# the weighted bivariate ordinal model
# YR 19 Feb 2020 (replacing the old lav_polychor.R routines)
# - polychoric (and tetrachoric) correlations
# - bivariate ordinal regression
# - using sampling weights wt
# two-way frequency table
# only works if Y = 1,2,3,...
lav_bvord_freq <- function(Y1, Y2, wt = NULL) {
max.y1 <- max(Y1, na.rm = TRUE)
max.y2 <- max(Y2, na.rm = TRUE)
bin <- Y1 - 1L
bin <- bin + max.y1 * (Y2 - 1L)
bin <- bin + 1L
if (is.null(wt)) {
bin <- bin[!]
out <- array(tabulate(bin, nbins = max.y1 * max.y2),
dim = c(max.y1, max.y2)
} else {
if (anyNA(Y1) || anyNA(Y2)) {
wt[ |] <- 0
bin[] <- 0
y.ncat <- max.y1 * max.y2
y.freq <- numeric(y.ncat)
for (cat in seq_len(y.ncat)) {
y.freq[cat] <- sum(wt[bin == cat])
out <- array(y.freq, dim = c(max.y1, max.y2))
# polychoric correlation
# zero.add is a vector: first element is for 2x2 tables only, second element
# for general tables
# zero.keep.margins is only used for 2x2 tables
lav_bvord_cor_twostep_fit <- function(Y1, Y2, eXo = NULL, wt = NULL,
fit.y1 = NULL, fit.y2 = NULL,
freq = NULL,
zero.add = c(0.5, 0.0),
zero.keep.margins = TRUE,
zero.cell.warn = FALSE,
zero.cell.flag = FALSE,
optim.method = "nlminb2",
optim.scale = 1.0,
init.theta = NULL,
control = list(step.min = 0.1), # 0.6-7 = NULL, = NULL) {
if (is.null(fit.y1)) {
fit.y1 <- lav_uvord_fit(y = Y1, X = eXo, wt = wt)
if (is.null(fit.y2)) {
fit.y2 <- lav_uvord_fit(y = Y2, X = eXo, wt = wt)
# create cache environment
cache <- lav_bvord_init_cache(fit.y1 = fit.y1, fit.y2 = fit.y2, wt = wt)
# empty cells or not
empty.cells <- FALSE
# check for zero cells (if not exo), and catch some special cases
if (cache$nexo == 0L) {
freq <- cache$freq
nr <- nrow(freq)
nc <- ncol(freq)
# check for empty cells
if (any(freq == 0L)) {
empty.cells <- TRUE
if (zero.cell.warn) {
if (!is.null( && !is.null( {
"empty cell(s) in bivariate table of %1$s x %2$s",,
} else {
lav_msg_warn(gettext("empty cell(s) in bivariate table"))
# treat 2x2 tables
if (nr == 2L && nc == 2L) {
idx <- which(freq == 0L)
# catch 2 empty cells: perfect correlation!
if (length(idx) == 2L) {
lav_msg_warn(gettext("two empty cells in 2x2 table"))
if (freq[1, 1] > 0L) {
rho <- 1.0
if (zero.cell.flag) {
attr(rho, "zero.cell.flag") <- empty.cells
} else {
rho <- -1.0
if (zero.cell.flag) {
attr(rho, "zero.cell.flag") <- empty.cells
} else if (length(idx) == 1L && zero.add[1] > 0.0) {
if (zero.keep.margins) {
# add + compensate to preserve margins
if (idx == 1L || idx == 4L) { # main diagonal
freq[1, 1] <- freq[1, 1] + zero.add[1]
freq[2, 2] <- freq[2, 2] + zero.add[1]
freq[2, 1] <- freq[2, 1] - zero.add[1]
freq[1, 2] <- freq[1, 2] - zero.add[1]
} else {
freq[1, 1] <- freq[1, 1] - zero.add[1]
freq[2, 2] <- freq[2, 2] - zero.add[1]
freq[2, 1] <- freq[2, 1] + zero.add[1]
freq[1, 2] <- freq[1, 2] + zero.add[1]
} else {
freq[idx] <- freq[idx] + zero.add[1]
# general table
} else {
if (any(freq == 0L) && zero.add[2] > 0.0) {
# general table: just add zero.add to the empty cell(s)
freq[freq == 0] <- zero.add[2]
# update (possibly change) freq table
cache$freq <- freq
# catch special cases for 2x2 tables
if (nr == 2L && nc == 2L) {
# 1. a*d == c*d
storage.mode(freq) <- "numeric" # to avoid integer overflow
if (freq[1, 1] * freq[2, 2] == freq[1, 2] * freq[2, 1]) {
rho <- 0.0
if (zero.cell.flag) {
attr(rho, "zero.cell.flag") <- empty.cells
# 2. equal margins (th1 = th2 = 0)
if (cache$th.y1[1] == 0 && cache$th.y2[1] == 0) {
# see eg Brown & Benedetti 1977 eq 2
rho <- -cos(2 * pi * freq[1, 1] / sum(freq))
if (zero.cell.flag) {
attr(rho, "zero.cell.flag") <- empty.cells
} # non-exo
# optim.method
minObjective <- lav_bvord_min_objective
minGradient <- lav_bvord_min_gradient
minHessian <- lav_bvord_min_hessian
if (optim.method == "nlminb" || optim.method == "nlminb2") {
# nothing to do
} else if (optim.method == "nlminb0") {
minGradient <- minHessian <- NULL
} else if (optim.method == "nlminb1") {
minHessian <- NULL
# optimize
if (is.null(control$trace)) {
control$trace <- ifelse(lav_verbose(), 1, 0)
# init theta?
if (!is.null(init.theta)) {
start.x <- init.theta
} else {
start.x <- cache$theta
# try 1
optim <- nlminb(
start = start.x, objective = minObjective,
gradient = minGradient, hessian = minHessian,
control = control,
scale = optim.scale, lower = -0.999, upper = +0.999,
cache = cache
# try 2
if (optim$convergence != 0L) {
# try again, with different starting value
optim <- nlminb(
start = 0, objective = minObjective,
gradient = NULL, hessian = NULL,
control = control,
scale = optim.scale, lower = -0.995, upper = +0.995,
cache = cache
# check convergence
if (optim$convergence != 0L) {
if (!is.null( && !is.null( {
"estimation polychoric correlation did not converge for
variables %1$s and %2$s",,
} else {
"estimation polychoric correlation(s) did not always converge"))
rho <- start.x
} else {
rho <- optim$par
# zero.cell.flag
if (zero.cell.flag) {
attr(rho, "zero.cell.flag") <- empty.cells
# prepare cache environment
lav_bvord_init_cache <- function(fit.y1 = NULL,
fit.y2 = NULL,
wt = NULL,
scores = FALSE,
parent = parent.frame()) {
# data
Y1 <- fit.y1$y
Y2 <- fit.y2$y
eXo <- fit.y1$X
# exo?
if (is.null(eXo)) {
nexo <- 0L
freq <- lav_bvord_freq(Y1 = Y1, Y2 = Y2, wt = wt)
th.y1 <- fit.y1$theta[fit.y1$th.idx]
th.y2 <- fit.y2$theta[fit.y2$th.idx]
nth.y1 <- length(th.y1)
nth.y2 <- length(th.y2)
pth.y1 <- pnorm(th.y1)
pth.y2 <- pnorm(th.y2)
upper.y <- rep(th.y2, times =, nth.y2))
upper.x <- rep(th.y1, times = ceiling(length(upper.y)) / nth.y1)
} else {
nexo <- ncol(eXo)
freq <- NULL
fit.y1.z1 <- fit.y1$z1
fit.y2.z1 <- fit.y2$z1
fit.y1.z2 <- fit.y1$z2
fit.y2.z2 <- fit.y2$z2
# take care of missing values
if (length(fit.y1$missing.idx) > 0L || length(fit.y2$missing.idx) > 0L) {
missing.idx <- unique(c(fit.y1$missing.idx, fit.y2$missing.idx))
fit.y1.z1[missing.idx] <- 0
fit.y2.z1[missing.idx] <- 0
fit.y1.z2[missing.idx] <- 0
fit.y2.z2[missing.idx] <- 0
} else {
missing.idx <- integer(0L)
# nobs
if (is.null(wt)) {
N <- length(Y1)
} else {
N <- sum(wt)
# starting value (for both exo and not-exo)
# if(is.null(wt)) {
if(sd(Y1, na.rm = TRUE) == 0 || sd(Y2, na.rm = TRUE) == 0) {
rho.init <- 0.0
} else {
rho.init <- cor(Y1, Y2, use = "pairwise.complete.obs")
# }
# cov.wt does not handle missing values...
# rho.init <- cov.wt(cbind(Y1, Y2), wt = wt, cor = TRUE)$cor[2,1]
if ( || abs(rho.init) >= 1.0) {
rho.init <- 0.0
# parameter vector
theta <- rho.init # only, for now
# different cache if exo or not
if (nexo == 0L) {
if (scores) {
out <- list2env(
nexo = nexo, theta = theta, N = N,
fit.y1.z1 = fit.y1$z1, fit.y1.z2 = fit.y1$z2,
fit.y2.z1 = fit.y2$z1, fit.y2.z2 = fit.y2$z2,
y1.Y1 = fit.y1$Y1, y1.Y2 = fit.y1$Y2,
y2.Y1 = fit.y2$Y1, y2.Y2 = fit.y2$Y2,
Y1 = Y1, Y2 = Y2, freq = freq,
th.y1 = th.y1, th.y2 = th.y2,
nth.y1 = nth.y1, nth.y2 = nth.y2,
pth.y1 = pth.y1, pth.y2 = pth.y2,
upper.y = upper.y, upper.x = upper.x
parent = parent
} else {
out <- list2env(
nexo = nexo, theta = theta, N = N,
Y1 = Y1, Y2 = Y2, freq = freq,
th.y1 = th.y1, th.y2 = th.y2,
nth.y1 = nth.y1, nth.y2 = nth.y2,
pth.y1 = pth.y1, pth.y2 = pth.y2,
upper.y = upper.y, upper.x = upper.x
parent = parent
} else {
if (scores) {
out <- list2env(
nexo = nexo, theta = theta, wt = wt, N = N,
eXo = eXo,
y1.Y1 = fit.y1$Y1, y1.Y2 = fit.y1$Y2,
y2.Y1 = fit.y2$Y1, y2.Y2 = fit.y2$Y2,
fit.y1.z1 = fit.y1.z1, fit.y1.z2 = fit.y1.z2,
fit.y2.z1 = fit.y2.z1, fit.y2.z2 = fit.y2.z2,
missing.idx = missing.idx
parent = parent
} else {
out <- list2env(
nexo = nexo, theta = theta, wt = wt, N = N,
fit.y1.z1 = fit.y1.z1, fit.y1.z2 = fit.y1.z2,
fit.y2.z1 = fit.y2.z1, fit.y2.z2 = fit.y2.z2,
missing.idx = missing.idx
parent = parent
# probabilities for each cell, given rho, th.y1 and th.y2
lav_bvord_noexo_pi_cache <- function(cache = NULL) {
with(cache, {
rho <- theta[1L]
# catch special case: rho = 0.0
if (rho == 0.0) {
rowPI <- base::diff(c(0, pth.y1, 1))
colPI <- base::diff(c(0, pth.y2, 1))
PI.ij <- base::outer(rowPI, colPI)
BI <- pbivnorm::pbivnorm(x = upper.x, y = upper.y, rho = rho)
dim(BI) <- c(nth.y1, nth.y2)
BI <- rbind(0, BI, pth.y2, deparse.level = 0L)
BI <- cbind(0, BI, c(0, pth.y1, 1), deparse.level = 0L)
# get probabilities
nr <- nrow(BI)
nc <- ncol(BI)
PI <- BI[-1L, -1L] - BI[-1L, -nc] - BI[-nr, -1L] + BI[-nr, -nc]
# all elements should be strictly positive
PI[PI < sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)] <- sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)
# partial derivative of CDF(th.y1, th.y2, rho) with respect to rho
lav_bvord_noexo_phi_cache <- function(cache = NULL) {
with(cache, {
rho <- theta[1L]
# compute dbinorm for all possible combinations
t1 <- rep(th.y1, times = nth.y2)
t2 <- rep(th.y2, each = nth.y1)
dbiNorm <- matrix(dbinorm(t1, t2, rho),
nrow = nth.y1, ncol = nth.y2
p1 <- p2 <- p3 <- p4 <- matrix(0, nth.y1 + 1L, nth.y2 + 1L)
t1.idx <- seq_len(nth.y1)
t2.idx <- seq_len(nth.y2)
# p1 is left-upper corner
p1[t1.idx, t2.idx] <- dbiNorm
# p2 is left-lower corner
p2[t1.idx + 1L, t2.idx] <- dbiNorm
# p3 is right-upper corner
p3[t1.idx, t2.idx + 1L] <- dbiNorm
# p3 is right-lower corner
p4[t1.idx + 1L, t2.idx + 1L] <- dbiNorm
phi <- p1 - p2 - p3 + p4
# Olsson 1979 A2
lav_bvord_noexo_gnorm_cache <- function(cache = NULL) {
with(cache, {
rho <- theta[1L]
# note: Olsson 1979 A2 contains an error!!
# derivative of phi_2(y1,y2;rho) wrt to rho equals
# phi_2(y1,y2;rho) * guv(y1,y2;rho), where guv() is defined below:
guv <- function(u, v, rho) {
R <- (1 - rho * rho)
(u * v * R - rho * ((u * u) - 2 * rho * u * v + (v * v)) + rho * R) / (R * R)
# compute gnorm for all possible combinations
Gnorm <- dbiNorm * matrix(guv(t1, t2, rho), nth.y1, nth.y2)
p1 <- p2 <- p3 <- p4 <- matrix(0, nth.y1 + 1L, nth.y2 + 1L)
t1.idx <- seq_len(nth.y1)
t2.idx <- seq_len(nth.y2)
# p1 is left-upper corner
p1[t1.idx, t2.idx] <- Gnorm
# p2 is left-lower corner
p2[t1.idx + 1L, t2.idx] <- Gnorm
# p3 is right-upper corner
p3[t1.idx, t2.idx + 1L] <- Gnorm
# p3 is right-lower corner
p4[t1.idx + 1L, t2.idx + 1L] <- Gnorm
gnorm <- p1 - p2 - p3 + p4
# casewise likelihoods, unweighted!
lav_bvord_lik_cache <- function(cache = NULL) {
with(cache, {
rho <- theta[1L]
# no exo
if (nexo == 0L) {
PI <- lav_bvord_noexo_pi_cache(cache)
lik <- PI[cbind(Y1, Y2)]
# exo
} else {
lik <- pbinorm(
upper.x = fit.y1.z1, upper.y = fit.y2.z1,
lower.x = fit.y1.z2, lower.y = fit.y2.z2, rho = rho
if (length(missing.idx) > 0L) {
lik[missing.idx] <- NA
# catch very small values
lik.toosmall.idx <- which(lik < sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))
lik[lik.toosmall.idx] <- as.numeric(NA)
lav_bvord_logl_cache <- function(cache = NULL) {
with(cache, {
rho <- theta[1L]
# no exo
if (nexo == 0L) {
PI <- lav_bvord_noexo_pi_cache(cache)
logl <- sum(freq * log(PI), na.rm = TRUE)
# exo
} else {
lik <- lav_bvord_lik_cache(cache) # unweighted!
if (!is.null(wt)) {
logl <- sum(wt * log(lik), na.rm = TRUE)
} else {
logl <- sum(log(lik), na.rm = TRUE)
lav_bvord_gradient_cache <- function(cache = NULL) {
with(cache, {
rho <- theta[1L]
# no exo
if (nexo == 0L) {
phi <- lav_bvord_noexo_phi_cache(cache)
bad.idx <- which(PI <= sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))
if (length(bad.idx) > 0L) {
PI[bad.idx] <- as.numeric(NA)
dx.rho <- sum((freq * phi) / PI, na.rm = TRUE)
# exo
} else {
d1 <- dbinorm(fit.y1.z1, fit.y2.z1, rho)
d2 <- dbinorm(fit.y1.z2, fit.y2.z1, rho)
d3 <- dbinorm(fit.y1.z1, fit.y2.z2, rho)
d4 <- dbinorm(fit.y1.z2, fit.y2.z2, rho)
phi <- (d1 - d2 - d3 + d4)
# avoid dividing by very tine numbers (new in 0.6-6)
# -> done automatically: lik == NA in this case
# bad.idx <- which(lik <= sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))
# if(length(bad.idx) > 0L) {
# lik[bad.idx] <- as.numeric(NA)
# }
dx2 <- phi / lik
if (is.null(wt)) {
dx.rho <- sum(dx2, na.rm = TRUE)
} else {
dx.rho <- sum(wt * dx2, na.rm = TRUE)
lav_bvord_hessian_cache <- function(cache = NULL) {
with(cache, {
rho <- theta[1L]
# no exo
if (nexo == 0L) {
bad.idx <- which(PI <= sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))
if (length(bad.idx) > 0L) {
PI[bad.idx] <- as.numeric(NA)
gnorm <- lav_bvord_noexo_gnorm_cache(cache)
# H <- sum( freq * (gnorm/PI - (phi*phi)/(PI*PI)), na.rm = TRUE)
H <- (sum((freq * gnorm) / PI, na.rm = TRUE) -
sum((freq * phi * phi) / (PI * PI), na.rm = TRUE))
dim(H) <- c(1L, 1L)
# exo
} else {
guv <- function(u, v, rho) {
R <- (1 - rho * rho)
(u * v * R - rho * ((u * u) - 2 * rho * u * v + (v * v)) + rho * R) / (R * R)
gnorm <- ((d1 * guv(fit.y1.z1, fit.y2.z1, rho)) -
(d2 * guv(fit.y1.z2, fit.y2.z1, rho)) -
(d3 * guv(fit.y1.z1, fit.y2.z2, rho)) +
(d4 * guv(fit.y1.z2, fit.y2.z2, rho)))
if (is.null(wt)) {
H <- sum(gnorm / lik - (phi * phi) / (lik * lik), na.rm = TRUE)
} else {
H <- sum(wt * (gnorm / lik - (phi * phi) / (lik * lik)), na.rm = TRUE)
dim(H) <- c(1L, 1L)
# compute total (log)likelihood, for specific 'x' (nlminb)
lav_bvord_min_objective <- function(x, cache = NULL) {
cache$theta <- x
-1 * lav_bvord_logl_cache(cache = cache) / cache$N
# compute gradient, for specific 'x' (nlminb)
lav_bvord_min_gradient <- function(x, cache = NULL) {
# check if x has changed
if (!all(x == cache$theta)) {
cache$theta <- x
tmp <- lav_bvord_logl_cache(cache = cache)
-1 * lav_bvord_gradient_cache(cache = cache) / cache$N
# compute hessian, for specific 'x' (nlminb)
lav_bvord_min_hessian <- function(x, cache = NULL) {
# check if x has changed
if (!all(x == cache$theta)) {
cache$theta <- x
tmp <- lav_bvord_logl_cache(cache = cache)
tmp <- lav_bvord_gradient_cache(cache = cache)
-1 * lav_bvord_hessian_cache(cache = cache) / cache$N
# casewise scores
lav_bvord_cor_scores_cache <- function(cache = NULL, = FALSE,
use.weights = TRUE) {
with(cache, {
rho <- theta[1L]
R <- sqrt(1 - rho * rho)
# lik
lik <- lav_bvord_lik_cache(cache = cache)
bad.idx <- which(lik <= sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))
if (length(bad.idx) > 0L) {
lik[bad.idx] <- as.numeric(NA)
d.y1.z1 <- dnorm(fit.y1.z1)
d.y1.z2 <- dnorm(fit.y1.z2)
d.y2.z1 <- dnorm(fit.y2.z1)
d.y2.z2 <- dnorm(fit.y2.z2)
# th.y1
if (identical(R, 0.0)) {
y1.Z1 <- d.y1.z1 * 0.5
y1.Z2 <- d.y1.z2 * 0.5
} else {
y1.Z1 <- (d.y1.z1 * pnorm((fit.y2.z1 - rho * fit.y1.z1) / R) -
d.y1.z1 * pnorm((fit.y2.z2 - rho * fit.y1.z1) / R))
y1.Z2 <- (d.y1.z2 * pnorm((fit.y2.z1 - rho * fit.y1.z2) / R) -
d.y1.z2 * pnorm((fit.y2.z2 - rho * fit.y1.z2) / R))
} <- (y1.Y1 * y1.Z1 - y1.Y2 * y1.Z2) / lik
if ( {[] <- 0
# th.y2
if (identical(R, 0.0)) {
y2.Z1 <- d.y2.z1 * 0.5
y2.Z2 <- d.y2.z2 * 0.5
} else {
y2.Z1 <- (d.y2.z1 * pnorm((fit.y1.z1 - rho * fit.y2.z1) / R) -
d.y2.z1 * pnorm((fit.y1.z2 - rho * fit.y2.z1) / R))
y2.Z2 <- (d.y2.z2 * pnorm((fit.y1.z1 - rho * fit.y2.z2) / R) -
d.y2.z2 * pnorm((fit.y1.z2 - rho * fit.y2.z2) / R))
} <- (y2.Y1 * y2.Z1 - y2.Y2 * y2.Z2) / lik
if ( {[] <- 0
# slopes <- <- NULL
if (nexo > 0L) {
# sl.y1 <- (y1.Z2 - y1.Z1) * eXo / lik
if ( {[] <- 0
# sl.y2 <- (y2.Z2 - y2.Z1) * eXo / lik
if ( {[] <- 0
# rho
if (nexo == 0L) {
phi <- lav_bvord_noexo_phi_cache(cache)
dx <- phi[cbind(Y1, Y2)]
} else {
dx <- (dbinorm(fit.y1.z1, fit.y2.z1, rho) -
dbinorm(fit.y1.z2, fit.y2.z1, rho) -
dbinorm(fit.y1.z1, fit.y2.z2, rho) +
dbinorm(fit.y1.z2, fit.y2.z2, rho))
dx.rho <- dx / lik
if ( {
dx.rho[] <- 0
if (!is.null(wt) && use.weights) { <- * wt <- * wt
if (nexo > 0L) { <- * wt <- * wt
dx.rho <- dx.rho * wt
out <- list( =, =, =, =, dx.rho = dx.rho
# casewise scores - no cache
lav_bvord_cor_scores <- function(Y1, Y2, eXo = NULL, wt = NULL,
rho = NULL,
fit.y1 = NULL, fit.y2 = NULL,
th.y1 = NULL, th.y2 = NULL,
sl.y1 = NULL, sl.y2 = NULL, = FALSE, use.weights = TRUE) {
if (is.null(fit.y1)) {
fit.y1 <- lav_uvord_fit(y = Y1, X = eXo, wt = wt)
if (is.null(fit.y2)) {
fit.y2 <- lav_uvord_fit(y = Y2, X = eXo, wt = wt)
# update z1/z2 if needed (used in pml_deriv1() in lav_model_gradient_pml.R)
fit.y1 <- lav_uvord_update_fit(
fit.y = fit.y1, = th.y1, = sl.y1
fit.y2 <- lav_uvord_update_fit(
fit.y = fit.y2, = th.y2, = sl.y2
# create cache environment
cache <- lav_bvord_init_cache(
fit.y1 = fit.y1, fit.y2 = fit.y2, wt = wt,
scores = TRUE
cache$theta <- rho
SC <- lav_bvord_cor_scores_cache(
cache = cache, =,
use.weights = use.weights
# logl - no cache
lav_bvord_logl <- function(Y1, Y2, eXo = NULL, wt = NULL,
rho = NULL,
fit.y1 = NULL, fit.y2 = NULL,
th.y1 = NULL, th.y2 = NULL,
sl.y1 = NULL, sl.y2 = NULL) {
if (is.null(fit.y1)) {
fit.y1 <- lav_uvord_fit(y = Y1, X = eXo, wt = wt)
if (is.null(fit.y2)) {
fit.y2 <- lav_uvord_fit(y = Y2, X = eXo, wt = wt)
# update z1/z2 if needed (used in pml_deriv1() in lav_model_gradient_pml.R)
fit.y1 <- lav_uvord_update_fit(
fit.y = fit.y1, = th.y1, = sl.y1
fit.y2 <- lav_uvord_update_fit(
fit.y = fit.y2, = th.y2, = sl.y2
# create cache environment
cache <- lav_bvord_init_cache(fit.y1 = fit.y1, fit.y2 = fit.y2, wt = wt)
cache$theta <- rho
lav_bvord_logl_cache(cache = cache)
# lik - no cache
lav_bvord_lik <- function(Y1, Y2, eXo = NULL, wt = NULL,
rho = NULL,
fit.y1 = NULL, fit.y2 = NULL,
th.y1 = NULL, th.y2 = NULL,
sl.y1 = NULL, sl.y2 = NULL,
.log = FALSE) {
if (is.null(fit.y1)) {
fit.y1 <- lav_uvord_fit(y = Y1, X = eXo, wt = wt)
if (is.null(fit.y2)) {
fit.y2 <- lav_uvord_fit(y = Y2, X = eXo, wt = wt)
# update fit.y1/fit.y2
fit.y1 <- lav_uvord_update_fit(
fit.y = fit.y1, = th.y1, = sl.y1
fit.y2 <- lav_uvord_update_fit(
fit.y = fit.y2, = th.y2, = sl.y2
# create cache environment
cache <- lav_bvord_init_cache(fit.y1 = fit.y1, fit.y2 = fit.y2, wt = wt)
cache$theta <- rho
lik <- lav_bvord_lik_cache(cache = cache) # unweighted
if (.log) {
lik <- log(lik)
if (!is.null(wt)) {
if (.log) {
lik <- wt * lik
} else {
tmp <- wt * log(lik)
lik <- exp(tmp)
# noexo_pi - for backwards compatibility
lav_bvord_noexo_pi <- function(rho = NULL, th.y1 = NULL, th.y2 = NULL) {
nth.y1 <- length(th.y1)
nth.y2 <- length(th.y2)
pth.y1 <- pnorm(th.y1)
pth.y2 <- pnorm(th.y2)
# catch special case: rho = 0.0
if (rho == 0.0) {
rowPI <- base::diff(c(0, pth.y1, 1))
colPI <- base::diff(c(0, pth.y2, 1))
PI.ij <- base::outer(rowPI, colPI)
# prepare for a single call to pbinorm
upper.y <- rep(th.y2, times =, nth.y2))
upper.x <- rep(th.y1, times = ceiling(length(upper.y)) / nth.y1)
# rho <- rep(rho, length(upper.x)) # only one rho here
BI <- pbivnorm::pbivnorm(x = upper.x, y = upper.y, rho = rho)
dim(BI) <- c(nth.y1, nth.y2)
BI <- rbind(0, BI, pth.y2, deparse.level = 0L)
BI <- cbind(0, BI, c(0, pth.y1, 1), deparse.level = 0L)
# get probabilities
nr <- nrow(BI)
nc <- ncol(BI)
PI <- BI[-1L, -1L] - BI[-1L, -nc] - BI[-nr, -1L] + BI[-nr, -nc]
# all elements should be strictly positive
PI[PI < sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)] <- sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)
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