##' Internal function.
##' Calculates Inverse Probability of Censoring
##' Weights (IPCW) and adds them to a data.frame
##' @title Inverse Probability of Censoring Weights
##' @param formula Formula specifying the censoring model
##' @param data data frame
##' @param cluster clustering variable
##' @param same.cens For clustered data, should same censoring be assumed (bivariate probability calculated as mininum of the marginal probabilities)
##' @param obs.only Return data with uncensored observations only
##' @param Name of weight variable in the new data.frame
##' @param indi.weight Name of individual censoring weight in the new data.frame
##' @param trunc.prob If TRUE truncation probabilities are also calculated and stored in 'weight.name2' (based on Clayton-Oakes gamma frailty model)
##' @param weight.name2 Name of truncation probabilities
##' @param cens.model Censoring model (default Aalens additive model)
##' @param pairs For paired data (e.g. twins) only the complete pairs are returned (With pairs=TRUE)
##' @param theta.formula Model for the dependence parameter in the Clayton-Oakes model (truncation only)
##' @param ... Additional arguments to censoring model
##' @author Klaus K. Holst
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' data("prt",package="mets")
##' prtw <- ipw(Surv(time,status==0)~country, data=prt[sample(nrow(prt),5000),],
##' cluster="id","w")
##' plot(0,type="n",xlim=range(prtw$time),ylim=c(0,1),xlab="Age",ylab="Probability")
##' count <- 0
##' for (l in unique(prtw$country)) {
##' count <- count+1
##' prtw <- prtw[order(prtw$time),]
##' with(subset(prtw,country==l),
##' lines(time,w,col=count,lwd=2))
##' }
##' legend("topright",legend=unique(prtw$country),col=1:4,pch=-1,lty=1)
##' }
##' @export
ipw <- function(formula,data,cluster,
cens.model="aalen", pairs=FALSE,
theta.formula=~1, ...) {
## {{{
##cens.args <- c(list(formula,n.sim=0,robust=0,data=eval(data)),list(...))
if (tolower(cens.model)%in%c("weibull","phreg.par","phreg.weibull")) {
ud.cens <- phreg.par(formula,data,...)
pr <- predict(ud.cens)
noncens <- which(!ud.cens$status)
} else { ## {{{
m <- = FALSE)
m <- m[match(c("", "formula", "data", "subset", "na.action"),
names(m), nomatch = 0)]
special <- c("strata", "factor", "NN", "cluster", "dummy")
if (missing(data))
Terms <- terms(formula)
else Terms <- terms(formula, data = data)
m$formula <- Terms
m[[1]] <-"model.frame")
M <- eval(m, parent.frame())
censtime <- model.extract(M, "response")
if (ncol(censtime)==3) {
status <- censtime[,3]
otimes <- censtime[,2]
ltimes <- censtime[,1]
} else {
status <- censtime[,2]
otimes <- censtime[,1]
noncens <- !status
if (is.null(attr(terms(formula,"prop"),"specials")$prop)) {
ud.cens <- timereg::aalen(formula,n.sim=0,robust=0,data=data,...)
XZ <- model.matrix(formula,data)
### Gcx <- ud.cens$cum[prodlim::sindex(ud.cens$cum[,1],otimes),-1]
} else {
ud.cens <- timereg::cox.aalen(formula,n.sim=0,robust=0,data=data,...)
XZ <- model.matrix(formula,data)
##ud.cens <-,cens.args)
Gcx[Gcx>1]<-1; Gcx[Gcx<0]<-0
pr <- Gcx
data[,indi.weight] <- Gcx
} ## }}}
if (trunc.prob) stop("Under development\n");
if (trunc.prob & ncol(censtime)==3) { ## truncation ## {{{
data$truncsurv <- Surv(ltimes,otimes,noncens)
trunc.formula <- update(formula,truncsurv~.)
ud.trunc <- timereg::aalen(trunc.formula,data=data,robust=0,n.sim=0,residuals=0,silent=1)
dependX0 <- model.matrix(theta.formula,data) <- timereg::two.stage(ud.trunc,data=data,robust=0,detail=0,
pre.theta <- dependX0 %*%$theta
X <- model.matrix(formula,data)
Xnam <- colnames(X)
X <- cbind(X,pre.theta)
colnames(X)[ncol(X)] <- "pre.theta"
ww <- fast.reshape(cbind(X,".num"=seq(nrow(X)),".lefttime"=ltimes),varying=c(".num",".lefttime"),id=data[,cluster])
if (anyNA(ww)) stop("not balanced for predict two stage\n");
Prob <- timereg::predict.two.stage(,X=ww[,Xnam],
P0 <- numeric(nrow(X))
P0[ww[,".num1"]] <- Prob$St1t2
P0[ww[,".num2"]] <- Prob$St1t2
data[,weight.name2] <- P0
data[,] <- pr
## }}}
if (same.cens & missing(cluster)) message("no cluster for same-cens given \n");
if (same.cens & !missing(cluster)) { ## {{{
### message("Minimum weights...")
myord <- order(data[,cluster])
data <- data[myord,,drop=FALSE]
id <- table(data[,cluster])
if (pairs) {
gem <- data[,cluster]%in%(names(id)[id==2])
id <- id[id==2]
data <- data[gem,]
d0 <- subset(data,select=c(cluster,
noncens <- with(data,!eval(terms(formula)[[2]][[3]]))
d0[,"observed."] <- noncens
timevar <- paste("_",cluster,,sep="")
d0[,timevar] <- unlist(lapply(id,seq))
Wide <- reshape(d0,direction="wide",timevar=timevar,idvar=cluster)
W <- apply(Wide[,paste(,1:2,sep=".")],1,
function(x) min(x,na.rm=TRUE))
Wmarg <- d0[,]
data[,] <- 1/Wmarg
Wmin <- rep(W,id)
obs1only <- rep(with(Wide, observed..1 & ( | !observed..2)),id)
obs2only <- rep(with(Wide, observed..2 & ( | !observed..1)),id)
obsOne <- which(na.omit(obs1only|obs2only))
obsBoth <- rep(with(Wide, ! & ! & observed..2 & observed..1),id)
data[obsBoth,] <-
data[obsOne,] <-
} ## }}}
if (obs.only)
data <- data[noncens,,drop=FALSE]
} ## }}}
##' Internal function.
##' Calculates Inverse Probability of Censoring and Truncation
##' Weights and adds them to a data.frame
##' @title Inverse Probability of Censoring Weights
##' @param data data frame
##' @param times possible time argument for speciying a maximum value of time tau=max(times), to specify when things are considered censored or not.
##' @param entrytime nam of entry-time for truncation.
##' @param time name of time variable on data frame.
##' @param cause name of cause indicator on data frame.
##' @param same.cens For clustered data, should same censoring be assumed and same truncation (bivariate probability calculated as mininum of the marginal probabilities)
##' @param cluster name of clustering variable
##' @param pairs For paired data (e.g. twins) only the complete pairs are returned (With pairs=TRUE)
##' @param strata name of strata variable to get weights stratified.
##' @param obs.only Return data with uncensored observations only
##' @param cens.formula model for Cox models for truncation and right censoring times.
##' @param cens.code censoring.code
##' @param pair.cweight Name of weight variable in the new data.frame for right censorig of pairs
##' @param pair.tweight Name of weight variable in the new data.frame for left truncation of pairs
##' @param pair.weight Name of weight variable in the new data.frame for right censoring and left truncation of pairs
##' @param cname Name of weight variable in the new data.frame for right censoring of individuals
##' @param tname Name of weight variable in the new data.frame for left truncation of individuals
##' @param Name of weight variable in the new data.frame for right censoring and left truncation of individuals
##' @param prec.factor To let tied censoring and truncation times come after the death times.
##' @param ... Additional arguments to censoring model
##' @author Thomas Scheike
##' @examples
##' library("timereg")
##' set.seed(1)
##' d <- simnordic.random(5000,delayed=TRUE,ptrunc=0.7,
##' cordz=0.5,cormz=2,lam0=0.3,country=FALSE)
##' d$strata <- as.numeric(d$country)+(d$zyg=="MZ")*4
##' times <- seq(60,100,by=10)
##' c1 <- timereg::comp.risk(Event(time,cause)~1+cluster(id),data=d,cause=1,
##' model="fg",times=times,max.clust=NULL,n.sim=0)
##' mm=model.matrix(~-1+zyg,data=d)
##' out1<-random.cif(c1,data=d,cause1=1,cause2=1,same.cens=TRUE,theta.des=mm)
##' summary(out1)
##' pc1 <- predict(c1,X=1,se=0)
##' plot(pc1)
##' dl <- d[!d$truncated,]
##' dl <- ipw2(dl,cluster="id",same.cens=TRUE,time="time",entrytime="entry",cause="cause",
##' strata="strata",prec.factor=100)
##' cl <- timereg::comp.risk(Event(time,cause)~+1+
##' cluster(id),
##' data=dl,cause=1,model="fg",
##' weights=dl$indi.weights,cens.weights=rep(1,nrow(dl)),
##' times=times,max.clust=NULL,n.sim=0)
##' pcl <- predict(cl,X=1,se=0)
##' lines(pcl$time,pcl$P1,col=2)
##' mm=model.matrix(~-1+factor(zyg),data=dl)
##' out2<-random.cif(cl,data=dl,cause1=1,cause2=1,theta.des=mm,
##' weights=dl$weights,censoring.weights=rep(1,nrow(dl)))
##' summary(out2)
##' @export
ipw2 <- function(data,times=NULL,entrytime=NULL,time="time",cause="cause",
{ ## {{{
### first calculates weights based on marginal
### estimators of censoring and truncation
## {{{ weights, up at T_i or min(T_i,max(times))
if (is.null(times)) times <- max(data[,time])
if (is.null(entrytime)) entry <- rep(0,nrow(data)) else entry <- data[,entrytime]
mtt <- max(times)
prec <- .Machine$double.eps * prec.factor
trunc.model <- cens.model <- NULL ## output of Cox models for entry cens
if (is.null(cens.formula)) {
if (is.null(strata)) { ## {{{
if (!is.null(entrytime)) {
surv.trunc <- survival::survfit(Surv(-data[,time],-entry+prec,rep(1,nrow(data))) ~ 1)
trunc.dist <- summary(surv.trunc)
trunc.dist$time <- rev(-trunc.dist$time)
trunc.dist$surv <- c(rev(trunc.dist$surv)[-1], 1)
Lfit <-cpred(cbind(trunc.dist$time,trunc.dist$surv),data[,time],strict=TRUE)
Lw <- Lfit[,2]
} else { Lw <- 1; }
if (!is.null(entrytime))
ud.cens<- survival::survfit(Surv(entry,data[,time],data[,cause]==0)~+1)
else ud.cens<- survival::survfit(Surv(data[,time],data[,cause]==0)~+1)
weights <- 1/(Lw*Gcx);
cweights <- Gcx;
tweights <- Lw;
### ## }}}
} else { ## {{{
### compute for each strata and combine
vstrata <- as.numeric(factor(data[,strata]))
weights <- rep(1,nrow(data))
cweights <- rep(1,nrow(data))
tweights <- rep(1,nrow(data))
for (i in unique(vstrata)) { ## {{{ for each strata
who <- (vstrata == i)
if (sum(who) <= 1) stop(paste("strata",i,"less than 1 observation\n"));
datas <- subset(data,who)
entrytimes <- entry[who]
if (!is.null(entrytime)) {
surv.trunc <- survival::survfit(Surv(-datas[,time],-entrytimes+prec,rep(1,nrow(datas))) ~ +1)
trunc.dist <- summary(surv.trunc)
trunc.dist$time <- rev(-trunc.dist$time)
trunc.dist$surv <- c(rev(trunc.dist$surv)[-1], 1)
Lfit <-cpred(cbind(trunc.dist$time,trunc.dist$surv),datas[,time],strict=TRUE)
Lw <- Lfit[,2]
} else {Lw <- 1; }
if (!is.null(entrytime))
ud.cens<- survival::survfit(Surv(entrytimes,datas[,time],datas[,cause]==0)~+1)
else ud.cens<- survival::survfit(Surv(entrytimes,datas[,time],datas[,cause]==0)~+1)
weights[who]<- 1/(Lw*Gcx);
cweights[who] <- Gcx;
tweights[who] <- Lw;
} ## }}}
} ## }}}
} else { ### cens.formula Cox models ## {{{
X <- model.matrix(cens.formula,data=data)[,-1,drop=FALSE];
if (!is.null(entrytime)) {
### trunc.model <- timereg::cox.aalen(Surv(-data[,time],-entrytime+prec,rep(1,nrow(data))) ~ prop(X))
trunc.model <- survival::coxph(Surv(-data[,time],-entrytime+prec,rep(1,nrow(data))) ~ X)
### baseout <- cens.model$cum
baseout <- survival::basehaz(trunc.model,centered=FALSE);
baseout <- cbind(rev(-baseout$time),rev(baseout$hazard))
Lfit <-cpred(baseout,data[,time],strict=TRUE)[,-1]
RR<-exp(as.matrix(X) %*% coef(trunc.model))
Lw <- Lfit
} else {Lw <- 1; }
if (!is.null(entrytime))
cens.model <- survival::coxph(Surv(entrytime,data[,time],data[,cause]==0)~+X)
else cens.model <- survival::coxph(Surv(data[,time],data[,cause]==0)~+X)
baseout <- survival::basehaz(cens.model,centered=FALSE);
### baseout <- cens.model$cum
baseout <- cbind(baseout$time,baseout$hazard)
RR<-exp(as.matrix(X) %*% coef(cens.model))
weights <- 1/(Lw*Gfit);
cweights <- Gfit
tweights <- Lw
} ## }}}
data[,] <- weights
data[,"cw"] <- 1
if (!is.null(entrytime)) {
mint <- min(tweights); maxt <- min(tweights)
if (mint<0 | mint>1) warning("min(truncation weights) strange, maybe prec.factor should be different\n")
if (maxt<0 | maxt>1) warning("max(truncation weights) strange, maybe prec.factor should be different\n")
if (!is.null(entrytime)) {
attr(data,"trunc.model") <- trunc.model
attr(data,"cens.model") <- cens.model
data[,cname] <- cweights
data[,tname] <- tweights
## }}}
observed <- ((data[,time]>mtt & data[,cause]==cens.code)) | (data[,cause]!=cens.code)
data[,"observed."] <- observed
if (same.cens & is.null(cluster)) message("no cluster for same-cens given \n");
if (same.cens & !is.null(cluster)) { ## {{{
### message("Minimum weights.cens..")
### message("Maximum weights.trunc..")
myord <- order(data[,cluster])
data <- data[myord,,drop=FALSE]
id <- table(data[,cluster])
observed <- ((data[,time]>mtt & data[,cause]==cens.code)) | (data[,cause]!=cens.code)
d0 <- data[,c(cluster,cname,tname,time,cause,strata)]
noncens <- observed
d0[,"observed."] <-observed
timevar <- paste("_",cluster,cname,sep="")
d0[,timevar] <- unlist(lapply(id,seq))
### print(head(d0))
### Wide <- reshape(d0,direction="wide",timevar=timevar,idvar=cluster)
Wide <- fast.reshape(d0,id=cluster)
### censoring same cens
cause1 <- paste(cause,"1",sep=""); cause2 <- paste(cause,"2",sep="")
obs1 <- "observed.1"; obs2 <- "observed.2"
time1 <- paste(time,"1",sep=""); time2 <- paste(time,"1",sep="")
### print(c(time1,time2,cause1,cause2))
### print(head(Wide))
### tmax <- apply(Wide[,paste(time,1:2,sep="")],1,
### function(x) max(x)) ## NA when there is just one
### maxstat <- ifelse(Wide[,time1]> Wide[,time2],Wide[,cause1],Wide[,cause2])
### obsstat <- ifelse(Wide[,time1]> Wide[,time2],Wide[,obs1],Wide[,obs2])*1
### print(head(tmax,10)); print(head(maxstat,10))
### print(names(Wide))
### datp <- data.frame(time=tmax,cause=obsstat,strata=Wide[,paste(strata,"1",sep="")])
### print(head(datp))
### datp <- pred.stratKM(datp)
### print(head(tmax,datp))
### ud.cens<- survival::survfit(Surv(tmax,obsstat==0)~+1)
### Gfit<-cbind(ud.cens$time,ud.cens$surv)
### Gfit<-rbind(c(0,1),Gfit);
### tmaxna <- tmax; tmaxna[] <- 0
### Gcx<-cpred(Gfit,pmin(mtt,tmaxna),strict=TRUE)[,2];
### Wd <- Gcx
### data[,"tmax"] <- rep(tmax,id)
### data[,"stattmax"] <- rep(maxstat,id)
W <- apply(Wide[,paste(cname,1:2,sep="")],1,
function(x) min(x)) ## NA when there is just one
### function(x) min(x,na.rm=TRUE))
Wmin <- rep(W,id)
data[,pair.cweight] <- 1/Wmin
### data[,paste(pair.cweight,"max",sep="")] <- 1/rep(Wd,id)
### when pair-weight is NA takes individual weight
naW <-
data[naW,pair.cweight] <- 1/data[naW,cname]
data[naW,paste(pair.cweight,"max",sep="")] <- 1/data[naW,cname]
### truncation same truncation
if (!is.null(entrytime)) {
Wt <- apply(Wide[,paste(tname,1:2,sep="")],1,
function(x) min(x)) ## NA when there is just one
### Wtmarg <- d0[,tname]
### data[,pair.tweight] <- 0; ##1/Wtmarg
Wtmax <- rep(Wt,id)
data[,pair.tweight] <- 1/Wtmax
### when pair-weight is NA takes individual weight
naW <-
data[naW,pair.tweight] <- 1/data[naW,tname]
if (!is.null(entrytime)) {
data[,pair.weight] <- data[,pair.cweight]*data[,pair.tweight]
} else data[,pair.weight] <- data[,pair.cweight]
} ## }}}
if (obs.only) { data <- data[observed,] }
id <- table(data[,cluster])
if (pairs) {
gem <- data[,cluster]%in%(names(id)[id==2])
id <- id[id==2]
data <- data[gem,]
} else data[,"pairs."] <- data[,cluster]%in%(names(id)[id==2])
} ## }}}
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