
Defines functions axislabel axislabel.data.frame corsplom_panel_scatter corsplom_panel_correlation corsplom_panel_diagonal diag_pin metaplot_ref scatter_panel_ref diag_label is.defined fracture wikisym2plotmath wikisym2plotmath_ model region metastats lattice_padding parintegrate base_breaks metOption setOption metaplot_aspect merge.list

Documented in axislabel axislabel.data.frame corsplom_panel_correlation corsplom_panel_diagonal corsplom_panel_scatter diag_label diag_pin merge.list metaplot_ref metastats metOption model region scatter_panel_ref setOption wikisym2plotmath wikisym2plotmath_

#' Generic Axis Label
#' Generic axis label, with method for 'data.frame'.
#' @param x object
#' @param ... passed arguments
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @family generic functions
#' @family axislabel
axislabel <- function(x,...)UseMethod('axislabel')

#' Axis Label for Data Frame
#' Axis label for data.frame. Substitutes label attribute if present for column name, and puts units if present in parentheses, trailing.  Puts 'log scale' in parentheses on a new line if log is TRUE.
#' @param x data.frame
#' @param var item of interest
#' @param log whether this is for a log scale
#' @param ... passed arguments
#' @keywords internal
#' @family axislabel
#' @family methods
#' @export
#' @import magrittr
#' @return character
axislabel.data.frame <- function(x, var, log = FALSE, ...){
  #x <- x[x$VARIABLE == var & is.defined(x$META),,drop = FALSE]
  #lab <- unique(x$VALUE[x$META =='LABEL'])
  #guide <- unique(x$VALUE[x$META =='GUIDE'])
  lab <- attr(x[[var]], 'label')
  guide <- attr(x[[var]], 'guide')
  res <- var
  if(length(lab) == 1)
      res <- lab
  if(length(guide) == 1)
        guide <- paste0('(',guide,')')
        res <- paste(res,guide)
  if(log) res <- paste0(res,'\n(log scale)')

#' Scatter Panel Function for Metaplot Corsplom
#' Default upper panel function for corsplom_data_frame. Plots data with loess smooth.
#' @param x x values
#' @param y y values
#' @param col point color
#' @param smooth.col smooth color
#' @param smooth.lty smooth line type
#' @param smooth.lwd smooth line size
#' @param smooth.alpha smooth alpha
#' @param verbose generate messages describing process
#' @param ... passed arguments
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
#' @family panel functions
#' @family corsplom
corsplom_panel_scatter = function(
  col = metOption('point_col_corsplom_panel','#0080ff'),
  smooth.col = metOption('smooth_col_corsplom_panel',col),
  smooth.lty = metOption('smooth_lty_corspom_panel','solid'),
  smooth.lwd = metOption('smooth_lwd_corspom_panel',1),
  smooth.alpha = metOption('smooth_alpha_corsplom_panel',1),
  verbose = metOption('verbose_corsplom_panel'),
  if(verbose)cat('this is corsplom_panel_scatter calling panel.xyplot')
  panel.xyplot(x,y,col = col, ...)
  try(silent = TRUE, suppressWarnings(panel.loess(x,y,col = smooth.col, lty = smooth.lty, lwd = smooth.lwd, alpha = smooth.alpha)))

#' Correlation Panel Function for Metaplot Corsplom
#' Default lower panel function for corsplom_data_frame. Plots Pearson correlation coefficient.
#' @param x x values
#' @param y y values
#' @param use passed to \code{\link[stats]{cor}}
#' @param verbose generate messages describing process
#' @param ... passed arguments
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
#' @family panel functions
#' @family corsplom
corsplom_panel_correlation = function(x, y, use = 'pairwise.complete.obs', verbose = FALSE,...) {
  if(verbose)cat('this is corsplom_panel_correlation calling panel.text')
  x1 <- range(x,na.rm = T)
  y1 <- range(y,na.rm = T)
  x0 <- min(x1)+(max(x1)-min(x1))/2
  y0 <- min(y1)+(max(y1)-min(y1))/2
  stat <- try(silent = TRUE, round(cor(x,y, use = use), 3))
  if(class(stat) == 'try-error') stat <- ''
  panel.text(x0 ,y0, labels = paste('r =',round(cor(x,y,use = use),3) ))

#' Diagonal Panel Function for Metaplot Corsplom
#' Default diagonal panel function for corsplom_data_frame. Plots a density smooth against the corresponding axis from within the diagonal panel.  Plots a grey pin at each axis zero.
#' @param x numeric
#' @param varname variable name
#' @param .data copy of original dataset
#' @param diag.label label for the diagonal; can be a function of x, varname, .data
#' @param pin location for a pin (reference line) in the density region; can be a function of x, varname, .data
#' @param pin.col color of pin, if any
#' @param pin.alpha alpha transparency of pin
#' @param density whether to plot density polygons
#' @param dens.col color for density region
#' @param dens.scale inflation factor for height of density smooth
#' @param dens.alpha alpha transparency for density region
#' @param as.table diagonal arranged top-left to bottom-right
#' @param dens.up whether density plots should face the upper triangle (or lower, if FALSE)
#' @param verbose generate messages describing process
#' @param ... passed arguments
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
#' @family panel functions
#' @seealso \code{\link{corsplom}}
corsplom_panel_diagonal <- function(
  density = TRUE,
  diag.label = metOption('diag_label_corsplom_panel',diag_label),
  pin = metOption('pin_loc_corsplom_panel',diag_pin),
  pin.col = metOption('pin_col_corsplom_panel','darkgrey'),
  pin.alpha = metOption('pin_alpha_corsplom_panel',1),
  dens.col = metOption('dens_col_corsplom_panel','grey'),
  dens.scale = metOption('dens_scale_corsplom_panel',0.2),
  dens.alpha = metOption('dens_alpha_corsplom_panel',0.5),
  as.table = metOption('as.table_corsplom_panel', FALSE),
  dens.up = metOption('densup_corsplom_panel',TRUE),
  verbose = metOption('verbose_corsplom_panel',FALSE),
  if(verbose)cat('this is corsplom_panel_diagonal')
  #as.table <- as_table
  i <- match(varname,names(.data))
  ncol <- length(names(.data))

  top <- FALSE
  right <- FALSE
  bottom <- FALSE
  left <- FALSE
  if(as.table & dens.up){
    top  <-  i != 1
    right <- i != ncol
  if(!as.table & dens.up){
    top   <- i != ncol
    left  <- i != 1
  if(as.table & !dens.up){
    bottom <- i != ncol
    left <- i != 1
  if(!as.table & !dens.up){
    bottom <- i != 1
    right  <- i != ncol

  mask <- c(top, right, bottom, left)
  names(mask) <- c('top','right','bottom','left')
  density <- rep(density, length.out = 4)
  names(density) <- c('top','right','bottom','left')

  density <- mask & density

  #x <- as.character(mapping$x)
  #data$x <- data[[x]]
  #lim <- range(data$x,na.rm = TRUE)
  lim <- current.panel.limits()$x
  lo <- lim[[1]]
  hi <- lim[[2]]
  len <- hi - lo
  me <- hi/2 + lo/2
  d <- density(x,na.rm=TRUE, from = lo, to = hi)
  #d <- density(x,na.rm=TRUE)
  d <- data.frame(x1 = d$x, y1 = d$y)
  # ensure start and end points are minima
  bottom <- rbind(
    data.frame(x1 = d$x1[[1]], y1 = min(d$y1)),
    data.frame(x1 = d$x1[[nrow(d)]], y1 = min(d$y1))
  bottom %<>% mutate(y1 = y1 / max(y1, na.rm = TRUE)) # normalized
  bottom %<>% mutate(y1 = y1 * len * dens.scale)      # scaled
  bottom %<>% mutate(y1 = y1 + lo)                    # offset
  top <- bottom %>% mutate(y1 = hi - y1 + lo)              # inverted
  left <- bottom %>% mutate(z1 = y1, y1 = x1, x1 = z1)         # rotated
  right <- left %>% mutate(x1 = hi - x1 + lo)              # inverted

    x = top$x1,
    y = top$y1,
    col = dens.col,
    border = NA,
    alpha = dens.alpha
    x = right$x1,
    y = right$y1,
    col = dens.col,
    border = NA,
    alpha = dens.alpha
    x = bottom$x1,
    y = bottom$y1,
    col = dens.col,
    border = NA,
    alpha = dens.alpha
    x = left$x1,
    y = left$y1,
    col = dens.col,
    border = NA,
    alpha = dens.alpha

  if(is.character(pin))pin <- match.fun(pin)
  if(is.function(pin)) pin <- pin(x = x, varname = varname, .data = .data, ...)
  ref <- pin
  ref <- as.numeric(ref)
  ref <- ref[is.defined(ref)]
  if(length(ref) && any(density)){
    bottom <- data.frame(
      x0 = ref,
      x1 = ref,
      y0 = rep(lo, length(ref)),
      y1 = rep(lo + len * dens.scale, length(ref))
    top <- bottom %>% mutate(
      y0 = hi - y0 + lo,
      y1 = hi - y1 + lo
    left <- bottom %>% mutate(
      z0 = x0, x0 = y0, z1 = x1, x1 = y1, y0 = z0, y1 = z1
    right <- left %>% mutate(
      x0 = hi - x0 + lo,
      x1 = hi - x1 + lo

    # x0 = ref
    # x1 = ref
    # y0 = rep(hi, length(ref))
    # y1 = rep(hi - len * dens.scale, length(ref))
      y0 = top$y0,
      y1 = top$y1,
      x0 = top$x0,
      x1 = top$x1,
      col = pin.col,
      alpha = pin.alpha
      y0 = right$y0,
      y1 = right$y1,
      x0 = right$x0,
      x1 = right$x1,
      col = pin.col,
      alpha = pin.alpha
      y0 = bottom$y0,
      y1 = bottom$y1,
      x0 = bottom$x0,
      x1 = bottom$x1,
      col = pin.col,
      alpha = pin.alpha
      y0 = left$y0,
      y1 = left$y1,
      x0 = left$x0,
      x1 = left$x1,
      col = pin.col,
      alpha = pin.alpha
  if(is.character(diag.label))diag.label <- match.fun(diag.label)
  if(is.function(diag.label))diag.label <- diag.label(varname = varname, .data = .data, ...)
  if(verbose)cat('calling diag.panel.splom')
  diag.panel.splom(varname = diag.label, ...)

#' Calculate Pin Placement
#' Calculates pin placement in the density region, inside margin of diagonal panels.
#' @export
#' @return numeric
#' @family panel functions
#' @family reference lines
#' @param x vector of data
#' @param varname name of vector in .data
#' @param .data original dataset, possibly with column attributes such as 'reference'
#' @param ... passed arguments
diag_pin <- function(x, varname, .data, ...)metaplot_ref(x = .data, var = varname, ...)

#' Calculate Reference Values
#' Calculates reference values for x and y axes.  Coerces column attribute 'reference' to numeric: a single value or an encoding giving multiple numeric values (decodes are ignored).
#' @export
#' @return numeric
#' @family panel functions
#' @family reference lines
#' @param x data.frame
#' @param var name of vector in x
#' @param ... ignored
metaplot_ref <- function(x, var, ...){
  ref <- attr(x[[var]],'reference')
  if(encoded(ref)) ref <- codes(ref)
  if(is.character(ref)) ref <- as.numeric(ref)
  if(length(ref))ref <- ref[is.defined(ref)]

#' Calculate Panel Reference Values
#' Calculates reference values for x and y axes at the panel level.
#' @export
#' @return numeric
#' @family panel functions
#' @family reference lines
#' @param a vector of interest
#' @param b vector for other axis
#' @param ... ignored
scatter_panel_ref <- function(a, b, ...){
  ref <- attr(a,'reference')
  if(encoded(ref)) ref <- codes(ref)
  if(is.character(ref)) ref <- as.numeric(ref)
  if(length(ref))ref <- ref[is.defined(ref)]

#' Format a Diagonal Label
#' Formats a diagonal label. Can return a simple column name, a column label (if attribute defined), a fractured column label (split on spaces), or a processed symbol (over-rides label).
#' @export
#' @return character
#' @family panel functions
#' @family formatters
#' @param varname character
#' @param .data data.frame
#' @param diag_label_simple logical: just return varname?
#' @param diag_label_split whether to substitute line breaks for spaces
#' @param diag_symbol_format function to process symbol attribute, if present
#' @param verbose generate messages describing process
#' @param ... ignored
diag_label <- function(
  varname, .data,
  diag_label_simple = metOption('diag_label_simple',FALSE),
  diag_label_split = metOption('diag_label_split',TRUE),
  diag_symbol_format = metOption('diag_symbol_format','wikisym2plotmath'),
  verbose = metOption('verbose_diag_label', FALSE),
  if(verbose)cat('this is diag_label')
  stopifnot(length(varname) == 1)
  if(diag_label_simple) return(varname)
  label <- attr(.data[[varname]],'label')
  if(is.null(label))label <- ''
  label <- as.character(label)
  stopifnot(length(label) <= 1)
  i <- is.defined(label) & label != ''
  if(i)if(diag_label_split) label <- fracture(label)
  # best label complete
  symbol <- attr(.data[[varname]],'symbol')
  #if(is.null(symbol)) symbol <- ''
  symbol <- as.character(symbol)
  stopifnot(length(symbol) <= 1)
  symbol <- tryCatch(match.fun(diag_symbol_format)(symbol),error=function(e)symbol)
  # best symbol complete
  result <- varname
  if(length(label) & !is.na(label) & label != '') result <- label
  if(length(symbol)) result <- symbol

is.defined <- function(x)!is.na(x)
parens <- function (x, ...)paste0("(", x, ")")
fracture <- function(x,sep='\n')gsub('\\s+',sep,x)

#' Convert Wiki Symbol to Plotmath
#' Converts wiki symbol to plotmath.  Vectorized version of \code{\link{wikisym2plotmath_}}.
#' @export
#' @return expression
#' @family formatters
#' @param x character
#' @param ... ignored
wikisym2plotmath <- function(x,...){
  sapply(x, wikisym2plotmath_,...)

#' Convert One Wiki Symbol to Plotmath
#' Converts one wiki symbol to plotmath.  A Wiki symbol is simple text with arbitrarily nested subscript (\code{_}) and superscript (\code{^}) groupings.  Use dot (\code{.}) to explicitly terminate a grouping, and use backslash-dot (\code{\.}) for a literal dot.  Examples: \code{V_c./F}. Trailing dots need not be supplied. Leading/trailing whitespace is removed. Tab character not allowed.
#' @export
#' @return expression
#' @family formatters
#' @param x character
#' @param ... ignored
#' @aliases wikisym wikisymbol
#' @examples
#' wikisym2plotmath_('V_c./F')
#' wikisym2plotmath_('AUC_ss')
#' wikisym2plotmath_('C_max_ss')
#' wikisym2plotmath_('var^eta_j')
wikisym2plotmath_ <- function(x,...){
  stopifnot(length(x) == 1)
  if(grepl('\t',x)) stop('tab character not allowed in wikisym')
  x <- sub('^\\s+','',x) # strip leading whitespace
  x <- sub('\\s+$','',x) # strip trailing whitespace
  x <- gsub('\\.', '\t',x,fixed = TRUE) # store literal dot as single character
  x <- strsplit(x,'')[[1]] # tokenize
  y <- character(0) # result accumulator
  b <- character(0) # closer stack
    c <- x[1]
    x <- x[-1]
    t <- c # default
    if(c == '_'){
      t <- '['  # subscript initiator
      b <- append(b,']') # subscript closer
    if(c == '^'){
      t <- '^{' # superscript initiator
      b <- append(b,'}') # superscript closer
    if(c == '.'){
      t <- b[length(b)]
      b <- b[-length(b)] # drop from stack
    if(c == '\t') t <- '.'  # literal dot

    # accumulate
    y <- paste0(y,t)

  # all characters handled
  # empty closer stack
  b <- paste(rev(b),collapse = '')
  y <- paste0(y,b)
  y <- parse(text = y)

#' Execute Linear Model
#' Executes a linear model, automatically choosing binomial family as necessary.
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @param x x values
#' @param y y values
#' @param family gaussian by default, or binomial for all y either zero or 1
#' @param ... passed to \code{\link[stats]{glm}}
#' @return glm
#' @family regression functions
model <- function(x, y, family = if(all(y %in% 0:1,na.rm = TRUE)) 'binomial' else 'gaussian', ...){
  d <- data.frame(x=x,y=y)
  d <- d[order(d$x),]
  m <- glm(y~x,data=d,family=family) # elipses passed to glm.control, which chokes on unknown arguments, so not passing here.

#' Calculate a Confidence Region
#' Calculates a confidence region. \code{se.fit} from \code{\link[stats]{predict.glm}} is multiplied by \code{z} and added or subtracted from fits to give \code{hi} and \code{lo} columns in return value.  \code{z} is normal quantile for the one-tailed probablitity corresponding to \code{conf}, e.g. ~ 1.96 for \code{conf = 0.95}. If non-missing \code{y} is only 0 or 1, the model family is binomial and resulting confidence intervals are back-transformed using \code{\link[stats]{plogis}}.
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @param x x values
#' @param y y values
#' @param family gaussian by default, or binomial for all y either zero or 1
#' @param length.out number of prediction points
#' @param conf width of confidence interval; logical TRUE defaults to 0.95
#' @importFrom stats qnorm predict glm plogis
#' @param ... passed to \code{\link{model}}
#' @return data.frame with x, y, hi, lo at 1000 points
#' @family regression functions
#' @seealso \url{https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14423325/confidence-intervals-for-predictions-from-logistic-regression}
#' @seealso \url{http://www.rnr.lsu.edu/bret/BretWebSiteDocs/GLMCI.pdf}
#' @seealso \url{https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/2010-September/254465.html}
#' @seealso \url{http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/Confidence-Intervals-for-logistic-regression-td2315932.html}
region <- function(x, y, family = if(all(y %in% 0:1,na.rm = TRUE)) 'binomial' else 'gaussian', length.out = 1000, conf = 0.95, ...){
      conf <- 0.95
    } else{
      conf <- 0
  stopifnot(length(conf) == 1, is.numeric(conf), conf < 1, conf >= 0)
  tail <- 1 - conf  # e.g. 0.95 -> 0.05
  upper <- tail/2   # e.g. 0.025
  prob <- 1 - upper # e.g. 0.975
  z <- qnorm(prob)  # e.g. 1.96
  m <- model(x = x, y = y, family = family, ...)
  j <- seq(from=min(x),to=max(x),length.out=1000)
  f <- predict(m, se.fit=TRUE, newdata=data.frame(x=j),type='link')
  f <- data.frame(x=j,y=f$fit, se = f$se.fit)
  f$lo <- f$y - z * f$se
  f$hi <- f$y + z * f$se
  if(family=='binomial'){ # back-transform
    f <- within(f, y  <- plogis(y ))
    f <- within(f, lo <- plogis(lo))
    f <- within(f, hi <- plogis(hi))

#' Format GLM Statistics
#' Formats GLM statistics. Uses a gaussian family by default, or binomial family if all y are 0 or 1, to fit a general linear model.  Formats number of observations, p-value, and Pearson correlation coefficient into a string for printing.
#' @export
#' @param x x values
#' @param y y values
#' @param family regression family
#' @param ... other arguments
#' @importFrom stats coef glm plogis qnorm predict
#' @return character
#' @family regression functions
#' @seealso \code{\link{scatter_panel}}
metastats <- function(x, y, family = if(all(y %in% 0:1,na.rm = TRUE)) 'binomial' else 'gaussian', ...){
  n <- paste('n =', length(x))
  m <- model(x, y, family, ...)
  p <- coef(summary(m))[,4]['x'] %>% signif(3)
  p <- paste('p =', p)
  r <- cor(x,y) %>% signif(3)
  r <- paste('r =',r)
  t <- paste(n,p,if(family=='gaussian') r else NULL,sep='\n')

lattice_padding <- function()list(
  axis.components = list(
    left = list(
      pad2 = 1 # 2
    top = list(
      pad1 = 0, # 1,
      pad2 = 0  # 2
    right = list(
      pad1 = 0, # 1,
      pad2 = 0 # 2
    bottom = list(
      pad1 = 0.5, # 1,
      pad2 = 0  # 1
  layout.heights = list(
    top.padding = .5, # 1,
    main.key.padding = .5, # 1,
    key.sub.padding = 0, # 1
    bottom.padding = 0.5 # 1
  layout.widths = list(
    left.padding = .5, # 1,
    ylab.axis.padding = 0, # 1,
    axis.key.padding = 0 #, # 1,

parintegrate <- function(par.settings, padding){
  # res <- list()
  # if(!is.null(par.settings)) res <- par.settings
  stopifnot(length(padding) == 4)
      layout.heights = list(
        top.padding <- padding[[1]],
        bottom.padding <- padding[[3]]
      layout.widths = list(
        right.padding <- padding[[2]],
        left.padding <- padding[[4]]

# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14255533/pretty-ticks-for-log-normal-scale-using-ggplot2-dynamic-not-manual
base_breaks <- function(n = 10){
  function(x) {
    axisTicks(log(range(x, na.rm = TRUE)), log = TRUE, n = n)
#' Get Metaplot Option with Partial Matching
#' Gets a metaplot option value from  the named list \code{getOption('metaplot')}.
#' If an exact match is not found, trailing elements of x, separated by underscore,
#' are removed one at a time in search of a partial match. Thus 'ref.col' will match
#' for 'ref.col_dens' and 'ref.col_scatter' if neither of these is set (allowing
#' selective override). However, global' will never match 'global.col'.
#' If x is missing a list of all metaplot options is returned.
#' @param x a character string holding an option name
#' @param default the value returned if option is not set
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{getOption}} \code{\link{setOption}}
#' @examples
#' library(magrittr)
#' library(dplyr)
#' library(csv)

#' x <- as.csv(system.file(package = 'metaplot', 'extdata/theoph.csv'))
#' x %<>% pack

#' multiplot(
#' x %>% metaplot(conc, gg = F),
#' x %>% metaplot(conc, time, gg = F),
#' x %>% metaplot(conc, arm, gg = F),
#' x %>% metaplot(conc, arm,  gg = T)
#' )
#' # Add a reference line at 9 mg/L
#' x$conc %<>% structure(reference = 9)
#' # Make the reference line green universally.
#' setOption(ref_col = 'green')
#' # Make the reference line orange for density plots
#' setOption(ref_col_dens = 'orange')
#' multiplot(
#' x %>% metaplot(conc, gg = F),
#' x %>% metaplot(conc, time, gg = F),
#' x %>% metaplot(conc, arm, gg = F),
#' x %>% metaplot(conc, arm,  gg = T)
#' )
#' # Restore defaults
#' # setOption() # clears all metaplot options
#' setOption(ref_col = NULL)
#' setOption(ref_col_dens = NULL)

metOption <- function(x, default = NULL){
  mops <- getOption('metaplot',list())
  stopifnot(length(x) == 1)
  if(is.null(names(mops))) return(default)
  while(grepl('_',x) && !any(names(mops) == x))x <- sub('_.*','',x)
  if(!any(names(mops) == x)) return(default)
  mops <- mops[names(mops) == x]
  mops <- rev(mops)
#' Set or Reset Metaplot Options
#' Sets an option value in the list \code{getOption('metaplot')}.
#' If invoked without named arguments, option 'metaplot' is set to NULL.
#' Setting an existing option moves it to the end of the list (breaks ties in \code{\link{metOption}}).
#' @param ... any metaplot options can be defined, using \code{name = value}.
#' @return (invisible) character vector of option names that were set or unset
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{metOption}}\code{\link{options}}
#' @examples
#' example(metOption)

setOption <- function(...){
  args <- list(...)
  nms <- names(args)
  mops <- getOption('metaplot', list())
  if(length(nms) == 0){
    options(metaplot = NULL)
    nms <- names(mops)
    if(!length(nms)) nms <- character(0)
  for(i in nms){
    mops[[i]] <- NULL
    mops[[i]] <- args[[i]]
  options(metaplot = mops)

metaplot_aspect <- function(aspect, gg){
  # metaplot default is 1
  # lattice default is 'fill'
  # ggplot default is NULL
  # cross-translate:
  empty <- FALSE
  if(is.null(aspect)) empty <- TRUE
  if(!is.null(aspect) && is.na(aspect)) empty <- TRUE
  if(!is.null(aspect) && !is.na(aspect) && aspect == 'fill') empty <- TRUE
  if(empty && !gg) aspect <- 'fill'
  if(empty && gg) aspect <- NULL

#' Merge Two Lists
#' Merges two lists. Every named element in the second argument is added recursively at the corresponding
#' position in the first argument by name, over-writing existing values as necessary.
#' Every un-named argument is added if there is no named argument to over-write.
#' @param x a list (coerced if not)
#' @param y a list (coerced if not)
#' @param ... ignored
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' foo <- list(
#'   a = list(         # substituted by name
#'     col = 'red',    # substituted by name
#'     lty = 'dashed', # substituted by name
#'     alpha = 1,      # preserved
#'     8,              # preserved, since element 4 in replacement matches by name
#'     9               # substituted by position
#'   ),
#'   letters[8:10],    # preserved, siince elment 2 in replacement matches by name
#'   b = 3
#' )
#' bar <- list(
#'   letters[11:13],  # ignored: position conflict with named element
#'   b = 2,           # substituted by name
#'   a = list(        # substituted by name
#'     'blue',        # ignored: position conflict with named element
#'     col = 'green', # substituted by name
#'     lty = 'solid', # substituted by name
#'     lwd = 2,       # added by name
#'     3,             # substituted by postion
#'     4,             # added by postion
#'     hue = 5        # added by name
#'   ),
#'   'baz'            # added by postion
#' )
#' foo
#' bar
#' merge(foo,bar)
#' merge(list(1), list(2,foo = 3)) # 3 is assigned and named
#' merge(list(1), list(foo = 2,3)) # 3 is ignored since position 2 has been named by time of evaluation
#' merge(list(foo = 1), list(2,foo = 3)) # 2 ignored since pos. matches named argument; 3 overwrites
#' merge(list(foo = 1), list(2,3)) # 2 is ignored since position matches a named argument; 3 added

merge.list <- function(x, y, ...){
  x <- as.list(x) # in case method is invoked directly
  y <- as.list(y)
  if(length(y) == 0) return(x)
  index <- seq_along(y)
  ynms <- names(y)
  xnms <- names(x)
  if(is.null(ynms)) ynms <- rep('', length.out = length(y))
  if(is.null(xnms)) xnms <- rep('', length.out = length(x))
  # now we have y and ynms with same non-zero length, indexed by index
  for(i in index){
    yn <- ynms[[i]] # could be ''
    byName <- yn != ''
    yi <- if(byName) y[[yn]] else y[[i]] # the candidate value, whether by name or position
    xi <- NULL # the target test value
    xn <- ''
    if(!byName && length(x) >= i){
      xn <- xnms[[i]]
      xi <- x[[i]]
    if(byName && yn %in% xnms){
      xn <- yn
      xi <- x[[yn]]
    if(byName && !yn %in% xnms){
      xnms <- c(xnms, yn) # will be true soon

    # don't assign by position if doing so knocks out a named argument
    if(yn == '' && xn != ''){next}
    # otherwise, assign y[[i]] to x[[i]], recursively if necessary
    loc <- if(byName) yn else i
    if(is.list(xi) && is.list(yi)) {
      x[[loc]] <- merge.list(xi, yi)
    } else {
      #message(xi, ' becomes ', yi)
      x[[loc]] <- yi

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metaplot documentation built on May 1, 2019, 10:17 p.m.