## (c) Simon Wood 2014. Released under GPL2.
## jagam code (Just Another Gibbs Additive Model)
## Code offering JAGS/BUGS support for mgcv.
## In particular autogenerates the code and data to fit an mgcv
## style GAM in JAGS, and re-packages the simulation output
## in a form suitable for plotting and prediction.
## Idea is that the code would be modified to add the sort
## of random effects structure most appropriately handled in JAGS.
write.jagslp <- function(resp,family,file,use.weights,offset=FALSE) {
## write the JAGS code for the linear predictor
## and response distribution.
iltab <- ## table of inverse link functions
names(iltab) <- c("identity","log","logit","probit","inverse","sqrt")
if (!family$link%in%names(iltab)) stop("sorry link not yet handled")
## code linear predictor and expected response...
if (family$link=="identity") {
if (offset) cat(" mu <- X %*% b + offset ## expected response\n",file=file,append=TRUE)
else cat(" mu <- X %*% b ## expected response\n",file=file,append=TRUE)
} else {
if (offset) cat(" eta <- X %*% b + offset ## linear predictor\n",file=file,append=TRUE)
else cat(" eta <- X %*% b ## linear predictor\n",file=file,append=TRUE)
cat(" for (i in 1:n) { mu[i] <- ",iltab[family$link],"} ## expected response\n",file=file,append=TRUE)
## code the response given mu and any scale parameter prior...
#scale <- TRUE ## is scale parameter free?
cat(" for (i in 1:n) { ",file=file,append=TRUE)
if (family$family=="gaussian") {
if (use.weights) cat(resp,"[i] ~ dnorm(mu[i],tau*w[i]) } ## response \n",sep="",file=file,append=TRUE)
else cat(resp,"[i] ~ dnorm(mu[i],tau) } ## response \n",sep="",file=file,append=TRUE)
cat(" scale <- 1/tau ## convert tau to standard GLM scale\n",file=file,append=TRUE)
cat(" tau ~ dgamma(.05,.005) ## precision parameter prior \n",file=file,append=TRUE)
} else if (family$family=="poisson") {
# scale <- FALSE
cat(resp,"[i] ~ dpois(mu[i]) } ## response \n",sep="",file=file,append=TRUE)
if (use.weights) warning("weights ignored")
use.weights <- FALSE
} else if (family$family=="binomial") {
# scale <- FALSE
cat(resp,"[i] ~ dbin(mu[i],w[i]) } ## response \n",sep="",file=file,append=TRUE)
use.weights <- TRUE
} else if (family$family=="Gamma") {
if (use.weights) cat(resp,"[i] ~ dgamma(r*w[i],r*w[i]/mu[i]) } ## response \n",sep="",file=file,append=TRUE)
else cat(resp,"[i] ~ dgamma(r,r/mu[i]) } ## response \n",sep="",file=file,append=TRUE)
cat(" r ~ dgamma(.05,.005) ## scale parameter prior \n",file=file,append=TRUE)
cat(" scale <- 1/r ## convert r to standard GLM scale\n",file=file,append=TRUE)
} else stop("family not implemented yet")
} ## write.jagslp
jini <- function(G,lambda) {
## get initial coefficients to initialize JAGS, otherwise
## initialization is hit and miss.
y <- G$y; nobs <- length(y); p <- ncol(G$X)
family <- G$family
weights <- G$w
start <- mustart <- etastart <- NULL ## ignore codetools warning - needed for eval
w <- as.numeric(G$w * family$mu.eta(family$linkfun(mustart))^2/family$variance(mustart))
w <- sqrt(w)
z <- c(w*family$linkfun(mustart),rep(0,p)) ## residual is zero, so eta is all there is!
X <- rbind(w*G$X,matrix(0,p,p))
## now append square roots of penalties
uoff <- unique(G$off)
for (i in 1:length(uoff)) {
jj <- which(G$off%in%uoff[i])
S <- G$S[[jj[1]]]*lambda[[jj[1]]]
m <- length(jj)
if (m>1) for (j in jj) S <- S + G$S[[j]]*lambda[j]
S <- t(mroot(S))
jj <- nrow(S)
X[(nobs+1):(nobs+jj),uoff[i]:(uoff[i]+ncol(S)-1)] <- S
nobs <- nobs + jj
## we need some idea of initial coeffs and some idea of
## associated standard error...
qrx <- qr(X,LAPACK=TRUE)
rp <- qrx$pivot;rp[rp] <- 1:ncol(X)
Ri <- backsolve(qr.R(qrx),diag(1,nrow=ncol(X)))[rp,]
beta <- qr.coef(qrx,z)
se <- sqrt(rowSums(Ri^2))*sqrt(sum((z-X%*%beta)^2)/nrow(X))
} ## jini
compress.iseq <- function(x) {
## takes a set of non-negative integers and returns minimal code for generating it e.g.
## c(3,2,6,7,1,9,8) is generated by "c(1:3,6:7,9:10)"
x1 <- sort(x)
br <- diff(x1)!=1 ## TRUE at sequence breaks
txt <- paste(x1[c(TRUE,br)],x1[c(br,TRUE)],sep=":") ## subsequences
txt1 <- paste(x1[c(TRUE,br)]) ## subseq starts
ii <- x1[c(TRUE,br)]==x1[c(br,TRUE)] ## index start and end equal
txt[ii] <- txt1[ii] ## replace length on sequences with integers
} ## compress.iseq
jagam <- function(formula,family=gaussian,data=list(),file,weights=NULL,na.action,
sp.prior = "gamma",diagonalize=FALSE) {
## rho contains log smoothing params and b the model coefficients, in JAGS
## diagonalize==TRUE actually seems to be faster for high dimensional terms
## in the Gaussian setting (Conjugate updates better than MH), otherwise
## diagonalize==FALSE faster as block MH is highly advantageous
## WARNING: centred=FALSE is usually a very bad idea!!
if (is.null(file)) stop("jagam requires a file for the JAGS model specification")
cat("model {\n",file=file) ## start the model specification
if (!(sp.prior %in% c("gamma","log.uniform"))) {
warning("smoothing parameter prior choise not recognised, reset to gamma")
## takes GAM formula and data and produces JAGS model and corresponding
## data list...
if (is.character(family))
family <- eval(parse(text = family))
if (is.function(family))
family <- family()
if (is.null(family$family))
stop("family not recognized")
gp <- interpret.gam(formula) # interpret the formula
cl <- # call needed in gam object for update to work
mf <-
mf$formula <- gp$fake.formula
mf$family <- mf$knots <- mf$sp <- mf$file <- mf$control <-
mf$centred <- mf$sp.prior <- mf$diagonalize <- NULL
mf$drop.unused.levels <- drop.unused.levels
mf[[1]] <- quote(stats::model.frame)"model.frame")
pmf <- mf
pmf$formula <- gp$pf
pmf <- eval(pmf, parent.frame()) # pmf contains all data for parametric part
pterms <- attr(pmf,"terms") ## pmf only used for this
mf <- eval(mf, parent.frame()) # the model frame now contains all the data
if (nrow(mf)<2) stop("Not enough (non-NA) data to do anything meaningful")
terms <- attr(mf,"terms")
## summarize the *raw* input variables
## note can't use get_all_vars here -- buggy with matrices
vars <- all.vars(gp$fake.formula[-2]) ## drop response here
inp <- parse(text = paste("list(", paste(vars, collapse = ","),")"))
## allow a bit of extra flexibility in what `data' is allowed to be (as model.frame actually does)
if (!is.list(data)&&! data <-
dl <- eval(inp, data, parent.frame())
if (!control$keepData) { rm(data)} ## save space
names(dl) <- vars ## list of all variables needed
var.summary <- variable.summary(gp$pf,dl,nrow(mf)) ## summarize the input data
G <- gam.setup(gp,pterms=pterms,
G$model <- mf;G$terms <- terms;G$family <- family;G$call <- cl
G$var.summary <- var.summary
## write JAGS code producing linear predictor and linking linear predictor to
## response....
use.weights <- if (is.null(weights)) FALSE else TRUE
use.weights <- write.jagslp("y",family,file,use.weights,!is.null(G$offset))
if (is.null(weights)&&use.weights) weights <- rep(1,nrow(G$X))
## start the JAGS data list...
jags.stuff <- list(y=G$y,n=length(G$y),X=G$X)
if (!is.null(G$offset)) jags.stuff$offset <- G$offset
if (use.weights) jags.stuff$w <- weights
if (family$family == "binomial") jags.stuff$y <- G$y*weights ## JAGS not expecting observed prob!!
## get initial values, for use by JAGS, and to guess suitable values for
## uninformative priors...
lambda <- initial.spg(G$X,G$y,G$w,family,G$S,G$rank,G$off,offset=G$offset,L=G$L) ## initial sp values
jags.ini <- list()
lam <- if (is.null(G$L)) lambda else G$L%*%lambda
jin <- jini(G,lam)
jags.ini$b <- jin$beta
prior.tau <- signif(0.01/(abs(jin$beta) + jin$se)^2,2)
## set the fixed effect priors...
if (G$nsdf>0) {
ptau <- min(prior.tau[1:G$nsdf])
cat(" ## Parametric effect priors CHECK tau=1/",signif(1/sqrt(ptau),2),"^2 is appropriate!\n",file=file,append=TRUE,sep="")
cat(" for (i in 1:",G$nsdf,") { b[i] ~ dnorm(0,",ptau,") }\n",file=file,append=TRUE,sep="")
## Work through smooths.
## In JAGS terms the penalties should simply define priors.
## Any unpenalized term should be given a diffuse prior.
## For diagonalized terms these should be written directly into the code
## and there is nothing to pass to JAGS.
## For overlapping multi term penalties, a null space penalty needs to
## be added and the components of the penalty have to be passed into
## JAGS in the argument list: cbinding the components into one matrix seems sensible.
## Smoothing parameters should be in a single vector in the code indexed by
## number.
n.sp <- 0 ## count the smoothing parameters....
for (i in 1:length(G$smooth)) {
## Are penalties seperable...
seperable <- FALSE
M <- length(G$smooth[[i]]$S)
p <- G$smooth[[i]]$last.para - G$smooth[[i]]$first.para + 1 ## number of params
if (M<=1) seperable <- TRUE else {
overlap <- rowSums(G$smooth[[i]]$S[[1]])
for (j in 2:M) overlap <- overlap & rowSums(G$smooth[[i]]$S[[j]])
if (!sum(overlap)) seperable <- TRUE
if (seperable) { ## double check that they are diagonal
if (M>0) for (j in 1:M) {
if (max(abs(G$smooth[[i]]$S[[j]] - diag(diag(G$smooth[[i]]$S[[j]]),nrow=p)))>0) seperable <- FALSE
cat(" ## prior for ",G$smooth[[i]]$label,"... \n",file=file,append=TRUE,sep="")
if (seperable) {
b0 <- G$smooth[[i]]$first.para;b1 <- G$smooth[[i]]$last.para
if (M==0) {
cat(" ## Note fixed vague prior, CHECK tau = 1/",signif(1/sqrt(ptau),2),"^2...\n",file=file,append=TRUE,sep="")
#b1 <- G$smooth[[i]]$last.para
ptau <- min(prior.tau[b0:b1])
cat(" for (i in ",b0,":",b1,") { b[i] ~ dnorm(0,",ptau,") }\n",file=file,append=TRUE,sep="")
} else for (j in 1:M) {
D <- diag(G$smooth[[i]]$S[[j]]) > 0
#b1 <- sum(as.numeric(D)) + b0 - 1
n.sp <- n.sp + 1
#cat(" for (i in ",b0,":",b1,") { b[i] ~ dnorm(0, lambda[",n.sp,"]) }\n",file=file,append=TRUE,sep="")
#b0 <- b1 + 1
cat(" for (i in ",compress.iseq((b0:b1)[D]),") { b[i] ~ dnorm(0, lambda[",n.sp,"]) }\n",file=file,append=TRUE,sep="")
} else { ## inseperable - requires the penalty matrices to be supplied to JAGS...
b0 <- G$smooth[[i]]$first.para; b1 <- G$smooth[[i]]$last.para
Kname <- paste("K",i,sep="") ## total penalty matrix in JAGS
Sname <- paste("S",i,sep="") ## components of total penalty in R & JAGS
cat(" ",Kname," <- ",Sname,"[1:",p,",1:",p,"] * lambda[",n.sp+1,"] ",
if (M>1) { ## code to form total precision matrix...
for (j in 2:M) cat(" + ",Sname,"[1:",p,",",(j-1)*p+1,":",j*p,"] * lambda[",n.sp+j,"]",
cat("\n b[",b0,":",b1,"] ~ dmnorm(zero[",b0,":",b1,"],",Kname,") \n"
n.sp <- n.sp + M
Sc <- G$smooth[[i]]$S[[1]]
if (M>1) for (j in 2:M) Sc <- cbind(Sc,G$smooth[[i]]$S[[j]])
jags.stuff[[Sname]] <- Sc
jags.stuff$zero <- rep(0,ncol(G$X))
} ## smoothing penalties finished
## Write the smoothing parameter prior code, using L if it exists.
cat(" ## smoothing parameter priors CHECK...\n",file=file,append=TRUE,sep="")
if (is.null(G$L)) {
if (sp.prior=="log.uniform") {
cat(" for (i in 1:",n.sp,") {\n",file=file,append=TRUE,sep="")
cat(" rho[i] ~ dunif(-12,12)\n",file=file,append=TRUE,sep="")
cat(" lambda[i] <- exp(rho[i])\n",file=file,append=TRUE,sep="")
cat(" }\n",file=file,append=TRUE,sep="")
jags.ini$rho <- log(lambda)
} else { ## gamma priors
cat(" for (i in 1:",n.sp,") {\n",file=file,append=TRUE,sep="")
cat(" lambda[i] ~ dgamma(.05,.005)\n",file=file,append=TRUE,sep="")
cat(" rho[i] <- log(lambda[i])\n",file=file,append=TRUE,sep="")
cat(" }\n",file=file,append=TRUE,sep="")
jags.ini$lambda <- lambda
} else {
jags.stuff$L <- G$L
rho.lo <- FALSE
if (any(G$lsp0!=0)) {
jags.stuff$rho.lo <- G$lsp0
rho.lo <- TRUE
nr <- ncol(G$L)
if (sp.prior=="log.uniform") {
cat(" for (i in 1:",nr,") { rho0[i] ~ dunif(-12,12) }\n",file=file,append=TRUE,sep="")
if (rho.lo) cat(" rho <- rho.lo + L %*% rho0\n",file=file,append=TRUE,sep="")
else cat(" rho <- L %*% rho0\n",file=file,append=TRUE,sep="")
cat(" for (i in 1:",n.sp,") { lambda[i] <- exp(rho[i]) }\n",file=file,append=TRUE,sep="")
jags.ini$rho0 <- log(lambda)
} else { ## gamma prior
cat(" for (i in 1:",nr,") {\n",file=file,append=TRUE,sep="")
cat(" lambda0[i] ~ dgamma(.05,.005)\n",file=file,append=TRUE,sep="")
cat(" rho0[i] <- log(lambda0[i])\n",file=file,append=TRUE,sep="")
cat(" }\n",file=file,append=TRUE,sep="")
if (rho.lo) cat(" rho <- rho.lo + L %*% rho0\n",file=file,append=TRUE,sep="")
else cat(" rho <- L %*% rho0\n",file=file,append=TRUE,sep="")
cat(" for (i in 1:",n.sp,") { lambda[i] <- exp(rho[i]) }\n",file=file,append=TRUE,sep="")
jags.ini$lambda0 <- lambda
G$rank=ncol(G$X) ## to Gibbs sample we force full rank!
} ## jagam
sim2jam <- function(sam,pregam,edf.type=2,burnin=0) {
## takes jags simulation output with field, b, containing model coefficients
## and a pregam object from jagam, and attempts to create a fake gam object suitable
## for plotting. This is given a class "jam" since only a limited range of gam
## methods are appropriate for such models. Ideally...
## vcov, print, plot, predict, model.matrix, ...
if (is.null(sam$b)) stop("coefficient simulation data is missing")
if (burnin>0) {
nc <- dim(sam$b)[2] ## chain length
if (burnin >= nc*.9) {
warning("burnin too large, reset")
burnin <- min(nc-1,floor(nc * .9))
ind <- (burnin+1):nc
sam$b <- sam$b[,ind,]
if (!is.null(sam$mu)) sam$mu <- sam$mu[,ind,]
if (!is.null(sam$rho)) sam$rho <- sam$rho[,ind,]
if (!is.null(sam$scale)) sam$scale <- sam$scale[,ind,]
pregam$Vp <- cov(t(sam$b[,,1]))
pregam$coefficients <- rowMeans(sam$b[,,1])
pregam$sig2 <- if (is.null(sam$scale)) 1 else mean(sam$scale)
n.chain <- dim(sam$b)[3]
if (n.chain>1) {
for (i in 2:n.chain) {
pregam$Vp <- pregam$Vp + cov(t(sam$b[,,i]))
pregam$coefficients <- pregam$coefficients + rowMeans(sam$b[,,i])
pregam$Vp <- pregam$Vp/n.chain
pregam$coefficients <- pregam$coefficients/n.chain
## NOTE: 3 edf versions...
## 0. diag((X'X+S)^{-1}X'X)
## 1. diag((X'WX+S)^-1X'WX)
## 2. diag(VbX'WX)/scale Vb by simulation. mu used for W may also be by sim.
if (edf.type<2&&is.null(sam$rho)) {
edf.type <- 2
warning("rho missing from simulation data edf.type reset to 2")
if (edf.type > 0) { ## use X'WX not X'X
if (is.null(sam$mu)) {
eta <- pregam$X %*% pregam$coefficients
mu <- pregam$family$linkinv(eta)
} else {
mu <- rowMeans(sam$mu)
eta <- pregam$family$linkfun(mu)
w <- as.numeric(pregam$w * pregam$family$mu.eta(eta)^2/pregam$family$variance(mu))
XWX <- t(pregam$X) %*% (w*pregam$X)
} else XWX <- t(pregam$X) %*% (pregam$X)
if (edf.type < 2) { ## tr((X'WX + S)^{-1}X'WX
rho <- rowMeans(sam$rho);lambda <- exp(rho)
for (i in 1:length(lambda)) {
ind <- pregam$off[i]:(pregam$off[i]+ncol(pregam$S[[i]])-1)
XWXS[ind,ind] <- XWXS[ind,ind] + pregam$S[[i]] * lambda[i]
pregam$edf <- diag(solve(XWXS,XWX))
} else pregam$edf <- rowSums(pregam$Vp*t(XWX))/pregam$sig2 ## tr(Vb%*%XWX)/scale
class(pregam) <- "jam"
} ## sim2jam
## method functions. Simple wrappers for gam methods
## idea is to limit options to those generally computable...
print.jam <- function(x,...) print.gam(x,...)
vcov.jam <- function(object,...) vcov.gam(object,...)
plot.jam <- function(x,rug=TRUE,se=TRUE,pages=0,select=NULL,scale=-1,
scheme=0,...) {
## residuals, unconditional, by.resids and all.terms not supported...
arg.names <- names(list(...))
if (length(arg.names)>0) {
if ("residuals"%in% arg.names) stop("residuals argument not supported")
if ("unconditional"%in% arg.names) stop("unconditional argument not meaningful here")
if ("by.resids"%in% arg.names) stop("by.resids argument not supported")
if ("all.terms"%in% arg.names) stop("all.terms argument not supported")
} ## plot.jam
predict.jam <- function(object,newdata,type="link",,terms=NULL,
block.size=NULL,newdata.guaranteed=FALSE,na.action=na.pass,...) {
class(object) <- "gam" ## cheat!
arg.names <- names(list(...))
if (length(arg.names)>0) {
if ("unconditional"%in% arg.names) warning("unconditional argument not meaningful here")
} ## predict.jam
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