tssem1FEM <- function(Cov, n, cor.analysis=TRUE,,
cluster=NULL, suppressWarnings=TRUE, silent=TRUE,
run=TRUE, ...) {
## Function to mark diagonals as NA when all correlation coefficients of the variable are NA
## assuming matrices are symmetric
addDiagNA <- function(x) {
add_NA <- function(y) {
for(i in 1:nrow(y)) {
## All elements in the row except the diagonal are NA
if (sum([, i]))==(nrow(y)-1)) y[i,i] <- NA
if (is.list(x)) lapply(x, add_NA) else add_NA(x)
## Mark the diagonals as NA when all correlation coefficients are NA
Cov <- addDiagNA(Cov)
## Smooth non-symmetric matrices probably due to rounding
## assuming no input error in the matrices
if (is.list(Cov)) {
Cov <- lapply(Cov, function(x) {x <- (x+t(x))/2; x})
} else {
Cov <- (Cov+t(Cov))/2
## Split the data by cluster
if (!is.null(cluster)) {
data.cluster <- tapply(Cov, cluster, function(x) {x})
n.cluster <- tapply(n, cluster, function(x) {x})
out <- list()
for (i in seq_along(data.cluster)) {
## Need to correct it to tssem1()
out[[i]] <- tssem1FEM(data.cluster[[i]], n.cluster[[i]],
suppressWarnings=suppressWarnings, ...)
names(out) <- names(data.cluster)
class(out) <- "tssem1FEM.cluster"
} else {
## Throw an error when df and n are in different lengths.
if (length(Cov) != length(n)) stop("Lengths of \"df\" and \"n\" are different.\n")
## Check whether all studies have the same dimensions
my.range <- range(sapply(Cov, function(x) {ncol(x)}))
if ( !all.equal(my.range[1], my.range[2]) )
stop("Dimensions of groups are not the same!\n")
no.groups <- length(Cov)
no.var <- ncol(Cov[[1]])
## Get the original variable names
original.names <- colnames(Cov[[1]])
var.names <- paste("x", 1:no.var, sep = "")
## Convert variable labels to x1, x2, ...
Cov <- lapply(Cov, function(x) {dimnames(x) <- list(var.names, var.names); x})
total.n <- sum(n)
## Check positive definiteness of data
## Print warning rather than stop
isPD <- is.pd(Cov)
if (!all(isPD))
warning(paste("Group ", (1:no.groups)[!isPD], " is not positive definite.", sep = ""))
## Prepare starting values based on covariance matrices
sv <- .startValues(Cov, cor.analysis = FALSE)
## matrix of labels; only use the lower triangle
## Fixed a bug reported by John Ma when there are more than 120 variables by replacing " " with "_"
ps.labels <- outer(1:no.var, 1:no.var, function(x, y) paste0("s", x, "_", y))
if (cor.analysis==TRUE) {
S <- mxMatrix(type="Stand", nrow=no.var, ncol=no.var, free=TRUE, values=vechs(cov2cor(sv)),
labels=vechs(ps.labels), name="S")
} else {
## Set lower bound on variances
lbound <- matrix(NA, nrow=no.var, ncol=no.var)
Diag(lbound) <- 0.00001
S <- mxMatrix(type="Symm", nrow=no.var, ncol=no.var, free=TRUE, values=vech(sv),
labels=vech(ps.labels), lbound=lbound, name="S")
## Index for missing variables: only check the diagonals only!!!
miss.index <- lapply(Cov, function(x) { })
## complete.index <- NULL
## for (i in no.groups:1) {
## if (sum(!miss.index[[i]], na.rm = TRUE) == no.var)
## complete.index = i
## }
## if (is.null(complete.index))
## stop("It is expected that at least one study has complete data!")
## if ( sum(!miss.index[[1]], na.rm = TRUE) != no.var )
## stop("There should be no missing data in the first group.")
for (i in 1:no.groups) {
no.var.i <- sum(!miss.index[[i]], na.rm = TRUE)
miss.index.i <- miss.index[[i]]
Cov.i <- Cov[[i]][!miss.index.i, !miss.index.i]
## dimnames(Cov.i) <- list(var.names[!miss.index.i], var.names[!miss.index.i])
# Prepare matrices for calculations
if (cor.analysis) {
if (is.null( <- "TSSEM1 Correlation"
SD <- Diag(paste(sqrt(Diag(sv)), "*sd", i, "_", 1:no.var, sep=""))
# Fixed a bug when SD is a scalar
SD <- SD[!miss.index.i, , drop=FALSE]
SD <- as.mxMatrix(SD)
} else {
if (is.null( <- "TSSEM1 Covariance"
SD <- Diag(rep(1, no.var))
SD <- SD[!miss.index.i, , drop=FALSE]
SD <- as.mxMatrix(SD)
# Expected covariance matrix
expC <- mxAlgebra(SD %&% S, name="expC", dimnames=list(var.names[!miss.index.i],
fitFunction <- mxFitFunctionML()
## Fixed a bug when Cov[[i]][, , ] is a scalar
g.model <- paste("g", i, " <- mxModel(\"g", i, "\", S, SD, expC, mxData(observed=Cov[[",i,"]][!miss.index[[",i,"]],!miss.index[[",i,"]], drop=FALSE], type=\"cov\", numObs=n[", i,
"]), fitFunction, mxExpectationNormal(covariance=\"expC\", means=NA, dimnames=var.names[!miss.index[[", i, "]]]))", sep = "")
eval(parse(text = g.model))
## Replaced mxFitFunctionAlgebra() with mxFitFunctionMultigroup()
tssem1.model <- paste0("tssem1 <- mxModel(\"",, "\", S, ",
paste0("g", 1:no.groups, collapse = ","),
", mxFitFunctionMultigroup(c(", paste0("\"g", 1:no.groups, "\"", collapse=","), ")))")
## mgFitFn <- paste0("mxFitFunctionMultigroup(c(", paste0("\"g", 1:no.groups, "\"", collapse=","), ")")
eval(parse(text = tssem1.model))
## Return mx model without running the analysis
if (run==FALSE) return(tssem1)
# try to run it with error message as output
## <- mxRun(tssem1) <- tryCatch(mxRun(tssem1, suppressWarnings = suppressWarnings, silent=silent, ...),
error = function(e) e)
## It is useful to return error for computer simulation.
if (inherits(, "error")) {
out <-
} else {
## Calculate 2LL of the saturated and independence models and the DF of independence model
baseMinus2LL <- tryCatch(.minus2LL(x=Cov, n=n), error = function(e) e)
out <- list(call =, cor.analysis=cor.analysis, data=Cov, n = n,
baseMinus2LL = baseMinus2LL, mx.model=tssem1, =,
class(out) <- "tssem1FEM"
tssem1REM <- function(Cov, n, cor.analysis=TRUE, RE.type=c("Diag", "Symm", "Zero", "User"),
RE.startvalues=0.1, RE.lbound = 1e-10, RE.constraints=NULL,
I2="I2q", acov=c("weighted", "individual", "unweighted"),
asyCovOld=FALSE,, suppressWarnings=TRUE, silent=TRUE,
run=TRUE, ...) {
## It handles missing effect sizes rather than missing correlations. Thus, it is more flexible than tssem1FEM().
## ACOV is calculated without missing data by assuming 1 and 0 for the missing variances and covariances.
## Missing values are indicated by the missing effect sizes.
acov <- match.arg(acov, c("weighted", "individual", "unweighted"))
## Throw an error when df and n are in different lengths.
if (length(Cov) != length(n)) stop("Lengths of \"df\" and \"n\" are different.\n")
## Get the original variable names
original.names <- colnames(Cov[[1]])
## Calculate the asymptotic sampling covariance matrix of the correlation matrix
if (asyCovOld) {
## SEM approach is sensitive to NA. Additional care is required.
if (cor.analysis) {
## Replace diagonals with 1.0
my.complete <- lapply(Cov, function (x) { Diag(x)[] <- 1; x })
} else {
## Replace diagonals with the mean of diagonals
my.complete <- lapply(Cov, function (x) { Diag(x)[] <- mean(Diag(x), na.rm=TRUE); x })
## Replace missing variables with 0.0 regardless of cor.analysis
my.complete <- lapply(my.complete, function (x) { x[] <- 0; x })
acovR <- asyCovOld(x=my.complete, n=n, cor.analysis=cor.analysis, dropNA=FALSE, as.matrix=TRUE, acov=acov)
} else {
## asyCov() will break down when there are NA
acovR <- asyCov(x=Cov, n=n, cor.analysis=cor.analysis, as.matrix=TRUE, acov=acov)
## Fixed a bug that Cov is covariance matrix while cor.analysis is TRUE
## When cor.analysis=TRUE, the old version just takes the lower triangle without converting covariance into correlation.
if (cor.analysis) {
## Convert possible covariance matrices into correlation matrices
## When there are NA in diagonas, they become 1 after cov2cor()
## It is fine as the diagonals are not used in cor.analysis=TRUE
ES <- list2matrix(x=suppressWarnings(lapply(Cov, cov2cor)), diag=FALSE)
} else {
ES <- list2matrix(x=Cov, diag=TRUE)
## no. of effect sizes <- ncol(ES)
if (is.null( {
if (cor.analysis) { <- "TSSEM1 Correlation"
} else { <- "TSSEM1 Covariance"
RE.type <- match.arg(RE.type, c("Diag", "Symm", "Zero", "User"))
switch( RE.type,
Symm = <- meta(y=ES, v=acovR,, I2=I2, RE.startvalues=RE.startvalues,
RE.lbound=RE.lbound, suppressWarnings=TRUE, silent=silent, run=run, ...),
Diag = <- meta(y=ES, v=acovR,, I2=I2,
RE.constraints=Diag(paste0(RE.startvalues, "*Tau2_",, "_",,
RE.lbound=RE.lbound, suppressWarnings=TRUE, silent=silent, run=run, ...),
Zero = <- meta(y=ES, v=acovR,, I2=I2, RE.constraints=matrix(0,,,
suppressWarnings=TRUE, silent=silent, run=run, ...),
User = <- meta(y=ES, v=acovR,, I2=I2, RE.constraints=RE.constraints,
suppressWarnings=TRUE, silent=silent, run=run, ...) )
## Return mx model without running the analysis
if (run==FALSE) return(
## if (RE.diag.only==TRUE) {
## ## No covariance between random effects
## <- meta(y=ES, v=acovR,, I2=I2,
## RE.constraints=diag(x=paste(RE.startvalues, "*Tau2_",, "_",, sep=""),
##,, RE.lbound=RE.lbound)
## } else {
## <- meta(y=ES, v=acovR,, I2=I2, RE.startvalues=RE.startvalues, RE.lbound=RE.lbound)
## }
out <- list(total.n=sum(n), cor.analysis=cor.analysis, RE.type=RE.type,, original.names=original.names)
out <- c(out,
class(out) <- c("tssem1REM", "meta")
tssem1 <- function(Cov, n, method=c("REM", "FEM"), cor.analysis=TRUE, cluster=NULL,
RE.type=c("Diag", "Symm", "Zero", "User"), RE.startvalues=0.1, RE.lbound=1e-10,
RE.constraints=NULL, I2="I2q", acov=c("weighted", "individual", "unweighted"),
asyCovOld=FALSE,, suppressWarnings=TRUE, silent=TRUE, run=TRUE, ...) {
method <- match.arg(method)
FEM = out <- tssem1FEM(Cov=Cov, n=n, cor.analysis=cor.analysis,,
cluster=cluster, suppressWarnings=suppressWarnings, silent=silent, run=run, ...),
REM = out <- tssem1REM(Cov=Cov, n=n, cor.analysis=cor.analysis, RE.type=RE.type,
RE.startvalues=RE.startvalues, RE.lbound=RE.lbound, RE.constraints=RE.constraints,
I2=I2, acov=acov, asyCovOld=asyCovOld,,
suppressWarnings=suppressWarnings, silent=silent, run=run, ...) )
## Known bug: wls() will fall into loop when the Amatrix is zero
wls <- function(Cov, aCov, n, RAM=NULL, Amatrix=NULL, Smatrix=NULL, Fmatrix=NULL,
diag.constraints=FALSE, cor.analysis=TRUE, intervals.type=c("z", "LB"),
mx.algebras=NULL, mxModel.Args=NULL, subset.variables=NULL,, suppressWarnings=TRUE,
silent=TRUE, run=TRUE, ...) {
## Filter out variables not used in the analysis
if (!is.null(subset.variables)) {
obslabels <- rownames(Cov)
index <- !(subset.variables %in% obslabels)
if (any(index)) {
stop(paste0(paste0(subset.variables[index], collapse = ", "), " are not in the \"Cov\".\n"))
index <- (obslabels %in% subset.variables)
## A square matrix of dimensions subset.variables
index.mat <- matrix(TRUE, nrow=length(index), ncol=length(index))
index.mat[!index, ] <- index.mat[, !index] <- FALSE
if (cor.analysis) {
subset.acov <- vechs(index.mat)
} else {
subset.acov <- vech(index.mat)
## Filter the variables
Cov <- Cov[subset.variables, subset.variables]
aCov <- aCov[subset.acov, subset.acov]
## Read RAM first. If it is not specified, read individual matrices
if (!is.null(RAM)) {
Amatrix <- as.mxMatrix(RAM$A, name="Amatrix")
Smatrix <- as.mxMatrix(RAM$S, name="Smatrix")
Fmatrix <- as.mxMatrix(RAM$F, name="Fmatrix")
} else {
if (is.null(Smatrix)) {
stop("\"Smatrix\" matrix is not specified.\n")
} else if (is.matrix(Smatrix)) {
Smatrix <- as.mxMatrix(Smatrix, name="Smatrix")
} else {
## Change the name of the input mxMatrix
Smatrix@name <- "Smatrix"
## No. of observed and latent variables
p <- nrow(Smatrix@values)
if (is.null(Amatrix)) {
## If Amatrix is not specified, use a zero matrix.
Amatrix <- as.mxMatrix(matrix(0, nrow=p, ncol=p), name="Amatrix")
} else if (is.matrix(Amatrix)) {
Amatrix <- as.mxMatrix(Amatrix, name="Amatrix")
} else {
## Change the name of the input mxMatrix
Amatrix@name <- "Amatrix"
if (is.null(Fmatrix)) {
## If Fmatrix is not specified, use an identity matrix.
Fmatrix <- as.mxMatrix(Diag(rep(p,1)), name="Fmatrix")
} else if (is.matrix(Fmatrix)) {
Fmatrix <- as.mxMatrix(Fmatrix, name="Fmatrix")
} else {
## Change the name of the input mxMatrix
Fmatrix@name <- "Fmatrix"
## CheckRAM
checkRAM(Amatrix=Amatrix, Smatrix=Smatrix, cor.analysis=cor.analysis)
## No. of observed and latent variables
p <- nrow(Smatrix@values)
## A pxp identity matrix
Id <- as.mxMatrix(Diag(rep(p, 1)), name="Id")
## No. of observed variables
no.var <- ncol(Cov)
if (is.pd(Cov)) {
sampleS <- as.mxMatrix(Cov, name="sampleS")
} else {
stop("\"Cov\" is not positive definite.\n")
intervals.type <- match.arg(intervals.type)
# Default is z
z = intervals <- FALSE,
LB = intervals <- TRUE)
# Inverse of asymptotic covariance matrix
if (is.pd(aCov)) {
invaCov <- tryCatch(chol2inv(chol(aCov)), error = function(e) e)
## It appears that solve() does not fail
if (inherits(invaCov, "error")) {
cat("Error in inverting \"aCov\":\n")
invAcov <- as.mxMatrix(invaCov, name="invAcov")
} else {
stop("\"aCov\" is not positive definite.\n")
if (cor.analysis) {
if (is.null( <- "WLS Correlation"
ps <- no.var * (no.var - 1)/2
} else {
if (is.null( <- "WLS Covariance"
ps <- no.var * (no.var + 1)/2
if (ncol(aCov) != ps)
stop("No. of dimension of \"Cov\" does not match the multiplier of the dimension of \"aCov\"\n")
## Assuming no constraint
Constraints <- 0
if (cor.analysis) {
## Count no. of dependent variables including both observed and latent variables
## Since it is correlation structure, Smatrix@values=1 and Smatrix@free=FALSE on the diagonals.
Constraints <- Diag(Smatrix@free)
## Use nonlinear constraints to impose diagonals as 1
if (diag.constraints & (sum(Constraints)>0)) {
One <- mxMatrix("Full", values=1, ncol=1, nrow=sum(Constraints), free=FALSE, name="One")
select <- create.Fmatrix(Constraints, name="select")
constraint <- mxConstraint( select%*%diag2vec(solve(Id-Amatrix)%&%Smatrix)==One,
name="constraint" )
impliedS <- mxAlgebra( (Fmatrix%*%solve(Id-Amatrix))%&%Smatrix, name="impliedS" )
vecS <- mxAlgebra(vechs(sampleS - impliedS), name="vecS")
obj <- mxAlgebra( t(vecS) %&% invAcov, name = "obj" )
objective <- mxFitFunctionAlgebra(algebra="obj")
mx.model <- mxModel(, Fmatrix, Amatrix, Smatrix, Id, impliedS,
vecS, invAcov, obj, objective, sampleS, One, select,
constraint, mxCI(c("Amatrix", "Smatrix")))
} else {
## Consider error variances as functions of parameters
## check types of variables
## dv: variables pointed by some variables
dv <- apply(Amatrix$free, 1, any)
# ## iv: variables pointed towards other variables
# iv <- apply(Amatrix$free, 2, any)
# ## med: mediators
# med <- iv & dv
## S1: Smatrix without error variances on the dependent variables
## Fix the diagonal elements associated with dv to 0
S1 <- Smatrix
S1$name <- "S1"
diag(S1$labels)[dv] <- NA
diag(S1$values)[dv] <- 0
diag(S1$free)[dv] <- FALSE
## Use it rather than Smatrix in mxCI()
S1_labels <- S1$labels
diag(S1_labels) <- NA
S1_labels <- c(na.omit(unique(c(S1_labels))))
## A function to extract levels of path directions started from IVs to DVs
path <- function(Amatrix) {
## assuming non-recursive models
if (is.matrix(Amatrix)) Amatrix <- as.mxMatrix(Amatrix)
A <- Amatrix$free
if (any(Diag(A))) stop("Diagonals on 'A' must be zeros\n")
## no. of variables
p <- ncol(A)
dv <- apply(A, 1, any)
## iv: variables pointed towards other variables
iv <- apply(A, 2, any)
Level <- list()
## IVs
Level[[1]] <- iv==TRUE&dv==FALSE
## no. of variables counted
count <- length((1:p)[Level[[1]]])
## do until all p variables are countered
while(p > count) {
level <- length(Level)
## predicated by previous level
cand1 <- A[, Level[[level]], drop=FALSE]
cand1 <- apply(cand1, 1, any)
## predicted by cand1
cand2 <- A[, cand1, drop=FALSE]
cand2 <- apply(cand2, 1, any)
Level[[level+1]] <- cand1==TRUE&cand2==FALSE
## no. of elements counted
count <- count + length((1:p)[Level[[level+1]]])
## Levels of directions
Level <- path(Amatrix)
## no error variance involved for ALL variables
impliedS1 <- mxAlgebra( solve(Id-Amatrix)%&%S1, name="impliedS1")
## setup for error variances for mediators and dvs
## Excluded level1 as they are ivs (started with i=2)
for (i in 2:length(Level)) {
## filter the diagonals of mediators
text1 <- paste("sel",i, " <- as.mxMatrix(diag(Level[[",i,"]]), name='sel",i,"')", sep="" )
## extract the error variances of mediators based on the previous model implied covariance matrix (i-1)
text2 <- paste("E",i, " <- mxAlgebra(vec2diag(diag2vec(Id-impliedS",i-1,"))*sel",i,", name='E",i,"')", sep="" )
## Implied covariance matrix with estimated error variances on mediators for (i)
text3 <- paste("E", 2:i, sep="", collapse="+")
text4 <- paste("impliedS",i, " <- mxAlgebra(solve(Id-Amatrix)%&%(S1+",text3,"), name='impliedS",i,"')", sep="")
## Final Smatrix including all error variances
text5 <- paste("E", 2:length(Level), sep="", collapse="+")
## Smatrix=S1+E2+E3...
text6 <- paste("Smatrix <- mxAlgebra(S1+", text5, ", name='Smatrix')", sep="")
impliedS <- mxAlgebra((Fmatrix%*%solve(Id-Amatrix))%&%Smatrix, name="impliedS")
vecS <- mxAlgebra(vechs(sampleS - impliedS), name="vecS")
obj <- mxAlgebra( t(vecS) %&% invAcov, name = "obj" )
objective <- mxFitFunctionAlgebra(algebra="obj")
mx.model <- mxModel(, Fmatrix, Amatrix, Smatrix, Id, impliedS1,
impliedS, vecS, invAcov, obj, objective, sampleS,
S1, mxCI(c("Amatrix", S1_labels)))
## Add the matrices into mx.model
text6a <- paste(",sel",2:length(Level), sep="", collapse="")
text6b <- paste(",E",2:length(Level), sep="", collapse="")
text6c <- paste(",impliedS",2:length(Level), sep="", collapse="")
text7 <- paste("mx.model <- mxModel(mx.model",text6a, text6b, text6c, ")", sep="")
} ## if (diag.constraints & (sum(Constraints)>0))
} else {
## analysis of covariance rather than correlation matrix
impliedS <- mxAlgebra( (Fmatrix%*%solve(Id-Amatrix))%&%Smatrix, name="impliedS" )
vecS <- mxAlgebra(vech(sampleS - impliedS), name="vecS")
obj <- mxAlgebra( t(vecS) %&% invAcov, name = "obj" )
objective <- mxFitFunctionAlgebra(algebra="obj")
mx.model <- mxModel(, Fmatrix, Amatrix, Smatrix, Id, impliedS,
vecS, invAcov, obj, objective, sampleS, mxCI(c("Amatrix", "Smatrix")))
## Add additiona mxalgebras from RAM
## Initialize as NULL
algebra.names <- NULL
if (!is.null(RAM$mxalgebras)) {
for (i in seq_along(RAM$mxalgebras)) {
mx.model <- mxModel(mx.model, RAM$mxalgebras[[i]])
## check if they are mxalgebra, not mxconstraint
algebra.names <- names(RAM$mxalgebras)
isalgebra <- !grepl("^constraint[0-9]+", algebra.names)
if (any(isalgebra)) {
## Remove names for mxconstraints
algebra.names <- algebra.names[isalgebra]
mx.model <- mxModel(mx.model, mxCI(algebra.names))
## Add additional mxAlgebras
if (!is.null(mx.algebras)) {
for (i in seq_along(mx.algebras)) {
mx.model <- mxModel(mx.model, mx.algebras[[i]])
mx.model <- mxModel(mx.model, mxCI(names(mx.algebras)))
## Add additional arguments to mxModel
if (!is.null(mxModel.Args)) {
for (i in seq_along(mxModel.Args)) {
mx.model <- mxModel(mx.model, mxModel.Args[[i]])
## Return mx model without running the analysis
if (run==FALSE) return(mx.model) <- tryCatch( mxRun(mx.model, intervals=intervals, suppressWarnings=suppressWarnings, silent=silent, ...),
error = function(e) e)
# try to run it with error message as output
if (inherits(, "error")) {
cat("Error in running the mxModel:\n")
out <-
} else {
out <- list(, Cov=Cov, aCov=aCov, noObservedStat=ps, n=n, cor.analysis=cor.analysis,
diag.constraints=diag.constraints, Constraints=Constraints,
indepModelChisq=.indepwlsChisq(S=Cov, aCov=aCov, cor.analysis=cor.analysis),
indepModelDf=no.var*(no.var-1)/2, mx.model=mx.model,,
mx.algebras=c(names(mx.algebras), algebra.names),
class(out) <- 'wls'
tssem2 <- function(tssem1.obj, RAM=NULL, Amatrix=NULL, Smatrix=NULL, Fmatrix=NULL, diag.constraints=FALSE,
intervals.type = c("z", "LB"), mx.algebras=NULL, mxModel.Args=NULL, subset.variables=NULL,, suppressWarnings=TRUE, silent=TRUE, run=TRUE, ...) {
if ( !is.element( class(tssem1.obj)[1], c("tssem1FEM.cluster", "tssem1FEM", "tssem1REM")) )
stop("\"tssem1.obj\" must be of neither class \"tssem1FEM.cluster\", class \"tssem1FEM\" or \"tssem1REM\".")
tssem1FEM.cluster = { out <- lapply(tssem1.obj, tssem2, RAM=RAM, Amatrix=Amatrix, Smatrix=Smatrix, Fmatrix=Fmatrix,
diag.constraints=diag.constraints, intervals.type=intervals.type,
mx.algebras=mx.algebras, mxModel.Args=mxModel.Args,
subset.variables=subset.variables,, suppressWarnings=suppressWarnings, silent=silent,
run=run, ...)
class(out) <- "wls.cluster" },
tssem1FEM = { if (tssem1.obj$cor.analysis==TRUE) {
if (is.null( <- "TSSEM2 Correlation"
} else {
if (is.null( <- "TSSEM2 Covariance"
# to handle symbolic F(T) vs. logical FALSE(TRUE)
## cor.analysis <- as.logical(as.character(cor.analysis))
## Use the original varible names for the observed covariance matrix
pooledS <- coef.tssem1FEM(tssem1.obj)
## dimnames(pooledS) <- list(tssem1.obj$original.names, tssem1.obj$original.names)
out <- wls(Cov=coef.tssem1FEM(tssem1.obj), aCov=vcov.tssem1FEM(tssem1.obj),
n=sum(tssem1.obj$n), RAM=RAM, Amatrix=Amatrix, Smatrix=Smatrix, Fmatrix=Fmatrix,
diag.constraints=diag.constraints, cor.analysis=tssem1.obj$cor.analysis,
intervals.type=intervals.type, mx.algebras=mx.algebras, mxModel.Args=mxModel.Args,
subset.variables=subset.variables,, suppressWarnings=suppressWarnings,
silent=silent, run=run, ...) },
tssem1REM = { cor.analysis <- tssem1.obj$cor.analysis
## Extract the pooled correlation matrix
pooledS <- vec2symMat( coef(tssem1.obj, select="fixed"), diag=!cor.analysis)
dimnames(pooledS) <- list(tssem1.obj$original.names, tssem1.obj$original.names)
## Extract the asymptotic covariance matrix of the pooled correlations
aCov <- vcov(tssem1.obj, select="fixed")
aCov.names <- .genCorNames(x=tssem1.obj$original.names, cor.analysis=cor.analysis)
dimnames(aCov) <- list(aCov.names$ylabels, aCov.names$ylabels)
if (cor.analysis==TRUE) {
if (is.null( <- "TSSEM2 Correlation"
} else {
if (is.null( <- "TSSEM2 Covariance"
## Use the original varible names for the observed covariance matrix
dimnames(pooledS) <- list(tssem1.obj$original.names, tssem1.obj$original.names)
out <- wls(Cov=pooledS, aCov=aCov, n=tssem1.obj$total.n, RAM=RAM,
Amatrix=Amatrix, Smatrix=Smatrix, Fmatrix=Fmatrix, diag.constraints=diag.constraints,
cor.analysis=cor.analysis, intervals.type=intervals.type, mx.algebras=mx.algebras,
mxModel.Args=mxModel.Args,, suppressWarnings = suppressWarnings,
silent=silent, run=run, ...) })
tssemParaVar <- function(tssem1.obj, tssem2.obj, method=c("bootstrap", "delta"),
interval=0.8, Rep=50, output=c("data.frame", "matrices"),
nonPD.pop=c("replace", "nearPD", "accept")) {
if (interval <=0 | interval >=1) stop("'interval' must be within 0 and 1.\n")
## Means of stage 1
Means <- eval(parse(text="mxEval(Inter, tssem1.obj$"))
## Variance componet of the correlation coefficients
V <- eval(parse(text="mxEval(Tau, tssem1.obj$"))
mx.model <- tssem2.obj$
## Maximize the speed
mx.model <- mxOption(mx.model, "Calculate Hessian", "No")
mx.model <- mxOption(mx.model, "Standard Errors", "No")
method <- match.arg(method)
output <- match.arg(output)
## delta method
if (method=="delta") {
if (!requireNamespace("numDeriv", quietly = TRUE))
stop("\"numDeriv\" package is required for this function.")
## Gradiant function
## x: Correlation coefficients
fun1 <- function(x) {
sampleS <- as.mxMatrix(vec2symMat(x, diag=FALSE), name="sampleS")
model <- mxModel(mx.model, sampleS=sampleS)
fit <- mxRun(model, silent=TRUE)
## Jacobian matrix
grad <- numDeriv::jacobian(fun1, x=Means)
Tau2 <- grad %*% V %*% t(grad)
} else {
## bootstrap method
boot.cor <- rCorPop(Sigma=vec2symMat(Means, diag=FALSE),
V=V, k=Rep, nonPD.pop=nonPD.pop)
boot.coef <- t(sapply(boot.cor, function(x) {
sampleS <- as.mxMatrix(x, name="sampleS")
model <- mxModel(mx.model, sampleS=sampleS)
fit <- mxRun(model, silent=TRUE)
Tau2 <- cov(boot.coef, use="complete.obs")
## Parameters for checking
para <- coef(mxRun(mx.model, silent=TRUE))
if (is.null(dimnames(Tau2))) {
dimnames(Tau2) <- list(names(para), names(para))
SD <- sqrt(diag(Tau2))
if (output=="data.frame") {
z <- qnorm((1-interval)/2, lower.tail=FALSE)
out <- data.frame(Parameter=para, SD=SD, lbound=para-z*SD, ubound=para+z*SD)
lbound <- paste0(interval*100, "% lbound")
ubound <- paste0(interval*100, "% ubound")
colnames(out) <- c("Parameter", "SD", "lbound", "ubound")
} else {
out <- list(para=para, SD=SD, Tau2=Tau2)
## deltaCV <- function(tssem1.obj, tssem2.obj) {
## if (!requireNamespace("numDeriv", quietly = TRUE))
## stop("\"numDeriv\" package is required for this function.")
## ## Means
## Means <- mxEval(Inter, tssem1.obj$
## ## Variance componet of the correlation coefficients
## V <- mxEval(Tau, tssem1.obj$
## mx.model <- tssem2.obj$
## ## Maximize the speed
## mx.model <- mxOption(mx.model, "Calculate Hessian", "No")
## mx.model <- mxOption(mx.model, "Standard Errors", "No")
## ## Gradiant function
## ## x: Correlation coefficients
## fun <- function(x) {
## sampleS <- as.mxMatrix(vec2symMat(x, diag=FALSE), name="sampleS")
## model <- mxModel(mx.model, sampleS=sampleS)
## fit <- mxRun(model, silent=TRUE)
## coef(fit)
## }
## grad <- numDeriv::jacobian(fun, x=Means)
## Tau2 <- grad %*% V %*% t(grad)
## para <- coef(mxRun(mx.model, silent=TRUE))
## dimnames(Tau2) <- list(names(para), names(para))
## SD <- sqrt(diag(Tau2))
## list(para=para, SD=SD, Tau2=Tau2)
## }
## delta2 <- function(tssem1.obj, Amatrix = NULL, Smatrix = NULL, Fmatrix = NULL,
## diag.constraints = FALSE) {
## if (!requireNamespace("numDeriv", quietly = TRUE))
## stop("\"numDeriv\" package is required for this function.")
## ## Means
## Means <- mxEval(Inter, tssem1.obj$
## ## Variance componet of the correlation coefficients
## V <- mxEval(Tau, tssem1.obj$
## ## Setup the model without running it
## mx.model <- tssem2(tssem1.obj=tssem1.obj, Amatrix=Amatrix, Smatrix=Smatrix,
## Fmatrix=Fmatrix, diag.constraints=diag.constraints,
## run=FALSE)
## ## Maximize the speed
## mx.model <- mxOption(mx.model, "Calculate Hessian", "No")
## mx.model <- mxOption(mx.model, "Standard Errors" , "No")
## ## Gradiant function
## ## x: Correlation coefficients
## fun <- function(x) {
## sampleS <- as.mxMatrix(vec2symMat(x, diag=FALSE), name="sampleS")
## model <- mxModel(mx.model, sampleS=sampleS)
## fit <- mxRun(model, silent=TRUE)
## coef(fit)
## }
## grad <- numDeriv::jacobian(fun, x=Means)
## Tau2 <- grad %*% V %*% t(grad)
## para <- coef(mxRun(mx.model, silent=TRUE))
## dimnames(Tau2) <- list(names(para), names(para))
## list(para=para, Tau2=Tau2)
## }
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