## File Name: mice_imputation_2l_lmer.R
## File Version: 0.621
#**** main function for multilevel imputation with lme4 which
# is just wrapper by methods "2l.continuous", "2l.binary" and "2l.pmm"
mice_imputation_2l_lmer <- function(y, ry, x, type, intercept=TRUE,
groupcenter.slope=FALSE, draw.fixed=TRUE,
glmer.warnings=TRUE, model="continuous", donors=5,
blme_use=FALSE, blme_args=NULL,...)
if (blme_use){
#--- preliminary calculations
clus <- x[,type==-2]
clus_unique <- unique(clus)
ngr <- length(clus_unique)
clus_name <- colnames(x)[type==-2] # name of cluster identifier
#* select previous lme4 optimizer "bobyqa"
# control_input <- FALSE
control_input <- TRUE
if (control_input){
control <- mice_imputation_multilevel_lmerControl_define_optimizer(
model=model, ...)
# arguments for lmer model
if ( model=="binary"){
lmer_family <- stats::binomial(link="logit")
if (blme_use){
lmer_function <- blme::bglmer
} else {
lmer_function <- lme4::glmer
if ( model %in% c("continuous","pmm") ){
if (blme_use){
lmer_function <- blme::blmer
} else {
lmer_function <- lme4::lmer
#--- add group means (if needed)
res <- mice_multilevel_add_groupmeans( y=y, ry=ry, x=x, type=type,
x <- res$x
type <- res$type
#--- create formulas for lme4
rhs.f <- mice_multilevel_create_formula( variables=colnames(x)[type %in% c(1,2)],
include_intercept=intercept )
rhs.r <- mice_multilevel_create_formula( variables=colnames(x)[type==2],
include_intercept=TRUE )
# combine formula elements
fml <- paste0( "dv._lmer ~ ", rhs.f, "+(", rhs.r,"|", clus_name,")" )
#*** prepare arguments for lmer estimation
y1 <- y
y1[!ry] <- NA
dat_lme4 <- data.frame(dv._lmer=y1, x)
lmer_args <- list( formula=fml, data=dat_lme4, na.action="na.omit")
if (control_input){
lmer_args$control <- control
if ( model=="binary"){
lmer_args$family <- lmer_family
# apply blme arguments if provided
lmer_args <- mice_multilevel_imputation_blme_args(
lmer_args=lmer_args, blme_args=blme_args )
# fit based on observed y
fit <- mice_multilevel_doCall_suppressWarnings( what=lmer_function,
args=lmer_args, warnings=glmer.warnings )
# clusters without missing values
clus0 <- clus[!ry]
#--- draw fixed effects
b.est <- <- lme4::fixef(fit)
if( draw.fixed ){ # posterior draw for fixed effects <- mice_multilevel_draw_rnorm1(, Sigma=vcov(fit) )
#--- extract posterior distribution of random effects
fl <- lme4::getME(fit, "flist")[[1]]
# ind <- match( clus0, clus_unique)
index_clus <- match( clus, clus_unique)
# clusters with at least one observation
clus_obs <- match( unique(fl), clus_unique)
fit_VarCorr <- lme4::VarCorr(fit)
vu <- fit_VarCorr[[1]][,,drop=FALSE ] # random effects (co-)variance
# extract random effects
re0 <- lme4::ranef(fit, condVar=TRUE)[[1]]
NR <- ncol(re0)
re <- matrix(0, nrow=ngr, ncol=NR) # re: 0 if fully unobserved
re[clus_obs,] <- as.matrix(re0) # re: EAP if partially observed
pv0 <- attr(re0, "postVar")
pv <- array(0, dim=c(NR,NR,ngr))
pv[,,clus_obs] <- pv0 # pv: post. variance if partially observed
pv[,,-clus_obs] <- vu # pv: random effects cov. if fully unobserved
#--- draw random effects
u <- mice_multilevel_imputation_draw_random_effects( mu=re, Sigma=pv,
ridge=random.effects.shrinkage )
#--- x and z for prediction
x0 <- as.matrix( x[,type>=1,drop=FALSE ] )
z0 <- as.matrix( x[,type==2,drop=FALSE ] )
x0 <- cbind(1,x0)
z0 <- cbind(1,z0)
if (length(b.est)!=ncol(x0)){
x00 <- stats::model.matrix(fit)
select_cols <- intersect(colnames(x0), colnames(x00))
x0 <- x0[, select_cols]
if (intercept){
x0 <- cbind(1,x0)
#--- compute predicted values including fixed and random part
predicted <- x0 %*% + rowSums( z0 * u[index_clus,1:NR,drop=FALSE])
# predicted values for cases with missing data
predicted0 <- predicted[ !ry ]
# predicted values for cases with observed data
if ( model=="pmm"){
# use non-sampled values here, see corresponding mice approach
# after this function
if (match_sampled_pars){
# non-mice approach
pred <- x0 %*% + rowSums( z0 * u[index_clus,1:NR,drop=FALSE] )
} else {
# "the mice approach"
pred <- x0 %*% b.est + rowSums( z0 * re[index_clus,1:NR,drop=FALSE] )
predicted1 <- pred[ ry ]
#---- draw imputations
if ( model=="binary"){
imp <- mice_multilevel_draw_binomial( probs=inverse_logit(predicted0) )
if ( model=="continuous"){
sigma <- attr( fit_VarCorr,"sc")
imp <- mice_multilevel_imputation_draw_residuals( predicted=predicted0,
sigma=sigma )
if ( model=="pmm"){
imp <- mice_multilevel_imputation_pmm5(y=y, ry=ry, x=x,
yhatobs=predicted1, yhatmis=predicted0,
donors=donors, noise=1E5, ...)
#--- output imputed values
# mice: predictive mean matching
## yhatobs <- x[ry,] %*% parm$coef
## yhatmis <- x[!ry,] %*% parm$beta
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