
Defines functions findGRASS checkGisdbase setenvGRASSw searchGRASSX searchGRASSW paramGRASSw paramGRASSx

Documented in findGRASS paramGRASSw paramGRASSx searchGRASSW searchGRASSX setenvGRASSw

#'@title Usually for internally usage, get 'GRASS GIS' and \code{rgrass} parameters on 'Linux' OS
#'@name paramGRASSx
#'@description Initialize and set up \code{rgrass}  for 'Linux'
#'@details During the rsession you will have full access to GRASS7 GIS via the \code{rgrass} wrappe. Additionally you may use also use the API calls of GRASS7 via the command line.
#'@param set_default_GRASS default = NULL will force a search for 'GRASS GIS' You may provide a valid combination as 
#'                                    c("/usr/lib/grass74","7.4.1","grass74")
#'@param MP mount point to be searched. default is "/usr/bin"
#'@param quiet boolean  switch for supressing console messages default is TRUE
#'@param ver_select if TRUE you must interactivley selcect between alternative installations
#'@export paramGRASSx
#' @examples
#' run = FALSE
#' if (run) {
#' # automatic retrieval of the GRASS7 enviroment settings
#' paramGRASSx()
#' # typical stand_alone installation
#' paramGRASSx("/usr/bin/grass72")
#' # typical user defined installation (compiled sources)
#' paramGRASSx("/usr/local/bin/grass72")
#' }

paramGRASSx <- function(set_default_GRASS=NULL, 
                        MP = "/usr/bin",
                        ver_select = FALSE, 
                        quiet =TRUE){
  if (ver_select =='T') ver_select <- TRUE
  if (ver_select == "F" && !is.numeric(ver_select)) ver_select <- FALSE
  if (Sys.info()["sysname"]=="Windows") return(cat("You are running Windows - Please choose a suitable searchLocation argument that MUST include a Windows drive letter and colon"))
  if (is.null(set_default_GRASS )) {
    params_GRASS <- findGRASS(searchLocation = MP)
  # if e know  already something it has to be provided in set_default_GRASS
  else {   
    params_GRASS <- rbind.data.frame(set_default_GRASS)
  # choosing the desired installation depending on the ver_select options 
  if (params_GRASS[[1]][1] != FALSE) {
    # if only one take it  
    if (nrow(params_GRASS) == 1) {  
      gisbase_GRASS <- as.character(params_GRASS$instDir)
      # if more than one valid installation and verselect is a valid number:
      # take the one as defined by ver_select
    } else if (nrow(params_GRASS) > 1 & is.numeric(ver_select) & (ver_select > 0 & ver_select <= nrow(params_GRASS))) {
      if (!quiet) {
        cat("You have more than one valid GRASS version installed!\n")
        cat("Selected version is: ",ver_select,"\n")}
      gisbase_GRASS <- params_GRASS$instDir[[ver_select]]
    # if ver_selct is FALSE take the one with the highest version number
    else if (nrow(params_GRASS) > 1 & !ver_select ) {
      if (!quiet) {
        cat("You have more than one valid GRASS version installed!\n")
        cat("The latest installed version (",which(params_GRASS$version == max(params_GRASS$version)),")has been selected \n")
      gisbase_GRASS <- params_GRASS$instDir[[which(params_GRASS$version == max(params_GRASS$version))]]
    # if ver_select is TRUE manually select a version
    else if (nrow(params_GRASS) > 1 & ver_select ) {
      cat("You have more than one valid GRASS version installed!\n")
      ver <- as.numeric(readline(prompt = "Please select one:  "))
      gisbase_GRASS <- params_GRASS$instDir[[ver]]
    # if a set_default_GRASS was provided take this 
    # else {
    #   gisbase_GRASS <- set_default_GRASS
    # }
    grass$installed <- params_GRASS
    grass$exist =TRUE
  } else {grass$exist <-FALSE}
#'@title Usually for internally usage get 'GRASS GIS' and \code{rgrass} parameters on 'Windows' OS
#'@name paramGRASSw
#'@description Initialize the enviroment variables on a 'Windows' OS for using 
#'  'GRASS GIS' via \code{rgrass}
#'@details The concept is very straightforward but for an all days usage pretty
#'  helpful. You need to provide a \code{terra} or a \code{sf} object. The derived properties are used to initialize a temporary but static
#'  \href{https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=rgrass}{rgrass} environment. During the rsession you will have full access to
#'  GRASS7 both via the wrapper package as well as the command line. paramGRASSw initializes the usage of GRASS7.
#'@param DL character search location default = \code{C:}
#'@param ver_select boolean default is FALSE. If there is more than one 'SAGA GIS' installation and \code{ver_select} = TRUE the user can select interactively the preferred 'SAGA GIS' version 
#'@param set_default_GRASS default = NULL forces a full search for 'GRASS GIS' binaries. You may
#'  alternatively provide a vector containing pathes and keywords. c("C:/OSGeo4W64","grass-7.0.5","osgeo4w") is valid for a typical osgeo4w installation.
#'@param quiet boolean  switch for supressing console messages default is TRUE
#'@export paramGRASSw
#' @examples
#' run = FALSE
#' if (run) {
#' # automatic retrieval of valid 'GRASS GIS' environment settings 
#' # if more than one is found the user has to choose.
#' paramGRASSw()
#' # typical OSGeo4W64 installation
#' paramGRASSw(c("C:/OSGeo4W64","grass-7.0.5","osgeo4W"))
#' }

paramGRASSw <- function(set_default_GRASS=NULL, 
                        ver_select =FALSE,
                        quiet = TRUE) {
  if (ver_select =='T') ver_select <- TRUE
  if (ver_select == "F" && !is.numeric(ver_select)) ver_select <- FALSE
  if (Sys.info()["sysname"]=="Linux") return(cat("You are running Linux - please choose a suitable searchLocation argument"))
  # (R) set pathes  of 'GRASS' binaries depending on 'WINDOWS'
  if (is.null(set_default_GRASS)) {
    if (DL=="default" || is.null(DL)) DL <- "C:"
    # if no path is provided  we have to search
    params_GRASS <- findGRASS(searchLocation = DL,
                              quiet = quiet)
  # if e know  already something it has to be provided in set_default_GRASS
  else {   
    params_GRASS <- rbind.data.frame(set_default_GRASS)
  if (params_GRASS[[1]][1] != FALSE) {
    # if just one valid installation was found take it
    if (nrow(params_GRASS) == 1) {  
      gisbase_GRASS <- setenvGRASSw(root_GRASS = params_GRASS$instDir[[1]],
                                    grass_version = params_GRASS$version[[1]], 
                                    installation_type = params_GRASS$installation_type[[1]],
                                    quiet = quiet )
      grass_version = params_GRASS$version[[1]]
      installation_type = params_GRASS$installation_type[[1]]
      # if more than one valid installation was found you have to choose 
    } else if (nrow(params_GRASS) > 1 & is.numeric(ver_select) & (ver_select > 0 & ver_select <= nrow(params_GRASS))){
      if (!quiet) {
        cat("You have more than one valid GRASS GIS version\n")
        cat("You have selected version: ",ver_select,"\n")
      gisbase_GRASS <- normalizePath(setenvGRASSw(root_GRASS = params_GRASS$instDir[[ver_select]],
                                                  grass_version = params_GRASS$version[[ver_select]], 
                                                  installation_type = params_GRASS$installation_type[[ver_select]],
                                                  quiet = quiet  ),
                                     winslash = "/")
      grass_version = params_GRASS$version[[ver_select]]
      installation_type = params_GRASS$installation_type[[ver_select]]
      # if ver_selct is FALSE take the one with the highest version number
    } else if (nrow(params_GRASS) > 1 & !ver_select) {  
      if (!quiet) {
        cat("You have more than one valid GRASS version installed!\n")
        cat("The latest installed version (",which(params_GRASS$version == max(params_GRASS$version)),")has been selected \n")
      gisbase_GRASS <- setenvGRASSw(root_GRASS = params_GRASS$instDir[[which(params_GRASS$version == max(params_GRASS$version))]],
                                    grass_version = params_GRASS$version[[which(params_GRASS$version == max(params_GRASS$version))]], 
                                    installation_type = params_GRASS$installation_type[[which(params_GRASS$version == max(params_GRASS$version))]] ,
      grass_version = params_GRASS$version[[which(params_GRASS$version == max(params_GRASS$version))]]
      installation_type = params_GRASS$installation_type[[which(params_GRASS$version == max(params_GRASS$version))]]
      # if ver_selct is true  one has to select
    } else if (nrow(params_GRASS) > 1 & ver_select) {
      cat("You have more than one valid GRASS GIS version\n")
      ver <- as.numeric(readline(prompt = "Please select one:  "))
      gisbase_GRASS <- normalizePath(setenvGRASSw(root_GRASS = params_GRASS$instDir[[ver]],
                                                  grass_version = params_GRASS$version[[ver]], 
                                                  installation_type = params_GRASS$installation_type[[ver]],
                                                  quiet = quiet  ),
                                     winslash = "/")
      grass_version = params_GRASS$version[[ver]]
      installation_type = params_GRASS$installation_type[[ver]]
    # if a set_default_GRASS was provided take this 
    # } 
    # else {
    #    gisbase_GRASS <- setenvGRASSw(root_GRASS = set_default_GRASS[1],
    #                                  grass_version = set_default_GRASS[2], 
    #                                  installation_type = set_default_GRASS[3],
    #                                  quiet =quiet)  
    #    grass_version = set_default_GRASS[2]
    #    installation_type = set_default_GRASS[3]
    #    params_GRASS<- data.frame(instDir = gisbase_GRASS, 
    #                              version = grass_version, 
    #                              installation_type = installation_type,
    #                              stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    #  }
    grass$version <- grass_version
    grass$type <- installation_type
    grass$installed <- params_GRASS
  } else {grass <-FALSE}

#'@title Search recursivly valid 'GRASS GIS' installation(s) on a given 'Windows' drive 
#'@name searchGRASSW
#'@title Search for valid OSGeo4W 'GRASS GIS' installation(s) on a given 'Windows' drive 
#'@description  Provides an  list of valid 'GRASS GIS' installation(s) on your 'Windows' system. There is a major difference between osgeo4W and stand_alone installations. The functions trys to find all valid installations by analysing the calling batch scripts.
#'@param DL drive letter to be searched, default is "C:"
#'@param quiet boolean  switch for supressing console messages default is TRUEs
#'@return A dataframe with the 'GRASS GIS' root folder(s), version name(s) and installation type code(s)
#'@author Chris Reudenbach
#'@export searchGRASSW
#'@keywords internal
#' \dontrun{
#' # get all valid 'GRASS GIS' installation folders and params at "C:"
#' searchGRASSW()
#' }

searchGRASSW <- function(DL = "C:",
                         quiet =TRUE){
  if (DL=="default") DL <- "C:"
  # trys to find a osgeo4w installation on the whole C: disk returns root directory and version name
  # recursive dir for grass*.bat returns all version of grass bat files
  if (!quiet) cat("\nsearching for GRASS installations - this may take a while\n")
  if (!quiet) cat("For providing the path manually see ?searchGRASSW \n")
  options(show.error.messages = FALSE)
  raw_GRASS <- try(system(paste0("cmd.exe /c dir /B /S ", DL, "\\grass*.bat"), intern = TRUE,ignore.stderr = TRUE))
  if (grepl(raw_GRASS,pattern = "File not found") | grepl(raw_GRASS,pattern = "Datei nicht gefunden")) {
    class(raw_GRASS) <- c("try-error", class(raw_GRASS))
  options(show.error.messages = TRUE)
  if(!class(raw_GRASS)[1] == "try-error") {
    # trys to identify valid grass installation(s) & version number(s)
    installations_GRASS <- lapply(seq(length(raw_GRASS)), function(i){
      # convert codetable according to cmd.exe using type
      batchfile_lines <- system(paste0("cmd.exe /C TYPE  ", utils::shortPathName(raw_GRASS[i]) ) , 
                                ignore.stdout = FALSE, intern = TRUE)
      osgeo4w <- FALSE
      stand_alone <- FALSE
      root_dir <- ''
      # if the the tag "OSGEO4W" exists set installation_type
      if (length(unique(grep(paste("OSGEO4W", collapse = "|"), batchfile_lines, value = TRUE))) > 0) {
        osgeo4w <- TRUE
        stand_alone <- FALSE
      # if the the tag "NSIS installer" exists set installation_type
      if (length(unique(grep(paste("NSIS installer", collapse = "|"), batchfile_lines, value = TRUE))) > 0) {
        osgeo4w <- FALSE
        stand_alone <- TRUE
      ### if installation_type is osgeo4w
      if (osgeo4w) {
        if (basename(utils::shortPathName(raw_GRASS[i])) == "grass78.bat"|| basename(utils::shortPathName(raw_GRASS[i])) == "grass79.bat"){
          # grep line with root directory and extract the substring defining GISBASE
          root_dir <-dirname(utils::shortPathName(raw_GRASS[i]))
          # grep line with the version name and extract it
          ver_char <- substr(basename(utils::shortPathName(raw_GRASS[i])),6,7)
          installerType <- "osgeo4W"
        } else { 
        if (length(grep("PREREM~1", utils::shortPathName(raw_GRASS[i]))) == 0  && length(grep("extrabin", utils::shortPathName(raw_GRASS[i]))) == 0 ){
        # grep line with root directory and extract the substring defining GISBASE
        root_dir <- unique(grep(paste("OSGEO4W_ROOT", collapse = "|"), batchfile_lines, value = TRUE))
        #if (substr(root_dir,1,1) == "\\" & length(root_dir) > 0) root_dir <- substr(root_dir,3,nchar(root_dir))
        if (length(root_dir) > 0) root_dir <- substr(root_dir, gregexpr(pattern = "=", root_dir)[[1]][1] + 1, nchar(root_dir))
        # grep line with the version name and extract it
        ver_char <- unique(grep(paste("\\benv.bat\\b", collapse = "|"), batchfile_lines,value = TRUE))
        if (length(root_dir) > 0) {
          ver_char <- substr(ver_char, gregexpr(pattern = "\\grass-", ver_char)[[1]][1], nchar(ver_char))
          ver_char <- substr(ver_char, 1, gregexpr(pattern = "\\\\", ver_char)[[1]][1] - 1)
        installerType <- "osgeo4W"
      ### if installatationtype is stand_alone
      if (stand_alone) {
        # grep line containing GISBASE and extract the substring 
        root_dir <- unique(grep(paste("set GISBASE=", collapse = "|"), batchfile_lines, value = TRUE))
        #if (substr(root_dir,1,1) == "\\" & length(root_dir) > 0) root_dir <- substr(root_dir,3,nchar(root_dir))
        if (length(root_dir) > 0) root_dir <- substr(root_dir, gregexpr(pattern = "=", root_dir)[[1]][1] + 1, nchar(root_dir))
        ver_char <- root_dir
        if (length(root_dir) > 0) {
          ver_char <- substr(ver_char, gregexpr(pattern = "GRASS", ver_char)[[1]][1], nchar(ver_char))
        installerType <- "NSIS"
      # check if the the folder really exists
      if (length(root_dir) > 0) {
        root_dir = root_dir <- substr(root_dir[[1]], gregexpr(pattern = "=", root_dir)[[1]][1] + 1, nchar(root_dir))
        if (!file.exists(file.path(root_dir))) {
          exist <- FALSE
        } else {
          exist <- TRUE
      } else {
        exist <- FALSE
      # put the existing GISBASE directory, version number  and installation type in a data frame
      if (length(root_dir) > 0 & exist) {
        data.frame(instDir = root_dir, version = ver_char, installation_type = installerType,stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    }) # end lapply
    # bind the df lines
    installations_GRASS <- do.call("rbind", installations_GRASS)

  } else {
    if(!quiet) cat("Did not find any valid GRASS installation at mount point",DL)
    return(installations_GRASS <- FALSE)}

#'@title Return attributes of valid 'GRASS GIS' installation(s) in 'Linux'
#'@name searchGRASSX
#'@description Searches recursively for valid 'GRASS GIS' installations at a given 'Linux' mount point.
#'Returns attributes for each installation.
#'@param MP default is /usr. This is the directory from which the grass executable file is searched, i.e. one executable for each GRASS installation on the system.
#'@return A dataframe containing 'GRASS GIS' binary folder(s) (i.e. where the individual GRASS commands are installed), version name(s) and installation type code(s)
#'@param quiet boolean  switch for supressing console messages default is TRUEs

#'@author Chris Reudenbach
#'@export searchGRASSX
#'@keywords internal
#' \dontrun{
#' # get all valid 'GRASS GIS' installation folders in the /usr/bin directory (typical location)
#' searchGRASSX("/usr/bin")
#' # get all valid 'GRASS GIS' installation folders in the home directory
#' searchGRASSX("~/")
#' }

searchGRASSX <- function(MP = "/usr/bin",quiet =TRUE){
  if (MP=="default") MP <- "/usr/bin"
  raw_GRASS <- system2("find", paste(MP," ! -readable -prune -o -type f -executable -iname 'grass??' -print"),stdout = TRUE,stderr = FALSE)
  if (length(raw_GRASS) == 0) raw_GRASS <- system2("find", paste(MP," ! -readable -prune -o -type f -executable -iname 'grass' -print"),stdout = TRUE,stderr = FALSE)
  if (length(raw_GRASS) > 0 ) {
    installations_GRASS <- lapply(seq(length(raw_GRASS)), function(i){
      # grep line containing GISBASE and extract the substring 
      rg<- strsplit(raw_GRASS,split = "/")
      if (rg[[i]][lengths(rg)] == "grass78" | rg[[i]][lengths(rg)] == "grass" ) {

      ver_char <- grep(readLines(raw_GRASS[[i]]),pattern = 'GRASS_VERSION = "',value = TRUE)        
      ver_char <- substr(ver_char, gregexpr(pattern = '"', ver_char)[[1]][1] + 1, nchar(ver_char) - 1)
      cmd <- grep(readLines(raw_GRASS[[i]]),pattern = 'CMD_NAME = "',value = TRUE)
      cmd <- substr(cmd, gregexpr(pattern = '"', cmd)[[1]][1] + 1, nchar(cmd) - 1)
      rootdir<- grep(readLines(raw_GRASS[[i]]),pattern = 'GISBASE = os.path.normpath',value = TRUE)
      root_dir <- substr(rootdir[2], gregexpr(pattern = '"', rootdir[2])[[1]][1] + 1, nchar(rootdir[2]) - 2)
      if (!file.exists(root_dir)) root_dir  <-  "/opt/grass"
      else  {
        root_dir <- try(grep(readLines(raw_GRASS[[i]]),pattern = 'gisbase = "',value = TRUE),silent = TRUE)
        if(!class(root_dir)[1] == "try-error" ) {
          root_dir <- substr(root_dir, gregexpr(pattern = '"', root_dir)[[1]][1] + 1, nchar(root_dir) - 1)
          ver_char <- grep(readLines(raw_GRASS[[i]]),pattern = 'grass_version = "',value = TRUE)
          ver_char <- substr(ver_char, gregexpr(pattern = '"', ver_char)[[1]][1] + 1, nchar(ver_char) - 1)
          cmd <- grep(readLines(raw_GRASS[[i]]),pattern = 'cmd_name = "',value = TRUE)
          cmd <- substr(cmd, gregexpr(pattern = '"', cmd)[[1]][1] + 1, nchar(cmd) - 1)
      # put it in data frame
      data.frame(instDir = root_dir, version = ver_char, installation_type = cmd , stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    }) # end lapply
    # bind the df lines
    installations_GRASS <- do.call("rbind", installations_GRASS)
  } else {
    if(!quiet) cat("Did not find any valid GRASS installation at mount point",MP)
    return(installations_GRASS <- FALSE)

#'@title Usually for internally usage, create valid 'GRASS GIS 7.xx' rsession environment settings according to the selected GRASS GIS 7.x and Windows Version
#'@name setenvGRASSw
#'@description  Initializes and set up  access to 'GRASS GIS 7.xx' via the \code{rgrass} wrapper or command line packages. Set and returns all necessary environment variables and additionally returns the GISBASE directory as string.
#'@param root_GRASS  grass root directory i.e. "C:\\OSGEO4~1",
#'@param grass_version grass version name i.e. "grass-7.0.5"
#'@param installation_type two options "osgeo4w" as installed by the 'OSGeo4W'-installer and "NSIS" that is typical for a stand_alone installtion of 'GRASS GIS'.
#'@param quiet boolean  switch for supressing console messages default is TRUE
#'@param jpgmem jpeg2000 memory allocation size. Default is 1000000
#'@author Chris Reudenbach
#'@export setenvGRASSw
#' \dontrun{
#' # set choosen'GRASS GIS' installation folders 
#' setenvGRASSw(root_GRASS = "C:\\PROGRA~1\\QGIS2~1.18",
#'              grass_version =  "grass-7.2.1",
#'              installation_type =  "osgeo4W")
#' }

setenvGRASSw <- function(root_GRASS=NULL,
                         grass_version = NULL,
                         installation_type = NULL,
                         jpgmem = 1000000,
                         quiet = TRUE) {
  if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows") {
    if (!exists("GiEnv")) GiEnv <- new.env(parent=globalenv())  
    #.GRASS_CACHE <- new.env(FALSE parent=globalenv())
    if (is.null(root_GRASS) || is.null(grass_version) || is.null(installation_type)) {
      stop("Please run findGRASS first and provide valid arguments")
    if (installation_type == "osgeo4W" || installation_type == "OSGeo4W64") {
      Sys.setenv(OSGEO4W_ROOT = root_GRASS)
      # define GISBASE
      gisbase_GRASS <- paste0(root_GRASS,"\\apps\\grass\\",grass_version)
      Sys.setenv(GISBASE = gisbase_GRASS,envir = GiEnv)
      assign("SYS", "WinNat", envir = GiEnv)
      assign("addEXE", ".exe", envir = GiEnv)
      assign("WN_bat", "", envir = GiEnv)
      assign("legacyExec", "windows", envir = GiEnv)
      Sys.setenv(GRASS_PYTHON = paste0(Sys.getenv("OSGEO4W_ROOT"),"\\bin\\python.exe"),envir = GiEnv)
      Sys.setenv(PYTHONHOME = paste0(Sys.getenv("OSGEO4W_ROOT"),"\\apps\\Python27"),envir = GiEnv)
      Sys.setenv(PYTHONPATH = paste0(Sys.getenv("OSGEO4W_ROOT"),"\\apps\\grass\\",grass_version,"\\etc\\python"),envir = GiEnv)
      Sys.setenv(GRASS_PROJSHARE = paste0(Sys.getenv("OSGEO4W_ROOT"),"\\share\\proj"),envir = GiEnv)
      Sys.setenv(PROJ_LIB = paste0(Sys.getenv("OSGEO4W_ROOT"),"\\share\\proj"),envir = GiEnv)
      Sys.setenv(GDAL_DATA = paste0(Sys.getenv("OSGEO4W_ROOT"),"\\share\\gdal"),envir = GiEnv)
      Sys.setenv(GEOTIFF_CSV = paste0(Sys.getenv("OSGEO4W_ROOT"),"\\share\\epsg_csv"),envir = GiEnv)
      Sys.setenv(FONTCONFIG_FILE = paste0(Sys.getenv("OSGEO4W_ROOT"),"\\etc\\fonts.conf"),envir = GiEnv)
      Sys.setenv(JPEGMEM = jpgmem,envir = GiEnv)
      Sys.setenv(FONTCONFIG_FILE = paste0(Sys.getenv("OSGEO4W_ROOT"),"\\bin\\gdalplugins"),envir = GiEnv)
      Sys.setenv(GISRC = paste(Sys.getenv("HOME"), "\\.grassrc7",  sep = ""),envir = GiEnv)
      # set path variable
      Sys.setenv(PATH = paste0(gisbase_GRASS,";",
                               Sys.getenv("PATH")),envir = GiEnv)
      # get list of all tools
      if (!quiet) system(paste0(root_GRASS,"/bin/o-help.bat"))
    # for the NSIS windows installer versions
    else {
      Sys.setenv(GRASS_ROOT = root_GRASS)
      # define GISBASE
      gisbase_GRASS <- normalizePath(root_GRASS)
      Sys.setenv(GISBASE = gisbase_GRASS,envir = GiEnv)
      assign("SYS", "WinNat", envir = GiEnv)
      assign("addEXE", ".exe", envir = GiEnv)
      assign("WN_bat", "", envir = GiEnv)
      assign("legacyExec", "windows", envir = GiEnv)
      Sys.setenv(GRASS_PYTHON = paste0(Sys.getenv("GRASS_ROOT"),"\\bin\\python.exe"),envir = GiEnv)
      Sys.setenv(PYTHONHOME = paste0(Sys.getenv("GRASS_ROOT"),"\\Python27"),envir = GiEnv)
      Sys.setenv(PYTHONPATH = paste0(Sys.getenv("GRASS_ROOT"),"\\etc\\python"),envir = GiEnv)
      Sys.setenv(GRASS_PROJSHARE = paste0(Sys.getenv("GRASS_ROOT"),"\\share\\proj"),envir = GiEnv)
      Sys.setenv(PROJ_LIB = paste0(Sys.getenv("GRASS_ROOT"),"\\share\\proj"),envir = GiEnv)
      Sys.setenv(GDAL_DATA = paste0(Sys.getenv("GRASS_ROOT"),"\\share\\gdal"),envir = GiEnv)
      Sys.setenv(GEOTIFF_CSV = paste0(Sys.getenv("GRASS_ROOT"),"\\share\\epsg_csv"),envir = GiEnv)
      Sys.setenv(FONTCONFIG_FILE = paste0(Sys.getenv("GRASS_ROOT"),"\\etc\\fonts.conf"),envir = GiEnv)
      Sys.setenv(JPEGMEM = jpgmem,envir = GiEnv)
      Sys.setenv(FONTCONFIG_FILE = paste0(Sys.getenv("GRASS_ROOT"),"\\bin\\gdalplugins"),envir = GiEnv)
      Sys.setenv(GISRC = paste(Sys.getenv("HOME"), "\\.grassrc7",  sep = ""),envir = GiEnv)
      # set path variable OSGeo4W64/apps/grass/grass-7.2.2/bin
      Sys.setenv(PATH = paste0(gisbase_GRASS,";",
                               Sys.getenv("PATH")),envir = GiEnv)
  } else {gisbase_GRASS <- "Sorry no Windows System..." }

checkGisdbase <- function(x = NULL , gisdbase = NULL, location = NULL, gisdbase_exist = FALSE, obj_name = NULL ) {
  if (gisdbase_exist)
    linkGRASS(gisdbase = gisdbase, location = location, gisdbase_exist = TRUE)  
    linkGRASS(x, gisdbase = gisdbase, location = location)  
  path <- Sys.getenv("GISDBASE")
  sq_name <- gsub(tolower(paste0(obj_name,".sqlite")),pattern = "\\-",replacement = "_")
  return(list(gisbase_path = path, sqlite = sq_name))

#'@title Return attributes of valid 'GRASS GIS' installation(s) on the system
#'@name findGRASS
#'@description  Provides a list of valid 'GRASS GIS' installation(s) 
#'on your system. There is a major difference between osgeo4W and 
#'stand_alone installations. The functions tries to find all valid 
#'installations by analysing the calling batch scripts.
#'@param searchLocation location to be searched for the grass executable, 
#'i.e. one executable for each GRASS installation on the system.
#'For Windows systems
#'it is mandatory to include an uppercase Windows drive letter and a colon.
#' Default For Windows Systems 
#' is \code{C:}, for Linux systems default is \code{/usr/bin}.
#'@param ver_select boolean default is FALSE. If there is more than one 'SAGA GIS' installation and \code{ver_select} = TRUE the user can select interactively the preferred 'SAGA GIS' version 
#'@param quiet boolean  switch for supressing console messages default is TRUE
#'@return A dataframe with the 'GRASS GIS' binary folder(s) (i.e. where the 
#'individual GRASS commands are installed), version name(s) and 
#'installation type code(s)
#'@author Chris Reudenbach
#'@export findGRASS
#' \dontrun{
#' # find recursively all existing 'GRASS GIS' installation folders starting 
#' # at the default search location
#' findGRASS()
#' }
findGRASS <- function(searchLocation = "default",
                      ver_select = FALSE,
                      quiet=TRUE) {
  if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows") {
    if (searchLocation=="default") searchLocation <- "C:"
    if (grepl(paste0(LETTERS, ":", collapse="|"), searchLocation) )
      link = link2GI::searchGRASSW(DL = searchLocation)  
    else return(cat("You are running Windows - Please choose a suitable searchLocation argument that MUST include a Windows drive letter and colon"))
  } else {
    if (searchLocation=="default") searchLocation <- "/usr/bin"
    if (grepl(searchLocation,pattern = ":"))  return(cat("You are running Linux - please choose a suitable searchLocation argument"))
    else link = link2GI::searchGRASSX(MP = searchLocation)

Try the link2GI package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

link2GI documentation built on Nov. 2, 2023, 6:27 p.m.