
Defines functions findGRASS checkGisdbase setenvGRASSw searchGRASSX searchGRASSW paramGRASSw paramGRASSx

Documented in findGRASS paramGRASSw paramGRASSx searchGRASSW searchGRASSX setenvGRASSw

#'@title Usually for internally usage, get 'GRASS GIS' and \code{rgrass} parameters on 'Linux' OS
#'@name paramGRASSx
#'@description Initialize and set up \code{rgrass}  for 'Linux'
#'@details During the rsession you will have full access to GRASS7 GIS via the \code{rgrass} wrapper. Additionally you may use also use the API calls of GRASS via the command line.
#'@param set_default_GRASS, default is NULL. will force a search for 'GRASS GIS' You may provide a valid combination as 
#'                                    c('/usr/lib/grass74','7.4.1','grass74')
#'@param MP, default is '/usr/bin'. mount point to be searched. 
#'@param quiet boolean, default is TRUE.  switch for suppressing console messages 
#'@param ver_select if TRUE you must interactively select between alternative installations
#'@keywords internal
#' @examples
#' run = FALSE
#' if (run) {
#' # automatic retrieval of the GRASS environment settings
#' paramGRASSx()
#' # typical stand_alone installation
#' paramGRASSx('/usr/bin/grass72')
#' # typical user defined installation (compiled sources)
#' paramGRASSx('/usr/local/bin/grass72')
#' }
paramGRASSx <- function(set_default_GRASS = NULL, MP = "/usr/bin", ver_select = FALSE, quiet = TRUE) {
  if (ver_select == "T")
    ver_select <- TRUE
  if (ver_select == "F" && !is.numeric(ver_select))
    ver_select <- FALSE
  if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows")
    return(cat("You are running Windows - Please choose a suitable searchLocation argument that MUST include a Windows drive letter and colon"))
  if (is.null(set_default_GRASS)) {
    params_GRASS <- findGRASS(searchLocation = MP)
  } else {
    # if we know already something it has to be provided in set_default_GRASS
    params_GRASS <- rbind.data.frame(set_default_GRASS)
    names(params_GRASS) <- c("instDir", "version", "installation_type")
  # choosing the desired installation depending on the ver_select options
  if (params_GRASS[[1]][1] != FALSE) {
    # if only one take it
    if (nrow(params_GRASS) == 1) {
      gisbase_GRASS <- as.character(params_GRASS$instDir)
      # if more than one valid installation and verselect is a valid number: take the one as defined by
      # ver_select
    } else if (nrow(params_GRASS) > 1 & is.numeric(ver_select) & (ver_select > 0 & ver_select <= nrow(params_GRASS))) {
      if (!quiet) {
        cat("You have more than one valid GRASS version installed!\n")
        cat("Selected version is: ", ver_select, "\n")
      gisbase_GRASS <- params_GRASS$instDir[[ver_select]]
    } else if (nrow(params_GRASS) > 1 & !ver_select) {
      # if ver_selct is FALSE take the one with the highest version number
      if (!quiet) {
        cat("You have more than one valid GRASS version installed!\n")
        cat("The latest installed version (", which(params_GRASS$version == max(params_GRASS$version))[1], ")has been selected \n")
      gisbase_GRASS <- params_GRASS$instDir[[which(params_GRASS$version == max(params_GRASS$version))[1]]]
    } else if (nrow(params_GRASS) > 1 & ver_select) {
      # if ver_select is TRUE manually select a version
      cat("You have more than one valid GRASS version installed!\n")
      ver <- as.numeric(readline(prompt = "Please select one:  "))
      gisbase_GRASS <- params_GRASS$instDir[[ver]]
    # if a set_default_GRASS was provided take this } else { gisbase_GRASS <- set_default_GRASS }
    grass <- list()
    grass$gisbase_GRASS <- gisbase_GRASS
    grass$installed <- params_GRASS
    grass$exist <- TRUE
  } else {
    grass$exist <- FALSE
  # return(gisbase_GRASS)
#'@title Usually for internally usage get 'GRASS GIS' and \code{rgrass} parameters on 'Windows' OS
#'@name paramGRASSw
#'@description Initialize the enviroment variables on a 'Windows' OS for using 
#'  'GRASS GIS' via \code{rgrass}
#'@details The concept is very straightforward but for an all days usage pretty
#'  helpful. You need to provide a \code{terra} or a \code{sf} object. The derived properties are used to initialize a temporary but static
#'  \href{https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=rgrass}{rgrass} environment. During the rsession you will have full access to
#'  GRASS both via the wrapper package as well as the command line. paramGRASSw initializes the usage of GRASS.
#'@param DL character search location default = \code{C:}
#'@param ver_select boolean default is FALSE. If there is more than one 'SAGA GIS' installation and \code{ver_select} = TRUE the user can select interactively the preferred 'SAGA GIS' version 
#'@param set_default_GRASS default = NULL forces a full search for 'GRASS GIS' binaries. You may
#'  alternatively provide a vector containing paths and keywords. c('C:/OSGeo4W64','grass-7.0.5','osgeo4w') is valid for a typical osgeo4w installation.
#'@param quiet boolean  switch for supressing console messages default is TRUE
#'@keywords internal
#' @examples
#' run = FALSE
#' if (run) {
#' # automatic retrieval of valid 'GRASS GIS' environment settings 
#' # if more than one is found the user has to choose.
#' paramGRASSw()
#' # typical OSGeo4W64 installation
#' paramGRASSw(c('C:/OSGeo4','grass7.8','osgeo4W'))
#' }
paramGRASSw <- function(set_default_GRASS = NULL, DL = "C:/", ver_select = FALSE, quiet = TRUE) {
  if (ver_select == "T")
    ver_select <- TRUE
  if (ver_select == "F" && !is.numeric(ver_select))
    ver_select <- FALSE
  if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Linux")
    return(cat("You are running Linux - please choose a suitable searchLocation argument"))
  # (R) set paths of 'GRASS' binaries depending on 'WINDOWS'
  if (is.null(set_default_GRASS)) {
    if (DL == "default" || is.null(DL))
      DL <- "C:/"
    # if no path is provided we have to search
    params_GRASS <- findGRASS(searchLocation = DL, quiet = quiet)
  } else {
    params_GRASS <- rbind.data.frame(set_default_GRASS)
    names(params_GRASS) <- c("instDir", "version", "installation_type")
  if (params_GRASS[[1]][1] != FALSE) {
    # if just one valid installation was found take it
    if (nrow(params_GRASS) == 1) {
      gisbase_GRASS <- setenvGRASSw(root_GRASS = params_GRASS$instDir[[1]], grass_version = params_GRASS$version[[1]],
                                    installation_type = params_GRASS$installation_type[[1]], quiet = quiet)
      grass_version <- params_GRASS$version[[1]]
      installation_type <- params_GRASS$installation_type[[1]]
      # if more than one valid installation was found you have to choose
    } else if (nrow(params_GRASS) > 1 & is.numeric(ver_select) & (ver_select > 0 & ver_select <= nrow(params_GRASS))) {
      if (!quiet) {
        cat("You have more than one valid GRASS GIS version\n")
        cat("You have selected version: ", ver_select, "\n")
      gisbase_GRASS <- normalizePath(setenvGRASSw(root_GRASS = params_GRASS$instDir[[ver_select]], grass_version = params_GRASS$version[[ver_select]],
                                                  installation_type = params_GRASS$installation_type[[ver_select]], quiet = quiet), winslash = "/")
      grass_version <- params_GRASS$version[[ver_select]]
      installation_type <- params_GRASS$installation_type[[ver_select]]
      # if ver_selct is FALSE take the one with the highest version number
    } else if (nrow(params_GRASS) > 1 & !ver_select) {
      if (!quiet) {
        cat("You have more than one valid GRASS version installed!\n")
        cat("The latest installed version (", which(params_GRASS$version == max(params_GRASS$version))[1], ")has been selected \n")
      gisbase_GRASS <- setenvGRASSw(root_GRASS = params_GRASS$instDir[[which(params_GRASS$version == max(params_GRASS$version))[1]]],
                                    grass_version = params_GRASS$version[[which(params_GRASS$version == max(params_GRASS$version))[1]]], installation_type = params_GRASS$installation_type[[which(params_GRASS$version ==
                                                                                                                                                                                                     max(params_GRASS$version))[1]]], quiet = quiet)
      grass_version <- params_GRASS$version[[which(params_GRASS$version == max(params_GRASS$version))[1]]]
      installation_type <- params_GRASS$installation_type[[which(params_GRASS$version == max(params_GRASS$version))[1]]]
      # if ver_selct is true one has to select
    } else if (nrow(params_GRASS) > 1 & ver_select) {
      cat("You have more than one valid GRASS GIS version\n")
      ver <- as.numeric(readline(prompt = "Please select one:  "))
      gisbase_GRASS <- normalizePath(setenvGRASSw(root_GRASS = params_GRASS$instDir[[ver]], grass_version = params_GRASS$version[[ver]],
                                                  installation_type = params_GRASS$installation_type[[ver]], quiet = quiet), winslash = "/")
      grass_version <- params_GRASS$version[[ver]]
      installation_type <- params_GRASS$installation_type[[ver]]
    # if a set_default_GRASS was provided take this } else { gisbase_GRASS <- setenvGRASSw(root_GRASS =
    # set_default_GRASS[1], grass_version = set_default_GRASS[2], installation_type = set_default_GRASS[3], quiet
    # =quiet) grass_version = set_default_GRASS[2] installation_type = set_default_GRASS[3] params_GRASS<-
    # data.frame(instDir = gisbase_GRASS, version = grass_version, installation_type = installation_type,
    # stringsAsFactors = FALSE) }
    grass <- list()
    grass$gisbase_GRASS <- gsub("\\\\", "/", gisbase_GRASS)
    grass$version <- grass_version
    grass$type <- installation_type
    grass$installed <- params_GRASS
  } else {
    grass <- FALSE
#'@title Search recursivly valid 'GRASS GIS' installation(s) on a given 'Windows' drive 
#'@name searchGRASSW
#'@title Search for valid OSGeo4W 'GRASS GIS' installation(s) on a given 'Windows' drive 
#'@description  Provides an  list of valid 'GRASS GIS' installation(s) on your 'Windows' system. There is a major difference between osgeo4W and stand_alone installations. The functions trys to find all valid installations by analysing the calling batch scripts.
#'@param DL drive letter to be searched, default is \code{C:/}
#'@param quiet boolean  switch for supressing console messages default is TRUEs
#'@return A dataframe with the 'GRASS GIS' root folder(s), version name(s) and installation type code(s)
#'@author Chris Reudenbach
#'@export searchGRASSW
#'@keywords internal
#' \dontrun{
#' # get all valid 'GRASS GIS' installation folders and params at 'C:/'
#' searchGRASSW()
#' }
searchGRASSW <- function(DL = "C:/", quiet = TRUE) {
  DL <- bf_wpath(DL)
  # trys to find a osgeo4w installation on the whole C: disk returns root directory and version name recursive dir
  # for grass*.bat returns all version of grass bat files
  if (!quiet)
    cat("\nsearching for GRASS installations - this may take a while\n")
  if (!quiet)
    cat("For providing the path manually see ?searchGRASSW \n")
  options(show.error.messages = FALSE)
  options(warn = -1)
  raw_GRASS <- try(system(paste0("cmd.exe /c WHERE /R ", DL, " ", "grass*.bat"), intern = TRUE))
  # raw_GRASS <- try(system(paste0('cmd.exe /c dir /B /S ', DL, '\\','grass*.bat'), intern = TRUE,ignore.stderr =
  # TRUE))
  if (unique((grepl(raw_GRASS, pattern = "File not found") | grepl(raw_GRASS, pattern = "Datei nicht gefunden") | grepl(raw_GRASS,
                                                                                                                        pattern = "INFORMATION:") | grepl(raw_GRASS, pattern = "FEHLER:") | grepl(raw_GRASS, pattern = "ERROR:")))) {
    message("::: NO GRASS installation found at: '", DL, "'")
    message("::: NOTE:  Links or symbolic links like 'C:/Documents' are not searched...")
  options(show.error.messages = TRUE)
  options(warn = 0)
  if (!methods::is(raw_GRASS[1], "try-error")) {
    # trys to identify valid grass installation(s) & version number(s)
    installations_GRASS <- lapply(seq(length(raw_GRASS)), function(i) {
      # convert codetable according to cmd.exe using type
      batchfile_lines <- system(paste0("cmd.exe /C TYPE  ", utils::shortPathName(raw_GRASS[i])), ignore.stdout = FALSE,
                                intern = TRUE)
      osgeo4w <- FALSE
      stand_alone <- FALSE
      root_dir <- ""
      # if the the tag 'OSGEO4W' exists set installation_type
      if (length(unique(grep(paste("OSGEO4W", collapse = "|"), batchfile_lines, value = TRUE))) > 0) {
        osgeo4w <- TRUE
        stand_alone <- FALSE
      # if the the tag 'NSIS installer' exists set installation_type
      if (length(unique(grep(paste("NSIS installer", collapse = "|"), batchfile_lines, value = TRUE))) > 0) {
        osgeo4w <- FALSE
        stand_alone <- TRUE
      ### if installation_type is osgeo4w
      if (osgeo4w) {
        if (basename(utils::shortPathName(raw_GRASS[i])) == "grass78.bat" || basename(utils::shortPathName(raw_GRASS[i])) ==
            "grass79.bat" || basename(utils::shortPathName(raw_GRASS[i])) == "grass83.bat") {
          # grep line with root directory and extract the substring defining GISBASE
          root_dir <- dirname(dirname(utils::shortPathName(raw_GRASS[i])))
          # grep line with the version name and extract it
          ver_char <- substr(basename(utils::shortPathName(raw_GRASS[i])), 6, 7)
          installerType <- "osgeo4W"
        } else {
          if (length(grep("PREREM~1", utils::shortPathName(raw_GRASS[i]))) == 0 && length(grep("extrabin", utils::shortPathName(raw_GRASS[i]))) ==
              0) {
            # grep line with root directory and extract the substring defining GISBASE
            root_dir <- unique(grep(paste("OSGEO4W_ROOT", collapse = "|"), batchfile_lines, value = TRUE))
            # if (substr(root_dir,1,1) == '\\' & length(root_dir) > 0) root_dir <-
            # substr(root_dir,3,nchar(root_dir))
            if (length(root_dir) > 0)
              root_dir <- substr(root_dir, gregexpr(pattern = "=", root_dir)[[1]][1] + 1, nchar(root_dir))
            # grep line with the version name and extract it
            ver_char <- unique(grep(paste("\\benv.bat\\b", collapse = "|"), batchfile_lines, value = TRUE))
            if (length(root_dir) > 0) {
              ver_char <- substr(ver_char, gregexpr(pattern = "\\grass-", ver_char)[[1]][1], nchar(ver_char))
              ver_char <- substr(ver_char, 1, gregexpr(pattern = "\\\\", ver_char)[[1]][1] - 1)
          installerType <- "osgeo4W"
      ### if installatationtype is stand_alone
      if (stand_alone) {
        # grep line containing GISBASE and extract the substring
        root_dir <- unique(grep(paste("set GISBASE=", collapse = "|"), batchfile_lines, value = TRUE))
        # if (substr(root_dir,1,1) == '\\' & length(root_dir) > 0) root_dir <-
        # substr(root_dir,3,nchar(root_dir))
        if (length(root_dir) > 0)
          root_dir <- substr(root_dir, gregexpr(pattern = "=", root_dir)[[1]][1] + 1, nchar(root_dir))
        ver_char <- root_dir
        if (length(root_dir) > 0) {
          ver_char <- substr(ver_char, gregexpr(pattern = "GRASS", ver_char)[[1]][1], nchar(ver_char))
        installerType <- "NSIS"
      # check if the the folder really exists
      if (length(root_dir) > 0) {
        root_dir <- root_dir <- substr(root_dir[[1]], gregexpr(pattern = "=", root_dir)[[1]][1] + 1, nchar(root_dir))
        if (!file.exists(file.path(root_dir))) {
          exist <- FALSE
        } else {
          exist <- TRUE
      } else {
        exist <- FALSE
      # put the existing GISBASE directory, version number and installation type in a data frame
      if (length(root_dir) > 0 & exist) {
        data.frame(instDir = root_dir, version = ver_char, installation_type = installerType, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    })  # end lapply
    # bind the df lines
    installations_GRASS <- do.call("rbind", installations_GRASS)
  } else {
    if (!quiet)
      cat("Did not find any valid GRASS installation at mount point", DL)
    return(installations_GRASS <- FALSE)
#'@title Return attributes of valid 'GRASS GIS' installation(s) in 'Linux'
#'@name searchGRASSX
#'@description Searches recursively for valid 'GRASS GIS' installations at a given 'Linux' mount point.
#'Returns attributes for each installation.
#'@param MP default is /usr. This is the directory from which the grass executable file is searched, i.e. one executable for each GRASS installation on the system.
#'@return data frame containing 'GRASS GIS' binary folder(s) (i.e. where the individual GRASS commands are installed), version name(s) and installation type code(s)
#'@param quiet boolean.  switch for suppressing console messages default is TRUE
#'@author Chris Reudenbach
#'@export searchGRASSX
#'@keywords internal
#' \dontrun{
#' # get all valid 'GRASS GIS' installation folders in the /usr/bin directory (typical location)
#' searchGRASSX('/usr/bin')
#' # get all valid 'GRASS GIS' installation folders in the home directory
#' searchGRASSX('~/')
#' }
searchGRASSX <- function(MP = "/usr/bin", quiet = TRUE) {
  if (MP == "default")
    MP <- "/usr/bin"
  raw_GRASS <- system2("find", paste(MP, " ! -readable -prune -o -type f -executable -iname 'grass??' -print"), stdout = TRUE,
                       stderr = FALSE)
  if (length(raw_GRASS) == 0)
    raw_GRASS <- system2("find", paste(MP, " ! -readable -prune -o -type f -executable -iname 'grass' -print"), stdout = TRUE,
                         stderr = FALSE)
  # cat(raw_GRASS)
  if (length(raw_GRASS) > 0) {
    installations_GRASS <- lapply(seq(length(raw_GRASS)), function(i) {
      # grep line containing GISBASE and extract the substring
      rg <- strsplit(raw_GRASS, split = "/")
      if (rg[[i]][lengths(rg)] == "grass78" | rg[[i]][lengths(rg)] == "grass") {
        ver_char <- grep(readLines(raw_GRASS[[i]]), pattern = "GRASS_VERSION = \"", value = TRUE)
        ver_char <- substr(ver_char, gregexpr(pattern = "\"", ver_char)[[1]][1] + 1, nchar(ver_char) - 1)
        cmd <- grep(readLines(raw_GRASS[[i]]), pattern = "CMD_NAME = \"", value = TRUE)
        cmd <- substr(cmd, gregexpr(pattern = "\"", cmd)[[1]][1] + 1, nchar(cmd) - 1)
        rootdir <- grep(readLines(raw_GRASS[[i]]), pattern = "GISBASE = os.path.normpath", value = TRUE)
        root_dir <- substr(rootdir[2], gregexpr(pattern = "\"", rootdir[2])[[1]][1] + 1, nchar(rootdir[2]) - 2)
        if (!file.exists(root_dir))
          root_dir <- "/opt/grass"
      } else {
        root_dir <- try(grep(readLines(raw_GRASS[[i]]), pattern = "gisbase = \"", value = TRUE), silent = TRUE)
        if (class(root_dir)[1] != "try-error") {
          # print(root_dir)
          root_dir <- substr(root_dir, gregexpr(pattern = "\"", root_dir)[[1]][1] + 1, nchar(root_dir) - 1)
          ver_char <- grep(readLines(raw_GRASS[[i]]), pattern = "grass_version = \"", value = TRUE)
          ver_char <- substr(ver_char, gregexpr(pattern = "\"", ver_char)[[1]][1] + 1, nchar(ver_char) - 1)
          cmd <- grep(readLines(raw_GRASS[[i]]), pattern = "cmd_name = \"", value = TRUE)
          cmd <- substr(cmd, gregexpr(pattern = "\"", cmd)[[1]][1] + 1, nchar(cmd) - 1)
      # put it in data frame
      data.frame(instDir = root_dir, version = ver_char, installation_type = cmd, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    })  # end lapply
    # bind the df lines
    installations_GRASS <- do.call("rbind", installations_GRASS)
    # rawgrass
  } else {
    if (!quiet)
      cat("Did not find any valid GRASS installation at mount point", MP)
    return(installations_GRASS <- FALSE)
#'@title Usually for internally usage, create valid 'GRASS GIS 7.xx' rsession environment settings according to the selected GRASS GIS 7.x and Windows Version
#'@name setenvGRASSw
#'@description  Initializes and set up  access to 'GRASS GIS 7.xx' via the \code{rgrass} wrapper or command line packages. Set and returns all necessary environment variables and additionally returns the GISBASE directory as string.
#'@param root_GRASS  grass root directory i.e. 'C:\\OSGEO4~1',
#'@param grass_version grass version name i.e. 'grass-7.0.5'
#'@param installation_type two options 'osgeo4w' as installed by the 'OSGeo4W'-installer and 'NSIS' that is typical for a stand_alone installation of 'GRASS GIS'.
#'@param quiet boolean  switch for suppressing console messages default is TRUE
#'@param jpgmem jpeg2000 memory allocation size. Default is 1000000
#'@author Chris Reudenbach
#'@keywords internal
#' \dontrun{
#' # set selected 'GRASS GIS' installation folders 
#' setenvGRASSw(root_GRASS = 'C:\\PROGRA~1\\QGIS2~1.18',
#'              grass_version =  'grass-7.2.1',
#'              installation_type =  'osgeo4W')
#' }
setenvGRASSw <- function(root_GRASS = NULL, grass_version = NULL, installation_type = NULL, jpgmem = 1e+06, quiet = TRUE) {
  if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows") {
    if (!exists(".GRASS_CACHE"))
      .GRASS_CACHE <- new.env(parent = globalenv())
    # .GRASS_CACHE <- new.env(FALSE parent=globalenv())
    if (is.null(root_GRASS) || is.null(grass_version) || is.null(installation_type)) {
      stop("Please run findGRASS first and provide valid arguments")
    if (installation_type == "osgeo4W" || installation_type == "OSGeo4W64") {
      Sys.setenv(OSGEO4W_ROOT = root_GRASS)
      # define GISBASE
      gisbase_GRASS <- paste0(root_GRASS, "\\apps\\grass\\grass", grass_version)
      Sys.setenv(GISBASE = gisbase_GRASS, envir = .GRASS_CACHE)
      assign("SYS", "WinNat", envir = .GRASS_CACHE)
      assign("addEXE", ".exe", envir = .GRASS_CACHE)
      assign("WN_bat", "", envir = .GRASS_CACHE)
      assign("legacyExec", "windows", envir = .GRASS_CACHE)
      Sys.setenv(GRASS_PYTHON = paste0(Sys.getenv("OSGEO4W_ROOT"), "\\bin\\python.exe"), envir = .GRASS_CACHE)
      Sys.setenv(PYTHONHOME = paste0(Sys.getenv("OSGEO4W_ROOT"), "\\apps\\Python27"), envir = .GRASS_CACHE)
      Sys.setenv(PYTHONPATH = paste0(Sys.getenv("OSGEO4W_ROOT"), "\\apps\\grass\\", grass_version, "\\etc\\python"),
                 envir = .GRASS_CACHE)
      Sys.setenv(GRASS_PROJSHARE = paste0(Sys.getenv("OSGEO4W_ROOT"), "\\share\\proj"), envir = .GRASS_CACHE)
      Sys.setenv(PROJ_LIB = paste0(Sys.getenv("OSGEO4W_ROOT"), "\\share\\proj"), envir = .GRASS_CACHE)
      Sys.setenv(GDAL_DATA = paste0(Sys.getenv("OSGEO4W_ROOT"), "\\share\\gdal"), envir = .GRASS_CACHE)
      Sys.setenv(GEOTIFF_CSV = paste0(Sys.getenv("OSGEO4W_ROOT"), "\\share\\epsg_csv"), envir = .GRASS_CACHE)
      Sys.setenv(FONTCONFIG_FILE = paste0(Sys.getenv("OSGEO4W_ROOT"), "\\etc\\fonts.conf"), envir = .GRASS_CACHE)
      Sys.setenv(JPEGMEM = jpgmem, envir = .GRASS_CACHE)
      Sys.setenv(FONTCONFIG_FILE = paste0(Sys.getenv("OSGEO4W_ROOT"), "\\bin\\gdalplugins"), envir = .GRASS_CACHE)
      Sys.setenv(GISRC = paste(Sys.getenv("HOME"), "\\.grassrc7", sep = ""), envir = .GRASS_CACHE)
      # set path variable
      Sys.setenv(PATH = paste0(gisbase_GRASS, ";", root_GRASS, "\\apps\\Python27\\lib\\site-packages\\numpy\\core",
                               ";", root_GRASS, "\\apps\\grass\\", grass_version, "\\bin", ";", root_GRASS, "\\apps\\grass\\", grass_version,
                               "\\lib", ";", root_GRASS, "\\apps\\grass\\", grass_version, "\\etc", ";", root_GRASS, "\\apps\\grass\\",
                               grass_version, "\\etc\\python", ";", root_GRASS, "\\apps\\Python27\\Scripts", ";", root_GRASS, "\\bin", ";",
                               root_GRASS, "\\apps", ";", paste0(Sys.getenv("WINDIR"), "/WBem"), ";", Sys.getenv("PATH")), envir = .GRASS_CACHE)
      # get list of all tools
      if (!quiet)
        system(paste0(root_GRASS, "/bin/o-help.bat"))
    } else {
      # for the NSIS windows installer versions
      Sys.setenv(GRASS_ROOT = root_GRASS)
      # define GISBASE
      gisbase_GRASS <- normalizePath(root_GRASS)
      Sys.setenv(GISBASE = gisbase_GRASS, envir = .GRASS_CACHE)
      assign("SYS", "WinNat", envir = .GRASS_CACHE)
      assign("addEXE", ".exe", envir = .GRASS_CACHE)
      assign("WN_bat", "", envir = .GRASS_CACHE)
      assign("legacyExec", "windows", envir = .GRASS_CACHE)
      Sys.setenv(GRASS_PYTHON = paste0(Sys.getenv("GRASS_ROOT"), "\\bin\\python.exe"), envir = .GRASS_CACHE)
      Sys.setenv(PYTHONHOME = paste0(Sys.getenv("GRASS_ROOT"), "\\Python27"), envir = .GRASS_CACHE)
      Sys.setenv(PYTHONPATH = paste0(Sys.getenv("GRASS_ROOT"), "\\etc\\python"), envir = .GRASS_CACHE)
      Sys.setenv(GRASS_PROJSHARE = paste0(Sys.getenv("GRASS_ROOT"), "\\share\\proj"), envir = .GRASS_CACHE)
      Sys.setenv(PROJ_LIB = paste0(Sys.getenv("GRASS_ROOT"), "\\share\\proj"), envir = .GRASS_CACHE)
      Sys.setenv(GDAL_DATA = paste0(Sys.getenv("GRASS_ROOT"), "\\share\\gdal"), envir = .GRASS_CACHE)
      Sys.setenv(GEOTIFF_CSV = paste0(Sys.getenv("GRASS_ROOT"), "\\share\\epsg_csv"), envir = .GRASS_CACHE)
      Sys.setenv(FONTCONFIG_FILE = paste0(Sys.getenv("GRASS_ROOT"), "\\etc\\fonts.conf"), envir = .GRASS_CACHE)
      Sys.setenv(JPEGMEM = jpgmem, envir = .GRASS_CACHE)
      Sys.setenv(FONTCONFIG_FILE = paste0(Sys.getenv("GRASS_ROOT"), "\\bin\\gdalplugins"), envir = .GRASS_CACHE)
      Sys.setenv(GISRC = paste(Sys.getenv("HOME"), "\\.grassrc7", sep = ""), envir = .GRASS_CACHE)
      # set path variable OSGeo4W64/apps/grass/grass-7.2.2/bin
      Sys.setenv(PATH = paste0(gisbase_GRASS, ";", root_GRASS, "\\Python27\\lib\\site-packages\\numpy\\core", ";",
                               root_GRASS, "\\bin", ";", root_GRASS, "\\extrabin", ";", root_GRASS, "\\lib", ";", root_GRASS, "\\etc", ";",
                               root_GRASS, "\\etc\\python", ";", root_GRASS, "\\Scripts", ";", root_GRASS, ";", paste0(Sys.getenv("WINDIR"),
                                                                                                                       "/WBem"), ";", Sys.getenv("PATH")), envir = .GRASS_CACHE)
  } else {
    gisbase_GRASS <- "Sorry no Windows System..."
checkGisdbase <- function(x = NULL, gisdbase = NULL, location = NULL, gisdbase_exist = FALSE, obj_name = NULL) {
  if (gisdbase_exist)
    linkGRASS(gisdbase = gisdbase, location = location, gisdbase_exist = TRUE) else linkGRASS(x, gisdbase = gisdbase, location = location)
  path <- Sys.getenv("GISDBASE")
  sq_name <- gsub(tolower(paste0(obj_name, ".sqlite")), pattern = "\\-", replacement = "_")
  return(list(gisbase_path = path, sqlite = sq_name))
#'@title Returns attributes of valid 'GRASS GIS' installation(s) on the system.
#'@name findGRASS
#'@description Retrieve a list of valid 'GRASS GIS' installation(s) on your system. There is a big difference between osgeo4W and stand_alone installations. The function tries to find all valid installations by analyzing the calling batch scripts.
#'@param searchLocation Location to search for the grass executable, i.e. one executable for each GRASS installation on the system. For Windows systems it is mandatory to include an uppercase Windows drive letter and a colon.
#'Default for Windows systems 
#'is \code{C:/}, for Linux systems the default is \code{/usr/bin}.
#'@param ver_select boolean, Default is FALSE. If there is more than one 'GRASS GIS' installation and \code{ver_select} = TRUE, the user can interactively select the preferred 'GRASS GIS' version. 
#'@param quiet boolean, default is TRUE. switch to suppress console messages
#'@return data frame with the 'GRASS GIS' binary folder(s) (i.e. where the individual 
#'individual GRASS commands are installed), version name(s) and 
#'installation type code(s)
#'@author Chris Reudenbach
#'@export findGRASS
#' \dontrun{
#' # find recursively all existing 'GRASS GIS' installation folders starting 
#' # at the default search location
#' findGRASS()
#' }
findGRASS <- function(searchLocation = "default", ver_select = FALSE, quiet = TRUE) {
  if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows") {
    check <- try(system("o-help", intern = T), silent = T)
    if (methods::is(check, "try-error")) {
      message("PLEASE NOTE: if you use GRASS version > 7.8 and/or the OSGeo4W installation you must:\n 1) start the OSGeo4W shell\n 2) start grassxx --gtext\n 3) start Rstudio from command line in the shell\n Then both link2GI and rgrass should work.")
    if (searchLocation == "default") {
      searchLocation <- "C:/"
    } else {
      searchLocation <- normalizePath(searchLocation)
    if (grepl(paste0(LETTERS, ":", collapse = "|"), substr(toupper(searchLocation), start = 1, stop = 2))) {
      link <- link2GI::searchGRASSW(DL = searchLocation)
    } else {
      return(cat("You are running Windows - Please choose a suitable searchLocation argument that MUST include a Windows drive letter and colon"))
  } else {
    if (searchLocation == "default") {
      searchLocation <- "/usr/bin"
    if (grepl(searchLocation, pattern = ":")) {
      return(cat("You are running Linux - please choose a suitable searchLocation argument"))
    } else {
      link <- link2GI::searchGRASSX(MP = searchLocation)

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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

link2GI documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:26 a.m.