
Defines functions lav_partable_vnames lavNames

Documented in lavNames

# lav_partable_names
# YR. 29 june 2013
#  - as separate file; used to be in utils-user.R
#  - lav_partable_names (aka 'vnames') allows multiple options in 'type'
#    returning them all as a list (or just a vector if only 1 type is needed)

# public version
lavNames <- function(object, type = "ov", ...) {

    if(inherits(object, "lavaan") || inherits(object, "lavaanList")) {
         partable <- object@ParTable
    } else if(inherits(object, "list") ||
              inherits(object, "data.frame")) {
        partable <- object
    } else if(inherits(object, "character")) {
        # just a model string?
        partable <- lavParseModelString(object)

    lav_partable_vnames(partable, type = type, ...)

# alias for backwards compatibility
lavaanNames <- lavNames

# return variable names in a partable
# - the 'type' argument determines the status of the variable: observed,
#   latent, endo/exo/...; default = "ov", but most used is type = "all"
# - the 'group' argument either selects a single group (if group is an integer)
#   or returns a list per group
# - the 'level' argument either selects a single level (if level is an integer)
#   or returns a list per level
# - the 'block' argument either selects a single block (if block is an integer)
#   or returns a list per block
lav_partable_vnames <- function(partable, type = NULL, ...,
                                warn = FALSE, ov.x.fatal = FALSE) {

    # check for empy table
    if(length(partable$lhs) == 0) return(character(0L))

    # dotdotdot
    dotdotdot <- list(...)

    type.list <- c("ov",          # observed variables (ov)
                   "ov.x",        # (pure) exogenous observed variables
                   "ov.nox",      # non-exogenous observed variables
                   "ov.model",    # modeled observed variables (joint vs cond)
                   "ov.y",        # (pure) endogenous variables (dependent only)
                   "ov.num",      # numeric observed variables
                   "ov.ord",      # ordinal observed variables
                   "ov.ind",      # observed indicators of latent variables
                   "ov.orphan",   # lonely observed intercepts/variances
                   "ov.interaction", # interaction terms (with colon)
                   "ov.efa",      # indicators involved in efa

                   "th",          # thresholds ordinal only
                   "th.mean",     # thresholds ordinal + numeric variables

                   "lv",          # latent variables
                   "lv.regular",  # latent variables (defined by =~ only)
                   "lv.formative",# latent variables (defined by <~ only)
                   "lv.x",        # (pure) exogenous variables
                   "lv.y",        # (pure) endogenous variables
                   "lv.nox",      # non-exogenous latent variables
                   "lv.nonnormal",# latent variables with non-normal indicators
                   "lv.interaction", # interaction terms
                   "lv.efa",      # latent variables involved in efa
                   "lv.rv",       # random slopes, random variables
                   "lv.ind",      # latent indicators (higher-order cfa)
                   "lv.marker",   # marker indicator per lv

                   "eqs.y",       # y's in regression
                   "eqs.x"        # x's in regression

    # sanity check
    stopifnot(is.list(partable), !missing(type))

    if(!type %in% c(type.list, "all")) {
        stop("lavaan ERROR: type =", dQuote(type), " is not a valid option")

    if(length(type) == 1L && type == "all") {
        type <- type.list

    # ALWAYS need `block' column -- create one if missing
    if(is.null(partable$block)) {
        partable$block <- rep(1L, length(partable$lhs))

    # nblocks -- block column is integer only
    nblocks <- lav_partable_nblocks(partable)

    # per default, use full partable
    block.select <- lav_partable_block_values(partable)

    # check for ... selection argument(s)
    ndotdotdot <- length(dotdotdot)
    if(ndotdotdot > 0L) {
        dot.names <- names(dotdotdot)
        block.select <- rep(TRUE, length(partable$lhs))
        for(dot in seq_len(ndotdotdot)) {
            # selection variable?
            block.var <- dot.names[dot]
            block.val <- dotdotdot[[block.var]]
            # do we have this 'block.var' in partable?
            if(is.null(partable[[block.var]])) {

                # for historical reasons, treat "group = 1" special
                if(block.var == "group" && block.val == 1L) {
                    partable$group <- rep(1L, length(partable$lhs))
                    # remove block == 0
                    idx <- which(partable$block == 0L)
                    if(length(idx) > 0L) {
                        partable$group[idx] <- 0L
                    block.select <- ( block.select &
                                  partable[[block.var]] %in% block.val )
                } else {
                    stop("lavaan ERROR: selection variable `",
                         block.var, " not found in the parameter table.")

            } else {
                if(!all(block.val %in% partable[[block.var]])) {
                    stop("lavaan ERROR: ", block.var ,
                        " column does not contain value `", block.val, "'")
                block.select <- ( block.select &
                                  !partable$op %in% c("==", "<", ">", ":=") &
                                  partable[[block.var]] %in% block.val )
        } # dot
        block.select <- unique(partable$block[block.select])

        if(length(block.select) == 0L) {
            warnings("lavaan WARNING: no blocks selected.")

    # random slope names, if any (new in 0.6-7)
    if(!is.null(partable$rv) && any(nchar(partable$rv) > 0L)) {
        RV.names <- unique(partable$rv[nchar(partable$rv) > 0L])
    } else {
        RV.names <- character(0L)

    # output: list per block
    OUT                <- vector("list", length = nblocks)
    OUT$ov             <- vector("list", length = nblocks)
    OUT$ov.x           <- vector("list", length = nblocks)
    OUT$ov.nox         <- vector("list", length = nblocks)
    OUT$ov.model       <- vector("list", length = nblocks)
    OUT$ov.y           <- vector("list", length = nblocks)
    OUT$ov.num         <- vector("list", length = nblocks)
    OUT$ov.ord         <- vector("list", length = nblocks)
    OUT$ov.ind         <- vector("list", length = nblocks)
    OUT$ov.orphan      <- vector("list", length = nblocks)
    OUT$ov.interaction <- vector("list", length = nblocks)
    OUT$ov.efa         <- vector("list", length = nblocks)

    OUT$th             <- vector("list", length = nblocks)
    OUT$th.mean        <- vector("list", length = nblocks)

    OUT$lv             <- vector("list", length = nblocks)
    OUT$lv.regular     <- vector("list", length = nblocks)
    OUT$lv.formative   <- vector("list", length = nblocks)
    OUT$lv.x           <- vector("list", length = nblocks)
    OUT$lv.y           <- vector("list", length = nblocks)
    OUT$lv.nox         <- vector("list", length = nblocks)
    OUT$lv.nonnormal   <- vector("list", length = nblocks)
    OUT$lv.interaction <- vector("list", length = nblocks)
    OUT$lv.efa         <- vector("list", length = nblocks)
    OUT$lv.rv          <- vector("list", length = nblocks)
    OUT$lv.ind         <- vector("list", length = nblocks)
    OUT$lv.marker      <- vector("list", length = nblocks)

    OUT$eqs.y          <- vector("list", length = nblocks)
    OUT$eqs.x          <- vector("list", length = nblocks)

    for(b in block.select) {

        # always compute lv.names
        lv.names <- unique( partable$lhs[ partable$block == b  &
                                          (partable$op == "=~" |
                                           partable$op == "<~")  ] )
        # including random slope names
        lv.names2 <- unique(c(lv.names, RV.names))

        # determine lv interactions
        int.names <- unique(partable$rhs[ partable$block == b  &
                                              grepl(":", partable$rhs) ] )
        n.int <- length(int.names)
        if(n.int > 0L) {
            ok.idx <- logical(n.int)
            for(iv in seq_len(n.int)) {
                NAMES <- strsplit(int.names[iv], ":", fixed = TRUE)[[1L]]

                # three scenario's:
                # - both variables are latent (ok)
                # - both variables are observed (ignore)
                # - only one latent (warn??) -> upgrade observed to latent
                # thus if at least one is in lv.names, we treat it as a
                # latent interaction
                if(sum(NAMES %in% lv.names) > 0L) {
                    ok.idx[iv] <- TRUE
            lv.interaction <- int.names[ok.idx]
            lv.names <- c(lv.names, lv.interaction)
            lv.names2 <- c(lv.names2, lv.interaction)
        } else {
            lv.interaction <- character(0L)

        # store lv
        if("lv" %in% type) {
            # check if FLAT for random slopes
            #if( !is.null(partable$rv) && any(nchar(partable$rv) > 0L) &&
            #    !is.null(partable$block) ) {
            #    OUT$lv[[b]] <- lv.names2
            #} else {
                # here, they will be 'defined' at level 2 as regular =~ lvs
                OUT$lv[[b]] <- lv.names

        # regular latent variables ONLY (ie defined by =~ only)
        if("lv.regular" %in% type) {
            out <- unique( partable$lhs[ partable$block == b &
                                         partable$op == "=~" &
                                         !partable$lhs %in% RV.names ] )
            OUT$lv.regular[[b]] <- out

        # interaction terms involving latent variables (only)
        if("lv.interaction" %in% type) {
            OUT$lv.interaction[[b]] <- lv.interaction

        # formative latent variables ONLY (ie defined by <~ only)
        if("lv.formative" %in% type) {
            out <- unique( partable$lhs[ partable$block == b &
                                         partable$op == "<~"   ] )
            OUT$lv.formative[[b]] <- out

        # lv's involved in efa
        if(any(type %in% c("lv.efa", "ov.efa"))) {
            if(is.null(partable$efa)) {
                out <- character(0L)
            } else {
                set.names <- lav_partable_efa_values(partable)
                out <- unique( partable$lhs[ partable$op == "=~" &
                                             partable$block == b &
                                             partable$efa %in% set.names ] )
            OUT$lv.efa[[b]] <- out

        # lv's that are random slopes
        if("lv.rv" %in% type) {
            if(is.null(partable$rv)) {
                out <- character(0L)
            } else {
                out <- unique( partable$lhs[ partable$op == "=~" &
                                             partable$block == b &
                                             partable$lhs %in% RV.names ] )
            OUT$lv.rv[[b]] <- out

        # lv's that are indicators of a higher-order factor
        if("lv.ind" %in% type) {
            out <- unique( partable$rhs[ partable$block == b &
                                         partable$op == "=~" &
                                         partable$rhs %in% lv.names  ] )
            OUT$lv.ind[[b]] <- out

        # eqs.y
        if(!(length(type) == 1L &&
           type %in% c("lv", "lv.regular", "lv.nonnormal"))) {
            eqs.y <- unique( partable$lhs[ partable$block == b  &
                                           partable$op == "~"     ] )

        # store eqs.y
        if("eqs.y" %in% type) {
            OUT$eqs.y[[b]] <- eqs.y

        # eqs.x
        if(!(length(type) == 1L &&
           type %in% c("lv", "lv.regular", "lv.nonnormal","lv.x"))) {
            eqs.x <- unique( partable$rhs[ partable$block == b  &
                                           (partable$op == "~"  |
                                            partable$op == "<~")  ] )

        # store eqs.x
        if("eqs.x" %in% type) {
            OUT$eqs.x[[b]] <- eqs.x

        # v.ind -- indicators of latent variables
        if(!(length(type) == 1L &&
           type %in% c("lv", "lv.regular", "lv.nonnormal"))) {
            v.ind <- unique( partable$rhs[ partable$block == b  &
                                           partable$op == "=~"    ] )

        # ov.*
        if(!(length(type) == 1L &&
             type %in% c("lv", "lv.regular", "lv.nonnormal", "lv.x","lv.y"))) {
            # 1. indicators, which are not latent variables themselves
            ov.ind <- v.ind[ !v.ind %in% lv.names2 ]
            # 2. dependent ov's
            ov.y <- eqs.y[ !eqs.y %in% c(lv.names2, ov.ind) ]
            # 3. independent ov's
            if(lav_partable_nlevels(partable) > 1L && b > 1L) {
                # NEW in 0.6-8: if an 'x' was an 'y' in a previous level,
                #               treat it as 'y'
                EQS.Y <- unique(partable$lhs[partable$op == "~"]) # all blocks
                ov.x <- eqs.x[ !eqs.x %in% c(lv.names2, ov.ind, EQS.Y) ]
            } else {
                ov.x <- eqs.x[ !eqs.x %in% c(lv.names2, ov.ind, ov.y) ]
            # new in 0.6-12: if we have interaction terms in ov.x, check
            # if some terms are in eqs.y; if so, remove the interaction term
            # from ov.x
            int.idx <- which(grepl(":", ov.x))
            bad.idx <- integer(0L)
            for(iv in int.idx) {
                NAMES <- strsplit(ov.x[iv], ":", fixed = TRUE)[[1L]]
                if(any(NAMES %in% eqs.y)) {
                    bad.idx <- c(bad.idx, iv)
            if(length(bad.idx) > 0L) {
                ov.y <- unique(c(ov.y, ov.x[bad.idx]))
                # it may be removed later, but needed to construct ov.names
                ov.x <- ov.x[-bad.idx]

        # observed variables
        # easy approach would be: everything that is not in lv.names,
        # but the main purpose here is to 'order' the observed variables
        # according to 'type' (indicators, ov.y, ov.x, orphans)
        if(!(length(type) == 1L &&
             type %in% c("lv", "lv.regular", "lv.nonnormal", "lv.x","lv.y"))) {

            # 4. orphaned covariances
            ov.cov <- c(partable$lhs[ partable$block == b &
                                      partable$op == "~~" &
                                     !partable$lhs %in% lv.names2 ],
                        partable$rhs[ partable$block == b &
                                      partable$op == "~~" &
                                     !partable$rhs %in% lv.names2 ])
            # 5. orphaned intercepts/thresholds
            ov.int <- partable$lhs[ partable$block == b &
                                    (partable$op == "~1" |
                                     partable$op == "|") &
                                    !partable$lhs %in% lv.names2 ]

            ov.tmp <- c(ov.ind, ov.y, ov.x)
            ov.extra <- unique(c(ov.cov, ov.int)) # must be in this order!
                                                  # so that
                                                  # lav_partable_independence
                                                  # retains the same order
            ov.names <- c(ov.tmp, ov.extra[ !ov.extra %in% ov.tmp ])

        # store ov?
        if("ov" %in% type) {
            OUT$ov[[b]] <- ov.names

        if("ov.ind" %in% type) {
            OUT$ov.ind[[b]] <- ov.ind

        if("ov.interaction" %in% type) {
            ov.int.names <- ov.names[ grepl(":", ov.names) ]
            n.int <- length(ov.int.names)
            if(n.int > 0L) {

                ov.names.noint <- ov.names[!ov.names %in% ov.int.names]

                ok.idx <- logical(n.int)
                for(iv in seq_len(n.int)) {
                    NAMES <- strsplit(ov.int.names[iv], ":", fixed = TRUE)[[1L]]

                    # two scenario's:
                    # - both variables are in ov.names.noint (ok)
                    # - at least one variables is NOT in ov.names.noint (ignore)
                    if(all(NAMES %in% ov.names.noint)) {
                        ok.idx[iv] <- TRUE
                ov.interaction <- ov.int.names[ok.idx]
            } else {
                ov.interaction <- character(0L)

            OUT$ov.interaction[[b]] <- ov.interaction

        if("ov.efa" %in% type) {
            ov.efa <- partable$rhs[ partable$op == "=~" &
                                    partable$block == b &
                                    partable$rhs %in% ov.ind &
                                    partable$lhs %in% OUT$lv.efa[[b]] ]
            OUT$ov.efa[[b]] <- unique(ov.efa)

        # exogenous `x' covariates
        if(any(type %in% c("ov.x","ov.nox", "ov.model",
                           "th.mean","lv.nonnormal"))) {
            # correction: is any of these ov.names.x mentioned as a variance,
            #             covariance, or intercept?
            # this should trigger a warning in lavaanify()
            if(is.null(partable$user)) { # FLAT!
                partable$user <-  rep(1L, length(partable$lhs))
            vars <- c( partable$lhs[ partable$block == b  &
                                     partable$op == "~1"  &
                                     partable$user == 1     ],
                       partable$lhs[ partable$block == b  &
                                     partable$op == "~~"  &
                                     partable$user == 1     ],
                       partable$rhs[ partable$block == b  &
                                     partable$op == "~~"  &
                                     partable$user == 1     ] )
            idx.no.x <- which(ov.x %in% vars)
            if(length(idx.no.x)) {
                if(ov.x.fatal) {
                   stop("lavaan ERROR: model syntax contains variance/covariance/intercept formulas\n  involving (an) exogenous variable(s): [",
                            paste(ov.x[idx.no.x], collapse=" "),
                            "];\n  Please remove them and try again.")
                if(warn) {
                    txt <- c("model syntax contains ",
                    "variance/covariance/intercept formulas involving",
                    " (an) exogenous variable(s): [",
                    paste(ov.x[idx.no.x], collapse=" "), "]; ",
                    "These variables will now be treated as random ",
                    "introducing additional free parameters. ",
                    "If you wish to treat ",
                    "those variables as fixed, remove these ",
                    "formulas from the model syntax. Otherwise, consider ",
                    "adding the fixed.x = FALSE option.")
                ov.x <- ov.x[-idx.no.x]
            ov.tmp.x <- ov.x

            # extra
            if(!is.null(partable$exo)) {
                ov.cov <- c(partable$lhs[ partable$block == b &
                                          partable$op == "~~" &
                                          partable$exo == 1L],
                            partable$rhs[ partable$block == b &
                                          partable$op == "~~" &
                                          partable$exo == 1L])
                ov.int <- partable$lhs[ partable$block == b &
                                        partable$op == "~1" &
                                        partable$exo == 1L ]
                ov.extra <- unique(c(ov.cov, ov.int))
                ov.tmp.x <- c(ov.tmp.x, ov.extra[ !ov.extra %in% ov.tmp.x ])

            ov.names.x <- ov.tmp.x

        # store ov.x?
        if("ov.x" %in% type) {
            OUT$ov.x[[b]] <- ov.names.x

        # story ov.orphan?
        if("ov.orphan" %in% type) {
            OUT$ov.orphan[[b]] <- ov.extra

        # ov's withouth ov.x
        if(any(type %in% c("ov.nox", "ov.model",
                           "th.mean", "lv.nonnormal"))) {
            ov.names.nox <- ov.names[! ov.names %in% ov.names.x ]

        # store ov.nox
        if("ov.nox" %in% type) {
            OUT$ov.nox[[b]] <- ov.names.nox

        # store ov.model
        if("ov.model" %in% type) {
            # if no conditional.x, this is just ov
            # else, this is ov.nox
            if(any( partable$block == b & partable$op == "~" &
                                          partable$exo == 1L )) {
                OUT$ov.model[[b]] <- ov.names.nox
            } else {
                OUT$ov.model[[b]] <- ov.names

        # ov's strictly ordered
        if(any(type %in% c("ov.ord", "th", "th.mean",
                           "ov.num", "lv.nonnormal"))) {
            tmp <- unique(partable$lhs[ partable$block == b &
                                        partable$op == "|" ])
            ord.names <- ov.names[ ov.names %in% tmp ]

        if("ov.ord" %in% type) {
            OUT$ov.ord[[b]] <- ord.names

        # ov's strictly numeric
        if(any(type %in% c("ov.num", "lv.nonnormal"))) {
            ov.num <- ov.names[! ov.names %in% ord.names ]

        if("ov.num" %in% type) {
            OUT$ov.num[[b]] <- ov.num

        # nonnormal lv's
        if("lv.nonnormal" %in% type) {
            # regular lv's
            lv.reg <- unique( partable$lhs[ partable$block == b &
                                            partable$op == "=~"   ] )
            if(length(lv.reg) > 0L) {
                out <- unlist( lapply(lv.reg, function(x) {
                    # get indicators for this lv
                    tmp.ind <- unique( partable$rhs[ partable$block == b &
                                                     partable$op == "=~" &
                                                     partable$lhs == x     ] )
                    if(!all(tmp.ind %in% ov.num)) {
                    } else {
                    }) )
                OUT$lv.nonnormal[[b]] <- out
            } else {
                OUT$lv.nonnormal[[b]] <- character(0)

        if(any(c("th","th.mean") %in% type)) {
            TH.lhs <- partable$lhs[ partable$block == b &
                                    partable$op == "|" ]
            TH.rhs <- partable$rhs[ partable$block == b &
                                    partable$op == "|" ]

        # threshold
        if("th" %in% type) {
            if(length(ord.names) > 0L) {
                # return in the right order (following ord.names!)
                out <- unlist(lapply(ord.names, function(x) {
                                  idx <- which(x == TH.lhs)
                                  TH <- unique(paste(TH.lhs[idx], "|",
                                                     TH.rhs[idx], sep=""))
                                  # make sure the th's are in increasing order
                                  # sort(TH)
                                  # NO!, don't do that; t10 will be before t2
                                  # fixed in 0.6-1 (bug report from Myrsini)
                                  # in 0.6-12, we do this anyway like this:

                                  # get var name
                                  TH1 <- sapply(strsplit(TH, split = "\\|t"),
                                                "[[", 1)
                                  # get number, and sort
                                  TH2 <- as.character(sort(as.integer(sapply(
                                      strsplit(TH, split = "\\|t"), "[[", 2))))
                                  # paste back togehter in the right order
                                  paste(TH1, TH2, sep = "|t")
            } else {
                out <- character(0L)
            OUT$th[[b]] <- out

        # thresholds and mean/intercepts of numeric variables
        if("th.mean" %in% type) {
            # if fixed.x -> use ov.names.nox
            # else -> use ov.names
            if(is.null(partable$exo) || all(partable$exo == 0L)) {
                OV.NAMES <- ov.names
            } else {
                OV.NAMES <- ov.names.nox
            if(length(OV.NAMES) > 0L) {
                # return in the right order (following ov.names.nox!)
                out <- unlist(lapply(OV.NAMES, function(x) {
                              if(x %in% ord.names) {
                                  idx <- which(x == TH.lhs)
                                  TH <- unique(paste(TH.lhs[idx], "|",
                                                     TH.rhs[idx], sep=""))
                                  # make sure the th's are in increasing order
                              } else {
            } else {
                out <- character(0L)
            OUT$th.mean[[b]] <- out

        # exogenous lv's
        if(any(c("lv.x","lv.nox") %in% type)) {
            tmp <- lv.names[ !lv.names %in% c(v.ind, eqs.y) ]
            lv.names.x <- lv.names[ lv.names %in% tmp ]

        if("lv.x" %in% type) {
            OUT$lv.x[[b]] <- lv.names.x

        # dependent ov (but not also indicator or x)
        if("ov.y" %in% type) {
            tmp <- eqs.y[ !eqs.y %in% c(v.ind, eqs.x, lv.names) ]
            OUT$ov.y[[b]] <- ov.names[ ov.names %in% tmp ]

        # dependent lv (but not also indicator or x)
        if("lv.y" %in% type) {
            tmp <- eqs.y[ !eqs.y %in% c(v.ind, eqs.x) &
                           eqs.y %in% lv.names ]
            OUT$lv.y[[b]] <- lv.names[ lv.names %in% tmp ]

        # non-exogenous latent variables
        if("lv.nox" %in% type) {
            OUT$lv.nox[[b]] <- lv.names[! lv.names %in% lv.names.x ]

        # marker indicator (if any) for each lv
        if("lv.marker" %in% type) {
            # default: "" per lv
            out <- character( length(lv.names) )
            names(out) <- lv.names
            for(l in seq_len( length(lv.names) )) {
                this.lv.name <- lv.names[l]
                # try to see if we can find a 'marker' indicator for this factor
                marker.idx <- which(partable$block == b &
                                    partable$lhs == this.lv.name &
                                    partable$rhs %in% v.ind &
                                    partable$ustart == 1L &
                                    partable$free == 0L)
                if(length(marker.idx) == 1L) { # unique only!!
                    out[l] <- partable$rhs[marker.idx]
            OUT$lv.marker[[b]] <- out

    } # b

    # new in 0.6-14: if 'da' operator, change order! (for ov.order = "data")
    if(any(partable$op == "da")) {
        da.idx <- which(partable$op == "da")
        ov.names.data <- partable$lhs[da.idx]
        OUT <- lapply(OUT, function(x) {
                          for(b in seq_len(length(x))) {
                              target.idx <- which(x[[b]] %in% ov.names.data)
                              if(length(target.idx) > 0L) {
                                  new.ov <-
                                  # rm NA's (eg lv's in eqs.y)
                                  na.idx <- which(is.na(new.ov))
                                  if(length(na.idx) > 0L) {
                                      new.ov <- new.ov[-na.idx]
                                  x[[b]][target.idx] <- new.ov

    # to mimic old behaviour, if length(type) == 1L
    if(length(type) == 1L) {
        OUT <- OUT[[type]]
        # to mimic old behaviour, if specific block is requested
        if(ndotdotdot == 0L) {
            if(type == "lv.marker") {
                OUT <- unlist(OUT)
                # no unique(), as unique() drops attributes, and reduces
                # c("", "", "") to a single ""
                # (but, say for 2 groups, you get 2 copies)
                # as this is only for 'display', we leave it like that
            } else {
                OUT <- unique(unlist(OUT))
        } else if(length(block.select) == 1L) {
            OUT <- OUT[[block.select]]
        } else {
            OUT <- OUT[block.select]
    } else {
        OUT <- OUT[type]


# alias for backward compatibility
vnames <- lav_partable_vnames

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lavaan documentation built on July 26, 2023, 5:08 p.m.