# the weighted bivariate linear regression model
# YR 14 March 2020 ((replacing the old lav_pearson.R + lav_binorm.R routines)
# - bivariate standard normal
# - pearson correlation
# - bivariate linear regression
# - using sampling weights wt
# density of a bivariate __standard__ normal
lav_dbinorm <- dbinorm <- function(u, v, rho, = FALSE) {
# dirty hack to handle extreme large values for rho
# note that u, v, and rho are vectorized!
RHO.limit <- 0.9999
abs.rho <- abs(rho)
idx <- which(abs.rho > RHO.limit)
if (length(idx) > 0L) {
rho[idx] <- sign(rho[idx]) * RHO.limit
R <- 1 - rho * rho
out <- 1 / (2 * pi * sqrt(R)) * exp(-0.5 * (u * u - 2 * rho * u * v + v * v) / R)
# if abs(u) or abs(v) are very large (say, >10), set result equal
# to exactly zero
idx <- which(abs(u) > 10 | abs(v) > 10)
if (length(idx) > 0L && {
out[idx] <- 0
# partial derivative - rho
lav_dbinorm_drho <- function(u, v, rho) {
R <- 1 - rho * rho
dbinorm(u, v, rho) * (u * v * R - rho * (u * u - 2 * rho * u * v + v * v) + rho * R) / (R * R)
# partial derivative - u
lav_dbinorm_du <- function(u, v, rho) {
R <- 1 - rho * rho
-dbinorm(u, v, rho) * (u - rho * v) / R
# partial derivative - v
lav_dbinorm_dv <- function(u, v, rho) {
R <- 1 - rho * rho
-dbinorm(u, v, rho) * (v - rho * u) / R
# CDF of bivariate standard normal
# function pbinorm(upper.x, upper.y, rho)
# partial derivative pbinorm - upper.x
lav_pbinorm_dupperx <- function(upper.x, upper.y, rho = 0.0) {
R <- 1 - rho * rho
dnorm(upper.x) * pnorm((upper.y - rho * upper.x) / sqrt(R))
lav_pbinorm_duppery <- function(upper.x, upper.y, rho = 0.0) {
R <- 1 - rho * rho
dnorm(upper.y) * pnorm((upper.x - rho * upper.y) / sqrt(R))
lav_pbinorm_drho <- function(upper.x, upper.y, rho = 0.0) {
dbinorm(upper.x, upper.y, rho)
# switch between pbivnorm, mnormt, ...
pbinorm <- function(upper.x = NULL, upper.y = NULL, rho = 0.0,
lower.x = -Inf, lower.y = -Inf, check = FALSE) {
upper.x = upper.x, upper.y = upper.y, rho = rho,
lower.x = lower.x, lower.y = lower.y, check = check
# using vectorized version (a la pbivnorm)
pbinorm2 <- function(upper.x = NULL, upper.y = NULL, rho = 0.0,
lower.x = -Inf, lower.y = -Inf, check = FALSE) {
N <- length(upper.x)
stopifnot(length(upper.y) == N)
if (N > 1L) {
if (length(rho) == 1L) {
rho <- rep(rho, N)
if (length(lower.x) == 1L) {
lower.x <- rep(lower.x, N)
if (length(lower.y) == 1L) {
lower.y <- rep(lower.y, N)
upper.only <- all(lower.x == -Inf & lower.y == -Inf)
if (upper.only) {
upper.x[upper.x == +Inf] <- exp(10) # better pnorm?
upper.y[upper.y == +Inf] <- exp(10)
upper.x[upper.x == -Inf] <- -exp(10)
upper.y[upper.y == -Inf] <- -exp(10)
res <- pbivnorm(upper.x, upper.y, rho = rho)
} else {
# pbivnorm does not handle -Inf well...
lower.x[lower.x == -Inf] <- -exp(10)
lower.y[lower.y == -Inf] <- -exp(10)
res <- pbivnorm(upper.x, upper.y, rho = rho) -
pbivnorm(lower.x, upper.y, rho = rho) -
pbivnorm(upper.x, lower.y, rho = rho) +
pbivnorm(lower.x, lower.y, rho = rho)
# pearson correlation
# if no missing, solution is just cor(Y1,Y2) or cor(e1,e2)
# but if missing, two-step solution is NOT the same as cor(Y1,Y2) or cor(e1,e2)
lav_bvreg_cor_twostep_fit <- function(Y1, Y2, eXo = NULL, wt = NULL,
fit.y1 = NULL, fit.y2 = NULL, = NULL, = NULL,
optim.method = "nlminb1",
# optim.method = "none",
optim.scale = 1,
init.theta = NULL,
control = list()) {
if (is.null(fit.y1)) {
fit.y1 <- lav_uvreg_fit(y = Y1, X = eXo, wt = wt)
if (is.null(fit.y2)) {
fit.y2 <- lav_uvreg_fit(y = Y2, X = eXo, wt = wt)
# create cache environment
cache <- lav_bvreg_init_cache(fit.y1 = fit.y1, fit.y2 = fit.y2, wt = wt)
# the complete case is trivial
if (!anyNA(fit.y1$y) && !anyNA(fit.y2$y)) {
# optim.method
minObjective <- lav_bvreg_min_objective
minGradient <- lav_bvreg_min_gradient
minHessian <- lav_bvreg_min_hessian
if (optim.method == "nlminb" || optim.method == "nlminb2") {
# nothing to do
} else if (optim.method == "nlminb0") {
minGradient <- minHessian <- NULL
} else if (optim.method == "nlminb1") {
minHessian <- NULL
} else if (optim.method == "none") {
# optimize
if (is.null(control$trace)) {
control$trace <- ifelse(lav_verbose(), 1, 0)
# init theta?
if (!is.null(init.theta)) {
start.x <- init.theta
} else {
start.x <- cache$theta
# try 1
optim <- nlminb(
start = start.x, objective = minObjective,
gradient = minGradient, hessian = minHessian,
control = control,
scale = optim.scale, lower = -0.999, upper = +0.999,
cache = cache
# try 2 (scale = 10)
if (optim$convergence != 0L) {
optim <- nlminb(
start = start.x, objective = minObjective,
gradient = minGradient, hessian = minHessian,
control = control,
scale = 10, lower = -0.999, upper = +0.999,
cache = cache
# try 3 (start = 0, step.min = 0.1)
if (optim$convergence != 0L) {
control$step.min <- 0.1
minGradient <- lav_bvreg_min_gradient
# try again, with different starting value
optim <- nlminb(
start = 0, objective = minObjective,
gradient = minGradient, hessian = NULL,
control = control,
scale = optim.scale, lower = -0.999, upper = +0.999,
cache = cache
# check convergence
if (optim$convergence != 0L) {
if (!is.null( && !is.null( {
"estimation pearson correlation did not converge for variables %1$s
and %2$s.",,
} else {
"estimation pearson correlation(s) did not always converge"))
# use init (as we always did in < 0.6-6; this is also what Mplus does)
rho <- start.x
} else {
# store result
rho <- optim$par
# Y1 = linear
# Y2 = linear
lav_bvreg_init_cache <- function(fit.y1 = NULL,
fit.y2 = NULL,
wt = NULL,
scores = FALSE,
parent = parent.frame()) {
# data
Y1 <- fit.y1$y
Y2 <- fit.y2$y
eXo <- fit.y1$X
# Y1
Y1c <- Y1 - fit.y1$yhat
evar.y1 <- fit.y1$theta[fit.y1$var.idx]
sd.y1 <- sqrt(evar.y1)
eta.y1 <- fit.y1$yhat
# Y2
Y2c <- Y2 - fit.y2$yhat
evar.y2 <- fit.y2$theta[fit.y1$var.idx]
sd.y2 <- sqrt(evar.y2)
eta.y2 <- fit.y2$yhat
# exo?
if (is.null(eXo)) {
nexo <- 0L
} else {
nexo <- ncol(eXo)
# nobs
if (is.null(wt)) {
N <- length(Y1)
} else {
N <- sum(wt)
# starting value
if (fit.y1$nexo > 0L) {
E1 <- Y1 - fit.y1$yhat
E2 <- Y2 - fit.y2$yhat
if (is.null(wt)) {
rho.init <- cor(E1, E2, use = "pairwise.complete.obs")
} else {
tmp <- na.omit(cbind(E1, E2, wt))
rho.init <- cov.wt(tmp[, 1:2], wt = tmp[, 3], cor = TRUE)$cor[2, 1]
} else {
if (is.null(wt)) {
rho.init <- cor(Y1, Y2, use = "pairwise.complete.obs")
} else {
tmp <- na.omit(cbind(Y1, Y2, wt))
rho.init <- cov.wt(tmp[, 1:2], wt = tmp[, 3], cor = TRUE)$cor[2, 1]
# sanity check
if ( || abs(rho.init) >= 1.0) {
rho.init <- 0.0
# parameter vector
theta <- rho.init # only
# different cache if scores or not
if (scores) {
out <- list2env(
nexo = nexo, theta = theta, N = N,
Y1c = Y1c, Y2c = Y2c, eXo = eXo,
evar.y1 = evar.y1, sd.y1 = sd.y1, eta.y1 = eta.y1,
evar.y2 = evar.y2, sd.y2 = sd.y2, eta.y2 = eta.y2
parent = parent
} else {
out <- list2env(
nexo = nexo, theta = theta, N = N,
Y1c = Y1c, Y2c = Y2c,
evar.y1 = evar.y1, sd.y1 = sd.y1, eta.y1 = eta.y1,
evar.y2 = evar.y2, sd.y2 = sd.y2, eta.y2 = eta.y2
parent = parent
# casewise likelihoods, unweighted!
lav_bvreg_lik_cache <- function(cache = NULL) {
with(cache, {
rho <- theta[1L]
cov.y12 <- rho * sqrt(evar.y1) * sqrt(evar.y2)
sigma <- matrix(c(evar.y1, cov.y12, cov.y12, evar.y2), 2L, 2L)
lik <- exp(lav_mvnorm_loglik_data(
Y = cbind(Y1c, Y2c), wt = NULL,
Mu = c(0, 0), Sigma = sigma,
casewise = TRUE
# catch very small values
lik.toosmall.idx <- which(lik < sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))
lik[lik.toosmall.idx] <- as.numeric(NA)
lav_bvreg_logl_cache <- function(cache = NULL) {
with(cache, {
lik <- lav_bvreg_lik_cache(cache) # unweighted!
if (!is.null(wt)) {
logl <- sum(wt * log(lik), na.rm = TRUE)
} else {
logl <- sum(log(lik), na.rm = TRUE)
lav_bvreg_gradient_cache <- function(cache = NULL) {
with(cache, {
rho <- theta[1L]
R <- (1 - rho * rho)
sd.y1.y2 <- sd.y1 * sd.y2
t1 <- (Y1c * Y2c) / sd.y1.y2
t2 <- (Y1c * Y1c) / evar.y1 - (2 * rho * t1) + (Y2c * Y2c) / evar.y2
dx <- (rho + t1 - t2 * rho / R) / R
# to be consistent with (log)lik_cache
if (length(lik.toosmall.idx) > 0L) {
dx[lik.toosmall.idx] <- as.numeric(NA)
if (is.null(wt)) {
dx.rho <- sum(dx, na.rm = TRUE)
} else {
dx.rho <- sum(wt * dx, na.rm = TRUE)
lav_bvreg_hessian_cache <- function(cache = NULL) {
with(cache, {
rho <- theta[1L]
rho2 <- rho * rho
R2 <- R * R
R3 <- R * R * R
h <- 1 / R - (2 * rho2 * t2) / R3 + 2 * rho2 * (1 - t2 / R) / R2 + 4 * rho * t1 / R2 - t2 / R2
# to be consistent with (log)lik_cache
if (length(lik.toosmall.idx) > 0L) {
h[lik.toosmall.idx] <- as.numeric(NA)
if (is.null(wt)) {
H <- sum(h, na.rm = TRUE)
} else {
H <- sum(wt * h, na.rm = TRUE)
dim(H) <- c(1L, 1L) # for nlminb
# compute total (log)likelihood, for specific 'x' (nlminb)
lav_bvreg_min_objective <- function(x, cache = NULL) {
cache$theta <- x
-1 * lav_bvreg_logl_cache(cache = cache) / cache$N
# compute gradient, for specific 'x' (nlminb)
lav_bvreg_min_gradient <- function(x, cache = NULL) {
# check if x has changed
if (!all(x == cache$theta)) {
cache$theta <- x
tmp <- lav_bvreg_logl_cache(cache = cache)
-1 * lav_bvreg_gradient_cache(cache = cache) / cache$N
# compute hessian, for specific 'x' (nlminb)
lav_bvreg_min_hessian <- function(x, cache = NULL) {
# check if x has changed
if (!all(x == cache$theta)) {
tmp <- lav_bvreg_logl_cache(cache = cache)
tmp <- lav_bvreg_gradient_cache(cache = cache)
-1 * lav_bvreg_hessian_cache(cache = cache) / cache$N
# casewise scores - cache
# FIXME: should we also set 'lik.toosmall.idx' cases to NA?
lav_bvreg_cor_scores_cache <- function(cache = NULL) {
with(cache, {
rho <- theta[1L]
R <- (1 - rho * rho)
# mu.y1 <- (2 * Y1c / evar.y1 - 2 * rho * Y2c / (sd.y1 * sd.y2)) / (2 * R)
if (!is.null(wt)) { <- wt *
# mu.y2 <- -(2 * rho * Y1c / (sd.y1 * sd.y2) - 2 * Y2c / evar.y2) / (2 * R)
if (!is.null(wt)) { <- wt *
# evar.y1
dx.var.y1 <- -(0.5 / evar.y1 - ((Y1c * Y1c) / (evar.y1 * evar.y1) -
rho * Y1c * Y2c / (evar.y1 * sd.y1 * sd.y2)) / (2 * R))
if (!is.null(wt)) {
dx.var.y1 <- wt * dx.var.y1
# var.y2
dx.var.y2 <- -(0.5 / evar.y2 + (rho * Y1c * Y2c / (evar.y2 * sd.y1 * sd.y2) -
(Y2c * Y2c) / (evar.y2 * evar.y2)) / (2 * R))
if (!is.null(wt)) {
dx.var.y2 <- wt * dx.var.y2
# sl.y1 <- NULL
if (nexo > 0L) { <- * eXo # weights already included in
# sl.y2 <- NULL
if (nexo > 0L) { <- * eXo # weights already included in
# rho
z <- (Y1c * Y1c) / evar.y1 - 2 * rho * Y1c * Y2c / (sd.y1 * sd.y2) + (Y2c * Y2c) / evar.y2
dx.rho <- rho / R + (Y1c * Y2c / (sd.y1 * sd.y2 * R) - z * rho / (R * R))
if (!is.null(wt)) {
dx.rho <- wt * dx.rho
out <- list( =, dx.var.y1 = dx.var.y1, =, dx.var.y2 = dx.var.y2, =, =,
dx.rho = dx.rho
# casewise scores
# Y1 = linear
# Y2 = linear
lav_bvreg_cor_scores <- function(Y1, Y2, eXo = NULL, wt = NULL,
rho = NULL,
fit.y1 = NULL, fit.y2 = NULL,
evar.y1 = NULL, beta.y1 = NULL,
evar.y2 = NULL, beta.y2 = NULL) {
if (is.null(fit.y1)) {
fit.y1 <- lav_uvreg_fit(y = Y1, X = eXo, wt = wt)
if (is.null(fit.y2)) {
fit.y2 <- lav_uvreg_fit(y = Y2, X = eXo, wt = wt)
# user specified parameters
if (!is.null(evar.y1) || !is.null(beta.y1)) {
fit.y1 <- lav_uvreg_update_fit(
fit.y = fit.y1, = evar.y1, = beta.y1
if (!is.null(evar.y2) || !is.null(beta.y2)) {
fit.y2 <- lav_uvreg_update_fit(
fit.y = fit.y2, = evar.y2, = beta.y2
# create cache environment
cache <- lav_bvreg_init_cache(
fit.y1 = fit.y1, fit.y2 = fit.y2, wt = wt,
scores = TRUE
cache$theta <- rho
SC <- lav_bvreg_cor_scores_cache(cache = cache)
# logl - no cache
lav_bvreg_logl <- function(Y1, Y2, eXo = NULL, wt = NULL,
rho = NULL,
fit.y1 = NULL, fit.y2 = NULL,
evar.y1 = NULL, beta.y1 = NULL,
evar.y2 = NULL, beta.y2 = NULL) {
if (is.null(fit.y1)) {
fit.y1 <- lav_uvreg_fit(y = Y1, X = eXo, wt = wt)
if (is.null(fit.y2)) {
fit.y2 <- lav_uvreg_fit(y = Y2, X = eXo, wt = wt)
# user specified parameters
if (!is.null(evar.y1) || !is.null(beta.y1)) {
fit.y1 <- lav_uvreg_update_fit(
fit.y = fit.y1, = evar.y1, = beta.y1
if (!is.null(evar.y2) || !is.null(beta.y2)) {
fit.y2 <- lav_uvreg_update_fit(
fit.y = fit.y2, = evar.y2, = beta.y2
# create cache environment
cache <- lav_bvreg_init_cache(
fit.y1 = fit.y1, fit.y2 = fit.y2, wt = wt,
scores = TRUE
cache$theta <- rho
lav_bvreg_logl_cache(cache = cache)
# lik - no cache
lav_bvreg_lik <- function(Y1, Y2, eXo = NULL, wt = NULL,
rho = NULL,
fit.y1 = NULL, fit.y2 = NULL,
evar.y1 = NULL, beta.y1 = NULL,
evar.y2 = NULL, beta.y2 = NULL,
.log = FALSE) {
if (is.null(fit.y1)) {
fit.y1 <- lav_uvreg_fit(y = Y1, X = eXo, wt = wt)
if (is.null(fit.y2)) {
fit.y2 <- lav_uvreg_fit(y = Y2, X = eXo, wt = wt)
# user specified parameters
if (!is.null(evar.y1) || !is.null(beta.y1)) {
fit.y1 <- lav_uvreg_update_fit(
fit.y = fit.y1, = evar.y1, = beta.y1
if (!is.null(evar.y2) || !is.null(beta.y2)) {
fit.y2 <- lav_uvreg_update_fit(
fit.y = fit.y2, = evar.y2, = beta.y2
# create cache environment
cache <- lav_bvreg_init_cache(
fit.y1 = fit.y1, fit.y2 = fit.y2, wt = wt,
scores = TRUE
cache$theta <- rho
lik <- lav_bvreg_lik_cache(cache = cache)
if (.log) {
lik <- log(lik)
if (!is.null(wt)) {
if (.log) {
lik <- wt * lik
} else {
tmp <- wt * log(lik)
lik <- exp(tmp)
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