
Defines functions anneal

Documented in anneal

# Performs simulated annealing to find maximum likelihood
# estimates for a set of parameters.
# Arguments:
# model = model function to parameterize. Arguments to this function will be
# provided from par, var, and source_data.
# par = list of parameters for which we are using simulated annealing to
# find maximum likelihood estimates.  Each par element name matches an
# argument in a function (either model or pdf). All values listed in par
# must be numeric vectors.  Vectors of length greater than one have each of
# their elements treated separately as individual parameters to estimate.
# var = list of other variables and data needed by the model and pdf
# functions, any type as needed.  These will be kept constant.
# source_data = data frame with dependent variable and associated
# independent variables.
# par_lo = list of lower bounds for each parameter.  Each element must match
# an element in par in both name and size.  Ommitted values are assumed to be
# negative infinity.
# par_hi = list of upper bounds for each parameter.  Each element must match
# an element in par in both name and size.  Ommitted values are assumed to
# be positive infinity.
# pdf = probability density function. Make sure to use a function such as
# dnorm that can calculate log probability.
# dep_var = dependent variable label in source_data.
# initial_temp = temperature at which to start annealing.
# temp_red = interval by which to reduce temperature.
# max_iter = maximum iterations, where one iteration is one varying of each
# parameter to parameterize.  The annealing will run for this many
# iterations, unless alternate conditions have been specified (see min_change
# and min_drops).
# dep_var = label of model dependent variable
# ns = interval between changes in range
# nt = interval between drops in temperature
# min_change = an alternate way to specify quitting conditions. This is the
# minimum amount of change in likelihood in min_drop number of temperature
# drops.  If the change is less, execution stops.
# min_drops = the companion to min_change for alternate quitting conditions.
# This is the number of temperature drops over which the likelihood must
# have changed more than min_change for execution to continue.
# hessian = if TRUE, include the standard errors and the Hessian matrix
# in the output.  If FALSE, do not.
# delta = when calculating support limits, the number of pieces into which
# to divide each parameter.  This is the size of the "step" the function
# takes in trying to find the support limits.
# slimit = when calculating support limits, the number of likelihood
# units less than the optimum likelihood for which the support intervals
# will be calculated.  2 units is semi-standard.  1.92 units corresponds
# roughly to a 95% confidence interval.
# c = range reduction parameter
# note = any note to self the user wants to make.  This will be
# included in the output.
# ... = additional arguments to model, pdf, etc. This is not a recommended
# way to pass additional arguments but I have chosen to support it.
# Author:  Lora Murphy, Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies
# murphyl@caryinstitute.org
anneal<-function(model, par, var, source_data, par_lo = NULL,
par_hi = NULL, pdf, dep_var, initial_temp = 3, temp_red = 0.95,
ns = 20, nt = 100, max_iter = 50000, min_change = 0, min_drops = 100,
hessian = TRUE, delta = 100, slimit = 2, c = 2, note = "", show_display = TRUE, ...) {

  ## Error checking

  # Check types
  if (!is.function(model)) {
    stop("anneal: model is not a function.\n")
  if (!is.list(par)) {
    stop("anneal: par is not a list.\n")
  if (!is.list(var)) {
    stop("anneal: var is not a list.\n")
  if (!is.null(par_lo) && !is.list(par_lo)) {
    stop("anneal: par_lo is not a list.\n")
  if (!is.null(par_hi) && !is.list(par_hi)) {
    stop("anneal: par_hi is not a list.\n")
  if (!is.data.frame(source_data)) {
    stop("anneal: source_data is not a data frame.\n")
  if (length(source_data) < 1) {
    stop("anneal: source_data contains no data.\n")
  if (length(source_data[[1]]) < 1) {
    stop("anneal: source_data contains no data.\n")
  if (!is.function(pdf)) {
    stop("anneal: pdf is not a function.\n")

  # Make sure there is something in par
  parnames <- names(par)
  numpars <- length(par)
  if (numpars < 1) {
    stop("anneal: no parameters in par - nothing to anneal!\n")

  # Make sure all values in par are numeric
  for (i in 1:numpars) {
    if (!is.numeric(par[[i]])) {
      stop("anneal: All values in par must be numeric.\n")
    if (!is.vector(par[[i]])) {
      stop("anneal: All values in par must be vectors.\n")

  # Make sure the dependent variable is part of source_data
  if (!is.character(dep_var)) {
    stop("anneal: I cannot understand the dependent variable name.  I expect a string.\n")
  if(!any(names(source_data)==dep_var)) {
    stop("anneal: the dependent variable must be part of source_data.\n")

  # Make sure that par_lo and par_hi have corresponding labels in par,
  # and that the vectors are the same length
  if (is.null(par_lo)) {
    par_lo <- par
    for (i in 1:numpars) {
      par_lo[[parnames[i]]] = rep(-.Machine$double.xmax, times = length(par[[i]]))
  if (is.null(par_hi)) {
    par_hi <- par
    for (i in 1:numpars) {
      par_hi[[parnames[i]]] = rep(.Machine$double.xmax, times = length(par[[i]]))

  for (i in 1:length(names(par_lo))) {
    if(!any(parnames == names(par_lo)[i])) {
      stop("anneal: all values in par_lo must be present in par.  Can't find value ", names(par_lo)[i], ".\n")
    if (length(par_lo[[i]]) != length( par[(parnames==names(par_lo)[i])][[1]] )) {
      stop("anneal: par_lo value ", names(par_lo)[i], " must be of the same length as its corresponding element in par.\n")

  for (i in 1:length(names(par_hi))) {
    if(!any(parnames == names(par_hi)[i])) {
      stop("anneal: all values in par_hi must be present in par.  Can't find value ", names(par_hi)[i], ".\n")
    if (length(par_hi[[i]]) != length( par[(parnames==names(par_hi)[i])][[1]] )) {
      stop("anneal: par_hi value ", names(par_hi)[i], " must be of the same length as its corresponding element in par.\n")

  # For each value in par, if the value in par_lo or par_hi is
  # missing, replace it with "infinity"
  # I used to add to the old array by name but this created arrays in different
  # orders - very bad for later!
  new_par_lo <- list()
  new_par_hi <- list()
  for (i in 1:numpars) {
    if (!any(names(par_lo) == parnames[i])) {
      new_par_lo[[i]] = rep(-.Machine$double.xmax, times = length(par[[i]]))
    } else new_par_lo[[i]] = par_lo[[parnames[i]]]
    if (!any(names(par_hi) == parnames[i])) {
      new_par_hi[[i]] = rep(.Machine$double.xmax, times = length(par[[i]]))
    } else new_par_hi[[i]] = par_hi[[parnames[i]]]
  names(new_par_lo) <- parnames
  names(new_par_hi) <- parnames
  par_lo <- new_par_lo
  par_hi <- new_par_hi
  new_par_lo <- NULL
  new_par_hi <- NULL
  # Replace any true values of infinity with our fake infinity
  for (i in 1:length(par_lo)) {
    par_lo[[i]] = ifelse(is.infinite(par_lo[[i]]), -.Machine$double.xmax, par_lo[[i]])
  for (i in 1:length(par_hi)) {
    par_hi[[i]] = ifelse(is.infinite(par_hi[[i]]), .Machine$double.xmax, par_hi[[i]])

  ## Prep the likelihood calculations

  # Here's where we'll put results of all pre-evaluations
  eval_results <- NULL

  # This is where to put the predicted
  predicted <- NULL

  # Combine par and var into one - we will put the varying values here
  par <- c(par, var)

  # Set up the PDF call - set it up to use a copy of par
  datasets[[1]]<-list(value=source_data, varname="source_data")
  pdf_call<-analyze_function(pdf, list(value=par, varname="par_copy"), NULL, datasets, ...)

  # Set up the model call - set it up to use a copy of par
  model_call<-analyze_function(model, list(value=par, varname="par_copy"), NULL, datasets, ...)

  # Initialize support limits to zeroes before we "flatten" arrays
  for (i in 1:length(par_lo)) {
    upper_limit[[names(par_lo)[[i]]]]<-rep(0, length(par_lo[[i]]))
    lower_limit[[names(par_lo)[[i]]]]<-rep(0, length(par_lo[[i]]))

  # If there are any vectors of values in a varying parameter, "flatten"
  # into 1-d vectors; create an array of index vectors for
  # pinpointing just one parameter value in par, even if it's in
  # an array
  # Plus make a flat array of the initial values for calculating step

  # Save copies for output
  par_lo_copy <- par_lo
  par_hi_copy <- par_hi
  # Make a placeholder for step
  par_step_copy <- par_lo

  initial_vals <- NULL
  nm <- NULL # new names
  for (i in 1:length(par_hi)) {
    numpars <- numpars + (length(par_hi[[i]]) - 1)
    # Create new names for display
    if (length(par_hi[[i]]) == 1) nm<-c(nm, parnames[[i]])
      else nm <- c(nm, paste(parnames[[i]], c(1:length(par_hi[[i]])), sep=""))

    initial_vals<-c(initial_vals, par[[parnames[[i]]]])

    for (j in 1:length(names(par)))
      if (parnames[[i]] == names(par)[[j]]) ind <- j
    for (j in 1:length(par_hi[[i]])) {
      par_index[[length(par_index)+1]] <- c(ind, j)
  names(par_lo) <- nm
  names(par_hi) <- nm
  names(initial_vals) <- nm
  nm <- NULL

  ## Since I can't break the habits of C++ - a rundown of my variables...
  iterate <- TRUE             # flag for whether or not to keep cycling
  using <- 1                  # index for the parameter we're working with
  cycles <- 0                 # how many cycles of annealing we've done
  best_lh <- NULL             # best likelihood
  acc_lh <- NULL              # last accepted likelihood
  best_par <- par             # set of parameters providing the best likelihood
  best_cycle <- 1             # number when the current best likelihood was calculated
  best_predicted<-NULL        # Predicted values that go with the best parameters
  nacc <- 0                   # number of accepted likelihood values
  temp <- initial_temp        # annealing temperature
  lhist <- NULL               # array of lists with likelihood history
  #par_copy <- NULL           # copy of parameters that we will vary
  #parnames <- names(par_step) # names of parameters to vary - already defined above
  #numpars                    # number of parameters to vary - already defined above
  #par_index                  # index array for retrieving values from par - already defined above
  #upper_limit                # upper support limit for all varying parameters - already defined above
  #lower_limit                # lower support limit for all varying parameters - already defined above
  #par_step                   # search interval - defined below
  nacp <- rep(0, numpars)     # number of times we accepted changes to each parameter
  range_cycles <- numpars * ns # number of loops before we adjust range
  temp_cycles <- numpars * ns * nt # number of loops before we reduce temperature
  display_cycles<-numpars*100 # regular update point
  numobs <- length(source_data[[dep_var]]) # number of observations
  aiccorr <- NULL             # value for AIC corr (not entirely sure what that is)
  sst <- NULL                 # used for calculating R2 but not very sure what it is
  sse <- NULL                 # used for calculating R2 but not very sure what it is
  R2 <- NULL                  # R2 (squared) value (NOT r2) - goodness-of-fit, or proportion
  # of variance explained by the model
  slp <- NULL                 # slope of observed regressed on predicted
  sumx2 <- NULL               # used for calculating slp
  sumxy <- NULL               # used for calculating slp
  temp_hist_inds <- 1         # indexes in likelihood history of each temperature reduction

  # Calculate the initial search interval, which for each parameter is the
  # greater distance between the initial value and the upper and lower bound
  par_step = numeric()
  for (i in 1:length(par_hi))
    par_step[i] <- max(abs(par_hi[i] - initial_vals[i]), abs(initial_vals[i] - par_lo[i]))
  names(par_step) <- names(par_hi)

  # Calculate SST for observed values
  sst <- mean(source_data[[dep_var]])
  sst <- (source_data[[dep_var]] - sst)
  sst <- sst * sst
  sst <- sum(sst)

  ## Do the first likelihood calculation with initial values
  par_copy <- par

  # First:  any sub-functions needed by the model
  if (!is.null(model_call$pre_eval)) {

    while (level > 0) {
      if (is.null(pre_evals[[level]][[curr_index[[level]]]]$pre_eval)) {
        eval_results[[pre_evals[[level]][[curr_index[[level]]]]$parname]]<-do.call(pre_evals[[level]][[curr_index[[level]]]]$fun, pre_evals[[level]][[curr_index[[level]]]]$call)

        if (curr_index[[level]] > max_index[[level]]) {
          # We've evaluated all the pre-evals in this level - back up
          # one level
          level <- level - 1
      else {
        # The current level has pre-evals - before evaluating the current level,
        # go down a level to the first of its pre-evals
        level <- level + 1
        curr_index[[level]] <- 1
        max_index[[level]] <- length(pre_evals[[level]][[curr_index[[level]]]]$pre_eval)
        pre_evals[[level]] <- pre_evals[[level]][[curr_index[[level]]]]$pre_eval
  eval_results <- as.list(eval_results)
  # Second:  the model predicted values
  predicted <- do.call(model,model_call$call)
  if (any(is.infinite(predicted)) || any(is.nan(predicted)) || any(is.na(predicted))) {
    stop("anneal: initial conditions caused the model to produce math errors.\n")
  # Third: any sub-functions needed by the pdf
  if (!is.null(pdf_call$pre_eval)) {
    while (level > 0) {
      if (is.null(pre_evals[[level]][[curr_index[[level]]]]$pre_eval)) {
        eval_results[[pre_evals[[level]][[curr_index[[level]]]]$parname]]<-do.call(pre_evals[[level]][[curr_index[[level]]]]$fun, pre_evals[[level]][[curr_index[[level]]]]$call)

        if (curr_index[[level]] > max_index[[level]]) {
          # We've evaluated all the pre-evals in this level - back up
          # one level
          level <- level - 1
      else {
        # The current level has pre-evals - before evaluating the current level,
        # go down a level to the first of its pre-evals
        level <- level + 1
        curr_index[[level]] <- 1
        max_index[[level]] <- length(pre_evals[[level]][[curr_index[[level]]]]$pre_eval)
        pre_evals[[level]] <- pre_evals[[level]][[curr_index[[level]]]]$pre_eval

  # Fourth: sum over the PDF
  best_lh <- sum (do.call(pdf,pdf_call$call)) # best likelihood
  best_predicted <- predicted
  if (is.infinite(best_lh) || is.nan(best_lh) || is.na(best_lh)) best_lh <- -1000000
  acc_lh <- best_lh
  lhistcycles <- cycles
  lhisthood <- best_lh
  lhisttemp <- temp
  lhistpar <- vector(mode="list")
  temppar <- list()
  for (q in 1:length(parnames)) temppar[[parnames[q]]] <- par[[parnames[q]]]
  lhistpar[[1]] <- temppar

  # Calculate slope of observed regressed on predicted
  sumx2 <- sum(predicted * predicted)
  sumxy <- sum(predicted * source_data[[dep_var]])
  slp <- sumxy/sumx2

  # Calculate R2 = 1 - (SSE/SST)
  sse <- (source_data[[dep_var]] - predicted)
  sse <- sse * sse
  sse <- sum(sse)
  R2 <- 1 - (sse/sst)

  # Calculate AIC corr (corrected for small sample size)
  aiccorr <- (-2.0 * best_lh)+((2*numpars)*(numobs/(numobs - numpars - 1)))

  # Setup output display and show it for the first time
  # Create a window so likdisplay will default to showing the graphics
  if (show_display) {
    layout(matrix(c(1,2), 2, 1, byrow = TRUE)) # this makes a two-part graph
    likdisplay(lhistcycles, lhisthood, slp, R2, aiccorr, temp, max_iter)

  tryCatch ({

    # Keep cycling until we're done
    while (iterate) {

      cycles <- cycles + 1;

      # Make a copy of parameters before we vary
      par_copy <- par

      # Choose a new value for the parameter being varied this time
      par_copy[[par_index[[using]]]] <- par[[par_index[[using]]]] + ((runif(1)*2 - 1)* par_step[[using]]);

      # Make sure the new value is in bounds
      if (par_copy[[par_index[[using]]]] < par_lo[[using]]) {
        par_copy[[par_index[[using]]]] <- par[[par_index[[using]]]] - (runif(1) * (par[[par_index[[using]]]]- par_lo[[using]]))
      if (par_copy[[par_index[[using]]]] > par_hi[[using]]) {
        par_copy[[par_index[[using]]]] <- par[[par_index[[using]]]] + (runif(1) * (par_hi[[using]]-par[[par_index[[using]]]]))

      ## Calculate likelihood with this set of parameters
      # First:  any sub-functions needed by the model
      if (!is.null(model_call$pre_eval)) {

        while (level > 0) {
          if (is.null(pre_evals[[level]][[curr_index[[level]]]]$pre_eval)) {
            # Some of these may actually have stored a copy of "par_copy" - refresh if this is the case
            if (any(names(pre_evals[[level]][[curr_index[[level]]]]$call)=="par_copy")) {
              pre_evals[[level]][[curr_index[[level]]]]$call$par_copy <- par_copy
            eval_results[[pre_evals[[level]][[curr_index[[level]]]]$parname]]<-do.call(pre_evals[[level]][[curr_index[[level]]]]$fun, pre_evals[[level]][[curr_index[[level]]]]$call)

            if (curr_index[[level]] > max_index[[level]]) {
              # We've evaluated all the pre-evals in this level - back up
              # one level
              level <- level - 1
          else {
            # The current level has pre-evals - before evaluating the current level,
            # go down a level to the first of its pre-evals
            level <- level + 1
            curr_index[[level]] <- 1
            max_index[[level]] <- length(pre_evals[[level]][[curr_index[[level]]]]$pre_eval)
            pre_evals[[level]] <- pre_evals[[level]][[curr_index[[level]]]]$pre_eval
      eval_results <- as.list(eval_results)

      # Second:  the model predicted values
      predicted <- do.call(model,model_call$call)

      # Make sure that all values are defined
      if (!any(is.infinite(predicted)) && !any(is.nan(predicted)) && !any(is.na(predicted))) {

        # Third: any sub-functions needed by the pdf
        if (!is.null(pdf_call$pre_eval)) {

          while (level > 0) {
            if (is.null(pre_evals[[level]][[curr_index[[level]]]]$pre_eval)) {
              eval_results[[pre_evals[[level]][[curr_index[[level]]]]$parname]]<-do.call(pre_evals[[level]][[curr_index[[level]]]]$fun, pre_evals[[level]][[curr_index[[level]]]]$call)

              if (curr_index[[level]] > max_index[[level]]) {
                # We've evaluated all the pre-evals in this level - back up
                # one level
                level <- level - 1
            else {
              # The current level has pre-evals - before evaluating the current level,
              # go down a level to the first of its pre-evals
              level <- level + 1
              curr_index[[level]] <- 1
              max_index[[level]] <- length(pre_evals[[level]][[curr_index[[level]]]]$pre_eval)
              pre_evals[[level]] <- pre_evals[[level]][[curr_index[[level]]]]$pre_eval

        # Fourth: sum over the PDF
        lh <- sum (do.call(pdf,pdf_call$call))
        if (is.infinite(lh) || is.nan(lh) || is.na(lh)) lh <- -1000000

        # Accept the new values if likelihood increases or at least stays the same
        # since the last accepted likelihood
        if (lh >= acc_lh) {
          par <- par_copy
          acc_lh <- lh
          nacc <- nacc + 1
          nacp[[using]] <- nacp[[using]] + 1
          # If this is a new maximum, then update the maximum likelihood
          if (acc_lh > best_lh) {
            best_par <- par_copy
            best_lh <- acc_lh
            best_cycle <- cycles
            best_predicted <- predicted

            # Calculate slope of observed regressed on predicted
            sumx2 <- sum(predicted * predicted)
            sumxy <- sum(predicted * source_data[[dep_var]])
            slp <- sumxy/sumx2

            # Calculate R2 = 1 - (SSE/SST)
            sse <- (source_data[[dep_var]] - predicted)
            sse <- sse * sse
            sse <- sum(sse)
            R2 <- 1 - (sse/sst)

            # Calculate AIC corrected for small sample size
            aiccorr <- (-2.0 * best_lh)+((2*numpars)*(numobs/(numobs - numpars - 1)))

            lhisttemp[length(lhisttemp)+1] <- temp
            lhistcycles[length(lhistcycles) + 1] <- cycles / numpars
            lhisthood[length(lhisthood) + 1] <- best_lh
            temppar <- list()
            for (q in 1:length(parnames)) temppar[[parnames[q]]] <- best_par[[parnames[q]]]
            lhistpar[[length(lhistpar) + 1]] <- temppar
            # Display
            if (show_display) {
              likdisplay(lhistcycles, lhisthood, slp, R2, aiccorr, temp, max_iter)
        else {
          # Use Metropolis criteria to determine whether to accept a downhill move
          # lh < f, so the code below is a shortcut for exp(-1.0(abs(acc_lh-lh)/t)
          prob <- exp((lh-acc_lh)/temp);  # temp = current temperature
          if (runif(1) < prob) {
            par <- par_copy
            acc_lh <- lh
            nacp[[using]] <- nacp[[using]] + 1
        # After the user-specified interval, adjust step so that half of
        # evaluations are accepted
        if (cycles %% range_cycles == 0) {
          for (i in 1:numpars) {
            if (par_step[[i]] != 0) {
              ratio <- nacp[[i]] / ns
              # C controls the adjustment of range - references suggest
              # setting at 2.0.  I've hard-coded the 2 since Charlie doesn't
              # seem to allow setting it anywhere.
              if (ratio > 0.6) par_step[[i]] <- par_step[[i]] * (1.0 + c*((ratio - 0.6)/0.4))
                else {if (ratio < 0.4) par_step[[i]] <- par_step[[i]] / (1.0+c*((0.4 - ratio)/0.4))}
              if (is.infinite(par_step[[i]])) par_step[[i]] = .Machine$double.xmax
              if (par_step[[i]] > (par_hi[[i]] - par_lo[[i]])) par_step[[i]] <- par_hi[[i]] - par_lo[[i]]
          # Reset number of times parameters were accepted
          nacp <- rep(0, numpars)
        # After numpars * ns * nt, reduce temperature
        if (cycles %% temp_cycles == 0) {
          temp <- temp_red * temp
          # NOTE:  Goffe et al. restart the search at the current best fit each
          # time the temperature drops, but I (CDC) generally don't do this
          # Store current maximum lhood in history list
          temp_hist_inds <- c(temp_hist_inds, length(lhisthood) + 1) 
          lhisttemp[length(lhisttemp)+1] <- temp
          lhistcycles[length(lhistcycles) + 1] <- cycles / numpars
          lhisthood[length(lhisthood) + 1] <- best_lh
          temppar <- list()
          for (q in 1:length(parnames)) temppar[[parnames[q]]] <- best_par[[parnames[q]]]
          lhistpar[[length(lhistpar) + 1]] <- temppar
          # Update display
          if (show_display) {
            likdisplay(lhistcycles, lhisthood, slp, R2, aiccorr, temp, max_iter)

          # Check to see if likelihood has changed sufficiently to keep going,
          # if the user has specified alternate quitting conditions
          #if (length(lhisthood) >= min_drops+1) {
          if (length(temp_hist_inds) >= min_drops+1) {
            if (lhisthood[length(lhisthood)] - lhisthood[temp_hist_inds[length(temp_hist_inds) - min_drops]] < min_change) {
              iterate <- FALSE
        # Also update display every 100 cycles (but don't update if it just was
        # updated)
        if (cycles %% display_cycles == 0 && cycles %% temp_cycles != 0) {
          lhisttemp[length(lhisttemp)+1] <- temp
          lhistcycles[length(lhistcycles) + 1] <- cycles / numpars
          lhisthood[length(lhisthood) + 1] <- best_lh
          temppar <- list()
          for (q in 1:length(parnames)) temppar[[parnames[q]]] <- best_par[[parnames[q]]]
          lhistpar[[length(lhistpar) + 1]] <- temppar
          if (show_display) {
            likdisplay(lhistcycles, lhisthood, slp, R2, aiccorr, temp, max_iter)

        if (using == numpars) using <- 1 else using <- using + 1
          if ((cycles / numpars) >= max_iter) iterate <- FALSE

        # Here's where we skip to if there was a problem calculating likelihood
        # I don't want to update the cycle number yet -
        # that way we won't miss any scheduled temperature drops or likelihood updates

    # Calculate support limits
    par <- list()
    for (i in 1:length(parnames)) {
      par[[parnames[i]]] <- best_par[[parnames[i]]]
    limits<-support_limits(model = model, par = par, var = var, source_data = source_data,
              pdf = pdf, par_lo = par_lo_copy, par_hi = par_hi_copy, delta = delta,
              slimit = slimit)

    # Update likelihood history one last time
    lhistcycles[length(lhistcycles)] <- cycles / numpars
    lhisthood[length(lhisthood)] <- best_lh
    temppar <- list()
    for (q in 1:length(parnames)) temppar[[parnames[q]]] <- best_par[[parnames[q]]]
    lhistpar[[length(lhistpar)]] <- temppar
    lhisttemp[length(lhisttemp)] <- temp
    if (show_display) {
      likdisplay(lhistcycles, lhisthood, slp, R2, aiccorr, temp, max_iter)

  }, finally={

    # Do output

    # Update the par_step copy array with the values
    # from the "flattened" array
    for (i in 1:length(par_step_copy)) {
      if (length(par_step_copy[[i]]) == 1)
        par_step_copy[[i]] <- par_step[[parnames[[i]]]]
      else {
        for (j in 1:length(par_step_copy[[i]])) {
          par_step_copy[[i]][[j]] <- par_step[[paste(parnames[[i]], j, sep="")]]

    # Make par once again just the values that were varied, with the best
    # values; we did this when we calculated support intervals, but do it
    # again in case the user aborted the run
    par <- list()
    for (i in 1:length(parnames)) {
      par[[parnames[i]]] <- best_par[[parnames[i]]]

    # Find out what PDF was used
    if (identical(pdf, dbeta)) pdfname<-"dbeta"
      else if (identical(pdf, dbinom)) pdfname<-"dbinom"
        else if (identical(pdf, dcauchy)) pdfname<-"dcauchy"
          else if (identical(pdf, dchisq)) pdfname<-"dchisq"
            else if (identical(pdf, dnorm)) pdfname<-"dnorm"
              else if (identical(pdf, dexp)) pdfname<-"dexp"
                else if (identical(pdf, df)) pdfname<-"df"
                  else if (identical(pdf, dgamma)) pdfname<-"dgamma"
                    else if (identical(pdf, dgeom)) pdfname<-"dgeom"
                      else if (identical(pdf, dhyper)) pdfname<-"dhyper"
                        else if (identical(pdf, dlnorm)) pdfname<-"dlnorm"
                          else if (identical(pdf, dlogis)) pdfname<-"dlogis"
                            else if (identical(pdf, dnbinom)) pdfname<-"dnbinom"
                              else if (identical(pdf, dnorm)) pdfname<-"dnorm"
                                else if (identical(pdf, dpois)) pdfname<-"dpois"
                                  else if (identical(pdf, dt)) pdfname<-"dt"
                                    else if (identical(pdf, dunif)) pdfname<-"dunif"
                                      else if (identical(pdf, dweibull)) pdfname<-"dweibull"
                                        else if (identical(pdf, dwilcox)) pdfname<-"dwilcox"
                                          else pdfname<-"User-defined function"

    # Find out what the user called the model
    for (i in 1:length(base_all)) {
      if (identical(get(base_all[i], pos=.GlobalEnv),model)) {

    # Calculate the standard errors, if requested
    if (hessian) {
#      tryCatch ({
        # Flatten par, which has our best parameters
        forhess <- numeric()
        for (i in 1:length(par)) {
          forhess <- c(forhess, par[[i]])
        HResults <- fdHess(pars=forhess, fun=likeli_4_fdHess, model = model, par = par,
          var = var, source_data = source_data, pdf = pdf)
        if (!is.na(det(HResults$Hessian)) && det(HResults$Hessian) != 0 &&
            kappa(HResults$Hessian) < 1E10) {
          var_covar_mat = solve(-1*HResults$Hessian)
          std_errs_flat = sqrt(diag(var_covar_mat))
          # Fold std_errs_flat back up, if required
          std_errs = par
          k = 1
          for (i in 1:length(par)) {
            for (j in 1:length(par[[i]])) {
              std_errs[[i]][j] = std_errs_flat[k]
              k = k + 1
        } else {
          var_covar_mat = "[could not be calculated - Hessian matrix is singular]"
          std_errs <- par
          for (i in 1:length(par)) {
            std_errs[[parnames[i]]] = rep("N/A", times = length(par[[i]]))
#      }, finally={
#           var_covar_mat = "[could not be calculated due to errors]"
#           std_errs <- par
#           for (i in 1:length(par)) {
#             std_errs[[parnames[i]]] = rep("N/A", times = length(par[[i]]))
#           }
#      })
    else {
      var_covar_mat = "[not calculated]"
      std_errs <- par
      for (i in 1:length(par)) {
        std_errs[[parnames[i]]] = rep("N/A", times = length(par[[i]]))

    # To reduce var to manageable size, remove any data frames
    if (length(var) > 0)
      for (i in 1:length(var)) {if (is.data.frame(var[[i]])) var[[i]]<-"[dataset removed]" }
    parhistory <- array(dim=c(length(lhistpar),length(par_lo)))
    for (i in 1:length(lhistpar)) {
      for (j in 1:length(lhistpar[[i]])) parvals <- c(parvals,lhistpar[[i]][[j]])
      parhistory[i,] <- parvals 
      return(list(best_pars = par, var = var, iterations = cycles / numpars,
    source_data = data.frame(source_data, predicted=best_predicted),
    par_lo = par_lo_copy, par_hi = par_hi_copy, par_step = par_step_copy,
    support_interval_range = slimit,
    upper_limits = upper_limit, lower_limits = lower_limit,
    initial_temp = initial_temp, temp_red = temp_red, ns = ns, nt = nt,
    pdf = pdfname, note = note, model=model_name, std_errs = std_errs,
    var_covar_mat = var_covar_mat, max_likeli = best_lh, aic_corr = aiccorr,
    aic = (-2.0*best_lh) + (2*numpars), slope = slp, R2 = R2, c = c,
    likeli_hist = data.frame(temp = lhisttemp, iter = lhistcycles, likeli = lhisthood, parhistory)))}

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likelihood documentation built on March 31, 2023, 9:02 p.m.