
Defines functions clustCombiOptim print.summary.clustCombi summary.clustCombi print.clustCombi pcws3_reg pcws2_reg combiTree entPlot combiPlot plot.clustCombi combi xlog combMat clustCombi

Documented in clustCombi clustCombiOptim combi combiPlot combiTree combMat entPlot pcws2_reg pcws3_reg plot.clustCombi print.clustCombi print.summary.clustCombi summary.clustCombi xlog

clustCombi <- function(object = NULL, data = NULL, ...)
  if(is.null(object) & is.null(data))
    stop("An object or class 'Mclust' or data as matrix/data.frame must be provided!")
    { object <- Mclust(data, ...) }
    { if(!inherits(object, "Mclust")) 
        stop("object not of class 'Mclust'")
      data <- object$data }
	combiRes <- combi(data, object)

combMat <- function(K,l1,l2)
	l=c(min(l1,l2), max(l1,l2))
	if(any(length(l1) == 0, length(l2) == 0)){
		l1 = numeric(0)
	  l2 = l[2]}
	 else {
	 	l1 = l[1]
	 	l2 = l[2]} 
	M <- rbind(cbind(diag(l2-1),
	                 matrix(rep(0,(K-l2+1)*(l2-1)), nrow=l2-1, ncol=K-l2+1)), 
	           cbind(matrix(rep(0,l2*(K-l2)), nrow=K-l2, ncol=l2),
	M[l1,l2] <- 1

## Define xlog to handle x*log(x) as x=0

xlog <- function(x) 
		xlog1d <- function (xi) if (xi == 0) 0 else (xi*log(xi))
		if (is.null(dim(x)))

combi <- function(data, MclustOutput, n = nrow(data), d = ncol(data))
	combiM <- list()
	combiM[[MclustOutput$G]] <- diag(MclustOutput$G)
	tau <- list()
	tau[[MclustOutput$G]] = MclustOutput$z
	classif <- list()
	classif[[MclustOutput$G]] = map(tau[[MclustOutput$G]])

	for (K in MclustOutput$G:2)
			dEnt <- matrix(0,nrow=K-1, ncol=K)
			preCombiTau <- tau[[K]]
			for (l1 in 1:(K-1))
					for (l2 in (l1+1):K)
							postCombiTau <- t(combMat(K,l1,l2) %*% t(preCombiTau))
							dEnt[l1,l2] <- sum(xlog(postCombiTau[,l1])) - sum(xlog(preCombiTau[,l1])+xlog(preCombiTau[,l2]))
			combiM[[K-1]] <- combMat(K,l1,l2)
			tau[[K-1]] = t(combiM[[K-1]] %*% t(tau[[K]]))
			classif[[K-1]] = map(tau[[K-1]])
	output <- list(classification = classif, 
	               combiM = combiM, 
	               combiz = tau, 
	               MclustOutput = MclustOutput)
	class(output) <- "clustCombi"

plot.clustCombi <- function(x, what = c("classification", "entropy", "tree"), ...)
  object <- x # Argh.  Really want to use object anyway
  if(!inherits(object, "clustCombi")) 
    stop("object not of class 'clustCombi'")
  data <- object$MclustOutput$data
  what <- match.arg(what, several.ok = TRUE)
  oldpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
	plot.clustCombi.classification <- function(...)
	  # Sort z columns so that one of the two combined column is the last one at 
	  # each step (prevents the colors and symbols to be mixed as K -> K-1)
		curr <- 1:object$MclustOutput$G
		i <- numeric()
		j <- numeric()
		for(K in (object$MclustOutput$G):2)
			 { l1 <- which(!object$combiM[[K-1]] %*% rep(1,K) == 1)
				 l2 <- (object$combiM[[K-1]] %*% curr)[l1] - curr[l1]
				 i <- c(curr[l1],i)
				 j <- c(l2,j)
				 curr <- object$combiM[[K-1]] %*% curr - l2*c(rep(0,(l1-1)),1,rep(0,(K-1-l1)))
		permutMat <- function(j,K) 
		  M <- diag(K)
		  M[j,j] <- 0
		  M[K,K] <- 0
		  M[j,K] <- 1
		  M[K,j] <- 1	
		combiM <- diag(object$MclustOutput$G)
		j <- c(1,j)
		i <- c(0,i)
		permutz <- object$MclustOutput$z[,j]

		for(K in object$MclustOutput$G:1)
				 curr_title <- if(K == object$MclustOutput$G) 
				                    paste0("BIC solution (", as.character(K), " clusters)") 
				               else paste0("Combined solution with ", as.character(K), " clusters")
				 if(ncol(as.matrix(data)) > 2) 
				   { par(oma = c(0,0,2,0), 
				         mar = { mar <- oldpar$mar; mar[3] <- 0.1; mar }) } 
				   { par(mar = { mar <- oldpar$mar; mar[3] <- 2.1; mar }) }
				 combiPlot(data = data, z = permutz, combiM = combiM, ...)
				 if(ncol(as.matrix(data)) > 2) 
				   { title(curr_title, outer = TRUE, cex.main = 1) } 
				   { title(curr_title, cex.main = 1) }
				 combiM <- combMat(K,which(j==i[K]),K) %*% combiM 
	if(interactive() & length(what) > 1)
    { title <- "Combined clusterings plots:"
      # present menu waiting user choice
      choice <- menu(what, graphics = FALSE, title = title)
      while(choice != 0)
           { if(what[choice] == "classification") 
             if(what[choice] == "entropy")    
               entPlot(z = object$MclustOutput$z, combiM = object$combiM, ...)
             if(what[choice] == "tree")
               combiTree(object, ...)
             # re-present menu waiting user choice
             choice <- menu(what, graphics = FALSE, title = title)
    { if(any(what == "classification"))
      if(any(what == "entropy"))
        entPlot(z = object$MclustOutput$z, combiM = object$combiM, ...)
      if(any(what == "tree"))
        combiTree(object, ...)

combiPlot <- function(data, z, combiM, ...)
  p <- ncol(as.matrix(data))
  if (p > 2) {
  		        classification = map(t(combiM %*% t(z))), ...)
	else if (p == 2) {
		mclust2Dplot(data = data, parameters = NULL, 
		             classification = map(t(combiM %*% t(z))), 
		             what = "classification", ...)
	else {
		mclust1Dplot(data = as.matrix(data), parameters = NULL, 
		             classification = map(t(combiM %*% t(z))), 
		             what = "classification", ...)

entPlot <- function(z, combiM, abc = c("standard", "normalized"), reg = 2, ...)
	oldpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
  if(length(abc) > 1) par(ask=TRUE)

	ent <- numeric()
	Kmax <- ncol(z)
	z0 <- z
	for(K in Kmax:1) 
		 { z0 <- t(combiM[[K]] %*% t(z0))
		   ent[K] <- -sum(xlog(z0))

	if(any(abc == "normalized"))
			mergedn <- numeric()
			z0 <- z
			for(K in (Kmax-1):1)
				 { z0 <- t(combiM[[K+1]] %*% t(z0))
					 mergedn[K] = sum(sapply(map(z0), function(x) 
	if(Kmax == 2) reg <- NULL
	if(any(abc == "standard"))
			par(mfrow=c(1,2), oma=c(0,0,3,0), 
			    mar = { mar <- oldpar$mar; mar[3] <- 0.1; mar })
			plot(1:Kmax, ent, 
			     xlab = "Number of clusters", 
			     ylab = "Entropy", 
			     xaxt = "n", ...)
      axis(side = 1, at = 1:Kmax)
			if(any(reg == 2)) 
					pcwsreg <- pcws2_reg(1:Kmax,ent)
					      pcwsreg$a1*(1:pcwsreg$c) + pcwsreg$b1, 
					      lty = 2, col = "red")
					      pcwsreg$a2*(pcwsreg$c:Kmax) + pcwsreg$b2, 
					      lty = 2, col = "red")
			if(any(reg == 3)) 
					pcwsreg <- pcws3_reg(1:Kmax,ent)
					      pcwsreg$a1*(1:pcwsreg$c1) + pcwsreg$b1, 
					      lty = 2, col = "blue")
					      pcwsreg$a2*(pcwsreg$c1:pcwsreg$c2) + pcwsreg$b2, 
					      lty = 2, col = "blue")
					lines(pcwsreg$c2:Kmax, pcwsreg$a3*(pcwsreg$c2:Kmax) + pcwsreg$b3, 
					      lty = 2, col = "blue")
			plot(1:(Kmax-1), ent[2:Kmax]-ent[1:(Kmax-1)], 
			     xlab = "Number of clusters", 
			     ylab = "Difference in entropy", 
			     xaxt = "n", ...)
      axis(side = 1, at = 1:(Kmax-1))
			title("Entropy plot", outer=TRUE, cex.main = 1)
	if(any(abc == "normalized"))
			par(mfrow=c(1,2), oma=c(0,0,3,0), 
			    mar = { mar <- oldpar$mar; mar[3] <- 0.1; mar })
			plot(cumsum(c(0,mergedn)), ent, 
			     xlab = "Cumul. count of merged obs.", 
			     ylab = "Entropy", ...)
			if(any(reg == 2)) 
					X <- cumsum(c(0,mergedn))
					pcwsreg <- pcws2_reg(X,ent)
					      pcwsreg$a1*(X[1:pcwsreg$c]) + pcwsreg$b1, 
					      lty = 2, col = "red")
					      pcwsreg$a2*(X[pcwsreg$c:Kmax]) + pcwsreg$b2, 
					      lty = 2, col = "red")
			if(any(reg == 3)) 
					X <- cumsum(c(0,mergedn))
					pcwsreg <- pcws3_reg(X,ent)
					      pcwsreg$a1*(X[1:pcwsreg$c1]) + pcwsreg$b1, 
					      lty = 2, col = "blue")
					      pcwsreg$a2*(X[pcwsreg$c1:pcwsreg$c2]) + pcwsreg$b2, 
					      lty = 2, col = "blue")
					      pcwsreg$a3*(X[pcwsreg$c2:Kmax]) + pcwsreg$b3, 
					      lty = 2, col = "blue")
			plot(1:(Kmax-1), (ent[2:Kmax]-ent[1:(Kmax-1)])/mergedn, 
			     xlab = "Number of clusters", 
			     ylab = "Normalized difference in entropy", 
			     xaxt = "n", ...)
      axis(side = 1, at = 1:(Kmax-1))
			title("Normalized entropy plot", outer=TRUE, cex.main = 1)

combiTree <- function(object, type = c("triangle", "rectangle"),
                      yaxis = c("entropy", "step"), 
                      edgePar = list(col = "darkgray", lwd = 2), ...)

  if(!inherits(object, "clustCombi")) 
    stop("object not of class 'clustCombi'")
  yaxis <- match.arg(yaxis, eval(formals(combiTree)$yaxis), several.ok = FALSE)
  type <- match.arg(type, eval(formals(combiTree)$type), several.ok = FALSE)

  G <- object$MclustOutput$G
  combiM <- object$combiM
  # combiZ <- object$combiz

  # define merging pattern: 
  # - negative numbers are leaves, 
  # - positive are merged clusters (defined by row number in merge)
  curr <- 1:G
  merged <- -(1:G)
  merge <- matrix(NA, G-1, 2)
  for(k in 1:(G-1))
    Kp <- G - k + 1
    l1 <- which(!combiM[[Kp-1]] %*% rep(1,Kp) == 1)
    l2 <- (combiM[[Kp-1]] %*% curr)[l1] - curr[l1]
    curr <- setdiff(curr, max(l1, l2))
    merge[k,] <- merged[c(l1,l2)]
    merged[merged == merged[l1] | merged == merged[l2]] <- k
  # order along the x-axis
  sel <- function(x)
  { if(x < 0) return(abs(x))
    else     return(c(sel(merge[x,1]), sel(merge[x,2])))
  ord <- abs(c(sel(merge[nrow(merge),1]), sel(merge[nrow(merge),2])))

  if(yaxis == "step")
    { # step 
      h <- 1:(G-1) 
      ylab <- "Steps" 
  } else
    { # entropy
      entropy <- sapply(rev(object$combiz), function(z) -sum(xlog(z)))
      # normalized negentropy
      h <- entropy; h <- 1 - (h - min(h))/(max(h)-min(h)); h <- h[-1]
      ylab <- "1 - normalised entropy"

  # hclust object (see help(hclust))
  hc <- list(merge = merge,  # mergin matrix
             height = h,     # define merge heights
             order = ord,    # order of leaves
             labels = 1:G)   # labels of leaves
  class(hc) <- "hclust"  # make it an hclust object
  # plot(hc, hang = -1)   # look at the result   
  # convert to a dendrogram object
  dendro <- as.dendrogram(hc)
  plot(dendro, type = type, edgePar = edgePar, ylab = ylab, ...)


# pcws2_reg computes the piecewise linear regression -- with two pieces -- to (x,y), for any possible change point and chooses the one leading to the smallest least-square error.

pcws2_reg <- function(x, y)
	C <- length(x)
	ssBest = Inf
	for (c in 2:(C-1))
			x1 <- x[1:c]
			y1 <- y[1:c]
			x2 <- x[c:C]
			y2 <- y[c:C]
			a1 <- sum((x1-mean(x1))*(y1-mean(y1)))/sum((x1-mean(x1))^2)
			b1 <- -a1 * mean(x1) + mean(y1)

			a2 <- sum((x2-mean(x2))*(y2-mean(y2)))/sum((x2-mean(x2))^2)
			b2 <- -a2 * mean(x2) + mean(y2)
			ss <- sum((a1*x1+b1-y1)^2) + sum((a2*x2+b2-y2)^2)

			if (ss < ssBest) 
					ssBest <- ss
					cBest <- c
					a1Best <- a1
					a2Best <- a2
					b1Best <- b1
					b2Best <- b2
	return(list(c=cBest, a1=a1Best, b1=b1Best, a2=a2Best, b2=b2Best, 
	            residuals = c(a1*x1+b1-y1,a2*x2+b2-y2)))

# pcws3_reg computes the piecewise linear regression -- with three pieces -- to (x,y), for any possible change points and chooses the ones leading to the smallest least-square error.

pcws3_reg <- function(x, y)
	C <- length(x)
	ssBest = Inf
	for (c1 in 2:(C-2))
			for (c2 in (c1+1):(C-1))
					x1 <- x[1:c1]
					y1 <- y[1:c1]
					x2 <- x[c1:c2]
					y2 <- y[c1:c2] 
					x3 <- x[c2:C]
					y3 <- y[c2:C] 
					a1 <- sum((x1-mean(x1))*(y1-mean(y1)))/sum((x1-mean(x1))^2)
					b1 <- -a1 * mean(x1) + mean(y1)

					a2 <- sum((x2-mean(x2))*(y2-mean(y2)))/sum((x2-mean(x2))^2)
					b2 <- -a2 * mean(x2) + mean(y2)
					a3 <- sum((x3-mean(x3))*(y3-mean(y3)))/sum((x3-mean(x3))^2)
					b3 <- -a3 * mean(x3) + mean(y3)

			ss <- sum((a1*x1+b1-y1)^2) + sum((a2*x2+b2-y2)^2) + sum((a3*x3+b3-y3)^2)

			if (ss < ssBest) 
					ssBest <- ss
					c1Best <- c1
					c2Best <- c2
					a1Best <- a1
					b1Best <- b1
					a2Best <- a2
					b2Best <- b2
					a3Best <- a3
					b3Best <- b3
	return(list(c1=c1Best, c2=c2Best, a1=a1Best, b1=b1Best, 
	            a2=a2Best, b2=b2Best, a3=a3Best, b3=b3Best, 
	            residuals = c(a1*x1+b1-y1,a2*x2+b2-y2,a3*x3+b3-y3)))

# print.clustCombi <- function(x, ...)
# {
#   output <- x # Argh. Really want to use 'output'
# 	cat("\n EM/BIC Solution\n")
# 	cat(" --------------- \n\n")
# 	cat("Number of components: ", as.character(output$MclustOutput$G), "\n", sep = "") 
# 	cat("Model name: ", output$MclustOutput$parameters$var$modelName, "\n\n", sep="")
# 	for (K in 1:output$MclustOutput$G)
# 		{
# 			cat("Component num.", as.character(K),": ", "\n", sep="")
# 			cat("		proportion: ", sprintf(fmt = "%4.2f ", output$MclustOutput$parameters$pro[K]), "\n", sep="")
# 			if (output$Mclust$d == 1) cat("		mean: ", sprintf(fmt = "%4.2f  ", output$MclustOutput$parameters$mean[K]), "\n", sep="") else cat("		mean: ", sprintf(fmt = "%4.2f  ", output$MclustOutput$parameters$mean[,K]), "\n", sep="")
# 		}
# 	cat("\n Combining steps \n")
# 	cat(" --------------- \n\n")
# 	cl = paste(rep(" ", max(output$MclustOutput$G-4,0)), "Classes labels after this step", rep(" ", max(output$MclustOutput$G-4,0)), sep="")
# 	if (output$MclustOutput$G>4) for (K in 5:output$MclustOutput$G) cl = paste(" ", cl, " ", sep="")
# 	cat("  Step | Classes combined at this step | Classes labels after this step", "\n", sep="")
# 	cat("-------|-------------------------------|-------------------------------", "\n", sep="")
# 	curr = 1:output$MclustOutput$G
# 	cat("   0   |              ---              |", sprintf(fmt = "%2d  ", curr), "\n", sep="")
# 	for (K in 1:(output$MclustOutput$G-1))
# 		{
# 			Kp = output$MclustOutput$G - K + 1
# 			l1 = which(!output$combiM[[Kp-1]] %*% rep(1,Kp) == 1)
# 			l2 = (output$combiM[[Kp-1]] %*% curr)[l1] - curr[l1]
# 			nc1 = floor((7-nchar(as.character(K)))/2)
# 			nc2 = (7-nchar(as.character(K))) - nc1
# 			nc3 = floor((33-nchar(paste(as.character(c(l1)), "  &  ", as.character(l2))))/2) 
# 			nc4 = 33-nchar(paste(as.character(c(l1)), "  &  ", as.character(l2))) - nc3
# 			curr <- output$combiM[[Kp-1]] %*% curr - l2*c(rep(0,(l1-1)),1,rep(0,(Kp-1-l1)))
# 			cat(rep(" ", nc1), as.character(K), rep(" ", nc2), "|", rep(" ", nc3), as.character(l1), "  &  ", as.character(l2), rep(" ", nc4), "|", sprintf(fmt = "%2d  ", curr), "\n", sep="")
# 		}
# 	cat("\n Classification for K classes: output$classification[[K]]\n")
# 	cat(" Combining matrix (K classes -> (K-1) classes): output$combiM[[K]]\n\n")
# }

print.clustCombi <- function(x, digits = getOption("digits"), ...)
  cat("\'", class(x)[1], "\' object:\n", sep = "")
  cat(paste0(" Mclust model: (", 
             x$MclustOutput$modelName, ",",
             x$MclustOutput$G, ")\n"))
  cat(" Available object components: ")
  cat(names(x), "\n")
	cat(" Combining matrix (K+1 classes -> K classes): <object_name>$combiM[[K]]\n")
  cat(" Classification for K classes: <object_name>$classification[[K]]\n")

summary.clustCombi <- function(object, ...)
  title <- paste("Combining Gaussian mixture components for clustering")
  out <- with(object, 
              list(title = title,
                   MclustModelName = object$MclustOutput$modelName,
                   MclustG = object$MclustOutput$G,
                   combiM = object$combiM))
  class(out) <- "summary.clustCombi"

print.summary.clustCombi <- function(x, digits = getOption("digits"), ...)
  cat(rep("-", nchar(x$title)),"\n",sep="")
  cat(x$title, "\n")
  cat(rep("-", nchar(x$title)),"\n",sep="")
  cat("\nMclust model name:", x$MclustModelName, "\n")
  cat("Number of components:", x$MclustG, "\n")
	cat("\nCombining steps:\n\n")

	# cl <- paste(rep(" ", max(x$MclustG-4,0)), 
	#             "Class labels after this step", 
	#             rep(" ", max(x$MclustG-4,0)), sep="")
	# if(x$MclustG>4) 
	#   for(K in 5:x$MclustG) 
	#     cl <- paste(" ", cl, " ", sep="")
	cat("  Step | Classes combined at this step | Class labels after this step", "\n", sep="")
	cat("-------|-------------------------------|-----------------------------", "\n", sep="")
	curr <- 1:x$MclustG
	cat("   0   |              ---              | ", sprintf(fmt = "%d ", curr), "\n", sep="")
	for(K in 1:(x$MclustG-1))
			 Kp = x$MclustG - K + 1
			 l1 = which(!x$combiM[[Kp-1]] %*% rep(1,Kp) == 1)
			 l2 = (x$combiM[[Kp-1]] %*% curr)[l1] - curr[l1]

  		 nc1 = floor((7-nchar(as.character(K)))/2)
			 nc2 = (7-nchar(as.character(K))) - nc1
			 nc3 = floor((33-nchar(paste(as.character(c(l1)), " & ", 
			 nc4 = 33-nchar(paste(as.character(c(l1)), " & ", 
			                      as.character(l2))) - nc3
			 curr <- x$combiM[[Kp-1]] %*% curr - 

			cat(rep(" ", nc1), as.character(K), rep(" ", nc2), "|", 
			    rep(" ", nc3), as.character(l1), " & ", as.character(l2), 
			    rep(" ", nc4), "| ", sprintf(fmt = "%d ", curr), "\n", sep="")


clustCombiOptim <- function(object, reg = 2, plot = FALSE, ...)
# Return the optimal number of clusters suggested by the method based on the
# entropy and discussed in reference given in help(clustCombi).
# object = "clustCombi" object
# reg = see help(entPlot)

  z <- object$MclustOutput$z
  combiM <- object$combiM
  ent <- rep(as.double(NA, nrow(z)))
  Kmax <- ncol(z)
  z0 <- z
  for(K in Kmax:1) 
    z0 <- t(combiM[[K]] %*% t(z0))
    ent[K] <- -sum(xlog(z0))

  if(Kmax == 2) 
    { # reg <- NULL # in the original code
      # my modification to get however a result
      reg <- 1
      pcwsreg <- list(K = Kmax)

  if(reg == 2) 
    { pcwsreg <- pcws2_reg(1:Kmax, ent) }
  if(reg == 3) 
    { pcwsreg <- pcws3_reg(1:Kmax, ent) }

    { plot(1:Kmax, ent, 
           xlab = "Number of clusters", 
           ylab = "Entropy", 
           panel.first = grid(),
           xaxt = "n", ...)
      axis(side = 1, at = 1:Kmax)
      if(reg == 2)
        { lines(1:pcwsreg$c, pcwsreg$a1 * (1:pcwsreg$c) + pcwsreg$b1, 
                lty = 2, col = "red")
          lines(pcwsreg$c:Kmax, pcwsreg$a2 * (pcwsreg$c:Kmax) + pcwsreg$b2, 
                lty = 2, col = "red") }
      if(reg == 3)
        { lines(1:pcwsreg$c1, pcwsreg$a1 * (1:pcwsreg$c1) + pcwsreg$b1, 
                lty = 2, col = "blue")
          lines(pcwsreg$c1:pcwsreg$c2, pcwsreg$a2 * (pcwsreg$c1:pcwsreg$c2) +
                pcwsreg$b2, lty = 2, col = "blue")
          lines(pcwsreg$c2:Kmax, pcwsreg$a3 * (pcwsreg$c2:Kmax) + pcwsreg$b3, 
                lty = 2, col = "blue") }

  K <- pcwsreg[[1]]
  z0 <- z
  for(K in Kmax:K) 
     { z0 <- t(combiM[[K]] %*% t(z0)) }
  out <- list(numClusters.combi = K,
              z.combi = z0,
              cluster.combi = map(z0))

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