %in% c("ML", "REML","NTRLS")))
# } else {
Sigma.hat <- computeSigmaHat(
lavmodel = lavmodel, GLIST = GLIST,
extra = (estimator %in% c(
"ML", "REML",
"NTRLS", "catML"
# }
if (estimator == "REML") {
LAMBDA <- computeLAMBDA(lavmodel = lavmodel, GLIST = GLIST)
# ridge?
if (lavsamplestats@ridge > 0.0) {
for (g in 1:lavsamplestats@ngroups) {
diag(Sigma.hat[[g]]) <- diag(Sigma.hat[[g]]) +
if (lav_debug()) print(Sigma.hat)
if (meanstructure) {
# if(conditional.x) {
# Mu.hat <- computeMuHatJoint(lavmodel = lavmodel, GLIST = GLIST,
# lavsamplestats = lavsamplestats)
# } else {
Mu.hat <- computeMuHat(lavmodel = lavmodel, GLIST = GLIST)
# }
if (categorical) {
TH <- computeTH(lavmodel = lavmodel, GLIST = GLIST)
if (conditional.x) {
PI <- computePI(lavmodel = lavmodel, GLIST = GLIST)
if ( {
GW <- computeGW(lavmodel = lavmodel, GLIST = GLIST)
} else if (estimator == "MML") {
TH <- computeTH(lavmodel = lavmodel, GLIST = GLIST)
THETA <- computeTHETA(lavmodel = lavmodel, GLIST = GLIST)
GW <- computeGW(lavmodel = lavmodel, GLIST = GLIST)
fx <- 0.0 <- numeric(lavsamplestats@ngroups) <- rep(as.numeric(NA), lavsamplestats@ngroups)
for (g in 1:lavsamplestats@ngroups) {
# incomplete data and fiml?
if (lavsamplestats@missing.flag && estimator != "Bayes") {
if (estimator == "ML" && lavdata@nlevels == 1L) {
if (!attr(Sigma.hat[[g]], "po")) {
group.fx <- estimator.FIML(
Sigma.hat = Sigma.hat[[g]],
Mu.hat = Mu.hat[[g]],
Yp = lavsamplestats@missing[[g]],
h1 = lavsamplestats@missing.h1[[g]]$h1, N = lavsamplestats@nobs[[g]]
} else if (estimator == "ML" && lavdata@nlevels > 1L) {
# FIML twolevel
group.fx <- estimator.2L(
lavmodel = lavmodel,
Y1 = lavdata@X[[g]],
Lp = lavdata@Lp[[g]],
Mp = lavdata@Mp[[g]],
lavsamplestats = lavsamplestats,
group = g
} else {
"this estimator: `%s' can not be used with incomplete data and
the missing=\"ml\" option", estimator))
} else if (estimator == "ML" || estimator == "Bayes" ||
estimator == "catML") {
# complete data
# ML and friends
if (lavdata@nlevels > 1L) {
if (estimator %in% c("catML", "Bayes")) {
lav_msg_stop(gettext("multilevel data not supported for estimator"),
group.fx <- estimator.2L(
lavmodel = lavmodel,
Lp = lavdata@Lp[[g]],
Mp = NULL, # complete data
lavsamplestats = lavsamplestats,
group = g
} else if (conditional.x) {
group.fx <- estimator.ML_res(
Sigma.hat = Sigma.hat[[g]],
Mu.hat = Mu.hat[[g]],
PI = PI[[g]],
res.cov = lavsamplestats@res.cov[[g]], =[[g]],
res.slopes = lavsamplestats@res.slopes[[g]],
res.cov.log.det = lavsamplestats@res.cov.log.det[[g]],
cov.x = lavsamplestats@cov.x[[g]],
mean.x = lavsamplestats@mean.x[[g]]
} else {
group.fx <- estimator.ML(
Sigma.hat = Sigma.hat[[g]],
Mu.hat = Mu.hat[[g]],
data.cov = lavsamplestats@cov[[g]],
data.mean = lavsamplestats@mean[[g]],
data.cov.log.det = lavsamplestats@cov.log.det[[g]],
meanstructure = meanstructure
### GLS #### (0.6-10: not using WLS function any longer)
} else if (estimator == "GLS") {
group.fx <- estimator.GLS(
Sigma.hat = Sigma.hat[[g]],
Mu.hat = Mu.hat[[g]],
data.cov = lavsamplestats@cov[[g]],
data.cov.inv = lavsamplestats@icov[[g]],
data.mean = lavsamplestats@mean[[g]],
meanstructure = meanstructure,
correlation = correlation
} else if (estimator == "WLS" ||
estimator == "DLS" ||
estimator == "NTRLS") {
# full weight matrix
if (estimator == "WLS") {
WLS.V <- lavsamplestats@WLS.V[[g]]
} else if (estimator == "DLS") {
if (estimator.args$dls.GammaNT == "sample") {
WLS.V <- lavsamplestats@WLS.V[[g]]
} else {
dls.a <- estimator.args$dls.a
GammaNT <- lav_samplestats_Gamma_NT(
COV = Sigma.hat[[g]],
MEAN = Mu.hat[[g]],
rescale = FALSE,
x.idx = lavsamplestats@x.idx[[g]],
fixed.x = lavmodel@fixed.x,
conditional.x = lavmodel@conditional.x,
meanstructure = lavmodel@meanstructure,
slopestructure = lavmodel@conditional.x
W.DLS <- (1 - dls.a) * lavsamplestats@NACOV[[g]] + dls.a * GammaNT
WLS.V <- lav_matrix_symmetric_inverse(W.DLS)
} else if (estimator == "NTRLS") {
# WLS.V <- lav_samplestats_Gamma_inverse_NT(
# ICOV = attr(Sigma.hat[[g]],"inv")[,,drop=FALSE],
# COV = Sigma.hat[[g]][,,drop=FALSE],
# MEAN = Mu.hat[[g]],
# x.idx = c(10000,10001), ### FIXME!!!!
# fixed.x = fixed.x,
# conditional.x = conditional.x,
# meanstructure = meanstructure,
# slopestructure = conditional.x)
WLS.V <- lav_mvnorm_information_expected(
Sigma = Sigma.hat[[g]],
x.idx = lavsamplestats@x.idx[[g]],
meanstructure = lavmodel@meanstructure
# DEBUG!!!!
# WLS.V <- 2*WLS.V
group.fx <- estimator.WLS(
WLS.est = WLS.est[[g]],
WLS.obs = lavsamplestats@WLS.obs[[g]],
attr(group.fx, "WLS.est") <- WLS.est[[g]]
} else if (estimator == "DWLS" || estimator == "ULS") {
# diagonal weight matrix
group.fx <- estimator.DWLS(
WLS.est = WLS.est[[g]],
WLS.obs = lavsamplestats@WLS.obs[[g]],
WLS.VD = lavsamplestats@WLS.VD[[g]]
attr(group.fx, "WLS.est") <- WLS.est[[g]]
} else if (estimator == "PML") {
# Pairwise maximum likelihood
if (lavdata@nlevels > 1L) {
# group.fx <- estimator.PML.2L(lavmodel = lavmodel,
# Lp = lavdata@Lp[[g]],
# lavsamplestats = lavsamplestats,
# group = g)
group.fx <- 0 # for now
attr(group.fx, "logl") <- 0
} else if (conditional.x) {
group.fx <- estimator.PML(
Sigma.hat = Sigma.hat[[g]],
Mu.hat = Mu.hat[[g]],
TH = TH[[g]],
PI = PI[[g]],
th.idx = th.idx[[g]],
num.idx = num.idx[[g]],
X = lavdata@X[[g]],
eXo = lavdata@eXo[[g]],
wt = lavdata@weights[[g]],
lavcache = lavcache[[g]],
missing = lavdata@missing
} else {
group.fx <- estimator.PML(
Sigma.hat = Sigma.hat[[g]],
Mu.hat = Mu.hat[[g]],
TH = TH[[g]],
th.idx = th.idx[[g]],
num.idx = num.idx[[g]],
X = lavdata@X[[g]],
eXo = NULL,
wt = lavdata@weights[[g]],
lavcache = lavcache[[g]],
missing = lavdata@missing
}[g] <- attr(group.fx, "logl")
} else if (estimator == "FML") {
# Full maximum likelihood (underlying multivariate normal)
group.fx <- estimator.FML(
Sigma.hat = Sigma.hat[[g]],
TH = TH[[g]],
th.idx = th.idx[[g]],
num.idx = num.idx[[g]],
X = lavdata@X[[g]],
lavcache = lavcache[[g]]
} else if (estimator == "MML") {
# marginal maximum likelihood
group.fx <- estimator.MML(
lavmodel = lavmodel,
TH = TH[[g]],
group = g,
lavdata = lavdata,
sample.mean = lavsamplestats@mean[[g]],
sample.mean.x = lavsamplestats@mean.x[[g]],
lavcache = lavcache
} else if (estimator == "REML") {
# restricted/residual maximum likelihood
group.fx <- estimator.REML(
Sigma.hat = Sigma.hat[[g]],
Mu.hat = Mu.hat[[g]],
data.cov = lavsamplestats@cov[[g]],
data.mean = lavsamplestats@mean[[g]],
data.cov.log.det = lavsamplestats@cov.log.det[[g]],
meanstructure = meanstructure,
group = g,
lavmodel = lavmodel,
lavsamplestats = lavsamplestats,
lavdata = lavdata
} else {
lav_msg_stop(gettext("unsupported estimator:"), estimator)
if (estimator %in% c("ML", "REML", "NTRLS", "catML")) {
if (lavdata@nlevels == 1L) {
group.fx <- 0.5 * group.fx ## FIXME
} else if (estimator == "PML" || estimator == "FML" ||
estimator == "MML") {
# do nothing
} else if (estimator == "DLS") {
if (estimator.args$dls.FtimesNminus1) {
group.fx <- 0.5 * (lavsamplestats@nobs[[g]] - 1) / lavsamplestats@nobs[[g]] * group.fx
} else {
group.fx <- 0.5 * group.fx
} else {
group.fx <- 0.5 * (lavsamplestats@nobs[[g]] - 1) / lavsamplestats@nobs[[g]] * group.fx
}[g] <- group.fx
} # g
if (lavsamplestats@ngroups > 1) {
## FIXME: if, should we use group.w or nobs???
## - if we use estimated group.w, gradient changes!!!!
## - but, if group models are misspecified, the group weights
## will be affected too... which is unwanted (I think)
# if( {
# nobs <- unlist(GW) * lavsamplestats@ntotal
# nobs <- exp(unlist(GW))
# } else {
if (estimator == "PML") {
# no weighting needed! (since N_g is part of the logl per group)
fx <- sum(
} else if(lavdata@nlevels > 1L) {
# no weighting needed! (implicit in obj, which is based on loglik)
fx <- sum(
} else {
nobs <- unlist(lavsamplestats@nobs)
# }
fx <- weighted.mean(, w = nobs)
} else { # single group
fx <-[1]
# penalty for group.w + ML
if ( && estimator %in% c(
"ML", "MML", "FML", "PML",
"REML", "catML"
)) {
# obs.prop <- unlist(lavsamplestats@group.w)
# est.prop <- unlist(GW)
# if(estimator %in% c("WLS", "GLS", ...) {
# # X2 style discrepancy measures (aka GLS/WLS!!)
# fx.w <- sum ( (obs.prop-est.prop)^2/est.prop )
# } else {
# # G2 style discrepancy measures (aka ML)
# # deriv is here -2 * (obs.prop - est.prop)
# fx.w <- sum(obs.prop * log(obs.prop/est.prop) )
# }
# poisson kernel
obs.freq <- unlist(lavsamplestats@group.w) * lavsamplestats@ntotal
est.freq <- exp(unlist(GW))
fx.w <- -1 * sum(obs.freq * log(est.freq) - est.freq)
# divide by N (to be consistent with the rest of lavaan)
fx.w <- fx.w / lavsamplestats@ntotal
fx.sat <- sum(obs.freq * log(obs.freq) - obs.freq)
fx.sat <- fx.sat / lavsamplestats@ntotal
# saturated - poisson
# fx.w <- sum(obs.freq * log(obs.freq/est.freq))
# does not work without constraints? --> need lagrange multiplier
fx <- fx + (fx.w + fx.sat)
fx.value <- as.numeric(fx)
attr(fx, "") <-
if (estimator == "PML") {
attr(fx, "") <-
attr(fx, "fx.pml") <- fx.value
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