
#' Get the data associated with a fold
#' \code{kfold_data} returns rows from data for a specific species for the kth
#' fold. The get data from pre-made folds use \code{\link{get_fold_data}}
#' @usage kfold_data(species_name, data, folds, fold, training)
#' @param species_name Character vector. The name of the species you want get
#'   the fold data for.
#' @param data Dataframe. The occurrence or background data you want to get the
#'   fold data for.
#' @param folds Dataframe. The occurrence or background folds as created by
#'   \code{kfold_species_background}. Essentially a data.frame with a species
#'   column and the k-fold cross-validation logical vectors.
#' @param fold Integer. Indicate which kth fold you want to return data for.
#' @param training Logical. If \code{TRUE} then training data is returned else
#'   if \code{FALSE} then test data is returned.
#' @return Filtered version of data.
#' @examples
#' ## random data folds
#' set.seed(42)
#' occ_data <- data.frame(species = rep("Abalistes stellatus", 50),
#'                        longitude = runif(50, -180, 180), latitude = runif(50, -90, 90))
#' bg_data <- data.frame(species = rep("background", 1000),
#'                       longitude = runif(1000, -180, 180), latitude = runif(1000, -90, 90))
#' folds <- kfold_occurrence_background(occ_data, bg_data)
#' ## alternative with real data (but see also the function get_fold_data)
#' # occ_data <- get_occurrences("Abalistes stellatus")
#' # bg_data <- load_background("random")
#' # folds <- load_folds("random")
#' ## get training and test data for the first fold
#' occ_training <- kfold_data("Abalistes stellatus", occ_data, folds$occurrence,
#'                            fold = 1, training = TRUE)
#' occ_test <- kfold_data("Abalistes stellatus", occ_data, folds$occurrence,
#'                        fold = 1, training = FALSE)
#' bg_training <- kfold_data("Abalistes stellatus", bg_data, folds$background,
#'                           fold = 1, training = TRUE)
#' bg_test <- kfold_data("Abalistes stellatus", bg_data, folds$background,
#'                       fold = 1, training = FALSE)
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{lapply_kfold_species}}, \code{\link{get_fold_data}}
kfold_data <- function(species_name, data, folds, fold, training) {
  if(length(fold) != 1) {
    stop("fold should be of length 1")
  kcol <- paste0("k",fold)
  if(!all(kcol %in% names(folds))) {
    stop("fold not found in folds")
  if(class(folds) == "marinespeed_folds"){
    species_min_max <- folds[["species"]][[species_name]]
    if(is.null(species_min_max)) {
      species_min_max <- folds[["species"]][["background"]]
    to_select <- folds[[kcol]][seq.int(species_min_max[1], species_min_max[2])]
    if(!training) {
      to_select <- !to_select
    if(paste0(kcol, "_NOTNA") %in% names(folds)) {
      notna <- folds[[paste0(kcol, "_NOTNA")]][seq.int(species_min_max[1], species_min_max[2])]
      to_select <- to_select & notna
    d <- data[bit::as.bitwhich(to_select),]
  } else {
    filter <- c(as.character(species_name), "background")
    f <- folds[as.character(folds$species) %in% filter, kcol] == training
    d <- data[f & !is.na(f),] ## handle NA's (from e.g. pseudo-disc background)

#' Create k folds of occurrence and background data for cross-validation
#' \code{kfold_occurrence_background} creates a k-fold partitioning of
#' occurrence and background data for cross-validation using random and
#' stratified folds. Returns a list with the occurrence folds and the background
#' folds, folds are represented as TRUE/FALSE/NA columns of a dataframe, 1
#' column for each fold.
#' @usage kfold_occurrence_background(occurrence_data, background_data,
#'   occurrence_fold_type = "disc", k = 5, pwd_sample = TRUE, lonlat = TRUE,
#'   background_buffer = 200*1000)
#' @param occurrence_data Dataframe. Occurrence points of the species, the first
#'   column should be the scientific name of the species followed by two columns
#'   representing the longitude and latitude (or x,y coordinates if \code{lonlat
#'   = FALSE}).
#' @param background_data Dataframe. Background data points, the first column is
#'   a dummy column followed by two columns representing the longitude and
#'   latitude (or x,y coordinates if \code{lonlat = FALSE}).
#' @param occurrence_fold_type Character vector. How occurrence folds should be
#'   generated, currently \code{"disc"} (see \code{\link{kfold_disc}}),
#'   \code{"grid"} (see \code{\link{kfold_grid}}) and \code{"random"} are
#'   supported.
#' @param k Integer. The number of folds (partitions) that have to be created.
#'   By default 5 folds are created.
#' @param pwd_sample Logical. Whether backgound points should be picked by doing
#'   pair-wise distance sampling (see \code{\link[dismo]{pwdSample}}). It is
#'   recommended to install the FNN package if you want to do pair-wise distance
#'   sampling.
#' @param lonlat Logical. If \code{TRUE} (default) then Great Circle distances
#'   are calculated else if \code{FALSE} Euclidean (planar) distances are
#'   calculated.
#' @param background_buffer Positive numeric. Distance in meters around species
#'   test points where training background data should be excluded from. Use \code{NA} or
#'   a negative number to disable background point filtering.
#' @return A list with 2 dataframes, \code{occurrence} and \code{background},
#'   with as first column the scientifc name or \code{"background"} and k
#'   columns containing \code{TRUE}, \code{FALSE} or \code{NA}.
#' @details Note that which and how many background points get selected in each
#'   fold depends on the \code{fold_type}, \code{pwd_sample} and the
#'   \code{background_buffer} and whether \code{pwd_sample} is \code{TRUE} or
#'   \code{FALSE}, even leading in some cases to the selection of no background
#'   data. Background points that are neither selected for the training fold nor
#'   for the test fold are set to \code{NA} in the background folds. Random
#'   assignment of background points to the folds can be achieved by setting
#'   \code{pwd_sample} to \code{FALSE} and \code{background_buffer} to 0. Note
#'   also that when \code{pwd_sample} is \code{TRUE}, the same background point
#'   might be assigned to different folds.
#' @references Hijmans, R. J. (2012). Cross-validation of species distribution
#'   models: removing spatial sorting bias and calibration with a null model.
#'   Ecology, 93(3), 679-688. doi:10.1890/11-0826.1 Radosavljevic, A., &
#'   Anderson, R. P. (2013). Making better Maxent models of species
#'   distributions: complexity, overfitting and evaluation. Journal of
#'   Biogeography. doi:10.1111/jbi.12227
#' @examples
#' set.seed(42)
#' occurrence_data <- data.frame(species = rep("Abalistes stellatus", 50),
#'                               longitude = runif(50, -180, 180),
#'                               latitude = runif(50, -90, 90))
#' # REMARK: this is NOT how you would want to create random background point.
#' # Use special functions for this like dismo::randomPoints, especially for
#' # lonlat data
#' background_data <- data.frame(species = rep("background", 500),
#'                               longitude = runif(500, -180, 180),
#'                               latitude = runif(500, -90, 90))
#' disc_folds <- kfold_occurrence_background(occurrence_data, background_data,
#'                                           "disc")
#' random_folds <- kfold_occurrence_background(occurrence_data, background_data,
#'                                             "random", pwd_sample = FALSE,
#'                                             background_buffer = NA)
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{lapply_kfold_species}}, \code{\link{kfold_disc}},
#'   \code{\link{kfold_grid}}, \code{\link{geographic_filter}}
#'   \code{\link[dismo]{pwdSample}}, \code{\link[dismo]{kfold}}
kfold_occurrence_background <- function(occurrence_data, background_data, occurrence_fold_type = "disc", k = 5, pwd_sample = TRUE, lonlat = TRUE, background_buffer = 200*1000) {
  # 1) partition species presences with pseudo-discs (1st fold = real disc, other folds = )
  # 2) select testing background points with pairwise distance sampling (pwdSample) to reduce spatial sorting bias
  # 3) select training background points by filtering background points that are within background_buffer distance of the points in the training fold
  # 4) make sure training and testing background are different
  # 5) set NA background points that are not in the training and not in the testing set
  if(!pwd_sample) {
    if(!requireNamespace("dismo")) {
      stop("dismo is required when pwd_sample is TRUE in kfold_occurrence_background")
    background_partitions <- dismo::kfold(background_data, k)
  if(occurrence_fold_type == "disc") {
    occurrence_partitions <- kfold_disc(occurrence_data[,2:3], k, lonlat)
  } else if(occurrence_fold_type == "grid") {
    occurrence_partitions <- kfold_grid(occurrence_data[,2:3], k, lonlat)
  } else if (occurrence_fold_type == "random") {
    if(!requireNamespace("dismo")) {
      stop("dismo is required when occurrence_fold_type='random' in kfold_occurrence_background")
    occurrence_partitions <- dismo::kfold(occurrence_data, k)
  } else {
    stop("Unknown fold type")
  occurrence_folds <- data.frame(species = occurrence_data[,1], stringsAsFactors = is.factor(occurrence_data[,1])) ## first column with scientific name
  background_folds <- data.frame(species = rep("background", NROW(background_data)), stringsAsFactors = is.factor(occurrence_data[,1]))
  for(ki in 1:k) {
    ## training folds
    occurrence_folds[,paste0("k",ki)] <- occurrence_partitions != ki

    occurrence_test <- occurrence_data[occurrence_partitions == ki, 2:3]
    occurrence_training <- occurrence_data[occurrence_partitions != ki, 2:3]

    if(pwd_sample) {
      test_sample <- pwd_sample(occurrence_test, background_data[,2:3], occurrence_training, n=5) ## try to get 5 background points for each testing presence point, you'll get less than that
    } else {
      test_sample <- which(background_partitions==ki) ## use randomly generated partitions
    background_test_i <- unique(na.omit(as.vector(test_sample)))
    background_training_i <- base::setdiff(1:NROW(background_data), background_test_i)

    if(!is.na(background_buffer) && background_buffer >= 0) {
      filtered <- geographic_filter(background_data[background_training_i,2:3], occurrence_test, background_buffer, lonlat)
      background_training_i <- (1:NROW(background_data))[background_training_i][filtered]

    na_i <- setdiff(1:NROW(background_data), c(background_training_i,background_test_i))

    ## "training" folds
    background_folds[,paste0("k",ki)] <- (1:NROW(background_data) %in% background_training_i)
    background_folds[na_i,paste0("k",ki)] <- NA
  list(occurrence=occurrence_folds, background=background_folds)

#' Create k disc based folds for cross-validation
#' \code{kfold_disc} creates a k-fold partitioning of geographical data for
#' cross-validation based on the distance between points. The n points nearest
#' to a selected point are put into a group. Returns a vector with fold numbers
#' ranging from 1 to k.
#' @usage kfold_disc(data, k = 5, lonlat = TRUE)
#' @param data Matrix or dataframe. The first two columns should represent the
#'   longitude and latitude (or x,y coordinates if \code{lonlat = FALSE}).
#' @param k Integer. The number of folds (partitions) that have to be created.
#'   By default 5 folds are created.
#' @param lonlat Logical. If \code{TRUE} (default) then Great Circle distances
#'   are calculated else if \code{FALSE} Euclidean (planar) distances are
#'   calculated.
#' @return A vector with fold numbers ranging from 1 to k.
#' @examples
#' set.seed(42)
#' lonlat_data <- cbind(runif(11, -180, 180), runif(11, -90, 90))
#' folds <- kfold_disc(lonlat_data, k = 5)
#' plot_folds(lonlat_data, folds)
#' # use the euclidean distance
#' xy_data <- cbind(runif(11, 0, 100), runif(11, 0, 100))
#' folds <- kfold_disc(xy_data, k = 5, lonlat = FALSE)
#' plot_folds(xy_data, folds)
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{plot_folds}}, \code{\link{kfold_grid}},
#'   \code{\link[dismo]{kfold}}, \code{\link{kfold_occurrence_background}}
kfold_disc <- function(data, k = 5, lonlat = TRUE) {
  distfun <- get_distfun(lonlat)
  k <- as.integer(k)
  if(is.na(k) || k < 1) {
    stop("k should at least be 1")
  } else if(k > (NROW(data)/2)) {
    stop("k should be less than or equal to half the number of rows in data")
  d <- as.data.frame(data[,1:2])
  d[,3] <- 1:NROW(d)
  colnames(d) <- c("x", "y", "index")

  npoints <- floor(NROW(d) / k)
  remainder <- NROW(d) - (npoints * k)

  partitions <- integer(NROW(d))
  itest <- .Machine$integer.max ## intialize to max value to prevent rows being removed from d in the 1st fold

  for(ki in 1:k) {
    if(ki == 1) {
      i <- sample(1:NROW(d), 1)
    } else {
      i <- sample(order(dists, decreasing = TRUE)[1:npoints], 1)
    center <- d[i,1:2] ## next center: 1 of the n points furthest away from the previous cluster
    d <- d[-itest,]
    dists <- distfun(center, d[, 1:2])
    if(remainder >= ki) { ## balance the fold lengths
      itest <- order(dists, decreasing = FALSE)[1:(npoints+1)]
    } else {
      itest <- order(dists, decreasing = FALSE)[1:npoints]
    partitions[d[itest,"index"]] <- ki

grid_split_1d <- function(x, k) {
  row_nums <- (1:NROW(x))[order(x)]
  splits <- stats::quantile(1:NROW(x), probs = seq(0, 1, by = 1/k))
  result <- list()
  for(ki in 1:k) {
    result[[ki]] <- row_nums[ceiling(splits[ki]):floor(splits[ki+1])]

#' Create k grid based folds for cross-validation
#' \code{kfold_grid} creates a k-fold partitioning of geographical data for
#' cross-validation based on spatial grid partitioning. Returns a vector with
#' fold numbers ranging from 1 to k.
#' @usage kfold_grid(data, k = 4, lonlat = TRUE)
#' @param data Matrix or dataframe. The first two columns should represent the
#'   longitude and latitude (or x,y coordinates if \code{lonlat = FALSE}).
#' @param k Integer. The number of folds (partitions) that have to be created.
#'   This should be a square number (e.g 4, 9, 16). By default 4 folds are created.
#' @param lonlat Logical. If \code{TRUE} (default) then the dateline is taken
#'   into account (see details) else if \code{FALSE} quantiles of x and y are used as
#'   splitting points
#' @details If \code{lonlat = TRUE} then the data is first split along the
#' longitude based on a random starting point and then splitting in parts with
#' \code{k/2 points} while crossing the dateline. Then each part is splitted
#' along quantiles of the latitude in each part.
#' @return A vector with fold numbers ranging from 1 to k.
#' @examples
#' set.seed(42)
#' lonlat_data <- cbind(runif(11, -180, 180), runif(11, -90, 90))
#' folds <- kfold_grid(lonlat_data, k = 4)
#' plot_folds(lonlat_data, folds)
#' # for x,y data
#' xy_data <- cbind(runif(11, 0, 100), runif(11, 0, 100))
#' folds <- kfold_grid(xy_data, k = 4, lonlat = FALSE)
#' plot_folds(xy_data, folds)
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{plot_folds}}, \code{\link{kfold_disc}},
#'   \code{\link[dismo]{kfold}}, , \code{\link{kfold_occurrence_background}}
kfold_grid <- function(data, k = 4, lonlat = TRUE) {
  k <- as.integer(k)
  k1d <- sqrt(k) # number of splits in 1 dimension

  if(is.na(k) || k1d %% 1 != 0) {
    stop("k should be a square number (x^2)")
  } else if(k > (NROW(data)/2)) {
    stop("k should be less than or equal to half the number of rows in data")
  d <- as.data.frame(data[,1:2])

  partitions <- integer(NROW(d))

  if(k == 1) {
    partitions <- rep(1, NROW(d))
  if(lonlat) {
    ## goal to enable points on the date line to be put together
    ## picking a random new date line as new left (west) most coordinate
    lon_start <- runif(1, -180, 180)
    d[d[,1] < lon_start, 1] <- d[d[,1] < lon_start, 1] + 360 ## add 360 degrees
  x_split_nums <- grid_split_1d(d[,1], k1d)
  for(x_ki in 1:k1d) {
    x_rows <- x_split_nums[[x_ki]]
    y_split_nums <- grid_split_1d(d[x_rows, 2], k1d)
    for(y_ki in 1:k1d) {
      y_rows_in_x <- y_split_nums[[y_ki]]
      partitions[x_rows[y_rows_in_x]] <- ((x_ki-1)*k1d) + y_ki

#' plot folds
#' \code{plot_folds} makes a rudimentary plot of the data and the folds created
#' with e.g. \code{\link{kfold_disc}} or \code{\link[dismo]{kfold}}.
#' @usage plot_folds(data, folds, colors, ...)
#' @param data Matrix or dataframe. Data for which the folds where created. The
#'   first two columns should represent the longitude and latitude (or x,y
#'   coordinates).
#' @param folds Numeric vector with group assignments from e.g.
#'   \code{\link{kfold_disc}}, \code{\link{kfold_grid}} or
#'   \code{\link[dismo]{kfold}}.
#' @param colors Colors to use for the different folds
#' @param ... Arguments to be passed to the plot function.
#' @examples
#' set.seed(42)
#' lonlat_data <- cbind(runif(11, -180, 180), runif(11, -90, 90))
#' folds <- kfold_disc(lonlat_data, k = 5)
#' plot_folds(lonlat_data, folds)
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{kfold_disc}}, \code{\link{kfold_grid}},
#'   \code{\link[dismo]{kfold}}
plot_folds <- function(data, folds, colors = NULL, ...) {
  graphics::plot(data, pch=".")
  k <- max(folds)
  if(is.null(colors)) {
    colors <- grDevices::rainbow(k)
  for(i in 1:k) {
    graphics::text(data[folds==i,], labels=i, pch=20, col=colors[i])

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