#' Preview Markdown and R Markdown files
#' Launch a web page to list and preview files under a directory.
#' Markdown files will be converted to HTML and returned to the web browser
#' directly without writing to HTML files, to keep the directory clean during
#' the preview. Clicking on a filename will bring up an HTML preview. To see its
#' raw content, click on the link on its file size instead.
#' @param dir A directory path.
#' @param live Whether to enable live preview. If enabled, the browser page will
#' be automatically updated upon modification of local files used by the page
#' (e.g., the Markdown file or external CSS/JS/image files). If disabled, you
#' can manually refresh the page to fully re-render it.
#' @param ... Other arguments to be passed to [xfun::new_app()].
#' @return A URL (invisibly) for the preview.
#' @export
roam = function(dir = '.', live = TRUE, ...) in_dir(dir, {
# a proxy server to return files under inst/resources/
s = xfun::new_app('.litedown', function(path, ...) {
file_raw(pkg_file('resources', path))
}, open = FALSE)
# the URL needs to be translated on RStudio Server
if (Sys.getenv('RSTUDIO_PROGRAM_MODE') == 'server' && loadable('rstudioapi'))
s = rstudioapi::translateLocalUrl(s, TRUE)
# load litedown assets via
asset_url = function(path) paste0(s, path)
t1 = list() # store modification times of files
check_time = function(path) {
t2 = if (dir.exists(path)) {, full.names = TRUE))[, 'mtime', drop = FALSE]
} else file.mtime(path)
t = t1[[path]]; t1[[path]] <<- t2
!is.null(t) && !identical(t2, t)
xfun::new_app('litedown', function(path, query, post, headers) {
# set up proper default options for mark()
opt = options(
litedown.html.meta = list(
css = asset_url(c('default.css', if (dir.exists(path)) 'listing.css'))
litedown.html.options = list(embed_resources = FALSE),
litedown.roaming = TRUE
on.exit(options(opt), add = TRUE)
# capture errors in fuse() because I don't know if it's possible to capture
# general errors in the handler; without capturing errors, users will see a
# plain-text error page, which may be hard to understand
opts = reactor(error = TRUE); on.exit(reactor(opts), add = TRUE)
query = as.list(query)
# we keep POSTing to the page assets' URLs, and if an asset file has been
# modified, we return a response telling the browser to update it
type = if (length(headers)) xfun::grep_sub(
'.*\nlitedown-data: ([^[:space:]]+).*', '\\1', rawToChar(headers)
if (length(type) != 1) type = ''
# we may need to check rawToChar(headers) to decide what to do for the
# request; for now, we simply ignore request headers, and treat the POST
# body as the type of request
if (type == 'open') {
query[['path']] %||% path, !dir.exists(path) && is_text_file(file = path),
as.integer(query[['line']]) %|% -1L
return(list(payload = 'done'))
# render Rmd in new R sessions and save to file
if (type == 'save') {
ext = tolower(file_ext(path))
return(if (is_lite_ext(ext)) {
# check if the file is for a book or site
info = proj_info(path)
list(payload = paste('Rendered and saved:', switch(
book = Rscript_call(fuse_book, list(info$root)),
site = { Rscript_call(fuse_site, list(info$root)); info$root },
if (ext == 'md') mark(path) else Rscript_call(fuse, list(path))
} else {
list(payload = paste0(
"Unable to render '", path, "' (only ",
paste0('.', lite_exts, collapse = ', '), " are supported)."
# TODO: should we implement Hugo's --navigateToChanged?
if (live && type != '') {
resp = ''
if (type %in% c('asset', 'page')) {
if (check_time(path)) resp = '1'
} else if (grepl('^book:', type) && check_time(f <- sub('^book:', '', type))) {
# the book file path to preview is encoded in `type = book:foo/bar.Rmd`
resp = fuse_book(c(dirname(path), f), 'html', globalenv())
return(list(payload = resp))
res = lite_handler(path, query, post, headers)
# inject js to communicate with the R server via POST for live preview
p = res$payload
if (is.null(p) || (res[['content-type']] %||% 'text/html') != 'text/html')
res$payload = sub(
'</head>', one_string(c(
if (live) '<meta name="live-previewer" content="litedown::roam">',
gen_tags(asset_url(c('server.js', 'server.css'))), '</head>'
)), p, fixed = TRUE
}, ...)
# a handler returns list(payload, file, `content-type`, header, `status code`)
lite_handler = function(path, query, post, headers) {
if (dir.exists(path)) list(payload = dir_page(path)) else {
file_page(path, query[['preview']] %||% '0')
dir_page = function(dir = '.') {
files = list.files(dir, full.names = TRUE)
# index.* files should appear first
files = files[order(!sans_ext(basename(files)) == 'index')]
# show file size and mtime
info = function(f, b) {
'_( [%s](<%s>) %s%s)_', file_size(f), b, file_time(f),
if (is_text_file(file = f)) btn('.open', b) else ''
# create link to preview a file
p_link = function(f, t = f, n = 1, a = NULL) {
btn(t, sprintf('%s?preview=%d', f, n), a)
i1 = is_lite_ext(file = files)
# order first by folder, then by .Rmd/.R, and other files go to the end
res = lapply(files[i1], function(f) {
b = basename(f)
p_link(b, a = NULL), info(f, b), p_link(b, '.run', 2, 'title="Run"')
), '.name'),
xfun::fenced_block(readLines(f, n = 10, encoding = 'UTF-8', warn = FALSE))
), '.box')
files = files[!i1]
i2 = dir.exists(files)
res = c(res, '', lapply(files[order(!i2, files)], function(f) {
b = basename(f)
if (d <- dir.exists(f)) b = paste0(b, '/')
'- [%s](<%s%s>) %s', b, b, if (d) '' else '?preview=1',
if (d) '' else info(f, b)
mark_full(unlist(res), meta = list(title = dir_title(dir)))
# add directory navigation to the top of the page
file_page = function(x, preview) {
res = file_resp(x, preview)
if (is.null(p <- res$payload)) return(res)
# inject navigation links to the top of the page
nav = dir_title(x, preview)
nav = sub('<p>', '<p class="nav-path">', nav, fixed = TRUE)
res$payload = sub('<body>', paste0('<body>\n', nav), p, fixed = TRUE)
# extensions that litedown can render
lite_exts = c('md', 'rmd', 'qmd', 'r')
is_lite_ext = function(ext = file_ext(file), file) tolower(ext) %in% lite_exts
# render the path to HTML if possible
file_resp = function(x, preview) {
raw = preview == '0' # 0: send raw response; 1: render verbatim; 2: fuse()/mark()
ext = if (raw) '' else tolower(xfun::file_ext(x))
if (preview == '2' && is_lite_ext(ext)) {
# check if the file is for a book or site
info = proj_info(x)
list(payload = switch(
book = fuse_book(if (info$index) info$root else x, full_output, globalenv()),
site = fuse_site(x),
if (ext == 'md') mark_full(x) else fuse(x, full_output, envir = globalenv())
} else {
type = xfun::mime_type(x)
if (!raw && is_text_file(ext, type) &&
!inherits(txt <- xfun::try_silent(read_utf8(x, error = TRUE)), 'try-error')) {
list(payload = mark_full(
fenced_block(txt, paste0('.', if (ext == '') 'plain' else ext))
} else {
file_raw(x, type)
# detect project type for a directory (_litedown.yml may be in an upper-level dir)
proj_info = function(x, d = dirname(x)) {
while (length(yaml <- yml_config(d)) == 0) {
if (xfun::same_path(d, d2 <- file.path(d, '..'))) break
d = d2
# use the field 'type' if provided, otherwise look for 'book' or 'site'
type = yaml[['type']] %||% head(intersect(c('book', 'site'), names(yaml)), 1)
root = if (length(type)) d else NA
if ( type = 'default'
# a file doesn't belong to a site if it doesn't match the site file pattern
if (type != 'default' && x != '') {
p = yaml[[type]][['pattern']] %||% site_pattern
if (!grepl(p, x)) type = 'default'
type = type, root = root, yaml = yaml,
index = ! && is_index(x) && xfun::same_path(x, file.path(root, basename(x)))
full_output = structure('html', full = TRUE)
# generate full HTML output (instead of fragments)
mark_full = function(...) mark(..., output = full_output)
# guess if a file is a text file
is_text_file = function(ext = file_ext(file), type = xfun:::guess_type(file), file) {
(ext %in% c('js', 'latex', 'qmd', 'tex', 'xml') || grepl('^text/', type))
is_roaming = function() isTRUE(getOption('litedown.roaming'))
# return a raw file response
file_raw = function(x, type = xfun:::guess_type(x)) {
list(file = normalizePath(x), `content-type` = type)
file_size = function(x) xfun::format_bytes(file.size(x))
file_time = function(x) format(file.mtime(x))
dir_title = function(f, preview = '1') {
links = if (f != '.') {
d = if (file_exists(f)) dirname(f) else f
d = if (d == '.') character() else unlist(strsplit(d, '/'))
b = basename(f)
sprintf('[%s/](%s)', c('.', d), c(rev(strrep('../', seq_along(d))), './')),
if (file_exists(f)) b, if (is_lite_ext(file = f)) c(
btn('.save'), if (preview != '2')
btn('.run', sprintf('%s?preview=2', b), 'title="Run"')
if (is_text_file(file = f)) btn('.open')
txt = one_string(c(sprintf('_%s:_', normalize_path('.')), links), ' ')
move_attrs(commonmark::markdown_html(txt, smart = TRUE))
btn = function(t, u = '#', a = character()) {
if (startsWith(t, '.')) {
a = c(t, a); t = .icons[t]
a = if (is.character(a)) one_string(c('.btn-lite', a), ' ')
a = if (is.null(a)) '' else paste0('{', a, '}')
sprintf(' [%s](<%s>)%s ', t, u, a)
.icons = c(.open = '✎', .run = '⏵', .save = '↯')
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