## copied/modified from nlme
##' split, on the nm call, the rhs of a formula into a list of subformulas
splitFormula <- function(form, sep = "/")
if (inherits(form, "formula") ||
mode(form) == "call" && form[[1]] =="~"))
splitFormula(form[[length(form)]], sep = sep)
else if (mode(form) == "call" && form[[1]] ==, lapply(as.list(form[-1]), splitFormula, sep = sep))
else if (mode(form) == "(")
splitFormula(form[[2]], sep = sep)
else if (length(form))
## else
## Recursive version of all.vars
allVarsRec <- function(object)
if (is.list(object)) {
unlist(lapply(object, allVarsRec))
} else {
## simple version of getData.gnls from nlme
## but we *should* and *can* work with environment(formula(.))
getData.merMod <- function(object) {
mCall <- getCall(object)
data <- eval(mCall$data, environment(formula(object)))
if (! && !is.matrix(data)) stop(paste(sQuote("data"),"object found is not a data frame or matrix"))
asOneFormula <-
## Constructs a linear formula with all the variables used in a
## list of formulas, except for the names in omit
function(..., omit = c(".", "pi"))
names <- unique(allVarsRec(list(...)))
names <- names[, omit))]
if (length(names))
as.formula(paste("~", paste(names, collapse = "+"))) # else NULL
getIDLabels <- function(object, form=formula(object)) {
mf <- factorize(form,model.frame(object))
if (length(ff <- findbars(form))>0) {
grps <- lapply(ff,"[[",3)
} else {
grps <- form[[2]]
if (identical(grps,quote(.obs))) return(seq(fitted(object)))
fList <- lapply(grps,function(x) eval(x,mf)),fList)
## lme4:::getIDLabels(fm1)
## Return the formula(s) for the groups associated with object.
## The result is a one-sided formula unless asList is TRUE in which case
## it is a list of formulas, one for each level.
getGroupsFormula <- function(object, asList = FALSE, sep = "+")
getGroupsFormula.default <-
## Return the formula(s) for the groups associated with object.
## The result is a one-sided formula unless asList is TRUE in which case
## it is a list of formulas, one for each level.
function(object, asList = FALSE, sep = "/")
form <- formula(object)
if (!inherits(form, "formula")){
stop("\"Form\" argument must be a formula")
form <- form[[length(form)]]
if (!((length(form) == 3) && (form[[1]] =="|")))) {
## no conditioning expression
## val <- list( asOneSidedFormula( form[[ 3 ]] ) )
val <- splitFormula(asOneSidedFormula(form[[3]]), sep = sep)
names(val) <- unlist(lapply(val, function(el) deparse(el[[2]])))
# if (!missing(level)) {
# if (length(level) == 1) {
# return(val[[level]])
# } else {
# val <- val[level]
# }
# }
if (asList) as.list(val)
else as.formula(paste("~", paste(names(val), collapse = sep)))
getGroupsFormula.merMod <- function(object,asList=FALSE, sep="+") {
if (asList) {
} else {
getCovariateFormula <- function (object)
form <- formula(object)
if (!(inherits(form, "formula"))) {
stop("formula(object) must return a formula")
form <- form[[length(form)]]
if (length(form) == 3 && form[[1]] =="|")) {
form <- form[[2]]
getResponseFormula <-
## Return the response formula as a one sided formula
form <- formula(object)
if (!(inherits(form, "formula") && (length(form) == 3))) {
stop("\"Form\" must be a two sided formula")
as.formula(paste("~", deparse(form[[2]])))
##' diagnostic plots for merMod fits
##' @param x a fitted [ng]lmer model
##' @param form an optional formula specifying the desired type of plot. Any
##' variable present in the original data frame used to obtain
##' \code{x} can be referenced. In addition, \code{x} itself can be
##' referenced in the formula using the symbol \code{"."}. Conditional
##' expressions on the right of a \code{|} operator can be used to
##' define separate panels in a lattice display. Default is
##' \code{resid(., type = "pearson") ~ fitted(.)}, corresponding to a plot
##' of the standardized residuals versus fitted values.
##' @param abline an optional numeric value, or numeric vector of length
##' two. If given as a single value, a horizontal line will be added to the
##' plot at that coordinate; else, if given as a vector, its values are
##' used as the intercept and slope for a line added to the plot. If
##' missing, no lines are added to the plot.
##' @param id an optional numeric value, or one-sided formula. If given as
##' a value, it is used as a significance level for a two-sided outlier
##' test for the standardized, or normalized residuals. Observations with
##' absolute standardized (normalized) residuals greater than the \eqn{1-value/2}
##' quantile of the standard normal distribution are
##' identified in the plot using \code{idLabels}. If given as a one-sided
##' formula, its right hand side must evaluate to a logical, integer, or
##' character vector which is used to identify observations in the
##' plot. If missing, no observations are identified.
##' @param idLabels an optional vector, or one-sided formula. If given as a
##' vector, it is converted to character and used to label the
##' observations identified according to \code{id}. If given as a
##' vector, it is converted to character and used to label the
##' observations identified according to \code{id}. If given as a
##' one-sided formula, its right hand side must evaluate to a vector
##' which is converted to character and used to label the identified
##' observations. Default is the interaction of all the grouping variables
##' in the data frame. The special formula
##' @param grid an optional logical value indicating whether a grid should
##' be added to plot. Default depends on the type of lattice plot used:
##' if \code{xyplot} defaults to \code{TRUE}, else defaults to
##' \code{FALSE}.
##' @param \dots optional arguments passed to the lattice plot function.
##' @details Diagnostic plots for the linear mixed-effects fit are obtained. The
##' \code{form} argument gives considerable flexibility in the type of
##' plot specification. A conditioning expression (on the right side of a
##' \code{|} operator) always implies that different panels are used for
##' each level of the conditioning factor, according to a lattice
##' display. If \code{form} is a one-sided formula, histograms of the
##' variable on the right hand side of the formula, before a \code{|}
##' operator, are displayed (the lattice function \code{histogram} is
##' used). If \code{form} is two-sided and both its left and
##' right hand side variables are numeric, scatter plots are displayed
##' (the lattice function \code{xyplot} is used). Finally, if \code{form}
##' is two-sided and its left had side variable is a factor, box-plots of
##' the right hand side variable by the levels of the left hand side
##' variable are displayed (the lattice function \code{bwplot} is used).
##' @author original version in \code{nlme} package by Jose Pinheiro and Douglas Bates
##' @examples
##' data(Orthodont,package="nlme")
##' fm1 <- lmer(distance ~ age + (age|Subject), data=Orthodont)
##' ## standardized residuals versus fitted values by gender
##' plot(fm1, resid(., scaled=TRUE) ~ fitted(.) | Sex, abline = 0)
##' ## box-plots of residuals by Subject
##' plot(fm1, Subject ~ resid(., scaled=TRUE))
##' ## observed versus fitted values by Subject
##' plot(fm1, distance ~ fitted(.) | Subject, abline = c(0,1))
##' ## residuals by age, separated by Subject
##' plot(fm1, resid(., scaled=TRUE) ~ age | Sex, abline = 0)
##' if (require(ggplot2)) {
##' ## we can create the same plots using ggplot2 and the fortify() function
##' fm1F <- fortify(fm1)
##' ggplot(fm1F, aes(.fitted,.resid)) + geom_point(colour="blue") +
##' facet_grid(.~Sex) + geom_hline(yintercept=0)
##' ## note: Subjects are ordered by mean distance
##' ggplot(fm1F, aes(Subject,.resid)) + geom_boxplot() + coord_flip()
##' ggplot(fm1F, aes(.fitted,distance))+ geom_point(colour="blue") +
##' facet_wrap(~Subject) +geom_abline(intercept=0,slope=1)
##' ggplot(fm1F, aes(age,.resid)) + geom_point(colour="blue") + facet_grid(.~Sex) +
##' geom_hline(yintercept=0)+geom_line(aes(group=Subject),alpha=0.4)+geom_smooth(method="loess")
##' ## (warnings about loess are due to having only 4 unique x values)
##' detach("package:ggplot2")
##' }
##' @S3method plot merMod
##' @method plot merMod
##' @export
plot.merMod <-
function(x, form = resid(., type = "pearson") ~ fitted(.), abline,
id = NULL, idLabels = NULL,
grid, ...)
## Diagnostic plots based on residuals and/or fitted values
object <- x
if (!inherits(form, "formula"))
stop("\"form\" must be a formula")
## constructing data
## can I get away with using object@frame???
allV <- all.vars(asOneFormula(form, id, idLabels))
allV <- allV[,c("T","F","TRUE","FALSE",".obs")))]
if (length(allV) > 0) {
data <- getData(object)
if (is.null(data)) { # try to construct data
alist <- lapply(as.list(allV),
names(alist) <- allV
alist <- c(list("data.frame")), alist)
mode(alist) <- "call"
data <- eval(alist, sys.parent(1))
} else if (any(naV <-, names(data)))))
stop(allV[naV], " not found in data")
} else data <- NULL
## this won't do because there may well be variables we want
## that were not in the model call
## data <- object@frame
## argument list
dots <- list(...)
args <- if (length(dots) > 0) dots else list()
## appending object to data, and adding observation-number variable
if (length(data) > 0) {
data <- cbind(data, .obs = seq(nrow(data)))
data <- as.list(c(as.list(data), . = list(object)))
## covariate - must always be present
covF <- getCovariateFormula(form)
.x <- eval(covF[[2]], data)
if (!is.numeric(.x)) {
stop("Covariate must be numeric")
argForm <- ~ .x
argData <- data.frame(.x = .x, check.names = FALSE)
if (is.null(args$xlab)) {
if (is.null(xlab <- attr(.x, "label")))
xlab <- deparse(covF[[2]])
args$xlab <- xlab
## response - need not be present
respF <- getResponseFormula(form)
if (!is.null(respF)) {
.y <- eval(respF[[2]], data)
if (is.null(args$ylab)) {
if (is.null(ylab <- attr(.y, "label")))
ylab <- deparse(respF[[2]])
args$ylab <- ylab
argForm <- .y ~ .x
argData[, ".y"] <- .y
## groups - need not be present
grpsF <- getGroupsFormula(form)
if (!is.null(grpsF)) {
## ?? FIXME ???
gr <- splitFormula(grpsF, sep = "*")
for(i in seq_along(gr)) {
auxGr <- all.vars(gr[[i]])
for(j in auxGr)
argData[[j]] <- eval(, data)
argForm <-
as.formula(paste(if (length(argForm) == 2)
"~ .x |" else ".y ~ .x |",
## adding to args list
args <- c(list(argForm, data = argData), args)
if (is.null(args$strip)) {
args$strip <- function(...) strip.default(..., style = 1)
if (is.null(args$cex)) args$cex <- par("cex")
if (is.null(args$adj)) args$adj <- par("adj")
if (!is.null(id)) { ## identify points in plot
idResType <- "pearson" ## diff from plot.lme: 'normalized' not available
id <- switch(mode(id),
numeric = {
if (id <= 0 || id >= 1)
stop(shQuote("id")," must be between 0 and 1")
abs(resid(object, type = idResType))/sigma(object) >
-qnorm(id / 2)
call = eval(asOneSidedFormula(id)[[2]], data),
stop(shQuote("id")," can only be a formula or numeric.")
if (is.null(idLabels)) {
idLabels <- getIDLabels(object)
} else {
if (inherits(idLabels,"formula")) {
idLabels <- getIDLabels(object,idLabels)
} else if (is.vector(idLabels)) {
if (length(idLabels <- unlist(idLabels)) != length(id)) {
stop("\"idLabels\" of incorrect length")
} else stop("\"idLabels\" can only be a formula or a vector")
## DON'T subscript by id, will be done later
idLabels <- as.character(idLabels)
## defining abline, if needed
if (missing(abline)) {
abline <- if (missing(form)) # r ~ f
c(0, 0) else NULL
#assign("id", id , where = 1)
#assign("idLabels", idLabels, where = 1)
#assign("abl", abline, where = 1)
assign("abl", abline)
## defining the type of plot
if (length(argForm) == 3) {
if (is.numeric(.y)) { # xyplot
plotFun <- "xyplot"
if (is.null(args$panel)) {
args <- c(args,
panel = list(function(x, y, subscripts, ...)
x <- as.numeric(x)
y <- as.numeric(y)
dots <- list(...)
if (grid) panel.grid()
panel.xyplot(x, y, ...)
if (any(ids <- id[subscripts])){
ltext(x[ids], y[ids], idLabels[subscripts][ids],
cex = dots$cex, adj = dots$adj)
if (!is.null(abl)) {
if (length(abl) == 2) panel.abline(a = abl, ...) else panel.abline(h = abl, ...)
} else { # assume factor or character
plotFun <- "bwplot"
if (is.null(args$panel)) {
args <- c(args,
panel = list(function(x, y, ...)
if (grid) panel.grid()
panel.bwplot(x, y, ...)
if (!is.null(abl)) {
panel.abline(v = abl[1], ...)
} else {
plotFun <- "histogram"
if (is.null(args$panel)) {
args <- c(args,
panel = list(function(x, ...)
if (grid) panel.grid()
panel.histogram(x, ...)
if (!is.null(abl)) {
panel.abline(v = abl[1], ...)
## defining grid
if (missing(grid)) {
grid <- (plotFun == "xyplot")
# assign("grid", grid, where = 1), as.list(args))
## no longer defining `fortify` S3 generic
##' @rdname fortify
##' @S3method fortify lmerMod
##' @method fortify lmerMod
##' @export
##' as function, not as S3 method, see ../man/fortify.Rd :
fortify.merMod <- function(model, data=getData(model), ...) {
## FIXME: get influence measures via influence.ME?
## (expensive, induces dependency ...)
## FIXME: different kinds of residuals?
## FIXME: deal with na.omit/predict etc.
data$.fitted <- predict(model)
data$.resid <- resid(model)
data$.scresid <- resid(model,type="pearson",scaled=TRUE)
## autoplot???
## plot method for plot.summary.mer ... coefplot-style
## horizontal, vertical? other options???
## scale?
plot.summary.mer <- function(object, type="fixef", ...) {
if(any(!type %in% c("fixef","vcov")))
stop("'type' not yet implemented: ", type)
stop("FIXME -- not yet implemented")
## TO DO: allow faceting formula
## TO DO: allow qqline to be optional
## TO DO (harder): steal machinery from qq.gam for better GLMM Q-Q plots
qqmath.merMod <- function(x, data = NULL, id=NULL, idLabels=NULL, ...) {
## klugey attempt to detect whether user forgot to specify argument
## names explicitly (after addition of required 'data' argument)
## NOT completely tested!
if (!is.null(data)) {
idLabels <- id
id <- data
warning("qqmath.merMod takes ", sQuote("data"), "as its ",
"first argument for S3 method compatibility: ",
"in the future, please ",
"specify the ", sQuote("id"), " and ",
sQuote("idLabels"), " arguments explicitly ",
"i.e. ",
sQuote("qqmath(fitted_model, id = ..., [idLabels = ...], ...)"))
values <- residuals(x, type="pearson", scaled=TRUE)
data <- getData(x)
## DRY: copied from plot.merMod, should modularize/refactor
if (!is.null(id)) { ## identify points in plot
id <- switch(mode(id),
numeric = {
if (id <= 0 || id >= 1)
stop(shQuote("id")," must be between 0 and 1")
as.logical(abs(values) > -qnorm(id / 2))
call = eval(asOneSidedFormula(id)[[2]], data),
stop(shQuote("id")," can only be a formula or numeric.")
if (is.null(idLabels)) {
idLabels <- getIDLabels(x)
} else {
if (inherits(idLabels,"formula")) {
idLabels <- getIDLabels(x,idLabels)
} else if (is.vector(idLabels)) {
if (length(idLabels <- unlist(idLabels)) != length(id)) {
stop("\"idLabels\" of incorrect length")
} else stop("\"idLabels\" can only be a formula or a vector")
idLabels <- as.character(idLabels)
## DON'T subscript by id, will be done later
qqpanel <- function(x, subscripts, ...) {
dots <- list(...)
panel.qqmathline(x, ...)
panel.qqmath(x, ...)
if (any(ids <- id[subscripts])) {
xs <- x[subscripts]
pp <- setNames(ppoints(length(xs)),
## want to plot qnorm(pp) vs sort(x)
## ... but want to pick out the elements that corresponded
## to ids **before** sorting
xx <- qnorm(pp)[names(xs)[ids]]
yy <- sort(x)[names(xs)][ids] ## quantile(values, pp)[ids]
cex = dots$cex, adj = dots$adj)
qqmath(values, xlab = "Standard normal quantiles",
ylab = "Standardized residuals",
prepanel = prepanel.qqmathline,
panel = qqpanel,
## qqmath(~residuals(gm1)|cbpp$herd)
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