# functions to deal with binary/ordinal univariate data
# - probit regression
# - ordinal probit regression
# - logit regression
# - ordinal logit regression
# Note: the idea of using 'o1' and 'o2' when computing z1/z2 comes from
# the dissertation of Christensen, 2012 (see also his `ordinal' package)
# YR - 25 Nov 2019 (replacing the old lav_probit.R routines)
lav_uvord_fit <- function(y = NULL,
wt = rep(1, length(y)),
lower = -Inf,
upper = +Inf,
optim.method = "nlminb",
logistic = FALSE, # probit is the default
control = list(),
output = "list") {
# y
if (!is.integer(y)) {
# brute force, no checking! (this is a lower-level function)
y <- as.integer(y)
if (!min(y, na.rm = TRUE) == 1L) {
y <- as.integer(ordered(y))
# check weights
if (is.null(wt)) {
wt <- rep(1, length(y))
} else {
if (length(y) != length(wt)) {
lav_msg_stop(gettext("length y is not the same as length wt"))
if (any(wt < 0)) {
lav_msg_stop(gettext("all weights should be positive"))
# check lower/upper
# optim.method
minObjective <- lav_uvord_min_objective
y.ncat <- length(tabulate(y)) # number of response categories
if (y.ncat > 1L) {
minGradient <- lav_uvord_min_gradient
minHessian <- lav_uvord_min_hessian
} else {
minGradient <- NULL
minHessian <- NULL
if (optim.method == "nlminb" || optim.method == "nlminb2") {
# nothing to do
} else if (optim.method == "nlminb0") {
minGradient <- minHessian <- NULL
} else if (optim.method == "nlminb1") {
minHessian <- NULL
# create cache environment
cache <- lav_uvord_init_cache(y = y, X = X, wt = wt, logistic = logistic)
# optimize -- only changes from defaults
control.nlminb <- list(
eval.max = 20000L, iter.max = 10000L,
trace = 0L, abs.tol = (.Machine$double.eps * 10)
control.nlminb <- modifyList(control.nlminb, control)
optim <- nlminb(
start = cache$theta, objective = minObjective,
gradient = minGradient, hessian = minHessian,
control = control.nlminb, lower = lower, upper = upper,
cache = cache
if (output == "cache") {
# return results as a list (to be compatible with lav_polychor.R)
out <- list(
theta = optim$par,
nexo = cache$nexo,
nth = cache$nth,
th.idx = seq_len(cache$nth),
slope.idx = seq_len(length(optim$par))[-seq_len(cache$nth)],
missing.idx = cache$missing.idx,
y = cache$y,
wt = cache$wt,
Y1 = cache$Y1,
Y2 = cache$Y2,
z1 = cache$z1,
z2 = cache$z2,
X = cache$X
# shortcut to get (possibly weighted) thresholds only, if no eXo
lav_uvord_th <- function(y = NULL, wt = NULL) {
y.freq <- tabulate(y) # unweighted
y.ncat <- length(y.freq) # number of response categories
if (is.null(wt)) {
y.prop <- y.freq / sum(y.freq)
} else {
y.freq <- numeric(y.ncat) # numeric! weights...
for (cat in seq_len(y.ncat)) {
y.freq[cat] <- sum(wt[y == cat], na.rm = TRUE)
y.prop <- y.freq / sum(y.freq)
# prepare cache environment
lav_uvord_init_cache <- function(y = NULL,
wt = rep(1, length(y)),
logistic = FALSE,
parent = parent.frame()) {
nobs <- length(y)
# number of response categories
y.ncat <- length(tabulate(y)) # unweighted
# number of thresholds
nth <- y.ncat - 1L
# X
if (is.null(X)) {
nexo <- 0L
} else {
X <- unname(X)
nexo <- ncol(X)
# new in 0.6-17: check if X is full rank
if (!anyNA(X)) {
if (qr(X)$rank < ncol(X)) {
"matrix of exogenous covariates is rank deficient!(i.e., some x
variables contain redundant information)"))
# nobs
if (is.null(wt)) {
N <- nobs
} else {
N <- sum(wt)
# frequencies (possibly weighted by wt)
y.freq <- numeric(y.ncat) # numeric! weights...
for (cat in seq_len(y.ncat)) {
y.freq[cat] <- sum(wt[y == cat], na.rm = TRUE)
y.prop <- y.freq / sum(y.freq)
# missing values
missing.idx <- which(
# missing values
if (any( || (!is.null(X) && any( {
lav_crossprod <- lav_matrix_crossprod
} else {
lav_crossprod <- base::crossprod
# distribution
if (logistic) {
pfun <- plogis
dfun <- dlogis
gfun <- function(x) {
# FIXMe: is it worth making this work for abs(x) > 200?
out <- numeric(length(x))
out[] <- NA
x.ok <- which(abs(x) < 200)
e <- exp(-x[x.ok])
e1 <- 1 + e
e2 <- e1 * e1
e4 <- e2 * e2
out[x.ok] <- -e / e2 + e * (2 * (e * e1)) / e4
} else {
pfun <- pnorm
dfun <- dnorm
gfun <- function(x) {
-x * dnorm(x)
# offsets -Inf/+Inf
o1 <- ifelse(y == nth + 1, 100, 0)
o2 <- ifelse(y == 1, -100, 0)
# TH matrices (Matrix logical?)
if (nth > 0L) {
Y1 <- matrix(1:nth, nobs, nth, byrow = TRUE) == y
Y2 <- matrix(1:nth, nobs, nth, byrow = TRUE) == (y - 1L)
} else {
Y1 <- Y2 <- matrix(nrow = nobs, ncol = 0)
# starting values
if (nexo == 0L && nth > 0L) {
if (logistic) {
th.start <- qlogis(cumsum(y.prop[-length(y.prop)]))
} else {
th.start <- qnorm(cumsum(y.prop[-length(y.prop)]))
} else if ((nth == 1L && nexo > 0L) || nth == 0L) {
th.start <- 0
} else {
if (logistic) {
# th.start <- seq(-1, 1, length = nth) / 2
th.start <- qlogis((1:nth) / (nth + 1))
} else {
# th.start <- seq(-1, 1, length = nth) / 2
th.start <- qnorm((1:nth) / (nth + 1))
beta.start <- rep(0, nexo)
theta <- c(th.start, beta.start)
# parameter labels (for pretty output only)
# th.lab <- paste("th", seq_len(nth), sep = "")
# sl.lab <- character(0L)
# if(nexo > 0L) {
# sl.lab <- paste("beta", seq_len(nexo), sep = "")
# }
# theta.labels <- c(th.lab, sl.lab)
out <- list2env(
y = y, X = X, wt = wt, o1 = o1, o2 = o2,
missing.idx = missing.idx, N = N,
pfun = pfun, dfun = dfun, gfun = gfun,
lav_crossprod = lav_crossprod,
nth = nth, nobs = nobs, y.ncat = y.ncat, nexo = nexo,
Y1 = Y1, Y2 = Y2,
theta = theta
parent = parent
# compute total (log)likelihood
lav_uvord_loglik <- function(y = NULL,
wt = rep(1, length(y)),
logistic = FALSE,
cache = NULL) {
if (is.null(cache)) {
cache <- lav_uvord_fit(
y = y, X = X, wt = wt,
logistic = logistic, output = "cache"
lav_uvord_loglik_cache(cache = cache)
lav_uvord_loglik_cache <- function(cache = NULL) {
with(cache, {
# Note: we could treat the binary case separately,
# avoiding calling pfun() twice
# free parameters
th <- theta[1:nth]
TH <- c(0, th, 0)
beta <- theta[-c(1:nth)]
if (nexo > 0L) {
eta <- drop(X %*% beta)
z1 <- TH[y + 1L] - eta + o1
z2 <- TH[y] - eta + o2
} else {
z1 <- TH[y + 1L] + o1
z2 <- TH[y] + o2
pi.i <- pfun(z1) - pfun(z2)
# avoid numerical degradation if z2 (and therefore z1) are both 'large'
# and the pfuns are close to 1.0
large.idx <- which(z2 > 1)
if (length(large.idx) > 0L) {
pi.i[large.idx] <- (pfun(z2[large.idx], lower.tail = FALSE) -
pfun(z1[large.idx], lower.tail = FALSE))
loglik <- sum(wt * log(pi.i), na.rm = TRUE)
# casewise scores
lav_uvord_scores <- function(y = NULL,
wt = rep(1, length(y)),
use.weights = TRUE,
logistic = FALSE,
cache = NULL) {
if (is.null(cache)) {
cache <- lav_uvord_fit(
y = y, X = X, wt = wt,
logistic = logistic, output = "cache"
SC <- lav_uvord_scores_cache(cache = cache)
if (!is.null(wt) && use.weights) {
SC <- SC * wt
lav_uvord_scores_cache <- function(cache = NULL) {
with(cache, {
# d logl / d pi
dldpi <- 1 / pi.i # unweighted!
# we assume z1/z2 are available
p1 <- dfun(z1)
p2 <- dfun(z2)
# th <- dldpi * (Y1 * p1 - Y2 * p2)
# beta
if (nexo > 0L) {
scores.beta <- dldpi * (-X) * (p1 - p2)
return(cbind(, scores.beta, deparse.level = 0))
} else {
lav_uvord_gradient_cache <- function(cache = NULL) {
with(cache, {
# d logl / d pi
wtp <- wt / pi.i
p1 <- dfun(z1)
p2 <- dfun(z2)
# th
dxa <- Y1 * p1 - Y2 * p2 <- wtp * dxa
# beta
if (nexo > 0L) {
dxb <- X * (p1 - p2) # == X*p1 - X*p2
scores.beta <- wtp * (-dxb)
return(colSums(cbind(, scores.beta, deparse.level = 0),
na.rm = TRUE
} else {
return(colSums(, na.rm = TRUE))
# compute total Hessian
lav_uvord_hessian <- function(y = NULL,
wt = rep(1, length(y)),
logistic = FALSE,
cache = NULL) {
if (is.null(cache)) {
cache <- lav_uvord_fit(
y = y, X = X, wt = wt,
logistic = logistic, output = "cache"
tmp <- lav_uvord_loglik_cache(cache = cache)
tmp <- lav_uvord_gradient_cache(cache = cache)
lav_uvord_hessian_cache(cache = cache)
lav_uvord_hessian_cache <- function(cache = NULL) {
with(cache, {
wtp2 <- wt / (pi.i * pi.i)
g1w <- gfun(z1) * wtp
g2w <- gfun(z2) * wtp
Y1gw <- Y1 * g1w
Y2gw <- Y2 * g2w
dx2.tau <- (lav_crossprod(Y1gw, Y1) - lav_crossprod(Y2gw, Y2) -
lav_crossprod(dxa, dxa * wtp2))
if (nexo == 0L) {
dxb2 <- dxb * wtp2
dx2.beta <- (lav_crossprod(X * g1w, X) - lav_crossprod(X * g2w, X) -
lav_crossprod(dxb, dxb2))
dx.taubeta <- (-lav_crossprod(Y1gw, X) + lav_crossprod(Y2gw, X) +
lav_crossprod(dxa, dxb2))
Hessian <- rbind(cbind(dx2.tau, dx.taubeta, deparse.level = 0),
cbind(t(dx.taubeta), dx2.beta, deparse.level = 0),
deparse.level = 0
# compute total (log)likelihood, for specific 'x' (nlminb)
lav_uvord_min_objective <- function(x, cache = NULL) {
# check order of first 2 thresholds; if x[1] > x[2], return Inf
# new in 0.6-8
if (cache$nth > 1L && x[1] > x[2]) {
if (cache$nth > 2L && x[2] > x[3]) {
if (cache$nth > 3L && x[3] > x[4]) {
cache$theta <- x
-1 * lav_uvord_loglik_cache(cache = cache) / cache$N
# compute gradient, for specific 'x' (nlminb)
lav_uvord_min_gradient <- function(x, cache = NULL) {
# check if x has changed
if (!all(x == cache$theta)) {
cache$theta <- x
tmp <- lav_uvord_loglik_cache(cache = cache)
-1 * lav_uvord_gradient_cache(cache = cache) / cache$N
# compute hessian, for specific 'x' (nlminb)
lav_uvord_min_hessian <- function(x, cache = NULL) {
# check if x has changed
if (!all(x == cache$theta)) {
cache$theta <- x
tmp <- lav_uvord_loglik_cache(cache = cache)
tmp <- lav_uvord_gradient_cache(cache = cache)
-1 * lav_uvord_hessian_cache(cache = cache) / cache$N
# get 'z1' and 'z2' values, given (new) values for the parameters
# only needed for lav_bvord_cor_scores(), which is called from
# pml_deriv1() in lav_model_gradient_pml.R
lav_uvord_update_fit <- function(fit.y = NULL, = NULL, = NULL) {
# return fit.y with 'update' z1/z2 values
if (is.null( && is.null( {
if (!is.null( {
fit.y$theta[fit.y$th.idx] <-
if (!is.null( {
fit.y$theta[fit.y$slope.idx] <-
nth <- length(fit.y$th.idx)
o1 <- ifelse(fit.y$y == nth + 1, 100, 0)
o2 <- ifelse(fit.y$y == 1, -100, 0)
theta <- fit.y$theta
th <- theta[1:nth]
TH <- c(0, th, 0)
beta <- theta[-c(1:nth)]
y <- fit.y$y
X <- fit.y$X
if (length(fit.y$slope.idx) > 0L) {
eta <- drop(X %*% beta)
fit.y$z1 <- TH[y + 1L] - eta + o1
fit.y$z2 <- TH[y] - eta + o2
} else {
fit.y$z1 <- TH[y + 1L] + o1
fit.y$z2 <- TH[y] + o2
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