# Various post-estimation functions
#'@title Total, Direct, and Indirect Effects for matrixpls results
#'The \code{matrixpls} method for the standard generic function \code{effects} computes total, direct,
#'and indirect effects for a matrixpls results according to the method described in Fox (1980).
#'Adapted from the \code{\link[sem]{effects}} function of the \code{sem} package
#'@template postestimationFunctions
#'@return A list with \code{Total}, \code{Direct}, and \code{Indirect} elements.
#'Fox, J. (1980) Effect analysis in structural equation models: Extensions and simplified methods of computation. \emph{Sociological Methods and Research}
#'9, 3--28.
#'@importFrom stats effects
#'@method effects matrixpls
effects.matrixpls <- function(object, ...) {
A <- attr(object,"inner")
endog <- rowSums(attr(object,"model")$inner)!=0
I <- diag(endog)
AA <- - A
diag(AA) <- 1
Total <- solve(AA) - I
Indirect <- Total - A
result <- list(Total=Total[endog, , drop = FALSE], Direct=A[endog, , drop = FALSE], Indirect=Indirect[endog, , drop = FALSE])
class(result) <- "matrixplseffects"
print.matrixplseffects <- function(x, ...){
cat("\n Total Effects (column on row)\n")
Total <- x$Total
Direct <- x$Direct
Indirect <- x$Indirect
select <- !(apply(Total, 2, function(x) all( x == 0)) &
apply(Direct, 2, function(x) all( x == 0)) &
apply(Indirect, 2, function(x) all( x == 0)))
print(Total[, select, drop = FALSE], ...)
cat("\n Direct Effects\n")
print(Direct[, select, drop = FALSE], ...)
cat("\n Indirect Effects\n")
print(Indirect[, select, drop = FALSE], ...)
#'@title Residual diagnostics for matrixpls results
#'The \code{matrixpls} method for generic function \code{residuals} computes the residual
#'covariance matrix and various fit indices.
#'@details The residuals can be
#'either observed residuals from the regressions of indicators on composites and composites
#'on composites
#'(i.e. the \code{reflective} and \code{inner} models) as presented by Lohmöller (1989, ch 2.4) or
#'model implied residuals calculated by subtracting model implied covariance matrix from the
#'sample covariance matrix as done by Henseler et al. (2014).
#'The root mean squared residual indices (Lohmöller, 1989, eq 2.118) are calculated from the
#'off diagonal elements of the residual covariance matrix. The
#'standardized root mean squared residual (SRMR) is calculated based on the standardized residuals
#'of the \code{reflective} model matrix.
#'Following Hu and Bentler (1999, Table 1), the SRMR index is calculated by dividing with
#'\eqn{p(p+1)/2}, where \eqn{p} is the number of indicator variables. In typical SEM applications,
#'the diagonal of residual covariance matrix consists of all zeros because error term variances
#'are freely estimated. To make the SRMR more comparable with the index produced by
#'SEM software, the SRMR is calculated by summing only the squares of off-diagonal elements,
#'which is equivalent to including a diagonal of all zeros.
#'Two versions of the
#'SRMR index are rovided, the traditional SRMR that includes all residual covariances, and the
#'version proposed by Henseler et al. (2014) where the within-block residual covariances are
#'@template postestimationFunctions
#'@param observed If \code{TRUE} (default) the observed residuals from the outerEstim.model regressions
#'(indicators regressed on composites) are returned. If \code{FALSE}, the residuals are calculated
#'by combining \code{inner}, \code{reflective}, and \code{formative} as a simultaneous equations
#'system and subtracting the covariances implied by this system from the observed covariances.
#'The error terms are constrained to be uncorrelated and covariances between exogenous observed
#'values are fixed at their sample values.
#'@return A list with three elements: \code{inner}, \code{outer}, and \code{indices} elements
#' containing the residual covariance matrix of regressions of composites on other composites,
#' the residual covariance matrix of indicators on composites, and various indices
#' calculated based on the residuals.
#'Henseler, J., Dijkstra, T. K., Sarstedt, M., Ringle, C. M., Diamantopoulos, A., Straub, D. W., …
#'Calantone, R. J. (2014). Common Beliefs and Reality About PLS Comments on Rönkkö and Evermann
#'(2013). \emph{Organizational Research Methods}, 17(2), 182–209. \doi{10.1177/1094428114526928}
#'Hu, L., & Bentler, P. M. (1999). Cutoff criteria for fit indexes in covariance structure
#'analysis: Conventional criteria versus new alternatives. \emph{Structural Equation Modeling:
#'A Multidisciplinary Journal}, 6(1), 1–55.
#'Lohmöller J.-B. (1989) \emph{Latent variable path modeling with partial
#'least squares.} Heidelberg: Physica-Verlag.
#'@method residuals matrixpls
residuals.matrixpls <- function(object, ..., observed = TRUE) {
RMS <- function(num) sqrt(sum(num^2)/length(num))
S <- attr(object,"S")
# Lohmöller defines quite a few statistics based on correlations.
# Because S is a covariance matrix, we need to calculate the
# corresponding correlation matrix as well.
Scor <- stats::cov2cor(S)
nativeModel <- attr(object,"model")
# Equation numbers in parenthesis refer to equation number in Lohmoller 1989
W <- attr(object,"W")
# Number of reflective indicators
reflectiveIndicators<- rowSums(nativeModel$reflective)>0
k <- sum(reflectiveIndicators)
# Number of endog LVs
endog <- rowSums(nativeModel$inner)>0
h <- sum(endog)
# Factor loading matrix
P <- nativeModel$reflective
P[P==1] <- object[grepl("=~", names(object), fixed=TRUE)]
# Standardized loadings
Pstd <- sweep(P,MARGIN=1,sqrt(diag(S)),`/`)
# This is always standardized, so no need to rescale
B <- attr(object,"inner")
# Lohmoller is not clear whether R should be based on the estimated betas or calculated scores
# The scores are used here because this results in less complex code
R <- attr(object,"C")
R_star <- (B %*% R %*% t(B))[endog,endog] # e. 2.99
# Model implied indicator correlations
H <- Pstd %*% R %*% t(Pstd) # eq 2.96
I <- diag(ncol(Scor))
H2 <- (I * H) %*% solve(I * Scor) # eq 2.97
F <- Pstd %*% B %*% R %*% t(B) %*% t(Pstd) # eq 2.104
F2 <- (I * F) %*% solve(I * Scor) # eq 2.105
r2 <- r2(object)
# Lohmoller 1989 uses C for the residual covariance matrix of indicators
# matrixpls uses C for the composite correlation matrix, but from here on
# until the end of the function, C is used for the residual covariance matrix
# Lohmoller does not define C in covariance form, so we need to do it ourselfs.
# Start with the observed residuals:
# e = X-XW'P'
# because residuals have a mean of zero cov(e) can be defined as
# cov(e) = (X-XW'P')’(X-XW'P')
# cov(e) = (X’-(XW'P')')(X-XW'P')
# cov(e) = (X’-PWX')(X-XW'P')
# cov(e) = X’X-X’XW'P'-PWX'X+PWX'XW'P'
# cov(e) = S-SW'P'-PWS+PWSXW'P'
# cov(e) = S-SW'P'-(SW'P')’+PRP'
C <- S - S%*%t(W)%*%t(P) - t(S-S%*%t(W)%*%t(P)) + P%*%R%*%t(P)
Q <- (W %*% S %*% t(W))[endog,endog] - R_star
indices <- c(Communality = psych::tr(H2)/k, # eq 2.109
Redundancy = psych::tr(F2)/k, # eq 2.110
SMC = sum(r2)/h, # eq 2.111
"RMS outer residual covariance" = RMS(C[lower.tri(C)]), # eq 2.118
"RMS inner residual covariance" = RMS(C[lower.tri(Q)]) # eq 2.118
C <- S-stats::fitted(object)
indices <- c()
C_std <- diag(1/diag(S)) %*% C
indices <- c(indices,c(
# SRMR as calculated in SEM. (Hu and Bentler, 1999, p. 3)
SRMR = sqrt(sum(C_std[lower.tri(C_std)]^2)/length(C[lower.tri(C_std, diag=TRUE)])),
# SRMR calculated ignoring within block residuals from Henserler et al 2014.
"SRMR (Henseler)" = RMS(C_std[nativeModel$reflective %*% t(nativeModel$reflective)==0]))
result<- list(inner = Q, outer = C, indices = indices)
result<- list(outer = C, indices = indices)
class(result) <- "matrixplsresiduals"
print.matrixplsresiduals <- function(x, ...){
if("inner" %in% names(x)){
cat("\n Inner model (composite) residual covariance matrix\n")
print(x$inner, ...)
cat("\n Outer model (indicator) residual covariance matrix\n")
print(x$outer, ...)
cat("\n Model implied residual covariance matrix\n")
print(x$outer, ...)
cat("\n Residual-based fit indices\n")
i <- as.matrix(x$indices)
colnames(i) <- "Value"
print(i, ...)
#'@title Model implied covariance matrix based on matrixpls results
#'The \code{matrixpls} method for generic function \code{fitted} computes the model implied
#'covariance matrix by combining \code{inner}, \code{reflective}, and \code{formative} as a
#'simultaneous equations system. The error terms are constrained to be uncorrelated and
#'covariances between exogenous variables are fixed at their sample values. Defining a
#'composite as dependent variable in both inner and formative creates an impossible model
#'and results in an error.
#'@template postestimationFunctions
#'@return a matrix containing the model implied covariances.
#'@method fitted matrixpls
fitted.matrixpls <- function(object, ...) {
# Contains: $inner (J x J), $reflective (K x J), $formative (J x K)
nativeModel <- attr(object,"model")
# Check that the matrices form a valid model
if(any(rowSums(nativeModel$inner) > 0 & rowSums(nativeModel$formative) > 0))
stop("Cannot calculate model implied covariance matrix. A composite is a dependent variable in both formative and inner matrices resulting in an impossible model. See, p. 823 for an explanation and pp. 70-76 for further technical details.")
### Matrices -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## S := (K x K) Empirical indicator VCV matrix: Cov(x)
## IC := (J x K) Empirical indicator-construct VCV matrix
## C := (J x J) Empirical construct covariance/correlation matrix (V(eta) = WSW')
## B := (J x J) Matrix of (estimated) path coefficients (zero if there is no path)
## F := (J x K) Matrix containing the estimated parameters of the formative (composite) model
## P := (K X J) Matrix of factor and/or composite loadings (usually: Lambda)
## ---- Bentler & Weeks notation
## y := (p x 1) Vector of observed/measured dependent indicators (manifest variables)
## x := (q x 1) Vector of observed independent indicators (usually 0 in a "normal" framework)
## p := Number of observed dependent variables (usually all indicators)
## q := Number of observed independent variables (0 in a complete latent-variable model)
## m := Number of dependent variables ("endogenous" constructs + indicators)
## n := Number of independent variables ("exogenous" constructs + zetas + deltas)
## r := Number of observed variables, r = p + q
## s := Total number of variables, s = m + n
## beta := (m x m) Coefficient matrix of dep. variables on dep. variables.
## gamma := (m x n) Coefficient matrix of indep. variables on dep. variables.
## Phi := (n x n) VCV of independent variables .
## Gamma := ()
## Beta := ()
## G := (r x s)
### ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Get relevant matrices
S <- attr(object,"S")
IC <- attr(object,"IC")
C <- attr(object,"C")
B <- attr(object,"inner")
F <- attr(object,"formative")
L <- attr(object,"reflective")
#### Define full matrices to select from ---------------------------------------------------------
# Matrices containing all regressions and covariances
# indicators first, then composites
fullB <- rbind(cbind(matrix(0,nrow(S),nrow(S)),L),
fullC <- rbind(cbind(S,t(IC)),
## Selector for all exogenous variables
exog <- rowSums(fullB) == 0
## Compute outer and inner errors variance and put them in a vector (Var(delta) and Var(zeta)).
e <- c(diag(S) - rowSums(L * t(IC)),
fullC <- rbind(cbind(fullC,matrix(0, nrow(fullC), sum(!exog))),
cbind(matrix(0, sum(!exog), nrow(fullC)), diag(e)[!exog,!exog]))
fullB <- cbind(fullB,diag(length(e))[,! exog])
fullB <- rbind(fullB, matrix(0,sum(!exog), ncol(fullB)))
# Update exog because fullB is now larger
exog <- rowSums(fullB) == 0
# Derive the implied covariance matrix using the Bentler-Weeks model
# Bentler, P. M., & Weeks, D. G. (1980). Linear structural equations with
# latent variables. Psychometrika, 45(3), 289–308. doi:10.1007/BetaF02293905
# beta (regression paths between dependent variables)
beta <- fullB[!exog,!exog]
# gamma (regression paths between dependent and independent variables)
gamma <- fullB[!exog,exog]
# exogenous variable covariance matrix
Phi <- fullC[exog,exog]
# Calculate sigma
# Matrix orders
# number of observed dependent
p = sum(!exog[1:nrow(S)])
# number of observed independent
q = nrow(S)-p
# number of independent variables
n = nrow(Phi)
# number of dependent variables
m = nrow(beta)
# Number of observed variables
r = p + q
# Number of variables
s = m + n
# The matrices
Beta <- matrix(0,s,s)
Gamma <- matrix(0,s,n)
G <- matrix(0,r,s)
# Identity matrix
# Populate the parameter matrices
Gamma[1:m,] <- gamma
Gamma[(m+1):s,] <- diag(n)
# Populate the selection matrix (columns of all variables selected to rows of observed variables)
observed <- NULL
observed <- 1:p
observed <- c(observed,(1:q)+n)
G <- diag(s)[observed,]
# G has dependent variables followed by independent variables. Reorder to match the variables
# in S
G <- G[order(exog[1:nrow(S)]),]
# Calculate the model implied covariance matrix and return
Sigma = G %*% solve(I-Beta) %*% Gamma %*% Phi %*% t(Gamma) %*% t(solve(I-Beta))%*% t(G)
rownames(Sigma) <- colnames(Sigma) <- rownames(S)
#'@title R2 for matrixpls results
#'The \code{matrixpls} method for the generic function \code{r2} computes the squared multiple correlation (R2)
#'for composites predicted by other composites in the model.
#'@template postestimationFunctions
#'@return A named numeric vector containing the R2 values.
r2 <- function(object, ...){
r2.matrixpls <- function(object, ...){
r2 <- rowSums(attr(object,"inner") * attr(object,"C"))
names(r2) <- colnames(attr(object,"model")$inner)
class(r2) <- "matrixplsr2"
print.matrixplsr2 <- function(x, ...){
cat("\n Inner model squared multiple correlations (R2)\n")
print.table(x, ...)
#'@title Goodness of Fit indices for matrixpls results
#'The \code{matrixpls} method for the generic function \code{gof} computes the Goodness of Fit index for matrixpls results.
#'@template postestimationFunctions
#'@return The Goodness of Fit index.
#'Henseler, J., & Sarstedt, M. (2013). Goodness-of-fit indices for partial least
#'squares path modeling. \emph{Computational Statistics}, 28(2), 565–580.
gof <- function(object, ...){
gof.matrixpls <- function(object, ...) {
nativeModel <- attr(object,"model")
IC <- attr(object,"IC")
S <- attr(object,"S")
exogenousLVs <- rowSums(nativeModel$inner) == 0
IC_std <- IC %*% (diag(1/sqrt(diag(S))))
result <- sqrt(mean(IC_std[t(nativeModel$reflective)==1]^2) *
# TODO: Relative gof
class(result) <- "matrixplsgof"
print.matrixplsgof <- function(x, digits=getOption("digits"), ...){
cat("\n Absolute goodness of fit:", round(x, digits = digits))
#'@title Factor loadings matrix from matrixpls results
#'The \code{matrixpls} method for the generic function \code{loadings} computes standardized factor loading matrix
#'from the model results.
#'@template postestimationFunctions
#'@return A matrix of estimated factor loadings.
#'@importFrom stats loadings
loadings <- function(object, ...){
loadings.matrixpls <- function(object, ...) {
#'@title Composite Reliability indices for matrixpls results
#'The \code{matrixpls} method for the generic function \code{cr} computes Composite Reliability
#'indices for the model using the formula presented by Fornell and Larcker (1981).
#'@template postestimationFunctions
#'@return A named numeric vector containing the Composite Reliability indices.
#'Fornell, C., & Larcker, D. F. (1981). Evaluating structural equation models with unobservable variables and measurement error. \emph{Journal of marketing research}, 18(1), 39–50.
#'Aguirre-Urreta, M. I., Marakas, G. M., & Ellis, M. E. (2013). Measurement of
#'composite reliability in research using partial least squares: Some issues and
#'an alternative approach.
#' \emph{The DATA BASE for Advances in Information Systems}, 44(4), 11–43.
#' \doi{10.1145/2544415.2544417}{DOI:10.1145/2544415.2544417}
cr <- function(object, ...){
cr.matrixpls <- function(object, ...) {
object <- standardize(object)
loadings <- loadings(object)
reflectiveModel <- attr(object, "model")$reflective
result <- unlist(lapply(1:ncol(loadings), function(col){
useLoadings <- abs(loadings[,col][reflectiveModel[,col]==1])
crvalue <- sum(useLoadings)^2/
(sum(useLoadings)^2 + sum(1-useLoadings^2))
class(result) <- "matrixplscr"
names(result) <- colnames(loadings)
print.matrixplscr <- function(x, ...){
cat("\n Composite Reliability indices\n")
print.table(x, ...)
#'@title Average Variance Extracted indices for matrixpls results
#'The \code{matrixpls} method for the generic function \code{ave} computes Average Variance Extracted
#'indices for the model using the formula presented by Fornell and Larcker (1981).
#'@template postestimationFunctions
#'@return A list containing the Average Variance Extracted indices in the first position and the differences
#'between aves and largest squared correlations with other composites in the second position.
#'Fornell, C., & Larcker, D. F. (1981). Evaluating structural equation models with unobservable variables and measurement error. \emph{Journal of marketing research}, 18(1), 39–50.
ave <- function(object, ...){
ave.matrixpls <- function(object, ...) {
object <- standardize(object)
loadings <- loadings(object)
reflectiveModel <- attr(object, "model")$reflective
aves <- unlist(lapply(1:ncol(loadings), function(col){
useLoadings <- loadings[,col][reflectiveModel[,col]==1]
(sum(useLoadings^2) + sum(1-useLoadings^2))
names(aves) <- colnames(loadings)
C <- attr(object,"C")
C2 <- C^2
diag(C2) <- 0
maxC <- apply(C2,1,max)
aves_correlation <- aves - maxC
names(aves_correlation) <- colnames(loadings)
result = list(ave = aves,
ave_correlation = aves_correlation)
class(result) <- "matrixplsave"
print.matrixplsave <- function(x, ...){
cat("\n Average Variance Extracted indices\n")
print.table(x$ave, ...)
cat("\n AVE - largest squared correlation\n")
print.table(x$ave_correlation, ...)
#'@title Heterotrait-monotrait ratio
#'The \code{matrixpls} method for the generic function \code{htmt} computes Heterotrait-monotrait ratio
#'for the model using the formula presented by Henseler et al (2014).
#'@template postestimationFunctions
#'@return Heterotrait-monotrait ratio as a scalar
#'Henseler, J., Ringle, C. M., & Sarstedt, M. (2015). A new criterion for assessing discriminant validity in variance-based structural equation modeling. \emph{Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science}, 43(1), 115–135.
htmt <- function(object, ...){
#HTMT is calculated from correlation matrix
S <- stats::cov2cor(attr(object,"S"))
reflective <- attr(object,"reflective")!=0
# Mean within- and between-block correlations. Calculated as a sum of
# all correlations within block divided by the number of elements
excludeDiag <- 1-diag(nrow(S))
meanBlockCor <- (t(reflective) %*% (S*excludeDiag) %*% reflective) /
(t(reflective) %*% excludeDiag %*% reflective)
# Choose the blocks that have at least two reflective indicators
i <- which(colSums(reflective) > 1)
meanBlockCor <- meanBlockCor[i,i]
warning("HTMT can only be calculated if there are at least two composites with reflective parameters to at least two indicators.")
# Calculate the indices
htmt <- meanBlockCor*lower.tri(meanBlockCor) /
sqrt(diag(meanBlockCor) %o% diag(meanBlockCor))
class(htmt) <- "matrixplshtmt"
print.matrixplshtmt <- function(x, ...){
cat("\n Heterotrait-monotrait matrix\n")
print.table(x, ...)
#'@title Composite Equivalence Indices
#'The \code{matrixpls} method for the generic function \code{cei} computes
#'composite equivalence indices (CEI) for the \code{matrixpls} object. By
#'default, the composites are compared against unit-weighted composites.
#'Composite equivalence indices quantify if two sets of composites calculated
#'from the same data using different weight algorithms differ. Composites are
#'matched by name and correlations for each pair are reported.
#'@param object2 Another \code{matrixpls} object that \code{matrixpls} is
#'compared against.
#'@template postestimationFunctions
#'@return Composite equivalence indices as a vector
#'@example example/matrixpls.cei-example.R
cei <- function(object, object2 = NULL, ...){
S <- attr(object,"S")
W <- attr(object,"W")
model <- attr(object,"model")
object2 <- matrixpls(S, model, weightFun = weightFun.fixed)
# Validate a user-provided object
if(! identical(S, attr(object2,"S"))) stop("Both objects must use the same data covariance matrix S")
W2 <- attr(object2,"W")[rownames(W), colnames(W)]
cei <- diag(W %*% S %*% t(W2))
class(cei) <- "matrixplscei"
print.matrixplscei <- function(x, digits=getOption("digits"), ...){
cat("\n Composite equilevance indices\n\n CEI individual\n")
print.table(x, digits = digits, ...)
cat("\n CEI total:", round(min(x), digits = digits))
#'@title Summary of model fit of PLS model
#'\code{fitSummary} computes a list of statistics
#'that are commonly used to access the overall fit of the PLS model.
#'@template postestimationFunctions
#'@return A list containing a selection of fit indices.
fitSummary <- function(object, ...){
# Returns the minumum or NA if all are NA
m <- function(x){
x <- stats::na.exclude(x)
if(length(x) == 0 ) NA
else min(x)
ret <- c("Min CR" = m(cr(object)),
"Min AVE" = m(ave(object)$ave),
"Min AVE - sq. cor" = m(ave(object)$ave_correlation),
"Goodness of Fit" = gof(object),
"CEI total" = cei(object)
class(ret) <- "matrixplfitsummary"
print.matrixplfitsummary <- function(x, ...){
cat("\n Summary indices of model fit\n")
x <- as.matrix(x)
colnames(x) <- "Value"
print(x, ...)
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