# fitting function for standard ML
estimator.ML <- function(Sigma.hat = NULL, Mu.hat = NULL,
data.cov = NULL, data.mean = NULL,
data.cov.log.det = NULL,
meanstructure = FALSE) {
# CURRENTLY: return Inf (at least for nlminb, this works well)
if (!attr(Sigma.hat, "po")) {
Sigma.hat.inv <- attr(Sigma.hat, "inv")
Sigma.hat.log.det <- attr(Sigma.hat, "log.det")
nvar <- ncol(Sigma.hat)
if (!meanstructure) {
fx <- (Sigma.hat.log.det + sum(data.cov * Sigma.hat.inv) -
data.cov.log.det - nvar)
} else {
W.tilde <- data.cov + tcrossprod(data.mean - Mu.hat)
fx <- (Sigma.hat.log.det + sum(W.tilde * Sigma.hat.inv) -
data.cov.log.det - nvar)
# no negative values
if (is.finite(fx) && fx < 0.0) fx <- 0.0
# fitting function for standard ML
estimator.ML_res <- function(Sigma.hat = NULL, Mu.hat = NULL, PI = NULL,
res.cov = NULL, = NULL, res.slopes = NULL,
res.cov.log.det = NULL,
cov.x = NULL, mean.x = NULL) {
if (!attr(Sigma.hat, "po")) {
# augmented mean.x + cov.x matrix
C3 <- rbind(
c(1, mean.x),
cbind(mean.x, cov.x + tcrossprod(mean.x))
Sigma.hat.inv <- attr(Sigma.hat, "inv")
Sigma.hat.log.det <- attr(Sigma.hat, "log.det")
nvar <- ncol(Sigma.hat)
# sigma
objective.sigma <- (Sigma.hat.log.det + sum(res.cov * Sigma.hat.inv) -
res.cov.log.det - nvar)
# beta
OBS <- t(cbind(, res.slopes))
EST <- t(cbind(Mu.hat, PI))
Diff <- OBS - EST
objective.beta <- sum(Sigma.hat.inv * crossprod(Diff, C3) %*% Diff)
fx <- objective.sigma + objective.beta
# no negative values
if (is.finite(fx) && fx < 0.0) fx <- 0.0
# fitting function for restricted ML
estimator.REML <- function(Sigma.hat = NULL, Mu.hat = NULL,
data.cov = NULL, data.mean = NULL,
data.cov.log.det = NULL,
meanstructure = FALSE,
group = 1L, lavmodel = NULL,
lavsamplestats = NULL, lavdata = NULL) {
if (!attr(Sigma.hat, "po")) {
Sigma.hat.inv <- attr(Sigma.hat, "inv")
Sigma.hat.log.det <- attr(Sigma.hat, "log.det")
nvar <- ncol(Sigma.hat)
if (!meanstructure) {
fx <- (Sigma.hat.log.det + sum(data.cov * Sigma.hat.inv) -
data.cov.log.det - nvar)
} else {
W.tilde <- data.cov + tcrossprod(data.mean - Mu.hat)
fx <- (Sigma.hat.log.det + sum(W.tilde * Sigma.hat.inv) -
data.cov.log.det - nvar)
lambda.idx <- which(names(lavmodel@GLIST) == "lambda")
LAMBDA <- lavmodel@GLIST[[lambda.idx[group]]]
data.cov.inv <- lavsamplestats@icov[[group]]
reml.h0 <- log(det(t(LAMBDA) %*% Sigma.hat.inv %*% LAMBDA))
reml.h1 <- log(det(t(LAMBDA) %*% data.cov.inv %*% LAMBDA))
nobs <- lavsamplestats@nobs[[group]]
# fx <- (Sigma.hat.log.det + tmp - data.cov.log.det - nvar) + 1/Ng * (reml.h0 - reml.h1)
fx <- fx + (1 / nobs * (reml.h0 - reml.h1))
# no negative values
if (is.finite(fx) && fx < 0.0) fx <- 0.0
# 'classic' fitting function for GLS
# used again since 0.6-10 (we used the much slower estimator.WLS before)
estimator.GLS <- function(Sigma.hat = NULL, Mu.hat = NULL,
data.cov = NULL, data.cov.inv = NULL,
data.mean = NULL,
meanstructure = FALSE, correlation = FALSE) {
tmp <- data.cov.inv %*% (data.cov - Sigma.hat)
# tmp is not perfectly symmetric, so we use t(tmp) on the next line
# to obtain the same value as estimator.WLS
fx <- 0.5 * sum(tmp * t(tmp))
if (correlation) {
# Bentler & Savalei (2010) eq 1.31
DD <- as.matrix(diag(tmp))
TT <- diag(nrow(data.cov)) + data.cov * data.cov.inv
fx <- fx - drop(t(DD) %*% solve(TT) %*% DD)
if (meanstructure) {
tmp2 <- sum(data.cov.inv * tcrossprod(data.mean - Mu.hat))
fx <- fx + tmp2
# no negative values
if (is.finite(fx) && fx < 0.0) fx <- 0.0
# general WLS estimator (Muthen, Appendix 4, eq 99 single group)
# full weight (WLS.V) matrix
estimator.WLS <- function(WLS.est = NULL, WLS.obs = NULL, WLS.V = NULL) {
# diff <- as.matrix(WLS.obs - WLS.est)
# fx <- as.numeric( t(diff) %*% WLS.V %*% diff )
# since 0.5-17, we use crossprod twice
diff <- WLS.obs - WLS.est
fx <- as.numeric(crossprod(crossprod(WLS.V, diff), diff))
# todo alternative: using chol(WLS.V)
# no negative values
if (is.finite(fx) && fx < 0.0) fx <- 0.0
# diagonally weighted LS (DWLS)
estimator.DWLS <- function(WLS.est = NULL, WLS.obs = NULL, WLS.VD = NULL) {
diff <- WLS.obs - WLS.est
fx <- sum(diff * diff * WLS.VD)
# no negative values
if (is.finite(fx) && fx < 0.0) fx <- 0.0
# Full Information ML estimator (FIML) handling the missing values
estimator.FIML <- function(Sigma.hat = NULL, Mu.hat = NULL, Yp = NULL,
h1 = NULL, N = NULL) {
if (is.null(N)) {
N <- sum(sapply(Yp, "[[", "freq"))
# Note: we ignore x.idx (if any)
fx <- lav_mvnorm_missing_loglik_samplestats(
Yp = Yp,
Mu = Mu.hat, Sigma = Sigma.hat,
log2pi = FALSE,
minus.two = TRUE
) / N
# ajust for h1
if (!is.null(h1)) {
fx <- fx - h1
# no negative values
if (is.finite(fx) && fx < 0.0) fx <- 0.0
# pairwise maximum likelihood
# this is adapted from code written by Myrsini Katsikatsou
# some changes:
# - no distinction between x/y (ksi/eta)
# - 29/03/2016: adapt for exogenous covariates
# - 21/09/2016: added code for missing = doubly.robust (contributed by
# Myrsini Katsikatsou)
# - HJ 18/10/2023: For sampling weights the lavcache$bifreq are weighted
estimator.PML <- function(Sigma.hat = NULL, # model-based var/cov/cor
Mu.hat = NULL, # model-based means
TH = NULL, # model-based thresholds + means
PI = NULL, # slopes
th.idx = NULL, # threshold idx per variable
num.idx = NULL, # which variables are numeric
X = NULL, # raw data
eXo = NULL, # eXo data
wt = NULL, # case weights
lavcache = NULL, # housekeeping stuff
missing = NULL) { # how to deal with missings?
# YR 3 okt 2012
# - the idea is to compute for each pair of variables, the model-based
# probability (or likelihood in mixed case) (that we observe the data
# for this pair under the model)
# - if we have exogenous variables + conditional.x, do this for each case
# - after taking logs, the sum over the cases gives the
# log probablity/likelihood for this pair
# - the sum over all pairs gives the final PL based logl
# first of all: check if all correlations are within [-1,1]
# if not, return Inf; (at least with nlminb, this works well)
# diagonal of Sigma.hat is not necessarily 1, even for categorical vars
Sigma.hat2 <- Sigma.hat
if (length(num.idx) > 0L) {
diag(Sigma.hat2)[-num.idx] <- 1
} else {
diag(Sigma.hat2) <- 1
# all positive variances? (for continuous variables)
if (any(diag(Sigma.hat2) < 0)) {
OUT <- +Inf
attr(OUT, "logl") <- as.numeric(NA)
Cor.hat <- cov2cor(Sigma.hat2) # to get correlations (rho!)
cors <- lav_matrix_vech(Cor.hat, diagonal = FALSE)
if (length(cors) > 0L && (any(abs(cors) > 1) ||
any( {
# question: what is the best approach here??
OUT <- +Inf
attr(OUT, "logl") <- as.numeric(NA)
nvar <- nrow(Sigma.hat)
if (is.null(eXo)) {
nexo <- 0L
} else {
nexo <- NCOL(eXo)
pstar <- nvar * (nvar - 1) / 2
ov.types <- rep("ordered", nvar)
if (length(num.idx) > 0L) {
ov.types[num.idx] <- "numeric"
##### Three cases:
##### 1) all ordered, no exogenous (fast!)
##### 2) mixed ordered + continuous, no exogenous
##### 3) mixed ordered + continuous, exogenous (conditional.x = TRUE)
##### Case 1:
##### all ordered
##### no exogenous covariates
if (all(ov.types == "ordered") && nexo == 0L) {
# prepare for Myrsini's vectorization scheme
long2 <- LongVecTH.Rho(
no.x = nvar,
all.thres = TH,
index.var.of.thres = th.idx,
rho.xixj = cors
# get expected probability per table, per pair
pairwisePI <- pairwiseExpProbVec(
ind.vec = lavcache$long,
th.rho.vec = long2
pairwisePI_orig <- pairwisePI # for doubly.robust
# get frequency per table, per pair
logl <- sum(lavcache$bifreq * log(pairwisePI))
# >>>>>>>> HJ/MK PML CODE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
# FYI the bifreq are already weighted so this will work. Alternatively:
if (!is.null(wt)) {
logl <- sum(lavcache$sum_obs_weights_xixj_ab_vec * log(pairwisePI))
# more convenient fit function
prop <- lavcache$bifreq / lavcache$nobs
freq <- lavcache$bifreq
if (!is.null(wt)) {
prop <- lavcache$sum_obs_weights_xixj_ab_vec / sum(wt)
freq <- lavcache$sum_obs_weights_xixj_ab_vec
# >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
# remove zero props # FIXME!!! or add 0.5???
# zero.idx <- which(prop == 0.0)
zero.idx <- which((prop == 0.0) | !is.finite(prop))
if (length(zero.idx) > 0L) {
freq <- freq[-zero.idx]
prop <- prop[-zero.idx]
pairwisePI <- pairwisePI[-zero.idx]
## Fmin <- sum( prop*log(prop/pairwisePI) )
Fmin <- sum(freq * log(prop / pairwisePI)) # to avoid 'N'
if (missing == "available.cases" || missing == "doubly.robust") {
uniPI <- univariateExpProbVec(TH = TH, th.idx = th.idx)
# shortcuts
unifreq <- lavcache$unifreq
uninobs <- lavcache$uninobs
uniweights <- lavcache$uniweights
logl <- logl + sum(uniweights * log(uniPI))
uniprop <- unifreq / uninobs
# remove zero props
# <- which(uniprop == 0.0) <- which((uniprop == 0.0) | !is.finite(uniprop))
if (length( > 0L) {
uniprop <- uniprop[]
uniPI <- uniPI[]
uniweights <- uniweights[]
Fmin <- Fmin + sum(uniweights * log(uniprop / uniPI))
if (missing == "doubly.robust") {
# SUM_{i,j} [ E_{Yi,Yj|y^o}(lnf(Yi,Yj))) ]
# First compute the terms of the summand. Since the cells of
# pairwiseProbGivObs are zero for the pairs of variables that at least
# one of the variables is observed (hence not contributing to the summand)
# there is no need to construct an index vector for summing appropriately
# within each individual.
log_pairwisePI_orig <- log(pairwisePI_orig)
pairwiseProbGivObs <- lavcache$pairwiseProbGivObs
tmp_prod <- t(t(pairwiseProbGivObs) * log_pairwisePI_orig)
SumElnfijCasewise <- apply(tmp_prod, 1, sum)
SumElnfij <- sum(SumElnfijCasewise)
logl <- logl + SumElnfij
Fmin <- Fmin - SumElnfij
# SUM_{i,j} [ E_{Yj|y^o}(lnf(Yj|yi))) ]
# First compute the model-implied conditional univariate probabilities
# p(y_i=a|y_j=b). Let ModProbY1Gy2 be the vector of these
# probabilities. The order the probabilities
# are listed in the vector ModProbY1Gy2 is as follows:
# y1|y2, y1|y3, ..., y1|yp, y2|y1, y2|y3, ..., y2|yp,
# ..., yp|y1, yp|y2, ..., yp|y(p-1). Within each pair of variables the
# index "a" which represents the response category of variable yi runs faster than
# "b" which represents the response category of the given variable yj.
# The computation of these probabilities are based on the model-implied
# bivariate probabilities p(y_i=a,y_j=b). To do the appropriate summations
# and divisions we need some index vectors to keep track of the index i, j,
# a, and b, as well as the pair index. These index vectors should be
# computed once and stored in lavcache. About where in the lavaan code
# we will add the computations and how they will be done please see the
# file "new objects in lavcache for DR-PL.r"
idx.pairs <- lavcache$idx.pairs <- lavcache$ <- lavcache$
idx.Y1 <- lavcache$idx.Y1
idx.Gy2 <- lavcache$idx.Gy2 <- lavcache$ <- lavcache$
id.uniPrGivObs <- lavcache$id.uniPrGivObs
# the latter keeps track which variable each column of the matrix
# univariateProbGivObs refers to
# For the function compute_uniCondProb_based_on_bivProb see the .r file
# with the same name.
ModProbY1Gy2 <- compute_uniCondProb_based_on_bivProb(
bivProb = pairwisePI_orig,
nvar = nvar,
idx.pairs = idx.pairs,
idx.Y1 = idx.Y1,
idx.Gy2 = idx.Gy2, =, =
log_ModProbY1Gy2 <- log(ModProbY1Gy2)
# Let univariateProbGivObs be the matrix of the conditional univariate
# probabilities Pr(y_i=a|y^o) that has been computed in advance and are
# fed to the DR-PL function. The rows represent different individuals,
# i.e. nrow=nobs, and the columns different probabilities. The columns
# are listed as follows: a runs faster than i.
# Note that the number of columns of univariateProbGivObs is not the
# same with the length(log_ModProbY1Gy2), actually
# ncol(univariateProbGivObs) < length(log_ModProbY1Gy2).
# For this we use the following commands in order to multiply correctly.
# Compute for each case the product Pr(y_i=a|y^o) * log[ p(y_i=a|y_j=b) ]
# i.e. univariateProbGivObs * log_ModProbY1Gy2
univariateProbGivObs <- lavcache$univariateProbGivObs
nobs <- nrow(X)
uniweights.casewise <- lavcache$uniweights.casewise
id.cases.with.missing <- which(uniweights.casewise > 0)
no.cases.with.missing <- length(id.cases.with.missing)
no.obs.casewise <- nvar - uniweights.casewise
idx.missing.var <- apply(X, 1, function(x) {
idx.observed.var <- lapply(idx.missing.var, function(x) {
}) <- sapply(1:nobs, function(i) {
X[i, idx.observed.var[[i]]]
ElnyiGivyjbCasewise <- sapply(1:no.cases.with.missing, function(i) { <- id.cases.with.missing[i] <- uniweights.casewise[]
tmp.idx.mis <- idx.missing.var[[]]
tmp.idx.obs <- idx.observed.var[[]] <- no.obs.casewise[] <-[[]]
tmp.uniProbGivObs.i <- univariateProbGivObs[, ]
sapply(, function(k) {
tmp.idx.mis.var <- tmp.idx.mis[k]
tmp.uniProbGivObs.ik <-
tmp.uniProbGivObs.i[id.uniPrGivObs == tmp.idx.mis.var]
tmp.log_ModProbY1Gy2 <- sapply(, function(z) {
log_ModProbY1Gy2[idx.Y1 == tmp.idx.mis.var &
idx.Gy2 == tmp.idx.obs[z] & ==[z]]
sum(tmp.log_ModProbY1Gy2 * tmp.uniProbGivObs.ik)
ElnyiGivyjb <- sum(unlist(ElnyiGivyjbCasewise))
logl <- logl + ElnyiGivyjb
# for the Fmin function
Fmin <- Fmin - ElnyiGivyjb
} # end of if (missing =="doubly.robust")
##### Case 2:
##### mixed ordered + numeric
##### no exogenous covariates
} else if (nexo == 0L) {
# mixed ordered/numeric variables, but no exogenous covariates
# - no need to compute 'casewise' (log)likelihoods
PSTAR <- matrix(0, nvar, nvar) # utility matrix, to get indices
PSTAR[lav_matrix_vech_idx(nvar, diagonal = FALSE)] <- 1:pstar
N <- NROW(X)
logLikPair <- numeric(pstar) # logl per pair (summed over cases)
for (j in seq_len(nvar - 1L)) {
for (i in (j + 1L):nvar) {
pstar.idx <- PSTAR[i, j]
if (ov.types[i] == "numeric" &&
ov.types[j] == "numeric") {
logLIK <- lav_mvnorm_loglik_data(
Y = X[, c(i, j)], wt = wt, Mu = Mu.hat[c(i, j)],
Sigma = Sigma.hat[c(i, j), c(i, j)], casewise = TRUE
logLikPair[pstar.idx] <- sum(logLIK, na.rm = TRUE)
} else if (ov.types[i] == "numeric" &&
ov.types[j] == "ordered") {
# polyserial correlation
logLIK <- lav_bvmix_lik(
Y1 = X[, i], Y2 = X[, j],
wt = wt,
evar.y1 = Sigma.hat[i, i],
beta.y1 = Mu.hat[i],
th.y2 = TH[th.idx == j],
rho = Cor.hat[i, j], .log = TRUE
logLikPair[pstar.idx] <- sum(logLIK, na.rm = TRUE)
} else if (ov.types[j] == "numeric" &&
ov.types[i] == "ordered") {
# polyserial correlation
logLIK <- lav_bvmix_lik(
Y1 = X[, j], Y2 = X[, i],
wt = wt,
evar.y1 = Sigma.hat[j, j],
beta.y1 = Mu.hat[j],
th.y2 = TH[th.idx == i],
rho = Cor.hat[i, j], .log = TRUE
logLikPair[pstar.idx] <- sum(logLIK, na.rm = TRUE)
} else if (ov.types[i] == "ordered" &&
ov.types[j] == "ordered") {
# polychoric correlation
pairwisePI <- lav_bvord_noexo_pi(
rho = Cor.hat[i, j],
th.y1 = TH[th.idx == i],
th.y2 = TH[th.idx == j]
# avoid zeroes
pairwisePI[pairwisePI < .Machine$double.eps] <-
# note: missing values are just not counted
FREQ <- lav_bvord_freq(X[, i], X[, j], wt = wt)
logLikPair[pstar.idx] <- sum(FREQ * log(pairwisePI))
} # all pairs
na.idx <- which(
if (length(na.idx) > 0L) {
lav_msg_warn(gettext("some pairs produces NA values for logl:"),
lav_msg_view(round(logLikPair, 3), "none")
# sum over pairs
logl <- sum(logLikPair)
# Fmin
Fmin <- (-1) * logl
##### Case 3:
##### mixed ordered + numeric
##### exogenous covariates
##### (conditional.x = TRUE)
} else {
LIK <- matrix(0, nrow(X), pstar) # likelihood per case, per pair
PSTAR <- matrix(0, nvar, nvar) # utility matrix, to get indices
PSTAR[lav_matrix_vech_idx(nvar, diagonal = FALSE)] <- 1:pstar
N <- NROW(X)
for (j in seq_len(nvar - 1L)) {
for (i in (j + 1L):nvar) {
pstar.idx <- PSTAR[i, j]
# cat("pstar.idx =", pstar.idx, "i = ", i, " j = ", j, "\n")
if (ov.types[i] == "numeric" &&
ov.types[j] == "numeric") {
# ordinary pearson correlation
LIK[, pstar.idx] <-
Y1 = X[, i], Y2 = X[, j], eXo = eXo,
wt = wt,
evar.y1 = Sigma.hat[i, i],
beta.y1 = c(Mu.hat[i], PI[i, ]),
evar.y2 = Sigma.hat[j, j],
beta.y2 = c(Mu.hat[j], PI[j, ]),
rho = Cor.hat[i, j]
} else if (ov.types[i] == "numeric" &&
ov.types[j] == "ordered") {
# polyserial correlation
### FIXME: th.y2 should go into ps_lik!!!
LIK[, pstar.idx] <-
Y1 = X[, i], Y2 = X[, j], eXo = eXo,
wt = wt,
evar.y1 = Sigma.hat[i, i],
beta.y1 = c(Mu.hat[i], PI[i, ]),
th.y2 = TH[th.idx == j],
sl.y2 = PI[j, ],
rho = Cor.hat[i, j]
} else if (ov.types[j] == "numeric" &&
ov.types[i] == "ordered") {
# polyserial correlation
### FIXME: th.y1 should go into ps_lik!!!
LIK[, pstar.idx] <-
Y1 = X[, j], Y2 = X[, i], eXo = eXo,
wt = wt,
evar.y1 = Sigma.hat[j, j],
beta.y1 = c(Mu.hat[j], PI[j, ]),
th.y2 = TH[th.idx == i],
sl.y2 = PI[i, ],
rho = Cor.hat[i, j]
} else if (ov.types[i] == "ordered" &&
ov.types[j] == "ordered") {
LIK[, pstar.idx] <-
Y1 = X[, i],
Y2 = X[, j],
Rho = Sigma.hat[i, j],
th.y1 = TH[th.idx == i],
th.y2 = TH[th.idx == j],
eXo = eXo,
PI.y1 = PI[i, ],
PI.y2 = PI[j, ],
missing.ind = missing
} # all pairs
# check for zero likelihoods/probabilities
# FIXME: or should we replace them with a tiny number?
if (any(LIK == 0.0, na.rm = TRUE)) {
OUT <- +Inf
attr(OUT, "logl") <- as.numeric(NA)
# loglikelihood
LogLIK.cases <- log(LIK)
# sum over cases
LogLIK.pairs <- colSums(LogLIK.cases, na.rm = TRUE)
# sum over pairs
logl <- logl_pairs <- sum(LogLIK.pairs)
if (missing == "available.cases" && all(ov.types == "ordered") &&
nexo != 0L) {
uni_LIK <- matrix(0, nrow(X), ncol(X))
for (i in seq_len(nvar)) {
uni_LIK[, i] <- uni_lik(
Y1 = X[, i],
th.y1 = TH[th.idx == i],
eXo = eXo,
PI.y1 = PI[i, ]
if (any(uni_LIK == 0.0, na.rm = TRUE)) {
OUT <- +Inf
attr(OUT, "logl") <- as.numeric(NA)
uni_logLIK_cases <- log(uni_LIK) * lavcache$uniweights.casewise
# sum over cases
uni_logLIK_varwise <- colSums(uni_logLIK_cases)
# sum over variables
uni_logLIK <- sum(uni_logLIK_varwise)
# add with the pairwise part of LogLik
logl <- logl_pairs + uni_logLIK
# we minimise
Fmin <- (-1) * logl
# here, we should have two quantities: logl and Fmin
# function value as returned to the minimizer
fx <- Fmin
# attach 'loglikelihood'
attr(fx, "logl") <- logl
# full information maximum likelihood
# underlying multivariate normal approach (see Joreskog & Moustaki, 2001)
estimator.FML <- function(Sigma.hat = NULL, # model-based var/cov/cor
TH = NULL, # model-based thresholds + means
th.idx = NULL, # threshold idx per variable
num.idx = NULL, # which variables are numeric
X = NULL, # raw data
lavcache = NULL) { # patterns
# YR 27 aug 2013
# just for fun, and to compare with PML for small models
# first of all: check if all correlations are within [-1,1]
# if not, return Inf; (at least with nlminb, this works well)
cors <- Sigma.hat[lower.tri(Sigma.hat)]
if (any(abs(cors) > 1)) {
nvar <- nrow(Sigma.hat)
pstar <- nvar * (nvar - 1) / 2
ov.types <- rep("ordered", nvar)
if (length(num.idx) > 0L) ov.types[num.idx] <- "numeric"
MEAN <- rep(0, nvar)
# shortcut for all ordered - per pattern
if (all(ov.types == "ordered")) {
PAT <- lavcache$pat
npatterns <- nrow(PAT)
freq <- as.numeric(rownames(PAT))
PI <- numeric(npatterns)
TH.VAR <- lapply(1:nvar, function(x) c(-Inf, TH[th.idx == x], +Inf))
# FIXME!!! ok to set diagonal to 1.0?
diag(Sigma.hat) <- 1.0
for (r in 1:npatterns) {
# compute probability for each pattern
lower <- sapply(1:nvar, function(x) TH.VAR[[x]][PAT[r, x]])
upper <- sapply(1:nvar, function(x) TH.VAR[[x]][PAT[r, x] + 1L])
# how accurate must we be here???
PI[r] <- sadmvn(lower, upper,
mean = MEAN, varcov = Sigma.hat,
maxpts = 10000 * nvar, abseps = 1e-07
# sum (log)likelihood over all patterns
# LogLik <- sum(log(PI) * freq)
# more convenient fit function
prop <- freq / sum(freq)
# remove zero props # FIXME!!! or add 0.5???
zero.idx <- which(prop == 0.0)
if (length(zero.idx) > 0L) {
prop <- prop[-zero.idx]
PI <- PI[-zero.idx]
Fmin <- sum(prop * log(prop / PI))
} else { # case-wise
PI <- numeric(nobs)
for (i in 1:nobs) {
# compute probability for each case
PI[i] <- lav_msg_stop(gettext("not implemented"))
# sum (log)likelihood over all observations
LogLik <- sum(log(PI))
lav_msg_stop(gettext("not implemented"))
# function value as returned to the minimizer
# fx <- -1 * LogLik
fx <- Fmin
estimator.MML <- function(lavmodel = NULL,
group = 1L,
lavdata = NULL,
sample.mean = NULL,
sample.mean.x = NULL,
lavcache = NULL) {
# compute case-wise likelihoods
lik <- lav_model_lik_mml(
lavmodel = lavmodel, THETA = THETA, TH = TH,
GLIST = GLIST, group = group, lavdata = lavdata,
sample.mean = sample.mean, sample.mean.x = sample.mean.x,
lavcache = lavcache
# log + sum over observations
logl <- sum(log(lik))
# function value as returned to the minimizer
fx <- -logl
estimator.2L <- function(lavmodel = NULL,
Y1 = NULL, # only for missing
Lp = NULL,
Mp = NULL,
lavsamplestats = NULL,
group = 1L) {
# compute model-implied statistics for all blocks
implied <- lav_model_implied(lavmodel, GLIST = GLIST)
# here, we assume only 2!!! levels, at [[1]] and [[2]]
if (lavmodel@conditional.x) {
Res.Sigma.W <- implied$res.cov[[ (group - 1) * 2 + 1]]
Res.Int.W <- implied$[[ (group - 1) * 2 + 1]]
Res.Pi.W <- implied$res.slopes[[(group - 1) * 2 + 1]]
Res.Sigma.B <- implied$res.cov[[ (group - 1) * 2 + 2]]
Res.Int.B <- implied$[[ (group - 1) * 2 + 2]]
Res.Pi.B <- implied$res.slopes[[(group - 1) * 2 + 2]]
} else {
Sigma.W <- implied$cov[[( group - 1) * 2 + 1]]
Mu.W <- implied$mean[[(group - 1) * 2 + 1]]
Sigma.B <- implied$cov[[ (group - 1) * 2 + 2]]
Mu.B <- implied$mean[[(group - 1) * 2 + 2]]
if (lavsamplestats@missing.flag) {
if (lavmodel@conditional.x) {
lav_msg_stop(gettext("multilevel + conditional.x is not ready yet for
fiml; rerun with conditional.x = FALSE"))
# SIGMA.B <- Sigma.B[Lp$both.idx[[2]], Lp$both.idx[[2]], drop = FALSE]
# if(any(diag(SIGMA.B) < 0)) {
# return(+Inf)
# }
# COR.B <- cov2cor(SIGMA.B)
# if(any(abs(lav_matrix_vech(COR.B, diagonal = FALSE)) > 1)) {
# return(+Inf)
# }
Y2 <- lavsamplestats@YLp[[group]][[2]]$Y2
Yp <- lavsamplestats@missing[[group]]
loglik <- lav_mvnorm_cluster_missing_loglik_samplestats_2l(
Y1 = Y1,
Y2 = Y2, Lp = Lp, Mp = Mp,
Mu.W = Mu.W, Sigma.W = Sigma.W,
Mu.B = Mu.B, Sigma.B = Sigma.B,
log2pi = FALSE, minus.two = TRUE
} else {
YLp <- lavsamplestats@YLp[[group]]
if (lavmodel@conditional.x) {
loglik <- lav_mvreg_cluster_loglik_samplestats_2l(
YLp = YLp, Lp = Lp,
Res.Sigma.W = Res.Sigma.W,
Res.Int.W = Res.Int.W, Res.Pi.W = Res.Pi.W,
Res.Sigma.B = Res.Sigma.B,
Res.Int.B = Res.Int.B, Res.Pi.B = Res.Pi.B,
log2pi = FALSE, minus.two = TRUE
} else {
loglik <- lav_mvnorm_cluster_loglik_samplestats_2l(
YLp = YLp, Lp = Lp,
Mu.W = Mu.W, Sigma.W = Sigma.W,
Mu.B = Mu.B, Sigma.B = Sigma.B,
log2pi = FALSE, minus.two = TRUE
# minimize (we already did -2*)
objective <- 1 * loglik
# divide by (N*2)
objective <- objective / (lavsamplestats@ntotal * 2)
# should be strictly positive
# if(objective < 0) {
# objective <- +Inf
# }
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