
Defines functions dash2lty background_alpha .yaxisGrob .xaxisGrob loon.pretty getGridTextCoords get_model_display_order get_layer_states xy_coords_layer get_font_info_from_tk get_display_color glyph_to_pch loonGrob.l_layer_lines loonGrob.l_layer_rectangles loonGrob.l_layer_polygons loonGrob.l_layer_texts loonGrob.l_layer_points loonGrob.l_layer_text loonGrob.l_layer_oval loonGrob.l_layer_rectangle loonGrob.l_layer_line loonGrob.l_layer_polygon loonGrob.l_layer_group cartesian2dGrob loonGrob.l_graph loonGrob.l_hist loonGrob.l_plot3D loonGrob.l_plot loonGrob.default loonGrob

Documented in get_display_color get_font_info_from_tk get_layer_states get_model_display_order glyph_to_pch loonGrob

#' Create and optionally draw a grid grob from a loon widget handle
#' @template param_target
#' @template param_gridname
#' @template param_gridgp
#' @param draw a logical value indicating whether graphics output should be produced.
#' @template param_gridvp
#' @return a grid grob of the loon plot
#' @import grid
#' @import grDevices
#' @import stats
#' @seealso \code{\link{loonGrob}}, \code{\link{plot.loon}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(grid)
#' widget <- with(iris, l_plot(Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width))
#' grid.loon(widget)
#' }
#' @export
grid.loon <- function (target, name = NULL, gp = gpar(), draw = TRUE, vp = NULL) {

  lg <- loonGrob(target, name = name, gp = gp, vp = vp)

  if (draw)


#' Plot the current view of any loon plot in the current device.
#' This is a wrapper for \code{grid.loon()} to simplify the plotting of
#' loon plots on any device.  Frequent users are recommended to use
#' \code{grid.loon()} for more control.
#' @param x the loon plot to be plotted on the current device
#' @param y NULL, will be ignored.
#' @param ... parameters passed to \code{loonGrob}
#' @return invisible()
#' @seealso \code{\link{loonGrob}}, \code{\link{grid.loon}}, \code{\link{l_export}}
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()) {
#'   loonPlot <- with(iris, l_plot(Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width))
#'   loonPlot['color'] <- iris$Species
#'   loonPlot['selected'] <- iris$Species == "versicolor"
#'   l_scaleto_selected(loonPlot)
#'   loonPlot['showGuides'] <- TRUE
#'   plot(loonPlot)
#' }
#' @export
plot.loon <- function (x, y = NULL, ...) {
  if (!is.null(y))
    warning("argument y is ignored")
  lg <- grid.loon(x, ...)

#' Create a grid grob from a loon widget handle
#' Grid grobs are useful to create publication quality graphics.
#' @template param_target
#' @template param_gridname
#' @template param_gridgp
#' @template param_gridvp
#' @return a grid grob
#' @import grid
#' @seealso \code{\link{grid.loon}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' widget <- with(iris, l_plot(Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width))
#' lgrob <- loonGrob(widget)
#' library(grid)
#' grid.ls(lgrob, viewports=TRUE, fullNames=TRUE)
#' grid.newpage(); grid.draw(lgrob)
#' p <- demo("l_layers", ask = FALSE)$value
#' lgrob <- loonGrob(p)
#' grid.newpage(); grid.draw(lgrob)
#' p <- demo("l_glyph_sizes", ask = FALSE)$value
#' lgrob <- loonGrob(p)
#' grid.newpage()
#' grid.draw(lgrob)
#' }
loonGrob <- function(target, name = NULL, gp = NULL, vp = NULL) {

#' @export
loonGrob.default <- function(target, name = NULL, gp = NULL, vp = NULL) {
  stop("loonGrob.default no valid inheritance")

#' @export
loonGrob.l_plot <- function(target,  name = NULL, gp = NULL, vp = NULL) {
  rl <- l_create_handle(c(target, "root"))
  layers_grob <- loonGrob(rl, name = "l_plot_layers")

  gTree(children = gList(cartesian2dGrob(target, layers_grob, name = "l_plot")),
        name = name, gp = gp, vp = vp)

#' @export
loonGrob.l_plot3D <- function(target,  name = NULL, gp = NULL, vp = NULL) {
  rl <- l_create_handle(c(target, "root"))
  layers_grob <- loonGrob(rl, name = "l_plot_layers")

  axes_coords <- target["axesCoords"]

  scaleFator2radius <- function(x) {
  radius <- scaleFator2radius(target["axisScaleFactor"])

  adjust_brightness <- function(z_coord, r, g, b) {
    change <- as.integer(100 + 80 * z_coord)
    if (change < 0) {
    } else if (change <= 100) {
      rgb((r/256) * change/100, (g/256) * change/100, (b/256) * change/100)
    } else {
      rgb(r,g,b, maxColorValue=255)

  x_color <- adjust_brightness(axes_coords[[3]][1], 255, 0, 0)
  y_color <- adjust_brightness(axes_coords[[3]][2], 0, 0, 255)
  z_color <- adjust_brightness(axes_coords[[3]][3], 0, 255, 0)

  gTree(children = gList(cartesian2dGrob(target, layers_grob, name = "l_plot3D"),
                         linesGrob(x = c(0.5, 0.5 + radius*axes_coords[[1]][1]),
                                   y =  c(0.5, 0.5 + radius*axes_coords[[2]][1]),
                                   gp = gpar(col = x_color, lwd=1),
                                   name = "3d x axis"),
                         linesGrob(x = c(0.5,0.5 + radius*axes_coords[[1]][2]),
                                   y =  c(0.5,0.5 + radius*axes_coords[[2]][2]),
                                   gp = gpar(col = y_color, lwd=1),
                                   name = "3d y axis"),
                         linesGrob(x = c(0.5,0.5 + radius*axes_coords[[1]][3]),
                                   y =  c(0.5,0.5 + radius*axes_coords[[2]][3]),
                                   gp = gpar(col = z_color, lwd=1),
                                   name = "3d z axis")),
        name = name, gp = gp, vp = vp)

#' @export
loonGrob.l_hist <- function(target, name = NULL, gp = NULL, vp = NULL) {
  rl <- l_create_handle(c(target, "root"))
  layers_grob <- loonGrob(rl, name = "l_hist_layers")

  gTree(children = gList(cartesian2dGrob(target, layers_grob, name = "l_hist")),
        name = name, gp = gp, vp = vp)

#' @export
loonGrob.l_graph <- function(target, name = NULL, gp = NULL, vp = NULL) {
  rl <- l_create_handle(c(target, "root"))
  interiorGrob <- loonGrob(rl, name = "l_graph_layers")
  gTree(children = gList(cartesian2dGrob(target, interiorGrob, name = "l_graph")),
        name = name, gp = gp, vp = vp)

cartesian2dGrob <- function(widget, interiorPlotGrob = NULL, name = NULL, gp = NULL, vp = NULL) {

  l_isLoonWidget(widget) || stop("widget does not seem to exist")

  if (!is.null(interiorPlotGrob) && !is.grob(interiorPlotGrob))
    stop("interiorPlotGrob must be either NULL or a grob")

  panX <- widget['panX']
  deltaX <- widget['deltaX']
  zoomX <- widget['zoomX']
  xlim <- c(panX, panX + deltaX/zoomX)

  panY <- widget['panY']
  deltaY <- widget['deltaY']
  zoomY <- widget['zoomY']
  ylim <- c(panY, panY + deltaY/zoomY)

  swapAxes <- widget['swapAxes']
  showScales <- widget['showScales']

  showLabels <- widget['showLabels']
  showGuides <- widget['showGuides']

  if (swapAxes) {
    tmp <- xlim
    xlim <- ylim
    ylim <- tmp

  title <- widget['title']
  xlabel <- widget['xlabel']
  ylabel <- widget['ylabel']

  # Figure out margins
  minimumMargins <- widget['minimumMargins']
  margins <- c(0, 0, 0, 0)
  if (showLabels) {
    labelMargins <- widget['labelMargins']
    if(xlabel == "") labelMargins[1] <- minimumMargins[1]
    if(ylabel == "") labelMargins[2] <- minimumMargins[2]
    if(title == "") labelMargins[3] <- minimumMargins[3]
    margins <- margins + labelMargins
  if (showScales) {margins <- margins + widget['scalesMargins'] }
  if(showLabels | showScales) {
    margins <- apply(cbind(margins, minimumMargins), 1, max)
  # loon pixel margin to grid margin
  pixels_2_lines <- function(x) {
    x / 20
  margins <- pixels_2_lines(margins)

  border <- as_hex6color(widget['foreground'])

  xylab_loc <- if (showScales) c(-3.5, -6.5) else c(-1, -1)

  # Fonts
  xlabelFont <- get_font_info_from_tk(l_getOption("font-xlabel"))
  ylabelFont <- get_font_info_from_tk(l_getOption("font-ylabel"))
  titleFont <- get_font_info_from_tk(l_getOption("font-title"))
  scalesFont <- get_font_info_from_tk(l_getOption("font-scales"))

  if (!swapAxes) {
    xlabelGrob <- condGrob(test = showLabels,
                           grobFun = textGrob,
                           name = "x label",
                           label = xlabel,
                           y = unit(xylab_loc[1], "lines"),
                           gp = gpar(fontfamily = xlabelFont$family,
                                     fontsize = xlabelFont$size,
                                     fontface = xlabelFont$face
    ylabelGrob <- condGrob(test = showLabels,
                           grobFun = textGrob,
                           name = "y label",
                           label = ylabel,
                           x = unit(xylab_loc[2], "lines"),
                           rot = 90,
                           gp = gpar(fontfamily = ylabelFont$family,
                                     fontsize = ylabelFont$size,
                                     fontface = ylabelFont$face
  } else {
    xlabelGrob <- condGrob(test = showLabels,
                           grobFun = textGrob,
                           name = "x label",
                           label = xlabel,
                           x = unit(xylab_loc[2], "lines"),
                           rot = 90,
                           gp = gpar(fontfamily = xlabelFont$family,
                                     fontsize = xlabelFont$size,
                                     fontface = xlabelFont$face
    ylabelGrob <- condGrob(test = showLabels,
                           grobFun = textGrob,
                           name = "y label",
                           label = ylabel,
                           y = unit(xylab_loc[1], "lines"),
                           gp = gpar(fontfamily = ylabelFont$family,
                                     fontsize = ylabelFont$size,
                                     fontface = ylabelFont$face
  # loon.pretty is still in development
  axis <- loon.pretty(widget)
  xaxis.major <- axis$xaxis.major
  yaxis.major <- axis$yaxis.major
  xaxis.minor <- axis$xaxis.minor
  yaxis.minor <- axis$yaxis.minor

  titleGrob <- condGrob(test =  showLabels & (title != ""),
                        grobFun = textGrob,
                        name = "title",
                        label = title,
                        y = unit(1, "npc") + unit(.8, "lines"),
                        gp = gpar(fontfamily = titleFont$family,
                                  fontsize = titleFont$size,
                                  fontface = titleFont$face
                        vjust = .5)

    children = gList(
      rectGrob(gp = gpar(col = NA,
                         fill = as_hex6color(widget['background']),
                         alpha = background_alpha(widget['background'])),
               name = "bounding box"),
        children = gList(
            children = gList(
              # background
              condGrob(test = showGuides,
                       grobFun = rectGrob,
                       name = "guides background",
                       gp = gpar(col = NA,
                                 fill = as_hex6color(widget['guidesBackground'])
              # x major lines
                             function(xaxis) {
                               condGrob(test =  showGuides,
                                        grobFun = linesGrob,
                                        name = paste0("guidelines: xaxis (major), x = ", xaxis),
                                        x = unit(rep(xaxis, 2), "native"),
                                        y =  unit(c(0, 1), "npc"),
                                        gp = gpar(col = as_hex6color(widget['guidelines']), lwd = 2))
              # x minor lines
                             function(xaxis) {
                               condGrob(test =  showGuides,
                                        grobFun = linesGrob,
                                        name = paste0("guidelines: xaxis (minor), x = ", xaxis),
                                        x = unit(rep(xaxis,2 ), "native"),
                                        y =  unit(c(0, 1), "npc"),
                                        gp = gpar(col = as_hex6color(widget['guidelines']), lwd = 1))

              # y major lines
                             function(yaxis) {
                               condGrob(test =  showGuides,
                                        grobFun = linesGrob,
                                        name = paste0("guidelines: yaxis (major), y = ", yaxis),
                                        x = unit(c(0, 1), "npc") ,
                                        y =  unit(rep(yaxis,2), "native"),
                                        gp = gpar(col = as_hex6color(widget['guidelines']), lwd = 2))

              # y minor lines
                       function(yaxis) {
                         condGrob(test =  showGuides,
                                  grobFun = linesGrob,
                                  name = paste0("guidelines: yaxis (minor), y = ", yaxis),
                                  x = unit(c(0, 1), "npc") ,
                                  y =  unit(rep(yaxis,2 ), "native"),
                                  gp = gpar(col = as_hex6color(widget['guidelines']), lwd = 1))

            name = "guides"),
          gTree(children = gList(xlabelGrob,
                name = "labels"
          # Axes
          gTree(children = gList(condGrob(test =  showScales,
                                          grobFun = xaxisGrob,
                                          name = "x axis",
                                          at = xaxis.major,
                                          gp = gpar(fontfamily = scalesFont$family,
                                                    fontsize = scalesFont$size,
                                                    fontface = scalesFont$face
                                 condGrob(test =  showScales,
                                          grobFun = yaxisGrob,
                                          name = "y axis",
                                          at = yaxis.major,
                                          gp = gpar(fontfamily = scalesFont$family,
                                                    fontsize = scalesFont$size,
                                                    fontface = scalesFont$face
                name = "axes"),

          # Clipping
          clipGrob(name = "clipping region"),
          # Interior
          # draw boundary
          condGrob(test =  sum(margins) > 0,
                   grobFun = rectGrob,
                   name = "boundary rectangle",
                   gp=gpar(col = border, fill = NA, lwd=1))
        vp = vpStack(
          plotViewport(margins = margins, name = "plotViewport"),
          dataViewport(xscale = xlim, yscale = ylim,
                       name = if (swapAxes)
                         "dataViewport: swapAxes" else
        name = "loon plot"
    name = name, vp = vp, gp = gp

#' @export
loonGrob.l_layer_group <- function(target, name = NULL, gp = NULL, vp = NULL) {

  widget <- attr(target, "widget")

  l_children_layers <- lapply(rev(l_layer_getChildren(target)),
                              function(layerid) {
                                l_create_handle(c(widget, layerid))

  l_visible_children_layer <- Filter(
    function(layerid) {l_layer_isVisible(widget, layerid)},

  l_children_grobs <- lapply(l_visible_children_layer, loonGrob)

    children = do.call(gList, l_children_grobs),
    name = if(is.null(name)) {
      label <- l_layer_getLabel(widget, target)
      paste0("l_layer_group: ", label, " ", names(label))
    } else name,
    gp = gp,
    vp = vp

# __primitive grobs----

#' @export
loonGrob.l_layer_polygon <- function(target, name = NULL, gp = NULL, vp = NULL) {

  widget <- attr(target, "widget")
  states <- get_layer_states(target)

  if(length(states$x)!=0  & length(states$y)!=0){
      x = states$x, y = states$y,
      gp = if(is.null(gp)) {
        gpar(fill = states$color,
             col = states$linecolor,
             lwd = as_grid_size(states$linewidth, "lines")
      } else gp,
      name = if(is.null(name)) {
        label <- l_layer_getLabel(widget, target)
        paste0("l_layer_polygon: ", label, " ", names(label))
      } else name,
      vp = vp
  } else {
      name = if(is.null(name)) {
        label <- l_layer_getLabel(widget, target)
        paste0("l_layer_polygon: ", label, " ", names(label))
      } else name,
      gp = gp, vp = vp)

#' @export
loonGrob.l_layer_line <- function(target, name = NULL, gp = NULL, vp = NULL) {

  widget <- attr(target, "widget")
  states <- get_layer_states(target)

  if(length(states$x)!=0  & length(states$y)!=0) {
      x = states$x, y = states$y,
      gp = if(is.null(gp)) gpar(col = states$color,
                                lwd = as_grid_size(states$linewidth, "lines"),
                                lty = dash2lty(states$dash)) else gp,
      name = if(is.null(name)) {
        label <- l_layer_getLabel(widget, target)
        paste0("l_layer_line: ", label, " ", names(label))
      } else name,
      vp = vp

  } else {

      name = if(is.null(name)) {
        label <- l_layer_getLabel(widget, target)
        paste0("l_layer_line: ", label, " ", names(label))
      } else name,
      gp = gp, vp = vp

#' @export
loonGrob.l_layer_rectangle <- function(target, name = NULL, gp = NULL, vp = NULL) {

  widget <- attr(target, "widget")
  states <- get_layer_states(target)

  if (length(states$x)!=0  & length(states$y)!=0) {
    xcoords <- as.numeric(states$x)
    ycoords <- as.numeric(states$y)

    x <- unit(mean(xcoords), "native")
    y <- unit(mean(ycoords), "native")

    width <- unit(diff(range(xcoords)), "native")
    height <- unit(diff(range(ycoords)), "native")

      x = x, y = y,
      width = width, height = height,
      gp = if(is.null(gp)) gpar(fill = states$color,
                                col = states$linecolor,
                                lwd = as_grid_size(states$linewidth, "lines")) else gp,
      name = if(is.null(name)) {
        label <- l_layer_getLabel(widget, target)
        paste0("l_layer_rectangle: ", label, " ", names(label))
      } else name,
      vp = vp
  } else {
      name = if(is.null(name)) {
        label <- l_layer_getLabel(widget, target)
        paste0("l_layer_rectangle: ", label, " ", names(label))
      } else name,
      gp = gp, vp = vp


#' @export
loonGrob.l_layer_oval <- function(target, name = NULL, gp = NULL, vp = NULL) {

  widget <- attr(target, "widget")
  states <- get_layer_states(target)

  if (length(states$x)!=0  & length(states$y)!=0 ){
    xcoords <- as.numeric(states$x)
    ycoords <- as.numeric(states$y)

    angle <- seq(0, 2*pi, length=101)

    xCenter <- mean(xcoords)
    yCenter <- mean(ycoords)

    xRadius <- diff(range(xcoords))/2
    yRadius <- diff(range(ycoords))/2

    x <- unit( mean(xcoords) + xRadius * cos(angle), "native")
    y <- unit( mean(ycoords) + yRadius * sin(angle), "native")

      x, y,
      gp = if(is.null(gp)) {
        gpar(fill = states$color,
             col = states$linecolor,
             lwd = as_grid_size(states$linewidth, "lines"))
      } else gp,
      name = if(is.null(name)) {
        label <- l_layer_getLabel(widget, target)
        paste0("l_layer_oval: ", label, " ", names(label))
      } else name,
      vp = vp

  } else {
      name = if(is.null(name)) {
        label <- l_layer_getLabel(widget, target)
        paste0("l_layer_oval: ", label, " ", names(label))
      } else name,
      gp = gp, vp = vp)

#' @export
loonGrob.l_layer_text <- function(target, name = NULL, gp = NULL, vp = NULL) {

  widget <- attr(target, "widget")
  states <- get_layer_states(target)
  adjustedCoords <- getGridTextCoords(
    text = states$text,
    angle = states$angle,
    anchor = states$anchor,
    just = states$justify

  if(length(states$x) > 0  & length(states$y) > 0) {

      label = states$text,
      x = states$x + adjustedCoords[1],
      y = states$y + adjustedCoords[2],
      just = states$justify,
      rot = states$angle,
      gp=if(is.null(gp)) {
        gpar(fontsize = as_grid_size(states$size, "texts"),
      } else gp,
      name = if(is.null(name)) {
        label <- l_layer_getLabel(widget, target)
        paste0("l_layer_text: ", label, " ", names(label))
      } else name,
      vp = vp
  } else {
      name = if(is.null(name)) {
        label <- l_layer_getLabel(widget, target)
        paste0("l_layer_text: ", label, " ", names(label))
      } else name,
      gp = gp, vp = vp)

#' @export
loonGrob.l_layer_points <- function(target, name = NULL, gp = NULL, vp = NULL) {

  widget <- attr(target, "widget")
  states <- get_layer_states(target)

  active <- states$active
  x <- states$x[active]
  y <- states$y[active]

  if(length(x)!=0  && length(y) !=0 ){
    size  <- as_grid_size(states$size[active], "points", pch = 19)
    color <- states$color[active]

      x = x, y = y,
      gp = if(is.null(gp)) {
        gpar(col = color,
             fontsize = size)
      } else gp,
      pch = 19,
      name = if(is.null(name)) {
        label <- l_layer_getLabel(widget, target)
        paste0("l_layer_points: ", label, " ", names(label))
      } else name,
      vp = vp

  } else {
      name = if(is.null(name)) {
        label <- l_layer_getLabel(widget, target)
        paste0("l_layer_points: ", label, " ", names(label))
      } else name,
      gp = gp, vp = vp)

#' @export
loonGrob.l_layer_texts <- function(target, name = NULL, gp = NULL, vp = NULL) {

  widget <- attr(target, "widget")
  states <- get_layer_states(target)

  active <- states$active
  x <- states$x[active]
  y <- states$y[active]

  if(length(x) > 0  && length(y) > 0 ){
    text  <- states$text[active]
    size  <- as_grid_size(states$size[active], "text")
    angle  <- states$angle[active]
    anchor  <- states$anchor[active]
    justify  <- states$justify[active]
    color <- states$color[active]
    textGrobs <- lapply(seq_along(x),
                        function(i) {
                          adjustedCoords <- getGridTextCoords(
                            text = text[i],
                            angle = angle[i],
                            anchor = anchor[i],
                            just = justify[i]
                            label = text[i],
                            x = x[i] + adjustedCoords[1],
                            y = y[i] + adjustedCoords[2],
                            rot = angle[i],
                            # just = anchor[[i]],
                            just = justify[i],
                            gp=gpar(fontsize= size[i], col=color[i])

      children = do.call(gList, textGrobs),
      name = if(is.null(name)) {
        label <- l_layer_getLabel(widget, target)
        paste0("l_layer_texts: ", label, " ", names(label))
      } else name,
      gp = gp, vp = vp

  } else {
      name = if(is.null(name)) {
        label <- l_layer_getLabel(widget, target)
        paste0("l_layer_texts: ", label, " ", names(label))
      } else name,
      gp = gp, vp = vp)

#' @export
loonGrob.l_layer_polygons <- function(target, name = NULL, gp = NULL, vp = NULL) {

  widget <- attr(target, "widget")
  states <- get_layer_states(target)

  active <- states$active
  x <- states$x[active]
  y <- states$y[active]

  if(length(x)!=0  && length(y) !=0 ){
    linewidth  <- states$linewidth[active]
    linecolor <- states$linecolor[active]
    fill <- states$color[active]
    polygonGrobs <- lapply(seq_along(x),
                           function(i) {
                               x = x[[i]], y = y[[i]],
                               gp = gpar(
                                 fill = fill[i],
                                 col = linecolor[i],
                                 lwd = as_grid_size(linewidth[i], "lines")

      children = do.call(gList, polygonGrobs),
      name = if(is.null(name)) {
        label <- l_layer_getLabel(widget, target)
        paste0("l_layer_polygons: ", label, " ", names(label))
      } else name,
      gp = gp, vp = vp
  } else {
      name = if(is.null(name)) {
        label <- l_layer_getLabel(widget, target)
        paste0("l_layer_polygons: ", label, " ", names(label))
      } else name,
      gp = gp, vp = vp)

#' @export
loonGrob.l_layer_rectangles <- function(target, name = NULL, gp = NULL, vp = NULL) {

  widget <- attr(target, "widget")
  states <- get_layer_states(target)

  active <- states$active
  x <- states$x[active]
  y <- states$y[active]

  if(length(x)!=0  && length(y) !=0 ){
    linewidth  <- states$linewidth[active]
    linecolor <- states$linecolor[active]
    fill <- states$color[active]
    rectGrobs <- lapply(seq_along(x),
                        function(i) {
                          xcoords <- as.numeric(x[[i]])
                          ycoords <- as.numeric(y[[i]])

                          xloc <- unit(mean(xcoords), "native")
                          yloc <- unit(mean(ycoords), "native")

                          width <- unit(diff(range(xcoords)), "native")
                          height <- unit(diff(range(ycoords)), "native")

                            x = xloc, y = yloc,
                            width = width,
                            height = height,
                            gp = gpar(fill = fill[i],
                                      col = linecolor[i],
                                      lwd = as_grid_size(linewidth[i], "lines"))

      children = do.call(gList, rectGrobs),
      name = if(is.null(name)) {
        label <- l_layer_getLabel(widget, target)
        paste0("l_layer_rectangles: ", label, " ", names(label))
      } else name,
      gp = gp, vp = vp

  } else {
      name = if(is.null(name)) {
        label <- l_layer_getLabel(widget, target)
        paste0("l_layer_rectangles: ", label, " ", names(label))
      } else name,
      gp = gp, vp = vp)

#' @export
loonGrob.l_layer_lines <- function(target, name = NULL, gp = NULL, vp = NULL) {

  widget <- attr(target, "widget")
  states <- get_layer_states(target)

  active <- states$active
  x <- states$x[active]
  y <- states$y[active]

  if(length(x) > 0  && length(y) > 0 ){
    linewidth  <- states$linewidth[active]
    linecolor <- states$color[active]
    lineGrobs <- lapply(seq_along(x),
                        function(i) {
                            x = x[[i]],
                            y = y[[i]],
                            gp = gpar(col = linecolor[i],
                                      lwd = as_grid_size(linewidth[i], "lines"))

      children = do.call(gList, lineGrobs),
      name = if(is.null(name)) {
        label <- l_layer_getLabel(widget, target)
        paste0("l_layer_lines: ", label, " ", names(label))
      } else name,
      gp = gp, vp = vp

  } else {
      name = if(is.null(name)) {
        label <- l_layer_getLabel(widget, target)
        paste0("l_layer_lines: ", label, " ", names(label))
      } else name,
      gp = gp, vp = vp)

# Get Attributes ====
#' @title Glyph to Pch
#' @description turn a loon point glyph to an R \code{graphics} plotting 'character' (pch)
#' @param glyph glyph type in \code{loon}, must be "circle", "ocircle",
#' "ccircle", "square", "osquare", "csquare", "triangle", "otriangle", "ctriangle",
#' "diamond", "cdiamond", "odiamond". If the input glyph is not valid, \code{NA} is returned.
#' @return a \code{\link{pch}} type
#' @export
#' @examples
#' glyph_to_pch(c("circle", "ocircle", "ccircle",
#'                "square", "osquare", "csquare",
#'                "triangle", "otriangle", "ctriangle",
#'                "diamond", "cdiamond", "odiamond",
#'                "foo"))
glyph_to_pch <- function(glyph) {

  vapply(glyph, function(x) {
      circle = 19,
      ocircle = 1,
      ccircle = 21,
      square = 15,
      osquare = 0,
      csquare = 22,
      triangle = 17,
      otriangle = 2,
      ctriangle = 24,
      diamond = 18,
      odiamond = 5,
      cdiamond = 23,
  }, numeric(1))


# Model layers have selected state
#' @title Return the Displayed Color
#' @description Always reflect the current displayed color.
#' @param color the \code{loon} widget color
#' @param selected the selected states
#' @details In \code{loon}, each element (i.e. point, bin, line) has a "temporary" color and
#' a "permanent" color. If one element is selected, the color is switched to the "temporary" color to highlight it.
#' If the selection state is eliminated, the "permanent" color of this element will be displayed.
#' Our function always gives the "temporary" displayed color.
#' @return The color shown on the plot
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()) {
#'   p <- l_plot(1:10)
#'   p['selected'][c(1,3,5)] <- TRUE
#'   displayedColor <- get_display_color(p['color'], p['selected'])
#'   plot(1:10, bg = as_hex6color(displayedColor), pch = 21)
#' }
get_display_color <- function(color, selected) {

  if(missing(selected)) return(color)
  if(!any(selected)) return(color)

  sel_color <- as.character(l_getOption("select-color"))

  if (grepl("^#", sel_color) && nchar(sel_color) == 13) {
    sel_color <- hex12tohex6(sel_color)

  color[selected] <- sel_color

#' @title Return Font Information
#' @param tkFont A specified tk font character, one of
#' \code{l_getOption("font-scales")}, \code{l_getOption("font-title")},
#' \code{l_getOption("font-xlabel")}, \code{l_getOption("font-ylabel")}
#' @export
#' @return A list of font information, containing font "family",
#' font "face" and font "size"
#' @examples
#' fontscales <- l_getOption("font-scales")
#' get_font_info_from_tk(fontscales)
get_font_info_from_tk <- function(tkFont) {

  fontInfo <- as.character(.Tcl(paste("font actual", tkFont)))
  fontInfo <- matrix(fontInfo, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)

  fontFamily <- fontInfo[fontInfo[,1] == "-family", 2]
  if (!fontFamily %in% c("sans", "mono", "serif", "symbol")) fontFamily <- "sans"

  fontSize <- fontInfo[fontInfo[,1] == "-size", 2]
  if (fontSize <= 0) fontSize <- 8

  fontFace <- fontInfo[fontInfo[,1] == "-weight", 2]
  if (!fontFace %in% c("plain",
  ) fontFace <- "plain"

  list(family = fontFamily, face = fontFace, size = fontSize)

xy_coords_layer <- function(layer, native_unit = TRUE) {

  if (!is(layer, "l_layer")) stop("layer argument needs to be an l_layer")

  widget <- l_create_handle(attr(layer, "widget"))

  type <- l_layer_getType(attr(layer, "widget"), layer)

  xy <- if (type %in% c("scatterplot", "graph") ) {

      x = if (length(widget['xTemp']) == 0) widget['x'] else widget['xTemp'],
      y = if (length(widget['yTemp']) == 0) widget['y'] else widget['yTemp']
  } else if (type %in% c('polygon', 'line', 'rectangle', 'text', 'oval',
                         'points', 'texts', 'polygons', 'rectangles', 'lines')) {
      x = l_cget(layer, "x"),
      y = l_cget(layer, "y")
  } else if(type == "histogram"){
      x = l_cget(widget, "x"),
      y = NA
  } else {
    stop("unknown layer type ", type)

  if (widget['swapAxes']) {
    names(xy) <- c("y", "x")

  if (native_unit & length(xy$x) != 0 & length(xy$y) != 0) {
    xy <- if (type %in% c('polygons', 'rectangles', 'lines')) {
      list(x = lapply(xy$x, function(xi)unit(xi, "native")),
           y = lapply(xy$y, function(yi)unit(yi, "native")))
    } else {
      list(x = unit(xy$x, "native"), y = unit(xy$y, "native"))


cartesian_model_widget_states <- c(
  "x", "y", "swapAxes",
  "tag", "itemLabel",
  "useLoonInspector", "selectionLogic",  "linkingGroup",
  "zoomX", "zoomY", "panY", "panX", "deltaX", "deltaY",
  "linkingKey", "linkingKey",  "showItemLabels",  "selectBy",
  "background", "foreground", "guidesBackground", "guidelines",
  "minimumMargins", "labelMargins", "scalesMargins", "xTemp", "yTemp",
  "showScales",  "title", "showLabels", "showGuides",  "xlabel", "ylabel"

#' get layer states
#' @title Get Layer States
#' @description Return the input widget states
#' @template param_target
#' @param native_unit return numerical vectors or \code{\link{unit}} objects
#' @param omit deprecated
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' p <- l_plot(x = c(0,1), y = c(0,1))
#' l <- l_layer_rectangle(p, x = c(0,0.5), y = c(0, 0.5))
#' # the coordinates are in `unit`
#' get_layer_states(p)
#' # the coordinates are numerical
#' get_layer_states(p, native_unit = FALSE)
#' # get `l_layer` state
#' get_layer_states(l)
#' }
get_layer_states <- function(target, native_unit = TRUE, omit = NULL) {

  if (!is(target, "loon")) {
    target <- l_create_handle(target)

  if (is(target, "l_layer")) {
    layer <- target
    widget <- l_create_handle(attr(target, "widget"))
    obj_states <- target
  } else {
    widget <- target
    layer <- l_create_handle(c(as.vector(widget), "model"))
    obj_states <- widget

  states_info <- l_info_states(obj_states)
  state_names <- setdiff(names(states_info), c(cartesian_model_widget_states))

  states <- setNames(lapply(state_names,
                            function(state) l_cget(target, state)),

  # Add Coordinates
  if (!is(layer, "l_layer_group")) {
    states <- c(xy_coords_layer(layer, native_unit = native_unit), states)

  # Deal with color
  is_color <- vapply(states_info[state_names],
                     function(s) s$type %in% c("color", "colorOrTransparent"),
  if (any(is_color)) {
    for (state_name in state_names[is_color]) {
      states[[state_name]] <- as_hex6color(states[[state_name]])



# only works for scatterplot and serialaxes
#' @title Get the Order of the Display
#' @description In \code{loon}, if points (in scatter plot) or lines
#' (in parallel or radial coordinate) are highlighted, the displayed order will be changed.
#' This function always reflects the current displayed order
#' @param widget An \code{l_plot} or \code{l_serialaxes} widget
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()) {
#'   p <- l_plot(rnorm(10))
#'   get_model_display_order(p)
#'   p['selected'][c(1,3,5,7)] <- TRUE
#'   # The 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th points will be drawn afterwards
#'   # to make sure that they are displayed on top
#'   get_model_display_order(p)
#' }
get_model_display_order <- function(widget) {

  n <- l_cget(widget, "n")

  if (n == 0) {
  } else {

    can <- paste0(widget, ".canvas")
    id <- as.numeric(tcl(can, "find", "withtag", paste("layer", "model", sep = "&&")))

    i <- vapply(id, function(id_i) {
      tags <- as.character(tcl(can, "gettags", id_i))

      if (length(tags) >= 4) {
        as.numeric(sub("^item", "", tags[4]))
      } else {
    }, numeric(1))

    order <- if (any(is.na(i))) {
    } else {
      ii <- i+1
    # TODO: A bug in l_serialaxes;
    # In l_serialaxes, `tcl` only return active model order instead of full order
    # It should be fixed in `tcl`, so far it is fixed in R temporarily.
    c(setdiff(seq(n), order), order)

# A helper function to combine loon's justification and anchor
# for text to the correct coordinates for grid
getGridTextCoords  <-  function(text, angle, anchor, just){
  textWidth <- stringWidth(text)
  textHeight <- stringHeight(text)
  angle <- angle * pi / 180

  adjustedCoords <- switch(anchor,
                           "center" = unit(c(0, 0), units = "mm"),
                           "n" = {
                             x <- 1/2 * sin(angle) * textHeight
                             y <- -1/2 * cos(angle) * textHeight
                             unit.c(x, y)
                           "e" = {
                             x <- -1/2 * cos(angle) * textWidth
                             y <- -1/2 * sin(angle) * textWidth
                             unit.c(x, y)
                           "s" = {
                             x <- - 1/2 * sin(angle) * textHeight
                             y <- 1/2 * cos(angle) * textHeight
                             unit.c(x, y)
                           "w" = {
                             x <- 1/2 * cos(angle) * textWidth
                             y <- 1/2 * sin(angle) * textWidth
                             unit.c(x, y)
                           "sw" = {
                             x <- - 1/2 * sin(angle) * textHeight +
                               1/2 * cos(angle) * textWidth
                             y <- 1/2 * cos(angle) * textHeight +
                               1/2 * sin(angle) * textWidth
                             unit.c(x, y)
                           "nw" = {
                             x <- 1/2 * sin(angle) * textHeight +
                               1/2 * cos(angle) * textWidth
                             y <- -1/2 * cos(angle) * textHeight +
                               1/2 * sin(angle) * textWidth
                             unit.c(x, y)
                           "ne" =  {
                             x <-  1/2 * sin(angle) * textHeight +
                               (-1/2) * cos(angle) * textWidth
                             y <- -1/2 * cos(angle) * textHeight +
                               (-1/2) * sin(angle) * textWidth
                           "se" = {
                             x <- - 1/2 * sin(angle) * textHeight +
                               (-1/2) * cos(angle) * textWidth
                             y <- 1/2 * cos(angle) * textHeight +
                               (-1/2) * sin(angle) * textWidth
                             unit.c(x ,y)
  # just can only be "left", "right" and "center"
  if(just == "left") {
    adjustedCoords[1] <- adjustedCoords[1] - 1/2 * cos(angle) * textWidth
    adjustedCoords[2] <- adjustedCoords[2] - 1/2 * sin(angle) * textWidth
  } else if(just == "right") {
    adjustedCoords[1] <- adjustedCoords[1] + 1/2 * cos(angle) * textWidth
    adjustedCoords[2] <- adjustedCoords[2] + 1/2 * sin(angle) * textWidth

# TODO Export and fully document
loon.pretty <- function(widget, digits = 3) {

  title <- widget['title']
  xlabel <- widget['xlabel']
  ylabel <- widget['ylabel']
  showScales <- widget['showScales']
  showLabels <- widget['showLabels']
  swap <- widget['swapAxes']
  panX <- widget['panX']
  panY <- widget['panY']
  deltaX <- widget['deltaX']
  deltaY <- widget['deltaY']
  zoomX <- widget['zoomX']
  zoomY <- widget['zoomY']

  if(swap) {
    xrange <- c(panY, panY + deltaY/zoomY)
    yrange <- c(panX, panX + deltaX/zoomX)
  } else {
    yrange <- c(panY, panY + deltaY/zoomY)
    xrange <- c(panX, panX + deltaX/zoomX)

  xaxis <- grid.pretty(xrange)
  yaxis <- grid.pretty(yrange)

  # if(swap) {
  #   tcl("set", "xfrom", panY)
  #   tcl("set", "yfrom", panX)
  #   tcl("set", "xto", panY + deltaY/zoomY)
  #   tcl("set", "yto", panX + deltaX/zoomX)
  # } else {
  #   tcl("set", "xfrom", panX)
  #   tcl("set", "yfrom", panY)
  #   tcl("set", "xto", panX + deltaX/zoomX)
  #   tcl("set", "yto", panY + deltaY/zoomY)
  # }
  # # set the number of axes
  # density <- as.numeric(.Tcl('set density $::loon::Options(ticks_density)'))
  # canvasWidth <- as.numeric(tkwinfo("width", widget))
  # canvasHeight <- as.numeric(tkwinfo("height", widget))
  # # margins
  # minimumMargins <- widget['minimumMargins']
  # margins <- c(0, 0, 0, 0)
  # if (showLabels) {
  #   labelMargins <- widget['labelMargins']
  #   if(xlabel == "") labelMargins[1] <- minimumMargins[1]
  #   if(ylabel == "") labelMargins[2] <- minimumMargins[2]
  #   if(title == "") labelMargins[3] <- minimumMargins[3]
  #   margins <- margins + labelMargins
  # }
  # if (showScales) {margins <- margins + widget['scalesMargins'] }
  # if(showLabels | showScales) {
  #   margins <- apply(cbind(margins, minimumMargins), 1, max)
  # }
  # plotWidth <- canvasWidth - (margins[2] + margins[4])
  # plotHeight <- canvasHeight - (margins[1] + margins[3])
  # if(plotWidth < 0) plotWidth <- 0
  # if(plotHeight < 0) plotHeight <- 0
  # tcl("set", "m_x", floor(plotWidth/100 * density))
  # tcl("set", "m_y", floor(plotHeight/100 * density))
  # xaxis <- round(
  #   as.numeric(.Tcl('set xaxis [::loon::scales::extended $xfrom $xto [expr {2*$m_x}]]')),
  #   digits = digits
  # )
  # yaxis <- round(
  #   as.numeric(.Tcl('set yaxis [::loon::scales::extended $yfrom $yto [expr {2*$m_y}]]')),
  #   digits = digits
  # )

  is.even <- function(x) !as.logical(x %% 2)

  len.xaxis <- length(xaxis)
  len.yaxis <- length(yaxis)

  xaxis.major <- xaxis[is.even(seq_len(len.xaxis))]
  xaxis.minor <- xaxis[!is.even(seq_len(len.xaxis))]

  yaxis.major <- yaxis[is.even(seq_len(len.yaxis))]
  yaxis.minor <- yaxis[!is.even(seq_len(len.yaxis))]

  list(xaxis.major = xaxis.major,
       xaxis.minor = xaxis.minor,
       yaxis.major = yaxis.major,
       yaxis.minor = yaxis.minor)

#' @title Create a named grob or a template grob depending on a test
#' @description Creates and returns a grid object using the function
#' given by `grobFun` when `test` is `TRUE`  Otherwise a simple `grob()`
#' is produced with the same parameters.  All grob parameters are given in `...`.
#' @param test Either `TRUE` or `FALSE` to indicate whether `grobFun` is to be used (default `TRUE`) or not.
#' @param grobFun The function to be used to create the grob when `test = TRUE` (e.g. `textGrob`, `polygonGrob`, etc.).
#' @param name The name to be used for the returned grob.
#' @param ... The arguments to be given to the `grobFun` (or to `grob()` when `test = FALSE`).
#' @return A grob as produced by either the `grobFun` given or by `grob()` using the remaining arguments.
#' If `test = FALSE` then the name is suffixed by ": `grobFun name` arguments".
#' @examples
#' myGrob <- condGrob(test = (runif(1) > 0.5),
#'                    grobFun = textGrob,
#'                    name = "my label",
#'                    label = "Some random text")
#' myGrob
#' @export

condGrob <- function (test = TRUE,
                      grobFun = grid::grob,
                      name = "grob name",
  if (test){
    grobFun(name = name, ...)
  } else {
    grob(name = paste0(name,
                       ": ",
                       " arguments"),

.xaxisGrob <- function(at = NULL, label = TRUE, main = TRUE,
                       edits = NULL, name = NULL,
                       gp = gpar(), vp = NULL) {

  xaxis <- grid::xaxisGrob(at = at, label = label, main = main,
                           edits = edits, name = name,
                           gp = gp, vp = vp)

      # extract the name
      major <- grid::getGrob(xaxis, "major")
      # remove the major (remove the line at the base of the tick marks)
                    grid::nullGrob(name = major$name))
    error = function(e) {

.yaxisGrob <- function(at = NULL, label = TRUE, main = TRUE,
                       edits = NULL, name = NULL,
                       gp = gpar(), vp = NULL) {

  yaxis <- grid::yaxisGrob(at = at, label = label, main = main,
                           edits = edits, name = name,
                           gp = gp, vp = vp)

      # extract the name
      major <- grid::getGrob(yaxis, "major")
      # remove the major (remove the line at the base of the tick marks)
                    grid::nullGrob(name = major$name))
    error = function(e) {

background_alpha <- function(x) {
  ifelse(x == "#999999999999", 0, 1)

dash2lty <- function(x) {
  if(length(x) == 0)
  else {
    x <- as.numeric(x)

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loon documentation built on July 9, 2023, 5:48 p.m.