
Defines functions .attach.environment systime

Documented in systime

## File Name: systime.R
## File Version: 0.124

#-- several variants for getting system time
systime <- function()
    s1 <- paste(Sys.time())
    s1 <- substring(s1,1,19)
    res <- c( s1, substring( s1, 1,10) )
    res <- c(res, gsub("-","",res[2] ) )
    s1a <- substring( s1, 1, 16 )
    s1a <- gsub( ":", "", gsub( " ", "_", s1a ) )
    res <- c(res, s1a )
    res <- c(res, paste0( substring( s1a, 1,13), "00"  ) )
    t1 <- gsub(":", "", gsub( " ", "_", gsub( "-", "", res[1] ) ) )
    res <- c( res, t1 )
    t1 <- gsub( "_", "", res[ length(res) ] )
    res <- c( res, t1 )
    res <- c( res, paste0( Sys.info()["nodename"], "_", res[ length(res) ] ) )
    #--- output

.attach.environment <- function( res, envir )
    CC <- length(res)
    for (cc in 1:CC){
        assign( names(res)[cc], res[[cc]], envir=envir )

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