Man pages for lrstat
Power and Sample Size Calculation for Non-Proportional Hazards and Beyond

accrualNumber of enrolled subjects
adNumber of patients enrolled during an interval and having an...
adaptDesignAdaptive design at an interim look
amlAcute myelogenous leukemia survival data from the survival...
binary_tte_simSimulation for a binary endpoint and a time-to-event endpoint
BOINTableBOIN decision table
caltimeCalendar times for target number of events
ClopperPearsonCIClopper-Pearson confidence interval for one-sample proportion
covrmstCovariance between restricted mean survival times
errorSpentError spending
exitprobStagewise exit probabilities
fadjpbonAdjusted p-values for Bonferroni-based graphical approaches
fadjpdunAdjusted p-values for Dunnett-based graphical approaches
fadjpsimAdjusted p-values for Simes-based graphical approaches
findInterval3Find interval numbers of indices
fmodmixAdjusted p-values for modified mixture gatekeeping procedures
fquantileThe quantiles of a survival distribution
fseqbonGroup sequential trials using Bonferroni-based graphical...
fstdmixAdjusted p-values for standard mixture gatekeeping procedures
fstp2seqAdjusted p-values for stepwise testing procedures for two...
ftruncAdjusted p-values for Holm, Hochberg, and Hommel procedures
fwgtmatWeight matrix for all intersection hypotheses
getAccrualDurationFromNAccrual duration to enroll target number of subjects
getADCIConfidence interval after adaptation
getADRCIRepeated confidence interval after adaptation
getBoundEfficacy boundaries for group sequential design
getCIConfidence interval after trial termination
getCPConditional power allowing for varying parameter values
getDesignPower and sample size for a generic group sequential design
getDesignAgreementPower and sample size for Cohen's kappa
getDesignANOVAPower and sample size for one-way ANOVA
getDesignANOVAContrastPower and sample size for one-way ANOVA contrast
getDesignEquivPower and sample size for a generic group sequential...
getDesignFisherExactPower and sample size for Fisher's exact test for two...
getDesignLogisticPower and sample size for logistic regression
getDesignMeanDiffGroup sequential design for two-sample mean difference
getDesignMeanDiffCarryoverPower and sample size for direct treatment effects in...
getDesignMeanDiffEquivGroup sequential design for equivalence in two-sample mean...
getDesignMeanDiffMMRMGroup sequential design for two-sample mean difference from...
getDesignMeanDiffXOGroup sequential design for mean difference in 2x2 crossover
getDesignMeanDiffXOEquivGroup sequential design for equivalence in mean difference in...
getDesignMeanRatioGroup sequential design for two-sample mean ratio
getDesignMeanRatioEquivGroup sequential design for equivalence in two-sample mean...
getDesignMeanRatioXOGroup sequential design for mean ratio in 2x2 crossover
getDesignMeanRatioXOEquivGroup sequential design for equivalence in mean ratio in 2x2...
getDesignOddsRatioGroup sequential design for two-sample odds ratio
getDesignOddsRatioEquivGroup sequential design for equivalence in two-sample odds...
getDesignOneMeanGroup sequential design for one-sample mean
getDesignOneMultinomPower and sample for one-sample multinomial response
getDesignOneProportionGroup sequential design for one-sample proportion
getDesignOneRateExactPower and sample size for one-sample Poisson rate exact test
getDesignOneSlopeGroup sequential design for one-sample slope
getDesignOrderedBinomPower and sample size for Cochran-Armitage trend test for...
getDesignPairedMeanDiffGroup sequential design for paired mean difference
getDesignPairedMeanDiffEquivGroup sequential design for equivalence in paired mean...
getDesignPairedMeanRatioGroup sequential design for paired mean ratio
getDesignPairedMeanRatioEquivGroup sequential design for equivalence in paired mean ratio
getDesignPairedPropMcNemarGroup sequential design for McNemar's test for paired...
getDesignRepeatedANOVAPower and sample size for repeated-measures ANOVA
getDesignRepeatedANOVAContrastPower and sample size for one-way repeated measures ANOVA...
getDesignRiskDiffGroup sequential design for two-sample risk difference
getDesignRiskDiffEquivGroup sequential design for equivalence in two-sample risk...
getDesignRiskDiffExactPower and sample size for exact unconditional test for risk...
getDesignRiskDiffExactEquivPower and sample size for exact unconditional test for...
getDesignRiskRatioGroup sequential design for two-sample risk ratio
getDesignRiskRatioEquivGroup sequential design for equivalence in two-sample risk...
getDesignRiskRatioExactPower and sample size for exact unconditional test for risk...
getDesignRiskRatioExactEquivPower and sample size for exact unconditional test for...
getDesignRiskRatioFMGroup sequential design for two-sample risk ratio based on...
getDesignSlopeDiffGroup sequential design for two-sample slope difference
getDesignSlopeDiffMMRMGroup sequential design for two-sample slope difference from...
getDesignTwoMultinomPower and sample for difference in two-sample multinomial...
getDesignTwoOrdinalPower and sample size for the Wilcoxon test for two-sample...
getDesignTwoWayANOVAPower and sample size for two-way ANOVA
getDesignUnorderedBinomPower and sample size for unordered multi-sample binomial...
getDesignUnorderedMultinomPower and sample size for unordered multi-sample multinomial...
getDesignWilcoxonGroup sequential design for two-sample Wilcoxon test
getDurationFromNeventsRange of accrual duration for target number of events
getNeventsFromHazardRatioGet the required number of events given hazard ratio
getRCIRepeated confidence interval for group sequential design
hdIntegrated event probability over an interval with constant...
heartStanford heart transplant data from the survival package
hedgesgHedges' g effect size
immdefSimulated Concorde trial data from the rpsftm package
kmdiffEstimate of milestone survival difference
kmestKaplan-Meier estimates of the survival curve
kmpowerPower for difference in milestone survival probabilities
kmpower1sPower for one-sample milestone survival probability
kmpowerequivPower for equivalence in milestone survival probability...
kmsamplesizeSample size for difference in milestone survival...
kmsamplesize1sSample size for one-sample milestone survival probability
kmsamplesizeequivSample size for equivalence in milestone survival probability...
kmstatStratified difference in milestone survival probabilities
kmstat1Milestone survival probability by stratum
liferegrParametric regression models for failure time data
lrpowerLog-rank test power
lrpowerequivPower for equivalence in hazard ratio
lrsamplesizeLog-rank test sample size
lrsamplesizeequivSample size for equivalence in hazard ratio
lrsimLog-rank test simulation
lrsim2eLog-rank test simulation for two endpoints
lrsim2e3aLog-rank test simulation for two endpoints and three arms
lrsim3aLog-rank test simulation for three arms
lrstatNumber of subjects having an event and log-rank statistics
lrstat1Number of subjects having an event and log-rank statistic for...
lrstat-packagePower and Sample Size Calculation for Non-Proportional...
lrtestLog-rank test of survival curve difference
mnOddsRatioCIMiettinen-Nurminen score confidence interval for two-sample...
mnRateDiffCIMiettinen-Nurminen score confidence interval for two-sample...
mnRateRatioCIMiettinen-Nurminen score confidence interval for two-sample...
mnRiskDiffCIMiettinen-Nurminen score confidence interval for two-sample...
mnRiskRatioCIMiettinen-Nurminen score confidence interval for two-sample...
mTPI2TablemTPI-2 decision table
natriskNumber of subjects at risk
nbpowerPower for negative binomial rate ratio
nbpower1sPower for one-sample negative binomial rate
nbpowerequivPower for equivalence in negative binomial rate ratio
nbsamplesizeSample size for negative binomial rate ratio
nbsamplesize1sSample size for one-sample negative binomial rate
nbsamplesizeequivSample size for equivalence in negative binomial rate ratio
nbstatNegative binomial rate ratio
nbstat1Negative binomial rate ratio by stratum
neventNumber of subjects having an event
nevent2Number of subjects having an event by calendar time
param_accrualDurationParameter Description: accrualDuration
param_accrualIntensityParameter Description: accrualIntensity
param_accrualTimeParameter Description: accrualTime
param_allocationRatioPlannedParameter Description: allocationRatioPlanned
param_alphaParameter Description: alpha
param_criticalValuesParameter Description: criticalValues
param_efficacyStoppingParameter Description: efficacyStopping
param_estimateHazardRatioParameter Description: estimateHazardRatio
param_fixedFollowupParameter Description: fixedFollowup
param_followupTimeParameter Description: followupTime
param_futilityBoundsParameter Description: futilityBounds
param_futilityStoppingParameter Description: futilityStopping
param_gammaParameter Description: gamma
param_gamma1Parameter Description: gamma1
param_gamma1_stratifiedParameter Description: gamma1_stratified
param_gamma2Parameter Description: gamma2
param_gamma2_stratifiedParameter Description: gamma2_stratified
param_hazardRatioH0Parameter Description: hazardRatioH0
param_informationRatesParameter Description: informationRates
param_kMaxParameter Description: kMax
param_lambdaParameter Description: lambda
param_lambda1Parameter Description: lambda1
param_lambda1_stratifiedParameter Description: lambda1_stratified
param_lambda2Parameter Description: lambda2
param_lambda2_stratifiedParameter Description: lambda2_stratified
param_maxFollowupTimeParameter Description: maxFollowupTime
param_minFollowupTimeParameter Description: minFollowupTime
param_numSubintervalsParameter Description: numSubintervals
param_parameterAlphaSpendingParameter Description: parameterAlphaSpending
param_parameterBetaSpendingParameter Description: parameterBetaSpending
param_piecewiseSurvivalTimeParameter Description: piecewiseSurvivalTime
param_rho1Parameter Description: rho1
param_rho2Parameter Description: rho2
param_stratumFractionParameter Description: stratumFraction
param_typeAlphaSpendingParameter Description: typeAlphaSpending
param_typeBetaSpendingParameter Description: typeBetaSpending
param_typeOfComputationParameter Description: typeOfComputation
param_userAlphaSpendingParameter Description: userAlphaSpending
param_userBetaSpendingParameter Description: userBetaSpending
patriskProbability of being at risk
pdIntegrated event probability over an interval
peventProbability of having an event
phregrProportional hazards regression model
powerFisherExactPower for Fisher's exact test for two proportions
powerOnePropExactPower for binomial one-sample exact test
powerOneRateExactPower for Poisson one-sample exact test
powerRiskDiffExactPower for exact unconditional test of risk difference
powerRiskDiffExactEquivPower for exact unconditional test of equivalence in risk...
powerRiskRatioExactPower for exact unconditional test of risk ratio
powerRiskRatioExactEquivPower for exact unconditional test of equivalence in risk...
print.adaptDesignPrint adaptive group sequential design
print.BOINTablePrint the decision table for the BOIN design
print.designPrint group sequential design
print.designAgreementPrint the power and sample size for Cohen's kappa.
print.designANOVAPrint the power and sample size for one-way ANOVA
print.designANOVAContrastPrint the power and sample size for a single contrast in...
print.designEquivPrint group sequential equivalence design
print.designLogisticPrint the power and sample size for logistic regression
print.designMeanDiffPrint power and sample size results for two-sample mean...
print.designMeanDiffCarryoverPrint power and sample size results for direct treatment...
print.designMeanDiffEquivPrint power and sample size results for equivalence in...
print.designMeanDiffMMRMPrint power and sample size results for two-sample mean...
print.designMeanDiffXOPrint power and sample size results for mean difference in...
print.designMeanDiffXOEquivPrint power and sample size results for equivalence in mean...
print.designMeanRatioPrint power and sample size results for two-sample mean ratio
print.designMeanRatioEquivPrint power and sample size results for equivalence in...
print.designMeanRatioXOPrint power and sample size results for mean ratio in 2x2...
print.designMeanRatioXOEquivPrint power and sample size results for equivalence in mean...
print.designOddsRatioPrint power and sample size results for two-sample odds ratio
print.designOddsRatioEquivPrint power and sample size results for equivalence in...
print.designOneMeanPrint power and sample size results for one-sample mean
print.designOneMultinomPrint the power and sample size for one-sample multinomial...
print.designOneProportionPrint power and sample size results for one-sample proportion
print.designOneSlopePrint power and sample size results for one-sample slope
print.designOrderedBinomPrint the power and sample size for Cochran-Armitage trend...
print.designPairedMeanDiffPrint power and sample size results for paired mean...
print.designPairedMeanDiffEquivPrint power and sample size results for equivalence in paired...
print.designPairedMeanRatioPrint power and sample size results for paired mean ratio
print.designPairedMeanRatioEquivPrint power and sample size results for equivalence in paired...
print.designPairedPropMcNemarPrint power and sample size results for McNemar's test for...
print.designRepeatedANOVAPrint the power and sample size for one-way repeated measures...
print.designRepeatedANOVAContrastPrint the power and sample size for a single contrast in...
print.designRiskDiffPrint power and sample size results for two-sample risk...
print.designRiskDiffEquivPrint power and sample size results for equivalence in...
print.designRiskRatioPrint power and sample size results for two-sample risk ratio
print.designRiskRatioEquivPrint power and sample size results for equivalence in...
print.designRiskRatioFMPrint power and sample size results for two-sample risk ratio...
print.designSlopeDiffPrint power and sample size results for two-sample slope...
print.designSlopeDiffMMRMPrint power and sample size results for two-sample slope...
print.designTwoMultinomPrint the power and sample size for difference in two-sample...
print.designTwoOrdinalPrint the power and sample size for Wilcoxon test for...
print.designTwoWayANOVAPrint the power and sample size for two-way ANOVA
print.designUnorderedBinomPrint the power and sample size for unordered multi-sample...
print.designUnorderedMultinomPrint the power and sample size for unordered multi-sample...
print.designWilcoxonPrint power and sample size results for two-sample Wilcoxon...
print.estimateCIPrint the point estimate and confidence interval
print.kmpowerPrint power and sample size results for milestone survival...
print.kmpower1sPrint power and sample size results for one-sample milestone...
print.kmpowerequivPrint power and sample size results for equivalence in...
print.lrpowerPrint power and sample size results for log-rank tests
print.lrpowerequivPrint power and sample size results for equivalence in hazard...
print.lrsimPrint simulation results for log-rank tests
print.mTPI2TablePrint the decision table for the mTPI-2 design
print.nbpowerPrint power and sample size results for negative binomial...
print.nbpower1sPrint power and sample size results for one-sample negative...
print.nbpowerequivPrint power and sample size results for equivalence in...
print.rmpowerPrint power and sample size results for restricted mean...
print.rmpower1sPrint power and sample size results for one-sample restricted...
print.rmpowerequivPrint power and sample size results for equivalence in...
ptpwexpDistribution function of truncated piecewise exponential...
pwexpcutsPiecewise exponential approximation to a survival...
pwexploglikProfile log-likelihood function for the change points in...
qtpwexpQuantile function of truncated piecewise exponential...
rawdataA simulated time-to-event data set with 10 replications
remlOddsRatioREML estimates of individual proportions with specified odds...
remlRateDiffREML estimates of individual rates with specified rate...
remlRateRatioREML estimates of individual rates with specified rate ratio
remlRiskDiffREML estimates of individual proportions with specified risk...
remlRiskRatioREML estimates of individual proportions with specified risk...
repeatedPValueRepeated p-values for group sequential design
riskDiffExactCIExact unconditional confidence interval for risk difference
riskDiffExactPValueP-value for exact unconditional test of risk difference
riskRatioExactCIExact unconditional confidence interval for risk ratio
riskRatioExactPValueP-value for exact unconditional test of risk ratio
rmdiffEstimate of restricted mean survival time difference
rmestEstimate of restricted mean survival time
rmpowerPower for difference in restricted mean survival times
rmpower1sPower for one-sample restricted mean survival time
rmpowerequivPower for equivalence in restricted mean survival time...
rmsamplesizeSample size for difference in restricted mean survival times
rmsamplesize1sSample size for one-sample restricted mean survival time
rmsamplesizeequivSample size for equivalence in restricted mean survival time...
rmstRestricted mean survival time
rmstatStratified difference in restricted mean survival times
rmstat1Restricted mean survival time by stratum
rpsftRank preserving structured failure time model (RPSFTM) for...
rtpwexpRandom number generation function of truncated piecewise...
runShinyAppRun Shiny app
samplesizeFisherExactSample size for Fisher's exact test for two proportions
samplesizeOnePropExactSample size for binomial one-sample exact test
samplesizeOneRateExactSample size for Poisson one-sample exact test
samplesizeRiskDiffExactSample size for exact unconditional test of risk difference
samplesizeRiskDiffExactEquivSample size for exact unconditional test of equivalence in...
samplesizeRiskRatioExactSample size for exact unconditional test of risk ratio
samplesizeRiskRatioExactEquivSample size for exact unconditional test of equivalence in...
simon2stageSimon's two-stage design
simonBayesAnalysisAnalysis of Simon's Bayesian basket trials
simonBayesSimSimulation of Simon's Bayesian basket trials
survQuantileBrookmeyer-Crowley confidence interval for quantiles of...
tobinTobin's tobit data from the survival package
updateGraphUpdate graph for graphical approaches
zstatOddsRatioMiettinen-Nurminen score test statistic for two-sample odds...
zstatRateDiffMiettinen-Nurminen score test statistic for two-sample rate...
zstatRateRatioMiettinen-Nurminen score test statistic for two-sample rate...
zstatRiskDiffMiettinen-Nurminen score test statistic for two-sample risk...
zstatRiskRatioMiettinen-Nurminen score test statistic for two-sample risk...
lrstat documentation built on June 23, 2024, 5:06 p.m.